Chapter 51: Pet Sitting
It's early in the morning with the leaves now starting to change color and falling off the branches as fall has arrived and summer is over. Diana is eating a bowl of cereal and Amber is sitting across from her at the dining table, gulping down another cup of coffee
Amber: Fuck me... still feel a bit tired
Diana: I told you not to stay up all night, we have another podcast to do today
Amber: Yeah I know but I had to grind on my game! There was a limited event happening and I wanted to get the highest score!
Diana: *sigh* Even so, you'd still have some time before it ends...
Amber: Yeah yeah!
She gulps down the last bit of coffee that was in her cup and then walks over to put it in the sink with Diana doing the same after finishing her breakfast
Amber: So, it's the first day of the fall season of our podcast! What's the podcast topic we're talking about today?
Diana: I believe on about the Heroes returning home, a Q&A for our fans, and an announcement for the fundraiser for the Whiskey Hills
Amber: Oh finally! Been waiting for days to get that approval!
Diana: Yeah but I'm guessing you're doing this for Feng?
Amber: Yeah, want to at least make sure his home is still together after what he did...
Diana: That's sweet of you...
Amber: Shut up!
Diana: *giggles* Oh, also have you heard some rumors going around about Rachel?
Amber: Rachel? What about-
Suddenly they hear a knock at the door which Diana goes to answer the door where they're greeted by Rachel and Cassie
Cassie: Hiya!
Amber: Well speak of the devil...
Rachel: What?
Diana: It's nothing, what brings you two here?
Amber: Come to hang out with us?
Cassie: Sadly no... wish we could!
Rachel: We have a request for you two
Diana: A request?
Rachel: Could you two watch over Chum for us?
Suddenly Chum appears between the girls as he looks up at Amber and Diana with his tail wagging in excitement
Rachel: We have to go to a meeting for our jobs and we don't know if we'll be back late or not
Amber: Can't you just bring him with you?
Rachel: We would but the thing not only we'll be gone nearly all day and if the meeting goes well, that means every Thursday is the day he will be home alone cause we will be working late and-
Cassie: And we don't want him to feel all lonely in the house all day
She crouches down and starts to rub Chum's belly, causing him to roll over onto his side
Diana: So you want us to watch him every Thursday?
Rachel: If you don't mind, I'll pay you for-
Amber: Ah, we'll watch him, and no need to pay! We're not like a certain man
Rachel: *slight chuckle*
Amber: Besides I feel like having this dopey shark in our podcast will be great!
Cassie: Hey! He ain't something to use for content farms!
Amber: What? I'm just saying he'll pull in the views!
Cassie: Hmm...
Rachel: Thank you you two! We'll be back around 9 PM and here are the rules for you to know what he can and can't do
She hands Diana a small notebook that she quickly looks over to only see four rules in it
Amber: Huh, Kinda expected more
Cassie: It may not look that much but he can sure make it feel like a lot!
Rachel: Anyways, we gotta get going before we are late. See you guys later!
Cassie: Bye-bye Chum!
Diana: Good luck at the meeting!
The girls wave each other goodbye as they enter in a limousine which does a 180 and drives away while Amber and Diana enter inside with Chum running up ahead and starts to explore the place
Amber: So how long have we got left until we start the podcast?
Diana: In about half an hour
Amber: That's enough time, what's the rules for him?
Diana: Let's see...
She opens up the small notebook and starts to read the rules out loud
Diana: OK "Make sure to keep an eye on him around meal times as he likes to get into pantries and steal food"
Amber: Wait what?!
Suddenly they heard rustling as they saw Chum somehow manage to get into their pantry and look around
Amber: Hey!
She stomps over to Chum and pulls him out as he weakling struggles to escape her grasp
Amber: You will not find my pizza crackers! I've been saving those for last!
Chum: *struggling noises*
Diana: "He cannot eat any food that is too cold or too hot, for example, ice cream and jalapeño"
Amber: Good! I also don't want him touching my pizza rolls-
Suddenly she noticed Chum disappeared from Amber's grasp and then noticed he was trying to open the freezer door after hearing about ice cream
Amber: HEY! Are you trying to kill yourself
She leaps at the shark, tackling him and soon Amber was struggling to keep him still while Chum was trying to escape
Diana: Next one... "He must be submerged in water for an hour every day to keep him hydrated"
As soon Chum heard the word water, he stopped struggling and turned at Diana with a surprised look on his face
Amber: Finally stop struggling! But I guess even sea creatures still have to rely on water
Diana: Should we do that first?
