Chapter 42: New Mission
Clerk: Thank you all for visiting!
Tadayoshi, Tracer, and Vivian exit the gift shop and make their way out of the museum after looking around for a couple of hours
Tracer: Wow time went by fast! And it's still daytime!
Tadayoshi: We didn't do anything but look at shit
Tracer: I mean you got something out of it, knowledge of the Titans and history!
Tadayoshi: That will mostly be forgotten because I don't need to use that information
Tracer: Perhaps, or you might need it one day
Tadayoshi: mmm...
Tracer: Besides, at least someone here got something from this!
They both look at Vivian who is running around in excitement and happiness after getting a stuffed plushie of a Fenrir at the gift shop
Tracer: She seems to be happy to get that plushie
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
Vivian: Hey! Tadayoshi!
Tadayoshi: What?
Vivian: What should I name my wolfy?
Tadayoshi: The hell am I supposed to know?
Tracer: How about Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: ... Why?
Tracer: Hey, if I'm calling you wolf, I might as well call that plushie, Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: ... I should just start calling you cat
Tracer: I wouldn't mind that from you~
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: No... it'll be too confusing for me...
Tadayoshi: Why not just call it the same name you said before
Vivian: Wolfy?
Tadayosh: Sure
Vivian: ...
Tadayoshi: ...
Tracer: ... Should I-
Vivian: Yeah! I like it! You will be another one of my best friends Wolfy! Thank you, guys!
Vivian goes back to skipping ahead as Tadayoshi and Tracer follow behind as they were now entering near the town square
Tracer: Oh, this is random but thanks for coming along even if you felt force
Tadayoshi: Yeah it's fine...
Tracer: Though I'll admit, you've been hanging out with us a lot
Tadayoshi: What about it?
Tracer: Nothing, it's just weird but also nice! Make you feel open you know?
Tadayoshi: Sure...
Tracer: ... So can we talk about why you have a nice ass
Tadayoshi: Why do you always want to start a weird ass conversation?
As Tracer and Tadayoshi continue chatting, Vivian then notices an ice cream store next to her with a sign showing a cookie cream flavor deal which gets her excited
Vivian: Tadayoshi! Tracer! Can we go get some ice cream? I saw an ice cream place next to us!
Tadayoshi: Are you sure you saw an ice cream place for real this time?
Vivian: *puffs her cheeks* I did for real!
Tracer: *chuckles*
Vivian: And their sign says that they have a new flavor out and I wanna try it!
Tracer: What flavor is that?
Vivian: Cookie cream! It says it on a sign right there
They look up ahead to see the sign that Vivian is pointing at which was saying that cookie cream flavor ice cream was having a low price this week
Tadayoshi: ... Kid, it's saying that the flavor of ice cream is cheap
Vivian: Wait?... it's not saying it's a new flavor?
Tracer: No, and also the flavor already existed for a while
Vivian: Oh...
Soon Vivian looks down at the ground in a bit of disbelief at that information while Tracer look at Tadayoshi as she couldn't help but let out a dramatic sigh
Tracer: *sigh* I can't believe your influence is doing this to her!
Tadayoshi: Excuse me?
Tracer: I should've known Vivian would learn from you after finding out you didn't know that there is a titan at our base *giggles*
Tadayoshi: ... You're not letting this go aren't you?
Tracer: Eh, maybe until I find something else that I can play with ya
Tadayoshi: ... Then at least I have a reason to keep my mouth shut around you...
Tracer: Oh, I didn't know you were a submissive type of guy~
Tadayoshi slowly turns and stares at Tracer in disappointment for a few seconds then he flicks her head as she giggles once again
Tadayoshi: ... I hate you
Tracer: I mean you worded yourself like that for me to say something like that!
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: So can we wanna get some even though cookie cream exists?
Tracer: Sure, but I'm not sure Tadayoshi would cause he's too grumpy to eat
Tadayoshi: Shut it...
