Chapter 24: Free
Cassie quickly manages to make it to the fifth floor only to find the stairways to be blocked by more security guards
Security guard: Cassie! Stop!
Cassie: Dammit!
She quickly exits out of the stairway and runs down the hall into an open area. Suddenly more guards appear in front of her and she finds herself surrounded by most of the security guards in the room
Cassie: How many security guards are there in this building?!
Security: We're going to ask you this one last time! Return to Tooth's office!
As the guards slowly approach her, making it impossible for her to escape, she spins her hammer around and smacks it a bit on her hand
Cassie: I'm not going back there... ever!
Security guard: Take her!
The security guards start to charge at her which Cassie prepares herself to fight them all
Cassie: "Tadayoshi... I hope you aren't too worried about me right now... this is something I can handle... I am Agent Yellow for a reason!"
Back on the 11th floor, Tadayoshi dodges another bite from Tooth who continues to follow up with more bites. Tadayoshi quickly dodges aside and swings a punch across the face, then follows up by spinning and hitting the back of Tooth's head with his spear which Tooth backhands Tadayoshi through a wall after getting hit.
Tooth: Pathetic!
Tadayoshi gets back up as Tooth smashes through the wall and charges at him which Tadayoshi pulls his spear back and barely dodges Tooth's teeth which slide across his cheek and puts a full force on Tooth's chest with his spear which Tooth coughs out saliva and falls to his knees. Tadayoshi then tackles him again which causes them to fall through another floor below them. Tadayoshi quickly gets off of him as Tooth gets back up to his feet and wipes the blood on his lips
Tooth: Why struggles so hard against me for her? You're only doing this because of a job, right? I could pay you more than she pays you to stop all of this
Tadayoshi: I refuse to work with higher ups... they're nothing but greedy and selfish bastards... and you are a perfect example
Tooth: Well aren't you arrogant
Tadayoshi: Coming from a damn pussy cat
Tooth: Strong word from a man who is about to be killed!
Tadayoshi starts running at him and he throws his spear at him. Tooth dodges but the spear turn and flies back hitting him on the back of his shoulder which causes him to lose balance and Tadayoshi follows up with a knee to the head. His spear quickly flies back to his hand and he smacks Tooth across the face.
Tooth: *Tsk*
He grabs Tadayoshi and throws him into a wall which he quickly rebounds and starts charging at Tooth. As he charged, his spear starts to shake as he pulls it back
Tadayoshi: Spear Technique...
Tooth notice Tadayoshi going for an attack and he tries to stop him by grabbing him but Tadayoshi ducks under and thrust his spear into his stomach
Tadayoshi: Legion Strike
Suddenly Tooth felt his body being stabbed multiple times which continues for a few minutes until the final strike causes him to get sent flying through two different rooms.
Tadayoshi: *huff* *huff*
Soon the dust clears out as Tooth gets back up and rips off the destroy suit, showing his entire body covered in stab wounds that are bleeding out
Tooth: You're just a human... you can hurt me all you want but you... a human... will never beat a brute
Tadayoshi: Then you don't know me...
Tooth: Then I can say the same thing to you
Suddenly he squeezes his fist and grinds his teeth together as his hair starts to float and turns bright red which Tadayoshi immediately recognized what's he doing
Tooth: Color techniques... Red!
Tadayoshi: "This cat has a damn Color Technique"
Tooth: I've told you before... I've been through some changes and this is one of them! Now then...
He grabs onto a piece of the broken wall and throws it at Tadayoshi who destroy it with his spear but as he breaks the wall, Tooth appears in front of him and lays a punch across Tadayoshi's face, which sends him flying through multiple rooms.
Tadayoshi: *grunt* Fucking hell...
He weakly gets up to find Tooth appearing in front of him with his mouth wide open
Tooth: Teeth technique...
He goes to bite down but Tadayoshi barely dodges it. The second Tooth bites down, a massive shockwave shaped like teeth flies out of his mouth and destroys a building pillars and walls into pieces
Tooth: Nemean's Strike!
Tadayoshi: How the fu-
Suddenly Tooth swings his fist which Tadayoshi quickly blocks the attack but slowly gets overwhelmed and gets sent flying back through some more rooms. Tadayoshi quickly rebounds but Tooth appears in front of him and he grabs him and slams him against the wall he begins to run, dragging his face across the wall until throwing him through the ceiling into another floor
Tadayoshi: *groan*
He weakly gets up as Tooth jumps to the floor Tadayoshi is in and goes to bite down on him but Tadayoshi jumps back and then leaps at him, grabbing his jaw and slamming him onto the floor. As Tooth was on the ground, Tadayoshi quickly grabs his arm and struggles slowly to spin him which Tooth begins to feel his body slowly lifting off the ground.
