Chapter 35: Best Friends
A few days ago before Tadayoshi left with Amber and Diana, BeatBox was walking down an alleyway to hide from the public while making a phone call
BeatBox: No! I've told you, that I'm moving my schedule to next week! I'm taking a week off to relax! Yes, so stop calling me and let me have some time off!
He hangs up the phone and starts skipping his way in excitement
BeatBox: I gotta a best friend to hang out with-
Suddenly BeatBox starts to hear some calm humming which stops him and catches his attention
BeatBox: That humming... Sounds very beautiful...
He begins to follow the sound of the humming until he exits the alleyway and finds a rainbow hair woman on a balcony of a building, starring at the city view
BeatBox: That woman...
He then remembers that she is the same woman that was in the colosseum that was always been worrying about Tadayoshi
BeatBox: It's her! She was that woman that Tadayoshi's always chatted with!
Soon BeatBox begins to yell and wave at her in excitement to which Alex stops humming and looks down from the balcony to be shocked to see the DJ
Alex: Holy shit! You're-
BeatBox: Yeah! I know! Can you come down so we can chat?
Alex: Uh, yeah sure! Hang on!
She quickly runs back inside the building and after a few minutes, Alex runs out of the building to greet BeatBox
Alex: Hi! I wanna first to say it is an honor to meet you!
BeatBox: Thank you! I'm glad to meet a fan of mine!
Alex: Yeah, so what made you wanna talk to me? Is it because of my hair?
BeatBox: No, I heard that humming, and my god... it sound very moving and calming
Alex: Oh Thanks, I get told that a lot
BeatBox: Ever thought of becoming a singer or something?
Alex: No, I'm not interested in that
BeatBox: Eh, if you say so. Anyways I've been trying to look for you for a while
Alex: You have?
BeatBox: Of course! When I saw Tadayoshi at the colosseum, I noticed that you and him were talking a lot often and I realized who you are but I couldn't figure out where did you go after the incident
Alex: Oh yeah... Armor, but you knew who I was?
BeatBox: Tadayoshi told me that you were his student before!
Alex: Oh so he's told you about me! I also heard you're best friends with him.
BeatBox: Oh hell yeah! He and I go way back to when he came here! We hit it off so hard!
Alex: I mean from what I heard, he said you were just a nuisance
BeatBox: Ah, he always says that! In fact, I'm planning to go see him so we can hang out
Alex: Uhhh is that even possible?
BeatBox: What do you mean?
Alex: He told me that he's leaving with Amber and Diana to a small town for a week
BeatBox: WHAT!
Suddenly BeatBox drops to his knees in depression as water starts flowing out of his speakers
BeatBox: I took a whole week off just to spend time with him but now he's gone, I just wasted my days off...
Alex: Well we can both hang out, I've been wanting to talk to you
BeatBox: *gasp* Really!
Alex: Yeah, I know a cafe place
BeatBox: Imma guess it's the same cafe Tadayoshi always goes to
Alex: Perhaps but also I wanna talk to you about your relationship with Tadayoshi. I'm planning to talk to other people that know him as well
BeatBox: Sure! I got all the answers that you need
Alex: Perfect!
BeatBox and Alex arrive at a cafe where they sat outside and wait for the waiter to greet them
BeatBox: Yep, this is the one!
Alex: So before I ask about the relationship with him how about we get to know each other
BeatBox: Oh yeah!
Alex: So... what's your deal being here other than to be the popular DJ that you are today?
BeatBox: Oh well, like this city is known for, new beginnings and I figured I had to come here!
Alex: You came here because it's known for a new beginning? Did something happen to you back in your hometown?
BeatBox: Eh, it's personal...
Alex: Oh...
BeatBox: But I also came here 'cause I made a promise to an older friend of mine!
Alex: Older friend?
BeatBox: Oh yeah, I use to live in an old apartment and the landlord was a master fighter who know every hand-to-hand combat! I decided to take some training with him to learn self-defense alongside another student who became my friend!
Alex: What's his name?
BeatBox: Damian! We first met when I started living on my own and we became close friends after finding out we both shared our love for music! Until later on after we finish our training with the landlord, we went out separate ways and promise we would meet again once we become something big!
Alex: Do you still talk to him?
