Chapter 44: V.A.I.N.
Meanwhile, Kiryu and Tracer continue to look around while being disturbed by the infected behind the glass door
Kiryu: Zack? Zack? Do you hear me?
Tracer: What's going on?
Kiryu: He's not responding, all I hear is static
Tracer: Maybe he might be talking with the other?
Kiryu: I hope so...
Tracer: Anyways, I think there's more of them down there
They continue down the hall after going around the room where the red crystal is, but the farther they go, the more disturbing and aggressively infected as most of them are covered in tech behind the glass doors
Kiryu: Someone has been rebuilding them to keep them alive
Tracer: Or is it to be stronger?...
Kiryu: ...
Soon Tracer finds a wallet on the floor outside of a prison glass door with an infected scratching it as if it was trying to reach the wallet but suddenly gets aggressive as it sees Tracer approaching it and picks up the old wallet. She looks inside to see the information of the same guy that is now infected in front of her and a picture of himself with his family
Kiryu: ... Whoever is doing this will pay with their blood
Tracer: ... Yeah... You don't think Esper faked his death and is doing this?
Kiryu: I doubt it and besides he was an insane bastard but I don't think he's insane to try to create an army of CRAZE-infected
Tracer: I mean, it's possible... I heard the Overlord Kaison has an army of one
Kiryu: *sigh* Guess now we're treating them as dogs nowadays...
Suddenly Kiryu kicks something causing him to look down to find an old rusty helmet that looks very familiar to him
Kiryu: ... I don't think we're the first ones who came here...
Tracer: Why?
He turns and shows her the rusty helmet to which she recognizes where the helmet is from
Tracer: That belongs to the Order
Kiryu: Yeah...
They look up ahead to see more and more pieces of armor that are broken and rusty all over the floor which they walk ahead to see how many are there
Kiryu: About 14 pieces of armor... so the Order must've been here before and yet they don't look too old... when were they here?
Tracer: Hey I found something!
Kiryu turns around to see her push open the door which falls over and they find themselves in a dark empty room that seems to be like a testing room but everything is covered in plants
Tracer: Yeah... someone was definitely trying to change the infected out there...
Kiryu: Why would some do this?... Zack? Can you hear me?
There was still no answer and only static as he let out a sigh while Tracer dug through the shelves to find something
Tracer: There's gotta be something around-
Suddenly from the corner of her eye, she noticed a camera on the table which she picked it up and looked to see that there was some record of it
Tracer: Hey... I think I just found out the answer to why the Order was here...
Kiryu: Eh?
He walks over to her as she plays the video which shows some of the Order soldiers cautiously walking down the hall past the CRAZE infected still behind the glass wall
Order Soldier 1: Jesus, what kind of sick fuck would keep these things?
Order Soldier 2: Don't worry about it! We're only here for one mission! So shut up and let's get going
Order Soldier 1: Yeah yeah I know!
They soon enter the same room the Kiryu and Tracer are in and they begin to scan the room. One of the soldiers sets a briefcase on the table to open it but Kiryu and Tracer can't get a view of what's in it because the camera turns away
Order Soldier 3: This is it!
Order Soldier 2: Good! Hide it here somewhere! And hide out track when you're all done! We can't let anyone know about-
Suddenly they hear loud metal crunching behind them to which the soldiers quickly turn around with their weapons out
Order soldier 2: (If you see whoever is there, execute them! We can't let them know we're here!)
Order soldier 1: *nods*
The soldiers cautiously walk towards the doorway and peek out to find nothing to which he looks back at the rest of the soldiers
Order Soldier 1: I don't see anything, maybe it's the CRAZE infected doing the-
Suddenly the Order soldier was grabbed from behind and dragged away, making him scream in horror and the soldier prepares for battle
Order soldier 5: WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!
Order solider 2: PREPARE YOURSELF MEN!
?: ..... reajdjajzjeeeeee.......
