Chapter 28: Idols Hangout
It's early in the afternoon and at the Calamari Apartment, Rachel, Cassie, and Chum are sitting on the couch relaxing and watching tv.
Enemy: I-Impossible... that attack was powerful enough to destroy an island?! How did you-
Hero: Because I remember...
Enemy: Huh?!
Hero: I remember I have friends waiting for me?!
Rachel: ... This is hot garbage...
Cassie: Agree... that makes absolutely no sense at all...
Chum slowly crawls over to a remote and slaps it with his fin as it changes the channel to a different movie
Cassie: Thanks Chum
Rachel: *sigh*
Cassie: What's the matter?
Rachel: It's Amelia again, she's trying to get me to convince Craig to fire Tadayoshi again
Cassie: Wait what? Why?
Rachel: Apparently she thinks there's something suspicious about him but I can't just fire him without proof
Cassie: Well even if you do find "evidence" I refuse to let him leave
Rachel: Why?
Cassie: ... Uhhh well... He's... been doing great with the missions!... yeah...
Rachel: ... I guess
Suddenly a tv commercial comes on, which begins advertising a new spicy chicken sandwich, which causes Cassie and Chum to jump off the couch
Cassie: What!! For real!
Rachel: Let me guess, you want to go and get some?
Cassie: Rachel! We have to go and get one!
Rachel: You really need to calm down with the spicy food, it's gonna hurt your ass
Cassie: Unfortunately for you! I have a tough body to handle it! You know I always put hot sauce on everything!
Rachel: Does that mean milk too?
Cassie: ... I don't mean literally everything, I'm saying it figuratively...
Rachel: *chuckles*
Cassie: Besides I'm not always that obsessed with hot sauce
Rachel: Cassie, you replaced the ketchup bottle with hot sauce before, if I didn't check it, I probably would've ended up in a hospital...
Cassie: T-That's when I first started to get into spicy food ok! I didn't do it again!
Rachel: *sigh* We can go out later, I still got shit to do
Cassie: But they will run out soon Rachel!
Rachel: Do you really think people will go out in the morning and get those?
Cassie: Yes!
Rachel: -_-
Cassie: I'm serious! Remember when the Popeyes chicken sandwich was a popular thing?
Rachel: ... Ok you got a point right there
Cassie: I still miss that sandwich though...
Rachel: *sigh* Look I just need to do a few things then we can go out and get those sandwiches alright?
Cassie: *sigh* Fine
Rachel: Good, there is more food on the counter, but I'm going to make some phone calls. I'll come out and let you know we are ready to go
Cassie: Ok!
Rachel walks down the hall as Cassie flips back on the couch. Chum appears in front of Cassie with two bags of chips in his mouth, which Cassie smiles and takes one
Cassie: Thanks Chum
Chum: *Stuffing his face in the bag of chips*
At a house in the Tertiary District, Diana finishes folding some laundry while Amber is scrolling through her phone
Diana: What are you doing
Amber: Making some plans!
Diana: Plans? For our Podcast?
Amber: No, I'm planning on traveling!
Diana: Traveling? To where?
Amber: Well do you remember when I told you about a very old friend of mine?
Diana: Yeah, wasn't he named Feng?
Amber: Yep, I'm planning on visiting him!
Diana: But doesn't he live in the same town that was taken over by one of the Overlords?
Amber: Well not exactly... that place was my hometown... and Feng was just visiting my place cause he had some family members there
Diana: Oh... so do you know where he lives
Amber: Yeah he lives in a small city far from my hometown and here! I think that place was known to be making the booze because of their spring water!
Diana: Spring water?
Amber: Yeah, back then my hometown was known for making their wine, but after what happened to my hometown, they took that title and change it a bit
Diana: How do you know all this??
Amber: Apparently that city and my hometown were business partners back then, so they probably decided to take the title to give respect to my hometown
Diana: Oh that's nice of them!
Amber: Yeah so I'm right now trying to get some tickets for us to travel in the subway
Diana: Though I have to ask... Are you sure you want to bring me along
Amber: Of course! Why are you asking me like I shouldn't?
Diana: I mean you're visiting an old friend of yours so wouldn't it make sense for you to just go alone and you know...
Amber: ...
Diana: Ambie?
Amber: Sorry but it's fine, besides think of it as us taking a vacation from our podcast!
Diana: Alright, but thanks for deciding to bring me
Amber: Heh, don't need to thank me! But anyways, have you got anything planned today?
