Chapter 49: A Date
Human: Say... is that?...
Human 2: No way...
Demi: Wonder why is she doing here?
In the middle of Coltopia, it's almost afternoon with people walking around and muttering to themselves as they see Cassie, who is wearing a white dress shirt with an open red sweater and black leggings with a mini red skirt, standing by a pole anxiously as if she is waiting for someone
Cassie: "This is it... my first date!... or hangout to his mindset... but there is one problem..."
A few hours ago:
Rachel exits her bedroom while letting out a yawn to go and make some breakfast but the second she steps out of the hallway, she gets surprised by Cassie who is sitting on the couch all dressed and looking scared
Rachel: Cassie?...
Cassie: Huh?! What?! Oh... morning Rachel
Rachel: Why are you up so early?...
Cassie: Early? What time is it? 8? 9?
Rachel: ... it's 6 A.M.
Cassie: ... Oh...
Rachel: No wonder I was hearing noises an hour ago... I thought it was Chum trying to get in the storage room again...
Cassie: No.. it was me... getting prepared...
Rachel: For what?
Cassie: It's ... something I got planned today
Rachel: ... What kind of plans?...
Cassie: I'm hanging out with someone today... and I'm just waiting for his response so I know where to meet up...
Rachel: I swear I hope you're not-
Suddenly she felt something headbutting her leg to which she looked down to see Chum holding a calendar. She takes it from him to see today was marked an important day and Rachel immediately realizes what she's talking about
Rachel: Oh... now I get it
Cassie: Hey! Don't take stuff from my room Chum!
Chum: *looks away pretending he didn't hear anything*
Rachel: I know you get excited about a lot of things but I didn't think you were this excited about this day
Cassie: Well I mean I'm not that excited...
Rachel: ...
Cassie: Ok maybe a little...
Rachel: Look I'm not saying it's a bad thing, it's just... a bit concerning for health-wise, other than your big appetite
Cassie: Hey!
Rachel: But still why are you all hyped up for this to the point you woke up this early?
Cassie: It... may be complicated
Rachel: ?
Cassie begins to think to herself as she starts to imagine the same man that helped her escape from the strings that was attached to her once, causing her heart to race and blush out of embarrassment as she was a bit scared to reveal her reasoning
Cassie: ... It's just that... I think that I-
Suddenly her phone lets out a buzz to which she quickly checks and sees it is someone she wanted it to be which excites her from reading the text
Cassie: Oh sorry! It's time! I gotta go!
Rachel: *sigh* Alright you two have fun then, don't be out too late, and make sure you don't get into trouble!
Cassie: I know!
She quickly gets up and exits the room in a hurry while Rachel watches her, feeling happy for her
Rachel: ... Wait... she skipped breakfast... wonder if she's going to be alright... or will his wallet be alright?...
Chum: ...
Rachel: ... Yes I know, I'm going to make you some breakfast
Chum: *celebratory dance*
Present time:
Cassie: "I can't believe I forgot to eat breakfast of all things! What is wrong with me? I guess I can try and find something to eat before he gets-"
?: Oi
Cassie: GAHH!!!
She turns around in surprise to see Tadayoshi, who is wearing a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket and light blue jeans, standing by her as if he was there the whole time
Tadayoshi: Sorry I'm a bit late
Cassie: Did you have to scare me like that? You could just yell out to me when you were approaching!
Tadayoshi: I am not calling your name out especially when you already have enough of an audience right now
She looks around as she finally realizes some people are staring at them in confusion and surprise
Cassie: Ok fair enough... Also, I see you in a new outfit
Tadayoshi: I can say the same thing to you, seems a bit overkill...
Cassie: You think this is overkill?
Tadayoshi: I don't know, I'm not a fashion type. I just didn't think you would want to wear something... neat I guess?
Cassie: Well... I just wanted to look nice since it's our first "normal" hangout and not a job for you
Tadayoshi: I guess...
Cassie: And what's your excuse for your outfit?
Tadayoshi: Alex forced me to wear something like this...
Cassie: She figured out about this da-... hangout?
Tadayoshi: Yeah she got really excited and shit and kept giving some advice for some reason
Cassie: "So she is trying to support me..." Maybe it's because of how you... distance yourself?...
Tadayoshi: *sigh* Knowing her I would believe that... but still feels weird to wear this outfit that she chose for me...
