Chapter 29: Cook-off
It's the middle of the morning as Tracer and Vivian are sitting on the couch, relaxing while watching tv
Tracer: Man, the book is better than the show honestly
Vivian: This show from a book?
Tracer: Yeah, and this show pretty much has nothing compared to the book
Vivian: ... What's the book called?
Tracer: It's... the same as the title of this movie...
Vivian: Oh... when you said it was nothing compared to the books I thought you also meant the titles as well
Tracer: No... not to sound rude but have you gone to school, I'd figure this would be common sense
Vivian: What's a school?
Tracer: ... Wait you're serious?
Vivian: ?
Suddenly they start to hear loud yelling getting closer to them which Tracer sighs and changes the channel while turning up the volume on the tv which distracts Vivian from the yelling
Amelia: How can you already gain a "bond" with him?! That's not possible, especially within a day!
Kiryu: I'm telling you the truth! He's not a bad guy! We went and got some drinks and he decided to have one more drink with his favorite wine before I left!
Amelia: Yet you know he might be manipulating you! They always have! Why do you think they are the greatest criminal organization in the world?
Kiryu: Except he's not one of them! The difference is that one isn't a Forgotten and the other one is!
Amelia: Yet do you ever wonder why his personality doesn't match his hair?! Or the fact he did something "inhuman" in the colosseum as they do!
Kiryu: That is true but we know for a fact he was scared when he snapped out of it
Amelia: Scared or not, he almost got Vivian killed, and you know he was aware of it if he was so scared! What if this happens again?! He could kill people because of whatever that was!
Kiryu: Which is why I going to be there to make sure it won't happen again...
Amelia: I don't get you brother... he's a monster... just like them... killers...
Kiryu: You don't know anything about him!
Amelia: I don't need to know about-
Vivian: I'm hungry...
Kiryu/Amelia: Eh?
Tracer Don't worry, I can make-
Kiryu: Well actually I have plans today for all of us!
Tracer: Oh?
Vivian: And what's that?
Kiryu: We're going to the Gastronomy Hall!
Amelia: I'm sorry what?
Tracer: Hold up- Huh?!
Vivian: The Gastronomy Hall?
Tracer: It's a very popular restaurant in Coltopia that has every kind of food you can think of! I heard every day they change their theme of the food!
Vivian: Oooh!
Kiryu: Yeah I'd figured we go out and hang out again and-
Amelia: Oh no! No! No! No! We are not doing this again!
Kiryu: What do you mean?
Amelia: Don't act like you don't know! The last time you went to a restaurant, you fought with everyone in the kitchen because they messed up the breadsticks!
Kiryu: Look it's not my fault that they didn't know how to make simple bread
Amelia: Look I'm fine going anywhere but a restaurant is the last place I want you to go to!
Tracer: Ah come on Amelia! It'll be fun
Amelia: You're saying my brother yelling at a bunch of grown-ass men for cooking is fun?
Tracer: Yes
Amelia: -_-
Kiryu: Oh come on! I'll tell you what! I promise I won't yell at any other chefs there! If I do I'll... stop trying to prove to you that Tadayoshi is innocent
Amelia: ...
Vivian: Please Amelia... I wanna try some of the food there!...
Amelia: *sigh* Fine...
Vivian: Yah! Thank you!
Tracer: Sweet!
Amelia: Now you two go ahead, me and Kiryu have to do a small discussion
Vivian: Ok!
Tracer: Yeah... I'll be out with her in case she decides to run ahead
Tracer and Vivian exit the apartment, leaving Kiryu and Amelia alone. Once they left out of the door, she turns her attention to Kiryu in annoyance
Amelia: There's more to why you want to go to a restaurant isn't there?
Kiryu: *sigh* Yes but it's not for my cooking obsession!
Amelia: Then what?
Kiryu: Just us to get along together, I don't want us to have a bad relationship, we've been arguing for a while and I'm afraid if we keep this up, we might cause problems for us and everyone we know
Amelia: If you don't want us to argue then stop bringing him up!
