Chapter 37: Challenges

Amber: How could you...

Cassie: I should be saying that to you!

At the Guardian base, Amber and Cassie are glaring at each other in disbelief and disappointment while Rachel and Diana watch them from aside and Chum stares in confusion.

Cassie: I thought for once we agreed on something

Amber: That's my line!

Rachel: You two... why do you two care about what you want to put on your chicken?

Amber: I do! How can we go out to eat at a restaurant that is selling karaage when this woman wants to put ketchup on her chicken?

Cassie: What about you who wants to put mayo on it?

Amber: Me obviously! And literally, anyone else who has the common sense to know that mayo is better!

Cassie: What are YOU talking about?! Ketchup is better in many ways! It's perfect on anything!

Soon, Craig exits out it the elevator and notices the gals arguing to which he walks over to see what's going on

Craig: What's all this yammering about?

Rachel: Hey, Craig

Diana: Hello! What are you doing?

Craig: Making sure Armor's Blueprint weapon is secured

Diana: Blueprint?

Craig: I'll explain that another time, but going on here?

Diana: Oh well, Cassie and Amber got into a little debate

Craig: About what?

Rachel: Chicken...

A few hours ago:

Rachel: I believe that about everything in this base

Amber: Fucking Christ...

Diana: I didn't think the base was this big... I thought it was a small place

Rachel: It's understandable since we always hangout on the balcony

Diana: Yeah but thanks for showing us around

Cassie: No problem! Since you might come here often we figured it best if you all know what's around here!

Amber: We know, but I'm famished from all the walking, let's go get something to eat!

Cassie: Oh hell yeah!

Chum: *wags his tail in excitement*

Diana: I heard there's a fast food place that has a family-size chicken on sale

Cassie: *gasp* Really?!

Diana: Yeah but they only sell one family size per group, so do you guys want any condiments on them?

Cassie: Oh yes!

Amber: Yeah let's have-

Cassie: Ketchup!

Amber: Mayo!

Cassie/Amber: Huh?!

Both Cassie and Amber glare at each other in disgust as Rachel realizes what's gonna happen

Rachel: Oh no...

Cassie: uh Amber... I think you meant to say Ketchup...

Amber: No, I think you are mistaken... It was definitely mayo we're getting...

Present time:

Rachel: And then they've been like this for about 5 minutes...

Craig: Ho! Ho! Ho! That hilarious!

Rachel: Not really...

Diana: Come on you two, there's no need to argue over this...

Amber: Diane! What do you like to put on your chicken?

Cassie: Yeah! Ketchup or mayo?

Diana: N-Neither... I like honey on mine

Cassie: I'm disappointed...

Diana: Huh?

Amber: I thought you were better...

Diana: W-What?...

Amber: But we should get the chicken with mayo!

Callie: Fuck no! Ketchup!

Suddenly, Amber pulls out her duel pistols and points them at Cassie in anger

Amber: We're gonna get the mayo on our chicken, you stupid airhead beanie blonde bitch!

Soon Cassie pulls out her hammer and starts spinning it until pointing it at Amber in determination

Cassie: If I have to fight you to get that ketchup on the chicken then so be it!

Suddenly Craig appears in front of them and lowers their weapon with his cane and hand

Craig: Ho! Ho! Ho! Now now, no need for this to get all violent! I have a better way to settle this squire!

Cassie: Huh?

Amber: And what's that old man?

Craig: Oh Ho, just some old simple competition I used to play when I was young!

Amber: A competition?

Cassie: *Gasp* We are going to be playing some games!

Craig: Of course and whoever wins most of these competitions will be the one to choose what you all want on your chicken

Cassie: Heh! I'll accept cause I know I'll beat this midget!

Amber: Who the fuck are you calling midget, blonde?! I'll make you eat your word with that big mouth of yours!

Cassie: Oh I will! Craig! What are the games we playing?!

Craig: Give me one second I'll be back with the games!

