Chapter 38: Music Rival
Newswoman: You're saying that this Regicide killer has more people with him
Newsman: Exactly! The police found another massacre with multiple bodyguards brutally murdered along with a Royalist hanged against a wall! However, the surveillance camera has caught footage of the killer with a small group of mercenaries with him as the murder happened but it seems it wasn't able to catch the face of the true regicide killer!
BeatBox: Man another murder and now he has a group with him...
Tadayoshi: Don't care about that... Can you explain to me why I'm here with you...
It was the middle of the morning at Management Co. where Tadayoshi and BeatBox are walking inside to see if the place is still being repaired after the incident between Tadayoshi and Tooth a few weeks ago
BeatBox: I've told you, I need a bodyguard for today since I called for a board meeting for my concert tonight and me going out in public... you know
Tadayoshi: Yeah yeah but hiring me to come here is a terrible idea
He looks around as he notices some of the workers recognizing him as they walk away In nervousness or some trying to find security
BeatBox: Don't worry about it, I got your back! Besides this place sees me as a god so they won't do shit with people around me!
Tadayoshi: Egotistic...
BeatBox: I'm just being metaphoric! But thanks for coming with me
Tadayoshi: I'm only doing this cause you're paying me
BeatBox: Deny it all you want! I haven't even told you HOW much I'm paying you!
Tadayoshi: ... *stops walking*
BeatBox: I'll be paying you a lot, relax!
Tadayoshi: You better...
They got into the elevator as they waited to reach their floor while BeatBox was vibing to the elevator music and Tadayoshi tries to ignore him.
Tadayoshi: Do you really have to dance
BeatBox: Hey! Elevator music can be fire sometimes!
Soon they arrived at the floor and make their way down the hall to the room where BeatBox needs to be
BeatBox: Alright you can wait here while I try to wrap up my quick meeting!
Tadayoshi: Good
BeatBox: See you in a bit!
He walks into the room as Tadayoshi leans back against the wall, waiting for him.
Rachel: Well that's finished
Cassie: That's good, you can catch a break finally!
Chum: *stomach growls*
Cassie: You hungry too? Let's go stop somewhere to eat before we head home!
Chum: *wags tail in excitement*
Rachel: Well you two better not- Tadayoshi?
Cassie: Yoshi?
Tadayoshi: Eh?
Cassie: Hey! Yoshi! Over here!
Tadayoshi: Oi...
Soon Rachel and Cassie approach him while Chum hops and crawls around him in excitement with his tail wagging
Rachel: What brings you here?
Tadayoshi: I had to be a bodyguard with an... acquaintance
Rachel: An acquaintance?
Cassie: Aw you weren't here to visit me~
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: ... *blushes in embarrassment* God dammit... why can't I do it normally like before...
Tadayoshi: ... So why are you two here especially you...
Rachel: I need to talk to my manager about quitting my jobs
Tadayoshi: Thought you only run a talk show?
Rachel: I do, I just had a lot of jobs but I don't have to worry about them, well until I figure out what should I continue working as
Cassie: And I just tagged along cause I needed a new manager since... before
Tadayoshi: Figured...
Cassie But we are going out to eat, you can come if you want to!
Tadayoshi: Can't, have to keep an eye on the idiot
Rachel: Who are you watching over?
Suddenly the door is kicked up and BeatBox stomps in excitement
BeatBox: Alrighty! My meeting is done! I knew it'll be quick so Tadayoshi, we should-
Rachel/Cassie: ...
BeatBox: ...
Rachel: Wait...
Cassie: B-BeatBox! The legendary BeatBox?!
BeatBox: *gasp* You two are Cassie and Rachel!
Cassie: *gasp* He's a fan of us! I feel like I'm being honored!
BeatBox: No need to! I feel honored to meet some other famous people!
Cassie: Thank you! I'm so glad I can meet you in person! I can't wait to see your concert tonight!
