Chapter 52: Demon, DJ and Angel

An alarm begins to play music once the sun finally rises but is quickly shut off. BeatBox quickly leaps out of bed out of excitement and drops down on the ground to do some quick push-ups to start his morning routine

BeatBox: Hooyah! Today is the day!

Once he finished his small workout, he quickly made his way into the bathroom to take a quick shower. He soon finishes showering and changing into a new pair of clothing, and then putting on his boombox helmet

BeatBox: I know Tadayoshi ain't busy today and I have a day off from my job so I can finally spend time with my bro!

He makes his way into the kitchen where puts on some music from his boombox helmet as he starts grabbing his ingredients to make his breakfast by doing tricks and dancing

BeatBox: Got some plan on what we'll do and then have pizza later in the evening!

As he was pouring himself some apple juice, he heard his doorbell ringing to which he stopped his music and went to answer it only to meet a familiar face

BeatBox: Yellow?

Alex: Hi!

BeatBox: Heyyy!!! Alex! It's so good to see you again! My second best friend!

He immediately goes in for a hug, lifting her off her feet which catches her off guard a bit from his approach but she is happy to meet him again as he finishes his hug

Alex: *giggles* Good to... see you... too

BeatBox: Come on in! I'm making some breakfast right now, so you can take some bacon or eggs if you want!

Alex: I'm good but thanks!

BeatBox: So what brings you here? Do want some help with lyrics?

Alex: Sorry, I'm still not interested in that. Surprised you're not gonna ask me how I know where you live

BeatBox: Why? Everyone knows where I live! Why do you think I have high security here? Can't have stalkers trying to see me in the shower!

Alex: True...

BeatBox: And besides, I'm sure my bro has been talking about me around you sometimes so I'm sure you would know where I am

Alex: *giggles* Of course he has

BeatBox: I knew it! It's only a matter of time till he calls me a best friend!

Alex: The funny thing is that that's why I'm here

BeatBox: Oh?

He finishes making his breakfast and sets it on the table where he begins to feast on his meal while giving a plate to Alex for her to take some

Alex: I want to help you bond with Tadayoshi

BeatBox: Help? Nah! It's fine, I'll be able to bond with him sooner or later! I just need to find that crack in the bubble he surrounds himself

Alex: Exactly why I want to help. You and I know it's not that easy to get him to open up. Besides, I know him a lot more than you do so I can be a benefit to you

BeatBox: *munch* *munch* Debatable*gulp*

Alex: You think so?

BeatBox: Why of course! It's my priority to know everything about my friend so it strengthens our bond and to know what makes him happy and what makes him sad! *munch* It's also why I'm planning to go and hang out with him today

Alex: Then you mind if I tag along then to see if you can?

BeatBox: Why of course! The more people to hang out with, the merrier! However I'm curious as to what's the occasion for wanting to help, cause I assume you just want to make sure, me and the others are trustworthy

Alex: Oh I trust you, I just want to make sure, you can make progress with him since he's stubborn. And I just want to see if he is making progress with our promise

BeatBox: Promise?

Alex: Don't worry about it. It's a me and him thing

BeatBox: If you say so

She begins to walk around his apartment to wait for BeatBox to finish eating until going up to a shelf where she looks at a picture of BeatBox and Tadayoshi together, but Tadayoshi is about to punch him in the face

Alex: So anything from Damian?

BeatBox: Nope, still the same no response as usual. What about you and Lotus?

Alex: Actually he got in touch with me recently

BeatBox: Oh shit! You did?

Alex: Yeah, he's doing alright, though he was in the middle of a fight with a Black Order Officer when he called me

BeatBox: What?... Why would he chat with you during a fight?

Alex: Guess his opponent wasn't any threat to him

BeatBox: I guess...?

Alex: But he just called to check up on me and to say what he has been doing for the past month

BeatBox: Well it's good you have someone who keeps in touch with you

Alex: Yeah, though his actions sometimes do worry me if he tries to do anything more insane than he already is doing...

BeatBox: Ah, I'm sure he can handle it if he's been doing this for a while

Soon BeatBox finishes up his breakfast and puts the plate in the sink then walks over to the doorway to put his shoes on

BeatBox Welp, I'm just about ready to get going! Are you coming?

Alex: Oh? Yeah!

