Chapter 41: Amelia
Explosions burst from the ground as people were running away in fear as some were killed by being shot down. Fire and blood begin to spread as there was nothing but screams and cries as young Amelia was standing in the middle of it crying while in front of her dead parents surrounded by their blood.
Amelia: Mommy... Daddy...
Through her tears, she sees a bunch of people with black hair, killing every person they see as Amelia cries more until from afar, she sees Kiryu running towards her, avoiding the explosion
Kiryu: Amelia! Amelia! Where are you?!
Amelia: K-Kiryu?....
Suddenly a tall stranger with black hair slowly walks towards her as he pulls out his blade. All she could do was stand there out of fear as the stranger lifts his blade above her
?: For the Black Order...
Kiryu: AMELIA!
He takes a swing as Amelia lets out a scream and immediately jerks up from her bed in fear. She breathes heavily for a bit as she looks around, to see she was in her bedroom and it was morning
Amelia: *sigh* Wished it was a dream...
She gets out of her bed and changes into a new pair of clothing then makes her way downstairs to see Tracer and Vivian sitting at the dining table and Kiryu cooking up some breakfast
Tracer: Oh morning sleepyhead!
Vivian: Morning!
Amelia: Mornin...
Kiryu: Hey, you look like you didn't sleep good
Amelia: I'm fine, just waking up...
Kiryu: Coffee's on the table so just sit down until I finish making breakfast!
Amelia: Alright...
She walks over to the coffee table and pours herself some coffee and then sits downs with Vivian, who was excited to eat breakfast
Tracer: So... how are you feeling?
Amelia: Fine...
Tracer: Just making sure... after the sleep-
Amelia: Don't! Fucking mention... it!
Tracer: Ok! Ok! My bad! I was just checking
Kriyu: And breakfast is done!
Soon Kiryu brings over the food to the table and dumps them onto their plates to which Tracer and Vivian look in amazed
Kiryu: What I have made is breakfast quesadillas! It's a homemade tortilla filled with scrambled eggs, pinto beans, and melted creamy cheddar cheese! You can put salsa or hot sauce on it if you want
Vivian: Ohh!
Amelia: Thanks
Kiryu: Enjoy!
Soon the girls begin eating with Vivian trying to take the biggest bite out of her food
Tracer: Mmm! You really go over the top with this cooking!
Kiryu: I have to make sure people who eat my cooking have something that tastes good!
Amelia: Yet you don't have to go over the top with the dishes
Kiryu: Hey! I like to make sure I use the most ingredients for their use!
Amelia: Whatever
Kiryu: Anyways, what do you girls have plans today?
Tracer: I'm probably gonna go out somewhere, don't know what but I'll figure out something
Amelia: Train...
Tracer: Of course, it's always training...
Kiryu: What about you, Vivian?
Vivian: Well, this is something I have to ask... Amelia?
Amelia: Hm?
Vivian: So... I was wondering if... I could go to Tada-
Amelia: No!
Vivian: But I want to-
Amelia: And I said no
Vivian: But remember what Alex told you that I wasn't scared or uncomfortable around him!
Amelia: ...
Vivian: Amelia?
Amelia: I know what she said... but right now I need to think about it, so for the time being... I'm not allowing you to go
Vivian: But-
Amelia: Understand?
Vivian: ... Ok...
Amelia: Good
Soon she quickly takes a few bites from her breakfast and gets up and heads towards the bathroom. As soon Amelia disappears from their sight, Tracer takes what Amelia lets and eats it as she leans close to Vivian's ear
Tracer: Wanna go to Tadayoshi place?
Vivian: Yeah
Tracer: I can go there with you!
Vivian: But Amelia said-
Tracer: She may say no but I didn't say no! Right Kiryu
He lets out a nod to her to which Vivian couldn't help but smiles in glee as Tracer lets out a snicker
Tracer: Just make sure she doesn't know about it
Vivian: Ok!
After a few minutes, Amelia returns with Tracer, and Vivian finished their breakfast
Amelia: *sigh* Vivian, I'm sorry if I sounded rude before but if you want we could go somewhere else and-
Vivian: It's fine! I'm going with Tracer
Amelia: You are?
Vivian: Yeah! Is that ok with you?
Amelia: Yeah... Hang on a second...
