Chapter 36: Brute's Secret

It's the middle of the day at the Brute's temporary base where Jorge and Ives are outside of the building with Jorge teaching Ives sign language

Jorge: "And this is how you say thank you"

Ives: Ok so... like this?

Jorge: *nods* "You're getting close"

Ives: *sigh* Geez, speaking them out is so complicated...

Jorge: "I mean at least you can understand me now"

Ives: Yeah... now you don't have to bring the notebook around you

Jorge: *nods*

Ives: You know I'm getting bored here. What do you do for fun?

Jorge: "Not really much... mostly do gardening or like relax in my room"

Ives: You ever go out?

Jorge: "I can't... my dad is worried I might get caught by someone..."

Ives: True... you are part of this Tribe... how about I go with you and we can just hang out and chill

Jorge: "You might wanna ask my dad about it... he's very very cautious with me"

Ives: Yeah I know, wait here I'll be right back!

Jorge: "Ok"

Ives walks back inside where she notices a lot of brutes running around with stuff in a panic which confuses her but ignores it. Soon she arrives at King's office where he talking to a brute

King: Are you certain?

Brute: Yes I'm positive! The generals are returning home!

King: *sigh* They must've finished with their mission... make sure everyone is packed and ready to leave... Thor may come back here for us after his return...

Brute: Yes sir!

The brute runs out as Ives walks with King also preparing to get packed

King: I assume you've heard what I said, Ives...

Ives: Gonna be honest, no

King: So what brings you here?

Ives: Just a request to take Jorge out-

King: No

Ives: I didn't finish Mr!

King: I don't need you to finish to know what you are about to say and my answer is no!

Ives: I can stay with him to keep an eye on him

King: You can but he's part of our criminal's family and if someone knows about him, they call the police who will report to the Order and then they will come immediately for him!

Ives: Yet I feel like everyone knows him because he's a Champion so if I took him out, they would only recognize him as a famous fighter than a son of a giant!

King: ...

Ives: Besides you barely took him out so I doubt anyone could know he's a part of this tribe

King: ... Fine... you and Jorge can go but remember-

Ives: Don't let anyone remove his mask, I know, and thanks

King: Be back before sundown... we have to leave soon

Ives: Ok!

King: ...

Ives walks out of the room as King back away and continues to pack his things

Brute: Excuse me, sir

King: You're still here?

Brute: We need your assistance but I couldn't help but hear the talk you had with the human

King: What about it?

Brute: Well I'm just wondering, why don't you go with them?

King: Why would I? We are in a hurry right now

Brute: Yes, we all know that but we could handle the rest and you can go spend time with your son!

King: Spend time with my son...

Brute: I mean is that what you wanted?

King: ... As much as I want to I can't

Brute: Forgive me for asking too much but how come

King: I've done shit to my son in the past that he can't forgive me for, hanging out with him right now is something that would make my son feel... despicable about me

Brute: I see...

King: For the time being... I'll wait until I feel like my son can tolerate me... wait for a miracle to come...

Brute: As you wish

Somewhere else, Jorge was starting at a flower that was poking out of the sidewalk curb as Ives runs toward him

Ives: I got permission from your dad! He says it's ok

Jorge: "R-Really?"

Ives: Yep! Had to do a little convincing

Jorge: "Wow... Didn't think you would be able to"

Ives: I have my ways! Anyways where do you want to go?

Jorge: "I'm... not sure, there's a lot of places I wanna see... how about we stop at that place that sells food and has a toy with it!"

Ives: You mean a fast food place?

Jorge: "Yeah if that's what they are called!"

Ives: Wow, you really weren't allowed to go out

Jorge: "Yeah, fathers rule. I snuck out once to join the colosseum and I saw that building and it looks very interesting!"

Ives: That explains a lot, but sure we can go there

Jorge: "Yah!"

Ives: Also to remind you, we gotta make it back here before sundown

Jorge: "Ok!"

They get up from sitting at the curb and make their way out of the base but before they could step out, someone yells out to them

King: Boy!

Jorge and Ives stop walking and look back to see King standing at the doorway with another brute beside him

Ives: Oh god dammit, please don't tell me he wants to bring another bodyguard with-

King: Have fun...

Jorge: ... *nods*

Soon Jorge and Ives continue to exit the base and make their way to Coltopia while King turns around and walks back into the base

Brute: I thought you didn't want to try to rebuild a bond with him yet

King: I do... but I just want to give my son a little hope in me... if possible

Brute: Are you sure you don't wanna go with them? It's still a chance for you to...

King: Yes... I'm sure of it... at least she can make him feel happy... now get back to helping the others... we have to leave soon enough!

