Chapter 21: Brutes

It was a cold night as it was storming outside, a young female demi-human quickly bursts out of the back door in fear. She looks back at the door, breathing heavily as she sees the silhouette of a man backing up while in defense with his sword

?: I told you I do not want to deal with any of you!

?2: Then we can't risk you spilling any information you've known or seen... for the higher up's request!

The second silhouette swings his weapon, breaking through the first silhouette's defense, and hits him across the face, which blood splatters against the wall. The demi-human girl jumps in fear and runs down the alleyway as tears were crawling down her face. As she was running, she wasn't paying attention and sees a bright light beside her which a vehicle was speeding towards her.

?: Watch out!

Before the vehicle hits her, Immerensis quickly sits up in fear, breathing heavily and her face sweating.

Immerensis: "That dream again... wait..."

Suddenly she notice that she was in a bed, wearing different clothing and in a place, she wasn't familiar with.

Immerensis: "Where the hell am I..."

She looks around her and she sees Ives sleeping on a bed, in an awkward position, beside her and Jorge looking surprised and holding a small plate with two cups of water. He walks over to her and sets down the cups of water on a table and pulls out a notebook and writes in it, showing what he wrote to her once he was finished

Jorge: "You ok? I heard screaming so I came to check

Immerensis: I'm fine just had a nightmare but it's not much of a deal

Jorge: "Oh... well at least your fine. I brought you two some water"

Immerensis: Thanks...

She takes a cup of water until Ives wakes up and quickly sits up in surprise but still tired

Ives: Huh what? No! I hate pickles on my sandwich!... Oh, where am I?

Jorge: *waves*

Ives: Oh hey Jorge are you ok?

Jorge: "I'm fine but should I be the one asking that"

Ives: Mmmm Nah but where are we?

Jorge: "Oh this is... my place"

Ives: Your place?

Immerensis gets off the bed and walks over to a window and opens the curtains to see they're in a run-down building underneath a train station bridge

Immerensis: "Secondary Section..."

She backs at Jorge who was giving Ives her water which she immediately gulps down

Ives: Ahh~ Now that's refreshing! How long were we out?

Jorge: "Couple of days..."

Ives: A couple of days!? Damn...

Jorge: "After you two fell unconscious during the Colosseum event, I didn't know what to do so I brought you all here..."

Ives: Heh thanks! But man I didn't know you were a monster back there!

Jorge: "Please don't pull that up"

Ives: I'm sorry I'm just so surprised especially when you are so shy! Hahahahaha

Immerensis: "How can she laugh at that when she almost got killed by him..."

Suddenly Immerensis notice that she doesn't have her bow and arrows so she quickly checks around her bed to see where it is

Jorge: "You ok?"

Immerensis: Where's my weapon?...

Jorge: "... My dad has it...  he took them just in case you two for some reason goes on a killing spree or something..."

Ives: You're dad? Wait this ain't your place?

Jorge: "Kinda... it's my dad's... but it'll soon be mine when he's... gone..."

Immerensis: What do you mean by that?

Jorge: ... "Follow me"

Jorge turns and makes his way out the door as Ives and Immerensis follow behind. They make their way down the hall they start to notice the place had a lot of brutes walking by and hanging out in every room they pass

Ives: Why are there so many brutes in your place...

Jorge: ...

Immerensis: "Something doesn't feel right..."

Soon they enter a room where they see a bunch of other brutes in suits in a meeting, but one of the brutes catches their attention. He was bigger than the other brute, who had a suit and tie with his coat hanging onto his shoulder, has red-hair, and is wearing a crown on his head

Brute 1: And the Biker tribes will be sending our weapons in 2 days once they finish their other deals

?: Good... now then... is there something you need boy...

Jorge: "Hey dad..."

?: What do you need? Can't you see I'm in a middle of a meeting?

Jorge: "I know... sorry, but I was wondering if I can... take back those weapons you took and-"

Ives: Woah that's you dad? He's bigger than you! What do you think? Eris?

She looks at Immerensis, who has a shocked look on her face, and realizes who Jorge's father is

Immerensis: "That brute's father is that man!..."

?: Ah you two are awake... excuse me, this meeting will be put on a hold...

Brute: Yes sir!

The large brute gets up and stomps out of the room, over to them to which they notice looking at him is like looking up at a tower up-close

?: I wanted to have a little discussion with you two... Boy, may I have a word with these two?

Jorge: "Yes, do you want me to-"

?: No, I want to have this talk privately! Got it!

Jorge: ... "Yessir"

Ives: Hey! I get you want to talk to us privately but you don't have to yell at Jorgie for not knowing what you wanted!

?: Jorgie?... *chuckles* You got guts human...

Ives: Yeah so what? I'll kick your ass!

?: ... Come with me you two and I'll give you two your weapons back once we're done with our talk...

Ives: ... Fine! See you in a sec Jorge!

Jorge: *nods*

They soon begin to follow the large brute as Ives waves bye to Jorge while Immerensis keeps cautious around him

Ives: Why do you look so scared about him?

Immerensis: Do you have any idea who that is?

Ives: ... No? Should I know?

