Chapter 34: Forgiveness

Amber: It fell out of your pocket when you and Tadayoshi were fighting!

Feng: I... listen, Amber-

Amber: No! I don't wanna hear any excuses! And don't get mad at me for not listening to you when you've been doing the same!

Diana helps Tadayoshi up who looks at Feng from behind that was looking at Amber is despair

Tadayoshi: What's going on?

Diana: Ambie found something that he was hiding... it seems like it's calming him down...

Tadayoshi: Is that so...

Amber: You have to stop fighting... you're gonna die if you keep going...

Feng: Not until he's gone...


Feng: ...

Amber: It's not worth it! All of this anger toward him is not worth it!... Look at yourself! You've said that ability is killing twice as faster as usual!... You're in your final stage before death...

Feng: ...

Amber: Remember when we were kids we go and do stupid shit... steal stuff at the store, pull some pranks on some kids... you would give me the motivation to become who I am today... I want the old you back..., not this... crazy-powered man...

He then starts to remember him and Amber when they were young and how he would always talk to Amber whenever she was sad or struggling

Feng: I... was-

Amber: You were more than you think! You were my motivation... you helped me more than you realize... Just stop all of this and just... go hang out like I planned to do when we came here... I don't want to lose good another memory from my childhood... *sniff* I don't want to lose a friend... you fucking bastard!

He stares at her in sadness as he sees tears crawling down her face, filling him with guilt. He floats down towards Amber as his flames turn back into green the flame lowers down

Diana: She finally calm him down...

Tadayoshi: Thank god... it's was hard enough to not hurt the guy...

Diana: Hmph

Tadayoshi: What?

Diana: Just find it funny that you really did go all this and didn't try to hit him

Tadayoshi: I have nothing against him... and his anger is understandable... She was right...

Diana: What do you mean?

Tadayoshi: I would get along with him...

As Amber was trying to stop herself from crying, Feng reaches over and hugged Amber to comfort her. He then looks around at the damage he has caused; the nearly destroyed factory and the village he called home were partially destroyed by the raining flames he created. Soon tears begin to crawl down his face as he continues to look at the damage he has caused

Feng: Amber... I'm... sorry I wasn't thinking straight... I- what have I done...

Amber: Hey... we can still try to make this hangout work, we-

Suddenly Feng starts to cough again, to which he lets go of Amber and pukes out blood once again, causing him and Amber to stare in shock as his flames start to grow again

Amber: Feng?...

Feng: My insides *cough* cough* are burning... It hurts... it-

Suddenly Amber starts to notice his chest was growling bright orange as his hair quickly turns back to orange and his flames grow bigger again with anger flowing through him. Suddenly flames burst out of his eyes and mouth and his entire body became a living flame. He turns back at Tadayoshi once again who realizes what's going to happen

Tadayoshi: Shit!


Tadayoshi quickly pushes Diana out of the way as he gets tackled and then thrown into a building

Diana: Tadayoshi!

Feng: I WON'T *cough* *cough* LET YOU LIVE!

Diana: What happened?! I thought he calmed down?

Amber: ...

Diana: Ambie?

Amber: I get it now...

Diana: What?

Amber: ... The other color spirit that is in him... it gained control of him again... All this negotiation was for nothing... it'll fight to gain control of the body... no matter what...

Diana: So you mean-

Amber: The one we've been negotiating to stop wasn't him... not anymore...

Diana: W-We can save him, you just almost brought him out and-

Amber: We can't... he's used too much of that ability... and the blood he just puked again... he's about to die...

Diana: So... there's no other choice but to save him...

Amber: Yeah... if he continues the spirit that is in Feng will just use Feng's corpse to fight until Tadayoshi is dead...

Diana turns at Amber who was rubbing her eyes as tears begin to flow out of her eye again non-stop to which she goes to hugs her as Diana watches Feng continue to get brighter and brighter in rage

Amber: Tadayoshi has to put him down...

Meanwhile, Tadayoshi dodges another flame attack as he sees in Feng's eye, was a burning hatred for him as his temperature continues to rise.


Tadayoshi: Feng! Listen to me! You-

Suddenly Tadayoshi noticed Feng was puking out more blood every time he used his flame against him which caused Feng's hair to flicker from orange to green.