Brute: Yes sir!

The brute runs off to help the other as King stops and looks out at the view to see the other brute helping each other pack up

King: *sigh* I really wish you were here to help again, my love...


Ives and Jorge arrives at the middle of Coltopia where Jorge looks around amazed by the building and stores

Jorge: "This is so cool!"

Ives: I'm still surprised that you never really looked around her when you went to the Colosseum

Jorge: "I never really had the time to look around and was in a hurry in case my dad sent some of his men to find me..."

Ives: That makes sense

Jorge: "Oh! There it is!"

They soon arrive at a fast food restaurant where they enter inside as Jorge continues to look around in amazed. As Jorge looks around, Ives approaches the counter to order

Cashier: Hi! Welcome to Mcdonalds'! What can I get for you?

Ives: I'll just get a quarter pounder with fries, Carmel espresso, and... what do you want Jorge?

Jorge: "Anything that's is a small meal"

Ives: You got any small meals?

Cashier: Uhh, we got a simple kid's meal or just a small burger with fries

Ives: Yeah the small burger, please

Cashier: Ok! Anything else?

Ives: That's it!

Cashier: Ok that'll be $38.99 and it'll be up when we call your number!

Ives: Alright thanks!

She pays the cashier and makes her way toward Jorge's where they both find their seat

Jorge: "This is somewhat exciting!"

Ives: *Chuckles* you are easy to get excited

Jorge: "Really?"

Ives: You got impressed when you saw an automatic door open

Jorge: "I didn't know that was a thing!"

Cashier: Number 837

Ives: That's ours!

Ives quickly gets up and grabs their food and returns as Jorge looks in excitement as he eats his small burger while Ives pulls out her food

Ives: Is that even enough?

Jorge: "Yeah, I get full very easily"

Ives: That's kinda surprising, normally brute eats twice the amount a normal human would eat

Jorge: "Well, not me I have a small appetite. I don't try to eat much"

Ives: I guess *munch*

Jorge: "Say Ives"

Ives: What's up?

Jorge: "I never got the chance to say this but why did you decide to stick around with the brute tribe?"

Ives: Your dad hired me to keep an eye on you for reasons

Jorge: "I know that but like... why did you want to be friends with me?"

Ives: Why not?

Jorge: "I mean I'm part of a criminal group and you were fine to... be around me"

Ives: I mean you felt like you were a weird one and knowing myself, I feel like I get along with weird people

Jorge: "Oh..."

Ives: And also I felt kinda bad for you at the colosseum when you were just alone and felt awkward

Jorge: "I-I just didn't know what to do there!"

Ives: Aww, it's ok! You don't need to be shy about it. It was kinda cute when you felt awkward!

Jorge: "C-Cute..."

Jorge couldn't help but blush in embarrassment as Ives let out a laughter

Ives: Aww, don't think too hard about it and besides, I really got nowhere else to go so staying at your base helps me

Jorge: "Don't you have a home to go to?"

Ives: Eh, not anymore

Jorge: "Oh sorry I asked..."

Ives: No it's fine, it's not a big deal but I mind as well tell you my secrets

Jorge: "Are you sure?"

Ives: Yeah, I feel like you can be someone I can just let out

Jorge: "Oh... thanks"

Ives: But to put it simply, I came here to get away from my family... they weren't... the greatest

Jorge: ...

Ives: My parent never liked the way how I acted and always wanted me to act all girly but I never liked it. So they always forced me to do something I like because "it fits me!" Stupid mom!

Jorge: "So what did you do?"

Ives: I would always leave my house so I can do what I liked doing until my parents gave up and kicked me and I end up finding myself in fight clubs... they were great! It made me feel so alive!

Jorge: "You were in fight clubs?!"

Ives: Yeah, made a lot of money! Also did a lot of thieveries and such to survive... until I may or may not have fucked up a Fairytale member... and now they've been on my ass

Jorge: "You what?!?"

Ives: Yeah... So I was hired to find someone for their "gateway" to god and... I kinda brought the wrong one and... almost destroyed their base because of it...

Jorge: ... "You almost destroyed an Overlord base because of a job..."

Ives: Yeah, but unfortunately the Dark Kingdom is too busy to search so they hired someone to come find me and I've been hiding from them ever since!

Jorge: "Is that why you came here to Coltopia?"

Ives: No, I heard the Colosseum event was happening and I couldn't resist going! So many strong fighters there! I needed to feel the intensity!

Jorge: "Oh jeez.."

Ives: Listen, I just don't want your father and your tribe to find out about this!