They both exit out of the apartment and make their way downstairs to exit out of the building

Alex: Wait, you're just going to walk there?

BeatBox: Yep! Doesn't hurt to stretch your feet!

Alex: Yeah but isn't it risky for you to walk out in public? Since you're famous and all?

BeatBox: Nah it's cool and I've told you, I have high security

As soon they exited the building, Alex looked around and noticed a bunch of security guards hiding around them in the background, disguised as random people

BeatBox: Why do you think not many people were approaching us when we first hung out?

Alex: That... does explain a lot... normally a lot of people come up to me when I go out. Though this does feel like this is some presidential security shit

BeatBox: Fair but at least I can feel open! Now come on, we have a bro to hang out with!

Soon BeatBox begins to run ahead as Alex lets a little chuckle until running as well to catch up with him


At Tadayoshi's place, he rakes up the last bit of leaves that were in his yard and throws them in the trash bag

Tadayoshi: This should be more than enough for the furnaces...

He takes the bag of leaves and sets them by the shed that was filled with split wood and then walks inside to remove the final bandage around his stomach that was finally healed and throws it in the trash

Tadayoshi: And this is finally done healing...

He sits down on the couch and leans back, feeling relaxed now that he believes has has some peaceful time to himself

Tadayoshi: I have a few days before I have to go see Rachel. I might as well take this time to-

Suddenly he hears the doorbell ringing to which he lets out a slight groan until getting up to his feet again and walks over to the door to answer it

Beatbox: Hey! Hey! Hey-

Tadayoshi: *shuts door*

BeatBox: Bro! Come on man!

Tadayoshi: Not dealing with you today...

BeatBox: Can you just at least have a small conversation? It's not like I'm carrying a disease!

Tadayoshi: Yet you act like one...

BeatBox: Please! It'll be quick and easy to just get it over with!

After a small thought process, Tadayoshi lets out a sigh and answers the door, to BeatBox's glee

Tadayoshi: Make it quick...

BeatBox: So I heard you're not doing anything today and I have a free day so you wanna-

Tadayoshi: No

BeatBox: What?- I didn't even finish my sentence!

Tadayoshi: And I already know what you're gonna say and it's a-

Alex: I thought you were going to keep our promise, Tadayoshi?

The second he heard her voice, he felt a chill crawl on his back in nervousness as he slowly turned to his side to see Alex leaning against the doorway

Tadayoshi: Oh... hey Alex...

Alex: Why are you trying to push him away, I thought I said to open yourself more didn't I?

Tadayoshi: ... Well... I'm just... busy...

Alex: Doing what exactly?

He remains silent for a few minutes while his face begins to sweat a bit as he looks around to try to find an excuse but fails to think of one

Tadayoshi: ... Fuck...

Alex: Excuse us for a minute, BeatBox

BeatBox: Sure

Tadayoshi: And don't listen in!

BeatBox: I got you fam!

She grabs Tadayoshi by the shirt collar and drags him inside while BeatBox waits outside

Alex: I don't know what you have against him but just hang out with him a bit ok?

Tadayoshi: But he's an annoying piece of shit

Alex: How so?

BeatBox: Yo guys! I just saw a hummingbird drinking from a plant! That's so fucking cool!

They turn at BeatBox who is starring at something in amazed while Tadayoshi looks in disappointment until looking back at Alex

Tadayoshi: ... See what I mean?

Alex: He's just all positive, nothing wrong with that

Tadayoshi: You should've heard him when he wouldn't shut up about his rant on country music doesn't sound like country music anymore...

Alex: Ok just because he talks about something that you find annoying or he's all lucky go happy, doesn't mean he's trying to be annoying!

Tadayoshi: Yet I don't want him near me...

Alex: If you don't want him near you, why do you still have him on your messages? Why not block him if you don't him "near" you

Tadayoshi: ... How would you know that I-

Alex: I'm aware of who you text and whatnot, I borrowed your phone before when I came and checked on you and saw every on it

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: You care for-

BeatBox: Are you guys good yet?

Before she could finish her sentence, Tadayoshi quickly covers Alex's mouth while BeatBox, who is peaking out the doorway, looks in confusion

Tadayoshi: We're good, boxhead...

BeatBox: Okie dokie! Just making sure!

He pulls himself away while Tadayoshi removes his hand from Alex's mouth

Alex: The heck was that about?

