Chapter 4: Getting to Know

The sun rises up as an alarm goes off, which Tadayoshi shut off and sits up in his new room

Tadayoshi: How long has it been for a decent sleep

He hears his phone buzz on the counter which he picks it up to see Rachel texted him

Agent Purple: Morning Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: I know, I'll be there

Agent Purple: No need, we're still investigating so you don't need to come in, just take your break and I'll let you know when we need you

Tadayoshi: Alright

Agent Purple: Though... it would be nice for you to come and just chat for a bit

Tadayoshi: Why?

Agent Purple: It gets boring when you are just sitting here alone and just to get to know each other

Tadayoshi: ... Fine, I'll come for a bit

Agent Purple: Thx! See you soon

He sets his phone down as he gets up to change into some clothing and heads downstairs to find Amber watching tv while Diana is making breakfast

Diana: Morning!

Tadayoshi: Morning...

Diana: Just wait for a few minutes and breakfast will be done

Amber: Are my eggs-

Diana: Yes, it's sunny side up

Amber: Yes!

Diana: I wasn't sure how you wanted your eggs so I-

Tadayoshi: I'm not hungry

Diana: Oh... sorry that I-

Amber: Hey! Listen here you little shit!

She hops over the couch and stomps toward Tadayoshi and points at his chest in anger

Amber: You are lucky she's being nice and making you breakfast, so you're going to eat it whether you like it or not!

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Fine

Amber: That's what I thought!

Diana: Ambie... you didn't have to yell at him...

Amber: Sorry, it's not my fault that this man is being such a dick

Tadayoshi: I just said I wasn't hungry...

Amber: *sigh* Look mister, if you want to make friends, you should treat them nicely!

Tadayoshi: Yeah Yeah, I know he told me that shit so many times

Diana: He?

Tadayoshi: Some guy that likes to stick with me, he treats me like I'm some long lost friend

Amber: Who is he

Tadayoshi: I think his name was BeatBox...

The second BeatBox comes out of his mouth, everyone froze in place and turns at him in shock

Tadayoshi: ... What?

Amber: Wait... The BeatBox?

Diana: The famous idol!

Amber: The Masked Dj, was broken many records on some of his best hits and has the best rap!

Diana: The one that is going to be at the Championship!

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah...

Diana: How did you become friends with him! It's impossible to get talk to him!

Amber: Is it possible that you can introduce him to us!

Tadayoshi: Would you two calm down, I'm not all two-goodie shoes about him! I just bumped into him and next thing you know, he won't stop annoying me

Diana: Still, you got close to him

Amber: And you out of everyone know him... Diana! The oven!

Diana quickly looks back to see the bacon being burnt, which she quickly left the pan off the stove

Diana: Oh shoot!

She dumps the burnt bacon on a plate and puts the pan in the sink and sprays cold water on it

Diana: Sorry... it's a bit burnt

Amber: It's fine, we got distracted by the news, what else are you hiding mister

Tadayoshi: Nothing...

Amber: After hearing you know BeatBox, it's hard to believe that you're not hiding anything

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: Now now let's talk about this while we eat

Amber: Ok

They all sat at the dining room table as Amber and Diana eats their breakfast while Tadayoshi cuts a piece of waffle and eats it

Diana: Sorry if you don't like it

Tadayoshi: It's fine... I don't taste it

Amber: ... What do you mean, I taste something

Tadayoshi: You don't get it, I can't taste

Amber: What?

Tadayoshi: Why do you think I don't eat often, you can't get hungry if you can't taste...

Diana: ... Did you ever check in with yourself

Tadayoshi: I did before, they said they have no idea

Amber: ...

Diana: ... Anyways, moving on topic... Amber and I are to do a podcast about artificial intelligence!

Tadayoshi: Artificial intelligence?

Amber: Yeah, I heard that scientists have been trying to create one for droids for many years yet they never have been able to!

Tadayoshi: "Is that why Zack has been trying to make droids?" I see...

