Chapter 30: Amber

The sun begins to rise as the alarm begins to beep and Amber reaches over and shuts it off. She sits up and stretches for a second until at the alarm clock to see what time it is

Amber: 8:00... Fuck me, I wanna sleep in but I have to get up...

She lays on her bed for a few minutes until finally gets off her bed and makes her way downstairs to the kitchen where she grabs some frozen waffles from the freezer and puts them in the toaster while making herself some coffee. As the waffles were cooking, she pulls out her phone to see what today

Amber: Thursday... two more days till I can go visit... Maybe I should hire a bodyguard in case we have fans there... then again I don't think so since it's a small town

Soon she notices Diana, who was wearing a robe, making her way downstairs as she lets out a yawn

Diana: Morning Ambie...

Amber: Morning, got you coffee and making waffles right now

Diana: Thanks...

She pours herself and Diana some coffee which she hands it over to her and takes a sip

Diana: Still wearing your pajamas?

Amber: Too tired to change right now, but I'll wake up in a few minutes...

Diana: Oh, then I should tell you it later

Amber: Tell me what?

Diana: Well I figure out a topic we could talk about in our podcast when we come back from our trip

Amber: What's that?

Diana: Recently one of the leaders of the Order, Odin had a vision

Amber: Vision? What do you mean by vision?

Diana: Oh well apparently his Hue Saturation is so high-leveled that he can see the future but the problem is he doesn't know when the future he sees will happen

Amber: Wait... Deadass?

Diana: I know it sounds insane but it's true since he predicted some event that has happened in the past

Amber: Yeah, wasn't one of them where he predicted a dangerous virus that would've spread around the world

Diana: Yes... thank god they were prepared for it and put a stop to it

Amber: Mhm and now it just became a common virus. Also what the fuck is Hue Saturation, I've never heard that in my entire life!

Diana: Oh that I found out it's just another word to say than Color Technique! Apparently, it's a newer word to replace the old one

Amber: Oh... honestly that sounds better than Color Technique

Diana: Mhm

Amber: But anyways where did you hear all this information?

Diana: Apparently someone leaked it on the internet last night and I managed to get a peak before it was deleted

Amber: Really that simple?

Diana: You'd be surprised how many different leaks you can find on the internet, Ambie

Amber: Fair enough but what was the vision?

Diana: It was very vague and didn't tell what but apparently what he saw was... diabolical that he's gathering all the Order soldiers around the world together to their base including the Order Generals

The second Amber heard those words come out of her mouth, she accidentally spits out some coffee in surprised

Amber: What?! Even the Heroes?!

Diana: Yes

Amber: Jesus the Order generals coming together... the last time I heard from them was when they decided to go fight the Overlords to free some land and islands they've taken over...

Diana: And that was almost a month from now...

Amber: Now I really want to know what did Odin see to cause him to be this desperate and scared...

Diana: I know but now I'm kinda nervous if this will affect us...

Amber: I hope not but if it does I'll protect you!

Diana: Oh Ambie, I should be saying that to you! But is that a-

Amber: Oh hell yeah! That will be big for our podcast career!

Suddenly the toaster finishes cooking the waffles which Amber notices and walks over to take it out and put it on a plate which she hands them to Diana

Amber: And here's your breakfast

Diana: Thank you! *munch*

Amber: Anyways let's not worry about what Odin saw but at least keep in check if we have a feeling it does come near

Diana: Yeah, you're right, but since the heroes are coming back, I'm hoping to see one of the heroes in person!

Amber: Big fan of them?

Diana: Of course! They have the ability to change the world! They have the same dream I have!

Amber: Which one is your favorite?

Diana: I might have to say... Baldur

Amber: Alright makes sense, mine's Hercules!

Diana: Really? Thought you'd be a Thor fan since he's... a destructive type of guy

Amber: Hey just because I like explosions doesn't mean I'll be a fan of every destroyer!

Diana: If you say so

Amber: But anyways let's move off the topic of the Order since we'll save this conversation for the podcast, you got any plans today?

Diana: Yeah... I gotta get my passport for the subway since we're gonna be on the train for a day or two

Amber: Oh that is true

Diana: What about you?

