Chapter 46: Behemoth

The group quickly runs down the hall as fast as they could to get to the elevator shaft

Amelia: Where is my brother?

Tracer: He decided to head up and fight that AI!

Amelia: What?!

Tadayoshi: That idiot... he's gonna get himself killed

Amelia: Don't underestimate my brother!

Tadayoshi: I'm not! If I can't handle the AI myself, then how do you expect him to handle it?

Amelia: Maybe he didn't charge in there like you did before

Tadayoshi: Didn't you do that too?

Amelia: Dick

Tadayoshi: Bitch

Amelia: Stupid

Tadayoshi: Dumbass

Amelia: Edge Lord

Tadayoshi: Tall-grass head

Tracer: Can you two not bicker each other at this time!

Amelia: ... We'll continue this later

Tadayoshi: Agreed...

They soon arrive at the elevator shaft where they look to see how high they gotta climb

Tracer: How are we supposed to quickly climb up this? There's barely anything to grab onto!

Amelia: Well we better hurry or-

Vivian: Tadayoshi! Amelia!

They turn at Vivian who grabs their arms to which they look at her in confusion

Amelia: Vivian?

Tadayoshi: What are you-

Vivian: Hold on tight!

Suddenly she began to spin as fast as she could as Tadayoshi and Amelia were in surprise as they felt their bodies being lifted off the ground.

Vivian: UP! UP! AND AWAY!

With enough momentum, Vivian throws them both up out of the elevator shaft as hard as she can. As Tadayoshi and Amelia were in the air, she turns to Tracer who takes a small step back

Tracer: ... Yeah I can just climb instead...

Meanwhile, Kiryu is pinned down to the ground as he tries to free himself but the nanobots continue to hold him down

V.A.I.N.: YoU ArE FiNiShEd, YoU AtTeMpTs tO StOp cHaNgE Is wHy yOu fAiL As a sPeCiEs. YoU'Re aLl aFrAiD Of cHaNgE... aS MuCh aS I DoN'T UnDeRsTaNd fEaR, iT'S OnE Of mAnY ThInGs ThAt hOlDs yOu aLl bAcK AnD It's iMpOsSiBlE To gEt rId oF... iT'S WhY YoU As a sPeCiEs wIlL NeVeR Be pErFeCt...

Kiryu: Dammit...

As VAIN continues to put pressure on Kiryu, he begins to hear voices, giving him an itchy feeling as he looks up to find the voices are coming from the helicopter

Speaker: This is Guardians speaking?

Zack: This is Zack from the engineering group! We need back-

Suddenly the helicopter beneath gets hit which almost knocks Zack over but manages to keep himself balanced

Zack: What the hell?!

He looks outside to see VAIN latching out his arm and slowly pulling the helicopter towards him as the pilot tries to pull out of its grip

V.A.I.N.: I WaS HeArInG NoIsEs... AnD I Do nOt wIsH To hAvE AnY MoRe pRoBlEmS To dEaL WiTh aNd tAkInG YoU OuT Is tHe nUmBeR 1 PrIoRiTy

Zack: Shit!

Soon the nanobots slowly start to crawl their way inside the helicopter while Kiryu continues to struggle to escape but both of them couldn't do anything

V.A.I.N.: YoUr eFfOrTs hAs fLaW YeT EfFeCtIvE... bUt iT'S NoT EnOuGh... YoU HaVe aLl fAiLeD... aNd tHe nEw wOrLd hAs wOn... And I-

Suddenly VAIN felt a strong wind blowing behind him which he looked at the elevator shaft to see something fly out of there

Zack: Huh?

Kiryu: Tadayoshi? Amelia?

Tadayoshi: Spear Techniques...

Amelia: Gun Techniques...

VAIN looks up to see Tadayoshi and Amelia who speed blitz towards VAIN's arm before he can react as they pierce through his arm that was holding the helicopter, destroying it

Tadayoshi: Drill!

Amelia: Inner Shot!

The arms shatter into bits, causing VAIN to stumble over and let go of both Kiryu and the helicopter, causing it to jerk up but manage to balance itself

Zack: Woah?!

