Chapter 39: Sleepover

It's morning as Diana was washing the dishes as Amber was laying on the couch, scrolling through Twitter

Amber: Diane! I'm bored! You got anything in mind you wanna do?

Diana: Not really, I've been planning out the next podcast, what do you want to do?

Amber: I don't know....something

Diana: well, I don't have anything in mi-

Suddenly Amber quickly sits up and looks at Diana as if she finally figured something out

Amber: Let's have a slumber party!

Diana: A slumber party?

Amber: Yeah, we can play games, do truth or dare, you name it

Diana: I don't know... like who are we going to invite-

Amber: We could invite everyone! Tracer, Cassie, Rachel, Tadayoshi, basically everyone we know!

Diana: We could, but don't you some of them will be busy or don't want to come? Like Amelia or Tadayoshi

Amber: Oh relax, they'll come, and if they don't! *pull out her pistol* I can show them the way here...

Diana: Ambie, violence is not always the answer

Amber: Yeah, Yeah but I'll figure out a way to get them here, especially Tadayoshi

Diana: How so?

Amber: I've been hanging out with him for a while after the trip!

Diana: Is that how you've got to come home drunk without accidentally getting lost or something?

Amber: Kinda

Diana: Oh... so how was he?

Amber: He's been doing fine. I have only been hanging out with him because I felt like he'd still be guilty after our trip but he's fine.

Diana: Well... that's good to hear

Amber: Did you make any progress with him

Diana: Not really, I have but he's been avoiding him for that topic

Amber: Well inviting him to a slumber party will give you a reason for him to come! You call him and the guys, I'll call the gals!

Diana: Yeah... wait I don't have his number...

Amber: Oh right hang on let me show you his phone number

At the Calamari Apartment:

Rachel is going through some paperwork as Cassie playing catch with Chum

Callie: Hey Rachel, where did Craig go?

Rachel: He's been visiting Tartarus, to check on Alpha

Cassie: He's still feeling guilty about that

Rachel:: No, he's just been wanting to chat with him until Alpha finishes his sentence

Cassie: How long till he gets out?

Rachel: Probably in a couple of months since he has been having good behavior there

Chum: *returns the ball*

Cassie: So what's going to happen to him when he gets out

Rachel: I don't know but Craig said he had plans for him when he gets out

Cassie: Oh?

Soon Rachel's phone began to ring in her pocket to which she picks it up and answers it

R: hello?

D: Hey Rachel! It's me, but me and Ambie are planning a slumber party, and we're wondering if you want to join in

R: Maybe Cassie would like to, but right now I'm pretty busy to come to your slumber party

Cassie: Slumber party?!

Chum: !

R: Besides I-

Cassie: Hell yeah, we're coming! Just let us get out stuff and we'll be there!

Rachel: Cassie!

Diana: Great, I'll see y'all at my place!

Soon Diana hangs up the calls as Rachel looks at Cassie and Chum

Rachel: I've told you don't go to places without plans

Cassie: Yeah but... slumber party!

Chum: *nods in agreement*

Rachel: Yeah but we got plans to-

Cassie: Would you just relax with your work and have some fun? Besides you just laid off from a bunch of your jobs, take this chance to have some fun

Rachel: *sigh* You're right, pack your bags, Cassie, we'll leave in a few minutes

The second she turns back at Cassie, who was already down the hall towards her with Chum

Cassie: Way ahead of you, they better have food when we get there

Rachel: They'll probably will

At Tadayoshi's place:

Tadayoshi was sitting on the couch and was trying to do some paperwork to pay off his bills while Alex brings him over some coffee

Tadayoshi: Do these people hate me or something? These fucking bills are fucking ridiculous...

Alex: Bill problem?

Tadayoshi: Yes, the bills feel like it just keeps rising up

Alex: ... I feel like they're just treating you like trash... I can probably go find these guys and threaten them to stop raising the bill on you

Tadayoshi: I rather you not...

Suddenly Tadayoshi's phone began to ring next to him on the couch to which Tadayoshi picks up and answered it.

Tadayoshi: Hello?

Amber: Yo Tadayoshi!

Tadayoshi: Oh hey, what do you want?

Amber: To put it short, me and Diana are having a slumber party, you wanna-

Tadayoshi: I refuse

Amber: You better have a good reason!