Cassie: I mean, it looks nice on you! Kinda cute...
Tadayoshi: Kinda what?
Cassie: N-Nothing...
Tadayoshi: ... So where are we doing today?
Cassie: Well...
Suddenly her stomach begins to growl out of nowhere to which Cassie blushes in embarrassment while Tadayoshi just stares at her
Tadayoshi: ... Di-
Cassie: Please don't point it out to me! It's embarrassing as it is!
Tadayoshi: ... Did you even eat before you left?
Cassie: ... No
Tadayoshi: ... Out of all the things I know about you, that's the last thing I expected from you...
Cassie: I know... I got here a little too early and I was waiting here for a couple of hours that I forgot to grab something to eat...
Tadayoshi: ... I didn't think you were that excited...
Cassie: That's what Rachel told me as well...
Tadayoshi: Anyways do you want to stop at somewhere to eat?
Cassie: Sure!
Tadayoshi: And I'm guessing you might have a place in mind already?
Cassie: Yep!
Tadayoshi: Lead the way missy...
They soon arrive at a breakfast house where they enter inside and the waiter immediately recognizes Cassie and quickly rushes up to her
Waiter: Cassie! It's such an honor for you to be here!
Cassie: Oh thank you!
Waiter: So just a table for you?
Cassie: Well yes and for him
Waiter: Him?
The waiter looks at Tadayoshi to which he notices his black hair, causing him to look in a bit of disbelief and disgust
Waiter: ... You sure you're with him?
Cassie: Yep! Is that a problem?
Waiter: ... N-No... right this way...
The waiter sounding reluctant, brings them over to a table beside a window where Tadayoshi and Cassie sit down and look through the menu that they were given before the waiter quickly walks away
Cassie: That waiter looked like he was about to explode!
Tadayoshi: Sounds about right...
Cassie: So what are you getting?
Tadayoshi: Black coffee
Cassie: *gasp* You're not going to get those lattes that have like cute shape in them?!
Tadayoshi: Why would I? It's gonna get destroyed when I drink it
Cassie: But it looks cute when you first look at it!
Tadayoshi: ... Ok
Cassie: At least give it a try! I might have a nice texture to it!
Tadayoshi: Have you had it?
Cassie: Nope but I'm going to give it a try!
Tadayoshi: ... Fine I'll get it
Cassie: Sweet! I'm also planning to get that big jumbo pancake castle
Tadayoshi: Pancake what?
Cassie: Pancake castle! I don't what it is but if it's pancakes, then I'm taking it!
Tadayoshi: If you say so...
Soon the waiter returns and take their menu as they were ready to order
Waiter: Have you... two found everything you need?
Cassie: Yes! Can we get a latte? I'll have the heart shape and he'll...?
Tadayoshi: I don't care what
Cassie: He'll have the same shape as me!
Waiter: Ok! Anything else?
Cassie: Can I get the pancake castle?
Waiter: OK ordering our biggest one I see! Alrighty! I'll be with your orders soon!
Cassie: uhh wait what about-
Before she could say anything, the waiter quickly walked away from them as Cassie stared in annoyance
Cassie: Rude! He didn't even after what you want to order!
Tadayoshi: I didn't want anything so it doesn't matter
Cassie: Still... rude to not ask!
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: Anyways! I've got something to ask
Tadayoshi: Hm?
Cassie: ... Why did you... accept this hangout with me?
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: I mean... you always had no interest in hangouts or whatnot unless someone convinced you but... why were you ok with this?
Tadayoshi: ... Why do you ask?
Cassie: It just had me thinking especially when we met and the whole Tooth incident, you were... always concerned for me? Why were you?
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: You barely knew me back then and I'll be honest, you'd probably thought I was annoying, so... what's the difference?
Tadayoshi: ... I'll admit it was because I hoped I would get paid extra for my work
Cassie: Of course...
Tadayoshi: ... But you gave off a... weird feeling that was like the old days when I was taking care of Alex
Cassie: "Weird feelings?"
Tadayoshi: My face felt weird and my heart was racing... it was a weird feeling and I didn't want it to be thrown away because I feel like it was important towards Alex and possibly you...
Cassie: That's... being happy
Tadayoshi: ... Happy?...
Cassie: You know, it's a feeling that makes you feel joy and having something meaningful and worthwhile. It's a positive emotion, the same feeling I always have!
