Chapter 27: Bonding

It's early in the morning and an alarm begins to blare as Amelia tiredly wakes up and shuts off the alarm

Amelia: *groan*

She sits up and stretches a bit until getting off her bed and making her way down the hall to see Tracer and Vivian sitting at the dining room table and Kiryu cooking in the kitchen

Kiryu: Breakfast should be almost done!

Tracer: Sweet! Oh, morning Amelia!

Vivian: Morning Amelia!

Amelia: Morning...

She sits at the table beside Vivian who was coloring an octopus pink in her coloring book while Kiryu finishes up making breakfast and sets it on the table

Kiryu: What I made is an omelet that is fried with butter and filled with shredded cheddar, crisp bacon, and caramelized onions!

Vivian: Ohh!

Tracer: You know you could've just said omelets

Kiryu: Yeah I know but I wanted you guys to know what I put in there

Tracer: I guess but thanks, man!

Everyone takes a piece of the omelet and starts eating while Vivian cuts hers in half and tries to the entire whole half of the omelet at once but fails as it drops onto her plate

Amelia: Cut it smaller

Vivian: I know but I wanna eat it like those anime characters!

Amelia: Except you're not an anime character and you have manners, now eat is nicely

Vivian: Fine...

She cuts her omelet into small pieces in sadness but when she takes a bite out of the omelet, her face brightens up as she enjoys the taste of the omelet

Vivian: Mmmm!~

Tracer: That was a quick mood swing... *munch* But damn this is fucking delicious

Kiryu: Heh, Thanks!

Tracer: Also thanks for letting me stay at you guys' place until I find a place to live

Amelia: Mhm...

Kiryu: No problem! So what do you guys have planned today?

Amelia: I'm just going to go and train at the Colosseum

Kiryu: Of course

Tracer: I was going to visit Tadayoshi but I decided not to

Vivian: Wait you were?!

Tracer: Yeah except I heard he's been doing a lot of shit all week and I'd figured not to disturb him and give his day by himself

Kiryu: I guess

Amelia: He should be by himself all the time...

Kiryu: You don't have to be rude...

Amelia: Why? He's a damn Forgotten...

Kiryu: I know except he's not the same as the ones you remember

Amelia: How do you know? You barely hang out with him? In fact, you were there when "that" happened so wouldn't you understand why I don't like him!

Kiryu: Which is why I try not to argue and mostly try to keep calm besides, he's our coworker so treat him with some respect

Amelia: *tsk* The one only compliment I'll give to that Forgotten is that he's trying to be alone as he deserves

Kiryu: In that case, I can prove it

Amelia: Prove it?

Kiryu: Yes, I'll go to his place and hang out with him and get to know each other just to show he's not a bad guy as you think he is

Amelia: Oh please, as much as I care for you as your sister you are really making a stupid decision

Tracer: Can you guys just give that man a day by himself for once

Amelia: Why do you care about that bastard?!

Tracer: Hey everyone wants to have a day to themselves and I relate to wanting to be alone for a while!

Amelia: *tsk*

Tracer: Besides not only he helped me out but how can I not care for a guy who has a fucking nice body~

Amelia/Kiryu: ...

Tracer: Oh I went out of thought again... sorry

Vivian: Kiryu! Kiryu! If you're going to see him can I come? *wagging tail*

Amelia: No

Vivian: Eh? Why?!

Amelia: You know why

Vivian: But... But he needs a friend! People hate him cause he's scary and mean and I wanna show he's not when I'm around him!

Tracer: Scary?

Vivian: Yeah at the colosseum, people were hating him and keeping their distance around him as if he was some big bully!

Tracer: That's not... exactly...

Vivian: But Amelia said that he was getting hated on because of the way he was! But in reality, it might be because he's just looking grouchy!

Tracer stares at her for a few minutes as she sees Vivian's eyes sparkle and with a determined look on her face which she looks away and chuckles

Tracer: ... You really are like a child...

Vivian: I'm not a child! *puff cheeks*

Amelia: But you barely know about him

Vivian: Exactly plus... I don't want to be bored again

Amelia: *sigh* You can come with me and we'll do something but you're not going to his place and that's final!

Vivian: Ok...

Tracer: *sigh* I'm starting to feel bad for Tadayoshi at this point...

After a few minutes, everyone finishes their breakfast while Kiryu washes the dishes

Amelia: We're heading off now...