Diana: Not really, I was gonna go to Tadayoshi's place so we can start our talk
Amber: Talk?
Diana: Well since he's a Forgotten, I wanna do my best to help find his purpose and get his hair color
Amber: Why? Not asking rudely though
Diana: I... think if I managed to help someone like him, I can prove to myself that I can help more people and who knows we can stop all this fight to what we are!
Amber: So you're finally making your move!
Diana: Of course! I wanna help people! But unfortunately, I can't since he texted me to not bother him right now and he's preparing for winter
Amber: Winter? It's summer still, he's still got time!
Diana: Yeah but he wants to make sure he has enough wood for the heat in his house. He hates the cold
Amber: Fair enough... but winter isn't that bad...
Diana: But why'd you ask?
Amber: I heard there's a new spicy sandwich that people are going crazy about and was wondering if you wanna get some?
Diana: I'm not really into spicy food...
Amber: Well, you don't need to get it, but I'd figure you wanna tag along!
Diana: I know, but I'm going with you
Amber: Heh, thanks, Diane!
Both Amber and Diana make their way to the doorway where they put on their shoes and disguises
Diana: Say Ambie
Amber: Yeah?
Diana: Do you think your friend remember will remember you? I mean it's been a long time since-
Amber: Don't worry, I'm sure he remembers! If I can remember him then I'm sure he can!
Diana couldn't help but smile at Amber's confidence as they both exit out of their house and starts to make their way to Coltopia
Amber: How much would you pay me if I put twice the amount of spice on those sandwiches?
Diana: None! I don't you to get hurt!
Amber: Eh, I ain't too worried about it!
Cassie, Rachel, and Chum soon arrive at a restaurant where they see a long line of people, waiting to get inside to order the sandwiches
Cassie: Do you think I'll breathe fire from eating the sandwiches?
Rachel: I don't think so, but you can keep dreaming about that
Cassie: Yeah but I told you we should've come here earlier! Those sandwiches will be gone by the time get there
Rachel: Don't worry, I'll-
Diana: Cassie? Rachel?
Cassie and Rachel turn behind them to see Amber and Diana in their disguise and greet them happily. Chum wags his tail happily and hops around them in excitement while Diana crouched down and pets him
Diana: Good to see you again, little shark
Chum: *Happy noises*
Cassie: Hey!
Amber: Sup! Are you two getting those sandwiches as well?
Cassie: Oh I am, but I don't know about Rachel
Rachel: Eh, I'm good, I'm just sticking around with her in case she decides to cause trouble
Cassie: Hey!
Diana: Same with me!
Rachel: Well since you're all here for the sandwiches, I'll go ahead and get them while you guys find a seat
Cassie Ok!
Rachel: Before I go up ahead, do you girls want anything other than the chicken?
Cassie: French Fries and a coke, please!
Amber: How about some onion rings with pink lemonade!
Diana: I'll just get iced coffee, please
Rachel: Alright...
Chum: *stares intensely*
Rachel: *Chuckles* I'll get you a normal chicken sandwich, I don't think you can handle the spicy food
Chum: *slightly disappointed noises*
Rachel: Alright I'll be back then...
Cassie, Amber, and Chum run off to find themselves a seat while Rachel and Diana decide to wait for their order
Rachel: You're not gonna sit down
Diana: No, I figured I can keep you company
Rachel: If you say so
Diana: I'm guessing Cassie convinced you to go here
Rachel: Pretty much, she's been overexcited about it when I was trying to finish up some quick calls
Diana: I can see it! Say do you guys do yoga?
Rachel: Kinda, but I don't go to the gym around here
Diana: Why not?
Rachel: You know how annoying it is when fans stare at you through the window with their phones
Diana: I guess...
Rachel: Anyways come on
Diana: Wait, we're just cutting the line?
Rachel: It's fine, if a company sees me, they'll allow them to do whatever they want cause they know I'm Royalty
Diana: But wouldn't that be... unfair?
Rachel: I know, but I don't want Cassie to be upset about not getting her chicken... and trust me I don't like what I'm doing
Diana: ...
Back at Cassie, Amber, and Chum finds their seat which they slide onto their chairs while Chum hops onto the table and Cassie starts to pat him
Cassie: Who's a cute little sharky? Yes, you are!
Shark: *panting*
Amber: So how have you been?