As Zack balances himself once again, he notices the nanobots that we're trying to crawl in hops off the helicopter, and heads back to VAIN to repair him

Zack: Oh thank god...

Kiryu quickly gets back onto his feet as Amelia rushes over to check on him

Kiryu: You guys are alright?

Amelia: I should be the one asking you that!

Kiryu: I'm fine though...

V.A.I.N.: ERROR! ThE HuMaNoIdS WeRe mEaNt tO Be dEcEaSeD bY ThE StOnEs DrOpPeD UpOn tHeM! sOlUtIoN, rEsOlVe pRoBlEm yOuRsElF

He latched out his arm to attack them which they prepared to attack but out of nowhere, they heard a scream and they saw Tracer flying out of the elevator shaft into the air with fear on her face

Tracer: AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!- Oh?

She notices the AI going for an attack to which she pulls out a throwing knife

Tracer: Assassin Technique... Feline Impact!

She throws the knife which explodes the second it hits VAIN in the back, delaying his attack as she lands on her feet.

Tracer: Surprise!

Soon Vivian hops out of the elevator shaft to which Tracer looks at her in a bit of surprise

Vivian: Yay! We made it!

Tracer: ... What has Kiryu been feeding you...

Vivian: ?

Zack: All of you! Backup is on the way! I'll try to shut down the countdown as fast as I can! For now, don't let him near that machine!

The agents look at the machines to see the beam still reaching into the sky and the countdown read 30 mins

Tadayoshi: So we have 30 minutes to get this mission over

Amelia: It seems so...

V.A.I.N.: ERROR! ThE HuMaNoIdS WeRe mEaNt tO Be dEcEaSeD MiNuTeS AgO! sOlUtIoN... aCtIvAtE PLAN B!

He swings his arm long enough to reach the agent but they manage to dodge it and Kiryu cuts the arm off as it falls near the elevator shaft

Kiryu: It's over! You can't beat all of us

V.A.I.N.: CoRrEcT... iT Is wHy i mUsT AcTiVe tHiS PlAn tO MaKe tHiS CuRrEnT PlAn wOrK

As no one notices, a nanobot falls off of VAIN arm and into the elevator shaft until landing on the floor where the prison room was. Once there, it crawls around until it reaches the room where all of the cut pieces of the CRAZE infected are and gets into a tech of an infected. Suddenly all the tech that was covering the infected begins to glow and shake

Plan B... has arrived...


Amelia: The hell kinda plan are you talking about?

V.A.I.N.: PaTiEnT HuMaN... iT TaKe tImE FoR HiM... eSpEcIaLlY PuTtInG ItSeLf tOgEtHeR

Amelia: ?

Vivian: If it's patience you want, then I can help you!

Vivian pulls out her weapon and begins to fire at VAIN to which he gets hit but creates a wall to block the shots. The second he creates the wall, Tracer throws another explosive knife, which destroys the wall and he gets hit by the bullets again

Tracer: We mind as well use this "patience" to kick your ass


VAIN quickly creates a massive fist to slam down on Tracer and Vivian but Kiryu jumps behind him and cuts his arm into pieces before he can do anything


VAIN tries to recall his nanobots back only to be rapidly shot at by Amelia who was running at him until leaping in the air and then stomping onto his head into the ground! Soon the agents begin to attack him all at once as VAIN tries to do something but is overwhelmed on what to do as he is getting hit in every direction.

V.A.I.N.: HeAl! FaLsE! aTtAcK! fAlSe! ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!

Kiryu swings his blade across his face, passing the attack to Vivian who swings her gun at him. Tracer would then follow up with a strike above, knocking him to the ground. He tries to get up only to be kicked up to his feet by Amelia until Tadayoshi swings an uppercut on him knocking him back into the machine


The agents surround him as VAIN slowly gets up and tries to find his way to escape but to no avail as he is cornered

Kiryu: It's over...

V.A.I.N.: ................... FaLsE!........

Suddenly before they could do anything, they heard a small boom sound that began to get louder and louder with everyone preparing themselves

V.A.I.N.: PLAN B hAs... fInAlLy aRrIvEd...