Amber: Nah, we can do it after our podcast
Diana: OK, I'll just make sure to remember that
Amber: Anything else?
Diana: Just one last rule! "If you take him outside keep a very very close eye on him as he has a terrible sense of direction and can get distracted by things and get lost"
Amber: That one should be easy enough
Diana: Though we have to go and get some groceries after the podcast
Amber: It'll be fine, it's just the two of us, we won't lose him
Diana: I guess but now that's done, we should get ready for the podcast, we got about 15 minutes left!
Amber: Oh shit already?!
As the girls were talking, Chum tried to sneak his way back into the kitchen but before he could make his move, Amber reached over and picked him up
Amber: You're coming with us, sharky! You ain't touching any of my snacks while we're busy!
Chum: *slightly disappointed noises*
Amber: Yo! Yo! Yo! It's that time!
Diana: Time to hook you up in line with information and news around the world!
Amber: Also we have a small guest with us today! We present to you, Chum!
The camera then points towards Chum who stares at his fin while slapping it on the ground until noticing the camera, giving a confused stare. Soon the chat begins to spam "shark" as the camera pans back to Amber and Diana
Amber: Before we begin, we have an announcement! As you all know, Whiskey Hill went through a horrible experience after the man I was close to fell victim to an Overlord deal which led to the destruction of that place
Diana: So we are opening up a charity to help rebuild the place back to where it once was
Amber: Meaning all of the money that you donate on this podcast will go towards the Whiskey Hills
Diana: So please donate if you can to help those people
It wasn't long until people began to donate letting out singing noise, causing Chum to be confused and get into a defensive stance. Diana lets out a giggle from Chum's reaction until picking him up and set him on her lap
Diana: It's ok Chum, it's nothing threatening
Chum: *confused fear*
Amber: Now to begin the podcast! It's now the beginning of fall and we already have some juicy information! With our first news that the Heroes of the World returning home!
Diana: You mean the Order Generals who made a great impact on the world?
Amber: Indeed! They returned after recently taking down a terrorist group known as the Skulls, who attempted to take over a kingdom!
Diana: Thank god they didn't get that far!
Amber: Yep!
Diana: Matter of fact, I remember they're gonna be coming here today
Amber: Wait really? For what?
Diana: Apparently they and Hera are coming here to give their speech and respect for the Great Harmony Day! The day where to remember when humans and Demi's came together in peace after the Civil War 2!
Amber: Oh wow, to be honest, I'm more surprised that Thor is coming here since... you know
Diana: Yeah, but I guess that shows he is kind-hearted
Amber: Kind-hearted doesn't really fit that fat bastard... what do you think, Chum?
Chum mind:
Amber: ... I think he agrees!
Diana: *giggles* I'm sure he does, Do you think we should go to the event?
Amber: Uhh yeah, we gotta have something to talk about in this podcast in the future
Diana: True but I'm going there to pay respect to those people who help rebuild the world to what it is today!
Amber: As expected from you, Diane. But I kinda wish they did more with that event so it doesn't feel... boring
Diana: I mean they usually throw a parade
Amber: You mean watching decorated vehicles driving by slowly and waving at people as if they're some celebrity in the hot sun is entertainment?
Diana: They- They gotta celebrate it somehow!
A few hours go by with the discussion while Chum gets bored with every minute and falls asleep. Soon Amber and Diana finish up their topic which causes Chum to wake up from his nap
Amber: I believe it is time to move on to a different topic! Let's catch a break from the discussion and start the Q&A!
Diana: Well, if you want us to answer your questions, please send your questions through donation and we'll try our best to answer them
Soon the chat begins to flood with donations as Diana sets in the bots to sort and choose the donating questions
Diana: Thank you to Dinklenuts for the $30! Do you plan to go to that party that all of the rich people are going to?
Amber: Oh you mean the Royalty party we were invited to but decided not to go?