Kiryu: It's not my fault I have to defend him for something he's not!
Amelia: ... Our conversation with the demon isn't over when we get home
Kiryu: I know... but for now let's move away from that topic and just get along
Amelia: Agreed...
She makes her way toward the doorway and exits as Kiryu then proceeded to follow her out
Kiryu: Ready?
Vivian: Ready!
They begin making their way to the restaurant while Vivian was running up ahead and Amelia walks beside her while Kiryu and Tracer stay behind them
Tracer: You sure you want to do that?
Kiryu: Do what?
Tracer: You'll stop trying to prove to her that Tadayoshi is innocent if you lose the deal?
Kiryu: Trust me as much as I want to prove him innocent to her, I don't want to ruin my relationship with her. She's my sister after all
Tracer: Still... she's just really stubborn to listen to a thing, so it's more like her fault
Kiryu: I know, but I still believe she'll get over it, and besides even if I lose the deal, it won't change my belief that Tadayoshi is innocent but I just stop trying to convince Amelia
Tracer: If you say so, but if you want to I can try to defend him for you
Kiryu: No thanks I don't want her to get into any more bad relationships with anyone else
Tracer: Fair enough
Kiryu: But I'm surprised you want to defend him for me
Tracer: Well to be honest not to sound rude but I'm not doing it for you but for me
Kiryu: For you?
Tracer: Not only do I owe him one but he's my friend if he thinks of me as one! I would've been arguing with Amelia from the beginning but the one reason why I'm not is that you're pretty much doing it for me
Kiryu: Yeah I guess
Tracer: But also a handsome man doesn't deserve so much hate *giggle*
Kiryu: ...
Tracer: Sorry but anyways I'm only asking because I have a feeling you'll intervene if I do and, well I think you can figure that out the rest
Kiryu: Yeah but thanks for asking
Tracer: Again it's not for you so don't thank me
Kiryu: I know just wanted to say it
They arrive at the restaurant and they enter inside the restaurant to find a huge opening, they see a chef doing teppanyaki shows, chefs delivering the food to the people's tables, etc
Vivian: WOAH!!!!
Tracer: Wow... this place looks better than I thought
Kiryu: I told you this place is good... I think they're having a Japanese theme today...
Vivian: You ok?
Kiryu: Yeah yeah I'm fine... I'm fine... that beef is definitely not overcooked...
Tracer: Dude we just entered...
Amelia: *sigh* I knew it was a bad idea to-
Kiryu: No no... I haven't lashed out... I'm still... holding it in... the rice is raw... how do you make rice raw!...
Amelia: ...
Tracer: So do we look for a table or do we have to-
?: Yo! Is that Kiryu?
The group turns at the voice which they immediately recognize as Tracer and Vivian looked in shock and Amelia in a bit of surprise as the stranger approaches them
BeatBox: Kiryu! How've you been man?
Kiryu: Oh hey
Tracer: Wait!.... You know him!
Kiryu: Yeah... met him when I went to Tadayoshi's place to apologize
BeatBox: Yeah, he made some of the best chicken I've ever tasted! Man we gotta do a BBQ again
Vivian: You had a BBQ at Tadayoshi's place? I wished I came with you...
Amelia: You know that monster?
BeatBox: ...
Amelia: What?
BeatBox: So this is the bitch who's been bullying my friend...
Amelia: Who are you calling bitch?!
Kiryu: Ok Ok, let's not get violent and get to our table
BeatBox: Well in that case let me do that for you guys! What do you guys want to drink?
Vivian: Apple juice!
Tracer: Pink lemonade, please
BeatBox: I'll take a coke, please!
Amelia: I'll just take water
Kiryu: Same with her... Probably their most edible food here...
BeatBox: Alright! I'll be back!
He makes his way to the counter to order a table as Vivian and Tracer notice Amelia annoyed
Tracer: Now what?
Amelia: He called the demon a friend...
Tracer: What's wrong with that?
Amelia: How... why is the most positive man everyone knows friends with that thing
Tracer: ... You have no limits do you?
