Chapter 18: Idol Meetups

It's bright in the morning with the city waking up and beginning their daily activity routines except this time a crowd of people is outside of Amber and Diana's house cheering in excitement as Tadayoshi's climbing through the wall at the back of their house

Tadayoshi: "I feel like a fucking robber right now"

A few minutes ago:

At Tadayoshi's house, Tadayoshi waits for his coffee to finish brewing as he let out a yawn and scrolls through his phone which he catches his attention on a post that is trending

Tadayoshi: Line and Hook are coming back after a long hiatus... I don't get why people are excited about it

Suddenly his phone buzz to find Diana is calling him which he decides to answer as he gets his coffee after it finish brewing

Tadayoshi: What?

Amber: Yo what's up!

Diana: Hey Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: What do you two want?

Amber: We have a request!

Tadayoshi: What request?

As Amber begins explaining her requests, Tadayoshi finishes making his coffee which he takes to the couch and relaxes as he takes a sip

Tadayoshi: You want me to what?

Amber: Interview you of course!

Tadayoshi: ... Why?

Diana: Well as you know we went on a hiatus after the Colosseums event and we want to come back like a big surprise!

Tadayoshi: Ok... so what does this have to do with me?

Amber: Well we got to have a reason to stream and we thought why not interview a Champion?

Tadayoshi: Ok but why me? There are 9 others out there you could've chosen

Diana: That's the thing, we... don't know where the others are other than Kiryu but Rachel told us he's busy on their last mission

Tadayoshi: ... He doing a mission... and why wasn't I chosen to do it, I need the money...

Amber: So it had to be you! Do you want to do it

Tadayoshi: ... What do I get out of this?

Amber: Well if the manager is nice enough, he might reward you with something?

Tadayoshi: You guys have a manager?

Diana: Yeah, every popular idol or streamer has to have a manager. They keep track of everything and they make sure we do things right

Tadayoshi: Uh-Huh...

Amber: So do you agree?

Tadayoshi: ... Fine but wouldn't this affect your viewership because of what I am?

Diana: That's kinda another reason why we wanted you to be interviewed

Amber: We? You mostly wanted to do it, I just agreed cause I'm sure it'll attract many viewerships!

Tadayoshi: ... If you say so, but if you two get canceled because of me, it's not my fault or my responsibility

Amber: Fair enough! See you soon!

Diana: Oh and when you come to our place, uses the back door and do not walk where our front door is

Tadayoshi: Uhhh ok?

He hangs up the phone and lets a sigh to which he chugs down the coffee and gets up from his seat to put the cup in the sink

Tadayoshi: This better be worth it... Cause I'm getting sick of this attention I'm getting...


He enters the house to which he notices Amber and Diana setting up their recording

Amber: Hey you made it!

Tadayoshi: Yeah... this shit better be worth it... I had to figure out how to get in your damn house without your stupid fans noticing me...

Diana: Sorry about that, our manager decided to hint to the public on the internet that we're coming back and will be signing autographs when we head to the city after streaming but I guess he didn't expect the public to be this nuts about it...

Tadayoshi: Which I still don't get...

Amber: If you mean the public being near our house then I agree with you on that

Diana: Maybe they just missed us?

Amber: Missing your tits if you mean!

Diana: Ambie!

Manager: Alright the police came and cleared out the people so you girls don't have to worry about them! Is the champion here yet? We got a few minutes until-

The manager stops in dead track the second he notices Tadayoshi, who gives him a disgusted look and quickly walks over to Amber and Diana

Amber: Why did you bring that out of all of the Champions?

Diana: He's the only Champion we know where to find!

Manager: *sigh* I should've just looked for myself then having that as our special guest

Tadayoshi: You have a problem with me being here?

Tadayoshi squints his eyes at him in annoyance which the manager tries to speak out something to him but the second he looks at the annoyed look on his face, he begins having a strong worrying feeling crawling down his back. He looks away from him while his face sweats in nervousness

Manager: N-No... not at all... when the girls call your name during the stream, you can sit down there...

Tadayoshi: ... Whatever

Amber: Come on Tadayoshi! The stream will be starting

Tadayoshi: Ok...

Manager: Enjoy your time... sir...

He makes his way to where the streaming is as he passed the manager flipping him off

Tadayoshi: Eat a dick...


Amber: Y'all know what time it is

Diana: It's Line and Hook coming at you LIVE to bring you the latest updates and discussions from the world!

Amber: First off we like to thank you all for having the patience with our return!

Diana: We can't talk about what has happened during our hiatus but we're happy to return to stream for you guys again!

Amber: So since we have returned! We got something special today!

Diana: Special?

Amber: Indeed Diana in fact he's a special guest!