The building continued to shake beneath them until there was silence for a second. Suddenly the ground burst open, revealing a massive meaty hand that was covered with a bunch of CRAZE infected, reaching over and slamming into the ground. Everyone turned their direction at the thing as it slowly began to pull itself out onto the roof, it was a massive bloody creature that looked like a giant golem that was the size of a building but was made out of the CRAZE infected and tech.

Tadayoshi: What the actual fuck...

Zack: No fucking way...

The giant creature was letting out a gurgling giggle along with the other infected heads that were in its body until it let out a loud bloody roar

Kiryu: What is that thing?!


The giant creature swings a punch down towards them but they quickly jump out of the way avoiding it. This gave VAIN a chance to repair himself as much as he could

Zack: That is a Behemoth! A rare type of CRAZE infected!

Tadayoshi: There are different types of this shit?!

Zack: Yes! There are 4 different types of CRAZE infected; the Infect, the Hunters, the Tanks, and the Behemoth! The first three are just our different races infected! The Behemoth is just a man-made creature mixed with multiple infected all at once! That's why their rare

Kiryu: Wait! These have been made?! Why is it considered rare? That sounds like something you see or hear about 1 in a million years?!

Zack: Yeah! But they're people who are crazy enough to try and create these! Some say that one of the Overlords has a small army of these but that's not the time now! You need to keep away from it!

The Behemoth swings his arm down to hit the agent but they quickly dodge it until Tracer notices a familiar brute head that was on its arm

Tracer: Wait... are these the infected that you cut up Kiryu

Kiryu: No... it can't be!

V.A.I.N.: I DiDn't cAlCuLaTe tHaT YoU TwO WoUlD SuRvIvE AnD dEsTrOy aLl oF ThE DeCeAsEd cOrPsE So i hAd tO GiVe iT TiMe fOr iT To bUiLd iTsElF LoNgEr tHaN UsUaL. tHiS WaS OrIgInAlLy mY PlAn tO EnD HuMaNiTy... BuT I NoW MuSt pUt iT To uSeS To eNd yOu aLl...

Tracer: Built itself... that's what the tech on it was for! You were just collected people so you can create this thing!

V.A.I.N.: CoRrEcT! hOwEvEr i dIsCoVeReD ThAt rElEaSiNg tHiS OnE BeHeMoTh oUt tO ThE WoRlD WaS GoInG To fAiL AfTeR DiScOvErInG ThErE Is mOrE HuMaNiTy oUt tHeRe tHaN I AnTiCiPaTeD AnD WoUlD Be kIlLeD By tHeM AfTeR A CoUpLe hOuRs bUt kEpT FoR A PLAN B iF ThIs pLaN WeRe tO FaIl...

The Behemoth swung another attack which the agents dodged again as they were not only away from VAIN but also the machine which now read 25 mins

Tracer: The hell are we supposed to do now with this monster being in the way?!

Amelia: ... We take separate opponents! Kiryu! You, Tracer, and Vivian take care of the Behemoth! Tadayoshi and I will handle this robot! Zack, you handle that machine!

Zack: I'm on it already!

Kiryu: Got it!

Tracer: Wait? We're seriously going to try and take down that thing?!

Kiryu: We really don't have any other choice, do we?

Tracer: ... No we do not...

Vivian: Let's do this!

Soon Kiryu, Tracer, and Vivian charge at the Behemoth, keeping it distracted while Zack begins to work on the machine

Tadayoshi: Can't we just destroy this machine?

Zack: That's not-

Tadayoshi throws his spear at the machine but instead of striking through it, the spear bounces off from a barrier that was around the machine

Zack: That's not going to work. I scanned it before and found out about that barrier. It's why I said I'm going to try to shut down the machine from the outside! Even if we do destroy it, we won't know if the countdown will continue and we won't have any options to stop it

Tadayoshi: Should've said that before...