Amelia: Limits of what?
Tracer: Nothing...
Vivian: Amelia... Can you stop talking mean things to Tadayoshi... it's really rude and he's really nice!
Amelia: *sigh* Sorry, he and I are not... in a good relationship because he's done something very bad things
Vivian: Oh... Maybe we can go to his place so we can get along! You and him can apologize to each other for what you two did and be friends!
Amelia: No, it's fine...
Vivian: But how can you guys get along if you-
Tracer: Just let it go, Vivian... It won't get to her head...
Vivian: ?
BeatBox: Alright everyone! I got our tables!
Vivian: *Gasp!* You're inviting us to sit with you!
BeatBox: *chuckles* Of course if my friend Kiryu is friends with you guys then you are all my friend... and yes especially... her...
Amelia: What do you have against me
BeatBox: ...
Tracer: Yeah but can we hurry up and get to our table, I don't think Kiryu is gonna make it
They look at Kiryu, who was grinding his teeth and squeezing his fist in anger as he sees the food going past him
Kiryu: That's overcooked... that's raw... are they even chefs?!
Amelia: *sigh* Kiryu...
They make their way around the restaurant and find their table which was at the corner booth which Vivian slides into the corner seat and sips down her apple juice in excitement while the other take their seats and looks at the menu that is on the table
Vivian: Dibs on the corner!
Tracer: Well don't you like the corner, huh?
Vivian: Yeah! It's the comfiest spot in any restaurant!
BeatBox: Alrighty time to order some food
Kiryu: So... it's been a while...
BeatBox: Oh it has! How have you been
Kiryu: Doing well, what brings you here...
BeatBox: Lunch
Kiryu: Should've been obvious to me... Why does that meat look cold...
BeatBox: But who are you, girls?
Tracer: The name's Tracer! Big fan of your music
Vivian: I'm Vivian! Nice to meet you Mr. boombox! I like your music as well
BeatBox: *chuckles* It's nice to meet you, especially fans!
Amelia: ...
BeatBox: What about you?...
Amelia: ... Amelia
BeatBox: Nice to meet you...
Amelia: You have a problem with me?
BeatBox: I kinda do... But I don't want to start a bad impression on the first meeting of some new friends so I'm sorry for sounding like a dick and I'm sorry for calling you a bitch
Amelia: ... Whatever
Kiryu/Tracer: ...
Vivian: ?
Soon the waiter appears in front of them and they turn their attention to her
Waiter: Hello! Welcome to Gastronomy Hall, I will be serving you today! Are you guys ready to order?
Vivian: Can I get a curry?
Tracer: Guess I'll take the Robatayaki! Has a lot of different fishes
BeatBox: I'll take the Karaage!
Amelia: a Gyoza...
Kiryu: I'll... take the... Buta-No-Shogayaki... please
Waiter: Alright I'll be back with your food!
BeatBox: Thank you, ma'am
The waiter walks off as Tracer leans close to Amelia and whispers in her ear
Tracer: She has a nice rack don't you think?
Amelia: You don't need to tell me that, pervert...
Tracer: What I mean is you can learn to grow some from her
Amelia: Why is everyone on my ass today!?
Tracer: Hey, I'm just goofing off around you!
Amelia: *tsk*
BeatBox: Uhhh Kiryu, are you gonna be-
Kiryu: I'm FINE! I'm fine... that menu definitely wasn't a mess...
BeatBox: Ok ok...
Vivian: Hey BeatBox! Why do you wear a helmet?
BeatBox: Oh well this is just to hide my face obviously
Vivian: Yeah but why? Why do you hide your face
BeatBox: Well *chuckles* it keeps my fans engaged! You know, have them try to figure out who am I!
Vivian: Oooh!
Tracer: You say that but you make things impossible for people to figure out where to start to think
BeatBox: What makes you say that?