Diana: Really?! Who?!

Amber: He's one of the famous Champions that fought in the Colosseum! He is known as the Black Demon! He is Tadayoshi!

Amber does jazz hands as Tadayoshi walks in and sits down on his seat with an annoyed look on his face

Amber: Welcome to the stream Tadayoshi, thank you for joining us!

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Soon the chat and donations begin to speed by fast with the chat questioning in anger why Tadayoshi is with the Line and Hook

Amber: Oh Jesus the chat is going down fast!

Diana: I guess I should've expected this to happen!

Amber: But before we get into donations read, do you mind if we ask you some questions Tadayoshi?

Tadayoshi: Fine... but not I'm gonna answer some that I don't like

Diana: That's fine. For our first question, what made you such a strong fighter?

Tadayoshi: Just self-training that's all...

Amber: Really? It feels like a lot more than self-training! Like you were doing some crazing combat shit that feels like it needed to be helped by a teacher

Tadayoshi: Well it's self-training no matter how you look at it, midget...

Amber: ... You are so lucky that we are on stream...

Tadayoshi: Whatever

Diana: Well anyways, how were you able to get that S grade spear?

Tadayoshi: It's my grandfather... but I'm not gonna say who cause personal reasons...

Diana: That's alright

Amber: So it's a hand-me-down?

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Amber: Lucky...

Diana: Ok so this may feel... personal to your well-being but how do you handle the hate you get since you have black hair?

Tadayoshi: Ignore it... it's that simple

Diana: I wouldn't say it's simple like words can affect a lot of people

Tadayoshi: ... Milf, I've been through hate a lot of times, you think I wouldn't get used to it by now?

Diana: I know but I just want to make sure you truly feel ok... I know may not know how a Forgotten feels and what they go through but I'm willing to help... so if you do need to talk about it... I'll be here to listen

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah thanks, but can you take your hand off of me

Diana suddenly notice her hand was laying on top of his and quickly pulls it away

Diana: Oh sorry...

Tadayoshi: It's fine...

Amber: Diana I know you want to help people but you need to stop being too comforting around people.. this is the third time you've done this

Diana: I said I'm sorry, Ambie!

Amber: Well moving on, where did you grow up at?

Tadayoshi: I grew up in a small town on a different island and moved here for personal reasons

Amber: Oh you're like me then! I used to live in a small city where I first streamed! Then I moved here to be something big! That's where I met Diana who had the same idea as mine

Diana: Oh yeah, I use to be a huge fan of you back then until we decide to collaborate and soon it became permanently! Good old times...

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: Didn't you have an old friend back at your old home?

Amber: Oh yeah! I was friends with that guy when I was a kid! I haven't seen him for years since I left! I think his name was Feng

Tadayoshi: Feng?... weird name...

Amber: I know, but man I haven't talked to him in ages, kinda worried about him

Diana: How come?

Amber: It's hard to explain but he's... dying

Diana: Oh...

Amber: So I don't know how many years he got left on him, but I'm hoping he's doing alright

Diana: I'm sure he's doing fine... but I give my hopes that he is

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: Yeah... moving on topic, how does your family feel about you moving here and being where you are

Tadayoshi: ... I don't want to talk about that...

Diana: Oh... Did-

Tadayoshi: I said I don't want to talk about it!

Diana: Sorry...

Tadayoshi: *sigh* It's fine...

Amber: I guess that explains how you are...

Tadayoshi: Not exactly...

Diana: Well on the bright side, at least you know about your parent

Tadayoshi: Trust me I wish I didn't...

Diana: I know, but I'm just saying like for me, I don't know much about my family... I heard my family was known by a lot of people. Other than that I don't much about them

Amber: Really? You never asked your parents about it

Diana: I did but they always brush it off or try to ignore the question

Amber: Sounds like they're hiding something!

Diana: I mean if it's personal to them then I won't ask

Amber: *hmph* You should've tried to crack the answer yourself!

Tadayoshi: ...

Diana: Well let us take a break from these question and starts reading some chosen donations!

Diana begins to scroll through the laptop and starts to read the donations out loud

Diana: Thank you to Dark Joseph of Darkness for the $50 donation and for saying "why is a Forgotten here? He's gonna infect..."

Amber: ... Yeah ignore that one

Diana: Ok thank you to ChampionThunderLord48 for the $87 donation and for saying "Good to see you back! I'm hoping to see you again! Also question, you two seem to know about the Forgotten, are you guys friends with him?"

Amber: Friends? *looks at Tadayoshi* uhhh...

Diana: Well we just know him but I don't know cause he doesn't see us as-

Tadayoshi: Yeah... we're friends...

Amber: ... What?

Tadayoshi: You two heard me... We're friends

Amber: ... Who are you?

