Chapter 19: Bodyguard

It's bright early in the morning as the next day finally came with the sun beginning to rise. Tadayoshi is making his way down the hallway in an apartment complex while looking at the card Cassie gave him yesterday

Tadayoshi: Room 451 at Calamari Apartment Complex in the Primary Parts...

He finally finds the door which he knocks on and waits for someone to answer it

?: Who's there?

Tadayoshi: It's me

?: Oh come on in!

He walks in to find Rachel and Chum sitting on the couch, watching tv as Chum jumps off the couch, slipping himself, but rebounds himself and runs to Tadayoshi in excitement, wagging his tail

Tadayoshi: Yes yes hello shark

Chum: Nar!

Tadayoshi: Where is she?

Cassie: I'm here! I'm still getting ready so can you wait a bit, Yoshi?

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Rachel: *chuckles* Yoshi?

Tadayoshi: Don't you dare...

Rachel: What? Nothing wrong with it, find it kinda ironic since you like to call people by their nicknames

Tadayoshi: Whatever...

Rachel: Well don't just stand there, come make yourself at home... Yoshi

Tadayoshi: ...

He walks into the apartment room and shuts the door behind him. He looks around the place as Chum continues to run around him in excitement

Tadayoshi: You know I'd figured you girls would stay in a "rich" house than an apartment

Rachel: We would but 1. We travel a lot so there's not really a point to having a house if we're not gonna there a lot especially paying for the land bills and 2. Cassie wanted to stay in an apartment cause she likes the look of them

Tadayoshi: Fair enough...

Rachel: So while you're waiting, come sit so we can chat about "it"

Tadayoshi: ... Alright

He walks over to the couch and sits down beside her as Chum leaps onto his lap

Rachel: Did you get any information about what's going on with her?

Tadayoshi: A bit... but I'm not fully sure of it yet

Rachel: And that is?

Tadayoshi: Her boss... when I mentioned him to her, she gets a worrying look on her face... but I don't want to assume it's his reasoning yet...

Rachel: Her boss... So I'm not the only one who feels off about him

Tadayoshi: Do you know anything about him?

Rachel: Kinda... I've tried to do some background search on him but I only found little information about him. They say he was once a member of one of the 3 tribes

Tadayoshi: 3 tribes?

Rachel: The three tribes are Coltopia's worst criminal groups in the city. They're not as famous as the Overlords but they are known throughout the city! The tribes are the Biker tribes, The Brute tribe, and the newest tribe... *sigh* the Porn tribe

Tadayoshi: ... The porn tribe?...

Rachel: I know... it's weird. Before they came in, there was a Demi tribe in which Alpha was the leader but since you took him out, he was removed from the title and that group came in and took his place

Tadayoshi: Make sense...

Rachel: But for now I want you to at least figure out what group he was once was in but you can also dig in deeper if Tooth isn't the reason

Tadayoshi: I know

He looks down at Chum, who is still laying on his lap while chewing on a rubber ball, and hesitates to pet him

Tadayoshi: So how did you get this shark?

Rachel: Oh me and Cassie went to a beach a few years ago and I found him lying by the shores, he was very small and cold so I decided to take him in!

Tadayoshi: A few years ago... so he's three?

Rachel: He might be a little older honestly but I'm not sure

Tadayoshi: Then shouldn't he have... you know grown?

Rachel: That's the thing, he... never seems to look like he's aged. I've taken him to the vet to see if something's wrong but they say they don't know and that they've never seen something like that before

Tadayoshi: Hm...

Cassie: Sorry for the wait!

Tadayoshi and Rachel turn their attention to Cassie, who has her hair tied back and is wearing a leather jacket, shades, jeans, and sneakers

Tadayoshi: About time

Rachel: Are you sure that disguise will work?

Cassie: I hope so! It took me a few hours to get this done!

Rachel: Well it better be worth that time, cause that is the 5th time you had to change your disguise

Cassie: I know and it's stressful!

Tadayoshi: So are you good?...

Cassie: Yeah definitely! Let's get going! I'll be home later Rachel!

Rachel: Alright I'll see you later

Rachel watches Tadayoshi and Cassie, who wave goodbye, leave the apartment room but before she could continue to watch tv, she notices Chum sneakily walk out of the pantry with a can of sardines in his mouth

Rachel: Chum!