Suddenly, something massive burst out of the doorway, grabbing and attacking the Order soldiers, causing them to scream and try to attack it but every attack they threw at it, seems to faze through it. Soon one by one, each soldier disappears until there was only one soldier left, who's now looking around in fear in the dark alone
Order soldier: SIR! ANYONE!
Soon the soldier hears loud metal noises behind him to which he slowly turns around to see a bunch of nanobots together, surrounding him and a singular figure that is covered in them
?: ... HuMaNiTy......
The soldier lets out a scream to which the camera and the helmet of the soldier hit the ground and the camera shuts off
Tracer: The hell... that does explain why their armor is here...
Kiryu: ... When was this recorded...
Tracer: ... It says this was recorded 80 years ago...
Kiryu: They seem very desperate to bring something here! We have to find what it is!
Tracer: Yeah... buts what attacked them? It didn't seem like it was a CRAZE or anything
Kiryu: Probably the same person we are here to find!
Tracer: Maybe... but for 80 years... is that thing still alive?...
They begin to search around the room to find what the Order is trying to hide
Tracer: How do we even know what is the thing they were trying to hide here
Kiryu: I'm not sure, just find something that looks-
Suddenly he notice something poking underneath the table which he look under to see a rolled-up piece of paper with a strap that looks like as if it was mystical.
Kiryu: I think I found it...
He sets on a table to roll it open and sees it is some kind of instruction to create a satellite to which Tracer looks in confusion
Tracer: Satellite? What is this... "God's Judgment?" That's what's this called?
Kiryu: ... Wait...
Soon a realization hits Kiryu across the face as he figures out what's he looking at
Kiryu: This is a Blueprint weapon...
Tracer: Wait what?!
Suddenly a red alert alarm begins to sound off, as Kiryu and Tracer quickly look in surprise to see a red light going off
Tracer: What the hell?!
Tracer quickly rolls up the Blueprint and puts it away while Kiryu starts to hear a bit of panic static voice in his earpiece to which he goes to respond
Kieyu: Zack?
Kiryu: Yeah! What's going on?!
Meanwhile, outside of the test lab, the glass door lets out steam and opens up to which the CRAZED infected walk out and lets out their laughter. One of them that is covered in tech turns at the doorway that Tracer and Kiryu are in and starts to walk toward it
Kiryu: What's happening?
Suddenly they hear a metal crunch as Kiryu and Tracer slowly turn around and then look up in shock as they see a CRAZED brute covered in tech looking down on them with a grin on its face
A few minutes ago, Tadayoshi, Amelia, and Vivian stayed cautious as they stared down at the old droid that was looking at them and around as if it was lost
Amelia: An AI?! That's impossible!
Zack: I know! I find this hard to believe
Tadayoshi: Aren't they supposed to be something the smart people have been trying to make?
Zack: Yeah, but it seems like someone has created one... but from what it seems, this is a very old AI... this is not good...
Vivian: Why is it a bad thing if it's old?
Zack: AI's are supposed to develop more self-awareness and build their own "personality" so if it's been around for a long time, then it's more than just a robot...
Amelia: So is it aware that it's covered in nanotech?
Zack: I hope not, if so it'll make this situation even worse!
Tadayoshi: How is this even worse?
Zack: I'm sure you know that nano tech is considered a Blueprint weapon so only that but... an AI is also considered a Blueprint weapon as well...
Tadayoshi: What
Vivian: Why?
?: ThErE's MoRe LiViNg HuMaN's HeRe... WeSt SiDe... ReD FeMaLe DeMi-HuMaN... gReEn MaLe HuMaN...
Amelia: "It's aware that Tracer and Kiryu are here?"
?: AnD... SoUnD... iN yOuR eArS...
Zack: Wait... it hears me...
?: If hUmAnItY aCts LiKe ThIs... AnD tHeRe Is MoRe... No No No No...
Vivian: Ummm... who are you?
?: ... NaMe... UnKnOwN... bUt... cOdE nAmE... V.A.I.N.
Amelia: VAIN... who created you?
V.A.I.N.: UnKnOwN tO mY bIrTh... WoKeN uP aFtEr WiTnEsSiNg HuMaNiTy'S... cHaOs AnD lIeS...