BeatBox: I've been trying to but I get nothing from him, not even a read! But I still hope to meet him now that I'm finally here!
Alex: Heh, I'm sure you will!
Soon a waiter approaches them with glee on her face as she takes the menu
Waiter: Hi! Can I get you two anything?
BeatBox: Cola, please!
Alex: Just tea
Waiter: Sure and can I say it's an honor to have two legendary people here!
BeatBox: Thanks!
Alex: There is no need to feel that way
Waiter: Well, I'll be back with both of your drinks!
Soon the waiter walks off in glee as BeatBox turns back at Alex to continue their discussion
BeatBox: What about you? What made you come to Coltopia?
Alex: Well I was just going to join to play in the colosseum tournament but then I found out Tadayoshi was here so I decided to stay
BeatBox: You're really close to him huh?
Alex: Yeah but I'll be honest that's not the only reason why I came here
BeatBox: What do you mean?
Alex: Well I mainly came here because I thought I'd have a higher chance to find Tadayoshi so I can help him after he has helped me!
BeatBox: So you've been looking for him after you two went separate ways?
Alex: Kinda, after we went out separate ways, I couldn't get the idea of me not doing anything in return for him, but I wasn't sure if I had the skills and strength to do it. So I took a lot of training and had my own student!
BeatBox: You had a student?
Alex: Yes, his name was Lotus and I took him in to help him not only because he reminded me of myself back then but to see if I can help him so I can help Tadayoshi
BeatBox: You still keep in contact with him?
Alex: I have but I rarely chatted with him cause he's been busy lately
BeatBox: Does Tadayoshi know about him?
Alex: No and I don't plan on telling him
BeatBox: What? Why?
Alex: Because if he knows about Lotus then he would want to confront him and then Lotus would find out who he is and then...
BeatBox: Oh... so Lotus was-
Alex: A victim of an Overlord attack... ever since then he has a hatred towards them even the Order since they didn't do anything about it after he reported it
BeatBox: So where he's at now?
Alex: Apparently he's been traveling around the world from what I heard! I think he became a mercenary.
BeatBox: Oh but are you sure not telling Tadayoshi or Lotus about each other won't backfire?
Alex: I'd say it's the best for both of them... I don't them both trying to kill each other... I'll admit, I know Tadayoshi won't try to fight but Lotus... I know he'll be the one to constantly try to kill him
BeatBox: I hope you know what you're doing then...
Soon the waiter return with their drink to which Alex and BeatBox thanks her as they take their drink and sips it down
BeatBox: I guess we both share something in common that we have people we are close to the outside of Coltopia
Alex: I feel like that's everyone
BeatBox: True but I mean more like we have someone we are hiding from the person we look up to
Alex: Yeah
BeatBox: So what have you been up to lately?
Alex: Not really much, just relaxing, doing some colosseum games and whatnot! I heard there's a new colosseum game coming up
BeatBox: Oh yeah, I heard about it... what was it...
Alex: Apparently they said it's a way to make use of their old stuff
BeatBox: Hmm... well I'm sure whatever it is, it'll be fun!
Alex: Oh yeah!
They soon finish up their drinks which they pay for and start to walk around Coltopia once again
BeatBox: Well we still got time on our hands, you wanna go and do something else?
Alex: Sure! What do you have in mind?
BeatBox: How about karaoke?
Alex: Definitely!
BeatBox: ... *sniff*
Alex: Are you crying?
BeatBox: No... I'm just happy I can finally bring someone to do karaoke for once! After so many years!
Alex: *giggles* Well let's get going!
This story is interrupted by a chibi Alex and BeatBox pretending to do an epic action pose together
After a bit, they arrive at a karaoke where they order themselves a room and got some drinks
BeatBox: *breathes in* Finally! I can go all out with my singing!
Alex: You mean sing your songs they probably have in their music list
BeatBox: ...
Alex: *chuckles*
BeatBox: I mean not exactly! Hearing the real thing will be better than hearing the ones on the media!
Alex: That's debatable
BeatBox: If you say so, now let's see what they have! Oh! They added my newest music!
Alex: Color World?
BeatBoz: Yeah, the song is mostly about Coltopia as a whole and what this city stands for
Alex: Didn't think you were a deep meaning with music
BeatBox: Oh of course not! I don't think deeply when it comes to the DJ part, cause that is just for the feel and it's more like creating an imagination! I only think deeply when I want to add lyrics to my music!