Tracer: For one, you're barely in public and the only time you are is when it comes to concerts. Second, every time you make new music or whatever, you're voices changes a lot
BeatBox: Thanks to my helmet! These nobs on top of my head help change the sound, tone, and beat of my voice! It's a way for me to make a lot of music with a perfect voice for it!
Tracer: Huh, wow... I always thought it was the something around your stage doing that
BeatBox: That's understandable
Amelia: Wait how do you have a helmet that can do all that? I doubt any place could have that or especially if you somehow made it
BeatBox: ... I don't know, but I think it was from an old friend
Amelia: An old friend?
BeatBox: I rather not talk about...
Amelia: No no I wanna hear... cause the only place I know you can get something that sounds so advanced is from V-Corp
Vivian: V-Corp?
Amelia: It's an industry that is owned by the Creator
Tracer: The Creator... that smartest being in the world, guy?
Amelia: Yeah, he is known for making many amazing technology and mechanics around the world. He is responsible for helping rebuild the world after the Armageddon War and is the one who creates the S+ grade weapons for any lucky chosen people
Vivian: Ohhh! He sounds like a great guy
Amelia: Not really he may have helped people around the world but he also has helped some Overlord to get some tech that they need
Tracer: So he's mutual
Amelia: Maybe but the helmet you're wearing DJ sounds like something the Creator would make
BeatBox: Look I know nothing! I got it back then from I don't know who but I just assume it was a gift from an old friend!
Amelia: ...
Soon the waiter returns to their table with everyone's food and Vivian looks in excitement as the waiter sets down their food
Waiter: Hope you all enjoy it!
Tracer: Thank you!
As the waiter leaves, Kiryu cuts his meat only to find it still raw and cold. Everyone around him immediately recognizes the look on his face which the slide away in cautious
Kiryu: ...
Tracer: Uhhh Kiryu?
Kiryu: ...
Vivian: Is... he ok
Kiryu: ... *Breathes in*
BeatBox: I'm sure he-
Suddenly he slams his fist onto the table which causes everyone in the restaurant to look at him
Tracer: Oh no...
Amelia: *sigh* Look like that promise is broken
He stomps over onto the table while holding his food and throws it across the restaurant
Vivian: Ok ok...
Tracer: Well this is going to be entertaining!
Amelia: Kiryu stop...
Suddenly he hears the back door open and he sees a large man walking towards him, who was slightly tall as Kiryu wore a tall chef hat
Chief Chef: Are you the one calling my food shit?
Kiryu: No shit, you and your fat ass should know if the food you make is not RAW!
Chief Chef: You really gonna argue with a professional chef
Kiryu: Professional chef? Where is he?
Chief Chef: You're looking at him
Kiryu: You? Didn't think you are delusional to think you are one?
Chief Chef: Watch your mouth brat! I can ban you from here if I want to!
Kiryu: Well excuse me that you're cooking sucks!
Chief Chef: *tsk* As if you can cook better!
Kiryu: Oh and I can, unlike you
Suddenly BeatBox appears between them and separates them from getting into any further fight
BeatBox: And I know a way we can prove who is better!
Soon everyone in the restaurant immediately recognizes BeatBox and they begin to look and cheer in excitement and shock
Human: Holy shit! It's BeatBox!
Demi: The DJ?!
Tracer: Now people notice him?
Amelia: I guess people are just so focused on their phones or something
Chief Chef: What the hell do you mean?
BeatBox: How about this! Both of you will compete in a cooking competition to see who is the best cook! Me, Amelia and Vivian will be the judges!
Amelia: Nope...
Amelia: I'm not doing that shit
BeatBox: Ok fine Me, Vivian, and Tracer will be the judge on you guys' cooking! The winner will be proven who is the best chef!
Chief Chef: Interesting! Alright, you brat!
Kiryu: Huh?
Chief Chef: If I win, you will be working for me for an entire day, washing all the dishes!
Kiryu: ... Fine, but if I win, I'm gonna teach all of you how to make a good damn dish!
Chief Chef: Deal!
BeatBox: I guess it's settled then! We'll begin the competition soon!
Amelia: What have we gotten ourselves into...