Tracer: *giggles*
Tadayoshi: But we'll go but I'm not having any...
Vivian: Yay!
Tracer: ... Grump
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: And after we eat our ice cream, we can-
Vivian and Tracer's eyes grew wide in fear as they all turn at the yelling Amelia, who was running towards them in anger
Tadayoshi: Great... she found out...
Vivian: Amelia, I can explain-
Before Tracer could say anything, they see her with her SMGS in her hands and starts to fire at Tadayoshi. In surprise, Tracer and Vivian move out of the way as Tadayoshi quickly pulls out his spear and blocks the bullet until Amelia got close to him and jumps up to which Amelia goes for a kick while in the air but he quickly blocks the attack and only gets pushed back. Soon the people around them quickly run away in fear to avoid getting caught in the fight
Tracer: Amelia?! What the fuck?!
Vivian: Tadayoshi!-
She continues to throw punches with her SMGs while firing at him as a gun punch as Tadayoshi continues to block and avoid them.
Tadayoshi: The hell is wrong with you!? Are you trying to get-
Tadayoshi: For the last time, I'm-
The second the name came out of her mouth, Tadayoshi's face grew to fear and shock as everyone else was too
Tadayoshi: ... What...
Vivian: Demon Wrath?
Tracer: Wait... Amelia, you can't be serious? There's no-
Amelia: I'm serious! I know those are the same weapon he uses!
Tadayoshi: ... I'm not him anymore...
Amelia: Bullshit!
She fires at him as he blocks the shots again until she runs towards him and tries to throw some punches but he quickly backs away from her
Vivian: Who's the Demon Wrath?
Tracer: He's.... he's one of the generals of the Black Order, the most ruthless and bloodthirsty of them all. yet no one has ever seen what he looks like due to him never leaving anyone alive! All we know is that he carries chains for weapons that he uses to slaughter anyone who stands in his way!
Vivian: Chains?
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: And that monster is you!
Tadayoshi: That monster is dead! He was buried a long time ago with his entire reputation he built!
Amelia: Don't try to make any excuses, demon!
Tadayoshi: I'm not! And I don't want this fight!
Amelia: Yes you do! It's what you are! All those lies you been holding on against us for what? For you to come and destroy this place for your benefit?! To kill every man, women, and children here!
She charges in at him as they start to fight with Tadayoshi avoiding her attack. Meanwhile, Kiryu finally catches up to where the group is
Kiryu: They already started...
Tracer: Kiryu... is it true...
Kiryu: ... I saw them as well... there's no denying it's him...
Tracer: It... can't be...
Kiryu: Trust me... I didn't want to believe it... out of all the people, he's that monster...
Meanwhile, Amelia continues to attack Tadayoshi but he continues to avoid her. Suddenly she goes for a punch in the face but Tadayoshi avoids it instead, she turns the punch into a grab and pulls his head in, and punches him across the face with her other hand
Tadayoshi: ... I don't want to use force on you...
Amelia: Stop trying to play the nice guy!
She continues to punch him in the face as she was holding onto the back of his head until after a few punches, he grabs her fist and slowly pulls it away as she struggles to escape his grasp
Tadayoshi: I warned you...
He throws a punch her across the face, which causes her to lets go of Tadayoshi and fall to the ground which surprises the others
Tadayoshi: Will you finally stop and listen
Amelia slowly gets back up and quickly turns at him with her SMGs and fires which he quickly blocks with his spear
Amelia: Not a fucking chance!
Tadayoshi: Fine...
They continue to fight but Tadayoshi finally decides to fight back against her with the others are watching
Tracer: We can't let them fight anymore or it's gonna get attention from the public! What should we do?
Kiryu: ...
Tracer: Kiryu?
Kiryu: I... don't know who to stop now...
Tracer: What?
Kiryu: I protect Tadayoshi from my sister because I didn't believe what she said... but now I know it was all true... can I even try to help him...