BeatBox: Why thank you! And hello little fella
Chum: *looks up at him in confusion*
Soon BeatBox reaches down and carefully picks him up as Chum looks at him in confusion
BeatBox: Aren't you a cute little fella! What's your name?
Cassie: His name is Chum!
BeatBox: Chum? I like it! What do you think of me? Huh?
Chum mind:
Rachel: You were being a bodyguard of him?
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: Why, of course! This man is my best friend!
Tadayoshi: I am not...
Rachel: Hmph, I'm guessing he's paying you a lot
Tadayoshi: Yes
Cassie: Do you guys wanna come and eat with us?
BeatBox: Oh why would I reject that? *sets down Chum* Where to?
Cassie: French Fry City!
BeatBox; Oh hell yeah!
BeatBox/Cassie: Let's go!
Both Cassie and Chum start running down the hall to the stairway as Chum follows them in excitement, not knowing what's going on while Rachel and Tadayoshi walk to the elevator
Rachel: You coming?
Tadayoshi: Not like I have a choice, have to keep an eye on that dumbass...
Rachel: I know he's called you a best friend at the Colosseum and you don't like him, have you tried to like to go away from him
Tadayoshi: I've tried, but he just keeps coming back...
Rachel: Oh, also I almost forgot, have you got yourself ready for the party soon?
Tadayoshi: Not yet...
Rachel: You better be, I don't want to deal with the other Royalties that might be on my ass at the party
Tadayoshi: I know
Soon they arrived at the bottom floor where BeatBox and Cassie are already there but are breathing heavily in exhaustion while Chum finally catches up to them
Rachel: Did you really need to run down here?
Cassie: I- *huff* got a bit excited for a moment
BeatBox: Yeah but it was fun!
Tadayoshi: ... You almost fell down the stairs didn't you
BeatBox: ... No
Tadayoshi: Dumbass...
BeatBox: It wasn't on purpose man!
Cassie: Anyways now that you two caught up! Come on! The French fries are calling for us!
Rachel: Yeah, Yeah
As the groups start to make their way out of the building and to French Fry City, none of them notices that someone was watching them from far behind
?: Finally... after a long trip, I finally found you! My rival!
Soon their food arrives as BeatBox, Chum, and Cassie starts to munch down on their fries while Tadayoshi and Rachel sip their drinks
BeatBox: Thanks for *nom* inviting us for *munch* lunch!
Tadayoshi: Can you not make a mess
BeatBox: Hey! This stuff is good ok!
Tadayoshi: And I don't want your damn saliva all over my drink...
BeatBox: So you girls seem to know about my best friend
Rachel: He's just my coworker
Cassie: Same with me! *munch* But he's also my bodyguard!
BeatBox: Really? Coworkers?
Tadayoshi: She's mostly my boss
BeatBox: Ok, that makes a lot different than I expected, what do you work for her as?
Rachel: That's classified
BeatBox: Ah come on! Tell me!
Rachel: No
BeatBox: Pretty, please!
Rachel: No
As BeatBox and Rachel continue chatting Cassie notices Tadayoshi didn't order anything
Cassie: "He doesn't have anything to eat..."
She takes one of her fries and tries to give it to him to which Tadayoshi notice and looks at her in confusion
Tadayoshi: ... What are you doing?
Cassie: I'm offering you a fry
Tadayoshi: I don't want it...
Cassie: Come on, you look left out
Tadayoshi: And you're saying Rachel isn't?
Cassie: Well... she's a special breed!
Tadayoshi: -_-
Cassie: ... Ok I just... want to... uh...
Tadayoshi: You got nothing
Cassie: I got nothing... but still!
Tadayoshi: Not hungry, I won't be able to taste anything
Cassie: I guess... *munches on the fry* but why can't you? It's just... weird that you're the only Forgotten to not be able to taste?
Tadayoshi: I'm not sure
Cassie: Have you got it checked?
Tadayoshi: ... I did, they said they don't know
Cassie: Oh...
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: ... Say Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: What?
