Chapter 31: Travel
Tadayoshi: Think I got everything
Two days have gone by since his hangout with Amber and Tadayoshi almost finishes packing some of the things he needs for his trip
Two days ago:
Tadayoshi: Go with you?
Amber: Yeah, think of it as taking a vacation trip or something
Tadayoshi: But why are you inviting me
Amber: I don't know, why not but also you could be close friends with Feng so he isn't just friends with me
Tadayoshi: ...
Amber: But also I think you'll like that place since it's a place that makes a lot of booze
Tadayoshi: Just because I drink alcohol doesn't mean I love it to the point I wanna go to a place that makes alcohol...
Amber: I mean if you don't wanna go that's fine but I asked cause I figure you'd go since it's a place that cooperated with Vineland Country before
Tadayoshi: ... What?
Amber: Oh I didn't tell you? The city was business partners with my hometown and after my hometown was destroyed they took the title of making the best alcoholic drinks and started to pay respect to it
Tadayoshi: ... Yeah I'll go
Amber: Wait really?
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
Amber: Sweet! Just make sure you get a passport and meet me and Diana at the subway after tomorrow
Tadayoshi: Ok...
Present day:
Tadayoshi: "Never thought I would be able to hear from that place again..."
He finally finishes packing his things but before he could stand up and leave, his phone begins to buzz which he checks and sees he got a text from Alex
A: So today is the day!
T: Mhm...
A: Are you excited that you're going to be traveling somewhere that is fun and it ain't because of work?
T: Sure, if it means I can get some peace in someway
A: Or another way for you to spend some time with new people especially with the girlfriends you're going with
T: Why are you calling them girlfriends...
A: I mean they're girls and they are your friends, but also you've been hangout with a lot of gals so-
T: You're thinking too hard stop it
T: Don't...
A: Ok ok, but I'm happy for you that you decided to accept that invitation that Amber gave you!
T: I told you I'm trying to keep my promise...
A: I know, but where are you guys going anyways?
T: Apparently to a small city that was known for making booze or something. Amber's old friend lives there and she wants to visit him
A: Oh yeah you're definitely gonna have a fun time
T: If you say that because of booze, I'm not that much of an alcoholic
A: I know, just trying to joke around
T: mmm...
A: Anyways I hung out with BeatBox the day before yesterday, he was so fun!
T: Why did you...
A: As I said before, I bumped into him and we just hit it off! Why don't you like him?
T: He's annoying...
A: I don't know what the fuck are you talking about, he's a great guy, give him a chance!
T: No
A: ... No wonder he says you're in denial
T: I'm gonna kill him when I come back...
A: But I have to get going, I hope you have fun there!
T: Eh... Are you sure you don't wanna come?
A: Nah, I'm good and besides while you're gone, I'm going take my take to get to know your other girlfriends
T: What?
A: Toodle-oo!
T: Wait hang on!
Before Tadayoshi could ask her anything else, Alex immediately leaves the chat as he let out a sigh, and grabs his bag
Tadayoshi: Shit almost forgot
He removes the rug and opens the floor below which he notices the black box which made him hesitate at first but manages to ignore it and pull out an envelope that was sticking beneath the floor. He opens it and check to see a passport of himself was in there
Tadayoshi: Wonder if this still works...
He closes the floor up and grabs his bag and makes his way downstairs and exits the house
Tadayoshi: Now she said I have to-
Suddenly, before he could step out of his property, a limousine does a Tokyo drift and barely stops before it could hit Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: How many more things are going to stop me this time...
The limousine window slowly rolls down as he sees the same old man that was with Rachel when Tadayoshi was in one before
Tadayoshi: You again? What does Rachel want?
Driver: Oh no, Rachel and the others know you are leaving with Amber and Diana. However, Amber is being very impatient and hired me to take you to the subway
Tadayoshi: But isn't a limousine kinda unnecessary?
Driver: My passion is just being a limousine driver and only a limousine driver, now can you please enter so I may take you to your destination
Tadayoshi: Yeah yeah...
