Chapter 25: Reuniting

Somewhere in an unknown location, Alpha sits alone in his cell, reading a book that a prison guard gave him. It had been almost a month since he has been in prison but Alpha didn't mind much since he wasn't on a deeper floor where the "worst" are. Suddenly a prison guard walks up to his cell and opens it

Prison guard: Get up you!

Alpha: Is it lunch already? I thought it would start in another hour

Prison guard: No, you got a visitor

Alpha: Visitor?

He sits up and sees a familiar old man which he looks in disappointment after finding out who it is

Craig: Hey, it's been a while

Alpha: ... *lays back down*

Craig: Figured you'd be like that, I should've brought some sandwiches

Alpha: What do you want?

Craig: Just to chat with you

Alpha: I've told you before I want nothing to do with you

Craig: Doesn't mean I can't stop trying until I have your forgiveness

After Alpha heard those words come from his mouth, he gets up from his bed and tosses his book away, and glares at Craig in anger

Alpha: Why do you care now? You never took the chance to say "hey, it's been a while how are you doing" after you left to fight in the Civil War? You never let me know that you weren't going to talk to me again!

Craig: ...

Alpha: If you wanted to stop being friends you could've just told me than leaving me here just hanging!

Craig: That's a thing I wished to explain to you...

Alpha: ...

Craig: Come on, let's go get some lunch and we'll talk about it

Alpha: I can't leave this cell you know, you and your agents put me here

Craig: Oh don't worry, I paid the guards here to have you out for just today

Alpha: ... That's allowed?

Craig: You have any idea why rape or drugs still exist here?

Alpha: hmm...

Craig: So do you want to come?

Alpha: ... No

Craig: ... Well if you want to stay and rot to death here and probably won't see the light ever again then fair enough so-

Alpha: Alright! alright! I'm going! I'm going! Jesus why did you say it like that

Craig: Ho Ho Ho, it works every time...

Alpha: Crazy bastard...

They both exit the cell and make their way to an elevator but before they could enter the past a familiar cell

?: Not going to bother saying hello to an old friend, Agent Yellow...

Craig: Eh?

They turn their attention to the cell where they see a man with dark green spiked hair, a light black tank-top, and ripped jeans, sitting in his cell

?: Remember me?

Craig: It's been a while, Rex...

Alpha: You know this racist bastard?

Rex: I'm not racist!

Craig: Yes... he's my former teammate Agent Green

Alpha: He's was Agent Green? He looks too young! I would think he'd look around our age

Craig: He's supposed to be... he may look young but he's 120 years old

Alpha: Younger than us but still old...

Rex: You came to visit him but not me, that feels off... disrespectful don't you think?

Craig: I was planning to visit you later but for right now, I want to see an older friend of mine

Alpha: ...

Rex: Well fair enough but never thought you would be friends with a former tribe leader...

Alpha: Not going to say something racist to me?

Rex: For the last time! I'm not racist!

Alpha: I know, I just like to make the wrong idea to annoy you

Rex: ... You fucking bitch

Craig: *sigh* Look as much as I'd like to catch up with you, it's gonna have to wait. For now, I want to hang out with an old friend

Rex: Fine... but let me ask? How's the new generation coming

Craig: Almost a complete crew

Rex: Wow that's was fast... but I hope they can do better than us

Craig: Oh I'm betting on it... We can continue where we left off until I come to visit you... goodbye for now

Rex: Hmm... Same to you old man...

Craig and Alpha walk away from Rex's cell and continue their way towards the elevator where they enter inside. Craig presses a button to the roof floor and it makes his way up

Alpha: ... You know, I thought your Guardian group is a secret?

Craig: What do you mean?

Alpha: If your team of Guardian is a secret then how exactly did you bring your criminal here? Don't you think the people you put in here like me would expose everyone about the Guardians?

Craig: Oh ho ho ho ho, you see we have some guardian soldiers working here as undercover, making sure none of our criminals say anything about it, and if they do we just create a fake rumor so it cuts off the spread

Alpha: So you're making them look as if they are a fool?