Tadayoshi: I'm busy with these bills and I'm probably going to find the guys who sent me these bills and threaten them

Amber: How about I pay the bills for you and if you still reject it, I'll come to your place and make you come here

Tadayoshi: ... Fine, I'll be there in a few minutes

Amber: Great! I'll see you then, Yoshi! Buh-bye

Tadayoshi: Mhm

He hangs up the phone but once he puts his phone away, Alex slaps him in the back of his head

Tadayoshi: Hey, what the fuck?

Alex: You were given a chance to hang out with some new friends and you try to reject it?

Tadayoshi: I am busy!

Alex: Yeah and those bills aren't going anywhere! Besides you still got a couple of days to finish it! But since you accept it in the end, I'll let you off easy

Tadayoshi: Yeah yeah since I'm leaving, you want to come

Alex Sorry I-...

Tadayoshi: You what?

Alex: Actually... never mind, I'll come. I just remembered I wanted to talk with some other friend you made

Tadayoshi: For what reason?

Alex: Nothing for you to worry about! ^_^

Tadayoshi: ... If you say so

Alex: Yeah, now come on, you got some people to spend time with!

Tadayoshi: Yeah I know, I'm coming

He quickly finishes up his coffee and gets up from his seat and out of his house with Alex as they make their way to Amber and Diana's house

Tadayoshi: "What plans does she wants to talk to them about?"


Diana: I got Rachel and Cassie, they're on their way

Amber: I also got done with the guys and the agents

Diana: Oh, you managed to convince Tadayoshi?

Amber: I may have convinced him that I'll pay his bills

Diana: Sounds like him

Amber: Yep

Soon they heard the doorbell ring and Diana walks over to the door to answer it.

Rachel: Hey

Diana: You two got here fast

Rachel: We got a limousine to bring us here

Diana looks over behind them as she sees the old man making a 360 turn and then driving away

Diana: Oh that makes sense

Cassie: Anyways, you guys got any food?

Rachel: I just gave you a sandwich before we left

Cassie: I know, but I'm still hungry

Diana: There are some chips in the pantry

Cassie quickly runs by them towards the pantry and gets herself some chips while Rachel enters inside with Chum deciding to follow Cassie

Rachel: *sigh* So what exactly do you guys got planned?

Amber: Well, I was planning to play some games and stuff

Rachel: Seems simple enough

Amber: And I have some activities I wanna do with everyone

Rachel: Everyone?

Amelia: Hey...

The girls look behind them to see Amelia already let herself in while the other agents enter inside

Amber: Did you even use the doorbell?

Tracer: We were but Amelia decided to just enter in

Rachel: So you're just breaking and entering?

Amelia: Not if you don't know me...

Tracer: Hey gals!

Kiryu: Thanks for inviting us to this slumber party

Vivian: Hi everyone!

Suddenly Chum peaks out of the corner with a bug of chip in his mouth to which Vivian quickly notices him

Chum: ?

Vivian: *gasp* Chummy!

Chum: *wags tail in excitement*

Rachel: So I'm guessing you invited the rest of them

Amber: Hell yeah!

Vivian: Is Tadayoshi coming?!

Amber: You're correct

Vivian: Yah! I can play with him today!

Amelia: ... What?

Cassie: Wait... you didn't tell me about this?!

Rachel: Why did you need to know?

Cassie: ... Nothing (I wished I brought something to look nice...)

Kiryu: Well since I'm here, I'll be cooking the food!

Rachel: We won't stop you

Suddenly Kiryu quickly puts on his chef hat and apron and makes his way to the kitchen with his cooking utensils and begins to cook

Diana: Now we just need to wait for Tadayoshi to come and we should be ready!

Amelia: Why did you invite him...

Diana: What?

Tracer: Amelia please not this again...

Amelia: That Forgotten!

Diana: You mean Tadayoshi? Why are you calling him that?

Amelia: Because that's what he is! Now why the hell did you invite him

Diana: Because he's our friend, why are you so hostile

Amelia: Because he's like them! That emptiness k-

Suddenly they hear the door burst open and they see BeatBox on his knees and sliding across the floor, and continues to around the couch a couple of times and he jumps up on the table and points up in the air

BeatBox: I AM... HERE!

Everyone stares at him quietly as Vivian and Chum was the only ones clapping their hands

Everyone: ...

BeatBox: What?

Cassie: You gotta teach me how to slide like that!

BeatBox: Why sure! But trust me it's really hard!

Kiryu: And it's a weird thing...

BeatBox: Hey! I'd like to make my introduction in amazement!

Tracer: Well you did just that...