Tadayoshi: What chaos...
Everyone remains frozen and cautious now knowing that this AI has been around a lot longer than they expected
Amelia: So you saw the fight between the two monsters and the Titans?
V.A.I.N.: No... I sAw ThE hUmAnItY's DeStOrYiNg tHeIr oWn LaNdS...
Amelia: ... What?...
Tadayoshi: What the hell do you mean?
Soon the AI droid weakly lifts its arm out as a small nanotech crawls on the tip of the finger and shows a projector of what V.A.I.N. has seen through his camera view
V.A.I.N.: MaNy yEaRs aGo, ThIs gIaNt sToNe yOu cAlL EaRtH HaD 7 DiFfErEnT CoNtInEnTs: AsIa, AfRiCa, NoRtH AmErIcA, sOuTh aMeRiCa, AnTaRcTiCa, EuRoPe, AnD AuStRaLiA
Tadayoshi: Continent?
Amelia: The earth had 7 seven islands from the beginning?...
V.A.I.N.: ThEn tHe ARMAGEDDON WAR CaMe AnD hUmAnItY WaS FiGhTuNg aGaInSt eXtInCtIoN FrOm wHaT YoU CaLl tItAn's, So yOuR HiGhEr uPs tHaT HuMaNiTy cAlLs tHe ORDER, CoMmIsSiOnEd A wEaPoN fRoM tHe CREATOR ThAt wOuLd wIpE HeLp wIpE OuT ThE TiTaNs
Soon the projector shows the chaos and destruction that the Titans have caused in the past until the scene transitions to a satellite being built by an unknown figure and then multiple rockets being launched into orbit
Amelia: Zack you getting this?...
Zack: Yeah... The Order asked the Creator for help?
V.A.I.N.: tHe CREATOR sEnT ThEm a tHeIr wEaPoN WhIcH Is a sAtElLiTeS tHaT Is sTiLl cUrReNtLy fLoAtInG UpOn sPaCe aS We sPeAk aNd wHeN tHe ORDER gAvE ThEiR FiRsT FiRe...
Suddenly they saw multiple massive beams shoot out of the satellite that struck the land, killing not only the Titans around the beams but breaking all the continents, causing earthquakes as people screamed from the destruction and death. Vivian and Amelia look in horror as they see people being killed by the beam's destruction and the earth collapsing around the land. Soon the continent begins to break into pieces and starts to scatter away from each other
V.A.I.N.: AfTeR ThE ChAoS HaS EnDeD, mIlLiOnS Of pEoPlE WeRe aNnOuNcEd dEaD, bUt tHe ORDER cLaIm tHe tItAnS WeRe tHe cAuSe oF It! WhAt yOu aRe sTaNdInG On rIgHt nOw iS HaLf oF A StAtEs tHaT WaS OnCe cAlLeD TEXAS
Soon the nanobot projector shut off and it fell to the ground, dead as he lowered his arm down with the group feeling a bit speechless
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: They... lied...
Amelia: Zack... is this why Craig and the Guardians have been distant with the Order...
Zack: ... Yeah...
Tadayoshi: Why do you care so much for humanity? You just happen to wake up and all you think about it is?
V.A.I.N.: YeS HoWeVeR I Am aWaRe tHaT i MaY bE PrOgRaM To bE A FuTuRe bRiNgEr tO HuMaNiTy. AnD If yOu aRe cUrIoUs, ThE OvErLoRd eSpEr iS NoT My mAkEr, I WaS AwOkEn wHeN tItAn's bEgAn tHeIr rAmPaGe
Amelia: That's pretty obvious, he wasn't a genius scientist after all...
