Chapter 20: The Boys
It's nearly the early afternoon as Tadayoshi finishes his last bill which he throws his pen on the table and leans back on his couch in exhaustion
Tadayoshi: Finally fucking done... Should almost have enough for next month but for now... relaxation...
He picks up the remote on the table and turns on the tv which broadcasts a news channel
Newscaster: And in other news, the famous star Cassie has gotten into some interesting controversy! Yesterday she posts a selfie of her at the French Fry City but with another person. The internet seems to be going crazy about it, believing that she now has a boyfriend!
Tadayoshi: ... For fuck sake...
Suddenly his phone starts ringing which he pulls out of his pocket to see it's Cassie calling him and quickly answers her
Tadayoshi: What?
Cassie: Hey... I'm sure you saw the news...
Tadayoshi: I did...
Cassie: I'm so sorry...
Tadayoshi: *sigh* It's fine... You can just debunk that news anyways...
Cassie: True but I just wanted to tell you that and also I want to let you know that you don't need to come with me today
Tadayoshi: You don't need me?
Cassie: Yeah I have an important meeting to go to and my boss doesn't want me to bring anyone with me but I just wanted to let you know
Tadayoshi: I would think you still need me for that and I can just wait outside
Cassie: I know but my boss is very strict about it
Tadayoshi: ... You seem to be very cautious about him...
Cassie: O-Of course I am... I could get fired and... Yeah...
Tadyoshi: ... You sure you don't need me
Cassie: Don't worry, I'll be fine!
Tadayoshi: ... Alright but call me when you need me
Cassie: Cool and I will! I'll see you later sexy man~
Tadayoshi: ...
Cassie: ... Did I-
Tadayoshi: No
Cassie: Fuck!
She hangs up the phone to which he continues flicking through the channels until he hears a knock on the door
Tadayoshi: Now what?...
He gets up from his couch and makes his way to the door, answering it
Tadayoshi: What the hell do-
BeatBox: Yo my boi!
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: ...
Tadayoshi: ... *slowly shuts door*
BeatBox: Hey! Why did you shut the door!
Tadayoshi: *opens door* Why the fuck are you here...
BeatBox: Well I haven't seen you for a while since the Championships so I figured we go and hang out somewhere!
Tadayoshi: ... No *shuts door*
BeatBox: Dude! Come on man!
Tadayoshi: *sigh* I'm not dealing with that bastard...
He sits on the couch once again and continues to flip through the tv until he felt someone sitting next to him to which he turns to look
BeatBox: Is this really what you are going to do all day?
Tadayoshi: How the fuck did you get in my house?!
BeatBox: The door duh...
Tadayoshi: ... And you let yourself in?
BeatBox: I mean if you didn't want me in here why didn't you lock the door?
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: You closing the door on me is just more like just being disrespectful than saying don't come in
Tadayoshi: ... You should know by now why I didn't let you in
BeatBox: Because it's me? Dude come on, let's just hang out once! We barely chatted and I heard your "student" you told me before is living in this city
Tadayoshi: ... Why should I hang out with you? I have no reason to do so and it's the only time I have a day to myself!
BeatBox: I mean you still owe me one for letting you stay at my place
Tadayoshi: ...
BeatBox: So I want you to use that "gratitude" to hang out with me!
Tadayoshi: ... if I go just this once, will you go away?
BeatBox: I can't promise that! ^_^
Tadayoshi: ... Fine...
BeatBox: Yes! *fist pump*
He hops off the couch in happiness as Tadayoshi slowly get up and they make their way towards the doorway
BeatBox: I've got a perfect place to go to!
Tadayoshi: If it's karaoke then I refuse to go cause I am not singing...
BeatBox: ...
Tadayoshi: It was karaoke wasn't it?...
BeatBox: What? No! Definitely not that! There's a place I know just... Come with me
Tadyoshi: ... Sure...
They opens the door to leave but before they can step out of the house, they bumped into someone that was in front of the house who was holding some frozen chicken
Kiryu: Hey Tadayoshi, I am here to apologize for-
Tadayoshi/BeatBox: ...