Tracer: What kind of question is that?! Of course, we should he-
Kiryu: You don't get it! I put my trust in him and now finding out he's the same man as that killer... I don't know if I can trust him... the same man who is that monster
Tracer: ...
Vivian: I refuse to believe it! He's too nice to be what you guys claim him to be!
Kiryu: Vivian...
Vivian: I won't let them fight!
Suddenly she starts running toward Amelia and Tadayoshi to which Tracer and Kiryu try to stop her but couldn't get close due to the fight
Tracer: Vivian!
Meanwhile, Amelia kicks Tadayoshi back but as he was sliding back, Amelia shoots his leg which knocks him down to his knees to which she takes this chance to kick him down on the ground and points her SMG at his head
Tadayoshi: I'm warning you to not do this... I don't want to do this with force
Amelia: I'm willing to take it... I will make sure you will suffer like what you did to those people... and to my family...
Vivian: STOP!
Suddenly Amelia looks beside her to Vivian who pushes her off of Tadayoshi and blocks him from Amelia. She couldn't help but feel disbelief at what Vivian is doing as Tadayoshi slowly gets back up to his feet
Tadayoshi: The hell are you doing kid...
Amelia: Vivian! Get out of the way!
Vivian: No! I won't let you two fight anymore!
Amelia: Kid! That man is-
Vivian: I don't care what he is! He is my friend!
Amelia: He's not your friend! He's-
Vivian: Why? Because you believe he's still some bad person? Because he wants to have someone to be friends with! He's hated because of what he is and yet he tries to fit in with us no matter how much hate he gets? I want to be a friend because he never had one! Why Amelia? Why do you want to make him hate himself even more?
Amelia: ...
Vivian: Please, stop fighting... I want to be an amazing person like you... but it is hard to if you're like this to him... why do you have to go against yourself to believe this!
Amelia: ...
Tadayoshi: Kid, you shouldn't be-
Amelia: ... I'm... not in a one-side battle...
Tadayoshi: What?
She leaps towards Tadayoshi in anger as she goes for an attack to which Tracer quickly pulls Vivian out of the way while Tadayoshi quickly gets up and prepares to attack as well.
Tadayoshi: I'm sorry kid...
Suddenly, before they could attack, their attack was immediately put to a stop as they were both being blocked by an old man who appears between them
Craig: Ho! Ho! Ho! That's enough children!
Everyone becomes surprised to see Craig as Amelia and Tadayoshi back away a bit
Tracer: Craig?
Kiryu: What are you doing here?
Craig: Was taking a stroll until I see you two knuckles head fighting each other in public
Amelia: Captain! That man is the Demon Wrath! We have to eliminate him now!
Craig: Oh yeah I know who he is
Amelia: ... What?
Tadayoshi: Huh?
Craig: You didn't think I wouldn't do some background check before hiring him?
Amelia: Then why the hell did you hire him if you know?!
Craig: Cause I know his intentions ain't the same as he was before. Besides he has some connections that I couldn't reject to give the invitation
Amelia: But-
Craig: Now don't try to convince me to kick him out again! I've heard all of the reports you gave to Rachel about Tadayoshi
Amelia: ... I-
Craig; Now I would be happy if you keep your mouth shut or I'll shove your limbs down your throat so I don't have to hear those complaints again! ^_^
Amelia: ...
Craig: And you Tadayoshi!
Tadayoshi: Old man...
Craig: We have much to discuss about you, but now is not the time! I have a mission for all of you
Tracer: A mission?
Craig: Yes, I got this recently and I will explain it at the base! So come along now before the police come to see the mess you two youngsters made!
Craig walks away as Amelia puts her weapons away and gives Tadayoshi a dirty look
Amelia: When this is over, I'll make your life nothing but hell!
She walks away as he turns at Kiryu who looks back at him with an expression of a bit of betrayal yet some awkwardness
Tadayoshi: Oi...
