Chapter 45: Trust
The nanobots latch out to attack Kiryu but he dodges them while cutting them however the nanobots connect back together as if they were never cut
Kiryu: How am I supposed to cut them
Soon more nanobot latches out from VAIN and tries to attack Kiryu but he dodges them once again but this time he charges at VAIN
Kiryu: Sword Technique...
He leaps up in the air with his katana above his head which he swings down towards VAIN
Kiryu: Dragon Bite!
VAIN quickly makes his arm bigger with his nanotech and blocks the attack but Kiryu manages to barely push his blade into its arm
Kiryu: Not deep enough!
Suddenly the nanotech bursts out of VAIN's back and goes to strike Kiryu but he quickly pulls his katana out and jumps back as the nanotech begins to rapidly attack him after which Kiryu rapidly cuts them
Kiryu: *huff* *huff*
V.A.I.N.: YoUr sTrUgGlE AgAiNsT ThE InEvItAbLe iS PoInTlEsS! wHaT I'M DoInG Is fOr tHe bEsT FoR ThE NeXt gEnErAtIoN
Kiryu: If it's for the best then you should realize killing us won't fix the problem! What if there is no life to come if we are gone?
V.A.I.N.: ThEn aT LeAsT NaTuRe cAn tAkE BaCk wHaT WaS ThErE'S AnD ThEy wIlL Be tHe nEw lIfE FoRm oR PeRhApS ThE SeA CrEaTuRe wIlL TaKe lAnD AnD EvOlVe tO Be mOrE ThAn jUsT OcEaN CrEaTuReS
Kiryu: You're one insane AI...
He clinches onto his blade and charges to which VAIN slams his hands into the ground. Suddenly nanobots spike out of the ground to which Kiryu manages to avoid them and swings his blade onto its neck, but the nanobots catch it before it can cut any deeper
Kiryu: So what do you plan on doing to kill us all?
V.A.I.N.: SiMpLe
Soon another machine appears beneath the elevator ground to which Kiryu looks in confusion, giving VAIN an opening to pull the katana out of his neck and punch him back which Kiryu quickly rebounds back to his feet
V.A.I.N.: ThIs mAcHiNe hErE Is wHaT CoNtRoLs tHe sAtElLiTeS ThAt tHe ORDER uSeD To dEsTrOy tHe cOnTiNeNtS. yOuR GoVeRnMeNt lEfT It hErE AnD I FoUnD MaNy aDvAnTaGeS WiTh tHiS
Kiryu: You're gonna use the God's Judgment again? You'll just destroy the earth!
V.A.I.N.: FaLsE! I Am nOt gOnNa jUsT AcTiVaTe iT FoR ThAt dEsTrUcTiOn I wIlL MaKe hUmAnItY Be tHe eNd tO ThEmSeLvEs
VAIN swings a massive nanotech fist at Kiryu, who blocks the attack which causes him to slide back from its force.
Kiryu: That doesn't explain anything!
V.A.I.N.: I HaVe lEaRn tHaT ThIs mAcHiNe cAn uSeS DiFfErEnT ItEmS As pOwEr sOuRcE To cHaNgE WhAt sHoOtS OuT Of tHiS SaTeLlItE, fOr wHaT ThE OrDeR UsEd wAs cOmMoN ElEcTrIcItY LiKe eVeRy oThEr tEcH HoWeVeR If i uSe tHiS ReD CrYsTaL As a pOwEr sOuRcE
Kiryu: ... Wait...
Zack: KIRYU!
Suddenly a helicopter flies over VAIN and Kiryu which they look to see it begins to fire at VAIN who covers the tech and himself with the nanobots
Zack: Don't let him use that tech! If he connects the red crystal with the satellite then he's not going to destroy the earth, but he's-
Kiryu: He's gonna infect everyone with the CRAZE virus...
V.A.I.N.: CoRrEcT!