Kiryu: Oh?...
BeatBox: ... Sup?
Tadayoshi: ... Why are people coming to my place today?
Somewhere in Coltopia a few minutes ago, Cassie hangs up her phone call with Tadayoshi and looks up at the building where she arrives
Cassie: *sigh* Here I am...
She enters the building where she was greeted by some business workers and makes her way to the counter
Secretary: Hello Cassie...
Cassie: Hi... I'm here for-
Secretary: I know... Your manager is expecting you
Cassie: Ok...
Cassie walks into an elevator and presses the 10th floor, which was the top of the building. As the elevator slowly makes its way to the floor, Cassie begins to feel her face sweat. Soon her phone buzzes which she takes out and sees Rachel texting her
Bestie: Hey where are you?
French Fry Queen: Sorry I had to leave early, my boss needed me
Bestie: Oh... you could've texted me you were leaving before
French Fry Queen: I know... Sorry
Bestie: Are you alright?
French Fry Queen: I'm fine, listen I gtg
Bestie: Ok... but please talk to me if you aren't feeling well
French Fry Queen: I know but I'm fine
Bestie: Ok... I'll see you tonight
French Fry Queen: See ya
She puts her phone away as the elevator opens and Cassie steps out and makes her way through some hallway and arrives in front of a large door
Cassie: *gulp*
She slowly enters inside where he sees the chair turn at the window and slowly walks towards it until she was in front of his desk
Cassie: H-Hello sir... I came alone as you said...
The chair spins around as Tooth leans foreword and puts his hands together and his elbows lay on the desk
Tooth: Good... Now there are a few things I'd like to talk about for your future
BeatBox: Ok! Ok! I just put the chicken on the grill...
BeatBox: Alright alright...
BeatBox sits down on a bench next to Tadayoshi who was sipping down some tea. The boys are at the back of Tadayoshi's house as Kiryu was grilling chicken breasts he brought
BeatBox: Is he always like this
Tadayoshi: Cooking yes...
BeatBox: Jesus I get it but at the same time I made a small mistake...
Tadayoshi: Then don't cook around him
BeatBox: I now know that- Man that smell nice
Kiryu: Obviously! It's supposed to smell nice! But also thanks for letting me use your grill Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: Mhm... I'm guessing this was your hangout "plan" today
BeatBox: ... Uhhhh yes?
Tadayoshi: -_-
Kiryu: So you two do know each other
BeatBox: Hell yeah! We've been buddies since he first came here
Tadayoshi: we're not...
Kiryu: I can see that... You seem to attract a lot of famous people around you huh?
Tadayoshi: I know I get that a lot...
BeatBox: Well I wasn't expecting Tadayoshi to make another friend either especially another Champion
Kiryu: Well we're just... acquaintance
BeatBox: ... Did Tadayoshi say that?
Kiryu: Yep
BeatBox: ... You know most of the time when he says "acquaintance" it's mean friends cause he doesn't want to admit it
Tadayoshi: No it does not and that is not true...
BeatBox: If you say so- wait what's your name Mr...?
Kiryu: Kiryu
BeatBox: Kiryu... a Japanese name, nice
Kiryu: Thanks
Tadayoshi: So why did you come here?...
Kiryu: Well I was just gonna be here for a bit and give these frozen chickens to him as an apology for what happened a few days ago with my sister and-
Tadayoshi: Why are you apologizing?
Kiryu: Because she-
Tadayoshi: No you are not going to apologize to me if you want me to accept an apology, then I want her to apologize
Kiryu: I guess but knowing her she won't
Tadayoshi: I know...
BeatBox: Damn what's your beef with... Kiryu sister?
Kiryu: Her name is Amelia but she "insulted" Alex, if you know-
BeatBox: Oh her? Yeah I can understand why you got mad
Tadayoshi: I don't care what she thinks of me but she has no reasoning to compare her with me...
