Chapter 2: First Mission

Tadayoshi: The Guardians?

Craig: Yes, we are the protectors of this world

Tadayoshi: ... if this is a joke then it's a terrible one

Craig: I'm serious sonny boy

Tadayoshi: Quit bullshitting me! The Guardians are nothing but myths!

Craig: Well not all myths are fake

Tadayoshi: ... I find that hard to believe since it's coming from you

Craig: Oh sonny boy...

Suddenly Craig tosses his cane which surprises Tadayoshi, but he barely catches it before it hits him. He lowers the cane down to see Craig appearing beside him, grabbing him by the neck and slamming him down to the ground while he lifts his fist up

Craig: I'm no average "old man" you see at the park feeding pigeons

He lets go of Tadayoshi and walks back after he grabs his cane. Tadayoshi stands up once again and checks his throat

Tadayoshi: "The hell is this old man? Not only I couldn't see him but it felt like he just broke my neck"

Craig: *sigh* Guess I've gotten a little soft over the years...

Tadayoshi: "a little?!"

Craig: Anyways since you know what we are-

Tadayoshi: Wait, if you are the Guardians, then how did you people became who you are. I learned that both sides came together in peace after the war broke out when the Demi-humans first appeared?

Craig: Well, yes but also no... 100 years ago, there was a war between humans and demi-humans. Both sides fought for different reasons. The humans fought because they believe that the Demi-humans would try to take over their territory, while the Demi-humans fought for their rights. Unfortunately, there were a few of us who thought all of that fight was pointless, which I was one of them! So I and many others formed a team called the Guardians to put an end to the war!

Tadayoshi: Wait... if you're part of the history, then why are you "Guardians" hiding from the public

Craig: After we put an end to the war, we knew that their new government would try to bring us down, so we went into hiding until everyone has forgotten we exist

Tadayoshi: So basically the Guardians are criminals to the government's eye?

Craig: You can say that, but unfortunately the government doesn't know who we are and what we are, and now we are looking for a new generation to continue our legacy when we rise again

Tadayoshi: ... *tsk*

Craig: Get socially awkward?

Tadayoshi: No, I just hate getting attention or fame because of something I do

Craig: Don't worry about all of that. You can still keep yourself a secret from the public when we show ourselves in the future

Tadayoshi: I feel like that'll make it worse

Craig: Hehe, you remind me of him

Tadayoshi: Him?

Craig: You'll find out soon. Anyways since you are joining...

He walks over to a closet the was next to the bench and tosses Tadayoshi some clothing which he catches

Craig: You are now Agent Black

Tadayoshi: "Where the fuck did that closet come from?"

Tadayoshi puts on the clothing, which was just a black jackets and an earpiece which takes a look at himself

Craig: Looks nice on you

Tadayoshi: ... So why am I called Agent Black?

Craig: We call our agents by their hair color or fighting spirit. After all, there are 8 agents back then but now we have 5 agents

Tadayoshi: And they are?

Craig: Agents Red, Yellow, Green, Purple, and Black. We tried to get an Agent Red but he kept rejecting us, but we found one to replace him back then

Tadayoshi: ...

Craig: Now enough chitchatting

He pulls out a hologram which shows a location of a small storage room

Craig: There is a group of demi-humans trying to bring us down and expose us to the public, and we need to find out who is behind all of this and put a stop to them! We got information that the people who work for this person are at this location! Infiltrate and get information!

Tadayoshi: Alright seems simple enough

Craig: The way out of here is through that elevator

Tadayoshi: Yeah, thanks

Craig: Oh, by the way, I won't be here tomorrow

Tadayoshi: Eh?

Craig: I have a small mission I have to deal with somewhere, so my coworker will be taking my place

Tadayoshi: Coworker?

Craig: She one of the agents and she'll be taking my place for a bit, I'm just letting you know

Tadayoshi enters the elevator and presses the button as the door begins to close

Tadayoshi: Fair enough, old man...


A truck drives into a warehouse with a bunch of guarded demi-humans as Tadayoshi watches from afar

Tadayoshi: This must be the place

Craig: Agent Black, I had some of my employees hack into place so they won't call any backup. You can go ahead in and just fight all out or you can sneak in if you want

Tadayoshi: good, I wanted to test out my spear's upgrade...