Tadayoshi: ...


Tadayoshi continues to hear him yell those words until the flames around him turned into a form of a Phoenix once again


Tadayoshi: ... He's not going to make it...

Suddenly through the word Feng yelled, Tadayoshi hears a slightly different word coming out of his mouth but with a sound of sadness and pain

Feng: Please... kill me...

Tadayoshi stares at him as everything around him felt slow as if time was trying to stop. He didn't say a single word as he slowly pulls out his spear which he looks at with guilt and then looked back at Feng. He was hesitant at first but he looks at Amber, who was staring at him, and let out a small nod in sadness.

Tadayoshi: I'm sorry...

As Feng's Phoenix charges at him, Tadayoshi grabs Feng, through the flames and then throws him, making Feng lose balance in the air. Then Tadayoshi leaps towards the flaming Phoenix with his spear above his head, going for the strike

Feng: Kill me... it hurts... make it stop...

He slowly brings down his spear close to Feng's chest, who although an expression of anger, slowly closes his eyes in acceptance

Feng: Put me out of my misery...


Soon Tadayoshi strikes his spear through Feng's chest and they both fall and crash down through the destroyed building that they were above, to the ground. The dust covers the air for a  few seconds until clearing out as Tadayoshi pulls his spear out of Feng in guilt as his flames start to get smaller and starts to bleed out

Feng: *cough* *cough*

Tadayoshi: ... I am sorry...

Feng: No... I'm sorry... for starting all this... I wanted to protect my friend... make myself feel useless... I was an idiot... I should've known this would've happened when making a deal with the devil...

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah... I get that...

Feng: ... I started this fight with you... and became who I thought you were once were

Tadayoshi: You still think I'm that monster?

Feng: ...

Tadayoshi: *sigh* I don't blame you for this anger you had against me nor who you think I am... that monster is on the route to be forgotten...

Feng: ... So I was wrong again... You're not him... not anymore...

Tadayoshi: ...

Feng: I wished I didn't take my anger at you so I couldn't spend my time with Amber... watch her be happy till my death... but I can't... all because of my selfishness

Tadayoshi: ... I get it

Feng: ... hmph wish I get to chat with you more...

Suddenly Amber and Diana arrive where Tadayoshi and Feng is where Amber sees Feng on the ground and she slowly walks over in despair and gets down to her knees

Feng: Amber...

Amber: I'm-

Feng: Don't say anything... this is... the consequences... I get... for my stupid-


She starts to bawl once again as tears drip down her eyes as Feng begins to tear up as well while letting out a small smile

Feng: Stop crying... this isn't how you are... where that cocky attitude of yours...

Amber couldn't help but let out a small laugh while crying to which Feng smiles back at her

Feng: There it is... There's the smile I remember when we became friends...

Amber: *sniff* Don't make a joke at this time...

Feng: Tadayoshi... if that's your name...

Tadayoshi: Yes...

Feng: ... if you really aren't the monster... you claim you are not... can you... promise me one thing...

Tadayoshi: ... I hate promises... I have one I have to keep... but I'll try to make this exceptional...

Feng: ... Promise me that... you'll make Amber... the happiest woman... never make her cry again... don't make that mistake... like I did...

Tadayoshi: ... I promise...

Feng let out a smile as Tadayoshi and Amber started to notice his flames were slowly disappearing and his color hair was slowly turning white

Feng: Thank... you... for everything... I... enjoyed... my time... with you... Amber...

He lets out his last breath as the flames on his body disappear and his hair goes white. Suddenly, two flame orbs flies out of his mouth, to which one of them was green and the other was orange. The green one floats up into the sky disappearing into the clouds and the orange flame fades away. Tadayoshi stays silent as he walks over to Feng's corpse and picks it up while Diana slowly walks up to them

Diana: Ambie...

Amber says nothing as she stands up and hugs Diana once again as she begins to continue to cry as Tadayoshi walks out of the building with Feng's corpse

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: Where are you going?...

Tadayoshi: His home... he deserves a burial...

Amber: ... Yeah...