Tadayoshi: No... It can't be...
Cassie: The way you are describing it, it sounds like what happiness is!
Tadayoshi couldn't help but feel hurt now realizing what happiness felt like. His mind started to be filled with guilt yet confusion with the idea of himself feeling joy in his life
Cassie: But... I make you... feel happy?
Tadayoshi: I...
Waiter: Excuse me, sorry to bother you two but here are the drinks you both ordered and you're meal will arrive soon
Cassie: Huh? Oh! Thanks!
As soon as the waiter walked off, she turned to Tadayoshi who still looked a bit confused and conflicted
Cassie: You ok?
Tadayoshi: ... Yeah I'm fine...
He shakes off the reflective feeling and turns to his drink to which he removes the cap off, dips a straw in, and then lifts the straw out, revealing the latte was sticking into the straw
Tadayoshi: *sigh* Figured
Cassie: Eww... what is that?
Tadayoshi: Saliva... they spit in my drink
Cassie: ... This happens a lot?
Tadayoshi: Pretty much, it's a blue moon if I get a drink that doesn't have something in it
Cassie: ... If you want, you can have some of my drink
Tadayoshi: I'm good but thanks for the offer
Cassie: Just a little taste, I mean it would be a waste for you to order the drink and not get it
Tadayoshi: ... Fair, just a sip
She slides over her latte which he grabs and takes a sip out of it
Tadayoshi: ... Not bad...
Cassie: See! I told you would like it!
Tadayoshi: Sure...
He slides her drink back to her which she takes to drink but before she can, she starts to realize something
Cassie: "Wait... if he took a drink out of this, does that mean if I drink this I would be-"
Tadayoshi: You good?
Cassie: Huh?
Tadayoshi: You been staring at the drink for a while... I know you said it has a "cute" shape to it but I doubt you're gonna see anything new in that drink now...
Cassie: ... s-shut up...
She takes a sip out of her drink out of embarrassment to not only Tadayoshi's response but to the idea of what she's done now that she took a drink
Cassie: "Indirect kiss..."
Waiter: And here's your pancake castle! Enjoy!
Suddenly, the waiter appears and sets down a giant plant of pancakes that were piled up to make the shape of a castle to which Cassie snaps back to reality and stares at her meal in awe
Cassie: Oh sweet! Thank you!
Waiter: Enjoy!
As the waiter walks off again, Cassie goes to pick up her fork and knife but before she can, she quickly pulls out her phone and opens up the camera
Cassie: Hey wanna get in on the selfie, Yoshi?
Tadayoshi: You're now asking me this time?
Cassie: I am! Don't try to bully me this time!
Tadayoshi: ... Fine
She leans her phone back and takes a picture of herself with her pancakes and Tadayoshi looking at the camera with a blank expression on his face
Cassie: Now post that and done! Now time to dig in!
Tadayoshi: ... You posted it?...
Cassie: Yeah why?
Tadayoshi: Did you not learn anything from last time?!
Cassie: Oh I know but... I don't mind it... if that is what they think of us...
Tadayoshi: What?
Cassie: N-Nothing! Time to feast!
Soon the photo that Cassie posted on her account, immediately explodes on the internet, once again causing chaos, sadness, and anger from the people with them
This story is interrupted by a chibi Cassie being a princess of the pancake kingdom while chibi Tadayoshi is confused as to why is he wearing a knight outfit
The sun begins to set as time goes by with Cassie and Tadayoshi walking around Coltopia after spending their time around some places to hangout
Tadayoshi: So where are we going now?
Cassie: There is one more place I gotta stop at that is important!
Tadayoshi: Important?
They soon arrive at a comic book store which Tadayoshi looks in confusion as they enter inside to see the place somewhat busy. Cassie quickly runs up to the counter and greets the clerk
Cassie: Hiya! I'm here to pick up the latest issue!
Clerk: Ah! My favorite customer! And you're lucky! I have the latest issue here somewhere
As Cassie and the clerk were chatting, Tadayoshi began to notice the people in the store were eyeballing them while looking at their phones to which he realized what was going on
Tadayoshi: "Of course, they'd all know so quickly..."
Clerk: Enjoy your day lovebird!
Cassie: Hehe... Thank you but we... never mind
They exit the store as Cassie stares at the cover of the comic in excitement while Tadayoshi peeks over to see what it is
Tadayoshi: Akames?
