Chapter 50: New Weapon

It's morning with the day being very busy as Vivian, who is hopping around in excitement, and Amelia following behind, walking around the parts

Vivian: Today is the day! Hooray! Hooray!

Amelia: Slow down, Vivian you know I can't catch up to you right now

Vivian: I know, you're still hurt but I'm just so excited! I can finally have my weapon that isn't any of the Guardians!

Amelia: Yes I'm aware of it, but keep your excitement down. You're causing a bit of a commotion

Vivian: Ok!

They soon arrive at the Blacksmith building where they enter inside, but the second they step in, they happen to bump into a familiar face

Tadayoshi: Is it possible?

Zack: I mean I can try but why do you need this? You're the last person I would think who'd want this

Tadayoshi: It's not for me...

Zack: Well I'll see what I can-

Vivian: Tadayoshi!

He turns around to get tackled by a hug but stands his ground while Amelia approaches to greet him

Tadayoshi: Hey kid

Amelia: Didn't think I'd see your face here

Tadayoshi: Is that a problem, woman?

Amelia: No, just unexpected, after all I heard you have beef with him still

Tadayoshi: Fair I guess...

Zack: *nervous chuckles*

Amelia: So what exactly are you here for?

Tadayoshi: I wanted to see if he can repair this

She looks over to see a small nanobot on the counter that Zack is analyzing to which Amelia looks surprised that he's got one

Vivian: Isn't that the weird stuff that was on that droid before?

Amelia: Wait, you took one from the Old Empire?!

Tadayoshi: Not exactly... I pulled it out of my stomach

Amelia: You what?

Zack: That's what I said!

Tadayoshi: When that droid stabbed me, his body was falling apart so some of its dead nanobots fell inside of me before getting eviscerated. I had to poke around my wounds to get them out when I got home

Zack: You removed your bandages?! You could've gotten yourself killed!

Tadayoshi: Yeah and how is that your problem?

Zack: That's not- never mind... fucking christ dude... I can see if I can try to fix something up with this and I'll hit you up when I'm done

Tadayoshi: Ok

Zack: What about you two before I disappear for a bit?

Amelia: Vivian is ready for her weapon

He turns at her in a bit of surprise and before he can say anything, Amelia glares at him to stop him from asking why the change

Zack: OK, give me a second, and let me find the paperwork!

He takes the nanobot and quickly runs into the back while the others begin to wait for his return

Tadayoshi: Good to see you but I'm leaving

Vivian: Oh wait! Can you stay for a bit?

Tadayoshi: Why? I don't have any reason to-

Vivian: Please! I want you to see my new weapon that I'll get soon! We try to do something practice fighting when I get my weapon!

Vivian eyes sparkled showing that she was begging to which Tadayoshi let out a sigh

Tadayoshi: Fine...

Vivian: Yay!

Soon Vivian begins to run and hop around in a little circle in joy and excitement while Amelia turns her attention to Tadayoshi

Amelia: You know your beef with Zack seems... petty

Tadayoshi: What?

Amelia: I mean he fired you, sure but I don't think it's something to have a grudge against so why are you all pissy about it?

Tadayoshi: Cause he knew no other jobs would accept me cause of my hair. So the fact he fired was a bit of a fuck you because the "situation" he said made it sound like it was the "company" just being the same as the others

Amelia: So it just sounds like he became like everyone else that you've seen or met?

Tadayoshi: Yes and I don't have a grudge against him. I just don't want to try to "regain" this friendship, especially now I'm acquaintance with a bunch of other people

Amelia: Ok now it's just your being an asshole

Tadayoshi: Mhm

Amelia: And you're not even denying it...

He starts to feel a tug on his sweater which he turns around to see Vivian trying to get his attention while looking like she is trying to regain her sight from spinning around so much

Vivian: Hey Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: What?

Vivian: What are you going to do with that weird small bot thingy?

Tadayoshi: Planning on giving it to someone

Vivian: Like a Christmas gift?

Tadayoshi: A what?

Vivian: Christmas gift! It's a holiday where you give gifts to your friends!

Tadayoshi: ... What the fuck is Christmas?

Amelia: Wait what?...

Both Amelia and Vivian stare at him with disbelief and confusion about what he just asked while Tadayoshi remains confused as to why they're looking at him

Amelia: You... don't know what Christmas is?

Tadayoshi: It sounds like a shitty insult to a fat guy named Chris...

Vivian: How can you not know? It's a big holiday alongside Halloween and Valentine's Day!

Tadayoshi: Hallow- what?

Amelia: ... Do you even know what's a holiday

Tadayoshi: Are those even real words?