Tadayoshi: Don't want you spreading nonsense around him...


Tadayoshi: Don't even...

Alex: So it is true

Tadayoshi: Stop...

Alex: What? I'm not doing anything! Unless you're just too shy to admit having a friend

Tadayoshi: I am not... I've only known him longer than the others... a person with that personality shouldn't get mixed up with my shit...

Alex: So wouldn't that also mean I shouldn't have gotten mixed into your life as well? Especially since you've known me longer?

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: Where's the logic to that?

Tadayoshi: ... I'll go to this stupid hangout...

Alex: Hehe, couldn't think of any other excuse?

Tadayoshi: Shut up...

Alex: But for real though... stop trying to lie to yourself, I don't like that from you...

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: Now let's tell him you're willing to go before he gets impatient with us

Tadayoshi: Yeah yeah...

Soon they return to the doorway where BeatBox is still waiting for them

BeatBox: So....?

Tadayoshi: I'll go and... do whatever your plan is today...

BeatBox: Hell yeah!

He fist bumps in the air in victory as Alex walks up to him and whispers in his ear

Alex: "You're welcome!"

He looks back at her as she still gives him a simple smile which he looks away, pouting in a bit of denial

BeatBox: Ok... you MAY know him a little better than I do...

Alex: *giggles*

BeatBox: But that doesn't prove anything! I will-

Tadayoshi: Are we leaving yet or are we just gonna be standing here yapping?

BeatBox: Oh right! Onward everyone! To our first hangout spot!

He starts to march ahead while both Tadayoshi, who looks in annoyance, and Alex, who continues to giggle at his antics, watch him walk ahead of them. Tadayoshi would then look at Alex with regret on his face

Tadayoshi: Why do you do this to me?

Alex: For your good! And for the promise! ^_^

She pats him on the head as she walks up ahead with BeatBox while Tadayoshi lets out a sigh and then follows them behind

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Fuck this stupid promise...


This story is interrupted by a chibi BeatBox and Alex dancing to the Good Morning song while chibi Tadayoshi watches them


Demi: Hey... you see this shit?

Demi 2: There's no fucking way...

Human: Isn't that the same Forgotten that was with Cassie?

The crowd looks in confusion and surprise as they see a Legendary Hair colored woman, a famous DJ, and a Forgotten sitting together at a cafe outside. Tadayoshi felt nothing but awkwardness with how many people were staring at them while Alex and BeatBox were looking through the menu for a drink

BeatBox: Yo! They got molten chocolate or chill vanilla mocha! I gotta give that a try!

Alex: Sounds good but I feel like I wanna get an ice cream soda!

Tadayoshi: Did we have to sit outside in public

Alex: I mean there's nothing wrong with that! And besides it's our chance to take in this nice warm weather before the cold comes in!

Tadayoshi: Ok I get that but I do not want a repeat of what happened a couple of months ago when it was just me and Alex

BeatBox: Oh don't worry about it! I have security! Remember?

Tadayoshi: ... I guess...

BeatBox: What are you getting?

Tadayoshi: I don't want anything

BeatBox: Ah come on man! There's gotta be something you want

Tadayoshi: If money was a drink, I'd take it...

Alex: *sigh*, Of course, it has to be money... why don't I pick you something and you gotta take it

BeatBox: Ohhhh, that sounds like fun! We should do that! We chose each other's drinks and have to drink it no matter what!

Alex: Sure!

Tadayoshi: I don't care, but I'm not paying for it

BeatBox: Ah that's fine! All the bills will be handled by yours truly!

Alex: *giggles*

Tadayoshi: ... That's sounded so fucking stupid

Soon the waiter approaches them to take the menus and their order

Waiter: Have you two... and this one found what you need?

BeatBox: Yes! Give these two a molten chocolate and chill vanilla mocha!

Waiter: Give those drinks to them?

BeatBox: Yep! Doing something a little fun!

Waiter: Very well?...

Alex: And can you give this man here an orange soda and BeatBox a rainbow smoothie?

Waiter: Ok! And for you... sir...

Tadayoshi: Give the colored hair an ice cream soda and the box-head a bottle of hot sauce

BeatBox: Wait what?

Waiter: Uhhh... very well... I'll be back with all your drinks!

BeatBox: What?- Wait a minute!