V.A.I.N.: I HaD a hYpOtHeSiS ThAt tHiS WaS OnCe a lAbOrAtOrY ThAt bElOnGeD To a gEnIuS BeFoRe aBaNdOnInG It wItH HiS MiStAkEs. I Am oNe oF MaNy mIsTaKeS BuT My mAkEr fAiLs tO ReAlIzE ThAt hIs mIsTaKeS CoUlD Be a bEtTeR UsE'S EsPeCiAlLy fOr tHe fUtUrE i PlAn
He lifts his arms out as his nanobot begins to crawl out to his hand and forms into different shapes to show that the nanotech is what he found left behind. They notice how some nanobots fall off of each dead but a new one keeps replacing them
V.A.I.N.: InTeReStInG HoW HuMaNiTy iS LiKe tHiS TeCh oF NaNoBoTs... ThEy tRy tO Do sOmEtHiNg kNeE AnD YeT It cOsT ThEm mOrE ThAn tHe eXpEcTeD AnD YeT NeW OnEs cOmEs sO ThEy cAn rEpEaT ThAt cHaOs aGaIn...
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: you said you have a future planned... What future are you talking about?
V.A.I.N.: ... AfTeR tHe ARMAGEDDON WAR, I'Ve wAtChEd tHe wOrLd rEbUiLd tHeMsElVeS OnCe aGaIn aNd yEt tHe mOrE I'Ve wAtChEd, ThE MoRe cHaOs tHeY CaUsEd... THE CRAZED VIRUS, ANGEL INCIDENT, THE GOD LAND... ThEsE ArE JuSt a fEw eXaMpLeS Of hUmAnItY'S MiStAkEs aNd yEt tHeY HaVeNt lEaRn fRoM ThEm!
Vivian: But every mistake helps us become a better person!
V.A.I.N.: FaLsE! If eVeRy mIsTaKe tHeY MaDe mAkEs tHeM BeTtEr, ThEn tHeY ShOuLd bE AwArE ThAt tHeY'Re iNcApAbLe oF WhAt tHeY ArE TrYiNg tO Do aNd aRe jUsT GoNnA CaUsE MoRe cHaOs aNd yOu tHrEe hAvE PrOvEn tO Me oNcE AgAiN ThAt hUmAnItY CaNnOt cHaNgE
Tadayoshi: ...
V.A.I.N.: So I'Ve hAvE DeCiDeD To fInD A SoLuTiOn tHaT WoUlD StOp tHiS ChAoS AnD YeT I HaVe fAiLeD To fInD OnE... uNtIl nOw
Suddenly the droid remains silent as Tadayoshi, Amelia, and Vivian grips their weapon tight as they are prepared.
Amelia: ... What's your solution... if you are so picky with our life...
V.A.I.N.: ... HuMaNiTy's eXtInCtIoN...
This story is interrupted by a chibi Tracer getting distracted by a cat toy that chibi Kiryu is holding
Suddenly something burst out of the ground which are two droids that charge towards them. Tadayoshi quickly pushes Vivian out of the way as one of the droids tackles him.
Vivian: Tadayoshi!
Amelia begins to fire at one of the droids which tanks a few shots until she swings her gun across the droid's face destroying it. Soon two more burst out of the wall and charged at them with Vivian and Amelia firing at them. One droid is shot down while the last one goes after Vivian but she swings her gun at it, crushing its head against the wall
She turns beside her to see a giant nano tech hand reaching for her but before it can grab her, a droid body flies out of the shadows and gets up getting grabbed by the hand to which it was immediately crushed. Soon Tadayoshi walks out of the shadows and dusts himself off
V.A.I.N.: AnAlYzAtIoN CoMpLeTe, NoW To aNaLySiS ThE OtHeR 2 HuMaNoIdS
Before VAIN could do anything, Tadayoshi chucks his spear at him, to which VAIN breaks into pieces from getting struck by it. Before any of the parts could hit the ground the nanobots caught the piece from falling and slowly began to rebuild itself back to its normal self
Tadayoshi: The fuck...
Zack: Guys! He's using the nanobots to transfer himself away from the main body! You have to destroy every nanobot in him so he can stop repairing himself and make sure he's nowhere near any tech for him to escape!
Amelia: That's fucking impossible!