Jorge: "Sure but... I don't think my dad will like it if you keep it a secret!"

Ives: If they do, they might see me as a problem cause I'm connected with the Overlord group and they'll throw me away! I really need to home to stay in so, please!

Jorge: ... "Ok but are you sure? I'm sure the tribe will be fine..."

Ives: I can't take the risk, cause you're dad's still a piece of shit, and who knows what he'll do

Jorge: "I guess... but I promise I'll keep this secret"

Ives: Thanks, man!

After a few minutes, they finish their food and exit the fast-food restaurant

Jorge: "That was some great stuff!"

Ives:  Yeah... So what do you want to do now? We still got some time on our hands before we head back!

Jorge: ... "How about we take a walk together?"

Ives: A walk?

Jorge: *Yeah, I just want to look around the town and enjoy its view"

Ives: If that's what you want then sure

Jorge: "Alrighty!"


This story is interrupted by a chibi Ives telling the cashier that chibi Jorge asked for no pickles


They begin to walk around the city as Jorge continues to look around in amazed while Ives was keeping an eye out in case anyone follows them

Jorge: "Why are you keeping a look out"

Ives: Well, the farther you are away from the main city, the more you'll see more people that are threatening

Jorge: "That explains why some people are glaring at us..."

Ives: Pretty much

Jorge: ...

Ives: ...

Jorge: "Say Ives"

Ives: What's up?

Jorge: "You mind if I told you a little secret about my family since you told me yours? I'd feel like that would be fair."

Ives: Yeah? What's the secret

Jorge: ... "What if I told you... that were are the same brute group that the public claims to be the most violent group that planned to take over the world..."

Ives: ... What...

Jorge: ...

Ives: No... that's can't be... I heard from was just a rumor that the brute tribes were... I thought they were wiped out

Jorge: "Do you know the story?"

Ives: Yeah... everyone does... many years ago, there was a country full of bloodthirsty brutes that were planning a war against the world, but before they were suddenly wiped out.

Jorge: "Yeah"

Ives: But... I got to know you and your tribe... yet you don't feel like you guys are the violent group they claimed...

Jorge: "We never were..."

Ives: ?

Jorge: " My dad told me that we were a famous group back then..."

Ives: What kind of famous group?

Jorge: "My dad told me that after the Civil War 2, we were responsible for rebuilding the entire world!"

Ives: Wait what?!

Jorge: "Yeah, my dad told me once the war ended, we came in and help to rebuild everything from the destruction of the war. It only took them 1 month to rebuild everything

Ives: 1 Month?!

Jorge: "Yeah, there is a reason why we are considered the strongest out of the three races. Building a house takes only an hour, a city takes a week, it's like building legos to us."

Ives: So you're family was responsible for rebuilding the city...

Jorge: "Twice"

Ives: Twice?!

Jorge: "The Civil war 2 and the Armageddon War"

Ives: Oh... that war...

Jorge: "Yeah, mostly my mother was the one to lead and convinced us to help everyone. It was why all of us brute look up to her, even my dad"

Ives: Your mother... What was she like?

Jorge: "An inspiration... and a parent I wish I could have again..."

Ives: ...

Jorge: "But after the brutes rebuilt the world, they gave us our island to live in where we would get many big supplies for the world! It was a peaceful country with my mom and dad as leaders..."

Ives: Peaceful...

Jorge: "Yeah, then one day... an incident happened to our country and my mother died there... we left the island and we formed a tribe for the surviving members to stay"

Ives: An incident...I'm guessing it had to do with Thor?

Jorge: "... My dad won't tell me what since I was just a baby back then..."

Ives: ... Did your dad tell you that they had some connections with the Order, more specifically Thor?

Jorge: "...I... don't think so..."

Ives then notices Jorge begins to look nervous and scared when she mentions Thor to him

Ives: You alright?

Jorge: "I'm fine... it's just, I always have a nightmare about that guy..."

Ives: Oh... I'm sorry I mentioned him...

Jorge: "It's ok... but no my dad said there wasn't anything about us connecting with the Order"

Ives: ...

Jorge: "I don't know anything else since my dad has kept it vague..."

Ives: Ok... I'm... sorry you and your people went through that nightmare and are to this day

Jorge: "It's fine... I don't anything about it so... it is hard for me to feel... upset about of loss of our home... except for my mother..."

Ives: ... Listen I'm here to support you, you know that. Your dad may be neglectful to you but I'll be by your side! I have your back!

Jorge: "Are you sure wanna-"

Suddenly Ives places her hand on Jorge's hands, to stop him which surprises Jorge

Ives: Shh... it's fine, you don't need to worry about it!