Vivian: I don't know, but it's exciting!
This story is interrupted by chibi chef Kiryu making beef stew while chibi Tracer and Vivian gulp down their bowl
Both the chief chef and Kiryu soon got themselves in their separate kitchens as the crowd watches them outside the kitchen
BeatBox: As you can see in your kitchen, you guys can use whatever you want with all of the food and cooking materials to make your dish! You have plenty of time to make anything you want and we'll be the judges of your dish once you're finished!
Chief Chef: Are we allowed to have any assistance?
BeatBox: If the opponent wants to have one then-
Kiryu: No... let him have some assistance... he needs them after all the foul food he's has wasted!
Chief Chef: You brat... Fine! If you want to lose so badly then so be it! Chefs!
Soon most of the chefs that work in the restaurant enter the chief chef's side of the kitchen and line up as if they are in a roll call
Chief Chef: We are going to make the best dish that has been made in this restaurant and crush this so-called chef! Now show me that you are a chef!
Chefs: Yes chef!
BeatBox: Now! Are you chefs ready?
Chief chef: Ready!
Kiryu pulls out his cooking knives and sets them on the table. He then puts on his apron and pulls out his chef hat and puts it on
Amelia: Since when the fuck did he have those on him?
Kiryu: Whenever you are
BeatBox: Alright! Let the Chefs... BEGIN!
He rings the bell that is on the counter and sits with Tracer and Vivian as the chef rushes towards the food, grabs what they need, and starts getting to work. Kiryu watches them for a few minutes until walking over and taking what he need calmly. The crowd leans close as they watch the chefs already cooking and doing tricks to please the crowd
Chef 1: We can't disappoint the chief! We are going to push our limits with this one!
Chef 2: Make sure you guys grabbed the best quality food we have!
Amelia: Seriously, how did we go from going out to eat to a cooking competition?
Tracer: The world may never know but I love it!
As the chefs were making the sides, the chief chef bring out their largest meat, revealing what they are making while the chief chef turns at and smirks at Kiryu
Chief chef: You are going to eat those words once the judges get a taste of this!
Kiryu: ...
After a few minutes, the chefs quickly sets down their sides on a large plate while the chief chef finishes cooking the large meat and sets it on the table
Chief Chef: Done!
The crowd leans over in amazed at what the cooks have made which was a pork crown roast with veggie soup and beard rolls as sides
Chief chef: This here is the restaurant's greatest dish ever made! We call it The Gluttony Crown Pork Roast!
Vivian: It looks delicious! I wished Tadayoshi was here to see this!
BeatBox: Yeah it- wait you know Tadayoshi?
Vivian: Yeah he's my friend!
BeatBox: ... *grabs her hand* You're my best friend now!
Vivian: Ok! Amelia! Amelia! I'm a best friend to BeatBox!
Amelia: mmm...
BeatBox: Anyways! Shall we taste this food while we wait for Kiryu to finish?
Tracer, Vivian, and BeatBox takes a piece of the Pork and bite down on it which they nod in agreement that it was good
Tracer: Pretty good
BeatBox: Yeah, honestly not the greatest but still good!
Vivian: But the pork looked cool though!
Chief: Heh, That is the full strength of our cooking! I bet the brat probably panicking because of the dish we made!
Everyone turns their attention to Kiryu as they see him making multiple dishes which everyone looks in confusion
Human: Why is he making more?
Demi: I thought they're supposed to make one dish
Demi 2: Well the judges didn't say he had to make it one dish
Demi: True...
Kiryu finishes cleaning most of the food and sets them on the counter as he pulls out his knives
Kiryu: I see your problems "chief chef"...
Chief chef: Huh?
Suddenly he starts chopping up the veggies until they were diced at a quick speed which surprises everyone! He puts some of them in a pot as he fills it up with sauce and begins cooking the fish and meat
Kiryu: The expectation of your cooking is to have the food that looks or uses the "best"
He quickly sprinkles the seasoning and veggies onto the meat and fish and lets it cook until he begins to make homemade dumpling wraps
Kiryu: But cooking isn't a race... it's like art, it takes patience, patience for it to make it taste good and pleasant for your customers to enjoy...
