Chapter 32: Old Friend

Amber sits down at the dining room table as Feng brings her a cup that is slightly broken filled with tea

Amber: Thank you

Feng: Yeah...

They both stayed quiet in awkwardness for a few minutes until Amber finally speaks up

Amber: So... How have you been doing, man?

Feng: I've been doing fine... still trying to live my life

Amber: Yeah... Though how come you are in a... rundown place? I thought you were supposedly are gonna get the booze company

Feng: I turn it down... My Overburn is already stressing me enough and I don't want to get any more stress with the booze-making...

Amber: Oh so you-

Feng: Quit... So I've been living my last days before the time comes...

Amber: How long do you have left? A couple of more years?

He looked down at the corner of his eye beneath the table was the letter from the doctor before putting it away in his pocket

Feng: ... Yeah... I do...

Amber: ... I have to get this out but what happened to you, man?

Feng: I... A Fairytale came to my house a few days ago...

Amber: What?!

Feng: Don't worry, he didn't do anything, well kinda. We made a deal that I would test something and I can keep this thing he wanted to test and... *raise his flaming arms* this is the outcome of the deal

Amber: I can't believe you would do something crazy like that...

Feng: I know... but I promise you it's worth it...

Amber: How you made a deal with a criminal! You know nothing good comes from those man-children groups!

Feng: At least I took the risk to be something that can make me do anything!

Amber: *sigh* Feng...

Feng: Look, I promise you I have a good reason why I agreed

Amber: ...

Feng: But also thank you... for not only coming here to see me but not... forgetting about me...

Amber: Of course, I'm not a complete dick bag!

Feng: Could argue with that *chuckle*

Amber: hmph, So what exactly can you do with this... ability he gave you

Feng: I've kept myself quarantined for a few days to test it out and this is what I learn.

He takes a piece of paper beside him and put it over the flames on his arm

Feng: 1, My flame doesn't seem to burn anything unless I give off strong emotions like anger or sadness which will make my flames bigger and hotter. 2, The flames I was given from my deal might be another color spirit

Amber: Another color spirit?

Feng: Yeah... I realized after a while from getting this flame I... feel like a wave of anger towards myself... that usually never happens to me... so I concluded that the flames on me are a color spirit but became a physical thing and it's overcoming my original color spirit.

Amber: That might explain why your original color hair is slowly fading away...

Feng: ... Yeah and finally 3...

Amber: ... What?

Feng: I... believe this ability is slowly killing me...

Amber: ... What?

Feng: I've been coughing up a lot of my blood lately and my insides hurts a lot more than usual... I believe having another color spirit is speeding up my life span...

Amber: No, no, no, we have to get rid of that ability! You know your Overburn is already bad enough!

Feng: How? And besides, I've decided to keep it

Amber: What?! Fuck no! I ain't letting you die because you now have that!

Feng: At least I don't feel useless! I can at least do something than just sitting here and letting you take the blows for me!

Amber: I don't need protection! I can handle myself! My concern is you! Wished I came here earlier so I could help-


Suddenly his flames grew large for a second which surprises Amber until shrinking back to their original state

Feng: Sorry... I... don't want to keep relying on you for help... I should be the one to be helping you...

Amber: Feng I-

Feng: I watched your Livestream before you became big in Coltopia... all I see was hate everywhere even when you went to do a public stream, people would insult you from the background and you couldn't do anything about it...

Amber: ...

Feng: I not only want to do this because of the hate but... I want to feel like I deserve you as a friend, to protect you the same way you have done to me...

Amber: I'm sorry...

Feng: No... you didn't know the reasoning... that was my fault, I should've told you that first...

Amber: ... Well since you're life getting shorter... why don't we talk as much as we can...

Feng: Yeah... how have you been with your life?

Amber: I've been doing great, I've met a lot of great friends, in fact, I brought two of them here

Feng: Wait really?

Amber: Yeah, they're walking around town cause they want us to catch up and have our moment with each other

Feng: Oh... well I'm glad you're doing great... though I hate how people are still treating you like... a gremlin

Amber: Feng... let's move off-topic from that

Feng: Yeah, you're right sorry. What are your new friends like?

Amber: Well one is a demi wolf mini milf. She is my partner for the Line and Hook podcast and she's a great woman, she may be shy but she's very open!