Tooth: What are you- Stop it!
Soon they start to spin faster and faster for a few minutes until Tadayoshi finally lets go of him, causing him and smash through some walls until stopping in the fifth wall. Before he could get back up, Tadayoshi quickly throws his spear which strikes Tooth, causing his head to smash through the wall
Tadayoshi: *huff* *huff* "Is he... done yet?"
Tooth slowly pulls his head out of the wall with a pissed-off look on his face while he cracks his head a bit
Tooth: That's it... I'm finishing this...
He starts running towards Tadayoshi which Tadayoshi prepares to go to strike him but before he could swing, Tooth grabs both of his arms causing him unable to swing his spear, and bite down on his shoulder with full force
Tadayoshi: AHHH!
Tooth: You're done brat!
Suddenly Tooth starts to lift him and then proceeds to jump down to the ground with Tadayoshi falling first, causing them to fall through multiple floors. On the 5th floor, Cassie finishes off the last security guard and she catches her
Cassie: Finally... Now to get-
Suddenly the ceiling crashed down which surprises Cassie but she prepares herself for what it is. Soon the dust begins to clear, Cassie looks in shock as she sees Tadayoshi, still struggling to escape while Tooth is biting down on him and glares at her with a smirk
Cassie: Tadayoshi...
Tooth: So there you are...
Cassie felt nothing but despair and fear as she couldn't move but only watch as Tooth bites down harder onto Tadayoshi's shoulder
Tooth: I told you, Cassie... you're bodyguard will fall like every other! Now watch as this will give a damn message!
Tadayoshi: Get... out of... here!
Cassie: I... I...
She then starts to think about everything Tadayoshi had done to help her before getting to this moment. From the comfort after explaining what she went through to him fighting against the man who has been a puppet for so long. Then starts to think about Rachel and what she has done for her to get where she is at.
Cassie: No... I won't run... You and Rachel have done so much for me... I pushed Rachel away because of my fear... I'm not going to lose someone who helped again!
She grips onto her hammer and looks at Tooth with a determination which she charges at him and leaps into the air
Cassie: Let go of him! YOU DAMN CAT!
She swings her hammer across Tooth's face with full force but it only leaves a small bruise on his head
Tooth: Really?
He swings his hand, which backhands Cassie across the face and she falls to the ground
Tooth: I'll deal with you once I finish killing your bodyguard
Cassie: No...
She weakly gets up and grabs onto her hammer and prepares herself to go hit him again
Cassie: I won't... let you kill him... I won't fail him...
Before she could attack him, Tooth grabs her by the neck and lifts her in annoyance
Tooth: Fine... I'll just have to make you watch! Then I will give you your punishment once I kill him! And once we are Royalty! No one is going to boss me around!
Tadayoshi notice Cassie struggling to get out as tears begin to flow out of her eyes in pain and sadness which causes Tadayoshi to glare at Tooth and gritted his teeth and he manages to grab onto Tooth's jaw and slowly pushes them open
Tooth: What the hell...
Tadayoshi: I am sick... and tired... of your damn beliefs in higher-ups! You are not only just a fucking pussy... but a damn annoying bastard that refuses to accept reality!
After struggling for a minute, Tadayoshi instantly snaps Tooth's jaw which Tooth yell in pain, letting go of Cassie and Tadayoshi and grabbing onto his jaw. She weakling looks at Tadayoshi as she see anger in his eyes
Tadayoshi: I... am going to get that damn message in your head that Cassie is quitting... and put an end... to your FUCKING BELIEFS!
Tooth looks up as Tadayoshi throws his spear upwards to the point it is above the roof of the building while Tooth gets up in anger
Tooth: As if! I am a brute! Part of the strongest race! I will not be fallen by someone who isn't a higher up than me!
He quickly fixes his jaw as he starts to charge at him with his teeth out ready to bite him while Tadayoshi starts to run at him
Tooth: Teeth technique!
Tadayoshi: Spear technique...
Soon the spear turns downward and speeds blitz through the roof of the building, picking up momentum as Tadayoshi and Tooth leaps in the air for their attack
Tooth: Nemean's Bite!
Tadayoshi: Meteorite Strike!