Craig: You can say it's like that, but it's better than how the Order or this prison torcher their suspects for answers and shit

Alpha: ... Fair enough

Soon they arrive at the top floor where a helicopter is waiting for them. They got on and they slowly felt the helicopter lifts off and leaves the prison

Alpha: Where are we heading

Craig: Back to our base of course! Can't have you out in public since you used to be a former tribe leader


Craig: Aww come on! At least you get to see what's goes on in the base

Alpha: Why would I care about your stupid base

Craig: That's another thing I wanna talk about

Alpha: ... What exactly are you planning here...

Craig: Oh you'll see my good friend... in the meantime do you want to hear the story of how I got this cane

Alpha: No

Craig: Yes?

Alpha: What?! no! I didn't say ye-!

Craig: Very well? It all begins when-



After a few hours, they arrive at their base which they exit out of the helicopter. As Alpha gets out of the helicopter, he looks out in the view and finds out how massive the base was as if they were on an island

Alpha: I'm sick... and tired...  of your stupid stories... I wanna- Jesus...

Craig: Heh, welcome to the Guardian base!

Alpha: Base my ass! This feel like a fucking city! How do you hide this from the people?!

Craig: Oh this base is outside of Coltopia! In fact, if you were to look at the map you can't find where we are cause we're in an unknown location

Alpha: So how the fuck does your agent get here?!

Craig: Ok so we have a building we own in Coltopia which is secretly a teleportation place! So when the agents from Coltopia wants to come here, they'll knock on the door and a camera, that is disguised as a person, will peak through to scan the person to see if they are an agent! Then it'll drop them through a rug they're on top of which teleports them here, thanks to a Bifrost we have but the agent don't know about that!

Alpha: Oh so you're keeping secrets from them

Craig: Hey if they're keeping secrets from me then so will I! Besides it's funny when they get surprised by the drop!

Alpha: ...

Craig: And believe me you have no idea how many people are working with us and what we have been working on!

Alpha: I can see that...

Craig: Come on, I'll show you around!

Alpha begins to follow Craig where the exit of the helipad where they walk down a stairway passing by buildings

Craig: These buildings there are mostly like apartments for our soldiers who don't have a home! And that building is where our people can hangout and shit

Alpha: Wha- how can you afford all of this

Craig: Oh I can't!

Alpha: ... What?

Craig: This place is "unknown" for a reason! Plus this base was a "gift"

Alpha: Gift?

Craig: Yes, former Agent Red, Cosmo built this entire place after we stopped the war. He was a governor from the old age before the Civil War but after the government collapsed because of that war, he joined us to stop the war. And after the war ended he was the first to leave the group but gave us this place as a thank you gift

Alpha: Cosmo... I've heard of that name before...

Craig: You should, he was known for his courage and inspired many of our soldiers to fight! And also he was the one who helped created the Order

Alpha: ... What happened to him

Craig: ... I don't know... he somehow... disappeared after Zeus and Odin took over as the new leaders of the Order and here we are! I miss him though... he was a great man...

Alpha: ...

Craig: But enough of that! Is there anything else you want to ask?

Alpha: ... So where exactly did he build it if it's in an "unknown" location?

Craig: You'll find out soon enough!

Alpha: ... You're hiding a lot of things from me right now

Craig: I rather keep it a surprise!

Alpha: *tsk*

A few minutes go by as Craig continues to show what are the different buildings for such as the mess house where the soldiers go to eat and a place where they have their aircraft are and where they take off. Soon they enter a building where they walk down the hall and Alpha see a bunch of workers on their computer while a huge screen shows a camera on everything in Coltopia

Alpha: Wait you guys have access to the cameras in Coltopia?!

Craig: Huh oh well not really, one of our engineers made a little program called "Gods Eye" where we can go to any electronic device and gather any information within a second!

Alpha: That... sounds like any stalkers dream device

Craig: Sure but unfortunately The Order and one of the Overlords have this programming as well but we only use this to keep an eye on our agents and find our enemy's locations! This is how we found you and your base cause you had a public surveillance camera around your old base!