Diana: What are planning to do today?

Tadayoshi: Just going somewhere

Amber: And that is?

Tadayoshi: Just meeting with some people...

Amber: If you are going to meet up with BeatBox, take me with you!

Tadayoshi: I'm not going to meet him, midget

Amber: You bitch-

Diana: Easy now Ambie... but when are you going to call us by our name... being called milf kinda makes me feel guilty about my body

Tadayoshi: When I trust you two...

Diana: ...

Tadayoshi: Look, I got places to be... but thanks for the food...

He gets up and makes his way to the door, leaving his unfinished food

Diana: Wait!

Tadayoshi: I already ate one piece, it's should be enough

Diana: No... I mean, we never got your name...

Tadayoshi: ... My name is Tadayoshi...

He walks out of the door as both Diana and Amber eat their food in silence

Amber: That's man is strange...

Diana: Yeah but still... What happened to him?...


Tadayoshi arrives at the Guardians base to find Rachel sitting on the bench while Chum is holding an empty can, which he looks at Tadayoshi and starts to wag his tail

Tadayoshi: Oi...

Rachel: Hey, you actually showed up

Tadayoshi: Did you not want me to?

Rachel: No, just knowing you I'd feel like you wouldn't come

Tadayoshi: ...

Rachel: Well don't stand there like an idiot come sit down, you want something to drink?

Tadayoshi: Just tea...

He walks over to the bench and sits down as Rachel pours a cup of tea and brings it over to Tadayoshi. He takes the tea and sips it which he notices Chum pushing some empty can on the top of a small brick fence

Rachel: That's good, Chum

Chum moves away from the brick wall and crawls over to her, wagging his tail as she pulls out a piece of sardine and feeds it to him.

Tadayoshi: Pretty good tea...

Rachel: It's black tea, has a stronger taste

She pulls out a sniper which was laying beside the bench and aims it at the empty can that is on top of the brick wall and shoots it down. Chum quickly crawls over to the shot down can and grab it with his teeth to put it back on top of the brick wall

Tadayoshi: Sniper Eh?

Rachel: Yeah, honestly it's been a while since I used my sniper, being a star is a very busy job

Tadayoshi: uh-huh... So what happened to that demi-human

Rachel: Oh, you mean Tracer, she is being questioned but she also requests to join the Guardians, so they are doing some background checks to see if they'll allow her in

Tadayoshi: Background check?...

Rachel: You know, check what thing you've done in your record and shit. Didn't you take one?

Tadayoshi: Your grandpa never gave me anything other than telling me to join

Rachel: Huh?... odd...

She notices Chum finishes putting back the can on the brick wall again which she aims at it and shoots it down as Chum once again goes to pick it up again

Tadayoshi: Now why am I here again?

Rachel: I just needed someone to talk to, normally I would chat with my friend Cassie, but she is still in France and I really can't talk to her often like I use to...

Tadayoshi: So why me?

Rachel: I mean you're the only normal person that isn't a fan that won't leave me alone 24/7

Tadayoshi: True...

Rachel: And besides I'm just curious about you... what's it like to be... nonpopular

Tadayoshi: What?

Rachel: There are times I wish I was you, I have my peace and quiet, don't have to hide myself from the public and you know... live a quiet life

Tadayoshi: ...

Rachel: Cassie and I have been friends since kids, she's quite an energetic person and sometimes likes to get into trouble, but she was something... We managed to grow up and become popular together but then... we had to go our separate ways since the producer wants us to...

Tadayoshi: ...

Rachel: After Cassie and I went out separate ways before, I've never got a chance to talk to her... I just wish that I did something different with my life so I can talk to Cassie again...

Tadayoshi: ... Well even though you may not like who you are, you should be happy about where you are

Rachel: Hm?

Tadayoshi: I'll admit I've done shit to realize that I wasn't happy to where I was... I've run as far to get away from it... sure I'm still not happy to where I am but it's better than before...