Before he could stop her, the waiter quickly returned to the cafe after being weirded out by the group's order. BeatBox lets out a sigh our worry as he knows he can't deny a drink he was given

BeatBox: Why a hot sauce for me?...

Tadayoshi: For being annoying... And like you said, we have to drink it no matter what

BeatBox: But... Alex, please!

Alex: I mean you did say that and besides it should be entertaining to watch

BeatBox: You traitor!

After a while, the waiter returns with their drinks but as they are taking their drink, BeatBox remains nervous when he sees the bottle of hot sauce placed in front of him

BeatBox: Say... why don't you guys go first?...

Alex: Was already planning to ^_^

She takes a sip of her drinks, tasting both of them until deciding to settle with the ice cream soda m

Alex: The ice cream soda is better than the mocha, there is just way too much chocolate for my taste

BeatBox: A bit offended by that claim...

Alex: What about you Tadayoshi?

They turned to Tadayoshi, who had already finished the vanilla mocha but still had a disappointed look on his face

Tadayoshi: Nothing as expected...

BeatBox: Damn... was hoping you'd feel something with the cold!

Alex: Well it's a good thing I got you a soda!

Tadayoshi: What the hell is a soda supposed to do?

Alex: You'll see! ^_^

Tadayoshi: ...

He turns at the soda and takes a big sip out of it, expecting to taste nothing. However, he begins to feel something sizzling in his mouth and throat to which he begins to rub his neck a bit out of discomfort while BeatBox lets out a laughter from his expression

Tadayoshi: Ah! What the fuck?!

Alex: It's a carbon drink! Gives you that tingly feeling in your mouth

Tadayoshi: Fuck! I hate this! It has this sizzle feeling!

Alex: *giggle* Relax it'll go away

BeatBox: Ha! Ha! Ha! You- You should've seen the look... on your face! That was priceless!

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: Don't laugh too hard! Cause it your turn now

Soon BeatBox's laughter slowly dies down and turns to him feeling nervous as he stares at the hot sauce he was given while Tadayoshi and Alex stared at him, waiting for him to drink it

BeatBox: Come on guys... Can I just... not drink it...

Tadayoshi: I drank all you guy's bullshit drink, you can handle it

BeatBox: At least yours was a drink and not a topping!

Alex: Never thought you'd be this dedicated for someone to just have a drink

Tadayoshi: I consider this a payback for what he puts me through...

BeatBox: ... Fine! I'll do it... I have to do it for you guys or else I fail as a friend!

Tadayoshi: What are you babbling about?

Alex: You know if you want, you can-


This time without hesitation, he grabs the bottle and gulps it as fast as he can and then slams it on the table, which the others look in surprised

BeatBox: There... I did it!

Alex: Uhhh... I was gonna say that you could've just sipped it

BeatBox: ... What?

Tadayoshi: You said you have to drink it but you didn't say how much we gotta drink... Dumbass

BeatBox: ... Oh... Fuck...

Suddenly his body begins to turn head as flames burst out of his speaker while he lets out a yell in pain. He quickly grabbed his other drink which was a rainbow smoothie and gulp all down, but still felt the spicy on his tongue

BeatBox: Shit! Hot! Fuck! AHH!

Soon Alex and Tadayoshi slide their drinks over to him which he takes and chugs the drinks to try to cool the heat while they continue to watch

Alex: You're enjoying this aren't you?

Tadayoshi: ... Perhaps

Alex: *giggles* Told you, you would have fun!

Tadayoshi: ...


It is now noon with the group now hanging out at BeatBox apartment, eating pizza and chatting

BeatBox: And that's when I told them, no this is not a mom joke!

Alex: I mean to be fair, the way you said it sounds like you were

BeatBox: I guess, yet they lectured me for hours because of it! It's not my fault that you guys assume it was something that isn't true!

Alex: Yeah. Oh speaking of those managers, are you going to that Royalty party?

BeatBox: Oh definitely! I can't reject a party! Wait a minute, you got invited?

Alex: Surprisingly yeah, probably because of my hair color, they consider me a higher-up

Tadayoshi: Of course they would...

BeatBox: Oh perfect! We'll be able to see each other!

Alex: *giggle* For sure

BeatBox: So who are you going to bring with you to the party? Cause I know me and my boi Tadayoshi are going!