Alpha: Hmmm...

Craig: Come on! There's another thing I want to show you!

They continue down the hall where they enter a massive room where they a bunch of people working on something massive which looked like a massive robotic foot

Craig: This is another thing I wanted to show you...

Alpha: What's the fuck is this...

Craig: This is our biggest project...

?: Hey sir!

Alpha and Craig look up and see someone on a crane platform lowering down to them which he hops down and jogs towards them

Craig: Hello Zach

Zach: What brings you here wiiiiiith... *looks at Alpha*

Craig: Don't worry he's with me

Zach: Are you sure? He's-

Craig: I said he's fine...

Zach: Alright! alright! Well so far we are almost done with one foot, I'd say we'll have three or four years till this is complete

Craig: That is fine, I have patience...

Alpha: What is this supposed to be?

Zach: Well can you guess?

Alpha: A Giant foot

Zach: ...Ok you don't have to be a smartass

Alpha: *tsk* I don't have any interest in playing your stupid guessing games. What is this for?

Craig: Something in case the Order can't handle it or if the Titans arise again

Alpha: Titans...

Craig: Yeah... god that was a horrible event...

Zach: Well moving on to a different topic did you just come here to show him

Craig: Yep

Zach: Oh... but what are you- wait... are you serious

Craig: Mhm

Zach: I... but... wow ok, congratulations Alpha

Alpha: On what?

Zach: Well I got to get back to work! See you later... bosses. Let's get going!

Zach gets back on the crane platform which lifts and makes its way back to what they are working on as Craig and Alpha make their way out of the room

Alpha: Ok just tell me! What are you planning? You're really driving my patience!

Craig: Hold your horses! I'll tell you but just follow me for a second

They exit out of the building where they arrive at the open ground where they see a better view of the ocean where Craig approaches the rail and leans against it while Alpha notices a massive horn on the rail next to him

Alpha: So what is it?

Craig: I've been thinking long and hard about my future, I'm planning on retiring as a leader of this base in two or three years and giving it to Rachel. Yes, I've retired as an agent but not as a boss to the Guardians!

Alpha: What are you getting at?

Craig: *turns at him* I want you to be a leader of the Guardians like me

Alpha: ... What?


This story is interrupted by Chibi Craig and Alpha drinking tea while playing checkers


Craig: You heard me!

Alpha: Wait hold on! I didn't expect this but did you just say make me? A leader?

Craig: Yes

Alpha: But- But why?! After everything I did to expose you, why choose me!?

Craig: ... Yes

Alpha: ...

Craig: Ho Ho Ho I'm sorry but you have the skill as a leader!

Guardian worker: Here's the two sandwiches you ask to be delivered at this exact time

Craig: Oh yay!

He takes the sandwiches and tosses one to Alpha who he catches and opens it to see what sandwich it is

Alpha: What's this?

Craig: Just a normal turkey and cheese sandwich!

Alpha: ...

Craig: *munch* Anyways I'm getting too old to do all of the work we have here and I figured you'd be a helping hand *munch* God this is a good sandwich!

Alpha: ... *munch* Even if I had a brainwashed army in my side

Craig: Oh I know you didn't want to do that, your sidekick Beta told you to do it could with your "revenge." Besides you fit well as a "strict" leader to work our soldiers hard!

Alpha: ... Are you just giving me this position as your way to apologize to me?

Craig: ... Deep down yes as much as it sounds petty

Alpha: *tsk* I've said this before no matter what you do I'll never forgive you...

Craig: I know... but at least if you do agree we could possibly be friends like the old days

Alpha: ... We're not kids anymore... And besides, I don't want to remember the old day when we were Forgottens

Craig: Ho Ho Ho Ho I guess that is true

Alpha: Besides I don't think your agents and this Guardian group would agree to have me as their Guardian leader

Craig: Oh please, I don't think they care, especially Agent Black

Alpha: You mean the one that locked me up?

Craig: Indeed! Gonna be honest, he's out best agent we got not because he does his job well but because he reminds me of Aaron

Alpha: Aaron... The strongest creature in the world?