Cassie: I've been doing great! I've got to do a lot of things, especially with Rachel now that I quit my job!
Amber: Wow... still didn't think Tadayoshi would cause that much damage with that fight with your ex-boss
Cassie: Yeah apparently they found out he was a former member of the brute tribe
Amber: Oh yeah, that one tribe that uses to be a country
Cassie: What?
Amber: It's a rumor I heard about? Apparently, years ago they used to own an island where there was only brute and they were a violent group! It wasn't long until the Order came and put a stop to them when they heard they were going to try to start a war
Cassie: Oh wow... I didn't think they were once a violent group
Amber: Yeah apparently now the surviving member of the tribe moved into this city and currently are planning their future attack but luckily the Order is hunting them down
Cassie: Thank god if that's rumor is true
Rachel: What are you two talking about?
Rachel and Diana sit down at the table which Chum excitedly greets them
Diana: Easy now, we were only gone for a moment
Cassie: You guys ordered that fast?
Rachel: Told you I'll be quick
Amber: Is it one our way?
Rachel: It'll be here in a few minutes
Amber: Sweet! Can't wait to taste those spicy chicken sandwiches!
Cassie: Same and I'm glad a brought the hot sauce with me!
Amber: Pfff
Cassie: What?
Amber: Pathetic...
Cassie: Pathetic?!
Amber: You may have brought "normal" hot sauce but I've brought the extra spicy hot sauce!
Cassie: Oh so you're saying you can't do something hotter than that huh? Well, I'll show you!
Amber: Is that a challenge?
Cassie: Maybe... or maybe not...
Diana: Uhhh Ambie... Cassie, I don't think...
Soon the waiter arrives at their table and gives everyone their food to them and the second Chum gets his food, he begins stuffing his face
Waiter: hope you two enjoy!
Diana: Thank you!
Cassie: Wait!
Waiter: Huh?
Cassie: Being some more!
Waiter: Ma'am we only allow-
Cassie: Amber! I challenge you to a contest!
Diana: What?
Rachel: Cassie stop, I don't think you-
Amber: Oh so you are challenging me! Well, I'll accept your challenge!
Rachel/Diana: ...
Chum: *intense munching*
Waiter: So... how much do you exactly want me to get?
Amber: Get as many as you can! and can you bring some milk as well for the loser here
Cassie: Loser? Damn, I didn't know you were already giving up already!
Waiter: Ummm... sure but you better pay for them
Rachel: *sigh* Don't worry I will!
Waiter: Ok...
The waiter walks off as Cassie and amber were being proud of themselves, but Rachel hit Cassie on the back of her head
Cassie: Ow...
Rachel: Are you trying to cause a commotion here?!
Cassie: No... we were just having a little fun!
Amber: Yeah, besides we won't cause any commotion until she drops!
Cassie: More like the other way around!
Diana: Umm... so how is this challenge gonna work?
Amber: Simple, we each eat one sandwich and withstand the spiciness, and we keep eating them until one of us drops and drinks some milk!
Cassie: And the winner will be me!
Rachel: *sigh* Fine but you better not be crying to me if you get yourself hurt
Cassie: I know
Diana: I guess I'll keep the tally up then...
Waiter: Here's the milk and more chicken will be on our way
Amber: Alright let's start!
Both Cassie and Amber grab the sandwiches they were given and bite down on their spicy chicken sandwich which they immediately start to feel their tongues burning a bit
Amber: Feel like giving up Cassie?
Cassie: I feel fine...
Diana: I guess you two got one point...
Amber: fine next!
15 minutes later:
Cassie and Amber were catching their breath as their body are sweating and their mouths were burning from eating their third sandwich
Diana: Well you guys ate only ate 3 sandwiches
Soon the waiter returns with another batch of the spicy sandwich with a bored look on his face. Cassie and Amber slowly takes the sandwich as they were breathing heavily
Cassie: You can... call it... Quits if you want... midget...
Amber: No... you first... gluttony...
Cassie: As... If!
Both Cassie and Amber take a bite out of their sandwich. The second they bite down, they felt their mouth suddenly burn as their skin turned bright red
Cassie: ...Oh-
Amber: Fuck!
Suddenly both Cassie and Amber let out a yell in pain while looking up and breathes out fire
Rachel: She... actually breath fire...
Diana: I didn't think that was possible...