Amber: Well I was gonna ask if you wanna hang out but since you're busy I'll just-

Diana: Just what?

Amber: Actually you know what, I'll go visit Tada!

Diana: Really?

Amber: Why are you asking like I wouldn't?

Diana: No no it's just that you didn't really... like him that much before so just hearing this now sounds... surprising. Also, you called him Tada?

Amber: Oh me and him have been chatting once in a while when you weren't around! Also, it's a new nickname I thought of!

Diana: Oh... well I'm glad you two are finally growing a bond! I'll admit I was kinda worried you two wouldn't get along

Amber: It's called trust issues and he's lucky I managed to think of something to talk about to grow a relationship! Besides, it's another way to kill time while you're busy

Diana: I guess

Amber soon finishes eating her waffles and gulps down the coffee and hops up the stair to change into some clothing

Amber: I'm going to get change and leave for his place, you need anything before I come home?

Diana: I don't think so

Amber: Alright

Diana: Oh wait I just remembered

Amber: What's that?

Diana: When you go visit him... Can you ask him why he's avoiding my text so I could help him

Amber: Sure!

Diana: Thanks! Causes he's starting to worry me...

Amber: Don't worry, I'm sure he's fine


T: So yes, I believe I've gotten a close relationship with just Cassie so far, and yes I'm trying to work with the rest

A: I'm glad to hear that! I knew you'd finally be able to make some new friends!

T: Mhm

A: Oh don't be grouchy!

T: I'm not

A: Oh don't lie to me, I can tell. Look I know you don't like it but it's something that could make you happy

T: I get that but you know why I don't try

A: I know... but I don't believe that... you deserve it more than you ever could...

T: ...

A: Well I gotta go, I'm gonna hang out with your other friend that I just accidentally bumped into!

T: Other friend?

A: BeatBox says hi

T: ... Ffs...

A: Alright see ya!

T: Bye...

Tadayoshi puts his phone away as he finishes changing into his clothing after his shower and makes his way downstairs and flops down onto the couch

Tadayoshi: *sigh* I finally manage to get through an entire week to myself with no interruptions... Glad she's doing ok...

Suddenly he gets a buzz on his phone which he checks to see who it is only to find out it's from Amber

Pink Hornet: Yo Tada! What's up!

Tadayoshi: Tada?

Pink Hornet: Would've called you Yoshi but Cassie already stole it so imma just say the other half of your name

Tadayoshi: ...

Pink Hornet: What? Would you rather be called the name of a dinosaur?

Tadayoshi: ... I don't care anymore but what do you want?

Pink Hornet: Is this really how you greet people?

T: ... Omg hi it's SO nice to see you... I haven't talked to you since 3 seconds ago...

Pink Hornet: Wow ok smartass

T: Are you here just to critique my way of texting?

Pink Hornet: No, I want to ask if you wanna hang out! Normally I would be with Diana but she's busy and shit so I'm bored as hell

T: Ok but why me?

Pink Hornet: Why not you?

T: Maybe because I want some peace and quiet

Pink Hornet: Didn't you already have that for an entire week you lazy bum

T: ...

Pink Hornet: So do you wanna or not? Cause I know a good place that even you would like

T: ... Fine...

Pink Hornet: Fuck yeah! So are you gonna let me in?

T: What?

Amber: I said are you gonna let me in!

Tadayoshi immediately sits up and turns at the voice which was at the doorway. He gets up and walks towards the entrance to answer it only to have a gun to his head

Amber: What's up!

Tadayoshi: How long were you waiting out here?

Amber: Just now

Tadayoshi: So what's with the gun to my head?

Amber: I was gonna blast through the door if you didn't hear me! Figured you'd most likely hear that!

Tadayoshi: ... You're really asking for a fight

Amber: Oh relax! Are you gonna let me in?

Tadayoshi: Yeah yeah

He moves aside as Amber puts his pistol away and walks inside while setting a plastic bag beside her then leaps onto the couch

Tadayoshi: Thought you wanted to go somewhere that "I'd like"

Amber: I do but I just walked all the way here and I wanna relax!

Tadayoshi: ... What's with the bag

Amber: You'll find out once we leave!

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: So what do you even do in your free time?

Tadayoshi: Just relax and watch tv and mostly do my fucking bills...