Soon they start walking to Feng's house but as they were walking, they pass by many of the destroyed buildings from the raining flames and people who were injured and crying from their loss. They stayed silent the whole way until arriving at Feng's destroyed home. Soon Tadayoshi begins to dig a grave and they bury Feng's body and gave him his gravestone made out of piles of stones.

Diana: ... I'm sorry... this all happened so suddenly...

Amber: It's fine... I knew his death would come but... this way sooner than I thought...

She kneels on Feng's new grave and places a flower that she found outside of Feng's destroyed house onto his grave

Amber: I wished I had a better flower but... this will do... I promise you I will fix this place... it will be happier like you remember... I promise you that...

She stands back up as they continued to stare at the grave in sadness for a few minutes until they hear a thunderstorm coming near them and covering the sky with thick grey clouds

Diana: ... So what now?

Amber: ... We should go home tomorrow... this event is gonna get caught by the news... and I don't wanna get caught in the middle of it anyways...

Diana: Yeah... Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi continues to remain silent as he turns and slowly walks back to the destroyed town to which Diana tries to follow him but Amber stops her

Amber: Let him be... I think he wants some alone time...

Diana: I know it's just... I didn't think Feng's death would hurt him so much... he barely knew him

Amber: I think he knew more about him than he thought he would...

Meanwhile, Tadayoshi continues to walk and look around the destroyed town as he felt guilt and sadness growing in his body until sees the memorials wall partially destroyed to which he approaches it and slowly places his head against it

Tadayoshi: I'm sorry... I didn't wish for this to happen... I... I don't deserve forgiveness... all because of my curse...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Amber staring at Feng's gravestone with nothing but silents around her


A day goes by as Diana, Amber, and Tadayoshi arrive back at Coltopia which was late at night

Amber: Well... I didn't expect to come home so soon...

Diana: Yeah...

Tadayoshi starts to make his way out of the subway as Amber and Diana follow where the Limo driver was waiting for them

Old man: Good evening and welcome back! I'll take you all back home!

Tadayoshi: ...

He turns away and starts to walk his way home to which Amber looks back at him in worry

Amber: You know what? I rather walk

Diana: Are you sure, I feel like he needs-

Amber: I'm sure it's fine! I'll be home soon so can you take my bag?

Diana: Yeah... do you want me to come?

Amber: No... can I just walk alone for a bit... I have nothing against you... I just to talk with him

Diana: Ok... tell him I said bye and be careful!

Amber: Oh I will!

Diana takes Amber's bags and gets in the limousine and waves bye to Amber who she quickly catches up to Tadayoshi

Amber: Yo Tada! Wait up!

Tadayoshi: You're not gonna ride back with Diana?...

Amber: Nah! I wanna walk... if you don't mind if I walk with you?

Tadayoshi: Fine...

Amber: Sweet!

They both begin to make their way around Coltopia to Tadayoshi's house as they both remained silent for a few minutes

Amber: So... are you feeling ok?

Tadayoshi: I'm fine...

Amber: Like I believe that, I've known you for a while and I know you'd never act like this... especially to a loss that you barely knew... wanna talk about it?

Tadayoshi: It's none of your concern...

Amber: Stop lying to yourself and just talk or I'll blow your head out!

He stops in dead track and turns at Amber with a bit of annoyance and upset look on his face

Tadayoshi: How are you fine after what happened yesterday, even ok being around me? You lost a close friend of yours that I killed, his hometown get destroyed, and I end up destroying another memory that was part of your childhood!

Amber: ...

Tadayoshi: I should be asking you how are you ok because you are acting too naturally...

Amber: ... Because none of it was your fault... I can't blame Feng either cause of that stupid color spirit... it's still upset me as much as I'm not showing it... but I've told you before, I hate trying to give off some sad-ass mood!

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: And besides I said this before, I can't let the past hold me back! So you shouldn't let it

Tadayoshi: Yeah... listen I... wasn't honest when we were talking about your hometown when we went fishing...

Amber: You knew my grandma didn't you?...

Tadayoshi: ... Yes

Amber: *sigh* I'd figured, you were questioning a lot about her and my hometown. Is that why you came with me and Diana?

