Chapter 5: Agent Red

Somewhere on a plane, a girl stares out at the window as she only sees the cloud below her which she gives out a smile as it makes its way toward Coltopia

Snack Girl: Excuse me, ma'am, first I would like to congratulate you on the movie

?: Thank you! It was long and exhausting, but now I don't have to worry about it anymore!

Snack Girl: That's good to hear! Second, would you like some snacks?

?: *Gasp* Yes, please! Can I get a bowl of ice cream?

Snack Girl: Right away

She pulls out a small cup of ice cream with a spoon out of the snack cart and hands it to her, which she takes and starts eating

?: Mmm I love the cold taste in my mouth!

Snack girl: Are you very happy about coming to Coltopia?

?: Of course, I can finally come home and see my friend again! Though I have to deal with the fans again...

Snack Girl: We'll I'm happy for you, ma'am!

?: Yeah, but can I get more ice cream?

Snack girl: "She ate it all already?!" Of course, I'll be right back

She walks away with the cart to get more ice cream as she pulls out her phone which she shows a picture of her with Rachel, giving a peace sign

?: Can't wait to come home, Rachel!

She swipes the food aside to see Rachel giving herself a selfie with Tadayoshi, who was trying to avoid the camera while Chum peeking below the image in front of them

?: Though I also can't wait to see this new agent you got!

Line and Hook house:

Diana: And GalaxyGamer735, Thank you for the $100 donation!

Amber: And I think that's enough donations, for now, we'll now start our break, we'll be back to talk about our predictions for the Championships! See you guys in 30 min!

They shut off the stream as they got up from their seats to stretch

Amber: Man, we got a lot of people out-stream today

Diana: Probably no one is busy today?

Amber: Nah, people are probably skipping their workdays just to hear about Cassie coming home today or when exactly she'll be here

Diana: Probably

Tadayoshi: Oi...

They turn at the entrance to see Tadayoshi at the doorway, holding two cups of tea. He walks over and hands them their drinks with they take and drink

Diana: Thank you

Amber: You've been helpful lately? Are you trying to get us to trust you?

Tadayoshi: No, I just owe you two one for letting me stay here, so I figure I'd just help around

Amber: Hey, no need to return the favor, the payment is like a favor return you know

Tadayoshi: Sure...

Diana: Did you hear that Cassie is coming home?

Tadayoshi: I know I heard

Amber: Guess you don't care, Huh?

Tadayoshi: Correct

Diana: Still I'm happy she's coming home, I hope I can see her in person!

Amber: We can dream as much as we can but the Championship is coming in 2 days so there is a chance we can finally meet BeatBox!

Diana: True!

Amber: especially-

Tadayoshi: Don't even, I'm not going to ask him

Amber: Aw come on, I want him to sign one of my pistols!

Diana: It's his choice, we can't force him

Amber: I know I know, anyways Tadayoshi, do you want to go and get some lunch together?

Tadayoshi: Uh-

Suddenly his phone buzz which he looks at and quickly put away

Tadayoshi: Sorry, I've got to go

Amber: Ah what but-

Tadayoshi: Sorry but this is urgent!

He quickly walks out of the room, making his way out of the house

Amber: God Dammit right when we had a good chance to talk to him

Diana: Guess you gotten closer to him?

Amber: I've trusted him more, after all, he doesn't judge my looks and besides, I'm starting to like him

Diana: I can agree with that... he is a very interesting person


Tadayoshi arrives at the Guardian base to find Rachel standing underneath a tree while Chum runs up to Tadayoshi, wagging his tail

Rachel: Hey you finally made it

Tadayoshi: You're in a happy mood

Rachel: Of course I am Ca-

Tadayoshi: Cassie is coming home, I know

Rachel: Should've known that you know, but I can finally see her again after so long

Tadayoshi: Good for you but I'm guessing you called me cause you found another location?

Rachel: Yes, except we believe that this location will help us find the man we are looking for

Tadayoshi: Huh?

Rachel: If we finally find out where he is, we can finally take him out for good today!

Tadayoshi: How do you know?

Tracer: Because I know!

Tadayoshi looks beside him to see Tracer sitting on the bench, spinning her throwing knife before putting it away

Tracer: Before I left them, I remember I was told that there's someone that knows the location of where the boss is but I don't know exactly what that building is about, but that's all I know

Tadayoshi: And you trust her?

Rachel: We did some background checks and some lie detector and she's telling the truth.

Tracer: I also know a lot of information for this group you guys have been tracking

Tadayoshi: Figures...

Rachel: Also that reminds me, she will be going with for this mission

Tadayoshi: ... What?

Rachel: Since you've easily taken down some of their bases, I believe they'll be prepared for you so it'll be a lot harder for you to take down some of them, which is why having her with you will help you a lot

Tadayoshi: I'm fine myself...