Amelia: ... Oh my god... how?! Like how?!

Tadayoshi: Look I was never told or shown about these "holidays" you were talking about!

Amelia: Still! *sigh* fuck me...

Vivian: Did your parent not like to celebrate the holidays?

Tadayoshi: It's a bit-

Before he could say anything, Zack slaps down the papers with a clipboard on the counter which causes the others to turn their attention to him

Zack: Alright, I've found the papers! Just need you to fill them out and I'll see what I can create!

He pushes Vivian the clipboard which she takes and looks at it in excitement but is stopped before going anywhere else

Zack: Just to remind you to choose your answer wisely, this is very important since it's going to be a part of you...

Vivian: ... I will! And I'll make sure I get a very cool weapon!


She takes her clipboard and sits at the table while Amelia follows her in case she needs any help

Vivian: Ok! Name, Date, and Age are easy, so what is the first question?


What's your hair color?

Vivian: Oh that's easy! I have pink hair!

Amelia: Makes sure you add "Dark" in it, cause not only do you have dark pink hair but when Zack said to be specific, you gotta be very specific

Vivian: Oh ok! Next question!


What race are you?

Vivian: I'm a Demi!

Amelia: Still don't believe that you are but put that in for now until we figure it out if that's true


Describe your personality, please think carefully as we want to know exactly.

Vivian: I'm a kind, happy, and cheerful person!

Amelia: Put in a bit clueless and oblivious as well. You have moments where I feel like you should know some stuff

Vivian: I'm not oblivious!

Amelia: Vivian, you can't even tell the difference between a chicken and a turkey

Vivian puffed her cheeks as she couldn't disagree with her and reluctantly put down her answer and then moved on to the next question


What weapon would you like to have? (you will not guaranteed to get it) 

Vivian: Hmm... I want a weapon that feels fun!

Amelia: Fun?

Vivian: Yeah! It's not something strict for me and I feel like I can do things freely!

Amelia: Just put that down as your answer since you are still unsure what you want

Vivian: Ok!


Are you a close or distance fighter?

Amelia: You probably do better up close especially since we saw your skills at the Old Empire

Vivian: Yeah, I felt more freely that way! And using guns sucks! It's hard to aim at stuff without having to look very closely or without a scope!


What size weapon would you want?

Vivian: Maybe something big but I can carry it!

Amelia: I feel like you can carry any weapon even if it's supposed to be heavy...


Do you have any disabilities, sickness, lost limbs, etc?

Vivian: Nope! I'm a healthy girl! Never got sick in my entire life

Amelia: That's not the kind of sickness you're thinking of, but don't worry about it

Vivian: ?


How would you like your weapon summoned? Manifesting or physical

Vivian: Summon?

Amelia: It's like calling back your weapon to you. Very helpful if you dropped it during combat

Vivian: Oh! So like Tadayoshi's spear?

Amelia: Yeah, when you reach A Grade with your weapon, you can summon your weapon physically like the Demon's spear or you can manifest out of thin air from a ring like you've seen Diana or Tracer's

Vivian: Oh! Is that how Diana can carry her big shield and how Tracer seems like she carries a lot of knives?

Amelia: Pretty much

Vivian: Then I wanna summon it physically like Tadayoshi! It'll be cool if we both call our weapons back together!


Do you enjoy fighting? If so why?

Vivian: I mean I like fighting to beat someone in a game cause it's fun but I don't like fighting if it's to kill. Why is this a question?

Amelia: It's to make sure the weapon they're giving isn't going to someone who is a horrible person or someone who likes to kill

Vivian: Why are people so bad? Nobody should like fighting to kill

Amelia: Trust me, there are people out that enjoy it...

Vivian: Well I'm never going to be like those bad people! I'm going to use it how it should be!

Amelia: I mean weapons are meant to- never mind...

Vivian: Now my last question!


Why do you want to have a weapon?

Vivian: I want to get one so I can be cool like you and Tadayoshi and I'm going to use it to protect everyone I care about

Amelia: Heh, sweet of you. Now just sign your name below and you're done!

Vivian: Ok!

She soon signs her name and hops off of her seat where she skips her way back to the counter where Tadayoshi and Zack are still chatting

Zack: So basically you working here just caught our attention and we found out who you were

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Of course

Vivian: Ok I'm done!

She sets the paper on the counter which Zack takes and quickly checks over it to make sure everything is signed

Zack: OK, now I have to ask you one more thing before I can get started! Do you want me to upgrade your weapon high already or just give you the starting class? If you get the upgrade one, you have to pay extra

Amelia: That's fine, give her the upgraded class

Zack: Ok! How high?