Diana: Yeah, for the people who had that question, we decided to reject the invitation as we wanted to focus on this fundraiser
Amber: So don't be complaining that you ain't gonna see Diana in a beautiful dress bitches!
Diana: Ambie!
Amber: Well excuse me for getting annoyed with everyone just talking about what dress you'd wear like fucking Christ! Shut up!
Diana: I still wonder who's the host of that party...
Amber: Eh, I ain't interested about it!
Amber: Thank you to GooberEater4 for $15! What are your favorite sweets?
Diana: I'm more of an ice cream girl, especially mint chocolate ice!
Amber: And I'm more of a bakery type, more towards the strawberry shortcakes!
Diana: Next one... Thank you to TheChaosDarknessLord12 for $25! I, King of Chaos ask are you single Diana and if so would you like to be... my Queen of chaos?...
Amber: ... Not only his name is fucking stupid but why are you trying so hard to act like an edge lord...
Diana: *nervous chuckle* I... have to decline your offer to be... whatever that is... uh next question!
As they continued answering the questions, Chum fell off of Diana's lap and lay on the side out of boredom which caught the girl's attention
Amber: What the hell is wrong with you?
Diana: I think he's grumpy
Amber reaches from the side of her seat, grabs a baseball, and lightly tosses it to Chum who looks at it in confusion
Amber: Play with that until we're done. Anyways, thank you to TroyMcNugget for $5! Is the shark your pet?
Diana: No, he belongs to a friend and we're just babysitting him for-
Before they could answer another question they notice Chum crawling over to the camera stand where the ball was underneath it and he immediately headbutts it, causing the camera to be knocked over and zoomed in on Chum's face with chat now spamming "Shork" and "jaws"
Amber: Chum!
Diana: Oh jeez...
As Chum tries to grab the ball, he gets tangled by the wires, causing the camera to get stuck on him.
Diana: Oh no, he got himself tangled
Amber: God fucking dammit sardines...
Both Amber and Diana quickly get off of their seats to help Chum but the second he sees the girls get off their seats, he quickly turns around and runs away
Amber: Hey!
Diana: Chum! Wait! You're gonna make it worse!
Soon Amber and Diana begin to chase the little shark around the house as the chat continues to explode from this little chaotic event. Soon after a while, Amber manages to catch the shark who pants out of exhaustion and joy
Amber: What the hell is wrong with you?
Amber: Chaotic little bastard! I outta strangle you! I-
Diana: Ambie! You can't be aggressive around him! You gotta be calm!
She kneels towards Chum who looks at her in confusion
Diana: Listen I know you're bored but if you behave just a little bit, we can go outside a bit
This catches Chum's attention and excites him as he runs back to the podcast room with the girls following him with the camera
Diana: See? I told you a little compassion doesn't hurt
Amber: Yeah yeah...
Soon this "show" would create a meme around the shark in the Line and Hook community
This story is interrupted by a chibi Amber and Diana submerging Chum in their bathtub
It's noon and the girls arrive at a fish market that is not only at the edge of the city but at the edge of the island by the shorelines. Chum looks in amazement as he believes he is in heaven with all the seafood he sees in every direction
Amber: Why are we here again?
Diana: I was thinking of making some seafood for dinner tonight. Maybe like sushi or a Sea-King Tuna
Amber: Look I don't mind seafood it's just something I don't eat often
Diana: Didn't you eat 3 plates of fried octopus a couple of months ago?
Amber: I thought it was chicken!
Diana: *giggles* Besides I'd figure we get Chum something he might like for his dinner as well
Amber: I feel like we all pamper that shark too much...
Suddenly they notice Chum sneaking his way close to a stand where they're selling cod but before he can do anything, Amber pulls him away from the stand
Amber: See what I mean! The little shithead was already trying to cause trouble
Chum: *looking around to act oblivious*
Diana: *sigh* We better find what we need before he does anything else...
Salesman: Excuse me you two and your shark, would you like to taste some samples?
Diana: Oh sure!
Amber: Yeah... what are they?
Salesman: These are grilled squid! Our squid are cheap this week if you like to buy some
Amber: A whole-ass grilled mini squid... how do we even find weird shit that is edible...
Both Amber and Diana take their sample and munches on them while Diana brings one down to Chum who gobbles it down
Diana: We appreciate the offer but we're not interested, do you know where we could find the Sea-King Tuna?