He gets in the back set of the limousine and takes his seat and sets his bag beside him
Driver: Now please put your seatbelt on. Miss Amber wants to be there as soon as possible!
Tadayoshi: Yeah I kn-
Suddenly the driver slams the gas and the limousine accelerates as fast as possible causing Tadayoshi to feel his body being pushed against his seat. Once they hit the road, the old man begins to drive recklessly, barely avoiding any vehicle it goes near
Tadayoshi: Jesus christ! Slow down, old man!
Driver: Sorry sir, I did say I'm gonna get us there as fast as possible
Tadayoshi: It doesn't mean you have to be this reckless, you crazy old bastard!
At the subway, Amber and Diana are on the walkway of the subway as they wait for Tadayoshi and their train to arrive
Amber: *groans* What's taking him so long?!
Diana: He's probably on his way, Ambie
Amber: I know but I hired a limousine to go and get him and it feels like forever ago
Diana: Why a limousine?
Amber: I was in a hurry and didn't realize I accidentally hired a limousine and not an Uber driver
Diana: You didn't need to rush, it's not like we're in a race
Amber: Yet I don't wanna miss our train if some reason something happens that stops Tadayoshi from getting here!
Diana: Don't worry Ambie I'm sure that-
Tadayoshi: Fuck you and your limousine!
Amber and Diana turn at the voice to see Tadayoshi walking down the stairs to the subway as he was giving a middle finger to the driver who gives him a peaceful wave
Tadayoshi: Fucking crazy old man...
Diana: Hey! You made it!
Amber: About time, you slow bastard!
Tadayoshi: I had plenty of time to get here... you didn't need to hire a crazy limousine driver...
Amber: You were probably gonna take your sweet time walking here if I didn't get you a ride!
Tadayoshi: You could've just texted me to hurry up...
Amber: I'm an impatient person
Tadayoshi: No shit...
Diana: Well now that you are here, we just have to wait for the train!
Tadayoshi: How long is this trip
Amber: About a day but I made sure I got us a comfy seat so we don't have to sit behind a mother and an endless crying child
Tadayoshi: mmm...
Diana: I am confused about one thing, how is the subway going to travel us to the other island
Amber: Oh right I forgot, you never have been on a subway before. Let me explain since they're 53 islands around the world, and after the Civil war 2 the government helped build a new transportation which is an underground tunnel that connects to different islands for us to travel easier than boats!
Diana: So does that mean we're going underwater as well
Amber: Yep! But didn't worry, the tunnel is pretty sturdy and is always checked every day
Diana: I'm not worried, just amazed
Tadayoshi: You never went anywhere outside of Coltopia?
Diana: No, I've always stayed in Coltopia even when I was young. I never travel that often because my mother told me not to... I never understood why
Tadayoshi: Hm...
Diana: Have you traveled before?
Tadayoshi: Mostly on a boat, only used the subway once when I decided to live in Coltopia
Amber: But... isn't boats usually used for mostly delivery and not transportation?
Tadayoshi: ...
Suddenly a train comes speeding by but slowly begins to slow down until coming to a complete stop and the door begins to open
Diana: I think this is our-
Amber: Fucking finally! Come on!
She grabs her bag and sprints into the train as Tadayoshi and Diana follow behind. Once they were inside, they see the carriage was more open but had common seats you see at a train station
Tadayoshi: This is our seats?
Amber: Nope! Follow me!
They walk up the hall for a bit until arrive at a train carriage that looks a lot nicer and open than the ones they walked pasted
Tadayoshi: Oh wow...
Amber: Yep and this is all ours!
Tadayoshi: Wait this whole carriage?
Amber: Yep! I paid to get this shown carriage to ourself
Diana: But what if someone has to walk by here?
Amber: They can walk by but they just stay here duh
They take their seat and set their bags underneath their seats as they hear the train station doors begin to shut and they start to move again and start to make their way to their destination
Diana: Wow... So this is what it feels like to be on a train
Amber: Normally it wouldn't be if you are in a crowded cart. It would either feel tight or some sexual harassment crime would happen and especially if people saw us... yeah
Diana: Oh... thanks
Amber: No problem Diane! What do you think, Tada?