She quickly speed walks over to Tracer, who was washing her dishes and whispers in her ear
Amelia: (You better not be planning on bringing her anywhere inappropriately!)
Tracer: (Relax! I'm not, we probably might go somewhere fun for her liking!)
Amelia: ... Alright, you can go with her
Vivian: Yay!
Amelia: But make sure to come home before dinner!
Vivian: Ok!
Tracer: I'll keep an eye on her
Amelia: Good... and don't forget to brush your teeth before heading out!
Vivian: I know!
Soon after a few minutes, Vivian and Tracer finished getting ready and made their way to the doorway while Kiryu was cleaning the kitchen with Amelia helping him out
Tracer: We're heading off!
Amelia: Ok be careful!
Kiryu: Have fun!
Vivian: Bye-bye!
Soon both Vivian and Tracer exit the house and make their way to Coltopia. As soon they were a few feet away from the place, they look back to make sure they weren't watch
Tracer: Ready?
Vivian: Yes!
Tracer: Come on then! To Tadayoshi's house!
Meanwhile, Kiryu and Amelia finish cleaning the kitchen while Amelia puts the leftovers in the fridge
Amelia: So what are you going to do today?
Kiryu: Honestly, I might come with you to train
Amelia: Fair
Kiryu: ... I'm sorry but I have to ask because it's bothering me lately. Did... something happen at that sleepover, cause you were awkward when we left
Amelia: ... No not much
Kiryu: You pausing to think about telling me you're not
Amelia: *sigh* Look it's just something I've been thinking about that... I was told about
Kiryu: Oh...
Amelia: I'm not gonna bother talking about it cause I feel like you would agree with her
Kiryu: You mean Alex?
Amelia: Just... don't worry about it and again I'm fine, I'm just been thinking about it
Kiryu: Ok... I just wanna make sure
Amelia: Yeah... but could you answer me one thing?
Kiryu: Yeah?
Amelia: Am I... holding Vivian back?
At Tadayoshi's place, he finishes moving his lawn as he puts away his lawnmower in the shed, and heads inside to relax
Tadayoshi: What's on the news today...
He sits on the couch and turns on the tv as the news begins to play
Newswoman: We have new sighting that a CRAZE walker was seen in a small town, but was taken out immediately! The town is now in quarantine for precaution!
Tadayoshi: CRAZE disease...
Newswoman: The last time we saw a CRAZE outbreak was 40 years ago when-
Suddenly his doorbell begins to ring to which Tadayoshi gets up and answers it
Tadayoshi: If you're here for my bills, fuck off I already-
As soon he opens the doors he was immediately attacked with a hug to which Tadayoshi realizes it is Tracer and Vivian
Vivian: Hi!
Tadayoshi: The hell...
Tracer: Yo!
Tadayoshi: What are you two doing here?
Tracer: She wanted to see you, so I decided to bring her over here
Tadayoshi: ... Does Amelia know about her being here?
Tracer: Nope!
Tadayoshi: ...
Tracer: Relax wolf, as long as she doesn't know, you'll be fine
Tadayoshi: Wolf?
Tracer: I wanted to call you something that fits with your handsomeness but Wolf came to my mind... it fits you...
Tadayoshi: At this point, call me "sign name here" if I have a bunch of these nicknames...
Tracer: Besides at least you have someone who has this body calling you that and gonna be hanging out with if your interested~
Tadayoshi: If you're just here to flirt then get the fuck off of my property
Tracer: I'm just playing
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: I finally got a chance to play with you, but please don't tell on Amelia we came here
Tadayoshi: Oh I'm not... not unless I want to get targeted every day...
Vivian: Well now that we're here, do you want to come with us?
Tadayoshi: To where?
Vivian: Me and Tracer talked while we were walking here and we decided to go to a museum!
Tadayoshi: Museum?
Vivian: Yeah!
Tadayoshi: ... What's this museum about?
Tracer: World history and shit? What did you think it was
Tadayoshi: ...
Tracer: ... Ok I make dirty jokes but I don't go that far, especially with her around
Vivian: What did you thought of? I don't get it?
Tracer/Tadayoshi: Don't worry about it
Vivian: Ok...?
Tadayoshi: ... *sigh* I got nothing to do, so I'll go
Vivian: *gasp* Yay!