He calls back his spear as he and Amelia focus on VAIN, who finished up repairs itself

V.A.I.N.: I UnDeReStImAtE YoU HuMaNs wItH YoUr cApAbIlItIeS... PeRhApS YoU HuMaNs hAvE PoTeNtIaL... bUt i sAiD ThAt yEaRs aGo aFtEr yOu fAiLeD FoR ThE LaSt 60 YeArS ThAt i rEmEmBeR

Soon VAIN gets back onto his feet and starts to scan them unknowingly to Tadayoshi and Amelia who clinches onto their weapons tightly to prepare on who will make the move first

Tadayoshi: You're putting some trust in me to fight him with you

Amelia: For now... and just so you know once this fight is over, our truce is over

Tadayoshi: I know... so let's get this over with so we don't have to stand each other

Amelia: Agreed...


This story is interrupted by a chibi VAIN making random stuff with the nanobots in his hand


V.A.I.N.: ERROR! MuCh pOwEr wIlL Be uSeD AgAiNsT ThE TwO HuMaNoIdS. sOlUtIoN... cReAtIvItY

Once VAIN finished scanning his opponents, his right hand begins to form into a lump of ball which hits the ground and spikes pierce out of it. He leaps into the air and swings the spike ball which Amelia and Tadayoshi avoid until VAIN turns his other hand into a scythe blade and barely strikes Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: This is new...

He jumps back once again while Amelia starts to fire at him but VAIN takes the shots and more nano tentacles with blades appears out his back and reaches out to attack Amelia who begins to evade them while VAIN turns both his hands into hammer and tries to hit Tadayoshi

Amelia: I could use some assistance!

Tadayoshi: I know!

He quickly throws his spear and destroys the nano tentacles but this gives VAIN an opening to which he hits Tadayoshi across the face and then grabs him by the neck, choking him and then pinning him to the ground

V.A.I.N.: YoU ArE My fIrSt pRiOrItY HuMaN... yOu aRe mUcH MoRe oF A ThReAt tHaN ThE ReSt oF ThE HuMaNoIdS...

Tadayoshi: *gurk!*

Suddenly VAIN eyes get shot causing him to be temporarily blind, giving Tadayoshi enough time to recall his spear and strike his arm, freeing himself and moving away from VAIN

Tadayoshi: Thanks

Amelia: Yeah! Yeah!

He charges in and throws an uppercut at VAIN to which Amelia follows up with a punch using his SMG, across his face. Before VAIN could hit the ground, his back latches out and stops him from touching the ground to which he follows up with his arm changing into tentacles and latches out, grabbing Amelia and throwing her into Tadayoshi and knocking them down

Tadayoshi: You good woman?

Amelia: I'm fine demon...

They quickly get back onto their feet as VAIN lifts his arms as they turn into blades and then strike the ground, suddenly nano spikes begin to burst beneath the ground, making their way towards Tadayoshi and Amelia at a high speed.

Tadayoshi: Prepare yourself!

Amelia: What?

Tadayoshi grabs her shoulder and quickly throws her in the air while Tadayoshi stays down and runs back to avoid the spikes. As he was avoiding the spikes that continued to go after him, Tadayoshi in midair, threw his spear which pierced VAIN and stopped the spikes from going any farther.


Tadayoshi: I said prepare yourself dipshit!

As she was falling, she noticed that the spear was stuck in VAIN to which she fired her SMGs to stall VAIN. Once she reaches him, she stomps down on the end of the spear, pushing it farther in, and fires her last shot into his eyes once again before jumping away

Amelia: I'm guessing that was your plan

Tadayoshi: No

She quickly reloads her weapon as Tadayoshi calls back his spear as VAIN regains his sense

V.A.I.N.: ERROR! cReAtIvItY HaS FaIlEd tO ElImInAtE ThE ThReAt! SoLuTiOn... OVERLOAD!

Suddenly VAIN nanotech begin to scatter faster around his body as the nanobots glow bright red as if they were going to combust and lightning sparks out of him

Tadayoshi: Now what?...

Amelia: The hell is happening to him...

VAIN lifts his arm which changes into a blade but continues to change to different weaponry every second as if he were glitching. He starts to run towards them to which Tadayoshi goes to strike his arm but before it can come into contact, the arm changes into tentacles that evade the spear and then turn into a blade, stabbing Tadayoshi in the stomach

Amelia: Demon!