BeatBox: ... Is she-
Kiryu: No, she doesn't like him because he's... it's hard to explain but I'll say she doesn't hate him because he's a Forgotten
BeatBox: Good cause I'd beat her ass if it was because of that
Kiryu: Heh I don't know if-
BeatBox: Trust me... I can and I will kick her ass even if she is stronger than me...
Kiryu: ... If you say so- Oh the chicken is done!
He takes the chicken out of the grill and puts them on a paper plate which he takes and hands to BeatBox
Kiryu: Enjoy!
BeatBox: Thanks, man!
BeatBox lifts his helmet a bit only revealing his mouth and munches on the chicken. The second he takes a bite out of it, he begins gobbling down the chicken
BeatBox: Holy shit! This is delicious
Kiryu: Heh! Thanks, I have my ways of cooking
BeatBox: Maybe I should visit your place to try some food
Kiryu: If you want to
BeatBox: Bet!
He sits down with them on the bench and starts eating the chicken as Tadayoshi, not wanting to eat, gets up and goes inside the house
BeatBox: Hey! Where are you going?
Tadayoshi: Getting a drink...
BeatBox: Could you get us some too? Cola, please!
Kiryu: I'll just have water, please
Tadayoshi: Mhm... *shuts door*
BeatBox: So... How did you two meet?
Kiryu: Oh we both go to the same job together
BeatBox: Ooooh coworkers!
Kiryu: Yep! Though I didn't meet him till he was like in... day 4 or 5 cause I was on... a business trip
BeatBox: I see...
Kiryu: What about you
BeatBox: Oh I met him during one of my concerts
Kiryu: How?
BeatBox: Apparently he won a ticket to meet and greet me at a concert but he came to meet me at the wrong time and... Saw my secrets
Kiryu: So you saw your-
BeatBox: Face, yeah and he told me he won't tell anyone and he didn't judge me! So I invited him to my place after I found out he was... homeless
Kiryu: Yeah I heard about that part
BeatBox: Yeah and then he was able to get back onto his feet and he went on his own! And now here we are!
Kiryu: Guess you two haven't changed a bit at all
BeatBox: Nope! Though I've been thinking of inviting him to the party that is upcoming later on to hang out more!
Kiryu: Ok I've been hearing about this "party" what is it?
BeatBox: Oh well a rich man, which I can't remember his name, is hosting a party at his mansion which is going to have every Royalties in the city coming to meet and greet each other!
Kiryu: Royalties?
BeatBox: It's just a title name for the people who are famous or rich
Kiryu: Guess that makes sense why people have been calling Rachel and Cassie royalties
BeatBox: Though I'm still questioning why this person is hosting it but I'm sure it'll be fun!
Kiryu: Maybe
BeatBox: That reminds me! Do you want to hear the story about the pie incident?
Tadayoshi: Shut... your mouth... box head...
Kiryu: Oh welcome back
Kiryu and BeatBox look at Tadayoshi who tosses them their drinks and he sits back down on the bench
Tadayoshi: This is one of many reasons why I left your place...
BeatBox: Oh come on! It wasn't that bad!
Tadayoshi: Also you decide to go through my shit
BeatBox: Hey it had to be fair if you went in my secret
Tadyoshi: It was a fucking accident...
Kiryu: Ok ok, let's not try to get into an argument...
BeatBox: Alright but I also want to thank you for being friends with him!
Kiryu: You don't need to thank me for that...
BeatBox: Well I am but since you are his friend I'll consider you my friend! I'm looking forward to hanging out with you!
Kiryu: Yeah... same to you
BeatBox: Great! Now I'm gonna continue to eat! I'm starving!
Kiryu: You better eat all of the meat or I'll make you eat the bones
BeatBox: No shit!
Tadayoshi: "These two got along fast..."
This story is interrupted by a chibi Kiryu cooking as Chibi BeatBox is waiting for the food
Cassie: My future?...