Tracer: Oh wow
Tadayoshi: What?
Tracer: I don't know, thought you would reject the offer because... it's you
Tadayoshi: Do you want your plans of sneaking here to go to waste
Tracer: ... No
Tadayoshi: Exactly, just let me get my stuff and I'll be good
Vivian: Ok!
Tadayoshi quickly enters inside and heads upstairs where he finds and grabs his spear
Tadayoshi: Just in case
Before he exits out of his bedroom, he steps over the carpet which reminded him to check under his carpet to make sure the floor is locked and is perfectly hidden when covers it again. Once he was finished he makes his way back downstairs and to the doorway
Tracer: You good?
Tadayoshi: Yeah
Vivian: Ok! Let go!!
Soon they begin to make their way to the museum with Vivian running up ahead and Tracer and Tadayoshi following behind
Tracer: You're bringing your spear with you?
Tadayoshi: In case she finds out about... this
Tracer: I guess... I'm guessing you're coming in case she comes straight to your house
Tadayoshi: How did you know?
Tracer: I have gotten to know Amelia for a bit and I'd feel like she would do this and knowing you, you would know how to avoid anyone
Tadayoshi: ... Very complex explanation...
Tracer: It's the best I could describe it
Tadayoshi: Yeah... but she finds out I'm with her, I'm coming for your ass for causing this
Tracer: Fair enough! Just remember I did this for her
Tadayoshi: ... Yeah
Tracer: Say Wolf, do you think my pants make my ass look big?
Tadayoshi: What?
Somewhere at the Colosseum, an orange hair human gets knocked to the ground as Amelia points her SMG at him to which he quickly surrenders
Speaker: And the winner is the green team!
The opponent gets up and shakes hands with Amelia and Kiryu, congratulating them. Soon they exit the arena and enter the waiting room for their turn again to fight another next opponent
Amelia: Fighting these people isn't making me stronger...
Kiryu: I mean it makes sense, this is just a fun competition. Also, you are up there on the leader board so-
Amelia: Yeah I get that but I need to get stronger, I'm not strong enough
Kiryu: Why have you been so eager to get stronger? You've been like this ever since the Colosseum!
Amelia: ...
Kiryu: ... Is this about Vivian?
Amelia: ... Yes... not exactly...
Kiryu: What do you mean?
Amelia: Look you know what we went through as kids, but I can't just put the past behind me like you did because it always comes to remind me... and seeing Vivian is just... feels very scary to know she's near someone who looks like them
Kiryu: ... Why are you so concerned with her out of all of us?
Amelia: I found her in a subway... a couple of years ago after I joined the Guardians, I was returning from a mission and I found her on the of the stairway... like she was dropped there... I felt like she escaped from something... something worse... I couldn't help but be reminded of us when we left our home. So I took her in and after trying to see what happened, she doesn't remember who she was nor where she came from...
Kiryu: I did remember you telling me that
Amelia: I gave her the name Vivian because it was supposed to be my other name when I was born... since she couldn't remember anything I had to help get her back on her feet... had her join the Guardians to help speed up the training... she has come a long way... but afraid to let her go... I'm worried that I haven't taught her enough... I want the best for her...
Kiryu: Sis...
Amelia: I know I'm harsh to her... but it's for her benefit... she's a strong girl I know that... but I want to make sure she knows what's she doing... and after that slumber party... it had me thinking...
Kiryu: Is that why you asked me that question this morning
Amelia: Yeah... and I'll admit... I feel like Tadayoshi has something that I don't that keeps Vivian around him...
Kiryu: Are you... trying to put some trust in-?
Amelia: Hell no! I'm more worried if Vivian even knows who to trust cause she gonna get caught in something that will scar her for the rest of her life!
Kiryu: ...
Amelia: *sigh* I can't get too emotional right now... I should check on Vivian
Kiryu: Wait what?
Amelia: I told Vivian to keep her location on so I can know where she is from her phone
Kiryu: Amelia Wait!-
The second Amelia looks at her phone, her eye grew wide in shock until they slowly turn into anger as she squeezes her fist tight and her teeth grinds together
Kiryu: Amelia, calm down...
Amelia: That fucking red pussy cat bitch! I should've known she would do something like this!