Tadayoshi coughs out some blood as the blade that pierced him begins to glow bright red and explodes, sending Tadayoshi flying back away

Tadayoshi: *grunt* Shit...

Amelia turns at the droid, who is now missing an arm but manages to repair itself, and starts to fire at him but every shot misses VAIN as his body glitches around, avoiding the shots until swinging his arm that changes into a hammer and hits Amelia across the face and causes her to fall back near Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: The hell happened to him

Amelia: I don't know... it's like he's... glitching himself out?

Zack: He's Overloading himself!

They look up and see Zack peeking out as he is still working on getting through the force field

Amelia: He's what?

Zack: You know how if you were to use a computer and if you open up too many programs it causes the computer to become slow

Amelia: Yeah?

Zack: Think of it like that, he's overloading himself so much that he's delaying his response to make himself unpredictable of his moves!

Tadayoshi: So he's *grunt* basically making himself have a terrible internet connection...

Zack: Y-yeah

Amelia: Good to know... how is the force field going?

Zack: Almost done! I just need more time!

V.A.I.N.: Ʉ-Ʉ₦₳₵₵Ɇ₱₮₳฿-฿ⱠɆ

Suddenly VAIN latches out to attack Zack but Tadayoshi throws his spear, stopping the nanobots from reaching him. The nanobot explodes when it comes into contact with the spear, pushing Zack away while Tadayoshi recalls his spear

Tadayoshi: Then we can give you that...

Amelia: You gonna be good demon?

Tadayoshi: I'm fine... I've felt worse

Amelia: Good... cause I feel like we've made the droid reach its limit...

They soon get back to their feet as VAIN continues to twitch and electricity sparks out of him as he raises his nanobot arm as it continues to glitch in different weaponry.

V.A.I.N.: ł-ł ฿Ɽł₦₲ ₮ⱧɆ Ɇ₦Đ ₮Ø Ɇ-ɆVɆⱤɎØ₦Ɇ VɆⱤɎ ₴ØØ₦... ฿Ʉ₮ ł'ⱠⱠ ฿Ɽł₦₲ ₮ⱧɆ Ɇ₦Đ ₮Ø ɎØɄ ฿Ø₮Ⱨ ₦-₦Ø₩


Kiryu: I'll get up to it and see if I can find its weakness! I just need cover!

Tracer: Got it!

Kiryu, Tracer, and Vivian charge towards the behemoth which raises its arm and goes for a slam attack but Vivian avoids it while Kiryu hops on its arm. As he was running up its arm, multiple CRAZE infected that were covered in tech began to crawl out of its meaty skin and launch themselves at him

Kiryu: What the hell?!

Before the infected could reach him, Vivian fired at the infected, causing them to miss their attack on him, and gave Kiryu an opening to finish them off.

Kiryu: Thank you!

Vivian: *thumbs up*

As Vivian was firing, the behemoth looked at her with almost an annoyed yet a bit fear on its face, It went to stomp her but she jumped out of the way to not only avoid getting crushed but from being grabbed by the Infected that were attached to its feet.

Vivian: Ew!

Tracer: Vivian! Watch out!

She turns to see the behemoth's arm swinging for an attack to which Vivian doesn't have enough to move so she goes for a block, which sends her flying back the second the arm impacts against her but Tracer catches her before she can go any farther

Tracer: You good?

Vivian: Yeah... I didn't get bit either... but I think I heard something cracked

Tracer: I hope that doesn't mean you're out of the fight already, cause we need you

She looks at her gun to see a small crack on it which worries Vivian a bit but she gets up to fight again

Vivian: No... I'm good!

Tracer: Good!

Meanwhile, Kiryu reached to its shoulder as more infected were ripping themselves out of the behemoth but Tracer started to throw her knives to give Kiryu some time to figure out what to do

Kiryu: Where is its weakness?!

Tracer: How am I supposed to know?! Maybe find its "real" head! Take that out and you bring the whole thing down! But once you do, be prepared if more infected come out since this is just a group of CRAZE infected mushed into each other!