BeatBox gets off the table as he was greeting by Vivian and Chum

Vivian: Hi Boxhead!

BeatBox: Hey! You two are here! And I see we have a lot of people here

Vivian: Yeah!

Amber: Wait, we didn't invite him... I'm not complaining but how did you know about the slumber party?

Kiryu: Oh I did, we kinda got to know each other and I decided to bring him over if that's ok with you

Diana: Oh it's fine, but it's an honor to meet you

BeatBox: Why thank you! I believe you're the woman and also the short girl who help my best friend!

Diana: Yeah

BeatBox: Well I thank you for helping him! He really needs the support

Diana: I know, I've been doing my best

BeatBox: ... You truly earn the best friend title... Also, where's my boy Tadayoshi?

Rachel: He's not here yet

BeatBox: Aw man, I want him to dab me up!

Vivian: So when's he gonna be here?

Tracer: Probably in a few minutes...

Amelia: Maybe he changed his mind and decided not to-

Tadayoshi: Why is that guy here?

Suddenly everyone quickly turned around to see Tadayoshi next to BeatBox with a disgusted face

Vivian: Tadayoshi!

Vivian runs up to him and hugs him as Tadayoshi still looking at BeatBox with a disgusted look on his face

BeatBox: Yo, my boy!

Tadayoshi: Who invited him?

BeatBox: Ah, don't be like that man! Dab me up!

Tadayoshi: No

Amber: You finally made it!

Rachel: Why does no one use the doorbell...

Cassie: Hey... Tadayoshi, good to see you!...

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Diana: Glad you made it

Tadayoshi: Thanks

Amelia: Didn't expect you of all people to come here, Forgotten

Tadayoshi: Same to you, bitch

Amelia: *tsk* Listen normally I want you out of this place but I can't stop for reason, so I'll tell you to stay away from Vivian

Tadayoshi: I know, that's literally the only thing you told me other than calling me a Forgotten

Amelia: Good!

BeatBox: ... Bitch

Amelia: The hell you called me!

As Vivian and BeatBox were in a little scuffle, Vivian tugs Tadayoshi on the sleeve to which he turns at her as she had glee on her face

Vivian: Hi!

Tadayoshi: ... Hey kid

Vivian: I'm not a kid!

Tadayoshi: Sure...

Vivian: But since you're here! Let's go play! Me, Chummy, and you!

Tadayoshi: Fine...

Vivian: Yah!

Soon Amelia notice Tadayoshi walking with Vivian, but before she could stomp over to him, Tracer grabs her by the shoulder and stop her

Tracer: Just let them be, she approached him not the other way around so you can't get mad at it

Amelia: ... *tsk*

Amelia rips herself from Tracer's grasp and walks away while Tracer then notices Cassie staring at Tadayoshi and Vivian with her cheeks a bit puffy

Tracer: ... "Seriously?"

Rachel: Well that's everyone, so now what

Tadayoshi: Oh... I brought someone with me...

Amber: Someone?

Alex: Sorry, had to quickly tie my shoe!

Everyone then turns at Alex to which most of the girls were surprised to see her

Rachel: The legendary-haired girl...

Amelia: "It's her..."

Tadayoshi: Took you long enough to tie your shoe

Alex: Hey I had to make sure it was tied!

Amber: So you do have a connection with her!

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Alex: Well since I'm first meeting you all, I'll introduce myself! I'm Alex, I'm Tadayoshi's old student, it's a pleasure to meet you all!


This story is interrupted by a chibi Kiryu making dinner gourmet while BeatBox was trying to make music with a kitchen


Time goes by as the girls immediately bonded with Alex as they gulp down their drinks, while the guys are preparing the dinner

Rachel: You know, this slumber party ain't too bad

Amber: What? Did you think it wouldn't be good?

Rachel: Eh, I thought something stupid would happen and we just end it here

Amelia: She has a point

Tracer: Of course, you'd agreed

Alex: *giggles* Guess you girls aren't so bad, well most of you

Amelia: The hell does that mean...

Alex: I'll explain later!

Diana: So what do you guys want to do now that we're waiting for dinner to be ready?

Amber: In that case, let's play a game!

Cassie: Ah hell yeah!

Vivian: What game are we playing?

Amber: Truth or dare, but the person we chose to do truth or dare will be next, and how about we add something to this?

Alex: What's that?

Amber: If we refuse to do the dare or truth, we have to drink a cup of hot sauce

Cassie: I'm down

Tracer: Yes!