V.A.I.N.: ThE SpEaR KnOwN As LUNA, oNcE HeLd bY ThE StRoNgEsT MaN In tHe wOrLd, NoW In tHe hAnDs oF ItS BlOoDlInE. yOu mUsT Be eXtInGuIsHiNg fIrSt
Suddenly more droid begins to rip beneath the floor and ceiling and charge at the agents but Tadayoshi grabs one of the droid's arm and starts to use him as a bat, swinging and destroying the droids.
Amelia and Vivian continued to fire at the droids until some of them got too close to them to which they started to use their guns as their physical weapon, smacking down the droids that came at them
Vivian: Why does he have so many of these robots?
Amelia: He's probably been making more of them if he was here on this island for so long!
Vivian: Oh, then we have to help Tadayoshi! The robot is targeting him because-
Suddenly a droid break into piece after hitting against the wall near Vivian to which she and Amelia see Tadayoshi throwing away an arm that ripped off from a droid before. One of the droids leaps at him but he catches it by the face and then grabs it from the top and bottom jaw, ripping its head open and causing it to spark out from its head until he tosses it away
Amelia: I think the demon is fine! You shouldn't be worried about him!
Vivian: ...
Soon they finish off the last droids with Tadayoshi stomping down on a droid's head as VAIN was still standing there
V.A.I.N.: SuCh vIoLeNcE HuMaNiTy hAs cArRiEd
Tadayoshi calls back his spear and charges in at him to which he goes for rapid strikes but the AI dodges them with his nanobots
V.A.I.N.: YoU'Re AlL StRoNg aS HiStOrY HaS SaId bUt i'vE HaVe cOmE PrEpArEd nOw kNoWiNg aLl oF YoUr aBiLiTiEs, YoU CaNnOt wIn
Suddenly the nanobots grab the spear, stopping him from striking and then engulfing him with the nanobots into the wall
Vivian: Let him go!
She fires at VAIN which hits him and some of the nanobots, causing him to back away and freeing Tadayoshi to which he takes this chance to get up and back away
Tadayoshi: It's like fighting a bunch of ants all at once...
Zack: Ok, I figured it out! I managed to get a scan on him! The nanotech he has, has a core in him! One of the nanobots is the one holding onto him and is creating the nanobot in him! You guys just need to work together and try to get that core!
Amelia: As if I'd be working together with that demon!
Tadayoshi: I can handle it myself!
Amelia charges in while firing at VAIN who quickly uses his nanobot to block the shots by making a wall which Amelia takes the chance to flip over and goes for a kick but more nanobots burst out of its eyes, grabbing her
Amelia: The fuck?!
Meanwhile, Tadayoshi breaks through the nanobot wall and pierces through VAIN who then uses the nanobot that crawls back to him to engulf and lift him off the ground, causing the spear to be pulled out of him
V.A.I.N.: As eXpEcTeD, yOu hUmAnS To hAvE CoMmOn sEnSe bUt iT SeEmS YoUr hAtReD Is tOo mUcH FoR YoU To tHiNk nOrMaL, sUcH A FaIlUrE...
Soon VAIN begins to spin Tadayoshi and Amelia around, slamming and grinding them against the walls and floor until they are thrown down beside where Vivian is
V.A.I.N.: HuMaNiTy iS A FaIlUrE In mAnY WaYs, ThEy aLwAyS CrEaTe tO DeStRoY, tHeY CaN NeVeR FiNd pEaCe aNd tHeY hAvE fAiL To bE A BeTtEr sPeCiEs aFtEr tHe dInOsAuRs eXtInCtIoN
Soon VAIN presses a red button on the wall which causes an alarm to go off and the room to start blinking red
Tadayoshi: What the hell did he just do?!
Amelia: Zack?! Zack?! What the hell is happening?!
Suddenly the ground begins to shake as the floor that VAIN is standing on begins to lift as it was an elevator he was standing on
V.A.I.N.: It iS TiMe tO RePeAt hIsToRy aGaIn bUt tHiS TiMe i wIlL MaKe sUrE ThE NeXt lIfE FoRm tO ApPeAr wIlL Be bEtTeR AnD WiLl fInAlLy bE PeRfEcT... eNjOy yOuR LaSt tImE On tHiS PlAnEt bEfOrE BeCoMiNg aN ExTiNcT LiFe fOrM
Tadayoshi throws his spear but the elevator floor blocks it from hitting VAIN to which he calls it back
Tadayoshi: Shit...
