Chapter 48: Apology

Morning rises as Tracer wakes up from her bed and stretches but accidentally feels the pain in her hips due to being stabbed a couple of days ago since the Old Empire incident

Tracer: I swear this better go away sooner or later...

She makes her way downstairs to see Kiryu is already up cooking up breakfast and Amelia sitting at the dining room table waiting, to which Tracer looks at her in surprise

Tracer: You're up already?

Amelia: Is that a problem?

Tracer: No... it's just you are usually the last one to wake up before any of us

Kiryu: That's what I said to her!

Amelia: OK look! I have some plans today and I've just had to get up early to prepare!

Tracer: Yeah but aren't most of your plans training?

Amelia: ... N-Not this time! I... have to meet with... someonethatIhavetoapologizeto...

Tracer: ...

Kiryu: ... Wait... this is about Tadayoshi

Amelia: What? Of course not! That demon is just a fucking horrible person why would I apologize to him after I said some shit and had try to make other people avoid him

Tracer: ... *smug* Yeah it's definitely him~

Amelia: No!-... Yeah...

Vivian: *yawn* What are you guys yelling about?...

Everyone turns at the voice to see Vivian still wearing her pajamas

Tracer: It's nothing Vivian, but morning sleepy head

Vivian: Morning... I had the greatest sleep ever!

Amelia: Yeah you were out for two days...

Vivian: What!? I was sleeping for two days?!... I missed so many meals and things I could've done before...

Tracer: That's what you're worried about?

Kiryu: Well you're not gonna miss this breakfast because it's finally done!

He puts the breakfast on a large tray which the second Vivian sniffs the air, she looks in excitement as she immediately recognizes what he's made

Vivian: *gasp* Is that!-

Kiryu: Shaped pancakes as you asked before!

Vivian: Yay! Pancakes! Pancakes!

Vivian hopes onto her seat as Kiryu sets down their breakfast on the table

Kiryu: As you know, I've made 3 different pancakes with different kinds! Chocolate chips, blueberries, and my favorite, Japanese fluffy pancakes! All are shaped in either a heart, star, or flower! For the sides, I have some sausages and eggs that are either sunny side or over easy! Enjoy!

Tracer: Oh definitely

Soon everyone begins to munch on their breakfast while Kiryu starts to clean up the kitchen.

Vivian: Hey Amelia! Can we- *munch* go to the- *munch* weapon shop and get me a- *munch* new weapon now that- *munch* mine broke!

Amelia: Please don't talk with food in your mouth

Vivian: *gulp* Sorry

Amelia: But not today, I've got plans today but we can look for one later

Vivian: Oh... what about you Tracer?

Tracer: I would bring you if I could but I was told I can't move too often due to the injury I have right now

Kiryu: And I gotta help her around until then

Vivian: Awww... ok

Tracer: Can't you just drop the weapon off and it'll be repaired?

Amelia: Yeah but it's not her weapon

Tracer: What?

Kiryu: Amelia was worried about her having her weapon because of "responsibility" when she first joined the Guardians so she decided to give her the common weapons that the Guardian soldiers use

Tracer: Huh... that explains why her weapon didn't seem to fit her...

Vivian: But now I can go and get my new weapon soon!

Kiryu: Yeah... kinda scared of what they're gonna give you after... your performance at that old base...

Vivian: ?

Tracer: Anyways, I wanna get the elephant out of the room before you woke up Vivian

Amelia: What?

Tracer: What's the big idea that you want to start to apologize to him?

Amelia: I said before I'll start to try to... bond with him... but I have to do that for starters...  since knowing him, he'll most likely didn't forget that shit I said to him in the past...

Tracer: That's fair *munch* But it's nice that you're apologizing to him but I don't think he'll forgive you

Amelia: I don't expect forgiveness from him, I just want him to know that I'm sorry for what I did

Tracer: Fair... Though kinda sweet of you to be like this~

Amelia: Whatever you have in mind, don't even...

Tracer: What? I'm not planning anything!... Did he say something that swooned you off your feet?~

Amelia: No

Tracer: Aw come on, I mean he's saved your ass when fighting that droid and he must've said something when you were... alone with him underneath that rumble~

Amelia: ...

Tracer: ... You didn't fuck him under there did you?