Alex: Sure!

Diana: I guess... It wouldn't hurt

Amelia: ...

Rachel: Fine... as long you don't ask me something stupid or embarrassing...

Diana: You boys wanna join?

BeatBox: Love to, but busy right now!

Kiryu: No food is gonna be ruined if I get distracted!

Tadayoshi: Not interested...

Diana: Ok, just join in when you want to!

Rachel: Well, I'm going first, Cassie truth or dare?

Cassie: Dare!

Rachel: I dare you to admit that it was you who took all the chips in our pantry

Cassie soon grew nervous as Rachel waits for her answer

Cassie: Uhhh... yeah

Rachel then slightly hits her in the head as soon as she answered

Cassie: ow...

Rachel: I knew it wasn't Chum, he's too short to reach the shelves

Chum: *muttering in disappointment about that*

Cassie: I'm sorry... I was hungry

Rachel: Ok but don't blame it on the shark

Rachel: *sigh* Now I got my answer, your turn to ask

Cassie: Alright, Alex! Truth or dare?

Alex: Me? I'll go with truth!

Cassie: Uhh... is it true... that... you and Tadayoshi are... dating

Amber: Actually... you two seem to know each over a lot especially since he trusts you more than us

Alex: Oh no, we're just friends, and besides he's like a brother to me

Cassie: *sigh* that's a relief- I mean Ok ok... yeah

Alex: ... Well my turn, Diana truth or dare?

Diana: um truth

Alex: Ok, is it true that you can't touch your elbows together?

Diana: ... Yes

Vivian: Why? Is it hard to reach it?

Amelia: Don't think about it...

Vivian: ?

Diana: Ok guess I'm next, Ambie truth or dare?

Amber: Dare me!

Diana: Uh, I dare you to drink a non-pulp drink

Amber: *gasp* I would never!

Alex: I guess you'll have to drink the cup of hot sauce

Amber felt herself struggling to decide for a few minutes until making her decision

Amber: BeatBox! Toss me the hot sauce!

BeatBox: Sure!

BeatBox tosses over the bottle of hot sauce which she catches and immediately drinks it

Amber: AH! Fucking Christ!

Soon Chum quickly brings over a bottle of water and Amber grabs and chugs it down

Diana: Sorry, Ambie?

Amber: *cough* *cough* It's fine, I refuse to give up my pride on a non-pulp drink... Tracer! Truth or dare?

Tracer: Ehhh, let's start with truth!

Amber: Is it true that you have been trying to make your body more sexier?

Rachel: Oh god...

Tracer: Kinda? To be honest I'm not even trying to do anything to my body but I'm not complaining about what I have *rubs her waist*

Amelia: "At least she isn't acting like a pervert about it..."

Amber: Teach me how to get a nice body like Diane!

Tracer: That's impossible because I don't know how...

Amber: FUCK!

Alex: *giggles*

Tracer: Anyways Amelia, truth or dare

Amelia: ... Dare

Tracer: I dare you to expose your chest

Amelia: This again...

Tracer: Don't worry, I just wanna see your bra

Rachel: *sigh*

Tracer: What? I've been curious if she has any for a while cause she always covers herself up a lot

Rachel: What kind of curiosity is that?...

Amelia turns bright red as she looks at the boys, to see if they were looking

Amelia: ... Fine, if it gets you to shut up about it finally...

Tracer: Deal!

Soon Amelia unzips her sweatshirt and lifts her shirt, showing off her normal black bra

Tracer: ... Well at least you have something

Callie: Yeah it's not too bad

Amber: At least I know I won't feel like out...

Diana: Ambie, you're fine the way you are...

Vivian: They look cute!

Amelia: Vivian, stop...

She quickly puts down her shirt and zips back up her sweatshirt, still feeling a bit uncomfortable as she quickly checks to make sure the boys weren't looking

Amelia: You guys didn't see anything?!

Tadayoshi: See what?

Kiryu: Eh?

BeatBox: We're you trying to show us something?

Amelia: Never mind...

Cassie: I'm guessing she has been on your ass about that question

Amelia: Yes... Vivian, truth or dare

Vivian: Dare!

Amelia: I dare you to promise you'll stay away from the Forgotten

Alex: ...

Vivian: No!

Amelia: If you don't! You'll have to drink the hot sauce!

Vivian: ... Hot sauce, please!

Amelia: *sigh* No need to...