Tadayoshi: Somewhat nice...
Diana: ... You ok?
Tadayoshi: I'm fine
Diana: So... what's the plan when we get there?
Amber: Honestly we just gotta find his place and knowing him, he'll probably let us stay at our place and we can just hang out and explore his hometown! Maybe try some booze that they make!
Diana: You better not drink too much if you're planning to pull an all-nighter when we get there!
Amber: Don't worry, I promise I won't drink too much!
Tadayoshi: What did she do?...
Diana: She started a whole bar fight and almost started a fire there
Tadayoshi: ...
Amber: He started it! He made fun of my height!
Diana: Still doesn't mean you had to fight him
Amber: Diane!
Suddenly a waiter appears beside them and sets some fancy cups on their table and pours some wines
Waiter: Welcome! I hope you will all enjoy our trip! Just let me know if you need anything!
Diana: Thank you!
Waiter: ...
Diana: Is... something wrong?
Waiter: No... it's just... you look familiar...
Diana: Do I?
Amber: Well I mean, we are the Line and Hook!
Waiter: Oh! I should've realized that! I'm a huge fan of you two! Can I get you two autographs?
Diana: Sure
Amber: Why of course!
The waiter hands Diana and Amber a piece of paper which they sign their names on it as Tadayoshi decides to get up and takes his glass and moves to a different spot which was a seat by the window
Diana: Where are you going?
Tadayoshi: I'm just gonna sit somewhere else
Diana: Oh... do you wanna-
Tadayoshi: It's fine, you can stay there. I just want my space
Diana: Oh... ok, just let me know if you want us to sit with you
Tadayoshi: Mhm...
Amber: ...
Waiter: Thank you for your autographs and enjoy the ride
Diana: Thank you!
The waiter walks off as Amber takes his glass of wine and raises it above
Amber: Since we have a long day, I wanna do this! To our trip!
Diana: *raise her glass and chuckles* To our trip!
Tadayoshi: *raise his glass* Sure...
Diana: ...
Tadayoshi: What?
Diana: Are you sure you're... ok?
Tadayoshi: I said I'm fine...
Diana: ... Ok... sorry I just wanted to make sure...
This story is interrupted by a chibi Amber on top of the train, pretending to surf on it
Nightfalls as Diana was fast asleep but Tadayoshi was still awake and trying to lay back but couldn't get comfortable
Tadayoshi: Fucking can't sleep in sit-up seats...
Suddenly he hears a cart rolling towards him and he sees it was Amber pushing it and grabbing herself a bottle
Amber: That fucking small ass cup wasn't enough!
Tadayoshi: What are you doing?...
Amber: Oh you're awake Tada. You wanna drink?
Tadayoshi: ... Get me a small bottle
Amber searches in the cart for a bit until pulling out a small bottle of mead and tosses it to him which he catches while Amber sits at a seat across from him
Tadayoshi: Thanks
Amber: Also it's good that you're awake, I want to ask about your... mood this morning
Tadayoshi: What about it?
Amber: You've been more, how would I say it... moody and silent around us
Tadayoshi: Aren't I always that way?
Amber: Yeah, but also you talk normally and it would be something that makes you sound like a dick
Tadayoshi: ...
Amber: Anyways you just felt like you didn't wanna come, I mean if you didn't want to, you could've-
Tadayoshi: No... it's not that...
Amber: Then what's up with ya? Do have something in mind?
Tadayoshi: ...
Amber: Imma just take that silence as a yes, let it out already! I don't want Diane to be more worried about you than she already is!
Tadayoshi: No...
Amber: *pulls out her gun and aims at his head* Say it or I'm blowing a bullet through your head!
Tadayoshi: *sigh* fine... You're hometown... I know that place very well
Amber: You did?