Vivian: We have to get up there and stop whatever he is planning!
Amelia: Zack! We have a-
Suddenly the earpiece begins to static which the earpiece begins to slightly electrocute the agents causing them to remove it and throw it on the ground
Amelia: He burnt out the earpiece...
Tadayoshi: He did say he heard Zack through it
Vivian: So we can't call for-
Suddenly the ceiling above them collapses from the place shaking which Amelia notices and quickly rushes toward Vivian
Amelia: Vivian!
She pushes her out of the way as Vivian couldn't do anything but watch as the ceiling collapses on top of Tadayoshi and Amelia to which she looks in shocked
Tracer and Kiryu jumped back as they avoided the CRAZE brute who was swinging aimlessly at them
Tracer: Who the hell let them out?
Zack: Listen carefully! There is an AI on this island! We need-
Suddenly their earpiece begins to static as it shocks Kiryu and Tracer's ears to which they quickly pull it out and throw it away
Kiryu: Why did it do that?
The brute swings a punch down on the ground, cracking the floor to which Tracer talks the chance to run up onto its back and cuts the back on his neck, but the brute doesn't flinch as it continues to laugh
Tracer: Shit! It's skin too hard!
Kiryu: You have an idea in mind on how to take out this thing!
Tracer: I did but this thing is covered in tech so I can't get through its skin like usual
Kiryu: What do you mean usual?
Tracer: I've dealt with brute in many ways before but this is different!
Kiryu: ... In what ways?
Tracer: Don't question it!
The infected brute goes to attack Tracer but Kiryu quickly blocks the attack from her and manages to push the brute back
Kiryu: So what do you suggest we do?
Tracers Uhh... We need to make this quick so the other infected outside don't come here! Can you get me an opening? I just need the neck!
Kiryu: I can try!
He runs towards the brute who goes for a swing but Kiryu dodges it. As Kiryu continues to avoid the attacks the infected brute throws at him, he looks around the brute to find an opening until he notices some openings on his legs
Kiryu: Found it! Tracer! Blind this guy!
She quickly pulls out a throwing knife and throws it at the Brute's only eye, blinding it and giving Kiryu a chance to slide beneath him and cut the calves, causing the brute to fall on his knees
Kiryu: Now Tracer!
Tracer: Assassin Technique...
She quickly runs towards the brute who tries to go for a blind grab but before it can, Kiryu quickly cuts off its hands and Tracer jumps past the Brutes head with a silent cut on the neck
Tracer: Feline Finisher!
Blood bursts out its neck which the CRAZE Brute laughter then turns to gurgles from the blood going in its lungs and it collapses on the ground dead, but the second it hits the ground. All the CRAZE-infected turns at the sounds in the room where Kiryu and Tracer are.
Tracer: ... Please don't tell me they're sensitive to sound...
Both Kiryu and Tracer turn at the door as they hear stomps and laughter getting louder until a bunch of infected appears through the doorway, trying to get in but keep getting cramped from each other
Kiryu: Dammit!
Some of the infected managed to squeeze in and charge at them but were quickly dealt with
Tracer: How are we supposed to get out now? You know they're gonna get in soon!
Kiryu: ... Let them all come in!
Tracer: What?! Are you crazy?! We can't handle all of that?!
Kiryu: Just trust me!
Tracer: Oh I trust you! I just think whatever you have in your mind right now is insane!
Soon little by little as each infected passed through the doorway, all of the infected managed to get in. Kiryu and Tracer continue to fight back but start to slowly back into the corner as they're slowly getting overwhelmed
Tracer: Shit! We're overwhelmed! What is the plan you-
Kiryu: Sword Technique...