Amber: Wow... you sound like a lazy bum

Tadayoshi: You have no right to say it when you are already exhausted from walking here...

Amber: Hey I'm still tired from waking up!...

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: ...

Tadayoshi: What?

Suddenly she pulls out her pistol and shoots at him which Tadayoshi quickly reacts by pulling out his spear and blocking the shot

Tadayoshi: What the fuck midget?!

Amber: Sorry just wanna make sure you aren't lazy

Tadayoshi: Since when the fuck are you this aggressive...

Amber: Always have been, just had to keep my cool around Diana or she's usually the one holding me back

Tadayoshi: ... Right

Amber: But I really need to get my duel pistols upgraded to A grade real soon but I wanna buy that nanotech...

Tadayoshi: Nanotech?

Amber: Oh yeah they're quite a rare technology that is usually on sale once every 10 years since it's usually made by a Blueprint weapon!

Tadayoshi: Blueprint weapon?

Amber: Do you not know anything, Tada? Man, you sound like you live under a rock

Tadayoshi; ...

Amber: But Blueprints are basically design plans or instructions to create the most dangerous weapons that could destroy a planet!

Tadayoshi: That sounds a bit much...

Amber: I know, probably a bit exaggerated since they said some of the Blueprint weapons are either weapons or something that create/do powerful things that feel like magic!

Tadayoshi: Magic my ass...

Amber: They're only 15 of them and are hidden around the globe. I've only seen 2 of them so far

Tadayoshi: And they are?

Amber: Obviously the nanotech and that Armor dude's armor from the Colosseum! I don't know why it was broken that easily... maybe the dumbass forgot to fully charge his suit?

Tadayoshi: "That guy I fought at the Colosseum had a Blueprint weapon?"

Amber: But nobody knows where they came from but everyone expected it was originally from the Creator cause of his nerdy brain and he's the one selling the nanotech!

Tadayoshi: Uh-huh...

Amber: Anyways when I heard about nanotech being a thing I could buy, I knew I had to get one!

Tadayoshi: Why?

Amber: Bitch, I could do so much with it! I have big hands to grab people like a brute can! I can do all my work by making multiple arms!

Tadayoshi: You finally grow taller...

Amber once again shoots at Tadayoshi in anger who quickly blocks the shot with his spear

Amber: Fuck you, edge lord!

Tadayoshi: So why haven't you got it

Amber: Cause they're fucking expensive! Like if I wanted to get it, I have to pay my and Diana's entire life savings combined! I would be broke and poor! Stupid V-Corp making it so expensive...

Tadayoshi: Is it really that expensive?

Amber: Yes! And the only people who have bought it are the Order!

Tadayoshi: Well I guess you're gonna have to drop the dream of getting those

Amber: Hell no! I'm gonna get it someday! Just you wait!

Tadayoshi: If you say so...

Soon she gets off her the couch and stretches for a bit as she puts away her gun and grabs the bag she had beside her

Amber: Alright I'm done relaxing! Let's get going to the place I wanna go to

Tadayoshi: Sure...

Amber: Oh don't be such a mood! You'll enjoy it

Tadayoshi; I highly doubt that


This story is interrupted by a chibi Amber shooting a machine gun at a shooting range while laughing maniacally while Tadayoshi looks in confusion


They soon arrive at a dock where Amber walks up to the guy that was sitting by and pays him some cash

Amber: I'll take the boat there and two fishing rods

Guy: Alright I'll be back

The guy gets up from his seat and walks into the storage room and comes after a few seconds with two fishing rods and hands them to Amber

Guy: The rest of the equipment you need is in your boat, enjoy

Amber: Thanks!

She walks towards Tadayoshi and hands him his fishing rod and they start to make their way through the dock to their boat while Tadayoshi stares in confusion

Amber: Alright, I'm gonna catch the biggest fish yet so Cassie will have to admit I'm better than her!

Tadayoshi: Wait... We're fishing?

Amber: Uh yeah, you got a problem with that?

Tadayoshi: No it's just... very unexpected for you of all people to like fishing

Amber: Heh, I'm full of surprises Tada!