Tadayoshi: ... When I heard that city was connected to your hometown, I decided to come just to pay respect to the people who once live there
Amber: Is that why you asked if I knew the Vineland Country when we were fishing?
Tadayoshi: Yes
Amber: Wow... that's something out of character for you
Tadayoshi: ...
Amber: But why my hometown? Is it because we are friends and you wanna-
Tadayoshi: No... something else...
Amber: *sigh* *puts her gun away* I guess you don't want to talk about it?
Tadayoshi: No...
Amber: If you say so...
They stayed quiet for a few minutes while drinking as they stare out of the window between them
Amber: I know you said that you don't wanna talk about why you wanna pay respect to the Vineland Country but can you at least answer me this
Tadayoshi: What?
Amber: Did you... met my grandma?
Tadayoshi: ... I do not know...
Amber: *sigh* I'd figured
Tadayoshi: ... But I did meet an old lady there... but just describe me about your grandma...
Amber: ... She was like the best grandmother I could've ever asked for...
Tadayoshi: ...
A couple of years ago:
Kid: Run away! The gremlin is after us!
Kid 2: Ha! ha! Gremlin
Young Amber: Who are you calling gremlin
A young amber, who was holding a brick in anger and has a black eye, chases a bunch of kids who are laughing while running away until she gives up and tosses the brick at them but misses
Young Amber: I'll kick your butts when I see you again, you jerks! *sigh* you ok Feng?
Young Feng: Yeah *cough* *cough*
Young Amber: Easy there...
Young Feng: I'm ok I'm ok...
Amber noticed the sun was going down and quickly helps Feng up to his feet
Young Amber: Hey I gotta go...
Young Feng: I know it's getting late
Young Amber: Do you need-
Young Feng: I'm fine... I can make my way home... I'm not that useless
Young Amber: Ok, I'll see you later
Young Feng: See you, tell your grandma I said hi!
Young Amber: I will!
She waves goodbye to Feng as she quickly makes her way back home. She soon arrives home to see her grandma sitting on a rocking chair on the porch
Young Amber: I'm home!
Grandma: Are you the newspaperman? Oh no, it's my little munchkin! Hehehe!
Young Amber: Hi grandma
Grandma: How was your- is that a black eye?
Young Amber: ... No
Grandma: Now don't you go lying to me my little munchkin! Were those kids calling you names again?
Young Amber: Yes I'm-
Grandma: Ah hell naw, wait till I get my hands on those kids! I'm gonna show them manners that now even their own 30-year-old parent could do!
Young Amber: Grandma stop, I'm fine. I was just protecting Feng!
Grandma: Fine my ass! I'm gonna call them to come to apologize- Oh shit! My cake!
Amber's grandma quickly gets up from her seat and scoots into the kitchen and pulls out a strawberry cake from the oven and finishes it up by putting some strawberries on top
Grandma: Hehehe! Now that's what you call a cake! Do you want some, sweetie?
Young Amber: In a bit...
Grandma: Now what are you feeling down now?
Young Amber: It's nothing...
Grandma: Now don't you be lying to me! I may be 113 years old but I can still kick your ass! Is it those kids? I'll-
Young Amber: No it's not that... it's just... I'm just ... worried about you...
Grandma: Now why would you? I can handle my-
Young Amber: No... it's just... I gonna have to deal with your business when you are gone... and I don't know if-
Grandma: Oh since when the fuck did I say I'm giving you my business!
Young Amber: What?
Grandma: Come with me
Amber's grandma walks out of the back of the house and Amber follows as they get a view of the entire town, most of the land was covered in grape gardens and some people are picking out the grapes
Grandma: Now we may not only grow one of the best grapes but also make one of the best gosh darn wines, but that means I have a lot of responsibility, especially for my age! Fucking society doesn't give two fucks about age!
Young Amber: I know grandma, I-
Grandma: Shush! That's why I'm going to tell you when you get older, you must be responsible for the choice you want to do in your future!