He walks away into a small building but before he could enter, Rachel quickly stops him

Rachel: What are you doing?!

Craig: I'm getting the games for them

Rachel: No! Why are you not trying to stop this? This fight is stupid

Craig: Stupid? It's entertaining!

Rachel: For you because of the stuff you always pull with your game?...

Craig: When you get to my age, you get bored with a lot of shit! I gotta do something to entertain myself!

Rachel: ...

Craig: Besides it'll kills some time for you and that missy over there to breathe while I deal with those nutballs

Rachel: I guess?...

Craig: Good! Now sit back and enjoy the show once I get the stuff!

Soon Craig walks back inside as Rachel turns around and walks up behind Amber and Cassie and punches them in the back of their head

Cassie: Ow...

Amber: What the fuck, bitch?!

Rachel: The hell is wrong with you two!? Trying to hurt fight each other over some chicken

Cassie: B-But it's chicken!

Amber: Yeah! You don't understand the greatness of chicken! And I want to eat it with some mayo!

Cassie: No! Ketchup!

Rachel: *sigh*

Diana: Just let them be... it's a good thing Craig thought of something to keep them cool

Rachel: Yeah, I suppose but this fight is just... I don't get it...

Diana: Trust me... I don't either...

Suddenly they notice Chum behind them, struggling to push some seats from them to which Diana let out a smile and helps him to which she takes her seat while Chum leaps onto Diana's lap in relax

Diana: Thank you little shark

Chum: *pants in exhaustion*

Rachel: Do you want some tea since I feel like we're gonna be here for a bit?

Diana: Sure!


After a few minutes, Craig return with a tray with 10 sushi and a carton of milk on it which Cassie stares at in glee

Amber: What's this about?

Craig: This here is my first game! We have 10 pieces of sushi here! However 1 of these sushis is filled with a lot of spice and whoever ends up eating the one with the spice, loses!

Amber: So basically gambling...

Craig: If you put it that way, I guess. Now then good luck youngsters!

He sets the tray on a small table as Craig walks away back into the building while Cassie and Amber sat across from each other and stare at the sushi with caution. Soon Rachel return with some tea and give it to Diana who is sitting a few feet away from Amber and Diana

Rachel: What's going now

Diana: They're starting their first game

Rachel: Oh that game...

Rachel takes her seat as she wipes out some shade from her kimono and put them on as she gets relaxed

Rachel: Let me know if something happens...

After a few second Amber and Cassie finally takes a sushi and munches on it, only for them to find out they're safe

Amber: Heh!

Cassie: Ok *munch* you think you're big and mighty because you ain't one sushi!

Cassie then takes two pieces of sushi and eats them both with a smirk on her way as the two sushi are safe

Amber: Yeah! I can eat two as well!

She then grabs two other sushi and eats them with anger on her face to which the sushi's being safe and only 4 pieces left on the tray

Cassie: Only four pieces left...

Amber: Only 1 out of the four is the spicy one...

Cassie: You gonna grab one?...

Amber: Oh yeah... just thinking which to choose... What about you?...

Cassie: Uhhh I'm just thinking as well... don't want to lose...

Cassie: ...

Amber: ...

Cassie/Amber: Chum!

Chum: ?

Cassie: Wanna piece of sushi?

Amber: Yeah wanna piece

Chum jumps up and in excitement and leaps off of Diana's lap and crawls over to them to which Rachel looks in disappointment

Rachel: They're both already trying to cheat their way through already...

Diana: Is this allowed

Craig: As long as they don't have the shark eat the last two but I'll let this one slide...

Chum crawls to Amber and Cassie as they lower the tray from his reach the sushi

Amber: You can have 1 of mine!

Cassie: No! He can have one of mine!

Amber: Why? I thought you have an appetite.

Cassie: I-I'm just not feeling hungry... what about you I thought you don't like sharing?

Amber: I-I feel generous today...

Cassie: Liar!

Amber: I can say that to you as well!