Suddenly out of anger, Amelia punches Tracer across the face, knocking her to the ground and Kiryu quickly runs over to stop Amelia

Kiryu: Amelia!

Tracer: Ow! You can't hit me! I'm injured!

Amelia: Yeah and I'm about to make sure that your injury won't save you from me beating your ass, you feline bitch!

As they were having their scrimmage, Vivian continued to eat her breakfast as she had a huge smile on her face from tasting the pancakes.

Vivian: So good!

Soon after their fight, Amelia quickly finishes her breakfast and throws her plate into the sink then walks to the doorway to put on her boots

Amelia: I'm heading off before it gets any later

Tracer: But it's 8 a.m. you still got some time-

Amelia: I just want to get this done!... and to... think how I'm going to apologize for this

Tracer: Just say it normally, he probably won't care how you say it

Amelia: ... Fair... I'm leaving now

Kiryu: Good luck Amelia

Amelia: Yeah yeah...

She exits the house as Tracer and Kiryu wave her goodbye and watch her leave

Tracer: Do you think she'll be able to?

Kiryu: I hope so... 'cause I don't want to have another argument with her again...

Tracer: Yeah, now for another topic...

Both Kiryu and Tracer turn back at Vivian who is still munching on some pancakes with a delightful look on her face from every bite

Tracer: Vivian, are you sure you're a demi?

Vivian: ?


At Tadayoshi's house, he finishes making a new lock for his floor door which he shuts it and makes his way downstairs to the living room and sits on the couch, turning on the tv

News: For our main broadcast today, there has been a witness who has said they've heard a loud explosion around an old base that once belonged to an overlord named Esper. We have now seen that part of the island is now been separated and the Gates of Heaven and Hell remain strong to this day

Tadayoshi: Wonder how they covered that up... Also just remembered that once my injuries are healed, I gotta plan that hangout with Cassie soon...

News: In other news, the Regicide killer and his group have disappeared as no new murders have been found! Police are still on the watch as-

Suddenly, he hears the door knocking to which he shuts off the TV and walks over to the door to answer it, only to be surprised who it was

Amelia: Hey...

Tadayoshi: ...

Amelia: ...

He slowly goes to shut the door but Amelia grips onto it before he can shut it fully

Amelia: What the hell do you think you doing?!

Tadayoshi: Let go of the door! I just got this fixed a few days ago!

Amelia: I just want to talk!

Tadayoshi: If it's about Vivian, I'll-

Amelia: It's not that, demon!... it's me...

Tadayoshi: ...

He stops struggling against her and opens the door fully to talk with her, but he feels a bit iffy with what's her reasoning

Tadayoshi: It better be worth my time...

Amelia: It should be otherwise it would've been a waste of my time from just being around you

Tadayoshi: Bitch

Amelia: Dick

Tadayoshi: Pussy

Amelia: Asshole

Tadayoshi: Piss head

Amelia: Edgy lord

Tadayoshi: Witch

Amelia: Are you just going to waste our time with these insults or can I use it wisely

Tadayoshi: ...

Amelia: Yeah I thought so

Tadayoshi: So what do you want?

Amelia: I wanted to ask but... do you... want to go and grab a drink?

Tadayoshi: ... Did Vivian get you to do this?

Amelia: No! I'm doing this for myself!

Tadayoshi: ... Are you sick?

Out of anger, she tries to swing a punch at Tadayoshi but he dodges that attack

Amelia: For fucking sake! I'm trying to open up to you and you're acting like this!

Tadayoshi: It's not my fault that I assume this was a joke since you were a bitch from the beginning

Amelia: Yeah I know and I'm trying to change that!... I also just... want to get something out... to you...

Tadayoshi: Can't you just say it right now?

Amelia: I need some time to think and I just want to get this shit done anyways!

Tadayoshi: You are so impatient...

Amelia: You don't get it! I feel awkward when I think about saying it to you!

Tadayoshi: You're right I don't cause I don't care...

Amelia: I'm starting to question how do you even have friends

Tadayoshi: So do I...

Amelia: ... Whatever, we're losing the topic! So do you want to go and get a drink or not?

Tadayoshi: Yeah I'll go... but this better not be any trick you're trying to pull on me

Amelia: I've told you it's not! Now get your ass out here!

Tadayoshi: Yeah yeah...