Vivian: Bye! Bye!

Kiryu: Have fun you two

Amelia: Also don't complain to me when you realize I'm right about that thing...

Kiryu: I don't plan to sis

Amelia and Vivian exit the apartment as Vivian skip down the hall while Amelia follows behind. Kiryu finishes the last dish and puts on his shoes as he prepares to leave

Kiryu: What are you going to do?

Tracer: Huh? Oh I don't know, probably relax and maybe find a place to stay so I don't feel like those deadbeat adults

Kiryu: Fair enough, I'll be back in the afternoon to make dinner

Tracer: *yawn* Alright!

Kiryu exits out of the apartment and makes his way to Tadayoshi's house while Tracer turns on the tv

Tracer: Wonder if that new tv show is good, the main character looked hot

Suddenly her phone starts to ring and she looks to see an unknown number but Tracer recognizes who it is and reluctantly answers it

Tracer: ... Hi mom...


Tadayoshi: Finally done...

Tadayoshi places a box into the floor and closes it then covers it with a carpet, making sure it was well hidden

Tadayoshi: Now I can finally rest...

He makes his way downstairs and lays back on the couch to relax

Tadayoshi: Now... for some peace...

A few minutes of silents go by until he hears a knock on his door which he looks in disappointment

Tadayoshi: For fucking sake... can I ever have another day by myself...

He gets off the couch and makes his way to the door and answers it to see it's Kiryu

Kiryu: Hey man

Tadayoshi: What do you want?

Kiryu: Was wondering if you wanna hang out

Tadayoshi: *sigh* I've should've guessed you'd asked that... no

Kiryu: Look I don't want to sound annoying but-

Tadayoshi: A few days ago, I planned an entire week to have by myself and I only had that one day to myself, so I'm not getting another day interrupted

Kiryu: I know I know, but I just wanted to prove something to my sister

Tadayoshi: You mean that bitch?

Kiryu: ... Yeah

Tadayoshi: What do you have to prove to her? That she just a deception bitch?

Kiryu: No... I just to prove that you're not a bad guy that she says you are

Tadayoshi: ...

Kiryu: I just want to hang out and get to know what kind of person you are! I mean sure you're a dick sometimes but you're not a completely bad person, right?

Tadayoshi: ... Yes...

Kiryu: And besides you can learn something about me

Tadayoshi: What is there to learn about?

Kiryu: Ok that hurts a bit

Tadayoshi: It's not my fault someone is ruining my day right now

Kiryu: Ok ok, I mean I won't try to make the hangout all tiring, we can just chitchat and grabs some drinks! How is that?

Tadayoshi: ... Fine...

Kiryu: Oh great! And thanks

Tadayoshi; But you're paying for everything

Kiryu: ... Fair enough... I am ruining your alone day

Tadayoshi closes the door and after a few minutes return and exits his house as they both make their way to the city

Tadayoshi: I hope you know a good place to drink...

Kiryu: I'm fact I do, there's a bar my sister always brings me

Tadayoshi: Mmm...

Kiryu: She always takes me when I'm feeling down or she's just grouchy

Tadayoshi: Is that why that bitch has that attitude?

Kiryu: Look I know you don't like my sister but please don't call her bitch around me

Tadayoshi: It's not my fault she decided to make me not like her

Kiryu: I know but even though she was a "bitch" around you, she's a really nice girl

Tadayoshi: Nice girl my ass -_-

Kiryu: I'm serious, I mean she has been very close friends with Vivian

Tadayoshi: Because she acts like a child and she gets all protective around her...

Kiryu: Yeah but mostly because she found her in the subway when she was on her mission

Tadayoshi: She just... Found her on the streets

Kiryu: Pretty much and ever since Vivian has been looking up to her a lot

Tadayoshi: "Reminds me how I got here..."

Kiryu: And also she lets me stay at her place when I first came here and she helped me become Agent Green

Tadayoshi: Maybe because you are her brother and that's it...

Kiryu: True... but also... that's not why...

Tadayoshi: What do you mean?

Kiryu: Nothing but just don't call her bitch around me

Tadayoshu: ... Fine...

Kiryu: Thanks but anyways I'd think you'll like the bar, has a lot of good drinks!