Tadayoshi: I did... I wanted to pay respect and apologize to them... for not saving them... I was there when it happened... and I didn't do anything about it... but when Feng's hometown got destroyed because of his fight... I felt like I repeated my mistake...

Amber: ... Listen I don't hold grudge against you, no one could go against an Overlord attack! None of it is your fault... all this happen because everyone's fear overcame them... or because something unexpected happened that we can't control...

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: You've become a very close friend of mine that I could talk about my problems without any worries... so I've got your back no matter what!

Tadayoshi: We'll see about that-

Amber: I'm being serious! Cause... I don't want something like what happened to Feng happen to you...

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Amber: You know I thought you said you were fine but you just so happen to tell me all of that like you weren't. Quite a liar you are!

Tadayoshi: Shut it...

Amber: *chuckles* Still... surprisingly, you felt guilty for having me around you... it would normally be a feeling you get when you care for someone

Tadayoshi: I've gained some trust from you...

Amber: Does that mean I can learn more about you

Tadayoshi: Maybe... but not now... not in the mood for it

Amber: Dammit!

After walking for a few minutes, they arrive at Tadayoshi's home to which he unlocks the door to head inside but before he could, Amber grabs onto his arm, making him turn back at her

Amber: Before you go, I have to ask... did she say anything about me... my grandma?

Tadayoshi: ... She did and I didn't expect it to be you...

Amber: Heh, I guess that is surprising to find out I'm her granddaughter after all!

Tadayoshi: Mmm... She talked so much about you... about how proud she is as a kid and she wanted to see you but had too many responsibilities for her hometown...

Amber: ... Sound like her

Tadayoshi: It's also why I'm keeping Feng's promise...

Amber: Huh?

Tadayoshi: As much this sounds weird, you're kinda the only thing that's holding a good memory of that place... if you really have my back... then I'll make sure you feel joy...

She couldn't help but let out a smile and started to give little punches on Tadayoshi's stomach in embarrassment

Amber: Shut up!

Tadayoshi: I'm just saying...

Amber: I know! It's embarrassing!

Tadayoshi: Better than being sad

Amber: Heh, that's agreeable

Tadayoshi: Mmm, have a good night

Amber: You too...

He walks into his house as Amber turns back and makes her way home as she covers her face that was blushing with her hat

Amber: You idiot...

Somewhere else:

Pope: My goddess! Did you see how the experiment worked? It's shown we can finally put two color spirits in one being!

?: Mhm and how is the support to help my accomplishment?

Pope: Well this is more of a way to help defend our territory! You know how many people want your head! You are a dangerous woman!

?: *tsk* Don't understand why people can't see I'm trying to bring greater freedom to everyone!

Pope: They just don't understand yet... but again I ask, can we make this work for our group?

?: ... How long it will take?

Pope: A couple of years till we get an army-size group of them!

?: Starts away then! Once they are complete, have them search around the world to find the Messiah!

Pope: Of course... my queen... we'll have new followers ready!

?: Good... I want to meet our god soon enough...


Yesterday in an unknown location:

Thunderclouds cover the sky as a bunch of armed men with skull masks were running around in a panic as they shoot back

Terrorist: They're breaching in!

Terrorist 2: Why did the Order send three generals? We just took over one town!

Terrorist: Just keep firing!

During the event with Feng and such, a battle was happening nearby between a group of terrorists and the Order soldiers after the terrorists took over a small town

Order soldier: Move in! Move-in!

Terrorist: Don't let them in! Don't-

Suddenly one of the terrorist head was smacked in the face, sending him flying into other groups of terrorists. The terrorist attacks the being who swings his club, knocking down a bunch of them

?: Don't think you can beat me, villain! I am the mighty-


Heracles: No! It's fucking Heracles, not Hercules!

Two of the Terrorist charge in but Heracles swings his club at one of them and then grabs the other one by the neck and slams him into the ground, cracking it

Heracles: Please stay down! For your safety and your life!

Suddenly, one of the Terrorist shoots at him from behind but before Heracles could react, someone leaps behind him and deflects the bullet away

?: Don't get distracted! We are here to save this place

Heracles: Why thank you Baldur! I owe you one!

Baldur: I know, now I'll ask you all again! Surrender! And we will escort you all peacefully!