Tadayoshi: I'm serious

Diana and Amber couldn't help but give him a smile until turning back at the stream

Diana: Well there's your answer, though it's our start as friends

Tadayoshi: ... "Why do I feel like my statement is gonna backfire me really hard..."


This story is interrupted by a Chibi Amber savoring the cinnamon buns while chibi Tadayoshi looks at his in disappointment as chibi Diana pats his back


A few hours go by as Amber and Diana say goodbye to their watcher and shuts off their stream

Amber: *Huff* ... finally done...

Diana: Yeah...

Tadayoshi: Am I done?

Diana: Yeah... Thank you for joining us with the podcast, we got a big hit today even though I feel like in a good and bad way

Tadayoshi: Mhm... it was painful...

Diana: I mean if you didn't want to you could've-

Tadayoshi: I know...

Diana: But I'm just curious about one thing?

Tadayoshi: What?

Diana: What you said on stream, do you really mean it? That you're our friend

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah... sure we haven't hung out much but it's a start...

Diana: Oh... thank you... what made you think that now?

Tadayoshi: I'm not going into detail...

Diana: That's fine, but hey do you wanna still hang out with me and Amber another time? Don't worry it won't have to do with the podcast

Tadayoshi: Yeah... just call me whenever I have time...

Diana: Sounds good!

Tadayoshi: Mhm... See ya...

Diana: *smiles* "I think I've finally made some progress to make him happy!"

Tadayoshi exits their house but before he could step out of their property, he felt his arm being tugged and he looks back to see Amber

Tadayoshi: What do you want?

Amber: Just want to thank you

Tadayoshi: I already said-

Amber: No not about the streaming, you doobus! Ok talking about choosing to hang out with us.

Tadayoshi: ...

Amber: Seeing how were before, you would've said no but you chose to come! I don't know what made you decide that but you've made Diana very happy about it and I am grateful for that, that's all I wanted to say

Tadayoshi: ... You seem to be happy about hers than yours

Amber: Of course... sure I may pick on her on a few things but I don't want her in my shoes, that's all...

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah, I can understand that...

Amber: Oh and by the way

She pulls out a roll of cash and tosses it to him which he catches

Amber: As our agreement, there's your reward for being in the stream, but also let's hang out someday, just the two of us so we can get to know each other more, I don't want to be way behind from the other gals

Tadayoshi: Sure...

Amber: Sweet, later dude!

Tadayoshi: Later...

Tadayoshi makes his way out of the property and continues his way home while avoiding any public that notices him. As he was making his way home, he gets a buzz on his phone which he looks at Rachel texting him

Second Boss: Hey, where are you at?

T: Just left the Line and Hook house, what do you want?

Second Boss: Well I need to chat with you

T: Alright, what is it

Second Boss: Hang on look ahead

Tadayoshi: What?

He looks up from his phone to see a limousine sliding towards him which stops right in front of him before it hits him

Tadayoshi: "Now what?"

The limousine driving window on the near back of the limousine rolls down to reveal it's Rachel which Tadayoshi looks at her in confusion

Rachel: Finally found you! I've been looking for you all morning!

Tadayoshi: ... You own a limousine?

Rachel: Oh no, this is Cassie's, she's letting me borrow it

Tadayoshi: Right... but what do you want

Rachel: Come in and will chat

Tadayoshi: ... Fine

He enters the limousine to find the inside quite large and fancy as he notices the window to the driver opens up

Driver: Where to?

Rachel: To where Cassie is!

Driver: Of course!

The window to the driver closes and Tadayoshi starts to feel the vehicle starting to move as he sits down

Rachel: Want some tea?

Tadayoshi: Sure... black, please

Rachel: Of course

She begins making tea for Tadayoshi and herself as Tadayoshi looks around the limousine in disbelief

Tadayoshi: For once I didn't expect your friend to own something like this since she feels the opposite of you

Rachel: Well it's not exactly hers but since she works for a really rich manager, this is the vehicle she gets transported with to different locations when she's needed

Tadayoshi: Now that makes sense...

She finishes making the tea which she takes and hands Tadayoshi's tea to him

Tadayoshi: So what do you want

Rachel: Well... I was gonna text you this but I'd figured it would be best to tell you personally

Tadayoshi: ?

Rachel: So first off... Kiryu is currently finishing his last mission

Tadayoshi: I heard... Wait last mission?

Rachel: Yeah let me finish, since we don't have any future missions, you won't be able to get your payments

Tadayoshi: ... What?

Rachel: Wait before you get upset, I'm not saying you are going to get laid off, but Craig wanted me to put you in a new job until a new mission is found

Tadayoshi: ... What kind of job?