Soon the meat and fish finally was done cooking which he flicks them up in the air and pierced the fish with skewers and caught the meat with the plates
Amelia: What the hell is he making?
Kiryu: Food is an important thing in people's lives and we shouldn't treat it like it's nothing... it's a gift we create to build and reshape people!
He then takes some of the meat that is on a spare plate and chops them into bits and uses it to roll it up in the dumplings dough and slides it into the oven then turns his attention to the curry which he dumps the rest of the meat and mixes it
Kiryu: While you are more focused on "fashion" you forgot the most important part of cooking... "taste" and "flourish" I'm sure everyone agrees that everyone loves to enjoy a really tasty meal
The crowd nod and mutters in agreement as the chief chef looks in annoyance.
Tracer: This is so weird not seeing him all pissy...
Vivian: But interesting!
Soon the took some rice that he made before and puts it on a plate while scooping some curry that he just finished and pouring it nicely onto the rice.
Chief Chef: This brat...
Chef: Chief! He's making the food the customer has ordered before the competition!
Chief: Chef: What?!
He looks up ahead and sees multiple plates of different kinds of Asian food that customers have ordered which shocks the chief
Chief chef: "We were so focused on our cooking that we didn't notice he was making more than us?"
Kiryu: So listen here... if you're really are cooks... then you shouldn't waste a single piece of food you are using or worst you should make sure your food is made with love...
He pulls out the dumplings from the oven and sets them on his last plate, but before he was finished, he takes a gravy pour that is filled with sauce and smears it all of the finishing dishes, making his cook complete
Kiryu: A love filled to the brim of your heart!
The chefs and the crowd stares in amazed as they see the massive table filled with all the food he has created
Tracer: Woah...
Vivian: Cool!
BeatBox: Wow... uhh shall we try your-
Kiryu: No need to taste mine... these dishes are for everyone here to eat... everyone has ordered their dish so you all may come and take the food that you all ordered!
Soon crowd stares for a bit until running towards the food as they take the food they ordered before and start eating
Human: Holy shit! This is fucking good!
Demi: You can actually taste something here!
Human: I never thought I would love ramen this much!
Soon Kiryu walks over to BeatBox and the others and sets down the food that they ordered before the competition
Kiryu: Enjoy...
BeatBox: Wow... Thanks
They take a bite of their food as their eyes immediately their eyes begin to sparkle from the first taste of their food and they felt like they were floating in the air in amazed
Vivian: So good!
Tracer: This fish... I feel like I'm near the ocean side and seeing the beauty of the sea!
BeatBox: Nah! This feel like the freshest chicken I have ever tasted in my life! I don't think I'll eat any other chicken than this!
Amelia: ... It's good...
Chief Chef: ... Im- Impossible...
All the chefs in the kitchen drop down in defeat while Chief Chef got down to his knees to admit to his loss while Kiryu looks down on him
Kiryu: Got anything to say? Newbie?
Chief Chef: Y-You win... do what you want!
Kiryu: Well then... Line up all you want-to-be-chefs!
Soon all of the chefs quickly bounced back onto their feet while still feeling defeated about their loss
Kiryu: It's about time I show you donkeys how to serve some good damn food! So get your asses ready! We are gonna cook until these customers are stuffed! Am I clear?
Chefs: Y-YES CHEF!
Amelia: Oh boy...
Tracer: *munch* Guess we are going to be here all-day
Nightfall comes as the group leaves out of the restaurant in exhaustion
BeatBox: Well... that was entertaining
Amelia: Entertaining?! We almost spend all day in that restaurant because you couldn't help with the cooking habit!
Kiryu: Sorry, I couldn't stand watching them make horrible cooked food
Amelia: *sigh* Yet somehow we feel exhausted from not doing anything...