She puts her phone away as she stomps out of the Colosseum while Kiryu follows her and tries to calm her down
Kiryu: Amelia, there's no need for you to go and-
Amelia: I'm not going after that damn Forgotten... yet!
Kiryu: What?
Amelia: We're going to his place! I'm going to prove to you all that he's not the "man" you think he is once and for all!
This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi playing with a feather wand as chibi Tracer acts like a cat
Security: Enjoy!
Tracer: Thank you!
They enter the museum where Vivian begins to run around, looking at the old artifacts. The museum was known to hold items that existed before the Great Evolution and historical event before today. For a few minutes, they look around the place for a bit as Tadayoshi sees some of the stuff they hold are fake
Tadayoshi: Most of these are fake...
Tracer: I mean it makes sense, if they had the real thing, it'll fuck the place up, and also they're common to our time now. Like the crystals for example!
Tadayoshi: I guess...
Tracer: Still, it's nice to come here with you guys to look at this stuff, even if it's fake
Tadayoshi: You care about history?
Tracer: No, more like I got to go somewhere... fun
Tadayoshi: You never went anywhere fun?
Tracer: Not really, my dad was always so focused on me to train a lot. Why do you think I know how to fight so well against you?
Tadayoshi: ...
Tracer: Have you ever had fun?
Tadayoshi: Don't really know what fun is like...
Tracer: *chuckles*
Tadayoshi: What?
Tracer: Nothing, it's just that's not something I thought we'd be similar about
Tadayoshi: mmm...
Vivian: Tracer! Tadayoshi! Look! Look!
They all look up ahead as they see a massive bone structure of what seems to be a giant wolf
Vivian: That's a big turtle! Is that a-
Tadayoshi: Titans...
Tracer: Oh you know about them?
Tadayoshi: A bit... I read a history book about them as a kid...
Vivian: There were more of them?
Tracer: Yep! There was... and they're also responsible for the Titanomachy 80 years ago
Vivian: Titanomachy?
Tracer: Well you know everything has evolved to what we have now? Including animals?
Vivian: *nods*
Tracer: That's what they are, evolved animals but... some of them evolved a lot more than usual... and are really big!
Vivian: Ooooh!
They continue walking around until enter a room where there are more massive bone structures that are the size of the building
Vivian: There are so many of them here!
She quickly runs up to a board that was in front of one of the bones structure and press a button on it which auto-reads the text on the board
Speaker: Before the Titanomachy, there were three types of three different species, the land, the sea, and the air. For the land, there were the Giant Tortoises, Fenrirs, the wolf, and Baihus, the white tiger. For the air, it was the Dragons, Phoenixs, and Griffins. And finally, for the sea, there were the Krakens, the Leviathans, and the Megalodons
Tadayoshi: Aren't there supposed to be four types of titans?
Tracer: What?
Tadayoshi: There's four... one of them being on it's own cause of how deadly that titan was...
Tracer: ... No... I don't know what you're talking about...
Tadayoshi: ...
Soon Vivian runs up to another board and presses the button to auto-read the text
Speaker: Before most of the Titans were wiped out. They were calm creatures that didn't interact with anyone until the Titanomachy begin where for unknown reasons, they grew violent and aggressive, causing chaos across the globe!
Vivian: They went crazy?
Tracer: That's one thing people don't know about, why they became so aggressive but we're lucky they were stopped by the Order and it's made them famous to this day!
Tadayoshi: The Order stopped them?
Tracer: Yeah, it's what got the respect of everyone in the world. The Order fought and killed many as they can to save millions of people
Tadayoshi: ...
Tracer: I think after 5 years of fighting against these Titans, their rampage finally came to a stop after they "calmed" down, and most of the Titans were wiped out. Unfortunately, The Order announced that for everyone to leave the Titans alone cause they keep 1 Titans species from each type alive to keep a "balance" to the world
Tadayoshi: I thought you didn't care for history...
Tracer: It's common knowledge
Vivian: Wait... if there's only 1 of each left, wouldn't they become extinct cause they have no one to be with?
Tracer: They found out that these titans are parthenogenesis, so they can give offspring without a mate
Vivian: Pathen- what?
Tracer: It just means they can have a kid without having another one with them
Vivian: Ooh
Tracer: Yeah, I've heard some rumors that Titans are actually within the ownership of the Overlords.