They both got onto their rental boat and begin to prepare themselves to go out to the river. Amber quickly unhooks from the docks while Tadayoshi starts the engine. After a few minutes, they exit the dock and make their way to open water

Amber: Did you have other ideas you wanted to go?

Tadayoshi: No... this is fine

Amber: Good cause you ain't turning back now!

Tadayoshi: Wasn't planning to...

Amber: Also I don't blame you for being surprised that I like fishing. My grandma and I would do this a lot

Tadayoshi: Your grandma?

Amber: Yep, she's was like my mom since my parent left me to who knows where, but I heard they died before I started to use my brain as a baby

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: But she and I would go fishing every time she was free from her work at the grape garden! It was a way to get rid of stress or problems

Tadayoshi: Grape garden?

Amber: There's a good spot!

Soon they stop at an open area as Tadayoshi stops the engine and tosses an anchor into the ocean while Amber has already prepared herself to fish

Amber: I hope I catch a lot of good fish!

Tadayoshi: Sure...

Soon Tadayoshi casts his hook into the water as they both begin to sit quietly and wait for a bite

Tadayoshi: ... *sigh* This is nice

Amber: Yeah... calm and peaceful and alone... away from hate and just... have a moment to yourself

Tadayoshi: I can agree... but guess you were right that I'd enjoy this

Amber: I told ya!... You know as much as I don't act or look I'm similar to you, we have a lot in common

Tadayoshi: Why are you telling me this

Amber: Just to grow a bond and mostly to be the better bonder than Cassie

Tadayoshi: Since when did you two have a rivalry

Amber: Since last week!

Tadayoshi: Why am I not surprised...

Amber: ...

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: You know... you remind me of Feng...

Tadayoshi: Who?

Amber: I talked about him in a podcast when you joined me and Diana

Tadayoshi: ... Oh yeah, what makes you think that?

Amber: Well... this part I've told you before but... I was always hated since when I was a brat. Everyone would run and call me names cause of my forehead. Of course, I didn't just stand there and take this hate, I would go and beat their asses!

Tadayoshi: Guess that explains your little temper of yours...

Amber: But Feng... he was the only friend I had from my childhood. He wasn't from my hometown but was there to visit some of his family members. He treated me like a friend and not the shit the kids would call me. He was the reason why I decided to do podcasts

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: I originally wasn't planning to live here in Coltopia but he insisted I go to become something big when I started my podcast career. I was scared because I was worried about his infection

Tadayoshi: Infection?

Amber: Yeah he has an Overburn basically, you know how we compare our spirit to like a burning flame?

Tadayoshi: Mhm

Amber: Well imagine that being literal since it's what makes our color hair and it's part of our body. But having an Overburn infection is when a color spirit starts to rise your body temperature to the point it's like a living flame and causes it to burn you from the inside meaning-

Tadayoshi: He's slowly dying...

Amber: ... Yeah so I had to be the big woman around him, but he was an enjoyable guy! He reminds me of you but less edgy and not healthy

Tadayoshi: I get it, I'm edgy shut up...

Amber: *chuckles* But he told me he would be fine but after some negotiations and my grandma's motivational talks, I made my choice to leave my hometown

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: When I told Feng I'd go to Coltopia, he was happy yet I knew he was holding his tear... but I promised him, I would come to visit him when I get big in popularity, and here I am! So I'm going to be visiting him real soon... I hope he doing well without me

Tadayoshi: ... Now I can see why I remind you of him

Amber: How so for you?

Tadayoshi: It doesn't matter-

Suddenly his fish rod starts to shake which Tadayoshi immediately starts to reel in as fast as he could

Amber: Oh shit! Did you catch something?

After a few minutes of pulling, he finally pull his hook out of the water only to find out he caught some seaweed

Amber: ... Well that was anticlimactic

Tadayoshi: Shut it...

He tosses the seaweed into the water and replaces his bait. Once he was finished he casts his hook into the water again

Tadayoshi: ... You said you're grandma has a grape garden

Amber: Yeah, she did...

Tadayoshi: Did?

Amber: She's... gone

Tadayoshi: Oh... sorry I pulled that up

Amber. It's fine...

Tadayoshi: ... Did she make wine?