Cassie: Do you... have plans for some time around the week?
Tadayoshi: Not sure...
Cassie: Well... if you don't... would you... like to come with me and-
Everyone turns at the voices to see a man with blue hair, wearing a skinny crop top and leggings, and futuristic shades, who dances towards them and then does an epic pose with a small group of dancers appearing behind him, cheering him on
Tadayoshi: What is this shit...
Cassie: Not gonna lie, he knows how to make an entrance...
Tadayoshi: Entrance my ass, that's just embarrassment
Cassie: I mean I kinda enjoyed it
The stranger points at BeatBox and everyone turns at him in confusion
?: You're probably shocked to see me after so many years! But now I've returned even better than before! And this time! I will beat you in your music game!
BeatBox: ... Who are you?
The second those words came out of his mouth, the stranger and the dancers behind him collapsed to the ground in shock as if an arrow pierced through their chest
?: What do you mean who are you?!
BeatBox: I seriously have no clue who you are sir. But I do rock with the shades you have!
Tadayoshi: Ok serious who the fuck are you?
Rachel: If I remember correctly, he's that one pop star that is famous for his light show for his concert, Light?
Light: Finally! Someone recognizes me!
BeatBox: .... Ohhhh! I remember! You're that one weird dude, Light! How are you doing?
Light: Don't get all friendly with me after you forgot who I am!!!
Tadayoshi: So you know this weirdo...
BeatBox: Yeah, like a few years ago before you came here! We accidentally had our concert planned at the same place and the same time so we had a music battle against each other to see who will win the schedule and I won
Light: Yeah, and after that humiliating defeat! I knew I had to get back my music honor! So I went into hiatus and spent an entire year training to finally surpass you!
Cassie: That explains why most people forgot about you...
Light: Well not this time! This time I'll make my return with a beautiful entrance as if I beat BeatBox in another music battle and not only take back my pride as a pop star but as the new number 1 idol!
He does another epic pose as the colorful lights flash around him and the backup dancers cheers for him, yelling out his name in amazed
Rachel: I feel like his hiatus has made him a nutjob...
Light: So... What do you say... BeatBox
BeatBox: About what?
Light: Did you not hear what I've been saying?! I challenge you to a Music duel!
BeatBox: Oh!... Yeah sorry, not interested, besides I'm having lunch right now with my friends!
Light: Well that sucks, because you're gonna have to anyways tonight! Cause I scheduled my concert at the same time and day as you!
BeatBox: Wait that's why the meeting called me here?!
Light: So you figured it out! I asked the board for this plan and they accept it, believe it'll be big for the company and our reputation!
BeatBox: *sigh* Fine! But I'm doing this cause I want to do my concert!
Light: Heh! Good! I'll see you tonight to see your downfall, my rival!
Backup dancer: Light! Light! Light! Light!
Soon Light walks away prideful as his backup dancers follow him while continuing to cheer his name while the other watches
Cassie: You really going with this?
BeatBox: Not like I have a choice but still excited about the new song I'm about to release to the world!
Rachel: You don't seem to care about it
BeatBox: Of course not! Don't care about the title, I care about the fun of the music!
Cassie: Well, looking forward to it!
BeatBox: Thanks! And since you're all coming to the concert!
He goes through his pockets and hands Cassie and Rachel a backstage pass which they look in surprised
Cassie: Wait... seriously?!
BeatBox: Yep!
Rachel: You sure you're ok handing us this?
BeatBox: Why of course! If you're my best friend's friend, then you're all my friends!
Rachel: Thanks
BeatBox: No problem! Oh and Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: Hm?
He tosses Tadayoshi a backstage pass which he catches and takes a look at it
BeatBox: You know I wouldn't forget to give you that!
Tadayoshi: Never thought you weren't...
BeatBox: Also you think I'm still annoying or weird after meeting Light?
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: *smugs* I knew it
Tadayoshi: Keep talking and I'll rip those speakers off of your helmet...