Suddenly the nanotech wall latches out and grabs the helicopter, trying to pull it down but Kiryu quickly runs towards him and cuts the arm off
Zack: But you're struggling! You-
Kiryu: If we go down, then you will know you won't be able to beat him! You should focus on getting contact back at the base!
Zack: But-
Kiryu: Please! This mission is about inspections anymore! This is a world-ending we're dealing with right now!
Zack: ... Ok! But don't die by the time we get back up!
Soon the helicopter flies back away from them as Zack begins to try to fix their connection while Kiryu and VAIN prepare to fight again
V.A.I.N.: ThIs rEd cRyStAl cArRiEs tHe eSsEnCe oF ChAoS AnD InSaNiTy. OnCe tHiS EsSeNcE Of tHiS CrYsTaLs rEaChEs tHe sAtElLiTe, ThE ChAoS WiLl sPrEaD AnD ThE WoRlD WiLl bE In EnD tO hUmAnItY bEcAuSe oF ThEiR DiViDe aNd tHiRsT FoR PoWeR...
Soon his arm regenerates as the nanotech behind him starts to connect the wire from the machine to the red crystal that is still in a tube
V.A.I.N.: oNcE AlL ArE GoNe, A NeW LiFe wIlL EmErGe aNd sEe tHe cHaOs tHeY'Re bOrN In aNd uNdErStAnD YoUr mIsTaKe aNd tHeY WiLl bE A BeTtEr gEnErAtIoN ThAn yOu aLl
Kiryu: Then I can't let that happen!
He charges at VAIN as they clash and then begins to trade blows as they block and strike against each other. Kiryu decides to push VAIN back and runs towards the machine to cut it but before he can reach it, VAIN turns his arm into a whip and smacks him away.
Kiryu: Dammit!
He gets up and starts running towards him to which VAIN makes a fiver gun and starts to fire out the dead nanobots out of him that Kiryu quickly blocks and parries them.
Kiryu: Sword Technique...
As Kiryu gets into a stance while running, VAIN's arm transforms into a shield which he goes to block as Kiryu charges in with his blade pulled back
Kiryu: Dragon Arm!
He swings the blade with full force, cutting the shield and VAIN in half, sending his upper body upward
Kiryu: Now's my chance!
As Kiryu runs towards the machine, VAIN's nanobots catch his body and quickly reconnect them. He quickly latches his nanobot out and whips at Kiryu
Kiryu: Shit!
Before he can react, Kiryu is hit across the face, sending him away from the machine. He tries to get up only for VAIN to uppercut him in the face, sending him in the air but VAIN grabs his legs before he can go far and slams him to the ground
V.A.I.N.: I WoUlD KiLl yOu rIgHt nOw bUt iT WoUlD BuT An uNnEcEsSaRy tImInG FoR Me wHeN ThE WoRlD WiLl bE DeAd sOoN
Kiryu weakly gets up to his feet as he gets into his stance to continue the fight
Kiryu: I'm... not done!
V.A.I.N.: FiGhT AlL YoU WaNt...
Suddenly the red crystal begins to glow bright as the machine begins to spark out electricity with the screen showing it has been fully charged
V.A.I.N.: BuT It iS TiMe tO BeGiN ThE NeW AgE
Suddenly a beam shoots out into the sky as it reaches to connect with the satellite which begins to turn back on after many years. Soon the machine begins to show a countdown as Kiryu realizes the satellite has been turned on once again after 80 years
V.A.I.N.: WiThIn a fEw hOuRs, I WiLl pUrIfY ThIs wOrLd aNd a nEw eRa wIlL Be bEtTeR...
Kiryu: Killing us will not bring purification as you see it!
V.A.I.N.: FaLsE. dInOsAuRs WeRe jUsT A WoRsT GeNeRaTiOn tO HuMaNiTy tHaT LiFe dEcIdEd tO WiPeD ThEm oUt fOr a nEw bEgInNiNg... It HaS tO bE wItH HoW InTeLlIgEnT AnD CaPaBlE YoUr kInD Is... BuT NoT PeRfEcT AfTeR FaIlInG To bE SoMeThInG MoRe... I'M HeRe fIx tHe wOrLd tO WhAt iT'S SuPpOsEd tO Be...