Amelia: A Grade

Zack: And seeing you don't have any resources, I'll just use the one we have and that also costs extra

Amelia: Fine by me

Tadayoshi: You can bring recourses?

Zack: If you bring blacksmith supplies they need to create or upgrade your weapon, it makes the payment cheaper and it's also a requirement to prove you have worked hard to earn that upgrade

Amelia: Usually an upgrade will start around 5000 but the price doubles for every upgrade. However, S and S+ grades are usually 5 times the cost of an A Grade weapon. Asking for supplies are usually $50 when starting at D Grade but the price doubles by 10 times for every upgrade

Tadayoshi: ... Glad my weapon is high up...

Zack: Oh that'll be around $25000

She slides her credit card which he takes and scans which confirm her paycheck and then returns it to her

Zack: Ok! Your weapon will be ready in an hour so you can wait for a bit or you can watch me make the weapon but it might be boring since it's kinda slow

Vivian: Oh! Oh! I wanna watch it!

Zack: If you say so

He soon makes his way into the back and puts Vivian's paperwork into a machine which starts to scan it until he spats it out and gives him another file

Zack: And your weapon has been chosen! Time to get to work!

Soon he gathers his supplies and starts to build while Vivian looks in awe

Zack: if you want to kill time since you two are stuck here, is there anything you want to talk about?

Tadayoshi: I have something I want to ask...

Zack: You're quite talkative to me now?

Tadayoshi: I just need answers... Do you know Cody?

Zack: ...

Amelia: Cody? Do you mean that tech guy from the Colosseum?

Tadayoshi: You injected me with some healing serum a couple of days ago and it's the same shit Cody did to me at the Colosseum. Who the hell is he?

Zack: Well... he's...

Tadayoshi: ?

Zack: He's my ex...

Tadayoshi/Amelia: ... What?


This story is interrupted by a chibi Zack pumping heat into the furnace while Zack whistles Steamboat Bill


Amelia: Like ex... coworker

Zack: That's... one of them... but he's more... my Ex-boyfriend...

Tadayoshi: ... You're gay?

Zack: Yes I'm gay! Shut up!

Amelia: Oh... wow... That's a bit surprising and unexpected

Zack: That's fair but yeah he and I were partners when we used to work for the Biker tribe

Tadayoshi: And you were a criminal as well

Zack: Pretty much, we were just the resource guys that would build shit so we could give them to our customers. However, we both decided to leave the group to pursue our goals and we managed to create a healing serum that you know today

Amelia: So what happened between you two?

Zack: Well I didn't want to make a profit out of the serum yet as it may have benefits to the world but I believe it may have terrible consequences if anybody who is a horrible person could use it, however-

Suddenly his face changes to a pissed-off expression as he starts to hit the heated metal harder out of anger

Zack: That fucking bastard decide to start to sell the products without me knowing or coming into an agreement! We are supposed to be a team and should've looked at the pros and cons before releasing something like that! But did he care?! NO, HE DID NOT!

Both Tadayoshi and Amelia stared at him with a bit of surprise on their face as Zack caught his breath and calms down

Zack: So we both went our separate way and from what I've heard, he's now a traveling merchant. Still don't understand why he joins the Colosseum games...

Tadayoshi: ... That explains why he wanted to tell you he said hi before...

Zack: He... wanted to say hi to me?... he didn't tell any secret of mine, did he?

Amelia: You seem to be concerned about a guy you broke up with

Zack: Ok it's- you know what! Can we talk about something else? I don't want to remember the shit that bastard pulled

Amelia: Fine...

Zack: You guys got anything else different in mind you wanna ask me?

Vivian: Ooh! How do grade weapons work?

Zack: Well that's simple! Each grade weapon will upgrade your skills and advantages! I'll go by order and explain what you can do with each rank!

Vivian: Ok!

Zack: So for F grade is usually your starting weapon! It's the weakest and easily breakable yet easy to upgrade since it is very cheap! This is an example of an F Grade

He reaches beneath the counter and pulls out a spear that is just sharp rock tied into a stick

Tadayoshi: ... That's just a fucking caveman took...

Zack: Pretty much! For D Grade, the weapon will be upgraded to now look like an average-looking weapon. It's now stronger and more durable but can still break

Vivian: Why now start at D Grade than F grade?

Zack: It's a way to have people appreciate what you have and show you have to work hard to get what you want

Amelia: Sounds a bit stupid...

Zack: For C Grade, the weapon can have the option to be traded in for a new one but the new weapon will have to restart from square one and you'll lose your old weapon. However, if you trade in an S or S+ grade weapon, you are given two options!