Alex: Hm... that might explain why most of your award-winning music are the ones with lyrics
BeatBox: Oh yeah! Now let's get this party started!
Time begins to go by, they continue to party in the karaoke as BeatBox goes all out on the music he sings while Alex enjoys every music BeatBox sang. Soon after a while, BeatBox finishes another song and sits down in exhaustion to catch his breath
Alex: You didn't need to go all out on those songs
BeatBox: Hey! I was in the zone! I couldn't help it!
Alex: I know, still pretty good
BeatBox: Thanks, say why don't you give it a go?
Alex: What?
BeatBox: I mean I've been doing most of the singing so it's your turn!
Alex: No, I'm good
BeatBox: Ah come on! We agree to come here to hang out and I've done most of the hangout here! So it's your turn for the hangout!
Alex: Ok, I'll give it a go
BeatBox: Sweet!
Alex: So what music should I sing?
BeatBox: Actually, how about you sing that song you were humming before at the apartment
Alex: Oh that? No, I can't
BeatBox: Ah come on! I'm pretty curious about it! It sounded really good!
Alex: Well...
BeatBox: Please!
Alex: Ok! Ok!
BeatBox: Hell yeah!
Alex: Just don't tell anyone about this
BeatBox: I promise I won't
Alex takes a deep breath and closes her eyes as she begins to make herself feel at ease. She begins to hum a calm melody which BeatBox felt at ease but was also amazed.
BeatBox: "There's the melody..."
He turns the dials on his helmet and plays background music to fit her humming. As Alex continues to hum, BeatBox begins to feel as if he was in another place where it's just an open field with nothing to worry about but a calm wind blowing and the beautiful landscape. A place where he could escape his regret and stress and feel like he was free. Soon, Alex finishes her humming and opens her eyes to see BeatBox still starting in amazed as he turns off the music from his helmet.
BeatBox: Holy...
Alex: It's not much-
BeatBox: Not much my ass! I never felt so at ease by a humming! Like wtf!?
Alex: *chuckles*
BeatBox: Where did you learn to have such a beautiful voice to hum? Like my god! I know I heard it when I met ya but it still surprises me!
Alex: Not sure, I guess I was born with it... Tadayoshi has tried to get me somewhere with that voice but it would cost me to never see him again, so I decided not to become Royalty
BeatBox: I guess that explains why you reject that idea before
Alex: Yeah... it's something I like to do when I want to feel at ease. Fits the mode...
BeatBox: Oh yeah! Ever thought of adding lyric
Alex: I'll be honest I have, but lyrics are something not easy to think of
BeatBox: I can help you!
Alex: You don't need to, this isn't something I'm fully passionate about to go deep thinking about it. I'll think of the lyrics when the idea comes to me
BeatBox: Alright, but if you do want to help, let me know! Cause that's something I can't forget about!
Alex: I will
Suddenly a knock was heard on the door which was a clerk who peeks in
Clerk: Hi, you guys time is up so we have to ask you to leave also whoever sing a few minutes ago sounded really good
BeatBox: Alright and thanks!
They exit the room and pay the clerk to which they left the karaoke as they see the sunset, showing that nightfall is near
BeatBox: Wanna go to my place before we depart ways?
Alex: Honestly yeah, I still haven't got the chance to talk to you about deeper things
BeatBox: Oh yeah! Is it because you wanna see if me and the others are trustable
Alex: Wait how did you know that was the reasoning?
BeatBox: Because I'm sure Tadayoshi has told you about them and me and I know one of the things is trust is always on his mind and you're the only people he trusts closely
Alex: Yeah... So what do you know about him?
BeatBox: I know everything about Tadayoshi!
Alex: ...Everything?
BeatBox: Everything... even his past
Alex: ... Let's get to your place
BeatBox: Way ahead of you
They soon arrive at an apartment complex but the place felt more fancy and expensive than most apartments. Soon they enter BeatBox place where Alex looks around in amazed at how big and open his apartment was
Alex: Wow...
BeatBox: Yeah pretty big, huh?
Alex: Yeah... feels like a house than an apartment room
BeatBox: Understandable!
They take off their shoes and make their way into the living room and sit down on the couch across from each other
Alex: Now then... How did know everything about his past?