Chum: *burp*

They turn at Chum to see that he's already eaten two of the sushi to which he bows to them in appreciation and then crawls back to Diana and Rachel

Amber: Dammit!

Cassie: He didn't choose the spicy one!

Rachel: "Are you two trying to get him killed..."

Diana: Wow, you trained him well to have such manners...

Rachel: No he usually doesn't do this. He does this as an act to get extra food

Diana: Oh

Rachel: He's a little shithead sometimes

Meanwhile, Amber picks up the tray and sets it on the table as they stare at the last two table

Cassie: This is it...

Amber: Yep... and I definitely won't choose the wrong one...

After a few minutes of starting, they both slowly choose their last piece as they both begin to sweat nervously and they stare at their chosen sushi.

Cassie: ... F-For the Ketchup!

Amber: For the Mayo!

They both quickly eat their last sushi and prepared themselves for one of them to taste the spice

Cassie: Ah! It's ho- wait... it's fine

Amber: ...

She turns to Amber, whose face is bright red until she begins to cough and falls off her seat.


She quickly gets up and starts gulping down the milk that was on the tray as Cassie celebrates her victory!

Cassie: Yes! Yes! I won! Ketchup for the win!

Chum: *claps his fins in congratulations*

Rachel: Surprised he hasn't done anything yet

Diana: What do you mean?

Rachel: When it comes to Craig's games he...

Soon Craig walks over to Cassie and Amber and raises Cassie's arm as a victory

Craig: And the winner of the first game, goes to Cassie!

Amber: Ugh... Fucking Christ what kind of spice is this shit?!

Craig: My homemade one! I call it Satan's bath water!

Amber: ... Why the fuck-

Craig: Ho! Ho! Ho! Ho! I'm kidding! I call it Satan's blood! Now for the next game!

Cassie: Hell yeah I- wait next game?

Craig: I told you we are playing some games... this was just one of the three!... unless you two wanna stop and have Cassie be declared the winner!

Cassie: ... I mean I can just take this win and-

Amber: Hell no! That game was bullshit! That was just a luck game! Let's play the next game where it's an actual competition game!

Craig: Oh I'm glad you asked! Cause this game is exactly that! And this time, I put a little something extra in it!

Rachel: *sip* There it is...

Diana: So he likes to "troll" the players with something he adds to his games

Rachel: Yep, he does this cause he like to see the facial expression on their faces

Diana: Kinda reminds me of how Cassie is with her fans...

Rachel: I don't know if he's the reason why she does that...

Diana: So what's the next game?

Rachel: I have a feeling I know what game he's choosing


This story is interrupted by a chibi Cassie and Amber dressed up as ketchup and/or mayo condiments


Soon Craig brings Cassie and Amber over to a ping-pong table while Diana looks in confusion

Diana: Oh, this game, what can troll about this?

Rachel: You'll see

Craig: Our next game is a ping-pong table and I'm sure you two know how to play

Amber: Oh yeah!

Cassie: It's basically mini tennis

Craig: Correct! However, I've decided to make this more interesting!

He hands Cassie and Amber their paddles which have more tech to it

Amber: What kind of padded are these?

Craig: That's the interesting part! If you don't swing the paddle any faster

Suddenly Amber and Cassie felt a shock from the paddle which causes them to jump and drop the paddle in pain while Craig let out a laughter

Amber: OW! FUCKER!

Cassie: What kind of unique game style is this?

Craig: Ho! Ho! Ho! An interesting one! So play the ping-pong game like usual, you girls just have to play the game real fast!

Rachel: There's the troll...

Diana: Oh... sounds like torture with this one...

Rachel: Trust me this is just a tamed version of his trolls, he's usually a little more chaotic.

Diana: What kind of guy was he when he was young...

Rachel: I don't want to even imagine...

Craig: Now, you both have 5 minutes and whoever gets the most points wins! Cassie, you may serve!