Amber: Ah what? I wanna see her-

Amelia: I said no!

Amber: *sigh* Fine...

Vivian: My turn! My turn! Cassie, truth or dare

Cassie: Me again? Imma dare again! I feel more challenged!

Vivian: Ok! I dare you to kiss Tadayoshi!

As soon those words came out of her mouth, everyone froze in shock while Tadayoshi nearly spits out his drink

Cassie: *blushes bright red* W-W-W-W-WHAT?!

Amber: Huh?!

Chum: ?!

Diana: K-K-K-Kiss?!

Rachel: How did we get here

Tracer: Bold of you to ask that...

Amelia: Vivian! Why are you asking that kind of question?!

Vivian: But it's a truth and dares thing and people always say this in movies

Cassie: Wha- I- No! No, they don't!

As Cassie continues to get flustered and her face was bright red from this resolution, Alex continues to stare at her, realizing something

Alex: "Well I'll be dammed..."

BeatBox: Yo! My boy is gonna get a kiss! Hell yeah

Tadayoshi: Don't start shit up...

Vivian: So... are you going to do it?

Cassie: Well... I- uhh...

She continues to remain silent for a few minutes having a big debate in her head to figure out what she'll do

Cassie: "What am I going to do?! I can't just kiss him right in front of everyone like that! Is it really the best to avoid the hot sauce, but a kiss doesn't sound bad... Wait?! What am I saying?! I-"

Tadayoshi: If she doesn't want to then don't patronize her.

Cassie: Eh?

Tadayoshi: It's not right to get her to kiss someone she doesn't feel comfortable about...

Vivian: Oh, I'm sorry, Cassie

Cassie: Oh no... it's fine... yeah...

BeatBox: Didn't think you have that kind of way with words

Tadayoshi: I do not want to get involved with that game you're all playing...

Everyone: ...

Diana: ... So is dinner done yet

Kiryu: You bet! I just finished up and- what's up with all of you

Chum: !

Amelia: Were you not listening to what just happened a few seconds go

Kiryu: Nope! Had to make sure the cooking is just perfect!

Amelia: *sigh* Of course

Tracer: Well dibs on the biggest ribs on that pan!

Vivian: I want chicken!

Rachel: Make sure you have manners...

Chum: *speed blitz towards the food*

Soon everyone starts to make their way to the counter as they try to forget what just happened. As everyone was doing that, Cassie approached Tadayoshi

Cassie: Hey...

Tadayoshi: Hm?

Cassie: Thanks... for getting me out of that situation...

Tadayoshi: Yeah... now go eat your food

Cassie: Y-Yeah...

Soon Cassie makes her way to the table as Tadayoshi lets out a sigh while Alex turns at him and then Cassie

Alex: "This will be interesting to talk about!"


Soon nightfalls as everyone has finished dinner and is preparing for bed, which the girls sleeping upstairs and the guys sleeping downstairs

BeatBox: Man time went by fast

Kiryu: Only yeah but when I was cooking

BeatBox: Of course, speaking of which that shit was delicious as expected!

Kiryu: Heh!

BeatBox: What do you think Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: Of what?

BeatBox; The slumber party duh

Tadayoshi: Slow...

BeatBox: Aw come on! It's-

Tadayoshi: But it was ok...

BeatBox: There's some encouragement!

Kiryu: At least you felt some joy

BeatBox: I knew you're finally opening yourself up!

Tadayoshi: mmm... I'm going to bed...

BeatBox: Yeah, same with me, y'all have a good night

Kiryu: You too

Upstairs, the girls were preparing themselves to sleep but Alex suddenly interrupted them

Alex: Excuse me, but may I have all of your attention

Rachel: What?

Amber: It better be quick

Alex: I've been keeping an eye on everyone in this slumber party to see how you are and I'll say all of you are quite interesting and fun

Diana: Umm... thank you?

Amelia: So what does this have to-

Alex: But here's my question... what do you all want from Tadayoshi...

Cassie: ... What's with that tone...

Alex: Tadayoshi has been through a lot and it's my job to make sure he isn't upset. I would hate to see all of you being nothing but fowl on this earth who treat people like trash...

The girls couldn't help but feel a bit scared and a feeling of a murderous aura around Alex as she was still giving off a simple smile to them

Amelia: The hell...

Amber: *slowly pulls out pistol* Just in case you try something...

Alex: So... what's your answer?

Diana: It's not like that! I just want to help him! He's kinda my beginning to help starts my goal to help more people like him!