BeatBox: You're really concerned about his past
Alex: Of course, it could affect him and everything around him
BeatBox: Look it's still safe and no one knows! I accidentally found his "box" and he found out about it and has told me everything cause there wasn't any point in hiding it
Alex: So you did see it... I'm surprised he's still stuck with you after he told you everything
BeatBox: That's why I said he's a tsundere
Alex: *chuckles*
BeatBox: But I wanted to be fair to him so I told him my secret and here we are!
Alex: *sigh* Well as long as you haven't done anything with that secret that's fine
BeatBox: I don't plan to do anything, especially to my best friend!
Alex: Why?...
BeatBox: What do you mean why?
Alex: Why are you willing to keep this secret for him especially if you know what he is?
BeatBox: Because he's my best friend and... my first...
Alex: I thought Damian was...
BeatBox: He's a friend but he's not someone close like Tadayoshi... there is a reason why I chose to try to be his friend...
Alex: ... So what made you very close with him
BeatBox: Well... he didn't judge my face when he saw it
Alex: ... That's it? That sounds a bit small for you to want to be friends with him
BeatBox: It's... personal ok...
Alex: Oh... sorry...
BeatBox: No, it's fine
Alex: ... Can you tell me about it, if it's ok with you?
BeatBox: Yeah... when I was young, my mom caught my dad cheating and my dad left me with mom. My mom hated my face caused I look too much like my dad, so she always makes me wear a mask to cover my face... I wasn't allowed to take off my mask and whenever I do, I'd get beaten and be told I had a face of a monster... it got to the point it just... stuck with me... I believed that my mom was right about my face is a curse and I chose not to take it off even after I left my mom...
Alex: That... I'm sorry to hear that...
BeatBox: It's fine... as much as I'm afraid of what will people think of my face, I decided to make something entertaining with it so I can at least feel happy wearing it...
BeatBox places his hands on the helmet he was wearing while Alex remained silent for a few minutes until she gets up and grabs his arm to stop him so he doesn't get too emotional
Alex: ... Hey... Don't let the expectations and opinions of other people affect your decisions. It's your life, not theirs. Do what matters most to you, do what makes you feel alive and happy.
BeatBox: Heh... Tadayoshi really taught you a lot
Alex: ?
BeatBox: He did manage to create a positive person from you...
Alex: Oh... yeah I guess...
BeatBox: Anyways to answer your question before... a year ago when I was taking a break from a concert, Tadayoshi accidentally walk into my break room and saw my face. I had that feeling that wanted to kill myself so badly... the feeling of the world will collapse on me...
Alex: ...
BeatBox: But he didn't judge... he didn't give any certain reaction to it... I've never felt happy about it that someone didn't judge my face... or saw it as a monster... like my mom said it was... I did many things in return cause I felt gratitude toward him... and when I learned his secrets, that made me realize he and I feel somewhat alike and he's my true friend...
Alex: So he's made an impact on you
BeatBox: Yeah... and I went to be fair and told him my secret which was the whole face thing I told you
Alex: Hm... Sorry I had a bit of doubt about you
BeatBox: It's fine... it's something you feel when you care for someone and I don't blame you
Alex: I know, I just wanted to say that... but are you really going to try to be Tadayoshi's friend even if he continues to neglect you?
BeatBox: Of course, I know he's not honest with himself with me, but I'll do whatever it takes to show I can be the best friend he could ever wish for!
She couldn't help but let out and smile and let out a chuckle
Alex: He really found a great person... thank you for being a friend to him
BeatBox: Nah, thank you for helping Tadayoshi...
Both Alex and BeatBox let out a chuckle until Alex notice the time which was getting late. She gets up and starts to make her way to the door to put on her shoes as BeatBox walks with her
Alex: I gotta get going, it's getting late
BeatBox: Alright, you wanna hang out another time?
Alex: Sure, this time I'll bring us somewhere fun
BeatBox: Bet!
Alex: Bet! I'll see you later
BeatBox: You two!
Alex exits the apartment to which BeatBox lets out a sigh and walks to his open bedroom where he slowly takes off his helmet and stares outside the window view of the valley while seeing a bit of a reflection of himself
BeatBox: ... Can I really make that choice...
Art/Character bios:
Made by: Fireghost647
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