He puts on his shoes and exits the house, where he and Amelia begin to make their way down to the city

Amelia: Before we go to a bar or something, I wanna go do something

Tadayoshi: And that is?

Amelia: Well... how are your injuries?

Tadayoshi: Fine... I can still move around a bit, but if I push too hard or I'll rip my wound open again

Amelia: Oh... that's good to hear...

Tadayoshi: Didn't think you of all people would care about my injuries

Amelia: N-No! I just want to make sure you can move cause I want to do some colosseum games before heading into a bar!

Tadayoshi: ... Fair enough

Amelia: And besides, I barely know you so a bar is the closest thing I would think you'd enjoy

Tadayoshi: ... You know for a woman who isn't blood-related, you sure have some Kiryu attributes...

Amelia: ?

Tadayoshi: He took me out of a drink when he wanted to hang out with me... and apparently you are too... no wonder people couldn't tell you both are not actually siblings

Amelia: ... Shut up...

Tadayoshi: Then again, he wasn't always on my ass like you. Was I really stuck in your head when I arrived?

Amelia's face turn red out of embarrassment and anger and turns at Tadayoshi, pointing at his face

Amelia: If you think I have something in mind with you, you're wrong! And what we are doing right now is just us hanging out! Not any dates or some shit! Ok?

Tadayoshi: ... OK? But I've never thought of it that way. Why did you think of it like that?

Amelia: ... I-I just want to make sure you don't have any stupid idea in mind! That's all, demon!

She quickly stomps ahead of him to try to avoid the conversation she accidentally started while Tadayoshi looks at her in a bit of confusion and disappointment as he lets out a sigh

Tadayoshi: Sure...

After a few minutes, they soon arrive at the Colosseum where Amelia rents a battleground for them. They entered the battlefield which was an open area with sand on the ground

Amelia: Now then... it's time for me to get my get back from the museum

Tadayoshi: You still remember that? I didn't start that fight

Amelia: I know, but we had a good rhythm and I wanna continue where we left off!

Tadayoshi remains silent for a bit as he slowly pulls out his spear and gets into a stance as Amelia does the same

Tadayoshi: ... This better not be personal...

Amelia: Oh no it isn't... take this as training! To make this interesting, if I win you have to buy me drinks and if you win, I have to get you one!

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah I'm definitely not going to spend a single cent...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Amelia and Tadayoshi face to face each other in annoyance


Soon nightfalls as Tadayoshi and Amelia exit out of the colosseum, exhausted from fighting each other, and start to make their way to the bar

Amelia: Jesus Christ... how the fuck can you still move!

Tadayoshi: What do you mean?

Amelia: I was trying to give it my all but I couldn't land a single hit on you!

Tadayoshi: ... Let it be a reminder of what I can do if you try to go back to your old self

Amelia: Is that a threat?...

Tadayoshi: Depends on how you take it

Amelia: ...

Tadayoshi: So since I won, you-

Amelia: I know! I'm going to get you your stupid drink!

They soon arrive at the bar where they enter inside as the place is barely filled and take their seat on the counter as the bartender cleans another cup

Bartender: Good evening! What can I get for you two

Amelia: Two large cups of booze!

Bartender: Alright just give me one second

Soon the bartender quickly grabs two large cups and fills them up to the brim then slides them down the counter, which Tadayoshi and Amelia catch and take a big gulp

Tadayoshi: Don't get too drunk from this...

Amelia: Why the hell are you telling me this?

Tadayoshi: You said you wanted to bring me here cause you wanted to tell me something

Amelia: ... Yeah... I did...

Tadayoshi: You didn't forget did you?

Amelia: No!... it's just... I still need time to think...

She quickly gulps down the rest of the booze and slams the cup into the counter, catching her breath

Amelia: Another!

Soon within the past few minutes, Tadayoshi and Amelia have already drunken 6 cups of booze, with everyone already gone except for the two of them

Bartender: I recommend not drinking any more or you'll both get drunk

Tadayoshi: I'm fine... but I don't know about her

The bartender and Tadayoshi turn at Amelia who looks a bit woozy but still wasn't drunk yet

Tadayoshi: Just get her a glass of water

Bartender: Very well

Tadayoshi take another gulp from his drink as the bartender slides down a cup of water which Amelia starts to drink from it

Tadayoshi: You good?