Chum: *finishes eating and doesn't realize he missed a lot*
This story is interrupted by a chibi BeatBox vibing to some music playing on his headphones
Soon night falls as there was a crowd of people in the middle of Coltopia, ready for the big concert. The group was behind the stage with Cassie and Chum, who are wearing fan attire and looking around in amazed while Rachel and Tadayoshi are chilling out
Cassie: Can't believe we're in his stadium!
Chum: *sniffs around, inspecting the place*
Tadayoshi: How does the stadium even work
Rachel: Every pop star has their stage that they can control for their concert
BeatBox: Hey! Good to see you guys here!
They turn at BeatBox, who was dressed up in a dark grey sweater with different color spots on it and black pants, waving at them as Chum runs at him in excitement
BeatBox: Hey there little guy!
Chum: *pants in excitement*
Cassie: As if we'd miss this!
BeatBox: Yeah, speaking of which, I'm surprised to see you came here!
Tadayoshi: I'm here to keep an eye on these two...
Rachel: I mean we didn't ask to be watched
Cassie: But... I don't mind that you came with us...
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: So you did come to see me!
Tadayoshi: No I didn't...
BeatBox *sniff* I knew you care!
Tadayoshi: Shut it...
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and girls! After the long await, the show will now begin!
BeatBox: Oh it's time! Wish me luck out there!
Rachel: Good luck
Cassie: Hell yeah! Give it all you got!
Tadayoshi: ...
Soon BeatBox starts to run out to the open stadium as they watch him leave
Rachel: So did you really come to see him
Tadayoshi: Don't question it...
Rachel: I won't
The crowd roars as the same announcer from the Colosseum event floats down above the crowd as the lights shoot around the air and the music beats begin to play
Announcer: For our leading star! He's known for many world-breaking music albums! The masked musician! Give it up to the #1 idol, the legendary BeatBox!!!
Suddenly BeatBox slides out onto the stage and points up into the air as the crowd roars in cheer for him
BeatBox: Thank you all for coming everyone!
Announcer: And for our special guest who has come to challenge BeatBox!
Suddenly another stage that's in front of BeatBox starts to light up and the backup dance rises beneath it and starts to dance
Announcer: He is known for his amazing light show and has been on a long hiatus but now has returned! Give it up for the Living Light show, Light!
Suddenly all the color lights immediately point towards Light, who is in an epic pose. Soon upbeat music starts to play as Light walks his way toward the stage as the crowd roars for him
Cassie: Not a bad entrance!
Rachel: I'm surprised that they still remember him
Tadayoshi: Think they're just really excited to not realize what's going on right now...
Light: Thank you all for the long wait! Now after a year of my break, I wanted to return for all of you to feel like I've gotten better! Well, now I can prove it, by beating you in a battle of music, BeatBox!
BeatBox: Yeah I know! Can we start singing now?
Light: *tsk* Fine! Prepare for your downfall!
BeatBox: *thumbs up*
Announcer: Now that we have our stars, let me explain this music duel! Both sides will be performing their show and you people will be the ones to vote for the winner by standing around one of these stages! The winner of the competition will be the one to perform tonight's concert, so chose wisely folks!
Light: Heh, already can see the title coming towards me!
Announcer: Enough of me stalling! Let's have our returning artist, Light starts! It's time for this music battle to... BEGIN!!!!