Kiryu: ...
He turns and follows Amelia and Craig to which Tadayoshi starts to feel a bit of guilt
Tracer: Don't worry... I'm sure you two can make it up
Tadayoshi: Why are you still around?
Tracer: Cause I don't give a fuck who you are, I'm something as well that I hide so it doesn't make any difference to you, and I
Tadayoshi: ...
Tracer: Listen, I'm sure there is still some trust in him, it's just... give him a second to think. I'll go talk to him to see if he'll talk to you again so you can... clear the air
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
She lets out a small smile as she walks away with the other until he suddenly felt his hand being grabbed on to which he looks to see Vivian
Vivian: It's ok! Even if you are a bad guy! I'll still be your friend!
Tadayoshi: ... Yeah
He places his hand on her head, rubbing her to which she looks up at him and smiles with a giggle
Tadayoshi: Thanks...
Vivian: Yeah! Now let's get going!
This story is interrupted by a chibi Vivian eating a cookie cream ice cream while chibi Tracer eats an ice cream sandwich and chibi Tadayoshi has a bowl of sprinkles
They soon arrive at the Guardian base and continue to follow Craig into the God's Eye Room
Craig: So have any one of you seen the news about the CRAZE virus appearing today?
Tadayoshi: I've seen a little of it...
Vivian: What's the CRAZE virus?
Craig: A CRAZE virus is... well a virus that can spread through bites of an infected person or in a rare chance someone catches it
Vivian: Why bites?
Craig: To put it simply, it's like a zombie virus except different. When infected with the virus, it corrupts the person's sanity, losing your mind to the point, all you have in your mind is to kill something out of joy and you aren't "you" anymore. The infected usually have an unhinged smile and laughter and their body is pushed beyond the limit that they can't handle to the point their limbs might come off, meaning even if you shot them anywhere but the head, they'll still keep going or until they're damaged enough that it'll kill themselves
Vivian: ... That's very scary...
Craig: Indeed it is... and it spreads fast once someone is infected and is always in groups. Like what happened 40 years ago...
Amelia: So what does this have to do with this mission?
Craig: I'm getting there, youngster!
Soon the big screen pulls up a map that shows the different islands in the world and pinpoints certain ones with the help of God's Eye
Craig: I've noticed something odd about the virus cause it has been appearing at random places for the past three days
Tracer: I mean isn't that how a virus works?
Craig: Yes, but they don't appear this often and all the pinpoints to where the virus starts just so happens to be around close to this location
Soon the maps open up on a giant screen, showing an island that everyone immediately recognizes except Tadayoshi and Vivian
Kiryu: Wait... no...
Tadayoshi: What's that place supposed to be?
Craig: The Old Empire, the home base of the first Overlord, Esper
Vivian: Who's Esper?
Craig: The one who inspired our current Overlords to be who they are and the one responsible for the Titanomachy
Tracer: Wait what? How was he responsible for that?
Craig: Oh did you believe the history the Order told you guys? It's a lie and he is the one that causes all of the Titans to go on a rampage!
Tracer: How? How is he capable of doing that?
Craig: Oh you'll find out once you all go there and see it for yourself! There are a lot of secrets they have hidden about the Titanomachy!
Tracer: ...
Tadayoshi: So you're telling us, you want us to sneak into an Overlord base?
Amelia: We're not sneaking, dumbass! There's no point sneaking when that man is dead!
Tadayoshi: ...
Craig: You are partially correct, I just want you all to check that island to see if there is a cause and if so, put a stop to it!
Kiryu: You believe there is someone causing people out there to be infected with the CRAZE virus?
Craig: Yep! Now I will have you guys be put into groups so you all can search the island a lot quicker!
Tracer: Oh sweet! Say wolf, you-
Craig: Oh no no no! I will be choosing who you'll all be with!
Tracer: Aw man!
Craig: So first thing first! Tadayoshi and Amelia, I want you two to be working together!