Soon the spear reaches the floor where Tadayoshi is which he grabs onto but before he could swing down, Tooth manages to lay a bite down on his stomach which Tadayoshi let out a yell in pain but strikes his spear into Tooth's back which cause Tooth to let go of him and instantly slams him to the ground causing Tooth to cough out blood. Suddenly Cassie notices the ground starting to break which she quickly jumps away as Tadayoshi let out a yell and they both fall through every floor at a fast speed as Tooth gets hit by every floor until they reach the bottom floor causing the dust to burst around them
Cassie: Tadayoshi!
She quickly hops down the massive hole until reaches the bottom floor where she sees a silhouette of Tadayoshi still holding onto his spear while on top of Tooth in the dust. Soon the clouds of dust clear out and she sees Tadayoshi pulling his spear out of Tooth, who was laying on the floor unconscious and Tooth's weapon is shattered in his mouth and walks to Cassie
Cassie: Tadayoshi I-
Tadayoshi hops off of the Tooth and the rumbles and walks past her but stop behind her
Tadayoshi: It's done... You no longer have to come here
Soon tears begin to fill Cassie's eyes as she tries to wipe them away but couldn't stop. She was finally free from the man who kept her like a puppet. After a moment she manages to maintain herself as Tadayoshi slowly starts to leave out of the building
Cassie: Wait!...
Tadayoshi: Hm?
Cassie: I... need to do something...
Tadayoshi: Go ahead...
She walks over to the unconscious Tooth and pulls out a piece of paper in her sweatshirt which was a contract and starts to slowly rip it into pieces
Cassie: Tooth... ever since worked with you I was in nothing but pain... I didn't think I would get out of your hell... but now... I am free... I hope when you wake up... you will feel nothing but despair and agony... just like I did... goodbye... you fucking cat...
She tosses the ripped pieces of the contract onto Tooth's unconscious body until turning and waking away to Tadayoshi who was forcing the secretary to hand over some first aid kit. He looks at her which she nods and they both walk out the building as Tadayoshi patches himself up
Cassie: Are you-
Tadayoshi: I'm fine...
Cassie: Alright... I guess there is just one more thing to do...
Tadayoshi: Mhm...
Cassie: ... Do you think she'll-
Tadayoshi: Do I have to answer?...
Cassie: ... No... you don't have to...
This story is interrupted by a chibi Cassie sitting on a tree branch, watching the sunset as chibi Tadayoshi was below her, leaning against the tree
The sun begins to set as Rachel was sitting on the couch, sadly while watching tv while Chum is inside of a bowl, munching on some popcorn
Tv: and in other news, The Regicide is at it again! Just recently another victim who is titled a Royalty was recently killed in their home police say they are still investigating but haven't gotten caught a lead!
Rachel: *sigh* The day is almost over and she still hasn't come home... But if she does how will I-
Suddenly the door opens and Rachel turns to see Cassie which surprises her. Chum leaps down in excitement to meet her but stops after getting a closer look at her face which he slowly backs out of the room
Rachel: Cassie...
Cassie: Hey Rachel...
They both stand in awkwardness as they both try to figure out what to say
Cassie: "how can I say this... I don't want this apology to sound lazy and feel like I'm not apologizing..."
Rachel: ...
Years ago:
Rachel: This is it!
Cassie: Wait we're going to be staying here!?
Rachel: *chuckles* Yes... this place is pretty big as they promised
Cassie runs around their apartment for a bit in amazed until leaping onto the couch
Cassie: I didn't think you still have enough money after you left your family
Rachel: Well yeah but I've kept my side of money so-
Cassie: Wait you kept the money?
Rachel: Oh don't worry it's just going to be used for us! We use it to do whatever we want! I'm planning to work as a solo singer or something but I'll figure something out
Cassie: Oh I'm not worried about that! But I can't wait to do whatever is coming at us! And I can get used to this lifestyle
Rachel: ... Yeah... so can I...
Present time:
Rachel: "We came here to start a new chapter together but... I threw that all away because I was too stupid to not realize how Cassie was feeling... I... I don't know if... if..."
Cassie: ... Ummm Rachel I...
Rachel: ...
Cassie: I'm-
Rachel: I'M SORRY!!!
Cassie: ... What?
Rachel: I-I'm sorry for making fun of you in front of everyone when I'm on a talk show or to my managers! I'm sorry for not returning your favorite shirt!!
Cassie: Rachel...
Rachel: And that I always eat your left-over from the fridge so we don't waste any food! I'm sorry I make fun of you in front of other people! I'm sorry that I don't react to your jokes! They are funny! I-I...
Cassie: Rachel-
Rachel: ...I-I'M SORRY THAT-
Cassie: RACHEL!!