Suddenly all the lights shut off and there was only one pointing at Light as he pulls the microphone close to him
You can't forget
You can try to ignore it, try to run away
But you know deep inside, I'm here to stay
The memories you have, they won't go away
No matter how hard you try, I'm here to stay
(Dancer begins to appear as they start dancing and Lights starts walking foreword)
I'm the one you can't forget
No matter how far, I'm still in your head
I'm the one you can't forget
And I'm never gonna leave you alone
(Light stomps down as the stadium starts to slowly float in the air
You keep trying to push me, out of your sight
But I'm the one who's always been by your side
You can't deny it, that I'm here to stay
No matter how hard you try, I'm here to stay
(Lights begins to burst out of the stage as the crowd roars in cheers as Light begins to dance with his backup dancers and the crowd roars in cheers)
I'm the one you can't forget
No matter how far, I'm still in your head
I'm the one you can't forget
And I'm never gonna leave you alone
Wherever you go, whatever you do
I'm here with you, giving you strength to get through
You may try to hide, but I'm still here
The one you can't forget, that's me, my dear
(Light begins to rise higher from the stadium as his clothing begins to glow as he continues dancing until leaping down towards the stadium)
I'm the one you can't forget
No matter how far, I'm still in your head
I'm the one you can't forget
And I'm never gonna leave you alone
Soon Light lands on the ground and does a final pose with his backup dancer which causes the crowd to roar in cheer with the light shutting off
Cassie: Ok that was amazing!
Rachel: I'll admit, it was cool
Chum: *rubbing his eyes from the brightness*
Tadayoshi: The song somewhat felt cocky
Announcer: Now that's a wonderful performance! Now-
Before the announcer could say anything else, BeatBox stadium starts to float, causing everyone to turn at it in confusion
Cassie: We're already floating?
Soon Tadayoshi notice BeatBox was sitting down while the dial on his helmet was preparing for his voice change
Tadayoshi: What is he doing?...
Light: Already giving up? Well, I should've expected it from-
I've been living life in black and white
Feeling lost every single night
But then I found this place of endless light
Where everything's so bright
(The lights begin to slowly glow as they see BeatBox slowly get up and walk towards the stage)
It's like a dream, but it's real
A kaleidoscope of colors that I feel
I'm alive, I'm free
No more chains, I'm breaking free
(He jumps up and stomps the ground as the whole stadium glows with different colors, including the building which surprises everyone with some backup dancers appearing)
Welcome to the Color World
Where every hue comes alive
No more darkness, no more strife
It's a new beginning and I'm ready to thrive
(He starts to dance with the backup dancers while Light looks in annoyance, realizing BeatBox rented some of the building to help him with his concert)
Used to think that I was all alone
Lost in the world, just on my own
But now I know I've found my home
In a place where colors are shown
(The stage changes into stairs to which he walks up and latches on to the edge while raising his other arm as the stairs begin to spin)
It's like a dream, but it's real
A kaleidoscope of colors that I feel
I'm alive, I'm free
No more chains, I'm breaking free
(He flips off the stair and sticks the land and continues dancing as the crowd begins to clap to the beat while waving their glowing sticks)
Welcome to the Color World
Where every hue comes alive
No more darkness, no more strife
It's a new beginning and I'm ready to thrive
(Cassie and Chum waves their light stick in cheers while Rachel vibing to the beat and Tadayoshi continues to watch the show)
The world's a canvas, so let's paint it red
With every color, let's color the world instead
We'll light up the sky, with every single hue
This is the moment, it's time to start anew
(Soon fireworks and flares shoot out behind the stage as BeatBox was giving it his all before the final part)
Welcome to the Color World
Where every hue comes alive
No more darkness, no more strife
It's a new beginning and I'm ready to thrive
(The stadium suddenly starts to lower down as the colored light slowly glows dim and the backup dancers disappear into the stadium until there was only one light on BeatBox)
Welcome to the Color World
Let's paint this world in every hue
No more darkness, no more fear
It's a new beginning and we're all here.
The crowd roars in cheers as BeatBox bows down from his performance while Cassie and Chum were jumping in excitement
Cassie: That was amazing!
Rachel: Not bad at all
Tadayoshi: ...
Light: Dammit! I didn't expect he'll go this far in his competition!
Announcer: And now both sides have performed! It's time for all of you to vote
Soon everyone begins to move around as they begin to choose their side and soon after a few seconds, everyone has made their vote
Announcer: And now the winner of this music battle is... BEATBOX!!!