Feng: Oh wait I remember... I think her name was Diana?

Amber: Correct!

Feng: What about the other one?

Amber: The other is a Forgotten but he's a weirdo since he doesn't act like one and-

Feng: What do you mean doesn't act like one?

Amber: I mean doesn't act like a depressed man and such

Feng: ... That doesn't sound normal at all...

Amber: I know but he's a great dude, even though he's a dick head

Feng: Huh... interesting...

Amber: You got a problem with him or something?

Feng: No no, I'm fine... but I'm really glad you met a lot of great people

Amber: Oh I did... and trust me they weren't what I was expecting!

Feng: I can see it, but can't wait to meet your other friends!


Diana picks up a small bottle in the store and lets out a chuckle which catches Tadayoshi's attention

Tadayoshi: What?

Diana: Found the drinks that were trending on the internet years ago

Tadayoshi: ... Helium booze?

Diana: Yeah, the one you drink and you have a high pitch voice like you sucking up helium from a balloon

Tadayoshi: ... Sounds childish...

Diana: Perhaps but Ambie would disagree

She takes a bottle and buys it until they walk out of another store and continue to walk again

Tadayoshi: I feel like I walking around a historical site

Diana: Is that a bad thing? Cause if you don't like it we can-

Tadayoshi: No, I'm just saying... everything in this place is just alcohol...

They soon enter another building but this time, it was a historic building that talked about the history of every different alcohol

Tadayoshi: An alcohol museum

Diana: I didn't think they would have one about drinks...

They walk around as they look at many different unique wines bottle that was made from history, including one before the Great Evolution that Diana looks at

Diana: I guess the 1900s had some weird but unique bottles...

Tadayoshi: You're saying to this day people aren't still weird

Diana: ... I mean... Yeah, you're right?

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: I wonder if the taste was different

Tadayoshi: If they let it sit for a long time then yes... probably can find some still drinkable to this day...

Diana: You sound like you know a lot about the drinks

Tadayoshi: I was taught a thing or two back then...

They continue to walk around but suddenly Tadayoshi notices a familiar bottle which he slowly walks up to and stares at it for a bit, with a feeling of disgust but doesn't express it. Soon Diana catch noticed of Tadayoshi and approaches him

Diana: Did something catch your eye?

Tadayoshi: mmm...

He walks away from the bottle which Diana takes a look which was a beer bottle

Diana: Tequila?

Tadayoshi: I hate those drinks...

Diana: Huh, guess you do have something you don't like...

After a few hours of looking around, they soon enter the gift shop where they look around at the different bottles and drinks they're selling

Diana: Find anything you like?

Tadayoshi: You think a gift shop would have something good? You can literally find any of these in-

Suddenly from the corner of his eye, Tadayoshi notice a familiar bottle, which was the last Pinot Noir on the shelf. Tadayoshi slowly walks over and takes the bottle until opening and gives it a smell.

Diana: Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: Hm?

Diana: You ok?

Tadayoshi: Yeah... just remembering some shit...

Diana: ...

He closes the bottle before walking over to the counter to buy the wine. The clerk scans the bottle but Tadayoshi notice she was staring at him with a disgusted look on her face

Clerk: That will be $500

Tadayoshi: $500? The prince said it was $50

Clerk: The price has changed, if you can't pay it, then get out!

Tadayoshi: ...

He reaches for his wallet but before he could pull it out, Diana places down her credit card which the clerk looks at in surprise

Diana: I'm paying for it!

Clerk: ...

Diana: Is there something wrong ma'am

Clerk: N-no...

The clerk swipes the card and they notice the price changed from instead of $500 to $50. The clerk hands back the card to Diana and they make their way out of the gift shop

Diana: She was looking down on you

Tadayoshi: I know

Diana: You could've told me you had a problem and I would've done something about it

Tadayoshi: You're acting like it's the first time this happens

Diana: And you were willing to go through with it, especially paying that much?

Tadayoshi: Yes and besides it's not the first time I was told to pay more...

Diana: You've... been paying more than usual your entire life?

Tadayoshi: No, I just don't get anything if I "have" to pay more... but this... this is important to me...

Diana: ... Do you wanna talk about it?