Amelia: ...
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: ... What?
Tadayoshi: Excuse me?
Craig: Yep! Y'all heard me, youngsters!
Tadayoshi: ...
Amelia: ...
Craig: So now-
Tadayoshi: I refuse to work with this bitch!
Amelia: *glares*
Craig: This will be a benefit for the two of you to talk it out and get to know each other so you both can stop yapping at each other like dogs!
Tadayoshi: I doubt this woman would even try
Amelia: And there is no need to when I already know who you are!
Craig: Don't worry, I'll have Vivian join you two to keep the two of you calm and reasonable!
Tadayoshi: Old man, this is-
Craig: Keep trying to talk about not accepting this and I can make you become one with the wall! ^_^
Tadayoshi: ...
Craig: That implies to you too, Amelia
Amelia: ...
Kiryu: Are you sure they won't try to kill each other if you put those two together?
Craig: Like I said! Vivian will be there with them! I know they wouldn't dare to throw a fight if she keeps interrupting them
Kiryu: ...
Craig: Also, you and Tracer will be partners
Tracer: Eh, I'll take it
Kiryu: Yeah
Craig: Oh and one more thing before I send you all to your mission! You will get support from him!
Soon a man walk up to Craig to which Tadayoshi immediately recognized him and looks at him in disgust
Zack: Hey!
Tadayoshi: You...
Zack: Hey...
Tracer: You know him?
Tadayoshi: My old boss...
Zack: Look I'm sorry-
Tadayoshi: I'm still not fucking forgiving you for making me quit my job!
Craig: Oh forgive him! It's not his fault! Besides I told him to fire you!
Tadayoshi: ... What?
Craig: I knew you wouldn't come work for me so I had to make sure you lost your old job so you can come here!
Amelia: Wait... you're telling us that he wouldn't be here if you didn't fire him?!
Craig: Indeed!
Amelia: ...
Craig: Now Tadayoshi, If you're pissed at me, remember if I didn't hire you, you wouldn't be making the friends you have now, would you?
Tadayoshi: I would be pissed off if I didn't already know why you recruited me
Craig: Well, that's good to hear!
Zack: ... So am I forgiven?
Tadayoshi: No
Zack: Aww...
Kiryu: So why do we need the engineer in our mission
Craig: Oh he's just gonna replace me to keep an eye on all of you with the God's Eye while I go take a nap
Everyone: ...
Craig: What? I get tired from all of this hard work! Now follow me so I can send you all to the island!
He and Zack walks off as Tracer and Kiryu follow but Tadayoshi, Amelia, and Vivian stay behind for a second
Amelia: Listen demon! This will be the last time I'll be working with you so once the job is done, I'm coming for your head!
Tadayoshi: Same thing to you bitch...
Amelia: Good! Now don't get in my way!
She stomps away as Tadayoshi lets out an annoyed sigh until Vivian starts to tug on him to follow
Vivian: Don't worry! I'll make you two will be best friends!
Tadayoshi: ... Sure
Vivian: Yay!
Soon she catches up to them as Tadayoshi slowly follows behind, still not liking the position he's in now
Tadayoshi: I have a disgusting feeling with this shit...
They soon exit out of the building and arrived at a large helipad where they see a destroyed helicopter and some Guardian soldiers trying to clean up the place
Kiryu: What's going on there?
Craig: Oh that's also the other reason why we have suspicions about the CRAZE virus. We had some of our men to do our daily inspection around the world and this one came crashing down from its return here
Zack: Though I recommend staying away from it, as we believe it's contaminated and they're handling the situation
Suddenly one of the body bags that the soldiers were taken away, from begins to shake which causes them to step back and aim at it
Guardian Solider: Stand back!
Suddenly the body bag ropes open and they see a bloody Guardian Soldier that was missing an arm and eye but had a sinister smile and let out a gurgling giggle from the blood in its mouth
Infected: HeHeheHe~
Guardian soldier: CRAZE! WE GOT A CRAZE!