Craig: Indeed... I believe he'll take his place not as the strongest but as someone greater! Greater than the old generation of legends...

Alpha: ... You have high expectations of him don't you?

Craig: Indeed! I have high expectations of my agents and the new generation!

Alpha: ...

Craig: So? Do you accept the position?

Alpha: ... I'll need some time to think about it... As much I hate you and your petty way of apology, as a leader, I need to think if I deserve that position and probably need so time to "redeem" myself

Craig: Redeem for your crimes?

Alpha: No! For what I did to my soldiers when I was a tribe leader... I'll admit I'm not proud of putting my men in mind control... which is why I decided to make Beta the new leader since I no longer have the title of tribe leader

Craig: Ho Ho Ho I knew you still had that soft spot in you!

Alpha: Shut it...

Craig: But that's fine, I can wait for your answer! But do you trust Beta to be the leader after what she convinced you to do

Alpha: Oh trust me, that other agent and former member of ours, Tracer putting a beating into her, and it made her think about herself for a while so I think she's changed

Craig: If you say so! Anyways, have you figured out why our base is so hidden?

Alpha: Do I have to answer?

Craig: I thought so, watch this!

He walks up to the massive horn next to him and takes a deep breath and blows on it which let out a loud noise

Alpha: What are you-

Suddenly he felt part of the base shake a bit which Alpha starts to see something rising and its shadow looms over Alpha and Craig which Alpha immediately know what it is

Alpha: Wait... you actually-

Craig: Indeed... He is the reason why we are hidden!


The day goes by as Craig and Alpha return to prison where they exit out of the elevator and make their way back to Alpha's cell

Craig: Are you sure wanted to go back already? You still almost got a full day until you had to go back here

Alpha: Trust me, the last few hours already felt like a day

Craig: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Alpha: More like neither and just makes me question more

Craig: Well I could-

Alpha: I don't need to know! I had enough information thrown at me today

Craig: Fair enough!

They soon arrive at Alpha's cell where the prison guard notices them in surprise

Prison guard: Hey! You still got a few hours until-

Alpha: I know and right now I feel like coming back and finishing my sentence

Prison guard: ... Keep this good attitude and we might lower your sentence

The guard opens Alpha's cell which Alpha enters inside and shut it which the prison guard walks away

Craig: Hey! It was nice hanging around you again

Alpha: Yeah... same... now get out of here! I'm tired of looking at your stupid smug face

Craig: Ho Ho Ho, I'll see you around- oh I almost forgot!

He goes through his pocket and pulls out a small card which Alpha takes and looks at to see it was a phone number

Craig: When you finally figure out your decision, call me! I'll pick you up!

Alpha: Yeah thanks...

Craig waves goodbye and walks away from Alpha's cell and makes his way to the elevator Once Alpha sees Craig was gone he pulls something out of his pocket and looks at it which is a picture of a younger Craig and Alpha.

Alpha: Heh, you're still the same crazy lad huh?

Back on the roof, Craig exits out of the elevator and makes his way back to the helicopter but before he could enter, he gets a phone call which he answers immediately

Craig: Yellow?

Guardian: Sorry to bother you, sir!

Craig: No need to apologize, what is it?

Guardian: Well Agent Black was caught in a fight with someone at the Idol tower but he left before the police came in!

Craig: You mean the same building where Cassie and Rachel work at?

Guardian: I believe so, but also got confirmation that Cassie was with him

Craig: *chuckle*

Guardian: Should we make sure to summon them and give them a piece of their minds?

Craig: Why? They didn't do anything wrong

Guardian: I mean them causing some chaos could bring attention to the public and we might be exposed because of them

Craig: Oh don't you worry about it! Besides not only the Line and Hook will cover it up but also I trust what Tadayoshi was doing is reasonable, so let them be

Guardian: As you wish sir...

Craig hangs up the phone and hops onto the helicopter which slowly lifts off and makes its way back to the base

Craig: Heh, he's really like you... Aaron

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