Tadayoshi: ...

Soon they exit out of the museum and see a giant memorial wall for the Vineyard Country which they find out it was connected to the museum and they exit out of the back door.

Diana: Is that... what you've been looking for?

Tadayoshi: ...

There was nothing but silents around Tadayoshi as he slowly walk around over to the wall and starts to look through the names until he recognizes some of them. He slowly places his hand on the wall and leans his head down, paying his respect as he felt nothing but guilt around him. After a bit, he lifts his head and continues to look at the wall

Diana: Were they close friends or family members?

Tadayoshi: Not really friends and weren't any family members...

Diana places her hands on the wall as she begins to pay her respects to them as well

Tadayoshi: They were just some people I know...

Diana: ... Was the Vinland your hometown as well?

Tadayoshi: No... wished it was

He then opens his bag and pulls out a small flower in a little jar and placed it in front of the wall

Diana: You say they were just people you know but it sounds like they were very close to you... What were they to you?

Tadayoshi: ... My disgrace...

He soon stands back up and makes his way out of the graveyard as Diana follows behind

Diana: What do you mean?

Tadayoshi: It's not your concern

Diana: Well apparently it is if you're willing just told me it's your disgrace!

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: So at least tell me what you mean it's my disgrace?...

Tadayoshi stops walking and turns back at Diana and lets out a sigh

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Fine... Years ago I ended up in Vinland Country after an old lady saved me. I wanted to leave cause I didn't want anything to do with her. But unfortunately, I was injured and couldn't go anywhere, so I had to stay at her place until I recovered

Diana: An old lady... What happened to you back then

Tadayoshi: It's a personal thing...

Diana: ...

Tadayoshi: As I recovered, the old lady showed me around her hometown and... how everyone there was so... cheerful and welcoming... they showed me how to be human

Diana: Human?... what do you-

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: Sorry...

Tadayoshi: Then one day...they came and attacked... They came out of nowhere and... I could've done something... but no matter what I did, they were killed before I could do anything to save them...

Diana: You were there...

Tadayoshi: ... When I hung out with Amber, I later found out she's the old lady's granddaughter

The second those words come out of his mouth, Diana's eyes grew wide in shock as she turns to him

Diana: You did meet her...

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: I... Is this why you never told Ambie you met her grandma

Tadayoshi: Yes...

Diana: And you felt responsible for their death...

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: Listen... Don't blame yourself for something you couldn't control... you were doing what everyone else would do and trying to help but... you know it is impossible to, especially with an Overlord takeover...

Tadayoshi: I know... but *sigh* It's not exactly the reason and it's not because of Amber...

Diana: I- Look, I know it's hard to go through a mistake even the smallest... but Amber once told me you can't let the past hold you... you can't the pain weigh you down... you can find something to feel... whole again... something that gives you the same feeling as you did with them...

Tadayoshi: I know, Amber told me that but it's something I can't explain...

Diana: What do you mean?

Tadayoshi: It's personal reasoning...

Diana: *sigh* Listen I'm here to help so if you do want to talk, just let me know... I will listen and help in whatever I can

Tadayoshi: Trust me it's not worth it for you to listen to

Diana: Why?

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: ... You still don't trust me

Tadayoshi: Only a bit, but not enough for you to know the things I don't want to pull up!

Diana: ...

Tadayoshi: Look I'll just say this when the day comes when I feel like I can trust, I'll tell you everything

Diana: Tadayoshi-

Tadayoshi: Look stop your damn worrying! Amber is already worried enough about your concern with me. You should know by now it's how I am... Just let it go...

Diana: ...

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Come on, let's go find Amber and move on from my problems... I don't want Amber to be on my ass about your concern

Diana: Ok...

Tadayoshi: ... Hey, don't be upset, you got to know something about me.... probably could help your goal...

Diana: ... Yeah, you're right!

Tadayoshi: And... please don't tell her any of this... it's best for her not to know now...

Diana: I promise... I won't tell her

Tadayoshi: Good... So where is she

Diana: Hang on, let me check!

She quickly catches up to Tadayoshi and pulls out her phone as they make their way to where Amber is


This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi drinking a bottle of Pinot Noir by a cliff


At Feng's house, Amber and Feng are still sitting at the dining room table, letting out laughter as they catch their breath

Amber: Yeah that was a good time...