Immerensis: That brute is one of the most dangerous mafia leaders in this city and is the group in the 3 tribes!

Ives: Wait... you mean-

Immerensis: Yes... That's the leader of the Brute tribes... King


They enter an office room which King welcomes them in and pulls them into their chairs

King: Please... take a seat ladies...

They both cautiously sit down as King sits down at his desk and leans foreword a towards them

King: Ives and Imma... Imme... shit how do you say that name... Eris correct

Ives: Yeah?...

Immerensis: Why doesn't anyone get my name right...

King: I want to thank you for "controlling" my son during the Championship... I heard he almost caused a rampage...

Immerensis: Is that all you brought us here?

King: Not exactly I want to make a preposition... I want you two to be his euthanasia

Ives: ... What?

King: You see my son suffers a split personality as you know. The one side you always meet is his shy side... and his other half you met before... is my greatest weapon...

Immerensis: Weapon... You called him a weapon

King: ... After his mother's death he grew depressed because of it, so I pushed him to become strong, give him a purpose yet he refused... so I had to use force and that force made that split personality of his we call The Orc.

Immerensis: That explains why people called him that at the Colosseum...

King: As much as he was a success that I created... he was too much to handle not even I could control him. So I bought a mask from the Dark Kingdom that would contain his weapon side but at the cost brings out the weak side of him...

Ives: ... You... You bastard...

King: What?

She gets off her seat and hops on his desk, grabbing King's collar and pulling him close

Ives: No wonder he's scared and shy! It's because of you! You broke him!

King: I pushed him to be stronger so he can be my next heir! I can not have a weakling running this tribe only for it to fall by the other tribes!... and have my son be taken by him...

Ives: Yet your way of making him stronger created that side of him!

King: Which is exactly what I wanted!

King pushes her off which she falls off the desk and King fixes his tie

King: A true brute that will be known as strength and power! Give other inspiration to be the strongest and show why the brute is considered the strongest race!

Ives: Did you ever ask if he wanted to be the next heir?!

King: ...

Ives: Did you ever tell him he'll be the next heir!

King: ... I can't have him making his opinions or this tribe will fall

Ives: You're a sick man...

King: I know...

Immerensis: So you just wanted us to do the dirty work for you...

King: No... I want him to be an inspiration to all the brutes... Just like his mother... and that man Aaron...

Ives: ...

King: I've got what I wanted after creating The Orc... now I just need him to have the goal to become the next heir by his choice...

Immerensis: So you do care...

King: ...We're not here to discuss what I did... I'm here to see if you agree to this position

Ives: Why us? Why would we agree to kill him! I would think you'd want a brute to do the job since it fits your tribe's title

King: Because you two are the only people that he felt comfortable talking to... and I don't want him looking at the face he hates if I do put him down...

Ives: ...

King: But also I'm afraid when that mask he wears won't be able to contain The Orc in the future... If there is no other way to control him, he will bring nothing but destruction and one of you was able to keep him contained...

Immerensis: So you just want us to be by his side and take action if "The Orc" come out

King: Correct and also just to make sure they won't take him!

Ives: Wait if you wanted to keep him safe why did you let him join the Colosseums knowing someone could've just taken him

King: That's something you have to ask my son about... and besides I didn't agree for him to go there

Ives: ...

King: So answer me will you two be his euthanasia? It's fine if you don't agree to

He goes to his desk and pulls out their weapons and places them on the desk with some other objects beside them

King: You can take your weapons back and leave if you refuse but if you agree, we are willing to give you anything you want that is needed for your job with my son

Ives: ... I agree, but only just because I can help him be something better than you couldn't do!

King: That's fine...

He slides her grabbing hook over to her which she takes and puts away while glaring at him

King: Now... *turns to Immerensis* What will you do?

Immerensis: ... I refuse I'm sorry but I have many things to do and I don't have the time to keep an eye on him...

King: Understandable...

He slides her bow and arrows which she takes and puts on his back

Immerensis: Though I would like a small chat with you personally

King: ... Very well then... Ives, I wish you good luck and make sure you do make him "happy" as you claim...

Ives: I plan to...

Ives turns and exits the room, leaving King and Immerensis alone together

Immerensis: Now... I would like to talk about your tribe...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Ives planting flowers as chibi Jorge planting an overgrown tree like their plants


Jorge sits down on his bed and lets out a sigh as his rabbit Carrot hops over to him. He goes in his pocket and pulls out a celery which he holds out and Carrot munches on it

Jorge: "I wonder if the girls are doing alright with my dad... What do you think?"

Carrot: *munch*

Ives: Hey Jorge

Jorge jumps a bit in surprise as he turns his attention to her who was at the doorway and with her weapon back. He quickly starts looking around and grabs his notebook and pencil and starts to write

Jorge: "You scared me there, how long were you standing there?"

Ives: Oh I just got here, sorry about that

Jorge: "It's fine... but next time can you knock, I don't like when people barge into my room"

Ives: Oh yeah, again sorry about that- Hey is that little Carrot

She skips over and hops onto the bed beside Jorge with her hands out as Carrot hops over to Ives hand which she carefully cuddles it

Ives: Aren't you a cute little one

Jorge: "So... where's Eris?"