Craig tosses the small ball to Cassie which she catches and gets into a serve stance

Amber: Heh! Even if this is new! I'll still kick your ass! For the mayo!

Cassie: As if!

Craig: And!... Begin!

Cassie toss the ball up and swing it with her paddle which Amber immediately swing back

Cassie: Too easy- OW!

Suddenly Cassie gets shocked by the paddle, causing her to drop and the ball bounces past her, giving Amber a point

Amber: Heh... pathetic...

Cassie: What the heck, Craig! I thought I was swinging fast!

Craig: Ho! Ho! Ho! You were, it's just you gotta swing faster than your last swing!

Cassie: What...

Amber: Hmph! Gonna back out now and having mayo?

Cassie: As if!

She picks up her paddle and the ball and serves as Amber hits it back. This time Cassie swings it faster so the paddle doesn't shock her as they both continue to hit the ball back and forth faster. Soon Cassie manages to hit the ball past Amber, giving Cassie the point

Cassie: Yes!

Amber: Dammit! It's ain't over yet!

Amber picks up the ball and serves next as they continue to hit the ball back and forth at a fast pace to which Diana looks in surprise

Diana: For a ping-pong game, this is quite extreme...

Rachel: You think this is extreme, you should see what Vivian and Amelia are like when they duel against each other...

Diana: Does anything surprise you?

Rachel: If you have Cassie as a roommate, there are a lot of things to be surprised about to the point everything feels normal...

Cassie takes a huge swing and hits the ball past Amber, getting herself another point

Amber: Heh! Guess I have to use my ultimate move!

Cassie: Ultimate move?

She tosses the ball in the air and as soon it starts to fall, she hits it as if she was playing normal tennis to which Cassie tries it hit it but misses because of how fast the ball flew by

Cassie: What the hell?!

Amber: Jealous?

Cassie: No! Just caught off guard! But just because you got a special move doesn't mean I'm giving up now!

Amber: You should! Cause I can taste that victory with those chicken and mayo!

Suddenly both Amber and Cassie felt a shock from the paddles which cause them to drop it in pain again but the ball bounces off into Amber's side, giving Cassie a point

Cassie: Ow... but yay?

Amber: What the fuck?! Pause!

Craig then stops the timer as Amber turns at Craig in annoyance from the shock

Amber: I thought we were swinging fast enough?!

Craig: Ho! Ho! Ho! You stop playing for a second so the paddle thought you guys are slowing down!

Amber: Now that's just torture!

Cassie: Yeah! Can we not have the shock paddles?

Craig: Then where's the fun in that? I had this to train my durability so in a way, you can think of this as a training session in a way but fun!

Cassie: Training...

Craig You all may quit and stop, I'm not forcing you both but that'll mean Cassie wins since she won the last game

Amber: *tsk* I refuse to lose! Let's go, Cassie

Cassie: ... Yeah! If this benefits me to get stronger next time, then let's do it! So I don't have to rely on people!

Craig: Very well then! And... Begin!

Cassie: For the ketchup!

Amber: For the mayo!

Soon a few minutes goes by and there was only 1 minute left with both Amber and Cassie having a tie score and their hands stinging from the paddle

Cassie: This is it... just 1 more point and I win again!

Amber: Come at me...

Cassie tosses the ball in the air and hits and soon they both began their final battle as they both quickly hit the ball back and forth

Cassie: Give it up! I'm gonna make sure we have ketchup on our chicken

Amber: As if! I'm not gonna let you win again!

As they continue to hit the ball back and forth, they felt their arms getting tired as they try to swing faster without slowing down. Soon Amber hits the ball as she was completely exhausted to which Cassie lets out a smirk, feeling very confident

Cassie: This is it!

She hit the ball as her arms were sore and tired from the fast swing as it bounces over but before it could go past Amber, she quickly gets into a baseball swinger stance

Amber: NOT YET!

The paddle immediately starts to sting Amber's hand since she was slow to swing but she manages to fight through it and swing at the ball

Amber: FOR THE MAYO!!!