Tracer: Oh come on, I've helped you back there before, after all, you did struggle with me

Tadayoshi: ... I don't trust you

Tracer: But I figured you would at least trust me a little, for this kitty cat~

Tadayoshi: Why are you talking like that?

Tracer: Sorry a little habit I do, I've been using seduction to get to target a lot, especially to a lot of dark vibe criminals, no offense

Tadayoshi: Right...

Tracer: Anyways you're gonna need me when we meet the boss

Tadayoshi: Why?

Tracer: The boss is strong but he also has a right-hand man, who is almost as strong as he is.

Tadayoshi: So?

Tracer: So once we meet the boss, you can focus on her while I'll take care of the right-hand man

Tadayoshi: ... Fine...

Rachel: I'll be honest, she'll make a great agent, especially her skills as a spy

Tadayoshi: Spy?

Rachel: We put her to the test and she pass very easily. She'd help us a lot with silent missions

Tracer: Yeah, but mostly I have a skill of seduction to get to my target. Though that skill can help me flirt with a handsome man~

Tadayoshi: "Now I get why she's a cat..." Right...

Rachel: *cough* *cough*

Tracer: Sorry bad habit again

Rachel: Yeah, Anyways you know the drill, find that information and we'll take him

Tracer: Right on!

Tadayoshi: Yeah, yeah

Rachel: Almost forgot to say, welcome to the Guardians, Agent Red

Tracer: Thanks!

Tadayoshi makes their way to the elevator, but Tracer quickly walks up to Rachel and whisper in her ear

Tracer: You better be quick with him than being all jealous or I'll steal him~

Rachel: *blush* What has gotten into you?

Tracer: I don't know, maybe I have a crush on him~

She runs to the elevator which once she got it the elevator door close, while Tracer gives a small wave back at them

Chum: *waves bye back*

Rachel: I'm not jealous...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Tracer petting a cat that is sitting on her lap


Tadayoshi and Tracer peeks on top of a building as they arrive at an abandoned apartment building across from them, where they only see two guards, blocking the entrance

Tadayoshi: I'll make this quick

Tracer: Wait! Some of them could be hypnotized! Let me handle this!

She jumps down, disappearing from Tadayoshi's eye until turning at the two guards, to see Tracer standing behind them quietly, knocking them out in the back of their neck. She looks up at him and waves, giving him the signal which he jumps down and walks towards her

Tracer: See, no need to have casualties!

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

They enter the building as they pulled out their weapons and make their way upstairs

Rachel: Tadayoshi and Agent Red! Be careful when you make your way to the fifth floor, we're getting heat signatures there

Tadayoshi: Alright...

Tracer: Wait why did you call him by his name?

Rachel: ... Well... We got to know more about each other so I'm just calling him by name like a normal person

Tracer: ... Right can you at least call me by my name?

Rachel: Ok ok Tracer

Tracer: Thank you! ^_^

They reach the fifth floor to find the floor quite open for an apartment with a terrible smell. They suddenly notice a table in front of them with a piece of paper on top. Tadayoshi walks over and picks up to find out what it is

Tadayoshi: Rachel, You were right, we found the information you need to find that guy

Rachel: Excellent, now come back so-

Tracer: LOOK OUT!

Tadayoshi turns around to see an axe swinging towards him but Tracer jumps in front of him, blocking the attack with her throwing knife, but get set flying into Tadayoshi and they hit against the wall

Rachel: Tadayoshi?! Tracer?! What's going on?!

Tracer: It's her...

Tadayoshi: Who?

Tracer: Beta

They look up at Beta, who has red hair, wearing an eyepatch on her left eye, an open black trench coat that has a wolf on the back of her jacket, bandages covering her chest that revealing her stomach, ripped gray jeans, and boots. She starts to spin her axe until throwing it at them, which they dodge it before it hits them. Beta quickly runs up to them and grabs her axe until swing it at Tadayoshi, but he quickly blocks the attack with his spear

Tadayoshi: You're outmatched you know

Tracer quickly jumps and kicks Beta, who get knocked back into a wall which she looks up at them as they point their weapons at her

Tadayoshi: You sure she's strong?

Tracer: She supposed to be... something is not right...

Beta: you're right... it's just a distraction...

Tadayoshi: What?

Beta quickly throws something in front of them before jumping out of the window. Tadayoshi looks at the object that Beta threw which he notice it was next to a trail of liquid which he quickly realize what it is.

Tadayoshi: Gasoline

He quickly turns at Tracer and grabs her around her waist

Tracer: Woah! What are you-

Tadayoshi: Sorry Cat

Tracer: What?