Tadayoshi: ... Really?... well you said "rumors"...have you actually seen any proof?
Vivian: Yes! We know the location of one right now!
Tadayoshi: What?... How?
Vivian: Cause we have one!
Tadayoshi: ... Excuse me?
Tracer: ... What?
Tadayoshi: We... have a titan?
Vivian: Yeah... the one who holds the Guardian base! It's Craig's pet but he's really old so he sleeps a lot!
Tadayoshi: ...
Soon Tracer stared at Tadayoshi and simply watched him within an awkward state of disbelief alongside Vivian, which only caused her to raise an eyebrow at the boy while resting a hand on her hip.
Tracer: Did... you not know about this?
Tadayoshi: Did you expect me to?
Tracer: Yes! C'mon, don't tell me you've never seen it's big head!
Tadayoshi: ... What?
Vivian: Hey! Don't call him that!
Tracer: *snickers* No, I was referring to the titan's big head.
Vivian: ... Oh...
Tadayoshi: *rolls his eyes*
Tracer smirked at Tadayoshi and simply thought to herself as he already began to catch onto her, which only provoked a glare.
Tracer: Now that I think about it... Your head is pretty massive.
Tadayoshi: Don't even...
Tracer: *chuckles* I mean under all that hair, you look like an airhead
Tadayoshi: Please shut up....
Tracer: *shrugs* Hey, it's either you admit your head is big, or you need glasses.
Tadayoshi: ... You really are a pain sometimes...
Tracer: The fact that you've never seen the titan is a pain~
Vivian: We can go to see it together if you want to....
Tadayoshi: Maybe later...
Vivian: Ok! You be so surprised by it... unless you've seen a titan before
Tadayoshi: I have never seen one before
Vivian: Great! Then it'll be a big experience! You need to at least be calm with your approach when you see him though.
Tadayoshi: I'm guessing so I don't intimidate it or something?
Vivian: No but maybe to him. You must be nice, calm, and gentle.
Tadayoshi: I'm pretty sure me being "nice, calm, and gentle" is more intimidating...
Tracer: That's true. You're like a grouchy old guy.
Vivian: Like a dog in the morning!
Tadayoshi: ... Dogs don't even get grouchy...
Tracer: You're the one exception
Tadayoshi: Well, if I was a grouchy dog.....
He leaned over to Tracer and flicked her head to which Tracer rubbed her head with a smirk.
Tadayoshi: I would've chased you out of here so you stop with your damn jokes...
Tracer: Hey, if you did and catch me, would you bite me?~
Tadayoshi: ...
Vivian: Sorry if I hurt your feelings...
Tadayoshi: You didn't...
Tracer: *chuckles* Alright I think I played with you enough. Shall we look around some more since we've been standing around these titan bones structures for a while
Vivian: *gasp* We should go see the paintings!! And after we have seen everything, we can go stop at a gift shop before we leave!
Tracer: *Hmph*
Vivian: What?
Tracer: You're really like a kid
Vivian: I'm not a kid! Why do you all call me that
Tadayoshi: Your mind is very... unique...
Vivian: ...
Tracer: *whisper* He's trying to call you a kid without calling you a kid.
Vivian: But I'm not!!
Tracer: ... I mean he's not wrong....
Vivian: Hmph! I'm not a kid and I don't act like one! I can prove it right no-
Tracer: Hey look, an ice cream truck
Suddenly Vivian immediately bolted away as Tracer and Tadayoshi stared at Vivian in a bit of dumbfounded while Tracer was trying to hold in her laughter
Tadayoshi: ... She really believed there was an ice cream truck?... Inside of a damn museum?......
Tracer: Hey, she believed it *snicker*
After a few seconds, Vivian returns to them with her checks all puffed up in anger and embarrassment
Tadayoshi: ... Child
Vivian: You lied to me!
Soon Vivian begins to slightly punch Tadayoshi as Tracer couldn't help but let out her laugher
Meanwhile, Amelia and Kiryu arrive at Tadayoshi's place where she kicks down the door and stomps inside
Kiryu: Amelia! Are you trying to make it look like a burglar now?! You could've just opened the door normally!
Amelia: I don't care...