Amber: Yeah my hometown was known for making some of the greatest wine, it was kinda the reason why I'm a Royalty. Unfortunately, it was taken by the Overlords, and everyone I knew there was gone...

Tadayoshi: ... Was your hometown called the Vineland County?

Amber: Yes, why do you ask about that?

Tadayoshi: ... It's nothing...

A few minutes go by as no fish has taken a bite of their lines which Amber gets annoyed and yells in annoyance

Amber: You know what?! Fuck this! I made myself in such a sad mood! Imma fix that!

She pulls back her fishing rod and goes through her pocket and pulls out a small dynamite which she lights it up with a lighter while letting out a snicker

Tadayoshi: Why were you carrying that?

Amber: I told you, I wanted to go fishing!

She tosses it into the river and quickly ducks down as the water immediately explodes and they watch a bunch of fishes flying into the air and some fall into their boat

Amber: Hell yeah! Caught some more fish!

Tadayoshi: Is this even allowed?

Amber: Don't know! Don't care!

She lights up another dynamite and throws it into the water which once again explodes and the fishes begin to fly in the air once again

Tadayoshi: If I get a fine for this, you're paying for it

Amber: Fine by me! Wanna drink?

Tadayoshi: Drink?

She grabs the bag that she brought with her and pulls out a bottle of Pinot Noir which surprises Tadayoshi while she lets out a smirk

Amber: Come on just have some fun!

Tadayoshi: How do you-

Amber: I told you! My hometown was known for making the best wine! Now come and do something fun for once!

Tadayoshi: ... *takes the bottle* Sure...

Amber: *pulls out another bottle* Heh, Now we're talking!


The sun begins to set as Tadayoshi and Amber as laying back in the seats of the boat, still drinking

Tadayoshi: How hasn't anyone come to check the damn explosion you made for the past 4 hours

Amber: I told ya already~ you're thinking too hard~

Tadayoshi: No you didn't...

Amber: Oh... thought I did~

Tadayoshi: You're drunk, you should stop now

Amber: Oh I know~ I'm a bit drunk~ but I know what I'm doing... or saying... wait what was the word?~

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: Well I wanna thank you... thank you for not being the man I thought would be when we first met~ Like I use to think you were so depressed that you do some criminal shit cause you didn't care what would happen to you to Diana... like rape~

Tadayoshi: Ok I'm just gonna take that away from you~

He takes the bottle out of her hand as she leans forward toward Tadayoshi, poking his cheek

Amber: But after a while~ I realize... you're a great guy~ and fucking adorable~

Tadayoshi: Adorable?

Amber: Yeah like it's you're a teddy bear... or a stuffed wolf... but can violent when it wants to... I don't fucking know~

Tadayoshi: I don't even where this conversation is even going...

Amber: Eh whatever, all I'm just saying is thank you... for being a great, adorable, edgy guy and-and you really need to see Diana so she can help and shit~... Like why are you avoiding her~

Tadayoshi: mmm...

Amber: ...

Tadayoshi: ... What?

Amber: Nothing just trying to get sober real quick...

Tadayoshi: Right...

Amber leans back on the seat and takes a few breaths until she sits back up, acting as if nothing happened

Amber: Alright... I'm good... Sorry about that weirdness

Tadayoshi: (She already sober up?) ... It's fine...

Amber: But this fishing experience was fun right

Tadayoshi: I guess... Got to see something new from you...

Amber: Heh! True...

Tadayoshi: So when are you visiting your friend?

Amber: In a few days, can't wait to see Feng again... I'm sure you and Feng could get along well if you two met

Tadayoshi: Sure...

Amber: ...

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: Say... do you wanna come on a trip with me and Diana?

Somewhere else:

Somewhere in a small town, a young man turns on the lamp in his kitchen as he pulls out some leftover food from the fridge and puts it in the microwave

?: Oh Amber... it's been a while, I haven't seen you in years!

?(acting tone): I know Feng, it's good to see you too! How's your body doing?

Soon the microwave finishes heating his food which he takes it out and sets it on the table

Feng: It's doing fine but... let's not talk about me and talk about you! I'm so happy for you! You manage to find friends and become so successful!

(Acting tone): Yeah...

Feng: What's the matter?