Chum: *watches in amazed but notice Cassie's and Amber's side still sitting in front of them*
Soon they both begin to panic as they start to fight over the milk cartoon while Rachel lets out a sigh and Diana shakes their head
Diana: I guess it's a tie...
Rachel looks at the waiter and hands him a roll of cash which he takes while still giving the bored face
Waiter: Thanks...
Rachel: Mhm...
Diana: What did you do?
Rachel: I told him to make sure the sandwiches are three times hotter than usual, cause they don't want to run out of sandwiches so soon
Diana: Fair enough
After a few minutes, Amber and Cassie finally calm down as they catch their breath
Amber: Fuck... you're good...
Cassie: Same... to you too
Amber: Next time... I'll beat you
Cassie: I can say the same thing...
Amber: Now I wanna eat my-
Suddenly both Amber and Cassie notice their fries and onion rings are missing until they look at Chum who was munching on them
Amber/Cassie: Chum!
Chum: ... *runs for it*
Amber/Cassie: You fucking sardine!
This story is interrupted by a chibi Amber and Cassie having ice packs on their tongue while chibi Rachel and Diana are watching them
After Cassie and Amber caught Chum and gave him his spanking as punishment, the girls begin walking off from the sandwich restaurant
Cassie: My tongue still burns a bit
Rachel: I told you two not to eat that much
Amber: But it was for the challenge!
Cassie: Yeah, and I didn't want to lose
Diana: Well both of earned a tie, but do you guys wanna do something?
Cassie: How about some Colosseum?
Amber: Hell yeah!
Rachel: Sure I don't mind
Diana: Ummm... I have never done any of that...
Cassie: ... For real?!
Diana: *nods*
Amber: Right... I forgot, you never took interest in fighting that often
Rachel: Why not?
Diana: I'm not a fighter but more of a protector
Cassie: Makes sense since you are a shield user
Diana: I'll join but just be more of the defense
Rachel: That's fine
Diana: So what do you do in the Colosseum?
Rachel: Well to put it simply, there are three different games; capture the flag, team vs team, and all-out brawl, and all of them are pretty self-explanatory.
Marina: Oh... but wouldn't we get injured from all that fighting? Like I know we won't hurt each other that bad but I'm sure some people played go serious injuries from playing here.
Rachel: The Colosseum makes you put on a little earpiece that is basically like an invisible body barrier that prevents you from taking any injuries but you will feel the pain
Diana: Wait why are they making those earpieces make you feel the pain?
Rachel: So it won't take away the "battle" feeling and it'll "immobilize" you for a few minutes so it gives the other opponent a chance to push than having been like a standstill battle! The earpiece will take away the pain after a few minutes so you can get up and fight again!
Diana: I... guess that makes sense?...
Cassie: Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it
Amber: How about we just do a 2v2 private battle, so that way you can get used to it Diana
Rachel: Sure
Cassie: Hell yeah, and this time, I'll kick your ass amber
Amber: As if!
Rachel: You two...
They enter the Colosseum where they manage to get a private battle and enter an open arena with a lot of obstacles to cover within the Colosseum
Cassie: This time I'll kick your ass in this game!
Amber: Pff, as if!
Diana: Uhhh... may the best team wins!
Rachel: Yeah...
Chum appears in front of the tally board that was outside of the arena and Chum slaps his fin onto a button which begins the countdown
3...2...1... FIGHT!
Both Cassie and Amber begin to charge toward each other while Amber pulls out her duel pistol and fires at her but Cassie spins her hammer around, blocking the shot. While they're fighting, Rachel sneakily climbs up to a high place to get a good shot. She manages to find higher ground and aims at Ambers who was still fighting against Cassie
Rachel: Got you...
She fires her sniper but before it could hit Amber, Diana appears in front of her and blocks the shot with her shield
Rachel: "She was fast enough to react to the bullet?!"
Amber: Thanks, Diane!
She aims her duel pistols at Rachel and fires which Rachel quickly dodge-rolls and gets behind cover
Cassie: Don't forget about me!
She leaps in the air and brings down her hammer but Diana once again blocks the attack but she felt herself being slightly overwhelmed
Amber: Nice try!
Amber points her weapon at Cassie but before she could shoot, she quickly jumps back, barely avoiding the sniper shot
Rachel: I didn't focus fast enough...
After a few seconds, Diana manages to push Cassie back but she quickly lands back on her feet. She lets out a chuckle and spins her hammer around until laying it on her shoulder
Cassie: You aren't too bad for someone who has never done any Colosseum games!