Kiryu: ...
V.A.I.N.: FoR I BrInG ThE EnD... tO BeCoMe tHe bEgInNiNg
Meanwhile, under the rumble, Amelia struggles to move the stones and metals out of the way but every time she tries to pull something out, she feels the rumble on top of them slowly coming down
Amelia: Fuck! Vivian! Vivian!
Tadayoshi: Would you fucking relax, she's probably getting help
She turns behind in annoyance to see Tadayoshi sitting across from her in a calm yet annoyed expression on his face
Amelia: Excuse me for caring for someone unlike you! Besides at least I'm trying to get us out of this
Tadayoshi: There's no need, like I said she's most likely getting help
Amelia: How would you know?! She could be panicking about what to do!
Tadayoshi: Because I trust that she knows what she's doing. So we just wait until she brings help
Amelia: So do I and I have to get to her now! She could get killed or worse! I have to! I have to-
Suddenly Amelia begins to panic as she continues to struggle to remove the rumbles off of them but you know no avail
Tadayoshi: Woman just stop-
Tadayoshi: It's not like you were gonna do anything to that stupid droid. Besides this is what I'm talking about, you won't let her go out and be on her own
Tadayoshi: She's strong and you're just not realizing it! Wake up, woman!
Amelia: ... You don't care about anything do you...
Tadayoshi: I don't...
Amelia: So this who you are... a selfish piece of shit who cares nothing but himself... is that why you wanted to push that girl Alex away from you
Tadayoshi: Don't even pull her up in this...
Amelia: Well sorry, it's just come to me that you don't care about anything so why should I let the girl be taken advantage of by a demon who slaughters anyone for their damn benefits!
Tadayoshi: Benefits?... Benefits!?
A vein pulsed from Tadayoshi's head and Amelia soon felt an uneasy urge shoot through her body seeing Tadayoshi turn completely towards her.
Tadayoshi: you throw that word at me as if I'm selfish! My life is always the least of my concern... do you truly believe I asked for any of this?... let alone deserve it?... I treat myself this way because I know it's a proper punishment!
Amelia: ...
Tadayoshi: I see that small sign of fear in your eyes... you obviously know what I'm capable of... do you want me to abuse your fear to push you away?
Amelia: you would go to those damn lengths huh?
Tadayoshi: if it results in your safety... yes... all of my actions for years have always been a single-edged sword... and that blade was always facing me, pressed against my damn neck...
Amelia could only silently stand as Tadayoshi pressed the side of his finger against his neck, sliding it across to give her a firm representation.
Tadayoshi: every day I wake up... I feel that damn blade slowly make its way across... and I accept this torture...
He removed his finger from his neck and then pointed straight at her.
Tadayoshi: I don't want to be happy... I don't want to be loved... I don't want any form of attention... allow me to die and rot... because all of that positive love would be better In the souls of others... especially the ones I've taken the lives of!
Amelia watched Tadayoshi slightly step back and he sighed as he gently sat down
Tadayoshi: ... demons are evil... they can't be forgiven... and it suits me perfectly... so don't call me by my name...
Amelia: ...
Tadayoshi: because you'll only be lying to me...
Amelia looked down towards Tadayoshi as she felt her body slightly tremble but she let out a small scoff as she hesitating before sitting down next to him, avoiding eye contact
Amelia: ... you see fear in my eyes... and I see sadness in yours...
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: looks like you... do actually feel emotions...
Tadayoshi closed his eyes and slouched over as his hair covered his face slightly.
Amelia: and when was the last time you felt anything positive?...
Tadayoshi:... I'd tell you that I don't remember...but I know you wouldn't believe me...
Amelia: because deep down I know you have an answer...