Alex: You're going Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: I'm only going because my boss...

BeatBox: Wait... you mean Rachel?

Tadayoshi: Yes

BeatBox: ... Ok not gonna lie, are you and her a-

Tadayoshi: No

BeatBox: Hey I'm just asking because I've noticed she's one of the few people you talk to more often

Tadayoshi: I'm just doing that for the money...

BeatBox: *sigh* Why is it always money with you man? You gotta take in something fun!

Tadayoshi: You mean going to a "party" with a bunch of rich ass people standing around with a small ass drink, talking about how much money they have is fun?

BeatBox: ... Ok if you put it that way-

Alex: I was going to bring Tadayoshi before because I knew the requirements, but my invitation said I didn't need to bring anyone

BeatBox: Wait what?

Alex: Exactly what I said to myself! I found it weird cause I know that all of the invitations told everyone to bring someone with them but mine didn't

Tadayoshi: ... I still don't trust that party

Alex: You don't trust anything

Tadayoshi: ...

BeatBox: Maybe an error?

Alex: Possibly, but I'm not too worried about it! Anyways, going off-topic, what about you Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: Hmm?

Alex: You've been quiet for a while, so it's your turn! Anything happened to you lately

He remains silent as he knows that the past few days were nothing but a battle to save the world from an insane AI but he knows he couldn't say it as it would expose the Guardian

Tadayoshi: Not that I know...

Alex: Really? Cause I'm sure you went on a... date a couple of days ago?

BeatBox: Wait? Are you serious?

Tadayoshi: Date?

Alex: You know, with little Cassie

Tadayoshi: ... It was not a date, it was just a hangout

BeatBox: No fucking way! My guy managed to go out with someone! Especially with a famous Royalty! OOOOOOOOOOHHH!

Tadayoshi: It's not a big-

BeatBox: How far did you guys go?

Tadayoshi: What?

BeatBox: Did you guys fucked?

Tadayoshi: ... What are you? A high schooler?

BeatBox: I'm sorry but this is kinda big because like... you know... it's you... and... you know

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: Are you sure it wasn't a date?~

Tadayoshi: We just went and got some brunch and did some shopping

Alex: ... Are you sure that's it?

Tadayoshi: ... We... may have gone to watch the night sky together...

BeatBox: No fucking way! Is she really your type?!

Tadayoshi: The hell am I supposed to know?

Alex: Well what do you see in her?

Tadayoshi: An airhead woman...

Alex: ... Ok then what do you LIKE about her?

Tadayoshi: What do I like about her?...

He remains silent for a bit as the only thing that comes to his head is the same thing that he always sees every time he has encountered her

Tadayoshi: ... She's... looks cute when she smiles... I guess?...

Alex: *chuckles* I knew it there is something there


Tadayoshi: And this is why I don't wish to speak about this...

BeatBox: Bro! You gotta ask her out! Like why else would she-

Tadayoshi: I would like to move on from this topic... it's starting to get annoying...

Alex: Or is it because you're embarrassed by your response?

Tadayoshi: ... I fucking hate you all...

BeatBox and Alex begin to laugh while Tadayoshi just lets out a sigh. Soon night falls as Alex slides on her shoes by the doorway

Alex: Well I gotta head back home, it's getting late

Tadayoshi: You want me to walk you home?

Alex: I'm good! And besides you should be saying that to Cassie!

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: Anyways, I had fun today! You two have fun together

BeatBox: We will!

Alex: Oh and BeatBox!

BeatBox: Eh?

Alex: Don't I owe a little something?

BeatBox: ... Oh right! Thanks for getting him to hang out!

Tadayoshi: ... Traitor...

Alex: *giggles* You're welcome! Anyway, I'll see you guys later!

BeatBox: Bu-bye!

Tadayoshi: Later

Soon Alex leaves out of the apartment leaving Tadayoshi and BeatBox alone. The second the door closes, BeatBox removes his helmet and sets it beside him

BeatBox: Now that she is gone, there is something I wanna ask you

Tadayoshi: I swear if you say something about me and Cassie, I'll-

BeatBox: Are you part of the Guardians?

Tadayoshi remains silent and shocked at what BeatBox just asked who had a confused look on his face

Tadayoshi: ... How did you know?



Amelia's weapon:

Vivian's weapon:

Tracer's Weapon (Has 5 of these):

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