Amelia: Yeah... thanks...

Tadayoshi: Mhm...

Amelia looked at Tadayoshi from the corner of her eye as she felt her heart feel heavy as she still didn't have an idea on how to say it to him, but she was already at the time limit and she had to say it now

Amelia: ... Demon?...

Tadayoshi: Hm?

Amelia: I... wanted to bring you here... was because I wanted to say... I'm sorry...

Tadayoshi: ...

Amelia: I needed some time to think about how to say this... but I couldn't think of any good way to approach it... so I'm going to say what's on my mind...

Tadayoshi: ... Go on...

Amelia: I was a bitch to you and I've tried to push so many people away from you... because I was scared of what you were... especially when I was right after I found out it was true... I didn't want others to go through the pain I went through and I just... didn't think people could change... I'm sorry...

Tadayoshi: I see...

Amelia: I don't expect forgiveness from you... but... it's something that I should say to you... I'm willing to accept you now... as who you are... I took you to some places as to show I'm willing to change...

Tadayoshi: ... You're right... I want to say I can't forgive you... more specifically because you dug up something I wanted to stay buried...

Amelia: ... I know...

Tadayoshi: I'm more willing to forgive you for the other shit you've done to me... because it's more common to me now, especially when you're a Forgotten...

Amelia: ...

Tadayoshi: But I'm not the man to hold a grudge for the rest of my life... I've learned that from someone...

Amelia: ... Alex?

Tadayoshi: Yeah... I'll admit it's understandable for you to act out towards me after having your childhood taken from you by them... something I can understand...

Amelia: ...

Tadayoshi: Which is why it's a struggle for me to not accept your apology... because I was a part of them... making me a part of your burden... I've done much worse to not be forgiven... which is why I'm willing to accept that you can change...

Amelia: ... Thank you... since this is a new start for both of us... I want to reintroduce ourselves better... my name is Amelia...

She holds out her hand to which Tadayoshi looks for a second until reaches out and shakes her hand, accepting her

Tadayoshi: Tadayoshi...

Bartender: Excuse me you two? Another drink?

Amelia: ... I can't... I have to get home before it gets any later, but I'm paying for him as well

Bartender: Very well... Are you going to order anything else

Tadayoshi: Probably one more thing...

She opened up her wallet and placed down her cash on the counters which was enough for the drink they had and one more for Tadayoshi to get. She gets off her chair and makes her way to the exit

Amelia: I had a nice time today...

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah...

Amelia: Before I go... Can I ask you one thing?

Tadayoshi: What?

Amelia: I've told you my story... Will I expect to hear your story?...

Tadayoshi: ... One day... just not now...

Amelia: Very well... have a good night... Demon...

Tadayoshi: You two... woman...

She couldn't help but let out a small smile as she exits out of the bar, took a deep breath, and sighed in relief

Amelia: Glad that settles it...

Meanwhile, Tadayoshi remained alone in the bar as he finished his last bottle

Tadayoshi: Bartender! I'll take one more to go

Bartender: OK, give me a second to see if I have any more in the back

The bartender disappears in the back as Tadayoshi is left alone in the bar. Without him noticing, all the lights suddenly slowly shut off one by one until the only light in the room was the moon shining through the window

Tadayoshi: *sigh* At least now I don't have to worry about her ass...

Suddenly Tadayoshi begins to get chills behind his back as if a wind was blowing by his neck. He looks behind him to see if someone is there only to see nothing but emptiness and darkness, not a single noise was heard

Tadayoshi: ... It's too quiet here...

He turns forward but the second he does, he notices someone sitting next to him, holding a small cup of wine. He turns at the figure who has purple hair with black tips, a black coat cape lying on his shoulders, a black leather military jacket, black pants and leather boots, and a half-face gas mask that covers his mouth.

Tadayoshi: ... No...

His eyes grow wide in shock and fear as he feels his heart almost stop and his face begins to sweat. He instinctively pulls out his spear and points at the stranger but the stranger remains silent as he ignores the spear and pours some wine into the cup he is holding and lets out a sigh

?: ... It's been quite some time... Tadayoshi...

Tadayoshi: Why the hell are you here!... Zagreus...


Tadayoshi grips his spear tighter as he still points his spear at Zagreus who takes a sip of the wine only to spit it out in disgust

Zagreus: Bitter...