Cassie: Yeah! It's about a demon disguised as a man who works for a corrupt government so he can help his kind escape
Tadayoshi: ... That's sounds way to complicated than it supposed to be...
Cassie: Hey! It tells an interesting story! ^_^
Tadayoshi: ... Sure...
Cassie: Besides even if it doesn't sound interesting to you, there are more stories out there to explore! Like the Dragon race!
Tadayoshi: Dragon race?
Cassie: Yeah! Apparently, it's a legendary or a myth of a Demi race! There has been only 1 of them and it seems like they can't repopulate, however from what I heard, once that one race dies, someone could just end up becoming one
Tadayoshi: How does that even work?
Cassie: Don't know? Some might say it's just our goddess choosing it
Tadayoshi: I don't believe in god...
Cassie: Of course, you don't...
Tadayoshi: So what's so special about this race?
Cassie: Well from what I heard, you can fly, have the ability to control any elements, and their fire is so hot, it can melt Eclipsium!
Tadayoshi: Rclip-What?
Cassie: Eclipsium! I don't know what it is other than it's another myth
Tadayoshi: ... I feel like you're just believing stupid shit on the internet now
Cassie: No! I'm serious! Everyone knows about those myths!
Tadayoshi: Did you believe that the earth was flat?
Cassie: ... Ok I was young back then!
Tadayoshi: I'm leaving...
Cassie: Wait! I have a reason for that!
Tadayoshi: Sure...
Cassie: It's not my fault for believing that! I thought since I saw everything was kinda going straight, it was just flat! Until Rachel told me, no it's just the earth was huge then I realized
Tadayoshi: I think you were just a dumb kid
Cassie: All kids are dumb! You can't blame them!
Tadayoshi: Sure... but is there any place you want to go before it gets any later? Now that it seems we're done here
Cassie: You seem eager to end the day
Tadayoshi: I'm just more worried about the public staring at us...
She then looked around and noticed some of the people around them were whispering to each other as they continued to look at them
Tadayoshi: This is why I told you not to post the image...
Cassie: I told you it'll be fine... it's not like it's hurting anybody
Tadayoshi: How are you fine with this... won't this put a bad image on you?
Cassie: ... It's a bit.. complicated that I'm not sure of it myself
Tadayoshi: Complicated?
Cassie: But what I do know is that it's a good feeling... Like happiness!
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: Besides, this viral thing has died before and it'll probably die down again sooner or later
Tadayoshi: I guess...
Suddenly Cassie couldn't help but remember what Tadayoshi said at the breakfast house about his happiness, she began to have the same warm feeling
Cassie: ... Say, what do you want to do?
Tadayoshi: What?
Cassie: I mean we've been going to places that I would like but what about you?
Tadayoshi: I don't really-
Cassie: I'm not saying we have to go to a place to play but we can just do something that you feel suited
Tadayoshi: I like to do?...
Cassie: ?
Tadayoshi: I don't think you would...
Cassie: It's fine if I don't like it, I just don't want it to be fair for me to have all the fun! Have a turn for once and do what makes you happy!
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: What's something you like to do that makes you happy? And we'll do it!
Tadayoshi: .... There is... a thing I... like...
Soon Cassie noticed that Tadayoshi not only sounded but looked awkward saying his response to which she couldn't help but smile at it
Cassie: *I didn't think he would be this awkward... it's cute"
She reaches over grabs onto his hand and pulls ahead to which Tadayoshi looks in surprised
If that's the case, lead the way!
Tadayoshi: I don't need to-
Cassie: Come on! It doesn't hurt to do something that makes you happy! Lead the way for once! We only have a couple of hours before the day ends!
Tadayoshi felt hesitant about it at first but he knew Cassie wasn't gonna let him go so without any choice, he reluctantly agrees
Tadayoshi: ... Ok, follow me
Cassie: You sure it's ok to be up here?
It's now late at night as Tadayoshi and Cassie are sneaking up on the stairway from the side of a building to reach the roof with Cassie feeling cautious about being in a private building
Tadayoshi: If you want to back out that's fine, we-
Cassie: Nope! We're doing it!
She suddenly climbs up ahead, passing by Tadayoshi, and reaches the roof where she reaches out for Tadayoshi
Cassie: Besides we've already gone far from now to leave!