Tracer: Well looks at the bright side, we got to eat some delicious food
BeatBox: Agreed... I don't think I'll eat the same food again after eating that
Amelia: ... Whatever oh I almost forgot, you broke the deal Kiryu
Kiryu: I know I know...
As Amelia and Kiryu start a small argument and Tracer tries to calm them down, BeatBox decides to walk alongside Vivian
BeatBox: So... you're friends with Tadayoshi?
Vivian: Yeah! We became friends when we first met!
BeatBox: Really? Lucky!
Vivian: Lucky?
BeatBox: I'm like his best friend but he never sees me as one!
Vivian: Really? You're his best friend!
BeatBox: Mhm! That's right! I'm his number-one best friend!
Vivian: Cool! But why doesn't he see you as a friend?
BeatBox: I don't know I'm thinking he's just lying to himself
Vivian: Lying?
BeatBox: Yeah, he's quite a liar sometimes but I know it's for a good reason!
Vivian: But lying is a bad thing! I gotta tell him that when I see him again!
BeatBox: *chuckle* Give him a good scolding!... but I'm curious about something
Vivian: What?
BeatBox: Why did you want to become friends with him
Vivian: ?
BeatBox: Like I've known him for 2 or 3 years and a lot of people have always avoided him so why did you become close to him?
Vivian: Amelia told me to stay away from a Forgotten 'cause they are really scary but when I saw him, he didn't look scary! And I thought he had no friends so I decided to be one!
BeatBox: Oh...
Vivian: What about you?
BeatBox: Me? Well let's just say it was an accident that I'm glad it happened!
Vivian: ?
BeatBox: He's a man that doesn't care what I looked like...
Vivian: *gasp* He knows what your face is!
BeatBox: Yep! And I'll do whatever it take to prove I'm his best friend! So thinking about that woman who told you lies about Tadayoshi is unforgivable...
Vivian: S-She's not as bad person as you think she is!
BeatBox: How so?
Vivian: Cause she my inspiration!
BeatBox: Inspiration?
Vivian: Yeah when I first met her, I saw her fight to protected me and watching her felt so familiar to me for some reason but was the coolest thing I've ever seen!
BeatBox: Uh-huh?... How did you two meet?
Vivian: I was sleeping in the subway somehow and I saw her when she was fighting a bunch of people
BeatBox: Wait! Wait! Wait! Subway?! Why were you sleeping in the subway?
Vivian: I... don't remember... Amelia told me I must have amnesia cause I see things that looked familiar and she gave me my name Vivian
BeatBox: Huh... I guess I can see why you look up to her
Vivian: Yeah she taught me how to fight and stuff but she some reason keeps holding back on me every time we train cause I always beat her! I wanna prove to everyone I'm not a kid
BeatBox: ... Yeah I can see why they call you kid...
Vivian: I'm not a kid!
Suddenly a limousine pulls up in front of them which surprises the group but the driver's window rolls down, revealing an old man
Old man: BeatBox sir, it is late and I must take you home!
Vivian: Who is that?
BeatBox: Oh right, I forgot I rented a limousine to have it take me places for a week
Vivian: Why?
BeatBox: I don't know, it looks nice and I was bored. Anyways it was nice to hang out with you guys! Hey Kiryu! You, me, and Tadayoshi gotta hang out again!
Kiryu: Sure
BeatBox: Sweet' I'll see you guys later
He waves them goodbye and enters the limousine which begins to drive off to bring BeatBox home. Soon the others continues to make their way home as Tracer grew curious about Vivian
Tracer: What we're you two talking about?
Vivian: Tadayoshi!
Tracer: Oh, you've been talking about Tadayoshi a lot lately
Vivian: Have I?
Tracer: Yeah, how come?
Vivian: ... I'm not sure but being around him makes me feel warm and happy!
Tracer: ...
Vivian: I don't know what it is but I like that feeling! Besides for some reason my guts is telling me he doesn't deserve to be alone!
Vivian skips away in happiness as Tracer stares in surprise realizing what it is
Tracer: "No way... she really likes him that way?"
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