Salesman: Oh should be on the far left end of the market. Heard there's only a couple left
Diana: Perfect thank you
Salesman: Mhm
Amber: Alright let's get this over with and-
They turn to where Chum was last seen only to find him gone. That's when they remember one of the rules Rachel gave them that was about Chum getting lost easily which causes their heart to drop
Amber: Oh... Fuck!
Diana: Oh no no no! Chum! CHUM!
Amber: We can split up and find him I doubt he'll go too far! He's gotta be around here still
Diana: Ok! We'll text if one of us finds him and meet back here soon!
Amber: On it!
Soon the girls quickly split up as they searched around the fish market looking and calling out for the small shark.
Amber/Diana: "Where could that shark go?"
Meanwhile, Chum was strolling around while finishing up the grilled squid he was munching on. He continues to look around at each seafood he passes by, struggling to choose which one should he eat
Cutter: And now! I present to you... The Sea-King Tuna!
Chum turns at the voice to see a crowd gathered around causing the little shark to make his way into the crowd and to get a closer look out of curiosity. Once he made it up front, he got a good look at the massive Tuna that was light blue with a white spark-like pattern on it and was twice its size. Chum's eyes sparkle in glee as his mouth drools seeing the giant fish which he starts to sneak his way to reach the tuna
Cutter: This King Salmon is known to be in many delectable dishes and is one of the most expensive seafood in the world! But I'm going to show you all how to-
Suddenly before he can do anything, Chum leaps on the table, surprising and confusing the cutter and the friend
Cutter: Wha- A shark?
Suddenly Chum bites down on the tuna and leaps off the table, running away with it as fast as he could
Cutter: Hey!- Theiving creature!
Soon the cutter begins to chase the little shark that was carrying a tuna beyond his size as the crowd watches in confusion and surprise
Human: Well... that was unexpected...
Demi: How is that Shark carrying that giant tuna...
Cutter: Stop that sea creature!
The cutter leaps at the shark but Chum takes a hard turn and almost loses his balance from holding the tuna up with his mouth which causes the cutter to miss and trip into a cod stand, knocking the entire stand down
Chef: Bro! The fuck!
Cutter: *grunt* Sorry!
The cutter gets back onto his feet and continues his chase of the shark. Before Chum could continue any farther, he bumps into a familiar face which he looks up at in confusion
Diana: There you are! You shouldn't have gone anywhere without us!
Chum: *sweats nervously*
Diana: And where did you get-
Cutter: Give me back my tuna!
Diana looks ahead as the cutter finally catches up while Chum quickly hides behind Diana for cover
Cutter: Is this your shark?
Diana: Well yes but-
Cutter: Well your damn pet stole my fish!
Diana: Yes I'm very sorry for his actions! I'll pay for it immediately!
Cutter: Well you're gonna anyways! He's already taken a bite of it and wasted it! So it's your fault!
Diana: Yes, I'm sorry sir...
She goes through her wallet and pays the cutter who takes the money out of anger and stomps away. She then turns to Chum where she leans down and gives a small smack on his nose
Diana: You should know better not to steal! That is very bad!
Chum: *slightly whimpers out of guilt*
Diana: Well... I'll say at least you found what we needed now but it doesn't change that I am very upset with you!
Chum: *sad nods*
She pulls out her phone and texts Amber to tell her she found Chum and to get to the meeting spot. She then takes the tuna out of Chum's mouth and they start to make their way back to meet with Amber
Diana: Come on, let's go find Ambie so we can go home
They continue their way to the meeting spot while Chum still feels a bit guilty for getting Diana in trouble
Diana: *sigh* We should be at the meeting spot, and then we can go home
Chum: ...
Diana: ... Chum, listen I'm still upset with you but if you can behave yourself, I can forgive you so for now... don't cause anymore trouble ok?
Chum: ... *nods*
Soon they arrive at the meeting spot only to see Amber hasn't arrived yet to Diana's surprise as she knows Amber would always arrive first before her
Diana: How odd... She would normally arrive here first. Hope she didn't get too far from the meeting spot...
Suddenly she gets a buzz on her phone which she checks and sees Amber has texted her, saying that she somehow gotten herself lost
Diana: She got lost? Oh jeez...