Diana: Thanks... but I'm more focused on protecting!
Amber: And that's all I need from you!
Cassie: Fine by me! Ready Rachel?
Rachel: ... Ready!
A few hours go by as the girls continue their battle until the time limit for their use of the Colosseum was up. They quickly catch their breathe and turn at the tally board to see their score
Amber: Please let us be the winner!...
After a few seconds, the tally board pulls up with 0-0, leaving no one the winner and a tie to their match
Cassie: Oh come on!
Amber: That's some fucking bullshit!
Diana: Calm down Ambie...
Rachel: Well as expected...
Soon the girls exit the Colosseum and begin walking around the city again in exhaustion
Cassie: Well that was fun...
Diana: Yeah... it's was... wanna do this again someday
Amber: Sure! We can think of some cool team combos next time!
Diana: That'll be cool
Amber: Say do you girls wanna come to our place and have a sleepover?
Cassie: Sleepover? Hell yeah! I'm starving anyways!
Rachel: I'll go but Cassie you better not eat all of their food there
Cassie: Ok I may have an appetite but I'm a gluttony!
Diana: Well do you want to go and get your stuff and-
Rachel: No, I'll call and have some of our Guardian workers bring our stuff to your place
Amber: You can do that?
Rachel: Surprisingly yeah
Diana: Well it's getting late so we should head home
Cassie: Way ahead of you!
The girls soon arrive at Amber's and Diana's place and find Cassie and Rachel's bags in front of their doorway
Amber: Damn they are fast...
Cassie: The Guardians are quick so they make sure no one sees them
The girls walk into the house and Cassie immediately swan dives onto their couch
Rachel: Do you always have to do that when you enter a house
Cassie: Yes! If I see something comfy I have to feel it!
Rachel: -_-
Cassie: Say I'm hungry! You got anything I can munch on?
Diana: There are some chips in the pantry for you to munch on if you want
Cassie: Sweet! Thanks!
She bolts into the pantry and finds a family-size bag of barbecue chips and starts munching down on them
Amber: Hey! If you're gonna eat my chips, you better not eat them all!
Cassie: Can't promise that! ^-^
Amber: I swear to god!
Soon Amber starts to chase Cassie around the house to get her chips back as Chum decides to chase after them, assuming they're playing
Diana: I might as well start cooking
Rachel: Mind if I join?
Diana: Sure, we're just making homemade pizza
Rachel: Well at least I don't have to hear Cassie begging me for pizza again
Diana: *giggle*
Rachel and Diana put on their cooking apron as they start making their homemade dough
Rachel: You know there's something I wanna ask
Diana: What?
Rachel: Why did you help Tadayoshi?
Diana: Tadayoshi?
Rachel: Yeah, I mean you two didn't have any past connection back then so I'm just curious
Diana: ... I've always dreamed of one day I can help make the world better... a world with peace and happiness... a world where everyone has found their purpose... but I didn't know where to start... when I saw Tadayoshi sleeping in an alleyway... it reminded me of... me
Rachel: You?
Diana: I left my home because of reasonings, Amber found me and help me get back on my feet... seeing him reminds me of the moment with Amber... that's when I figured out my first step to help the world...
Rachel: So that's you took him to your place to stay?
Diana: Yeah, I thought maybe with some talk and counseling, I can help guide him to find his purpose so he can have colored hair! If I can help a Forgotten, then it would be a big step to help people! I can prove I am someone who can change the world!
Rachel: Is that why you and Amber formed a podcast group? To send a message to make the world better
Diana: Kinda, After she gave me encouraging words to get back onto my feet, she left and I thought I never see her again but I end up meeting her again when my manager told me that I'll be partnering with Amber
Rachel: Sounds like fate
Diana: Maybe but Amber was my reasoning why I still have that dream... she proved I have the power to help people, and that's why I helped Tadayoshi
Rachel: Amber means a lot to you, Huh?
Diana: She is... she's my first friend I ever had...
Rachel: ... You and Amber remind me so much about myself and Cassie a bit
Diana: How so?
Rachel: I'll admit back then I was a big bitch because I was a Royalty but when I met Cassie... she taught me how being a commoner isn't as bad as my parent told me it was... and I'm still grateful for her so I wouldn't be a piece of shit...
Diana: *smiles*
Rachel: What?