Amber gives her final swings at the ball at the last minute before it could fall off the table to which Cassie tries to hit but misses and the ball gets past her, giving Amber the point and breaking the tie


Craig: And the winner is Amber!

Cassie: Man... now we gotta tie

Craig: And this tie will be the one to break this tie so be prepared! Cause this one is the last game

Amber: What game?

Craig: Oh it's something so unexpected... so sinister... so evil!

Both Cassie and Amber begin to feel nervous as Craig shows them their final game. The game to decide what condiments they'll put on their chicken


Craig: And now... our final game!

Both Cassie and Amber stare at Craig in nervousness about what their next game will be until he turns around with a simple smile on his face

Craig: Your final game is rock paper scissors!

Cassie: ...

Amber: ...

Craig: ^_^

Amber: ... You're joking right?

Craig: Nope I'm serious!

Cassie: Where's the catch? There's gotta be a catch.

Craig: Nope!

Amber: No special rule or something that has to make you laugh?

Craig: Nada! Well, actually there is one! This time, the winner will earn two "wins"

Cassie: Two wins?

Amber: Why two wins?

Craig: So I don't have to create new games if one of you two complains to me after you lose

Cassie: ... Uhhh

Amber: Hey! We're not bitches!

Craig: I mean, you were complaining after your loss to that sushi game-

Suddenly shoot at Craig in anger, who blocks the shot with his cane

Amber: I'll show you a complaint when I rip that beard off your face!

Craig: Ho! Ho! Ho! Now then, so you both got one shot! You both continue if you girls get a tie until one of you wins!

Amber: *tsk* Fine, if I win then we won't play any more of your chaotic version of games!

Cassie: I refuse to go down and have mayo on my chicken!

Craig: Very well then!

Diana: This is it...

Rachel: We can finally be done with their discussion-making?

Chum: *sweats nervously*

Cassie: ROCK!

Amber: PAPER!

Cassie/Amber: SCISSOR!-

Craig: Shoot!

Amber and Cassie throw down paper while Craig puts down scissors which everyone looks at Craig in confusion

Craig: Oh, I won!

Rachel: ...

Diana: ...

Amber: ...

Cassie: ...

Chum: ... *gets distracted by a butterfly flying near him*

Craig: ... What are ya'll starring at? Do I have something on my face?

Cassie: What-What the hell?!

Amber: Why the fuck are you joining in for?!

Craig: Cause I just realized something!

Amber/Cassie: ?

Craig: Both of you girls' opinion on what condiments you want on your chicken is shit! Salt and pepper are better on chicken!

The second those words come out of his mouth, Rachel spits out her tea in surprise until getting up and marching toward Craig

Rachel: Craig! Are you trying to make more arguments?

Diana: Easy Rachel, we-

Cassie: Actually that is true...

Amber: Huh... never thought of that... that is very true

Rachel: ... What?...

Diana: Huh?...

Craig: So it's settled, we're getting salt and pepper then!

Amber: Hell yeah!

Cassie: Salt and pepper chicken, here we come!

Craig, Cassie, and Amber start to make their way to the elevator to leave for Coltopia while Diana and Rachel stare at them in confusion

Rachel: They really did all this for nothing... and we could've just picked something they probably would've agreed on...

Diana: Seems so...

Rachel: I... I really need to lie down again...

Diana: *chuckles*

Rachel: What are you laughing about?

Diana: Oh nothing, it's just these two are so chaotic...

Amber: Yo, Diane! Rachie! You comin'?

Soon both Rachel and Diana start to make their way to the elevator while Chum, who is very impatient, runs past Rachel and Diana to quickly catches up with the others who enter the elevator

Diana: Let's just not worry about this and go along with them. After all, this is something we should've expected from them

Rachel: ... Heh, Yeah I guess


Characters data/Art:

Squid version of BeatBox (Yes I know it's a splatoon piece stfu, it looks great!)

Made by: @EggHeadedStories


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