Young Amber: Wait what are you-
Grandma: I'm saying that you don't have to own this farm! I can give my business to my business partner if I retire... You go and do what you want if that's what makes you happy! You don't have to worry about some stupid ass grapes
Young Amber: But I-
Grandma: Now don't you dare try to get all guilty because I'm old as shit, or I'll give you a spanking!
Amber lets out a chuckle which gave her grandma a smile and her grandma places her hand on Amber's head
Grandma: Whatever you are going to be, you're gonna be great! Your parents, me, fuck even this entire town will be proud! I'll even make them feel proud of you if they try to be all moody!
Young Amber: Grandma! I... are you sure
Grandma: Oh gosh darn it! Of course! Now tell me... do you have something in mind you wanna do?
Young Amber: ... I was thinking about streaming
Grandma: ... What the fuck is streaming?
Soon years go by as Amber began her streaming career and her grandma does whatever she can to support her. As Amber got older, she gets an email that she was invited to come to Coltopia to be bigger in her career.
Amber: Gram! Gram!
Grandma: Yes I am here! What is it? Do you need help with your stream?
Amber: No! I got accepted! I can go to Coltopia!
She pulls out her glasses and looks closely at Amber's laptop and reads the invitation which she couldn't help but smile and opens out her arms to Amber
Grandma; I'm so fucking proud of you!
Both Amber and her grandma hugged each other in excitement and happiness. Soon Amber suddenly realizes that means she has to leave her grandma alone
Grandma: Now, let's get you ready! You have a lot of big things ahead of you!
Amber: Yeah... but should I go?
Grandma: Now why the fuck would you ask that?! Of course! And if it's because of me, don't worry about it! This old lady can handle herself!
Amber: But-
Grandma: No buts! Now let's get you all ready for you to go!
Amber: Ok...
After a few days, both Amber and her grandma waited at the train station as Amber still felt nervous while her grandma was extremely happy
Amber: Are you sure that-
Grandma: Enough with your questions, this is your chance to finally be something you wanted to be!
Amber: I know but... I'm worried that if I fail...
Grandma: You won't fail... you are the most determined girl I know! And even if ya fail, we'll keep trying till you are accepted, even if I'm only just scrawny bones!
Amber: Ok... I will do my best!
Soon the train arrives which Amber looks at takes a deep breath and walks towards it
Grandma: I'll love you my munchkin...
Before she could step in, she stops and turns back and runs at her with a big hug which her grandma does the same as tears starts to flow out of their eyes
Amber: I'm going to miss you...
Grandma: I'm gonna miss you too...
Amber: Thank you... grandma... thank you for everything
They both let go of each other and Amber steps into the train station and looks back at her, waving goodbye at her one last time as the train door closes and slowly makes its way to Coltopia
Amber: I'll make you proud grandma!
Present day:
Amber: I still wished to this day I could see her face to where I am today
Tadayoshi: ...
Amber: ... Oh fucking- I got emotional now when I'm about to drink
Tadayoshi: I see...
Amber: But if she is gone, I know I made her proud... but was the old lady you know my grandmother
Tadayoshi: I... don't think so
Amber: *sigh* I'm sure you would've loved her if you did meet her
Tadayoshi: Perhaps...
She gets up from her seat and pushes the cart away but before she put it back, she stops and turns back at hi
Amber: Well I'm heading to bed now and hey... Don't be like that mood again, I don't want Diana to be worried about you
Tadayoshi: I know
She walks away with the cart as Tadayoshi lays back only to find out the seat can be pulled back
Tadayoshi: I could've fucking pulled this backdown!
Morning arrives as the train finally stops at its destination. Tadayoshi, Amber, and Diana exit the train with their luggage and make their way out of the subway
Amber: Can't wait for you guys to see this
Tadayoshi: ...
They exit out of the subway to see the entirety of the small city with every building selling different kinds of alcohol. It felt small village yet the building looked like they were built by hand and the air smelled fresh like a newly bloomed forest.
Diana: Woah...