Tadayoshi: why does this question even matter to you?... you'll just use my answer against me someday...
Amelia: ... those aren't my... intentions
Tadayoshi: Then why do you care now?
Amelia: ... Because I understand what's it like to remember that last time to feel positive...
This story is interrupted by a chibi Amelia sitting on a bench alone while eating a sandwich
11 years ago:
?: Amelia? Amelia?
A young man walks around the park where he is looking around for someone. This man is named Gul, who is the mayor of this little town and is beloved by all of the residents and was known for his discovery that impacted the world but that's a story for another time!
?: Amelia! Where are you?
Amelia: I'm here Dad!
He looks up ahead to see young Amelia, who has orange hair, playing with a Nerf gun as she tries to shoot down some empty bottles but misses them
Amelia: Dang it! Hang on, Dad! I wanna at least hit one!
Father: Let me help!
He approaches and kneels beside her as he helps adjust her stance and aim
Father: Try that
Amelia: But what if I miss it again?
Father: You won't... trust me!
She takes aim and fires at the bottle but this time she successfully hits a bottle to which she jumps in excitement
Amelia: Look! Look! I did it! I did it!
Father: I told you you could!
Amelia's hometown, known as Peach Town was a small town that barely had any recognition on the maps but it was a friendly place where the majority of the people who lived there knew each other very well. This very town held a special place deep in Amelia's heart... until this very day...
Gul: Alright, get your stuff, we're going home
Amelia: Awww, can we stay just a bit longer
Gul: I'd love to but your mother is probably finished making dinner and we don't wanna keep her waiting
Amelia: Fine... man...
Gul: Don't be upset, there's always a tomorrow for you to have fun
Amelia: Ok
Gul: Now lets-
Suddenly they hear a loud horn being blown which catches the attention of not only them but the entire town
Amelia: Dad?
Gul: Stay here...
He steps away from her but Amelia decides to quietly follow behind out of curiosity where they see an army with black hair outside and a man who wears a mask covering his entire head but only see his eyes
?: Who is the leader of this town?
Gul: ... I am
Gul steps up ahead as Amelia looks in fear as the father comes face to face with the masked person
?: You know who I am...
Gul: Yeah... The right-hand man of Black Order...
?: Then you know what we are here for...
Gul: ...
?: We're giving you a chance, surrender your town and no one gets hurt... I have been told you've gotten married recently... I do not wish to destroy it...
Gul: ... Whatever you and your damn group offer us, we refuse! This is our home and it's sure as shit we're not giving it up to you!
Soon the entire town yells and cheers in agreement to which the mask man lets out a sigh of disappointment
?: Very well... kill them all
Suddenly the soldiers point their weapons at everyone and fire, causing everyone to panic! Amelia looks in fear as she sees everyone collapsing on the ground with blood leaking out of them
Amelia: Why did they get knocked down... what's going on... they... they can't be dead...
She looks up as Gul quickly picks her up and starts running. Soon the buildings begin to explode and burst into flames as the black-haired soldiers cause chaos around them. The sky was coated black from the clouds with screams and cries begin to echo as Amelia feels scared for the first time and starts to bury her face in Gul's chest to hide away from what she's seeing
Amelia: Dad... What's happening... I'm scared...
Gul: It's ok! You're gonna be ok!
Soon they arrived at their house to find the place on fire, Amelia looked in horror but she saw Kiryu on the ground, breathing heavily while holding a katana
Gul: Kiryu! Where's your mother?
Kiryu: She's... *sniff*... she's...
Soon Gul realizes what's happened to her, causing him to get upset but holding back his tears
Gul: Dammit... Dammit...
Amelia: Where's mom...
Gul: She's... gone...
Amelia: ... W-What...
Gul: Listen to me you two, we need to get out of this town and-
Before he could say anything else, something shot through Gul's shoulder, causing him to fall to the ground, shocking Amelia and Kiryu
Amelia/Kiryu: DAD!