(Acting tone): It's nothing... it's just... the hate is still there and I don't know if my podcast career was my best choice)

Feng: Hey listen... Don't listen to them! They're just jealous of you! How about this, I can go and move in with you so I can defend you from that hate!

(Acting tone): Really? But you're-

Feng: Don't worry about it! I'm doing just- oh what am I doing...

He sits down in ponder as he begins eating his leftover alone in his rundown house. Feng is a human with orange hair and wears ragged clothing. After Amber left, he begins to struggle with his life due to his infection and is now living in a rundown house that will be demolished in a few day

Feng: It's been years since I last saw her... She's doing a lot better than I am so why would I think she's upset... *sigh* I hope she didn't forget- *cough* *cough*

He covers his mouth to cough but once he stops coughing, he looks at the hand that he used to covered and sees blood on it

Feng: Fuck...

He gets up from his seat and takes a pill that is on the kitchen counter but before he goes back to sit down to eat, he notices the open envelope beside him which he looks at once again which was from the hospital

Feng: A week... I have a week to live... *sigh* why am I looking at this again... maybe I should go visit her before I pass on... but I'd be too ashamed to see her... she'll just feel guilty to see me in this state... I failed as a friend...

?: Well aren't you a poor unfortunate soul...

Feng quickly looks behind him to see a shadow figure which causes him to panic and fall back on the floor

Feng: W-Who are you?! How did you get in here?!

?: Don't be afraid my child... you're god's angel is here to help you...

The shadowy figure soon steps out of the shadow to reveal a tall man wearing a white cassock and a miter, covering his colored hair

?: I am just a messenger to god... but you may call me Pope, little one...

Feng: P-Pope? Wait you're-

Pope: Yes... I am one of the FairyTales of the Dark Kingdom... and a follower to the new goddess, WitchCraft

Feng: W-What?! The Overlord Fairytale?! Here?!

Pope: Relax my child... I have come to give a gift from the gods... she has chosen you... to have her gift...

Feng: G-Gift?

Pope: Yes... you see my goddess is looking for more followers but she wants them unique... so she has created something new to be part of her monotheism...

Feng: I refuse to join you all!

Pope: I am not asking for you to join... I'm asking to test the goddess's new ability...

Feng: Test?

Pope: Indeed... She wants to see if this new ability will finally be a success after so many failures...

Feng: Failure?!

Pope: Many unfortunate souls couldn't handle god's gift... but now we believe this gift will be a success

Feng: Why me then?

Pope: She knows you have Overburn and you pretty much nothing else to lose... other than that girl you pretend you are meeting

Feng: ...

Pope: Now I have to ask... would you like to have this ability? If you accept... it'll give the strength you forever wished to have... the strength to defend her... from the hate... from criminals... from herself hatred...

Feng: I can... protect her... with it?

Pope: The choice is yours, my child...

Feng: ... What do I get out of this?

Pope: Like I said if this works, you may keep the ability and won't need to join us... you'll be strong than you could ever imagine...

Feng: And the negative side?

Pope: You may die and... My Goddess gets to take your color spirit!

Feng: What?!

Pope: Nothing comes for free, unfortunately... my goddess needs those colored spirits to continue her business and for the ritual that will happen in a couple of years...

Feng: ...

Pope: Now... do you accept... my child

He looks away for a few minutes as he
paces back and forth, thinking about the positive and negative sides. Soon he finally come to a decision

Feng: ... I'll do it... For her

Pope: Very well my child...

He pulls out a small capsule from his sleeve and drops it on the ground, breaking it and a red burning flame flies out and swirls around Feng as he looks in confusion. Soon the flame stop and charges into him which cause Feng to fall to the ground.

Feng: *grunt* What was-

Suddenly he felt his body getting hotter and hotter until he notices red flames bursting out of his body as Feng yells in pain


Pope: Do not cry my child... it is part of the process for gods gift... and I must congratulate you... you have proven the ability is finally a success... may god offer you a gate to heaven when you pass...

The pope disappears into the shadow and Feng continues to scream in pain until finally stopping as there was nothing but red flames around and on him. He looks at the mirror to see an entirely different look which surprises him but accepts it

Feng: ... I did it... I made a deal with the devil... but if it means I can protect you before my last breath... I'll take it!

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