Amber: What did I tell ya? This place is going to be fun
Tadayoshi: Surprisingly this place doesn't reek of alcohol, especially for a place known for booze...
They continue to walk around the city for a bit until crossing a bridge and Diana looks down on it as it was flowing between the city
Diana: Is this the river you were talking about?
Amber: Yep!
Tadayoshi: What about this river?
Amber: Oh you see, this river is used to make the booze, you see that building up there
Both Diana and Tadayoshi loop at the hill and see a semi-large factory with the river stream coming out of it
Amber: I'm not gonna explain how they make the booze but this river is basically what this place is famous for since this river is spring water and the factory uses this to create the booze
Diana: All the booze was made from all of this...
Tadayoshi: Hm...
They continued to walk around as they look through different stores to see different bottles and drinks while Amber tries to figure out where Feng would live
Amber: I doubt he would live around the part of the city...
Diana: Say Ambie
Amber: Yeah?
Diana: Why don't we walk around the town for a bit and you can look for Feng? Give you and him some time together when you find him
Amber: You sure? We can just-
Diana: It's fine, we can find you on our phone! And I'm Tadayoshi wouldn't mind giving you and him some space together! We'll catch up to you when you find him!
Tadayoshi: Yeah... go for it
Amber: Alright, but go to too many places! I still wanna look around with you guys as well!
Diana: See you in a bit!
Amber walks off as Tadayoshi and Diana were alone in the city together
Diana: So... do you wanna look through some stores?
Tadayoshi: Lead the way...
Amber continues to walk around until she manages to find herself outside of the city part and in a town where there were mostly houses and the river was much larger as she continues to look around for Feng
Amber: Come on, I remember you telling me back then that you live around these parts but where!
As she was walking she begins to hear commotion from some of the people nearby
Demi: On fire?
Demi 2: Yeah! Like the house was on fire and the guy there... somehow survived! Like he wasn't burnt at all!
Demi: Wait... isn't that the guy that has Overburn?
Demi 2: Yeah... I guess he was lucky...
Demi: Yeah... though doesn't that mean he'll die soon?
Demi: That's what I heard?
Demi 2: Damn... may god rest his soul
Amber: Yo! Did you say about someone about an Overburn?
Demi: Yes
Amber: I'm actually trying to look for him, can you show me where he is?
The two demi-humans look at each other in nervousness while Amber looks in confusion until they point the direction
Demi 2: Just down the street where you see a burnt-down house. For some reason, he hasn't left that place for a new one...
Amber: Alright, thanks, bro!
Demi: Yeah and... be cautious, something feels... off about that man
Amber: Eh I ain't too worried about it! Buh-bye!
She continues walking down the streets until she finally finds the house that she was looking for which looked burnt down and is just about to collapse
Amber: I think this is it...
She slowly approaches the door and hesitates a bit before giving it a knock. There was a moment of silents until she hears a voice
?: Who is it?
Amber: It's me, Feng! Your old childhood friend?
Suddenly the door slowly opens and she sees Feng peaking through the door, only showing part of his face
Feng: ... Amber?
Amber: Yo!
Feng: I-I didn't think you would come... W-What are you doing here?
Amber: I came to surprise you! I haven't seen you for a long time
Feng: Yeah... it's good to see you too!...
Amber: ... Can I come in?
Feng: ...
Amber: Feng?
Feng: Yeah... but can you promise me this... don't... freak out when you see me
Amber: Uhhh yeah, why the fuck would I do that?
Feng: Just say you will promise!
Amber: Ok! Ok! I promise!
Feng: Ok... just hang on a sec...
He closes the door as Feng starts to hear him unlock all the locks on his door. Soon he opens the door wide and reveals himself which Amber's eyes grew wide in shock as she sees Feng in full person
Amber: F-Feng...
Half of Feng's head was completely covered in red flame to the point she could nearly see his skull and most of his body was covered in red flame as well but Feng didn't look in pain
Feng: I know...
Amber: What the fuck happened to you...
Feng: ... I made a deal with the devil...
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