Soon they see the same masked man approaching through the smoke as he had his nodachi out and let out a sigh
?: I warned you... I didn't want to do this... nor take away what you love... now I'll ask again... surrender now...
Gul: ...
Kiryu: Dad you gotta!
Amelia: Yeah! We don't want you to-
Gul: I can't...
Amelia and Kiryu look in disbelief as he picks up a broken piece of wood while standing back up
Gul: I have secrets I wish not to say especially to you people
?: ...
Gul: Kiryu... Take your sister and run as fast as you can
Kiryu: Dad... but-
Gul: I'm not gonna get far if I try... listen very close you two... the world out there is harsh... it's not like this town where everything is peaceful... but through this harsh world, you will find a peaceful place with peaceful people if you look hard enough!...
Kiryu: ...
Gul: And keep this!
He quickly hands Amelia a piece of card which says an unknown address that is in Coltopia and has a symbol that represents the Guardians
Gul: When you two get older, go to that location... they will help you... and please... be strong...
Soon tears begin to flow through her eyes as she runs up to him and hugs her leg, pleading to not leave them
Amelia: No! You can't go! I don't want you to go to! Please! Please!
Kiryu: ... Amelia! Come on!... We have to go!
Amelia: But... Dad's... he's-
He kneels to them and hugs both Kiryu and Amelia one last time as he begins to tear up, hesitating to let them go but managing to.
Gul: Amelia... Kiryu... I love you both so much from the bottom of my heart... never forget that
Amelia: Dad... please...
Gul: Go!
Kiryu, who is hesitant at first, quickly picks her up and runs away as fast as he can with tears crawling down his face. All Amelia could do was watch her father be left behind as he took his stand against the masked man
Kiryu: I'm sorry Dad...
Amelia: Dad!... Dad!... we can't leave him... Dad!
The black hair soldiers aim for them but before they can fire, the masked man raises his arms out
?: Ceasefire... let those kids go... I've already taken away someone you love, I'm sure you'd wish to join her...
Gul: If I don't make it... yes...
?: ... Very well then...
Through Amelia's tears, she could see her entire hometown was on fire and all she could hear were cries and screams. But through this chaos, she sees her father fight with all of his might but is immediately stabbed through the stomach, killing him to which she lets out a scream of cries
Amelia: DAD!!!
Soon nightfall and after running for what seemed like days, they finally came to a stop as they could no longer see their hometown. Kiryu set her down so he could catch their breath. Amelia remains silent as she turns away from Kiryu
Kiryu: I... *huff* Think we got away *huff* ... from them
Amelia: ...
Kiryu: ... Amelia-
Amelia: Why did we leave him...
Kiryu: We couldn't do-
Amelia: We could've done something...
Kiryu: ... What could we-
She begins to punch his chest out of anger until slowing down and begins to slowly press her head against his chest as sadness begins to consume her once again
Amelia: I hate those people... I hate them all... Why do we deserve this...
She lets out a cry that can be heard in the night sky as he sees her hair slowly turning green. This would be the day that would change her forever. A couple of years went by as Kiryu returned to their apartment, where they stayed after his part-time job was finished for the day
Kiryu: Amelia! I'm home! I went I got some other food for tomorrow's dinner so-
Soon he notices a big piece of luggage on the bed which he sees her clothing and belongings in there
Kiryu: What?... Amelia? Where are you?
Soon he hears a gunshot from our back which he heads out to see her practicing as she fires at the bottle in perfect accuracy
Kiryu: Amelia! Where are you going?
Amelia: ... I thought you wouldn't be home till later
Kiryu: Yeah, but they let me off the hook early but what's with the luggage? Where are you going?
Amelia: ... Listen... I found out there was more to our dad... the reason why he was famous and why he was a skilled armsman... I'm going to wherever he got that skills... alone
Kiryu: ... I wished you told me-
Amelia: I don't want you to worry about me and I don't want you to come with me...