Tadayoshi: It's better... I really need a drink...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Kiryu about to cut a piece of wood with his katana while chibi Tadayoshi takes it to use as firewood


Tadayoshi and Kiryu enter a bar only to find a few people inside. They make their way to the counter where they sit down and the bartender greets them

Bartender: Greetings Kiryu, I see you brought a guest with you

Kiryu: Yep

Bartender: What can I get for you two

Kiryu: A pale ales, please

Tadayoshi: Red wine...

Bartender: Ok be there in a second

The bartender quickly makes their drink while doing a few tricks until once he finished, sliding their drinks across the table which they quickly catch

Kiryu: Thanks!

Tadayoshi: *sip*

Kiryu: ... I don't know if I asked this but what made you join the Guardians?

Tadayoshi: Money...

Kiryu: ... That's it?

Tadayoshi: Yes...

Kiryu: Oh... for me, I was gonna join the Order and become a general but Amelia suggested the Guardian and I'm glad I joined the Guardians

Tadayoshi: The Order...

Kiryu: You know about them?

Tadayoshi: A bit... all I know is that they're the government of the world...

Kiryu: Pretty much, though I found out that even if I joined the Order and try to become an Order General, they only allow 6 generals and there are already 6 of them

Tadayoshi: 6?

Kiryu: Yeah, I believe they're Apollo, Thor, Baldur, Heracles, Athena, and Loki... three of them are the "Hero of the World"

Tadayoshi: Heroes my ass...

Kiryu: Not a fan of heroes?

Tadayoshi: I don't believe in heroes...

Kiryu: Believe?

Tadayoshi: You wouldn't get it...

Kiryu: If you say so... I don't know much but from what I remember, Thor Baldur and Heracles are the heroes everyone knows

Tadayoshi: Why do they have the names of the mythology gods?

Kiryu: I... Don't know... some people say they believe themselves to be like gods so they decided to name themselves after them

Tadayoshi: ... They sound really cocky

Kiryu: Again it's just a theory I heard!

Tadayoshi: hmm...

Kiryu: ...

Tadayoshi: ...

Kiryu: ... So... Why are you like this

Tadayoshi: What?

Kiryu: I don't know I'm trying to start something, but I mean you're always trying to be alone and everything...

Tadayoshi: So?

Kiryu: Don't you ever try to be... you know... be around people you got to know so you can feel more positive and maybe find a purpose and you won't be a Forgotten anymore?

Tadayoshi: ...

Kiryu: ... I guess you still don't trust me to know why?...

Tadayoshi: mmm...

Kiryu: ... Do you... ever feel useless

Tadayoshi: Useless?

Kiryu: I mean... you try to do something but... you couldn't do anything about it or... know what to do

Tadayoshi: ... No

Kiryu: *sigh* I guess I can't relate

Tadayoshi: Why do you ask

Kiryu: I was wondering if you did so I asked how to not... Feel this way

Tadayoshi: Is this because of that bi-... your sister

Kiryu: ... Yeah, you see me and my sister... aren't blood-related...

Tadayoshi: ... That explains a lot

Kiryu: What do you mean?

Tadayoshi: Nothing, continue

Kiryu: Well I grew up with Amelia's family and I was a step-sibling, but I was an older brother... We only had one mother and I didn't think much about my true family because I felt like I was with my real one... until... the Black Order came...

Tadayoshi: ...

Kiryu: They asked us to surrender our town... the town refused and... they killed everyone and destroyed my town... me and my sister watched my mother die in front of us... and I couldn't do anything about it... We managed to escape and since we were on our own, I worked at many jobs so I can help my sister survive since we were poor... but as my sister got older... she was... better than me...

Tadayoshi: hmmm

Kiryu: She worked at many places and earn a lot more money than I did... I felt like I was holding her back so I convinced her to go on her own... it took a bit but she agreed and left... after years by myself, she texted me again and told me to come to Coltopia... I did with all the money I had... and she helped me get to where I am today... yet after everything that has happened in my current life... I still... feel useless

Tadayoshi: Is that why you try to get strong?

Kiryu: Yes... I'm afraid one day I'll lose her and... I won't be able to do anything about it... that's why I want to be strong so I can be useful to her... and to anyone close that I know!

Tadayoshi: ... Hmm Amelia...

Kiryu: What about it

Tadayishi: Nothing... just find it hard to believe she was the one to help you up...