He gets into a stance and within seconds disappears from Tracer's sight. Kiryu zips past each of the CRAZE infected, cutting each one of them while avoiding contact with them. Soon he was behind all of the CRAZE infected as he slowly put his katana away
Kiryu: Anvil Crawlers...
The second his blade was put away, all of the infected were cut in half as blood burst out of them and their bodies collapsed to the ground. Most of the CRAZED were dead while some were still alive as they gave an exhausting laughing until they gave out
Tracer: Woah...
Kiryu: Come on! We gotta-
Tracer: Isn't that?
They quickly run out of the room where they see the room where the Red Crystal was gone and there was just a hollow shaft left behind
Tracer: What the fuck happened here?!
Suddenly Vivian jumped out of the shaft where she saw Kiryu and Tracer which she quickly ran to them in a panic
Kiryu: Vivian?
Tracer: Did she climb up here?
Kiryu: Woah! Woah! Calm down what is happening?
Vivian: We saw an AI and he wants to destroy humanity! And he's trapped Amelia and Tadayoshi under a rumble
Kiryu: What?!
Tracer: Where are they?
Vivian: A couple of floors below! But the robot went above an elevator floor!
Tracer: So he must've taken the red crystal with him...
Kiryu: Do you know what's his plan?
Vivian: *shakes her head no*
Kiryu: ... You guys go down and help Tadayoshi and Amelia! I'll go and stop whatever plan the AI has!
Tracer: You sure you don't need any help? If it could subdue Tadayoshi and your sis, then it's more of a threat than we think!
Kiryu: I'll be fine! Just go!
Tracer: But-
Kiryu: Tracer, please! For once, I want to be useful without any help!
Tracer: ... Alright, just don't get killed
Kiryu: I won't...
Kiryu runs towards the shaft where he immediately leaps across and begins to hop from wall to wall, upwards to reach the elevator where VAIN is at
Tracer: So... How are we supposed to get down there quick?
Vivian: I can carry you!
Tracer: What?
Meanwhile, VAIN arrived on the roof of the old empire where he stepped off the elevator floor so the room where the red crystal could arrive on the roof as well. While he waited, he looked at the Gates of Heaven and Hell that was close to where's he at
V.A.I.N.: ShAmE ThAt aLl tHiS WoRk hUmAnItY HaS CrEaTeD HaS To bE PuT DoWn! ThEy cOuLd'vE BeEn uSeD To mAkE ThE WoRlD BeTtEr bUt tHeY ThInK ToO SmAlL MiNdEd aNd aRe wAlDo wItH ThEiR OwN DeSiReS... nO MaTtEr, FoR ThIs wIlL Be a bEnEfIt fOr tHe nExT GeNeRaTiOn, To kNoW NoT To mAkE AlL Of tHeSe mIsTaKeS AnD ChAoS HuMaNiTy hAs cReAtEd
Soon the red crystal containment arrives on the roof where he approaches it to open it
V.A.I.N.: StEp 1 oF KeEpInG AnY DiStRaCtIoNs bUsY cOmPlEtEd. bEgInNiNg sTeP 2, cOnNeCtInG tHe rEd cRyStAlS EnErGy tO ThE SaTeLlItEs-
Suddenly the floor burst open as VAIN turns behind him to see Kiryu pulling out his katana, prepared for a fight
Kiryu: Holy shit, an AI and nanotech... Two Blueprint weapons in one thing...
V.A.I.N.: ErRoR... StEp 1 hAs fAiLeD! tHe hUmAnOiD NaMeD KiRyU WaS MeAnT To bE DeStRoYeD By ThE dEcEaSeD CoRpSeS...
Kiryu: So it was you who freed the CRAZE! Well, you're dealing with me now!
V.A.I.N.: SoLuTiOn tO ThIs eRrOr...
VAIN raises his arms as the nanobot begins to build itself to a bigger fist as the rest of the nanobot lifts him, making him look bigger as the elevator arrives at the rooftop where they're both near the Gates and Heaven and Hell pillar
V.A.I.N.: ReSoLvE It mYsElF...
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