Jorge: ... "Ok"

Ives: Good! Anyways we should get back, the sun is coming down

Jorge: "Yeah..."

Soon Ives begins to walk up ahead while Jorge stays behind for a second, looking at his hands while having a warming feeling inside until catching up to her and tapping on her shoulder

Ives: Yeah?

Jorge: "Thanks for being my friend"

Ives: *Chuckles* Anything!

Soon Jorge follows her as they make their way back home while Ives was more focused on getting back, wanting to get some questions out to someone

Ives: "Something's not adding up with the brute story... I have to ask him!"


They soon arrive back at the base to see the base is nearly cleaned up and packed with the brutes ready to leave

Brute: Welcome back sir and miss! We got everything packed for you both! We are just waiting for King's order!

Jorge: "Thank you"

Ives: Yeah, speaking of King, where is he?

Brute: I believe he should be in his office still

Ives: Thanks!

Jorge: "Wait where are you going?"

Ives: I just need to talk with him! I'll be back!

Jorge: "Ok... don't be gone for too long..."

Ives: *chuckles* I'll be fine! Do you really miss my presence

Jorge: "I- No- uhh- I-

He couldn't help but blush and he covers his face in embarrassment to which Ives let out a little laugh

Ives: What are you embarrassed about? I'll be back for you!

Jorge: " Yeah... sorry"

Ives: You gotta stop apologizing, it's fine! It's who you are

Jorge: "Yeah... Say before you go... can we... hang out again?... I had a lot of fun..."

Ives: Sure! How about next week since... this is happening

Jorge: *nods*

Ives: Sweet! I'll see you in a second!

Jorge: *nervously nods*

Soon Ives runs off as Jorge waves bye at her in nervousness while the brute looks at her and back and Jorge in confusion and the realization

Brute: Sir Jorge... Are you... interested in that girl?

Jorge: "W-What do you mean?"

In King's office, King and a few other brutes were finishing up their plans on where they'll go next now that everything is packed

King: So it's settled then?

Brutes: Yes sir!

King: Good now-

Suddenly Ives kicks down the door which made all the brutes turn their attention to her

Ives: I need to speak with King personally!

Brutes: ...

King: ... Very well, all of you please leave!

Brutes: Yes sir!

The brutes grab the maps and the items in the room and make their way out, leaving Ives and King alone in the room

King: What do you need at this time? We are leaving very-

Ives: Jorge's mother was killed by Thor wasn't she?...

The second those words came out of her mouth, King remained silent and turns away, looking out the window

Ives: Well!?

King: Yes... yes, she was...

Ives: Then how come you lied about that to Jorge? You told him she died in an accident when you both owned an entire cou-

Suddenly King punches the desk, breaking it into pieces which surprise Ives

King: Don't! Remind me of that... day! That nightmare! That... hell!

Ives: ...

King: *sigh* Forgive me... I don't want my son to get involved in it! And he's already traumatized by what I've done

Ives: So that's your fault for doing that!

King: I know! Yes, I did it not only to make sure he's strong to lead this tribe, but to be strong enough to fight back in case they take him away!

Ives: ...

King: I lost her... and I don't lose another one of my family again to them...

Ives: ... Why would the Order want him...

King: Eris asked me this before... I declined a deal with the Order and they have been on our ass about it ever since!

Ives: For what and why?

King: ... They not only wanted us to join the Order but they want to buy my son to be their weapon!

Ives stands there in disbelief, hearing what he said. Their very own government committed mass genocide of the brute country and all this chasing was because they needed Jorge.

Ives: A weapon... so-

King: The Order came to visit our country one day and asked to buy our son since the old bastard, Odin foresaw a future where my son was the most powerful brute! They wanted him to become a member of the Order... they even wanted to include us since the Order barely had any Brutes!

Ives: Odin...

King: My wife declined the offer and then... they sent Thor and slaughtered many of our tribe... my wife stayed behind and sacrificed herself to give the brutes the time to escape... after that, the Order covered it up and made that fatass the Hero of the World!

Ives: So it's true... you guys are the same violent group that the people claimed you were

King: Yes... and many years later when my son gained his split personality, it proved Odin's future sight was right and they've been chasing us ever since...

Ives: Can't you just try to reveal the truth to the world?

King: I can't! Because part of that lie is the truth!

Ives: ... What?

King: My brother was part of the violent group...

Ives: ... Tell me the entire story... I need to know everything!

King: *sigh* I've already too much... but I doubt you'll ever stop annoying me until I don't...

Ives: ...

King: *sigh* Very well then... It's all begin 4 years after the Totanomachy War...




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