Feng: Heh... yeah... I guess your friend didn't mind

Amber: Of course not, Diana let me off too easy to the point I get nervous she's gonna be taken advantage of one day

Feng: Could say the same thing to except its anger

Amber: Dafqu is that supposed to mean?!

Feng: Hehehe

Amber: But yeah... she's a great woman... and not gonna lie, she reminds me of you

Feng: Really? How so?

Amber: You two are so optimistic

Feng: Oh?

Amber: Yeah... Meeting you and her felt so similar...

Years ago:

A young Amber was walking down the streets after buying a soda from the gas station and making her way home

Young Amber: Glad they finally have those in stock, they've been out for-

Suddenly he starts to hear crying down the alleyway which catches her attention and she walks toward the sounds in cautious

Young Amber: Hello? Who's there? If this is a trick, I got a soda can and I can make it more painful than it looks!

Soon he comes across a boy who is curled up into a ball crying which she looks in confusion

Young Amber: ... Uhhh you good?

Young boy: Where's my dad... *sniff* I want my dad! It hurts!

Young: What hur-

The young boy looks up at her while tears crawl down his face until letting out a cough of blood

Young Amber: Oh jeez!

She quickly kneels down and puts his hand on his chest, checking him and she felt his body temperate rising

Young Amber: You have an Overburn...

Young boy: It hurts... it hurts... I want my dad!...

Young Amber: Uhhh it's ok! It's ok! Can you tell me where your parents are?

Young boy: I don't know! I got lost and-!

The boy starts coughing violently once again, causing Amber to quickly start going through his pockets and find a bottle of pills which she quickly finds out it's the pill he needs. She quickly takes one and quickly hands it to him

Young Amber: You need to swallow it now!

Young boy: B-But if I choke on it...

Young Amber: Do you want to die?!

Young boy: N-No

Young Amber: Then you have to swallow it!

The boy is skeptical and in fear for a few seconds until he finally takes the pill and swallows it. Soon Amber felt his body temperature lowering down and the boy felt the pain go away which let Amber catch her breath

Young Amber: Jeez, I never thought I'd be panicking about something like this. You alright?

Young boy: ... Why did you save me?

Young Amber: What kind of question is that? Do you think I'm gonna let a dude die right in front of me?

Young boy: Yes! Everyone always did to me...

Young Amber: What the heck, why?

Young boy: Because I'm disabled... sure they all don't pick on me but... they look down on me like I'm born stupid... I'm still normal but... sick... you have no idea how many people almost left me to die...

Young Amber: ... Bro I'm not a psychopath! Besides those people we called dummies! They don't know how to use their head and think so fully of themselves

Young boy: Oh... I-

Amber: Don't try to say anything bad about yourself, I don't like hearing emotional stuff!

Young boy: No... I just wanted to say thank you... for saving me...

Young Amber: Oh... well no problem! Anyways, do you know where your parents are?

Young boy: No...

Young Amber: Come on, let's go to my place. My grandma could help you find your parents

She reaches out her hand to him and he couldn't help but smile, feeling this woman he's meeting was different from the ones he knows as he reaches out for her hand

Young boy: Ok

Amber helps him up and they start to make their way to Amber's house. Once they arrive they notice Amber's grandma talking to someone

Grandma: Well we could do this and-

Young Amber: Hi grandma!

Grandma: Oh welcome home, little munchkin!

Young Amber: Uhh sorry but I met this boy and-

Stranger: Oh there you are!

Young boy: Hi dad...

Stranger: I told you not to run off! You're lucky you manage to find me!

Young boy: Sorry...

Young Amber: Wait that's your dad?

Young boy: *nods*

Grandma: You know this boy?

Young Amber: No, I found him in an alleyway and-

Grandma: Girl, you should've asked for his name when you meet new people!

Young Amber: Sorry grandma...

Grandma: Oh it's fine but you're gonna meet this boy more often since he gonna be staying in the town for a few years now!

Young Amber: Oh why?

Grandma: My business partner and I are making a deal with our business and it gonna be a while for us to plan!

Young Amber: Oh, so who's-

Grandma: This boy right here is Feng, he's the son of a businessman right here we're partnering with! Get along with him very well!