Kiryu: ... Is this about-
She turns at him in anger to which he looks in surprise and then tries to calm her down
Kiryu: I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I'm just... worried about you...
Amelia: ... I know... but I want to handle things myself... I don't want to have distractions in my life...
Kiryu: ...
Amelia: Now leave me alone... I'm practicing right now...
Kiryu: ... Yeah... you know I will come looking for you in the future once you leave
Amelia: I know... I'll wait for you... but for now... I need to do this alone...
Kiryu: Alright...
He walks way back inside the apartment as Amelia continues to train, but in her head, with every fire she shoots, she gets reminded of the horrors of her hometown, fueling her anger with the image of the black hair men who took away from happiness
Present day:
Amelia: And after that... I spend most of my time training so one day I'll kill whoever destroys my home and my father... I saw having anything that has to do with positivity as a distraction...
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: Everyday I dream of different scenarios of my childhood... all the screams, cries, and chaos were always different... but the black haired men remained the same... I believe I could've been stronger before to save everyone... to save my childhood... to save who I could've been...
Tadayoshi: No wonder you were a bitch...
Amelia: Are you trying to make me lose my trust in you...
Tadayoshi: *sigh* No it's just a habit for me to act like that
Amelia: Fair... So what about you? I've told you my story, I want to hear when was the last time you've felt joy?
Tadayoshi: ... I... Don't think I ever had one...
Amelia: What?...
Tadayoshi: *sigh* Listen, I know what you went through is horrible and led you to be who you are... but be grateful you had great parents that you looked up to... cause I never had the chance to know what's that like...
Amelia: What's about Alex, isn't she-
Tadayoshi: She is... but I mean to myself... she's someone I somehow managed to make happy without leading to the life I have... she's like how Vivian is to you... Someone important to me that I'm willing to protect... that's why I didn't have any hate against you...
Amelia looks back as she could see Tadayoshi expressing nothing but guilt until she begins to remember the times she was told she was fighting a one-sided battle, making her realize what they mean
Amelia: ... I guess that's what they meant by a one-sided battle
Tadayoshi: What?
Amelia: You're friend Alex told me my hate towards you is a one-sided battle... so did my brother... Tracer... and you... I was just fighting myself with this belief I had with you... I was afraid to accept you aren't them...
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: Listen... I will be better, I won't treat you like trash and try to ruin the relationships you have with Vivian anymore... but as much as I feel regret... deep down... I some reason can't... forgive you for what you were... not because you weren't responsible for my childhood.. but what the demon you once were...
Tadayoshi: I know...
Amelia: But... I will accept you for who you are now and I... will build this bond with you so I may know who you are as a person... So don't make me regret having sympathy for you!
Tadayoshi: ... Yeah... Thanks...
Amelia: ...
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: ... Say demon?
Tadayoshi: Hm?
Amelia: ... One more thing... I'm so-
Sudden the rubble above them begins to shake until bursting open which they see Tracer peek through
Tracer: Hello?
She stares for a bit after realizing Amelia is sitting next to Tadayoshi to which she looks in confusion
Tracer: ... Did... I miss something here?
Within a second, Amelia looks at Tadayoshi as she realizes she's been sitting next to him to which she quickly gets up and dusts herself in a bit of embarrassment
Amelia: Nope! Nothing happened!
Tracer: ?
Amelia: Now don't just stand there! Help us out!
She quickly gets up with the help of Tracer pulling her out of the rumble. Tadayoshi goes to reach up to climb by himself, Amelia reaches out for Tadayoshi's hand to which he looks in hesitation
Tadayoshi: What are you doing?
Amelia: I'm helping you up Tadayoshi! What do you think?!
Tadayoshi: ... You... called me by my name?
Amelia: I'd be lying if I called you demon when I'm looking at a Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: ... Yeah
He reaches out and grabs onto her hand as she pulls him up to which they look at each other and nod.
Tadayoshi: So a truce?
Amelia: Truce! Now come on... we have a world to save!
Tadayoshi and Amber going fishing
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