Ives: She stayed behind with your dad, she wanted to ask more things about him

Jorge: "Oh"

Ives: Though I'm surprised your dad is a leader of the tribes! Like wow, I did not expect that

Jorge: "True..."

Ives: Though... I have to ask... How do you feel about your dad?

Jorge: "Why you ask?"

Ives: I... had a little argument with him after he told me... what he put you through...

Jorge: ... " I hate him... for what he put me through... all because I didn't live up to his expectation..."

Ives: ... Does your dad know what you want to do?

Jorge: "No he does not... but I'm afraid to tell him..."

Ives: ... Hey... You're a strong man, I know your father is a dick and-

Jorge: "No, it's not that... I just... I just want him to look at me like a son again..."

Ives: Oh... so-

Jorge: "I may hate my father... but he's my dad no matter... and I want the old him before my mother died...

Ives: What happened to your mom?

Jorge: ... "A certain man killed her protecting me"

Ives: Oh... I'm sorry to hear that...

Jorge: "It's fine... She was someone I looked up to but now she's gone, I'd figure maybe I looked up to my dad but... I guess her death hurt him more than it hurt me..."

Ives: She sounds like an amazing woman

Jorge: "She is... and now I want to be like her so maybe one day my dad can be like his old self"

Ives: So what's your plan?

Jorge: "I'll become a better leader of this tribe... and surpass my dad"

Ives: That's quite a goal

Jorge: " A goal I'll take if it means I can have my dad look at me again as a son..."

Ives: ... Is that why you joined the Colosseum?

Jorge: *nods*

Both Jorge and Ives sat in silents which Ives noticed Jorge, struggling to write something

Jorge: "I'm sorry I feel like I've told you too much information about myself..."

Ives: No no it's fine... it just... didn't expect us to talk about this...

Jorge: "Yeah..."

After continue to stay quiet until Ives get up from the bed and grabbed an extra notebook and pencil that was on his desk and starts writing in the notebook

Ives: "Would you like some support? Cause I've started to get interested in what's going on with you"

Jorge: "Are you sure? What about your plans?"

Ives: "Eh, I don't really have any ambition. I've just been going around hoping something happens"

Jorge: ... "Oh... then I would like that..."

Ives: *giggle* "I'm kinda glad I accept the offer your dad made!"

Jorge: ?

Ives: "Don't worry about it! So how do you want to start?"

Jorge: "Well before we start... would you like me to teach you sign language? It's fine if you don't want to"

Ives: "Yeah, I feel like it be easier than you writing it all the time"

Jorge: "Of course so I'll start with simple manners"


King: This tribe was made because us brutes feel left out of society... the public has been going at each other's ass about the Demis and the Humans

Immerensis: And you felt left out?

King: We didn't care about their debates but I felt us brute aren't leaving any "impact" on the public, so the brutes were made to let the city know what brutes are

Immerensis: So it's just about the respect

King: Exactly

Immerensis: I see... what else do you know about the other tribes

King: Why are you so interested in the tribes? You look like you don't give a damn about them...

Immerensis: Knowing you and this tribe helps me know what I'm dealing with in case you or the other tribes come after me for some reason

King: Very well, the newest tribe the Porn tribe, which is a very concerning group name, is still unknown to us other than they sell some pornography from the one you see online... or some illegal shit

Immerensis: Then they're something I gotta keep a really good eye on...

King: The Biker tribes are a group of motorcycle gang, they aren't threatening unless you threaten them and if you do... they won't let that go even if you insult their precious bike!

Immerensis: They don't sound impressive...

King: They're only famous because they're the group you'd talk to if you need weapons, a map to certain buildings, drugs, etc

Immerensis: Now that's understandable

King: And that's about it so far, there could be more to them than we all but that's just the overall gist of it

Immerensis: Understandable... May I ask one more question before I leave, it's bugging me

King: You may...

Immerensis: You know you've kept saying "they" when you were talking about Jorge... like the "they" is someone specifically wanting your son... who is they?

King: ... After The Orc was created, word spread around Coltopia about my son's capabilities, and soon enough everyone wanted to keep him for their own reasons... I keep him here so he doesn't get caught especially by... The Order...

Immerensis: The Order...

King: Yes... After the word spread, they tried to pay me whatever they can to have him be part of the government but I refused. Soon enough they send their "favorite" general at us every time and we've been having our battles with him! We always lose and lost many of our members... yet we are able to escape from him somehow... and they were the reason why my wife was killed...

Immerensis: ... Interesting... but from what I heard, the Order didn't care about the tribes cause they didn't consider you and the others a threat like the Overlords

King: Oh they care... only us... all they want is my son and all of his power! Everyone always hungers for power!... the Order is full of hungry power men...

Immerensis: ...

King: You're lucky you won't be seeing him cause he hasn't come at us for weeks now. I believe he went off with the other Order generals to a mission outside of Coltopia

Immerensis: Who is he? Who is the Order's general you claim they always sent

King: ... Thor...



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