Chum: *turns at Rachel slowly*

Rachel: What do I tell you about going in the pantry!

Chum: ... *runs*

Rachel: Get back here with the sardines!


Cassie and Tadayoshi exit out of the apartment as they make their way to the main city of Coltopia

Tadayoshi: So where to?

Cassie: We're just going to go and have fun and then go anywhere I see interesting

Tadayoshi: I thought you were going to do clothes shopping

Cassie: Eh, I changed my mind I can do it anytime, besides I wanna go have fun for once without crazy people annoying me

Tadayoshi: If you say so...

Cassie: But as we make our way, I'll tell you some rules you have to follow

Tadayoshi: And they are?

Cassie: Well you don't need to protect me if some fans just want a simple selfie or an autograph, but if they try to do anything weird or won't leave me alone then you can intervene

Tadayoshi: Pretty obvious...

Cassie: When you intervene, you can only block them but if they try to get through you, only push them away but if they decided to choose violence, you may choose violence as well but don't kill

Tadayoshi: Why do you think I would kill them?

Cassie: Because the last two people you fought for your job you almost killed them! Alpha almost got burnt to death from his machine, which Rachel told me about, and what happened to Armor

Tadayoshi: Except those were "mission" jobs. I'm not going to be that violent

Cassie: Good, I don't want to get into a controversy

Tadayoshi: Mhm... You know if you are just going to do "fun" stuff today, why not bring Rachel around

Cassie: ...

Tadayoshi: Don't you miss her after going away?

Cassie: ... Well- *gasp* An arcade!

Tadayoshi: A what?

Cassie: Come on! Let's go play some games there! I wanna try that dancing game and get the highest score!

Tadayoshi: But you didn't-

Cassie grabs his arm and starts to pull him as they enter the arcade. As they enter Cassie looks in fascination at the arcade games while Tadayoshi looks around in annoyance as he hears kids screaming and blazing color lights

Tadayoshi: Fucking arcades...

Cassie: I'll get some tokens! Do you want to play some games?

Tadayoshi: No...

Cassie: What! Why?

Tadayoshi: It's loud and half the games here are rigged especially those claw games...

Cassie: Oh come on! Some of them are fun! Have you tried some of them?

Tadayoshi: ... No

Cassie: Then you can't complain about them if you haven't tried them! Come on and play "some" Ok

Tadayoshi: ... Fine

Cassie: Hell yeah!

She quickly gets her token from the token machine and makes her way around the arcade as Tadayoshi follows her, making sure he finest step on anything. Soon they find themselves in front of the dancing arcade game

Cassie: Alright let's see if I got them moves still

She puts the token in the slot and selects her options and begins her game while Tadayoshi watches her and keeps a lookout

Cassie: Come on... Dammit!...

After one round of the game, Cassie catches her breath and waits for her score to be shown

Cassie: Yes! 32000 points! And I missed like 50 moves!

Tadayoshi: Is that supposed to be a good thing?

Cassie: I mean it's better than my last score! Which was 31000

Tadayoshi: ...

Cassie: What? Nothing wrong with celebrating a small thing that made you better or accomplish!

Tadayoshi: If you say so...

Cassie: Why don't you give it a try

Tadayoshi: No

Cassie: Oh come on

Tadayoshi: I don't dance...

Cassie: ... What do you even do for fun?

Tadayoshi: ... Don't really have or know anything "fun" I liked to do

Cassie: Then at least give it a go, have some fun for once or try to find one! Maybe this could be your fun!

Tadayoshi: ... Fine

Cassie puts some coins in the slot and chooses the options for him as he steps onto the platform. As the game starts, Tadayoshi pulls out his spear and flips it to the back end which he uses to press the buttons on the platform, and only uses his foot if two arrows appeared on the screen


Tadayoshi: What?

Cassie: ... Really?

Tadayoshi: I'm doing what the game wants me to do...

Fan 1: Excuse me? 

Cassie turns beside her to see two strangers with their phones out in excitement

Fan 1: Can we take a selfie with you!

Cassie: Of course!

The fans quickly take a selfie with Cassie as Tadayoshi watches to make sure nothing funny is going on until they thanked her and leave her be

Cassie: The only good thing about some of my fans, is they ask nicely!