Rachel: ...

Tadayoshi: I'm sure you won't understand, I'm just saying even though you don't like where you are, just be happy that whatever you did got you somewhere in life than being in a dumpster

Rachel: Hehe...

Tadayoshi: What?

Rachel: For a man who doesn't trust me, you seem to care

Tadayoshi: I... have my reasons...

Rachel aims at the can on the wall which Chum already finished putting up but Tadayoshi uses his spear to lift Rachel's sniper, which she fire and the shot ricochet off a stone and hits the can from behind.

Chum: *claps his fin in applause*

Rachel: How?...

Tadayoshi: You're welcome


This story is interrupted by a chibi Rachel sipping some green tea underneath a cherry blossom


Tadayoshi exits out of the Guardian base after saying goodbye to Rachel and Chum and makes his way around the city. As he was walking around, he accidentally bumps into someone which he finds out it's Diana

Diana: Oh hey, Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: Hey...

Diana: I didn't know you come here?

Tadayoshi: I just came back from the place I said I was going...

Diana: Oh, then again I should've known you aren't interested in color hair or the Championship event

Tadayoshi: Yeah... where's the midget?

Diana: She's at home cleaning, usually we switch every day, so today I do the shopping for dinner

Tadayoshi: Uh-huh...

Diana: Well... Do you want to go shopping together? It's fine if you don't want to or if you're busy, but I'm-

Tadayoshi: It's fine I'll go, I got nothing to do anyway...

Diana: Ok thanks

They begin walking together as they make their way to the grocery store. As they were walking he notice Diana being a bit nervous and quite observant

Tadayoshi: Why did you want me to come with you?

Diana: I just... need someone to be with me...

Tadayoshi: Ok... You alright?

Diana: I'm fine... Say do you ever... you know feel self insecure about yourself?

Tadayoshi: Not really... I don't care what I am... why you ask?

Diana: Nothing, I'm just wanting to make a conversation, just to get to know each other

Tadayoshi: Fair enough...

They arrive at the grocery store, which Diana grabs a basket and they start going through the grocery, picking out food

Diana: You know... if you can't get hungry, how do you not starve?

Tadayoshi: I just eat something small... it's still not appetizing...

Diana: I guess so, but at least you're eating something

As they were shopping a group of people walked by Diana, who eyeballed her a bit which Tadayoshi overhears them

Demi-human 1: Damn she's hot

Demi-human 2: Yeah I'd smash her, wished I took a picture of her

Demi-Human 1: Shh! She might hear you!

Demi-Human 2: It's fine, maybe if I see her again I'll try to get a home run!

He look at Diana who was standing there quietly

Tadayoshi: Hey

Diana: Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine

Tadayoshi: I just said hey

Diana: Right... sorry...

Tadayoshi: ...

After a few minutes, they finish getting the grocery, which they begin to make their way back home, but as they were walking, Tadayoshi begins to notice a fight going near them

Human: Why do I have to shop in the same store that this animal

Demi-human: Well sorry I'm the way I am!

Human 2: You should just cut those ears and tail off, or you be in the kennel with the dogs that got to be put down!

Tadayoshi looks back at Diana who looks in sadden which he realizes why she wants him to come

Tadayoshi: You're afraid...

Diana: ...

Tadayoshi: You're afraid that people are just going to look down on you because of what you are...

Diana: Yes... you see when I first came to this city, I was looked down on... they called me racial slurs because I'm a Demi-human, some just thought of some man stealer because of my body. I didn't think I would be able to become friends with anyone... until I met Amber

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: I find out that she was in the hole as I was when people hate her because of her looks... whenever she did a podcast by herself, which was once called Ambernet, people would just spam big head or midget in the chat room...

Tadayoshi: "Sounds like the internet alright"

Diana: We both hang out a lot and got very close which lead to us making Line and Hook... Being around her makes me... not feel alone or hated, but I feel like me being with her is like taking her spotlight to the point... I'm afraid that I'll lose her...