He throws her out the window and he quickly runs to the table to get the papers.

Rachel: Someone tell me what is happening?!

Tracer: I don't know but-

Suddenly the building lets out an explosion which Rachel hears through the earbuds. Tracer lands on the ground and looks up in shock

Rachel: What happened?!

Tracer: Tadayoshi threw me out the window and the building exploded with him!

Rachel: What!? I'm getting the medic! Tadayoshi! Tadayoshi! Answer me!


Rachel: Come on! Don't pull some bullshit on him

Tadayoshi: *cough* *cough*

Rachel: Tadayoshi?! Are you alright?!

Tadayoshi: I'm fine...

Tracer looks in shock as he sees Tadayoshi walks out of the burning building with the papers in his hands

Tadayoshi: Had to keep the shit from burning

Rachel lets out a sigh of relief while Tracer runs him and inspects him which he looks at her in confusion

Tadayoshi: What are you doing?

Tracer: I have to make sure you didn't get burnt or stabbed! You took a blank explosion! Oh you got some nice abs~

Tadayoshi: It's not the first time I went through a burning building...


Tadayoshi and Tracer returns to the base with the papers and sets them on the table

Tadayoshi: We've got the-

Before he could finish talking, Rachel ran to him with a hug, which Tracer looks at her with a wtf face

Rachel: Thank god you're ok, I thought you were going to be killed

He looks at her in concern which he pushes her away from him

Tadayoshi: Look, thanks for the concern but I'm not dead yet

Rachel: Yeah, but you could've died there

Tadayoshi: Why do you care? I've only met you for 3 days?

Rachel: Because I see you as someone I can talk to like a friend!

Tadayoshi: ...

Rachel: Is there something wrong with me trying to be a friend to you?

Tadayoshi: no... but I can't be friends with you or anyone

Rachel: Why not? At least tell me that!

Tadayoshi: ... I... can't...

Rachel: Listen... I know it is hard to trust someone or to believe you can trust them... but I'm willing to take the time to know you so we can trust each other... so we can be friends...

Tadayoshi: ...

Rachel: I know you out of everyone would know what's it like to have no one to talk to...

Tadayoshi: I won't deny that... sorry for sounding rude, but I'll tell you somewhere in the future when I feel comfortable...

Rachel: It's fine...take the time you need... but all I care right not is that you are safe...

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Tracer: Umm sorry to interrupt but what's our next mission

Rachel: Oh right, let me take this to the planning room!

She quickly takes the paper that Tadayoshi set on the bench and makes her way inside the building while Tadayoshi and Tracer sit down and wait

Tracer: Did you two...

Tadayoshi: What?

Tracer: Like you... have something going on?

Tadayoshi: No...

Tracer: Thank god...

Tadayoshi: Thank god?

Tracer: Nothing...

She looks down as see Chum crawling over to her and sniffing her which she picks him up as they look at each other until he licks her face

Tracer: *giggles* aren't you adorable

Chum: Nah!

She puts him down which he crawls over to can pack of sardine and starts to munch on them

Tracer: I got a question...

Tadayoshi: If I have an answer

Tracer: If there was someone who forces you to do the choices that you didn't want to do what would you do

Tadayoshi: Just tell them I can make my choice whether they like it or not. If they can't accept them, just leave them since they can't do shit to you when you leave

Tracer: I guess I did make the right choice...

Tadayoshi: Why did you ask?

Tracer: Nothing... just curious...

Rachel: We got it! We got the location!

They notice Rachel speed walking towards them as she opens up a hologram, revealing the location.

Rachel: This is it... you know what to do, take him out and bring him back here!

Tadayoshi: Fair enough

Tracer: Hell yeah!

They quickly run towards the elevator but Tadayoshi stops and turns at Rachel

Tadayoshi: Hey

Rachel: Hm?

Tadayoshi: Thanks for... worrying about me before...

Rachel: It's fine... now good luck

Tadayoshi: *nods*

Both Tadayoshi and Tracer leaves the base as Rachel looks at Chum, who looks back at her with a messy face

Rachel: Did you get into the food shelf again

Chum: ... *run*

Rachel: You brat!


Beta walks over to the leader and kneels down with her axe

Beta: The trap failed so they are making their way here

?: As expected from the Guardians...

Beta: I also notice that one of our soldiers betrayed up and went with them. She probably broke out of the hypnosis

?: *sigh* Guess I should've known that those prototype hypnosis machines wouldn't last long...

He gets up from his seat as Beta stands up and walks with him. They enter in an open area where they see the weapon that has been completed

?: Starts up the weapon, I'll fight them myself

Beta: As you wish...

?: With this, I'll bring down the Guardians... soon you'll know what's it like to be left with nothing, Craig...

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