Tooth: Yes... your future for your career
He gets up from his seat and walks up to a whiteboard beside him that was written with plans
Tooth: So as you know, your popularity has been rising even higher than before after that movie you were in, released and you've been doing good progress
Cassie: Thanks?
Tooth: I also did some research and I've found out that if you keep raising your popularity at your highest peak until next year, your popularity will rival BeatBox!
Cassie: Oh...
Tooth: So I hope you've been working at your highest peak...
Cassie: Yes I am... sir
Tooth: ... Are you?
Cassie: *nods*
Tooth: If that's the case... care to explain to me about this image
He pulls out his phone and slides it to her, Cassie looks over and sees the selfie she took with Tadayoshi and she begins to sweat in nervousness
Tooth: I heard about the news saying he was your "boyfriend"... Care to explain who he is?
Cassie: Tada-
Tooth: I know his name! I mean who is he!
Cassie: M-My bodyguard...
Tooth: Really? Cause I don't think it's normal for a person to have a selfie with their bodyguard in the middle of a restaurant!
Cassie: ...
Tooth: What you did here caused a massive black lash to your community and lost most of your popularity! And that shows you're not working at your peak!
He stands up from his seat and slams his fist on the table in anger which makes Cassie jump in fear as she struggles with the courage to speak to him
Cassie: I-I'm sorry sir... I didn't think it would cause... this much damage... sir
Tooth: ... didn't think it'll cause this much damage...
He turns back away from her and takes a deep breath until quickly turning back at her in anger, swings his hand and smacks her across the face, sending her back into the wall
Cassie weakly gets up as Tooth stomps over to her and kneels in front of her
Tooth: Just because I told you to stay away from your friend Rachel doesn't mean you can go and make other friends! Especially with a disgusting Forgotten!
He presses his finger down on her head as she felt herself being crushed against the floor and his finger
Cassie: B-But he... came to me... He wanted to
work for me... and I accept it because I need one...
Tooth: Hmmm... *lifts his finger* that is true... unless...
He grabs her by the hair and lifts her until they were looking at each other face to face
Tooth: Tell me... Does he have a connection with Rachel?
Cassie: ...
He pulls his fist back which she tries to cover herself in fear
Cassie: He does! He does! He works for Rachel!
Tooth: I knew it... that boy was off when I first met him...
He lets her go and she covers her head in fear to make sure her hair was still intact to her head as Tooth walks back to his desk and stares out the window
Tooth: Break off your friendship with Rachel
Cassie: ... What?
Tooth: She's too much of a nuisance for your career... she holding you down and making you distracted from your goal!
Cassie: B-But I can't-
Tooth: Don't try to argue with me about this! I decided to be nice and ask you to not interact with her but she decided to send a spy so now I'm not playing nice!
Cassie: ...
Tooth: Don't give me that crying look! Remember you came to me because you wanted an easy way to get rich! You said you felt way behind her and out of your league since Rachel is one of the royalties! You sold your soul to me...
Cassie: But.. breaking off our relationship would break... our deal-
Tooth stomps over to her again and grabs her by the neck and lifts her up
Tooth: I don't... care! I only need you because I can make money off of your fame! And once you become the most famous person in the world, we'll become the highest amongst royalties! Now do what is needed!
He lets go of her and she falls to the ground and starts coughing, catching her breath while Tooth sits back in his seat and turns to the window again
Tooth: And don't think you can try to break off our deal and run away! I know where you are and if you try to do anything funny, well... I'll pay Rachel a little visit... Got it!
Cassie: Yes sir...
Tooth: Good... Now get out of my sight... I'll see you in two days with the news that you've done it... and make sure you hide those injuries so your ex-friend doesn't find out
Cassie: ... Yes sir...
She exits the room and makes her way into the bathroom where she locks herself in a stall to calm herself down. She goes to pull out her phone and uses the camera to look at herself for what has happened to her but as she turns it on, she sees her background of herself with Rachel together
Cassie: ... I'm sorry Rachie... for what I did to myself... I didn't want this to happen... I want to feel equal to you... It's my fault... it's my fault...