Kiryu: From your point of view, yeah... What about you and Alex

Tadayoshi: What about her?

Kiryu: What made you go and hang out with her? I mean she's the only close person you ever hang out with

Tadayoshi: ... Cause I saw myself as her

Kiryu: What?

Tadayoshi: *sigh* When I first saw her... she was... a Forgotten and her life... wasn't that great... I was gonna ignore her but... I had a guilty feeling which lead me to help her... I trained her, fed her, did everything I can to make her happy... and I somehow succeeded... and now I'm just making sure her life is better than mine

Kiryu: ... I see...

Tadayoshi: Though it is nice to see her again, I rather her stop trying to "repay" for what I've done for her

Kiryu: *chuckle*

Tadayoshi: What

Kiryu: It's just seeing you care for something a lot just still catches me off guard

Tadayoshi: Yes...

Kiryu: Though it's nice to know you have some humanity in you unlike what my sister said

Tadayoshi: As I said, she-...

Kiryu: I know, I know, but what I don't get is that even if you make sure she's happy, can't you still try to make your life better or happier?

Tadayoshi: No... I can't...

Kiryu: Why?...

Tadayoshi: ...

Kiryu: ... Is it the same reason for that guilt as well?

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Yes...

Kiryu: ... Do you... wanna talk about

Tadayoshi: No...

Kiryu: Well if you wanna, I'll be here to listen. It's not healthy to keep that you feel it holding you back

Tadayoshi: Yeah... I know... everyone says that...


Tadayoshi and Kiryu start to make their way home once they notice the day was becoming the afternoon

Kiryu: I probably said this before but thanks for joining me for a drink

Tadayoshi: Mhm... I must ask

Kiryu. what?

Tadayoshi: Why are you putting so much "effort" into hangout with me?

Kiryu: I mean to prove-

Tadayoshi: I know that! But why? I feel like you're trying to prove a point with me is a little too much?

Kiryu: Oh... well that's I... had a feeling I could relate to you...

Tadayoshi: How? We're nothing alike...

Kiryu: True but we're both willing to help people over our sake!

Tadayoshi: ...

Kiryu: Sure you don't look or act like you care but after hearing about your relationship with Alex and the incident with Tooth

Tadayoshi: You heard that?

Kiryu: Yeah, Cassie talked about it with the agents a few days ago

Tadayoshi: Of course...

Kiryu: But anyways what I'm saying is that you have more heart than I ever wish I had even if you don't show it! That is something I admire a lot!

Tadayoshi: ...

Kiryu: Look you may not trust me but I've begun trusting you a lot, even if you do betray us or something I'm willing to fight you with honor!

Tadayoshi: ...I see...

They soon arrive at Tadayoshi's place where Kiryu stop and pats Tadayoshi's shoulder

Kiryu: Alright I'll let you be! I'll see you tomorrow or later

Tadayoshi: ... Wait

Kiryu: Hm?

Tadayoshi: Why don't you come in for one more drink

Kiryu: One more drink?

Tadayoshi: It'll be quick

Kiryu: Oh... ok

Kiryu enters his place and sits down on the couch as he sees Tadayoshi walking into a cabinet and reaching far into the back and pulling out an old wine bottle. He also grabs two small cups and walks over and sits across from Kiryu

Kiryu: Wait... that's wine... is that-

Tadayoshi: Pinot Noir... from a town I knew very well...

Kiryu: Yeah... It's a very rare wine from the Vineyard county... it was known for making many greatest drinks until one of the overlords took over that place

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah...

Kiryu: ... You've been there before?

Tadayoshi: ... Yes... it's had a lot of... very nice people...

He opens the bottle and pours it into the two small cups which Kiryu and Tadayoshi take and gulps down

Kiryu: Wow... this is good

Tadayoshi: mmm...

Kiryu: But... why all of the sudden you're inviting me to drink with you?

Tadayoshi: Cause you're an idiot for fully trusting me and thinking I have more "heart" than you

Kiryu: What?

Tadayoshi: But I'll say do agree on one thing... we do relate on a few things... and I want to say this...

Kiryu: ?

Tadayoshi: Be better than me...

Kiryu: ... Hm, I don't get what you mean but I will try! Guessing you're finally trusting me

Tadayoshi: ... Figure that out yourself

Kiryu: Heh can't wait to prove this all to my sister's face!

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