Tadayoshi: I can see that...

Soon Cassie notices a small rabbit plushie in a claw machine which she runs over to it and face-plants against the glass

Cassie: I need it! I have three of them but this is the last one in my collection!

Tadayoshi: Ok... but you wanna waste your shit on a rigged game...

Cassie: Yes

Tadayoshi: ...

She quickly puts in some tokens and tries to make a few attempts to get the stuffed rabbit but fails

Cassie: Dammit!

Tadayoshi: I told you those games are rigged

Cassie: *breathes in* Can you win that plushie for me?

Tadayoshi: Oh now you're relying on me

Cassie: Please! If you win it I'll sit on your face

Tadayoshi: ... What?

Cassie: Really now?... normally I say that as a job and my fans would try to do it... *cough* let me fix my statement! If you win it, I'll throw $100 extra into your payment

Tadayoshi: ... Done

He walks away from Cassie and she looks in confusion until coming back with an employee

Tadayoshi: I'll give some cash if you get me that plush

Employee: Yeah

Cassie: Hey! I mean by the game not cheating!

Tadayoshi: But it's easier than wasting money on a rigged game

Cassie: ... You know if you were on a date you'd be a terrible boyfriend

Tadayoshi: Ok...

Cassie: Just win it with the game

Tadayoshi: Fine...

She puts in the token as Tadayoshi tries to win the plushie but after a few attempts, he finally succeeded. He takes the plushie and hands it to Cassie who takes it and happily hugs it

Tadayoshi: There you go...

Cassie: *gasp* Thank you!

Tadayoshi: Mhm...

Cassie: ... You know... I could give you an award for helping me get this~

Tadayoshi: What?

Cassie: I'm sure everyone loves it!~ It's nice and warm!~ Especially the taste~

Tadayoshi: ... What are you trying to pull here...

Cassie: Don't worry... I just know a very good place~


This story is interrupted by a Chibi Cassie laying in a pile of the stuffed animals while chibi Tadayoshi stands beside the pile


Cassie: I'll take the Devil Finger fries and the BBQ fries, please

Waiters: Coming right up, ma'am!

The waiter walks off as Cassie leans foreword in excitement while Tadayoshi looks around where he is

Tadayoshi: So this is the place?

Cassie: Of course! They have the best and tastiest French Fries I ever had!

Tadayoshi: Uh-Huh

Cassie: Why did you think I was referring to something else back at the arcade you dirty mind~

Tadayoshi: No...

Cassie: mmmm... If you say so!

Tadayoshi: Also did you have to order me fries?

Cassie: Of course! You gotta eat something as well! Besides you know how weird it feels or looks when only one person is eating while the other isn't in public

Tadayoshi: I don't know

Cassie: It's weird and somewhat feels wrong to me! Especially when I'm... rich and you're not, no offense or anything

Tadayoshi: None taken...

Cassie: ... So what do you think about Rachel?

Tadayoshi: Just my boss...

Cassie: ... Anything... Different about her?

Tadayoshi: I don't know... was she different

Cassie: I mean she always was serious all the time, especially with her job. She always nags me about cleaning my room

Tadayoshi: Well do you?

Cassie: ... There may be a few chip bags and dishes in my room...

Tadayoshi: Uh-Huh...

Cassie Anyways! Does she feel different?

Tadayoshi: I mean I've been getting free tea from her and that's about it

Cassie: Oh then I assume she's fine...

Tadayoshi: Yeah... Why are you asking me this?

Cassie: Well since she's the serious type, she can get... you know out of hand so I'm always there to keep her in check. Like good cop and bad cop

Tadayoshi: I guess

Cassie: Since I left I kinda got worried but you seem to take my place while I was gone... so maybe she won't...

Tadayoshi: She what?

Cassie: ... Nothing but I'll thank you again for keeping her in check

Tadayoshi: I feel like I didn't do anything about that but sure...

Cassie: You know maybe I could reward you with the idea you thought I was talking about before~

Tadayoshi: I said before I did not think what you thought

Cassie: ... Dammit nothing...

Waiter: Here are you guys fries and a gallon of milk

Cassie: Milk?