She begins to search around the house, trying to find something hidden but finds nothing
Amelia: There has to be something around here
Kiryu: Amelia, I know he doesn't tell any of us stuff but I don't think he'll have something physical to hide
Amelia: Stop trying to defend him! I had enough of that Forgotten shit! I will find something that will wake up all of you!
She then goes into the kitchen and begins searching until coming upon the cabinet filled with Pinot Noir wine bottles
Amelia: Pinot Noir...
Kiryu: Yeah, I know he had some. I had a couple of drinks with him-
Amelia: Why does he have so many of these...
Kiryu: Amber told me before that he has met her grandmother so there's a possibility her grandmother gave him a lot of those
Amelia: ... I doubt that...
She closes the cabinet and starts to make her way upstairs as Kiryu follows her. Soon they enter his bedroom where she starts to search again
Kiryu: Amelia listen, can we talk about this
Amelia: No... I don't want to hear any more excuses you have to defend-
Kiryu: It's not about defending him! It's about you!
Amelia: ... What about me
Kiryu: This whole Tadayoshi isn't normal and has been "breaking" you! You've been on his case ever since you met him!
Amelia: I'm doing everyone a favor and saving them from that monster
Kiryu: That's the problem! You think everyone will be upset or afraid of Tadayoshi but he has helped people! He helped me! Sure you can say it's to gain his trust, but isn't that what we want from him?
Amelia: What are you trying to get at?...
Kiryu: I'm saying you're fighting a one-sided battle!
Amelia: ...
Suddenly, she starts to remember the sleepover when Alex told her the same things, which causes Amelia to get annoyed. Soon she stops what she's doing and drops everything then stomps over to Kiryu as they were face to face
Amelia: I'm not fighting against myself! I know the truth!
Kiryu: You don't! You never got the chance to get to know the guy and you're just assuming! Why do you think people are starting to have a problem with you?
Amelia: Because I care about them! I care for their safety and yours! I don't want to risk what happens to them being like what happened to us!
Kiryu: You say that yet you're trying to push away the people who have grown a bond with him! The one who feels... happy for being close to him!
Amelia: ...
Kiryu: You're lying to yourself... you think what you thought is true but really you don't understand who he is...
Amelia: Why are you trying too hard to think, I'm not doing something to help us all...
Kiryu: I'm saying this so you don't break the bond with the people you are close to! I'm trying to help you!
Suddenly a creak was heard beneath them as Amelia look down on the carpet, which she stomped on when she was yelling, and slowly lifts her foot, which creaks again
Amelia: Found it...
She quickly gets off the carpet and removes it, to reveal a trapdoor beneath it with a lock on it.
Kiryu: He made one when he came here?...
Amelia: I told you he was hiding something...
She tries to see if the lock was loose which it wasn't so she pulls out her SMG and shoots the lock off
Kriyu: Amelia! You're gonna get attention in the neighborhood!
Amelia: I don't care! It's a lot quicker to open it than lock pickings it!
She opens the trapdoor to see a small back box which Amelia grabs and pulls out of the floor. She unhook the handles that is holding the box close as she was prepared to see what was inside
Kiryu: Amelia...
Amelia: What?...
Kiryu: If what you say is true... will you be prepared to have what comes to you then?
Amelia: I am... and I've always had... that's why I've been telling you all to wake up!
She takes a deep breath until slowly opens the black box and looks inside.
Amelia: This is...
The second she looks in the box, her eyes sink in shock as she drops the box and crawls back a bit. Kiryu felt the same way as Amelia but he stood there in disbelief at what he's seeing.
Kiryu: No... it's can't be...
Memories begin to flow through Amelia's mind as she remembers the destruction of her hometown... the screams... cries... the blood that splattered the earth and the fire burns around her. What was in that box makes her remember the stories of who the killer was from... a group of ruthless and conquering people with one of them looking exactly what the box was shown
Soon Amelia's face slowly went from shock to anger as she knew she was right all along. She now knows that Vivian, the one person she cares about was with that Forgotten. She gets up to her feet and quickly runs out of the bedroom while Kiryu stays behind to get a closer look at what's in the box
Kiryu: It's true then... he is that man...
Amelia exits the house as she was running as fast as she could to get to where Vivian is as she pulls out her weapon and squeezes it with blood pumping through her veins in anger
Amelia: I should've done this from the very beginning! You're one of those l monsters I thought you were!... Demon Wrath...
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