Rachel: He just works for me, all I just want is some accompany whenever I'm by myself

Tracer: I mean he's my friend and... there really nothing much...

Vivian: I want to play with him! He's a great guy! I don't want to hurt him, he didn't nothing to us!

Cassie: He's... someone special...

Amber: Yeah, there's nothing I want from him, he's just a cute bro

Cassie: Yeah I- wait what?

Amber: What?

Cassie: Y-You called him cute?

Amber: Yeah, is there something wrong with that?

Cassie: Well... it's just-

Tracer: I mean she is not wrong! Like have you felt that man's muscles?

Suddenly Cassie slowly starts to imagine a shirtless Tadayoshi which causes her face to be bright red from blushing

Tracer: I mean I can say that with Kiryu and surprisingly BeatBox

Vivian: BeatBox?

Tracer: Yeah like you can tell from his sweatshirt and his body structure

Vivian: ... I don't get it

Tracer: You will one day...

Alex: I see...

Rachel: Are you asking us this to see if we're trustworthy?

Alex: Yes, I don't want him to feel betrayed again...

Diana: Then is it ok if... you tell us about him

Alex: It's classified... it's not something Tadayoshi wouldn't like for me to spread...

Diana: Ok... sorry for asking...

Alex: Amelia?

Amelia: What?

Alex: What do you what from him...

Amelia: I want nothing from that Forgotten!

Alex: ... Then why do you stay around

Amelia: To make sure that Vivian doesn't-

Alex: Are you trying so hard to make him miserable? So hard you want to feel like a piece of shit because you don't like his hair?

Amelia: No! It's not-

Suddenly Alex pulls out her gladius blade and pins Amelia against the wall with the blade at her neck and the girl's surprised by this

Alex: Out of everyone in this room, you were the most nuisance of them all... you just don't get it

Amelia: What?

Alex: Tadayoshi has a reputation for people assuming who he is by his appearance and aura. By the time people realize the truth however, it's too late for them to change anything because their bond is forever broken with him.

Amelia: What does this have to-

Alex: You've watched over Vivian... have you ever seen her in an uncomfortable state around him?... do you feel any sense of fear from her?...

Amelia: ...

Alex: I understand why you're hesitant... but maybe you should... give him a chance... before you turn him into the monster you imagine him to be...

Amelia: ...

Alex: He cares for everyone... even you... because he knows how much Vivian cares for you...

Amelia: ... That's nothing but a lie...

Alex: It makes sense for you to say that... but... you're making yourself look stupid...

Amelia: How!? Because I know what the hell he's capable of!?

Alex: No, it's just because you're simply fighting a one-sided battle...

Amelia: ...

Alex: You're not arguing with Tadayoshi... you're arguing with yourself... in your own head... because you can't accept the truth

Soon things went quiet as Alex lets go of Amelia and she puts her weapon away while Vivian quickly runs up to check if she ok

Alex: I'm sorry for that... had to let something out

Amber: Yeah... Jesus Christ...

Vivian: Are you ok?

Amelia: ... Yeah

She remained silent as she gets into her sleeping bag and lays down while everyone looks in surprise

Alex: Anyways if that's the case with you all then I can put some trust in you all and I wish you all treat him equally... so don't try anything funny

Amber: Oh relax we won't!

Tracer: Y-Yeah...

Rachel: ... Well after all that, I'm hitting the hay

Diana: Yeah same...

Alex: Oh Cassie, can we have a moment

Cassie: Oh yeah...

Alex: You girls have a good night

Everyone: Good night!

Alex and Cassie steps out of the room as Cassie was a bit nervous about what Alex wanted to talk to her about

Cassie: ... So what do-

Alex: You like Tadayoshi don't you?

Suddenly Cassie's face turns bright red and starts panicking about what to say

Cassie: Like?! Wait- it can't be- I-

Alex: I knew it?

Cassie: Huh?

Alex: I never thought this day would come but here we are!

Cassie: Wait- it's not like- it's just-

Alex: Hey, it's ok...

She places her hand on Cassie's shoulder to calm her down

Alex: Your secret is with me... so I wish you good luck with him... he's a tough cookie

Cassie: ... T-Thanks...

Alex: Now have a good night

She walks back inside the room, leaving Cassie alone to cover her face up in embarrassment. Meanwhile, Amelia remain awake, remembering what Alex told her

Amelia: "I'm fighting a one-sided battle... what the hell is the saying..."


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