The guards continue to keep on the lookout as none of them notices that one by one, each of them is being grabbed and dragged out of view.

Demi soldier: Comrade, have you-

As soon he turns around, Tadayoshi grabs him by the neck and lifts him which the Demi soldier accidentally drops his weapon as he struggles to get out of his grasp.

Demi soldier: Comrades! Call back up! Call-

Suddenly Tadayoshi throws it at the warehouse door, causing him to smash through it. The demi-humans that was in the warehouse quickly turns their attention to the door to see the unconscious demi-human and Tadayoshi walking in with his spear

Demi soldier: Who are you, Forgotten Monkey!

Tadayoshi: Just a nobody...

Demi soldiers: He's a guardian agent! Surround him!

The Demi soldier quickly picks up their weapons and surrounds Tadayoshi as he looks around him

Tadayoshi: I just want a simple answer, who do you work for?

Demi soldier: As if we answer to you! Forgotten Monkey!

One of the Demi soldiers starts running toward him with a sword with a battle cry and goes to take a swing at him, but before he could, he felt his chest being pierced through him. He looks down in shock to see Tadayoshi spear through him

Demi soldier: "H-How... I didn't see him pierced me

Tadayoshi slowly lifts his pen to make to spear go deeper into him before he swings his spear, flinging him off and hit a few other Demi-humans

Demi soldier: Kill him!

Some of the demi-humans begin charging at Tadayoshi while some begin firing at him the weapon. He quickly blocks the bullets with his spear until quickly dodging a demi soldier, who was charging at him with an attack and cutting his side. Tadayoshi continues to cut the demi soldier that tries to attack him until he started to get annoyed with the firearm.

Tadayoshi: Damn bastards...

He throws his spear which flies towards a pistol user, stabbing him. Suddenly the spear turns and starts stabbing through the other demi soldier which soon they caught their attention to it


One of the demi soldiers jumps and brings down his axe down at Tadayoshi, but he quickly catches the handle part of the axe and punches the demi soldier across the face before throwing it at a demi soldier behind him and turning back to kick another one.

Demi soldier: How is he this strong?! He's a forgotten?!

Tadayoshi reaches his hand out which causes the spear to fly back to him while stabbing a few more demi soldiers. He catches the spear and slices the demi soldier's head off. Tadayoshi looks around to see the other demi soldier starting to get nervous while aiming their weapons at him

Tadayoshi: Just answer the god damn question, who do you people work for?

?: Puny weaklings

Suddenly the demi soldier moves out of the way before they all start to chanting. Soon a large demi soldier with a large sledgehammer stomps his way towards Tadayoshi, who look at him with a seriously face

Craig: Agent black, that is a brute! You know, another part that humans and demi-humans evolved into... giant like humans! They're the same as everyone but 8-9 ft tall and 2 or 3 times stronger than an average person

Tadayoshi: I know...

Demi Brute: I'll show you all how to squish a small insect

He lifts his massive sledgehammer and swings it down which Tadayoshi blocks, making the ground crack around his feet

Demi soldier: The weapon... didn't break

Demi soldier 2: That an S grade weapon for you. It's not meant to break. They are strong and durable... I also heard that there is more to an s grade weapon...

Tadayoshi: I don't have time for your bullshit...

He pushes the sledgehammer back which catches the brute off guard as he almost loses balance. Suddenly Tadayoshi pulls his spear back as the demi brute notice in fear

Tadayoshi: Just... answer...

He thrust his spear at the demi brutes stomachs, which he lets out a cough of air from the force of the spear.

Tadayoshi: The damn question!

He pulls his spear back as the demi brute's eyes are white and he collapses to the ground. the Demi soldier looks in shock that the strongest soldier with them has been beaten

Tadayoshi: Now can someone answer it without a problem?

Demi soldier: W-WE SURRENDER!

The Demi soldiers immediately drop their weapons and put their hands up


Tadayoshi: For fucking sakes...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi cleaning his spear while sitting on top of the Chibi Demi brute


After a few minutes, the guardian soldiers arrive to escort the demi soldier and investigating the warehouse. Craig finally arrives and walk up to Tadayoshi, who was sitting on a wooden box, scrolling through his phone

Craig: You did pretty well on your first mission

Tadayoshi: Thanks... still don't have the answer you're looking for

Craig: That's fine, still got other places for you to investigate tomorrow

Tadayoshi: One of them better have the answer, or it's a waste of my time...