Young Amber: Oh... Well, it's nice to meet you, the name's Amber!

Young Feng: It's... nice to meet you... my name is Feng


Soon years go by as they start to hang out more and more and their bond begins to grow as time goes by. Somewhere in town, Amber chases off a bunch of bullies who quickly runs away from her

Bully: Run!


Feng: Calm down Amber, calm down

Amber: Yeah, Yeah I'm calm, I'm calm! Now I told you not to go anywhere without me!

Feng: I told you I can handle myself

Amber: No but ya leaves me out of whatever you are doing!

Feng: I mean what I was going to do was not a big deal? Why are you so close to being near me?

Amber: Well actually... that's what I wanted to talk about

Feng: ... What do you mean?

Amber: ... Remember back when you told me to become a streamer?

Feng: Yeah, did something happen?

Amber: Well... I got invited to leave tomorrow...

Suddenly Feng's eye grows wide from hearing those words which begins to excite him

Feng: Holy shit! That's great! *cough* *cough*

Amber: Easy now easy...

Feng: *cough* I'm fine... so where are you invited to go to?

Amber: Coltopia

Feng: Oh wow, that is very very big! Are you going to go?

Amber: I... Don't know...

Feng: Why?

Amber then look at him with sadness and worry in her eye which Feng realizes the reasoning

Feng: Hey I told you I'm-

Amber; I know god dammit! It's hard to not get worried about your ass! I don't know when your deadline is but I wanna spend the most time with ya before you go!

Feng; I know but listen, this is your dream! Take the opportunity while you can! I can handle myself, I promise!

Amber: But-

Feng: I don't want to be supported my whole life... it's time for me to do things on my own! Maybe one day when I see you, I can be the one to protect you from the trouble!

Amber: ... Alright... I'll go... I promise you! I make you and this whole damn town proud!

Feng: Heh! I can't wait! I can't wait... I... can't...

Suddenly Amber begins to notice tears start to flow out of Feng's eyes and she begins to hug him as he hugs her back and begins to bawl his eyes out

Feng: I'm gonna miss you so much...

Amber: So am I... *sniff*

Feng: *sniff* I thought you don't like being emotional? Hehe...

Amber: ... Shut up... fucking bastard...

Present time:

Amber: Man I sounds like a baby back then...

Feng: I mean it was understandable... but I'll admit when I saw your first stream in Coltopia, I was worried because of the hate you were getting... but now, I don't feel worried anymore

Amber: Oh yeah... I've seen a lot... and crazy shit! Oh, that reminds me!

Feng: Eh?

Amber: Since I've told you my two friends are here, do you mind if they stay at your place?

Feng: Yeah of course! They-

Suddenly they hear a knock on their door and Amber gets up in excitement and makes her way to the door as Feng follows behind.

Amber: It must be them!

She opens the door and she see it was only Diana and Tadayoshi standing behind her

Amber: Hey! You finally made it!

Diana: I told you we'll find you

Amber: I know, Yo Feng, this is one of my friends that came with me!

Diana: Hi- Woah...

Feng: Hey...

Diana: What happened to...

Amber: To put it in a nutshell, he made a stupid decision and became this and now his lifespan getting shorter than usual

Diana: Oh... can I shake-

Feng: Don't worry, it won't burn you...

Both Diana and Feng shake each other hand, greeting each other as Diana looks in surprise at how it wasn't burning her and it didn't feel hot at all

Diana: It's nice to meet you

Feng: And it's a pleasure to meet you and thank you for being friends with Amber and for helping her

Diana: Oh you don't need to thank me!

Amber: Hehe! I'd also like you to meet Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: mmm...

The second Feng looks at Tadayoshi, his pupils shrunk and he falls onto his back in fear

Feng: D-Demon!... Monster!

He crawls back as fast as he could as Amber quickly runs to him in shock

Feng: Hey hey hey what's the matter? Is my friend that-

Suddenly he quickly stands back up and grabs Amber by the shoulder and pulls her back

Feng: Get away from him! That's not a human! That's a killer! A curse!

Amber: What are you talking about? He's just a Forgotten? No offense Tada-

Feng: Don't you understand?! That man- no... that... demon is No Forgotten... that demon is the one who destroyed your hometown!

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