Diana: Nothing... I'm just glad we met someone that we can relate to...
Rachel: Yeah... *pats Diana's shoulder* Same
Somewhere upstairs Cassie and Amber are on the second floor, breathing heavily as they catch their breath from running
Cassie: Truce for now?
Amber: Truce!...
They sit up after a bit and Cassie lets out a little laughter while Amber looks at her in confusion
Amber: What are you laughing about?
Cassie: Nothing... just us doing this makes me feel like a kid again
Amber: Does it?
Cassie: Yeah, when I was young I lived in the woods, I was an active kid and had a lot of fun!
Amber: Oh...
Cassie: what did you do for fun as a kid?
Amber: ... Well yeah... with my grandma and my childhood friend...
Cassie: Your grandma?
Amber: Yeah... she couldn't do much since she was old but we'd always go fishing or pick off grapes from our garden
Cassie: Really? Fishing? That's something I never thought you would do
Amber: I know but... she was the only person I felt close to back then, she was everything to me!
Cassie: What about your parents?
Amber: ...
Cassie: Oh... I'm sorry I asked
Amber: It's fine... I barely know them anyways...
They both remain silent for a few minutes until Cassie opens the bag of chips and leans it to Amber
Amber: Thanks... *munch*
Cassie: *munch* So...How's your grandma doing
Amber: She's gone...
Cassie: I... should shut up...
Amber: It's fine, you didn't know... she died from an Overlord attack
Cassie: Oh...
Amber: I just wished I gave my goodbye to her a lot longer before I came here... but I can't let my sadness ruin myself, grandma wouldn't like that!
Cassie: Yeah... same with me!
Amber: ?
Cassie: The first time I felt sadness was when I thought I had to say goodbye to Rachel... she was "my" everything... she was the closest friend I could ever ask for... She was the reason why I'm always happy and makes me feel like a kid...
Amber: I guess I can relate to you to that
Cassie: But I was so afraid of who I was in society that I pushed her away
Amber: I'm guessing that this is when the Tooth incident happened?
Cassie: Yeah... I thought I was going to be alone again... but Tadayoshi helped me
Amber: Tadayoshi?
Cassie: Yeah... he helped me throw away my fear and told me something similar thing you said "I can't let sadness take over me"
Amber: Huh... didn't think he'd be like that
Cassie: He probably wasn't even trying to... he seems like he doesn't know how to handle the situation other than giving his opinion... but I like that he's trying even though he mostly doesn't care... guess he accidentally made me relatable to you
Amber: *chuckle* maybe
Cassie: Yeah... but after being with him, I get this feeling... it wasn't the same with Rachel... I felt... warm and happy inside...
Amber: Warm and happy?
Cassie: Yeah... I don't know what it is... but I'm sure I'll figure it out!
Amber: Well maybe it might be that your-
Suddenly Chum appears out of nowhere and snaps the bag of chips away from them and quickly crawls away
Cassie: Hey!
Amber: You thief!
Soon Amber and Cassie got back on their feet and begins to chase Chun
Cassie: I guess our truce is longer!
Amber: Oh yeah it is! "I might as well talk to Tadayoshi one day"
After a few hours go by, Rachel and Diana finish making the pizzas which they set them on the table which Amber, Cassie, and Chum, who they stop running after their bag of chips was crushed by accident an hour ago, leap onto the dining room chair, prepared to eat
Cassie: Hell yeah!
Amber: Pizza time!
Rachel and Diana sit down and take their slice while they watch Cassie and Amber gobble down some pizza.
Cassie: Oh I almost forgot!
Amber: What?
Cassie: What were you gonna say about my feeling that I don't know what it is?
Amber: Oh... don't worry about it... but! I bet I can eat more pizza than you!
Cassie: What?! No! I can eat more pizza than you!
Amber: Hell Nah! I can eat more than any anime character with a huge appetite!
Cassie: Ha jokes on you! I can eat more than a character with toon force!
Amber: Nah! I can eat more than a black hole!
Cassie: That's not even more than a cartoon character!
Amber: Yes it is!
Cassie: That's it! The truce is over!
Amber: Way ahead of you!
As Amber and Cassie argue over their appetite, Rachel and Diana could help but smile at them which Amber and Cassie immediately notices
Amber: What are you two smiling about
Diana: Nothing...
Rachel: Don't need to worry about it
Chum: *munches on the pizza until taking one of the whole pie of a pizza*
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