Craig: Oh don't worry sonny boy, you will. Now to see what have they brought in here

Two guardians soldier brings over a large box that was in the truck which they open with a crowbar as Craig takes a look in. As soon he looks in, his facial expression goes in shock

Craig: How the hell did they get all of this...

Tadayoshi: All of what?

Craig: Tungsten...

Tadayoshi: Tung-what?

Craig: It's one of the most rarest metals in the world, mostly they are used to make S or S+ grade weapons... why do they have so much

Tadayoshi: Well apparently none of these Demi-humans have any S or S+ grade weapon so it's not the weapons

Craig: Of course it's not, blacksmiths find it impossible to make weapons with these metals because of the metals strength

Tadayoshi: If it's impossible, then why is my weapon made out of that metal

Craig: Then you were probably were lucky enough to get The Creator to make it for you

The moment everyone heard The Creator come out of Craig's mouth, everyone froze and turns at him

Guardian soldier: Did he say the Creator?

Guardian soldier 2: Who

Guardian soldier 3: You don't know? I heard he's a dimension traveler or a time traveler

Guardian soldier: I heard he's has escaped death many times. Half of the time I don't know if he's The Creator himself!

Tadayoshi: "Creator..."

Craig: The Creator is known to be the most genius person in the world. He's is the person the be able to create S+-grade weapons. It's possible to get him to make it for you but to get him to do it is the mystery

Tadayoshi: So basically Nick from Nick and Corty

Craig: Yeah sure, but anyways whoever this person is, I want to know how they can get these...

Tadayoshi: I'll let you handle that... but I would like my payment now

Craig: Still don't trust me?

Tadayoshi: Yea but no, I have a bill to pay

Craig: Fair enough

Craig pulls an envelope out of his pocket and hands it to Tadayoshi. He takes it and begins walk away out of the warehouse

Craig: Where are you going?

Tadayoshi: Home

Craig: *sigh* I don't understand youngsters these days...

After a few hours, he arrives at his apartment which he notices the landlord waiting for him

Tadayoshi: I've got your stupid payment...

He hands her the envelope which she takes and looks inside to see the cash

Landlord: Good, now get out

Tadayoshi: ... What?

Landlord: I decided that I'm sick and tired of waiting for you to pay for the room and besides it isn't enough money!

Tadayoshi: How? I gave you what-

Landlord: Well you don't have to worry about the rest of the payment, I sold the rest of your stuff in your room away

Tadayoshi: What!

He pulls out his spear and stabs the column beside her, which scares the landlord

Landlord: Get mad all you want! You did this to yourself!

Tadayoshi: ... And you don't no idea what's it like to struggle to find money

He pulls his spear away and begin to walk away from his apartment, now poor once again

Landlord: ... shitty forgotten...


Night comes around as people started to leave home. Tadayoshi returns to the city to find the place empty until he gets a text from his friend

T: What do you want?

Masked DJ: I heard you got kicked out

T: How did you know?

Masked DJ: Rumors can spread fast especially when it comes to the people that are forgotten

T: ... What do you want?

Masked DJ: Well if you want, you can stay at my place until you can get back up to your feet

T: No, I don't want you to help me.

Masked DJ: Why not?

T: Because you've helped me too much. I can't rely on someone all of the time...

Masked DJ: I get it but where are you going to say?

T: idk, somewhere

Masked DJ: Well, I won't stop you, but if you change your mind, text me and I'll get you a room

T: Yeah whatever...

He puts his phone away and he looks around the city for a place to stay, which he decides to sleep at the bench where he usually sits

Tadayoshi: "How long has it been since I've slept outside..."

He lays down on the bench and looks at the night sky, seeing the bright night

Tadayoshi: "This world can be cruel yet it's has a beautiful look... I hate it"

He slowly begins to shut his eyes and begins to fall asleep. Unfortunately, as he fell asleep, he doesn't hear someone walking up towards him

?: What are you doing?!

?2: I'm just checking him...

?: Don't give that guilty look, you'll-

?2: Let's bring him with us!

?: Why, he might kill us

?2: But I feel bad for him

?: You know, you're constant guilty will bring you trouble!

?2: I know but...

?: *sigh* alright, but if he does anything to you, I'll kill him

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