The crowd roars in cheers as BeatBox stadium immediately starts to play a music beat in his celebration while Light falls to his knees in defeat
Light: Why... after a long hiatus... I should've been able to beat him! How?!
Meanwhile, a DJ set appears out of the stadium to which BeatBox walks over to it and begins his next performance as the crowd roars in excitement
BeatBox: Now let's get this party started!!!!
After a few hours, the concert comes to an end as everyone starts to make their way home and BeatBox makes his way to the group who are waiting for him
BeatBox: So... what did you guys think?
Cassie: I fucking loved it!
Rachel: It was pretty good, also I've noticed that your new music had a message like it was a gift for Coltopia as a whole.
BeatBox: You are correct! That song is basically the meaning of this city! A place for new beginnings!
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: Ohhhh that makes sense!
Chum: *confused*
BeatBox: What about you? What do you think?
Tadayoshi: Don't care for it...
BeatBox: Sure you don't
Light: BeatBox!
They all turn at Light who looked pissed off as he stomps over to them
Light: You- you- cheater!
BeatBox: Me? A cheater? I feel offended
Light: You used the city for your performance! That's not fair!
BeatBox: Hey I said that performance was going to be big!
Light: But it was supposed to be my time to shine! Now people are going to say I had the worst return ever! You fucking ruined it!
Tadayoshi: Are you just gonna keep complaining?
Light: Shut the fuck up, Forgotten!
BeatBox: ... What did you call him?
Light: Anyways! I'm the guy who performs, not you! So you better stop trying to steal my spotlight!
Cassie: I mean he just used a lot of imagination for his concert
Light: *tsk* Well if you have imagination, bet you can't imagine throwing a punch!
Suddenly Light swings at BeatBox who immediately slaps him across the face, knocking him out unconscious before Light's fist could reach him
Light: ugh~
BeatBox: That's for insulting my best friend!
Backup dancers: LIGHT!!!
Suddenly Light's backup dancers appear and quickly takes him away as the other watches them
Backup dancers: He'll remember this!
Rachel: That was pathetic...
Cassie: Did he moan in pain?
BeatBox: Well that's done with, we gotta hang out sometimes! I've gotten to know the other people Tadayoshi hangouts with, now I just need to get to know you two as well!
Chum: *yawn*
Rachel: Perhaps another time... *picks up a tired Chum* but we should be heading back, it's very late
BeatBox: Yeah, but we should make plans!
Rachel: Maybe, later boys
BeatBox: You three have a good night!
Chum: *waves tiredly goodbye*
Before Cassie leaves with Rachel and Chum, Cassie quickly runs up to Tadayoshi
Cassie: Hey, I almost forgot but... before we got interrupted during lunch... could we... hang out together if you don't have plans next week?
Tadayoshi: ... If I'm not busy
Cassie: Alrighty! It's settled! Have a good night Yoshi!
Soon Cassie catches up with Rachel with glee on her face as they start to make their way home
Rachel: What did you ask Yoshi?
Cassie: It's a secret!~
As soon Cassie, Rachel, and Chum disappear from BeatBox's vision, he turns at Tadayoshi who looked a bit annoyed
BeatBox: I'm guessing you're still here because you want to ask me something?
Tadayoshi: That's music you made... it's about me, wasn't it...
BeatBox: ... Heh, not exactly, but I don't blame you for thinking of that
Tadayoshi: I've told you before I don't want you telling my story...
BeatBox: I didn't! People will assume if just Coltopia! Besides, the song was also telling my story as well, and you're a part of it!
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: Look man, even if you don't ever see me as a friend in the future, I'm glad you finally found some people to be with ya! Just let me have some joy that I can hang out with a person I call my best friend
Tadayoshi: ... Fine...
BeatBox: Thanks! Wait... Does that mean you accept me as a friend?!
Tadayoshi: I'm not
BeatBox: *smug*
Tadayoshi: Don't even...
BeatBox: *chuckles* I know, I just doing what friends do
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