They begin to fire at the infected and the infected tanks the shots and starts to run at one of the soldiers before quickly grabbing a sharp metal piece and leaping onto the soldier. Soon the infected start to repeatedly stab the soldier as he struggles to escape and the infected starts laughing louder and louder
Guardian soldier: MAN DOWN! MAN DOWN!
Amelia and Tracer pull out their weapon but Craig lifts his arm out, stopping them
Craig: Let me handle this, I don't y'all to get infected
Zack: Shall I get the vehicle?
Craig: Yes of course!
As Zack quickly leaves into the hangar to get a vehicle, the infected finally kills the soldier but lost its other arm from the struggle and turns to Craig and starts to run at him. He leaps towards him with his mouth wide open to go for a bite, but Craig quickly grabs it by the neck
Craig: Pesky bugs
Within seconds, Craig slams the infected head onto the ground, crushing it to bits, and leaving nothing but a pool of blood around the dead body
Craig: There we go! Make sure they get a proper burial back at home and clean up the place so no one else gets contaminated!
Guardian Soldiers: Yes captain!
The soldiers start cleaning up the mess as a small military plane exits the hangar
Zack: Everything is all prepared to take off to the old empire, Captain!
Craig: Great! Now y'all gonna need this! Just so you can send information to us
He tosses the agents an earpiece which they catch and puts on but as Tadayoshi was putting on his earpiece, he felt his shoulder get stabbed by something which causes him to instinctively swing behind him
Zack: Woah easy there! I was trying to fix your injuries!
He looks at Zack's hand to see a needle as he notices his body was healing, especially his leg after being shot at
Tadayoshi: It's the same shit with the weird futuristic guy...
Zack: Oh you know Cody?
Tadayoshi: That one Colosseum fighter injected me with that shit. Thought he was the only one who knew how to make those shit...
Zack: Well, he was an old friend of mine but it's not like you care to know
Tadayoshi: I don't... but thanks and this won't make me forgive you
Zack: I know...
Craig: You good there Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
Craig: Great! Now go and kick some ass if someone is pulling the strings to these CRAZE viruses!
Soon they all enter the plane with Kiryu and Amelia sitting away from Tadayoshi but Tracer and Vivian sitting beside him
Vivian: Tadayoshi! Sit here! Sit here!
Tadayoshi: I hear you
Amelia: ...
Kiryu: Still don't like her being around him?
Amelia: *sigh* Yeah, I wished Vivian would understand what's she doing... it makes matters worse is that I have to get involved with him in this damn job!
Kiryu: Maybe her mindset with him is the same reason why I'm still feeling... doubtful and I believe there's a chance with you two...
Amelia: Are you hesitant about him? I told you not to trust him
Kiryu: I know but... I don't know, I feel kinda lost after... knowing him, and yet...
Amelia: Yet?
Kiryu: ...
Amelia: I don't get any of you...
Soon they begin to feel the plane shake as it starts to lift off while Vivian looks down in awe down below
Vivian: Tadayoshi! Tadayoshi! Look! Look!
Tadayoshi: What?
The second, Tadayoshi decides to take a peak outside as they were far enough from the base, Tadayoshi eye's grows wide in shock, seeing something beneath the Guardian base
Tadayoshi: Tracer...
Tracer: Yeah?
Tadayoshi: I thought you said a Titan can grow up to 1/4 of an island?
Tracer: Yeah I did, but...
She walks up to Tadayoshi and they both look out the window to see a massive turtle, sleeping in the water with the entire Guardian base on its back
Tracer: They can grow as big as an island or bigger if they are lucky to grow that old...
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: See! I told you we have a Titan! His name is Charlie, and he's very shy and very sleepy!
Tadayoshi: ... Yeah... I can see why you're both dumbfounded about why I didn't know...
Tracer: No shit...
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