Waiter: Trust me... You're gonna need it... These fries are the spiciest and hottest fries we ever had! So if you do... throw up, we'll leave the garbage beside you *sets a small trash can*

Cassie: Well thank you, but I can handle it!

Waiter: Yeah that's what our last 10 customers said today...

The waiter walks off as Cassie shrugs it off and takes her fries and hands Tadayoshi the BBQ fries

Tadayoshi: ...

Cassie: I know about your problem, Rachel told me about it.

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Cassie: So can eat it so don't feel awkward

Tadayoshi: I feel like you're gonna want this instead of... that *points at her Devil Finger Fries*

Cassie: What? Are you saying I can't handle this?

Tadayoshi: Yes...

Cassie: Pssh! Please I have been training myself to eat the hottest food for this! From ramen! From hot peppers! And hot sauces in different meals I had!

Tadayoshi: ...

Cassie: Well not exactly saying been doing this with every meal for training, I just love spicy food

Tadayoshi: Mhm... Good luck with that...

Cassie: I will! But first, let's take a selfie!

Tadayoshi: What?

Cassie quickly pulls out her phone and snaps a picture of herself with the fries and Tadayoshi. When she check the picture she took she notice Tadayoshi giving the middle finger

Cassie: ... Was the middle finger necessary?

Tadayoshi: You didn't ask me if I wanted to be in the photo...

Cassie: True but I'm not retaking this photo so I'm gonna post this aaaaaaand- there! Now to eat!

Cassie puts her phone away and takes one of the Devil Finger Fries and takes a bite out of it. Soon she begins to feel her body and face sweating as her face was bright red

Cassie: Wow... Ok... That's hot... like really really hot...

Tadayoshi: Milk?

Cassie: Nope nope... I don't... *gulp* need it...

She grabs another fry and starts hesitating to take a bite but gains the courage to eat it. Once she took a bite out of it, she begins coughing and spits out the fry in the trash can near her

Tadayoshi: I knew it...

He slides her the gallon of milk which she takes and starts chugging it down. After a few minutes, she catches her breath and begins to feel the pain in her tongue and stomach as Tadayoshi holds out the BBQ fries to her

Tadayoshi: I hope you trained for this moment to get out of an embarrassing moment

She looks at Tadayoshi in embarrassment as she takes the BBQ fries and starts munching on them

Cassie: S-Shut up... Jerk...


The sun begins to set most of the people are preparing themselves to go home for the day. Tadayoshi and Cassie exit the restaurant as Tadayoshi holds on to her leftover Devil Finger fries she didn't eat and her stuffed rabbit

Cassie: Well that was fun!

Tadayoshi: Sure...

Cassie: We'll take a shortcut back to the apartment and I'll give you my payment

Tadayoshi: Shortcut? Why shortcut

Cassie: Well... remember that selfie I took?

Tadayoshi: ... Oh...

Cassie: Yeah I posted it on my social media and I didn't think that people will now know what I'm disguised as

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Fuck sake...

Cassie: We better make our way home fast or-

Fan 1: Um... excuse me? Are you Cassie?

Cassie: Uhh... No

Fan 2: Did I hear the name, Cassie?

Fans 3: Holy shit I can smell her here!

Fan 2: Bitch what?

It wasn't long until a bunch of people started to crowd around Cassie as Tadayoshi tries to block them. Soon Cassie started to feel overwhelmed by the fans asking her question and surrounding her

Fans: Autograph!

Fan 2: Selfie!

Fan 3: My girlfriend!

Cassie: I- uhhh wait...

Suddenly she felt her arm being grabbed and pull out of the crowd to which she see Tadayoshi holding on to her as they were running

Tadayoshi: Don't stand there! Start running!

Cassie: I thought u could handle a group of fans?

Tadayoshi: Yeah then I realized that I don't want to get sued for beating the shit out of the entire city

Cassie: ... Fair enough

Fans: Hey! That forgotten monkey is taking her away!

Soon Tadayoshi and Cassie begin running for a while as they tried to hide anywhere but they continued to be found. Soon they ran into an alleyway where they catch their breath

Tadayoshi: They're not fully retarded as I thought they would be... Are you good?

Cassie: *huff* yeah...

Fan: I think I saw them go this way!

Tadayoshi and Cassie look beside them to see a group of people making their way through the alleyway

Tadayoshi: Goddammit...