Cassie stares in silence as Rachel looks up at her, shaking with tears flowing out of her eyes as she tries to hold it in so she can finish herself speaking
Rachel: I... I hate this... this feeling... it hurts so bad I... I don't think I can bear it... I-I'm so sorry Cassie... could you forgi-
Suddenly Cassie hugs her which shocks her but notices Cassie's eyes were flowing out with tears as well
Cassie: No... I-I'm so sorry Rachel! I was a jerk! Please don't cry anymore!
Rachel: Wh-why are you saying sorry? I-I was so stupid and mean to you!
Cassie: No... I'm sorry I made you cry! I hate seeing you cry! I didn't mean any of it! All the stuff I said yesterday, I didn't mean it!
Rachel: Stop saying that! I'm the one who's sorry! I'll never make fun of you again!
Cassie: No! Please keep doing it! I want you happy! I love you, Rachel!
Rachel: I-I love you too Cassie!
Both Cassie and Rachel fall to their knees while hugging each other as they bawl their eyes out, letting out every tear from their eyes. As they were crying Chum notice something outside the apartment and he crawl out to see Tadayoshi leaning against the wall beside the doorway
Tadayoshi: ...
After a while, they finally calm down and got up to their feet while wiping the tears off their eyes
Rachel: *sniff* s-so you're really ok?
Cassie: of course! I'm nothing without you, Rachel!
Rachel: ah-hah... I'm so glad... thank you
Cassie: no problem...
Rachel: Say... you know that French fry place you liked? Do you wanna go there? On me
Cassie: Yeah!... I'd love to! But let me do something real quick
Rachel: Go ahead
Cassie quickly runs outside of their apartment room to talk to Tadayoshi
Cassie: Tadayoshi I-
Soon she realizes no one was there except Chum who look up at her in happiness and Cassie looks around in confusion
Cassie: Tadayoshi?...
Outside of the apartment complex, the night finally arrives and it starts to rain as Tadayoshi starts to make his way home while trying to tighten the bandages he put on himself
Tadayoshi: I swear to god that fucking cat better not-
Cassie: Hey!
He turns at the voice behind him to see Cassie running up to him
Cassie: Where are you going?
Tadayoshi: Home... my job is done for the day isn't it?
Cassie: Well yeah but you... kinda left in such a haste
Tadayoshi: Well I'm tired of the shit that has happened today... I just want some sleep. Go back inside and spend time with Rachel
Cassie: I will but... I just want to say... Thank you... thank you again... for everything you have done... I... don't know if I could repay you after you-
Suddenly Cassie felt something touch her head and she looks up to see Tadayoshi placing his hand on top of her head. The second she looked up, the city lights turn on, lighting everything around Tadayoshi and Cassie
Tadayoshi: Just stop... you said enough thanking shit for today... I was just doing my job...
Cassie: ... Y-Yeah...
Tadayoshi: Good... have a good night...
Cassie: Y-You too
Tadayoshi waves goodbye as he walks away as Cassie watches him leave while slightly waving goodbye until she can't see him in the rain. She then places her hand on his chest in nervousness feeling her heart beating fast
Cassie: What... was that feeling...
Somewhere else:
Zeus: Damn... it sure pouring out today...
Apollo: Zeus I have- Oh god why are you naked?!
Zeus: Oh hey Apollo!
Apollo: Did you bring another chick here again?
Zeus: Yeah she was hot as fuck! There was another one but she slapped the shit out of me!
Apollo: *sigh* You know Hera is going to get mad at you again
Zeus: Eh she always does! Yet it hasn't affected me on anything!... Say do you think this rain would be a good lubricator?
Apollo: Moving to a different topic! We got information that the Forgotten has made his move
Zeus: Oh that Champion? What did he do?
Apollo: Apparently he fought with a brute that works as a manager for idols today. Unfortunately, we did some background checks on the brute and found out he is a former Brute Tribe member and was abusive to his workers
Zeus: Oh... then we can't still assume the deal is broken from this Tadayoshi then
Apollo: Pretty much
Zeus: Well make sure you tell Odin about the brute working for the brute tribe, I'm sure he'll like to hear about-
?: Oi I heard the name of my rival!
Both Apollo and Zeus like behind them to see a stranger with a mace on his shoulder
Zeus: Who's this?
Apollo: Oh him, remember that one general that snuck into the Colosseum of Champions event
Zeus: Uuhhh... what's his name?
Apollo: *sigh* this is our recent Order General, the God of War, Mars!
Mars: At least you remember! But anyways I heard something about Tadayoshi! Let me hear about this!
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