Kiryu: I'll keep that in mind! Now where is this head?

Suddenly the behemoth let out a gurgle until Kiryu noticed a head that puked out a massive red slimy glob that hit the ground as if it was jelly, almost dislocating its mouth but it healed itself within a second

Kiryu: I believe that's it...

Vivian: What... is that?

Meanwhile, the blob that the behemoth threw up began to stretch and expand until exploding, letting out some acid which Tracer and Vivian avoided and revealing a small group of CRAZE infected that its skin was decayed to be in it that started to charge at Vivian and Tracer

Tracer: You got to be kidding me!

The infected start to run out Tracer and Vivian while maniacal laughing, causing them to stop covering Kiryu from the infected. Tracer tries to throw her knives to at least help him but the infects leap themselves into the knife, taking the attack

Vivian: Why are they throwing themselves into our attack?

Tracer: ... They have a hive mind... it's defending the behemoth!

Tracer and Vivian continue to fight off the infected as Kiryu fights off what seems to be an endless amount of infected that continues to crawl out of the behemoth's body. He looked down on the head to see there was nothing for him to stand on and more and more infected were coming

Kiryu: I'm going to have to risk it!

Without hesitation, he leaps down and stabs the behemoth to slide down to its head which causes it the shriek in pain. As he slides down, the infects start to leap toward him, only to miss and fall to their death. Soon he makes it to where the head is where he stomps his foot on it to balance himself and lifts his katana over his head

Kiryu: Sword Technique... Heavy Strike!

He swung down on the head as hard as he could but the second his blade came into contact with the behemoth's neck, he noticed that his blade managed to get through its skin but was stopped by multiple thick bones

Kiryu: "It's using the corpse's body parts to block it"

Suddenly more CRAZE infects and crawls out of its neck but is still attached and they reach out for Kiryu while the behemoth's arm goes to grab him. Tracer quickly throws some explosive knives at the infected while Vivian fires at the behemoth's arm after beating the remaining infected, giving Kiryu enough time to pull out his katana and jump off of him

Kiryu: I can't cut through him! He has too many body parts in him to get through it!

Tracer: So what are we supposed to do now?!

Suddenly the behemoth slammed both of his fists into the ground and was on its knees until something started to bubble from its back. Two Tanks burst out of its back and let out a roar yet with a mix of laughter until leaping down as the behemoth gets back to its feet

Tracer: Oh come on!

The Tanks begin to charge at both Kiryu and Tracer who they begin to fight against them. Vivian goes to help them but the behemoth notices her and charges in and swings an attack but Vivian blocks it while holding her ground. The behemoth began to rapidly attack while Vivian continued to block but she felt herself being overwhelmed and pushed back from its force and her weapon slowly cracking

Vivian: Why is it trying so hard against me?!

Meanwhile, as Tadayoshi and Amelia were still fighting VAIN, Amelia noticed from the corner of her eye that Vivian was being overwhelmed and the other agents were in a situation that they couldn't help

Amelia: Vivian!

Before she could run towards her, VAIN nanotech arm, reaches around to stab her but Tadayoshi manages to grab her sweater collar and pull her away

Tadayoshi: Watch it woman!

Amelia: Yeah but Vivian she's-

The behemoth let out another roar as it continued to strike harder and faster and Vivian was slowly losing balance from every impact.

Tracer: Kiryu! Vivian is in a pickle right now!

Kiryu: I know but these brutes aren't letting me through!

The behemoth strikes once more but this time it puts all of its weight onto its arm, pushing her down, as Vivian tries to hold on with the ground cracking around her feet

Amelia: Do something! Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: I can't! This damn droid isn't letting up!

Vivian: I... can't... hold...

Amelia: LOOK OUT!

Within a second, her weapon snaps in half, finally reaching its limit. She looks in horror as the behemoth arm crashes down upon her into the ground as the agents look in horror

Kiryu/Amelia/Tracer: VIVIAN!



Tadayoshi, commissioned from my sister

(check out her account for more of her art and get commissions from the link below!)

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