Tadayoshi: Answer me!

Zagreus: ... Normally I would slaughter anyone who dares talk back to a god but... you're one of the few exceptions... you still have time to awaken...

Tadayoshi: Are you here to bring me back? If so, I'm not returning-

Zagreus: No... just came to see what you've been doing... with a bunch of mortals...

Tadayoshi: Still a prideful bastard...

Zagreus: And I have every right to be... we are gods, well until you decided to try and throw it away

Tadayoshi: I threw it away because what I did was horrible!

Zagreus: And yet you wanna try to correct me for my pride? I haven't done anything yet... you did the horrors because of your beliefs... it's not my fault that you became that demon

Tadayoshi: You put those thoughts into my head!

Zagreus: I only gave you happiness... everything you wanted because I looked at you as an equal... just like before... but for some reason you believe you had to earn it by killing people...

Tadayoshi: Shut up!

He strikes at Zagreus only to find out he's gone as if he wasn't there in the first place. He looks around in fear to figure out where he went

Zagreus: Here it is... wine that belongs to a god...

He turned towards the bar to see Zagreus behind the counter, searching through the bottles which he pulled out one and poured it into a different cup

Zagreus: Sure I asked for help to bring back the world it once was, but did I ask you to slaughter them like a demon and not a god?

Tadayoshi: ...

He takes a sip from the wine which he looks in satisfaction until walking over and pours one for Tadayoshi and then slides the cup to him

Zagreus: I asked you and the others to take as much land as possible but approach them like gods you are... mortals can't handle us... it's too much of them

Tadayoshi: We are not gods... especially I wouldn't want to be one...

Zagreus: ... Pitiful that you say that... you have so much to learn when you wake up to the truth

Tadayoshi: Quit being vague!

Zagreus: So what exactly is your plan here when deciding to become a mortal? Get a job and get shit on because you look like a Forgotten? Make new friends only for them to fear you because of what you are?

Tadayoshi: ...

Zagreus: Sure, some can accept you somehow... but it'll have consequences... you bring nothing but death around you... just like that hometown that was destroyed...

Out of anger, Tadayoshi smacks the cup of wine away and throws his spear which Zagreus dodges, and sips down the wine, appreciating the taste. Tadayoshi then calls back his spear and leaps over to attack him but Zagreus dodges the attack and grabs onto Tadayoshi's arm, lifting him over his shoulder and throwing him over the counter

Zagreus: In a matter of time, everything you have now built will crumble because you're nothing but a cursed god... and because you're a destroyer...

Tadayoshi: No...

Zagreus: A destroyer filled with rage that he keeps hold of and soon that will explode and it will be responsible for destroying what it's built. Remember a god can't become a mortal no matter what!

Tadayoshi: I'm not any of those!

Zagreus: Don't try to deny it! You know I'm right...

Tadayoshi: NO!

He starts to swing more attacks on him to which Zagreus easily dodges them until grabbing Tadayoshi by the neck and then throwing him onto the ground. Tadayoshi tried to get up but was kicked across the face, sending him against the wall. Before he could stand up, Zagreus slams his foot onto his shoulder, holding him down

Zagreus: I'll admit... I'm impressed that you're still holding it in... but that wall you have to keep the rage in will break soon... because it's what you are... an embodiment of rage... a destroyer... a demon... a god...

Tadayoshi: ...

Zagreus: You've gotten weak... That disgusts me... making yourself like these mortals... but I know more will come sooner or later... you just need to wake up and realize the truth about what we are...

He removes his foot from Tadayoshi as he's already given up and tosses the empty bottle at him. Zagreus then turns towards a shadow that is in the corner of the room and makes his way towards it

Zagreus: I had enough now being in this mortal land... I must head back before the others notices I'm gone...

Tadayoshi: ...

Zagreus: It was nice chatting with you again... Tadayoshi... oh and just to remind you... our plan is still in motion... and our new world will come soon...

He steps into the shadow, disappearing as Tadayoshi leans his head back, feeling defeated and upset

Tadayoshi: Why do you have to be right...

Somewhere else:

Poseidon: Are the heroes present?

Apollo: Baldur and Heracles will be here soon!

Jupiter: *tsk* Why can't we just go and eliminate the problem already? It'll be easier than done!