Tadayoshi: ... You focus on the crowd opinion too much

Diana: What?

Tadayoshi: People are always going to judge on everything from little to big, look at tweeter and how society is like today

Diana: That is true...

Tadayoshi: Listen, I'm just saying just because people judge your looks doesn't mean you have to be so self insecure about yourself and everyone around you. You are who you are and you can't change that, not even the people that hate you, be happy with what you are. If your friend can handle all of the hate before meeting you, then I'm sure you can

Diana: Yeah, you're right

Tadayoshi: A little off topic but the reason why you are being nice to me is because I'm a Forgotten?

Diana: ... Yes, I know and heard what the Forgotten goes through, which is why a lot of them commit suicide... I'm afraid you would too... I want to show how we're all equal no matter what we are! Man, woman, color, Demi-human, whoever are we are the same!

Tadayoshi stares at her a bit until she turn bright red and look away in embarrassment

Diana: I'm sorry that was... weird, I-

Tadayoshi: Heh, you have high spirit, so don't let the word get to your head

Diana: ... Yeah I won't... but thank you for encouraging me

Tadayoshi: Don't thank me, just some information you should know, Diana

Diana: Wait... did you call me by my name?

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Diana: You... trust me?

Tadayoshi: Don't get cocky, I don't trust you fully...

Diana: Oh, well at least I made progress. Anyways are you going to join us for dinner, even though you can't taste

Tadayoshi: Mostly likely not...

Diana: *sigh* I thought so, just wanted to-

Tadayoshi: But I'll just join you guy for dinner just this once

Diana: You don't have to-

Tadayoshi: Don't try to say no

Diana: Ok ok


Nightfall as Tadayoshi wakes up in the middle of the night to see it 3:00 A.M.

Tadayoshi: God Dammit...

He gets out of his bed and quietly makes his way downstairs to get a glass of water. He walks over to the balcony and stares out the city

Tadayoshi: I really need to find a house...

Amber: Couldn't sleep?

He turns around to see Amber in the fridge, pulling out a slice of leftover pizza

Tadayoshi: Kinda...

Amber: I don't blame you, we all have that problem

Tadayoshi: What do you want?

Amber: Nothing... but since you're here, I wanted to thank you

Tadayoshi: Huh?

She walks up to him and leans beside the balcony looking out the city besides

Amber: Diana told me what you told her when you went shopping with her, which I won't lie didn't think you'd encourage her

Tadayoshi: What do you take me as?

Amber: Look, I don't hate you because of what you are, I just... don't trust people, which I'm sure you can agree on

Tadayoshi: I can't deny that...

Amber: I've met a lot of people... they all say the same thing about my looks to the point I feel like whenever I met someone new, they'll either look down on me or just lie so they can get closer to Diana or have fame...

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: But you... you are very different, you don't see us as a thing to take advantage of or just tools... you see us as a person. Which is why I also want to say... I'm sorry... I'm sorry for being a dick to you...

Tadayoshi: You have no reason to apologize, I would do the same...

Amber: *sigh* I wish people could treat us like how you would treat us, except the name-calling...

Tadayoshi: Trust me, you don't want people to be like me

Amber: Why not?

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: Guess you don't want to talk about it, that's fine, but I want to say what I said, that's all

Tadayoshi: I guess we aren't so different after all...

Amber: I can agree on that, you're not such a dick after all

Tadayoshi: I could say the same thing

They both finish what they were doing and begin to head upstairs to their bedroom

Tadayoshi: Hey...

Amber: ?

Tadayoshi: I'm sorry for calling you, Midget... Amber

Amber: Heh, I'll let it slide but thanks for calling me by my name

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

They both walk into their room as Tadayoshi get back in bed and look up at the ceiling, thinking about what he has done today

Tadayoshi: Can I really trust them?...


I want to give a quick shout-out to @Halosaw7 for helping my grammar for this chapter

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