Cassie: We better get-

Tadayoshi: No stay there, put your hoodie up

Cassie: Ok why-

As Cassie is putting up her hoodie, Tadayoshi puts up his hoodie and pins Cassie against the wall which causes her face to turn bright red as she was very close to Tadayoshi's face.

Cassie: W-Wait what are you-

Tadayoshi: Shh!

Soon the mob of fans begins walking past them as Tadayoshi blocks the fans' view from seeing them. He peaks beside him until he made sure the fans are gone from his vision.

Tadayoshi: You alright

Cassie: Y-Y-Yeah...

Tadayoshi: ... You seem flustered

Cassie: What?! No...

Tadayoshi: *leans over* then you won't mind if I be a little gentle...

Cassie's face gets even more bright red to the point she felt like steam is coming out of her head to which Tadayoshi back away from her and Cassie moves away from the wall covering her face

Tadayoshi: Sorry...

Cassie: W-What was that for!

Tadayoshi: Revenge...

Cassie: F-For what!

Tadayoshi: For every damn flirt you made...

Cassie: I-I didn't think you would be upset or annoyed by it! I thought maybe I goof around with you a bit as a joke!

Tadayoshi: Right... but for a girl who likes to fluster people, you sure get fluster easily

Cassie: S-Shut up!

Tadayoshi: Come on before they come back to check

Cassie: ... How can you act as if nothing happened after what you did... jerk

Soon after a while, they continue their way back to the apartment while they keep a lookout for the mob of fans

Cassie: Thanks for... protecting me there, well mostly escaping I should say

Tadayoshi: Don't thank me... I'm just doing my job...

Cassie: Thought I didn't think you'd be a Prince Charming when you protected me~

Tadayoshi: Uh-huh...

Cassie: ... Are you asexual?

Tadayoshi: No

Cassie: I'm starting to not believe that claim cause you don't feel flustered in some way?

Tadayoshi: Ok why are you so obsessed with me trying to get flustered?

Cassie: Cause seeing you fluster will be like how everyone else flustered and it's really funny!

Tadayoshi: ... Funny?

Cassie: Yeah people's face gets all bright red as a tomato and starts to think too serious and I find it cute and funny

Tadayoshi: ... I thought funny is supposed to make people laugh

Cassie: Well to me it's funny!...

Tadayoshi: Sure... coming from a girl who gets flustered easily...

Cassie: Shut up!

Soon they arrive at the apartment complex where Tadayoshi hands Cassie her stuffed rabbit and leftover fries

Cassie: ... But thank you for your service today and you'll get your payment tomorrow morning

Tadayoshi: Fine...

Cassie: ...

Tadayoshi: What?

Cassie: You know after talking about flustering and shit I finally figured it out

Tadayoshi: Figured what out?

Cassie: Ever since I heard about you, I've been so interested in you but I couldn't figure out why... but now I understand

Tadayoshi: And that is?

Cassie: You are a challenge!

Tadayoshi: A challenge?

Cassie: Yep! Throughout every person I've met, you are the first to not get flustered by me

Tadayoshi: Ok?...

Cassie: So I have decided!

She steps forward in front of him and turns back at a Tadayoshi and points at him with the feeling of motivation as she smiles

Cassie: I will make you flustered no matter what!

Tadayoshi: ... Hmm, good luck with that... just don't make it annoying

Cassie: *giggle* I'll try not to! I'll see you again when I need you

Tadayoshi: Yeah... Oh and by the way

Cassie: ?

Tadayoshi: Just because we ran away from the fans doesn't mean I'm weak! If you are in deep trouble, I'll be there

Cassie: Of course! You're my bodyguard after all

Tadayoshi: I know, just wanted to let you know... I'll see you later...

Cassie: You too Yoshi!

They both wave goodbye as Cassie enters the apartment complex where she sees Rachel with Chum at the counter

Rachel: Are you gonna go in the pantry again

Chum: ... *shakes head*

Rachel: Good...

Cassie: Rachie! I'm home!

Rachel: Oh welcome back... You look very happy did something happen?

Cassie: Oh yeah... I found something motivational today!

Rachel: ... Does that mean you'll clean your room?

Cassie: Hey! That's not what I meant!


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