Hearing what Diana said out loud, Chum begins to feel determined as he sees this as an opportunity to fix his mistake and he quickly charges up ahead to search for Amber, causing Diana to turn her attention to him
Diana: Chum! Wait!-
Before she can do anything, Chum disappears into the crowd, once again going missing from her. She quickly pulls out her phone again to text Amber that Chum has gone missing again
Diana: *sigh* Now I got problems... Oh jeez where should I-
?: Hey are you alone missy?
Before Diana could send the text, she turned at the voices to see three men approaching her with a smug look on their face
Punk: Would you like to hang out with us?
Diana: Uhh...
Punk 2: We can treat you with some dinner and pay for it!
Diana: I'm not... interested...
Punk 3: Hey, what's the matter? We're not planning on doing anything to you
Diana: No, I'm just... waiting for some-
Punk: Are you trying to be rude to us?
Diana: What no! I-
She soon found herself being surrounded by the three men to which she began to feel scared as she was backed into a corner. She wanted to pull her shield but was afraid to cause a commotion
Punk 2: There's no need for you to be scared then
Punk 3: Why not tell us your name as a starter? Let's get to know each other!
Diana: I-
Punk: Come on, we're not asking mu-
Before the punk can do anything, Chum appears out of nowhere and bites his arm, causing him to yell in pain and back away from Diana
Chum continues to bite down harder but the punk manages to get Chum off of him but gets his sleeve ripped off. Chum spits out the clothing and charges at the punks who back away as Chum opens his mouth, showing his teeth out of defense
Punks 2: What the hell is up with this shark!?
Punk: Well that shark is going to-
Suddenly a bullet shoots by, barely missing one of the punk's head. They all turn around to see Amber holding out her duel pistols with a pissed-off look on her face
Amber: The hell do you bastards think you're doing?! Huh?!
Suddenly she begins to rapidly fire at the punk who starts to panic while avoiding the bullets until running away in fear
Punk: That bitch is crazy!
Punk 2: This ain't worth it anymore!
Diana: Hey, hey easy now Ambie!
Soon Amber slowly calms down and takes a deep breath, putting her guns away and turning back to Diana
Amber: You ok?
Diana: Yeah I'm fine... thanks to you too
Amber: Mhm, found this little shithead walking around by himself. Guess he disappeared from your sight?
Diana: ... Yeah...
Ambers ... You know you could've just pulled out your shield right?
Diana: Yeah I know but-
Amber: You don't like to do violence, I know. Listen, you're going to have to learn to act instead of doing nothing one of these days, or it's gonna cost you
Diana: ...
Amber: I'm just giving you a heads up ok? I don't want you to get hurt when no one is around to protect you...
Diana: Yeah...
Amber: Anyways, we should head back now. It's getting late and not only I don't want to deal with cops if they showed up but I'm sick of smelling all of the seafood here...
Amber turns around and begins to make her way out of the fish market while Diana turns to Chum, who is patting on Diana's shoe as a sign of comfort to her
Diana: You... went to find her?
Chum: *nods*
Diana: But how did you find your way back here?
Chum sniffs in the air and turns around, Diana looks in the direction he's looking at, seeing the cod stand that he tried to steal when they first arrived here
Diana: You smelled your way here?
Chum: *nods*
She kneels to the little shark and gives him a small flick on his nose out of Chum's shock
Diana: ... I've told you not to run away because you know you get lost easily! And you didn't listen!
Chum: *slight whimper*
Diana: But I'm grateful you saved me... and found Amber somehow, thank you
She pets Chum on his head who gives her a warm smile, feeling better after believing he fixed his mistakes while Diana stands back up onto her feet
Diana: Come on, I gotta a whole fish to make
Chum: *excitement dance*
Soon Diana and Chum catch up with Amber and begin to make their way home as the sun slowly begins to set with Chum continuing to dance ahead of the girls
Diana: Thanks for helping me back there
Amber: Hey I got your back, Diane! Also, I see you got the Sea-King Tuna
Diana: Yep! And Chum found it!
Amber: I've noticed... you know I ain't eating where he bit right?
Diana: *giggles*
Rachel's weapon:
Cassie's weapon;
Amber's weapon:
Diana's weapon:
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