Vivian: ?

Zack: The new weapon is now S grade but you lose your old weapon, a quicker upgrade without payment! Or you can get a new weapon that starts at square one but you can get your old weapon back through your new weapon changing or given back physically once it has reached to A grade

Vivian: So I can be given the option to have two weapons?

Zack: In a way, but usually the second option is not recommended as the first weapon is chosen for you because it's something that you're most likely skilled at while the second option... isn't fit for you

Vivian: Oh...

Zack: For B Grade, the weapon will have an orange crystal that you can apply Hue saturation to your weapon

Vivian: Orange crystal

Amelia: They're one of the seven most rare crystals in the world. It's basically a battery for your weapon . They're normally orange but they change colors depending on the user's hair color, so the crystal for your weapon will be dark pink

Vivian: Ohhh!

Zack: For A Grade, the weapon can be summoned back to you but I feel like you've been told that already with the options

Vivian: Mhm!

Zack: But they can also connect to you like magnets so you don't need a handle for your weapon to hold on to! Easier for you to carry your weapon!

Vivian: Oh! So that's how your weapon is stuck to your back Tadayoshi!

Tadayoshi: Mm...

Zack: And lastly S Grade, the weapon will be made out of Tungsten, the strongest metal in the world! Making it unbreakable!

Tadayoshi: Lastly? Isn't there one more?

Zack: I mean S+ Grade yes but no other blacksmith can make it

Vivian: What do you mean?

Zack: It's... a very high-class weapon but making one is literally impossible for us and I don't know what an S+ Grade weapon can do. Only the Creator himself knows how to make it

Vivian: The Creator...

Amelia: The smartest being in the world. Apparently, you have to convince him to upgrade your weapon but it's impossible since he always rejects the requests. However, he's only made a few S+ Grade weapons that still exist today.

Zack: Some say the reason why you must ask him is because he has "godly" materials to create that weapon

Tadayoshi: Sounds like bogus...

Zack: It's true! Why do you think Thor, for example is famous? His hammer, Mjolnir has shown to be as powerful as if he is holding a real god weapon!

Tadayoshi: ...

Zack: Anyways that's about all of the graded weapons that I-

Suddenly a horn lets out in the workshop and everyone turns their attention

Zack: Oh it's done!

Vivian: *Gasp* it is!

Zack quickly puts the finishing touch on the weapon and then bring it over to the counter and lifting it for the others to see

Zack: I present to you! Your weapon!

He places the weapon on the counter, revealing it to be a mace that is a spiked ball and it has a crystal on the bottom of her handle. Vivian quickly takes and looks at it in awe until swinging it for a bit

Zack: Woah! Not in here! I can take you guys to the testing room so you can try it out

Vivian: *intense nodding*

Amelia: We had a testing room?

Tadayoshi: It's where I used to test some of the droids he made when I worked here...

Amelia: That makes sense

Vivian quickly grabs onto Amelia and Tadayoshi's arms and starts to tug on them, trying to hurry them up to follow

Vivian: Come on! I wanna see what it can do!


They soon enter the testing room where they see a lot of broken metal pieces on the ground

Zack: Before you test out your weapon, there's also a little mechanic your weapon can do

Vivian: ?

Zack: If you push that button on the handle...

Vivian looks at her weapon and notices the button to which she presses. Suddenly the spike ball falls off of the handle and reveals a chain to be holding onto each other

Zack: It can now be a flail! It helps with little long-distance combat

Vivian starts to spin the spike ball over her head in circles in amazed

Vivian: Gingle! Gingle!

Zack: I'll bring up some droids for you to test them out and don't worry they are nonlethal

Amelia: Good to know...

Zack, Amelia, and Tadayoshi step outside of the testing room, and Zack activates some of the droids using the control panels

Zack: Have fun!

The droids then aim at Vivian but before they can fire, she appears between two droids and swings her flail around in circles, breaking them apart. One of the droids fires at her but she quickly changes her flail back into a mace and blocks the shot. Two other droids fire at Vivian but she leaps up and lifts her mace above her head


She slams down her mace, breaking a droid's arm off, and then spinning around, smashing a droid's head against the wall. The droid with the missing arm tries to attack but she hits the droid's head off of its body which smacks onto the glass window where Zack and the others are

Tadayoshi: She seems to be having fun...

Amelia: Hope this won't make her bloodthirsty now she has this weapon...

Tadayoshi: As long as she can control it, she'll be fine

Amelia: ...