Cassie begins to tear up and she curls into a ball and cries, hoping that one day her nightmare will end and she'll be free from this torment
The sun begins to set as nighttime was approaching, Kiryu makes his way out the door with Tadayoshi and BeatBox following him
BeatBox: Man that was delicious!
Kiryu: Thanks! But it was an honor to hang out with you
BeatBox: Hey don't mention it, dude!
Kiryu: And also... sorry if me staying around was-
Tadayoshi: It's fine...
Kiryu: Yeah... but I'll see you guys around
BeatBox: Yep
Tadayoshi: mmm see ya...
Kiryu: Later!
Kiryu waves goodbye as he leaves out of Tadayoshi's property, making his way home, leaving BeatBox and Tadayoshi by themselves
BeatBox: Guess I'll make my way back as well
Tadayoshi: Finally...
BeatBox: Oh come you had some fun chatting
Tadayoshi: No...
BeatBox: Deny it all you want but I'm sure you'll be entertained by something one day
Tadayoshi: Whatever...
BeatBox: Oh and before I go, I have one question
Tadayoshi: *sigh* what?
BeatBox: What made you come to Coltopia?
Tadayoshi: ... Why are you asking me that
BeatBox: I mean people come here to be something more! But netting you, you are always so grouchy and negative but also... to get away from your personal thing... so why here of all places? This city doesn't feel like your type...
Tadayoshi: ... I just want to live a normal life
BeatBox: A normal life?
Tadayoshi: Yes...
BeatBox: ... I guess that makes sense...
Tadayoshi: I just want to live a life that couldn't have... hopefully move away from...that...
BeatBox: Yeah... but what will happen when they come...
Tadayoshi: Then I'll move away again...
BeatBox: You can't keep running away forever... it's gonna bite you in the ass one day... especially if your other friends find out
Tadayoshi: They won't, I'll make sure of it
BeatBox: You can't keep it a secret forever man! You seem like you've gotten close to them, lying will make things worse
Tadayoshi: Trust me the truth hurt more than a lie...
BeatBox: And the truth will hurt a lot more if you keep hiding it! You have to tell them one day or it's gonna hurt them or even worse they might see you as... what everyone saw you before... and you'd be back to square one...
Tadayoshi: ... I still don't trust then...
BeatBox: Of course, you don't-
Tadayoshi: But... when the time comes and I trust them... I'll tell them everything...
BeatBox: Wait really?
Tadayoshi: ... for now just... don't tell them and still keep this under wraps from everyone... I'm not ready to tell them...
BeatBox: I understand... and don't worry... I keep quiet... after all what are friends for
Tadayoshi: Don't give me that stupid shit...
BeatBox: I know... just wanted to say that... as a friend
Somewhere in an apartment building, Rachel finishes making and setting up dinner and sets down Chum's food which he gobbles down
Rachel: *sigh*
Chum: ?
Rachel: Cassie is late again... she said she'd be home soon...
Suddenly Cassie enters in which Chum happily runs to her and greets her
Rachel: Hey welcome back!
Cassie: ...
Rachel: You... ok?
Cassie: I'm fine
Rachel: ... Did... something happen?
Cassie: No...
Rachel: ... Well, dinner is done... and I made you some homemade sushi and some extra wasabi just the way you-
Cassie: I'm not hungry...
Rachel: ... What?
Cassie: I'm just... tired... I'm going to bed
She walks past Rachel and makes her way to her room but she suddenly felt her shoulder being grabbed
Rachel: What's going on?
Cassie: I told you... it's nothing...
Rachel: It's hard to believe that especially when you said you aren't hungry... what's in your mind?
Cassie: ...
Rachel: Please, please just tell me! You have been making me worried for the past few days! I'm your friend... I can help...
She kept quiet for a few minutes as she remembers every moment Tooth has threatened her that he'll hurt or do much worst to Rachel which causes her to feel scared again
Cassie: ... Rachel...
Rachel: ...
Cassie: I think we should go our separate ways...
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