Tadayoshi: Yeah
He grabs onto her hand as she pulls him and then starts to walk ahead on the roof
Cassie: So what exactly do you even like-
Before she could finish, she noticed the city's light started to turn on, brightening up the city along the night sky as the stars began to appear in the sky. Cassie looks in awe as she can see everything in the city while Tadayoshi sits down on the ledge of the building
Tadayoshi: This is what I like to do...
Cassie: Wow...
Tadayoshi: It's not much for your taste of enjoyment but-
Cassie: No, I like this... it reminds me of home...
She sits beside Tadayoshi as they both continue to stare out into the open and Cassie begins to ponder her memories out loud
Cassie: As you remember I was an active girl when I was a kid, every night before I had to go to bed I would climb the tallest tree I could find and stare out onto the city... and seeing this just brought back some good memories... my biggest joy in life
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: Does doing this remind you of something?
Tadayoshi: No... it's just more of... appreciation...
Cassie: ?
Tadayoshi: I hate everything this world has... all covered in horrible truth that we can't deny and must accept because, without it, we fall or get shunned by others...
Cassie: ...
Tadayoshi: Yet... even behind those horrors, life can create something beautiful... something that tells us... we have a chance to be something... even if we aren't appreciated or it doesn't last forever... at least it can be recognizable for what it is in its shape or form...
Cassie: ... You aren't such a bad person are you present myself
Tadayoshi: No... I'm a horrible person... you just haven't realized it yet...
Cassie: I understand that you are a dick but I don't think-
Tadayoshi: I've... made terrible choices that took away people's joy... I'm always reminded by the memories of what I caused, so I make sure I never feel happy so I will always remember the same feeling I've brought to others...
Cassie: ...
Tadayoshi: Looking at this, I feel... glad to see that there aren't many people who haven't made the mistake that I had made... and have earned that feeling of joy and appreciation...
Cassie: ... Tadayoshi...
She places her hand on his to which he looks in a bit of surprise and confusion as Cassie feels compassion for him
Cassie: Feeling happy isn't something that can or has to be earned... it's a part of us and makes us human... feeling happy makes us keep going and create something like this that we enjoy... you have it in you... you just need to explore it and you'll understand...
Tadayoshi: I don't need-
Before Tadayoshi could finish, Cassie placed her finger on his lips, stopping him from speaking
Cassie: Shhh!... Even if you don't believe you "deserve" happiness, you can at least bring and create it for others... like you have done with me!
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: You may not realize it but... I've never been this happy ever since I met you... and I wish to keep this feeling going... and I'm going to do my best to make you smile one day...
Within a second, she realizes what she's doing and quickly retracts her finger in embarrassment and looks back at the view to try to forget what she did. Meanwhile, Tadayoshi starts to ponder what Cassie said to him, making him feel a bit conflicted about the choices that he was given
Tadayoshi: ... Are you sure you want to do that?...
Cassie: Of course! You're one of my friends!... I care deeply for you...
Tadayoshi: ... Does that mean you're changing your goal now?
Cassie: No... I'm still keeping my goal of trying to make you flustered... but after hearing everything you've said... your feelings are my number one priority! Why? Did you miss it~
Tadayoshi: No just curious... and because it'll be better for me to deal with that goal than the other one...
Both Tadayoshi and Cassie remained silent for a few minutes as Tadayoshi was awkwardly trying to find something else to say to her
Tadayoshi: ... Hey....
Cassie: Hm?
Tadayoshi: ... Thank you... for all of this...
Cassie couldn't help but let out a smile and placed her hand on his head to which he looked in confusion
Cassie: You've said enough stuff for today... Let's just stay here for a bit while
Tadayoshi: ... You pulled up the shit I did to you before?
Cassie: I mean I'm now in the same shoes as you were
Tadayoshi: Hmm... Sure...
Suddenly Cassie's face begins to turn a bit red as she starts to have the same warm feeling as the day Tadayoshi told her to not thank her and just go on.... The day she was saved from her manipulation... the day where she felt like there was more she felt towards this man... soon it dawns on her what's she feeling
Cassie: "I get it now..."
She leans onto her shoulder to which Tadayoshi looks in confusion but decides to let her be while they both decide to stay and watch a little longer together as she has a small smile on her face
Cassie: "'I'm... in love..."
Hey, first chapter of the year! Looking forwards to this year especially with the plans I have this year! Hope you'll stick around to see!
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