Vivian destroys another robot, leaving one last one standing but instead of approaching it, she throws her mace which on impact, breaks all of the droid's limbs off and has beaten all of the robots. In excitement, she reaches her hand out and her mace quickly flies back into her hands, causing her to jump in excitement

Vivian: Amelia! Tadayoshi! Did you see that? I called my weapon back! And I have beaten all of the robots!

Zack: Well I'll say that was a success!

Vivian: Oh! Can we do a spar quickly?

Amelia: Eh?

Vivian: I wanna spar with Tadayoshi since we never fought before

Tadayoshi: I'm good...

Amelia: I can spar with you a-

Vivian: No thank you! I've always beaten you before so it won't feel the same!

Zack: Damn...

Amelia: ... You didn't have to say it like that...

Vivian: Please! Just a quick one!

Tadayoshi remains silent as he debates his choice while he turns to look at Amelia for her opinion

Amelia: I'm fine with it, just don't accidentally kill her

Tadayoshi: ... Fine

Vivian: Yay!

Zack: Please don't destroy the place...

Tadayoshi: I'll try not to...

He enters the testing room and pulls out his spear while Vivian gets into a fighting position

Vivian: Ready?

Tadayoshi: *nods*

Vivian: Here I go!

She speed blitz towards Tadayoshi which catches him off guard for a second but quickly manages to block her attack

Tadayoshi: "Why the hell is she so fast?!"

He manages to push her away and tries to strike her but Vivian leaps over the attack and brings her mace above her head, to which Tadayoshi goes for a block

Vivian: Hehe! Tricked you!

She presses the button and turns her mace into a flail, which Tadayoshi in surprised moves his spear farther away from him, and blocks the attack. The chain ball nearly hits Tadayoshi's face as it wraps around the spear and then Vivian yanks her weapon, causing her to pull Tadayoshi's spear out of his grip

Tadayoshi: "She just got this weapon and she's already learned how to use it this well... what the hell is she?"

Vivian changes her weapon back into a mace and goes for a swing but out of instinct, Tadayoshi grabs her by the neck, slamming her into the wall, and pulls back his fist


Out of realization, he panics for a second and quickly lets go of Vivian

Tadayoshi: Shit! I overdone it. You al-

Vivian: That was so amazing! I managed to disarm you somehow and yet you still managed to beat me! So cool!

Tadayoshi: ... You just gonna act like I didn't almost hurt you?

Vivian: ?

Amelia: Jesus Christ Tadayoshi! Trying to kill her!?

Tadayoshi looks behind him to see Amelia quickly running towards Vivian to check on her

Tadayoshi: Sorry... it was out of instinct

Amelia: I can tell... you alright?

Vivian: I'm fine! But did you see that? How I almost put up a fight against him!

Amelia: Yeah... "She barely has any injuries, not even a hand mark around her neck..."

Tadayoshi/Amelia: "What the hell is she?"

Vivian: ?

After a few minutes, the group exits the blacksmith with the sun now nearly setting and Zack waves them goodbye

Zack: Have a good afternoon!

Amelia: You too

Vivian: Bye-Bye!

They soon started to make their way home while Vivian was running up ahead while looking in amazement at her mace being attached to her back

Amelia: Just wanna make sure but do you believe there's something... weird about her

Tadayoshi: Yeah... I believe it... she is not human...

Amelia: Yeah... I tried to get her checked up on the Guardians base but they said she's a demi

Tadayoshi: Maybe it's something no one's aware of...

Amelia: Maybe... but I'm planning on getting to the bottom of this and figuring out what-

Vivian: Amelia! Tadayoshi! I almost forgot!

Tadayoshi: Hm?

Amelia: Eh?

Vivian: Thank you for today! It was very fun!

Amelia remained silent for a second as her mind was filled with more questions as to what Vivian is but she decided to push them aside as her more important thing was to make sure Vivian was happy, she couldn't help but let out a small smile

Amelia: Yeah, don't worry about it

Vivian: Hehe!

Tadayoshi: Mmm...

Tadayoshi: What's up with you?

Amelia: Nothing...

Tadayoshi: ...

Vivian: Say Tadayoshi, next time do you want to-

Suddenly Vivian felt something fall on her shoulder but before she could grab it, Tadayoshi reached over and took it off her head, which was a colored leaf

Vivian: A colored leaf?

They look up ahead as they begin to notice some of the trees had some color slightly changed and leaves were beginning to fall off

Amelia: Guess that means summer is ending

Vivian: Awe... I'm going to miss this nice weather! But that means I can play with the leaves when they all fall!

Tadayoshi: Yeah... and it also means another thing...

Vivian: ?

Tadayoshi: Winter is coming...



Chibi Tadayoshi and Cassie

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