Terrorist: As if! Attack!

The terrorist charges at Baldur who pulls his sword and the second they swing their attack, he disappears from his sight and appears behind them as he slowly stiles his sword to the ground. Suddenly the terrorist that attack him exploded into sliced meat.

Baldur: I warned you all...

Soon more begins to charge at them as Baldur and Heracles get back-to-back

Heracles: Are you ready my friend?

Baldur: Just watch your back this time!

Both Heracles and Baldur begin to fight the terrorist that charges at them with Heracles swinging down his club with his might and Baldur maneuvering around the enemies and cutting them down

Terrorist: How are we supposed to beat them? They are the heroes of the world! We can't beat them!

Terrorist 2: Get to the boss! Ask him we have to retreat!

Terrorist: Way ahead of you!

As the terrorist runs to the large building where the leader is, Baldur and Heracles finish off the last terrorist that was still standing

Heracles: That is all of them! We can now celebrate!

Baldur: Not yet... we gonna make sure any of the hostages are fine... where's has Thor been...

Suddenly they hear thunder as they look at the sky to see a lighting orb in the sky, floating towards the building where the boss is in

Baldur: Of course, he already charging in for the leader...

Meanwhile, the terrorist arrives inside where the leader was sitting anxiously, and some of the remaining terrorists standing guard, nervously

Boss: Why aren't you out there?

Terrorist: The Order has breached in! They brought the Heroes of the World here! We must-

Suddenly the door explodes, causing one of the terrorists to be ripped apart by the shockwave. The terrorists and the boss stares in shock and fear as they see a hooded figure with his hammer in the air and lighting sparking out of it.

Terrorist: IT'S THOR! HE'S HERE!

Terrorist 2: WE'RE FUCKED!

Boss: Do not panic! There's just only him! We can take him down!

Thor remains silent as he slowly walks over as 3 of the terrorist charges in at him but calmly swings his hammer, sending them flying through the roof.

Terrorist: THOR!

The terrorist shoots an arrow at him which Thor quickly catches and squeezes into pieces and then chucks them back at the terrorist, piercing and killing him

The last two terrorists that were defending the boss charged at him with fear but Thor uppercuts one of them with his hammer and then grabs the second one's neck which the terrorist struggles to get out. Suddenly the terrorist notice Thor slowly moving his thumb under his chin, which causes the terrorist to panic

Terrorist: No! Please! Don't-

Thor flicks his thumb, which immediately decapitates his head and he drops the headless corpse. Before he continues, one of the terrorists he uppercut grabs onto his leg which Thor looks at in annoyance. He lifts his hammer over the terrorist and drops his hammer on top of him, crushing his bones as the terrorist cough out blood. He struggles to get the hammer off of him but couldn't as he slowly dies

Boss: Why... Why did the Order send all the heroes to us?!

Thor walks over to the boss and grabs him by the back of his head and lifts him until the terrorist boss was looking at him eye to eye with lightning sparks out of Thor's eyes

Boss: What did we do to have the Order to go this much of an extent against us?

Thor: You made a deal with an Overlord did you...

Boss: Yeah but we-

Thor: There's your reasoning...

Thor moves the boss in front of him as the boss starts to notice the hammer slowly starts to lift off the ground, which the boss starts to panic and tries to escape out of his grip

Boss: Wait! No, wait! Please! I give you anything! Just-

The hammer made collisions with the boss's face, crushing his skull into a bloody mess and the body drops down dead. Thor then flips the hammer and grabs the handle as Baldur and Heracles arrive at the building

Baldur: You really need to stop going straight for the leader immediately

Thor: It gets the job done...

Heracles: Yes but we could have them surrender instead of killing them!

Thor: They don't deserve mercy, they're criminals especially when they are associated with the Overlords...

Suddenly an Order Soldier runs inside in a panic which catches the attention of the Heroes

Order soldiers: Generals! You've all been summoned back to the base!

Heracles: What's the matter?

Thor: Probably need us to do another miss-

Order Soldier: The all-father had a vision! He believes the end of the Order is near!

The heroes froze from what they heard and then quickly made their way out of the building

Thor: Take us to him... Now!

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