Freya: *yawn* Would you relax your horses, Zeus and Odin have their reason so just wait...

Jupiter: *tsk* Why can't you get it done quickly and easily... like you Thor

Thor: ...

In front of the Roundtable members, Thor was the first and only one to arrive in the meeting room until Baldur and Hercules finally arrives

Baldur: Sorry we're late! The other soldiers were greeting and welcoming us back!

Zeus: About time! I wanna get this done so I can go out and-

Hera: ...

Zeus: Uhhhh... gets some... flowers! For my beautiful-

Hera: We're not discussing this... not now

Zeus: But babe~...

Apollo: uhh... so now that the heroes are here... shall I-

Odin: You may leave the room... and don't listen in!

Apollo: Very well sir!

Apollo quickly exits the meeting room as the heroes turn their attention to the Roundtable

Heracles: So what brings you all to call us here in such a hurry?

Baldur: We were told that the Order may come to an end soon.

Zeus: Yeah that is true...

Jupiter: And we won't let that happen!

Jupiter slams his fist onto the side of his seat as some of the heroes look in concern

Baldur: But most of the visions Odin has seen end up coming true no matter what!

Hera: What Odin has seen is not our problem... yet... we believe there is time to avoid this future

Heracles: What horrors could lead to such a tragic event? Without us, those innocent people will be hopeless!

Zeus: Well... from what we discovered, there's a Black Order Herald in the public eye...

The heroes looked in surprise as they'd never heard of a Black Order Herald being out of their territory...

Baldur: That's... not possible...

Heracles: A foul villain... in the heart of the people!?

Poseidon: We do not know what's his plan but we know he is the Demon Wrath-

Thor: A Black Order Herald in the open...

Everyone turns at Thor as he grips his fist tightly as lightning sparks out of his eyes until he turns around a stomps out of the room

Baldur: Oh no... I'll go get him!

He quickly turns and runs out of the room to catch up with Thor, leaving Heracles alone with the Roundtable

Poseidon: Now another thing to add...

Meanwhile, Baldur catches up with Thor who continues to stomp his way out of the building

Baldur: Thor, calm down

Thor: I am calm...

Baldur: Then just stop! We can't-

Thor: I am not letting this "demon" out on the loose... I will go and slaughter him...

Baldur: I understand but remember if you do without any information! We could end up breaking the deal!

Thor: I don't need any information, that demon has already caused enough ruckus since the Colosseum of Champions from what I've heard so don't-

?: Hold it right there, fatass!

Thor and Baldur turn at the voice to see Mars strutting his way toward them with his spiked club leaning on his back

Mars: From all of this yapping I've been hearing, you both sound like you're talking about Tadayoshi? Or "the demon" that you two call him

Baldur: Yeah, we expected him to be-

Mars: Yeah, Yeah, I don't care. Listen, if anyone is going to take out my rival! It's gonna be me!

Thor: I have no interest in your childish beliefs...

Before he could walk around Mars, he pulls out his club and slams it in front on Thor blocking his path, annoying Thor even more

Thor: Move...

Baldur: Thor please!-

Mars: Not a chance tubby!

Thor: ... I'm giving you one more chance to move...

Mars: *Heh* The fuck are you going to do about that tubby!

Thor: Look me in the eyes... and ask me that again...

Mars noticed Thor was his hand over his hammer which Mars gripped his club but before anything could happen, ice appeared between them, breaking them apart

Odin: That's enough!...

Thor: ... All-father...

Mars: Old Bastard...

Odin: No one is going after that Demon! From what we know, we aren't sure if they broke the deal! So until then... no one goes near him until we get a confirmed report!

Thor: ... As you wish...

Mars: *sigh* Fine!

Odin: Now get back to your stations, you're both done with this argument!

Suddenly Odin disappears after taking a few steps away while Thor looks back at Mars in annoyance and then walking away with Baldur as Mars lets out a smirk

Mars: *heh* my rival is getting Thor of all people his attention! I knew I picked a perfect rival!

Meanwhile, Thor continues to stomp off as Baldur follows behind to calm him down

Baldur: So... are you going to lay it off?..

Thor: No...

Baldur: ...

Thor: When the day the demon makes his mistake... I will spill his blood onto this earth... in the name of the Order!...

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