Rachel: Well I want you to be Cassie's bodyguard

Tadayoshi: Bodyguard?

Rachel: Yeah, since as you know Cassie is a famous actor but her fan are nut jobs to the point most of her bodyguards quit due to the injuries by them

Tadayoshi: "Is her fanbase that insane?..."

Tadayoshi: How much am I getting paid?

Rachel: Well I'm not sure, you have to ask Cassie when you meet her

Tadayoshi: Alright and she's fine that I'm going to be working for her

Rachel: She should be, she-

Tadayoshi: She should be?... Wait... She doesn't know that you getting me to work for her, does she?

Rachel: ... No

Tadayoshi: ... There is more reasoning to why you want me to do this isn't there?...

Rachel: ...*sip* Yeah... you see ever since Cassie came back, she has been trying to "avoid" me for some reason. I've tried to talk to her and get her to come to hang out again but she always excuses herself by saying she's busy or something

Tadayoshi: And I'm guessing she's never like that

Rachel: Exactly! She even rejected me to go to French Fry City! And she loves French fries!

Tadayoshi: ...

Rachel: So not only I'm requesting you to work for her as a job, but I'm requesting to get insight on what's going on and help her on what's happening. So, please... Be her bodyguard... I just want to know what's wrong with her...

Tadayoshi: ... Alright, where is she now?

Rachel: She is at a movie set right now so it'll take a few minutes until we get there. In the meantime, would like to try some Earl Grey tea? I found some at the store and figured you like some as well

Tadayoshi: Mind as well


Rachel: And this tea is white tea, I like to drink this when I'm at a park where the cherry blossoms bloom or at home with calm music playing

Tadayoshi: *sip* Eh, don't care about this one...

Driver: Miss Rachel, We have arrived at our destination

Tadayoshi look out the window to see a large set going on with a few people crowding over it

Rachel: Alright she should be in a set or the changing rooms over in there, but I wish you good luck

Tadayoshi: Yeah thanks for the transport

Rachel: No problem and thanks for taking the offer

Tadayoshi: Yeah...

Rachel: ... Well, I'll see you later

Tadayoshi: See ya...

Tadayoshi and Rachel wave each other goodbye as the limousine drives away as Tadayoshi walks over to the set to see some random actor wearing medieval clothing

Princess: Thank you for saving my empire, brave warrior... I truly am grateful...

Warrior: it's nothing special m'lady, just a simple job for me

The princess walked closer to the boy, gently grabbing his hands, which confused and startled him

Princess: Throughout your time here... I have... grown onto you more and-

Tadayoshi: Excuse me

Everyone in the set stops what they are doing and turns their attention to him with a blank expression on their face

Tadayoshi: ... I'm looking for Cassie

Producer: ... Sir, Who are you and how did you get in here?

Tadayoshi: ... Cassie friend worker, now where is she?

Producer: You're not supposed to be here! Leave now or I'll get security!

Tadayoshi: Just answer me the damn question...

Producer: You have ten seconds to leave or-

?: Now now no need for this to get... violent

Tadayoshi looks up behind him to see a massive demi-human brute with long orange hair and wearing a black suit and tie, who has a smile on his face

?: Please continue your recording while I have a chat with this man

Producer: Of course

?: So tell me, who are you?

Tadayoshi: *squints* ...

?: Don't wanna tell your name? Fine, I'll introduce myself! My name is Tooth pleasure to meet you

He held out his hands for a handshake which Tadayoshi look at it and decides to ignore, not trusting him

Tadayoshi: ... Tadayoshi

Tooth: Tadayoshi Eh? Very well, what brings you here?

Tadayoshi: I'm here to see Cassie

Tooth: Cassie? If you are a fan of her then I apologize to you but we don't allow fans to-

Tadayoshi: I'm not her fan, I'm here to a talk with her about a certain job

Tooth: Job? Well if you want, I can rearrange a job for you

Tadayoshi: I have no internet for working for you...

Tooth: Fair enough, follow me...

Tadayoshi follows the brute into the changing room and down the hall to a door that read Cassie.

Tooth: *knock* Cassie?

Cassie: ... Yes sir?

Tooth: A certain man wants to talk to you, he says he wants to talk about a certain job

Cassie: Oh... let him in...

Tooth: She's in there, I hope she won't much trouble for you

Tadayoshi: Mhm...

Tooth: Oh and if she does accept you, make sure you don't get in her way... I mean it

Tadayoshi: Whatever...

He watches Tooth walks past him and continues to stare at him until he disappears from the hall. He walks into the room to see Cassie brushing her hair while wearing a demon-like clothing

Cassie: So What-

She looks up at the mirror and sees Tadayoshi which immediately catches her attention which she spins her chair around and gets up in excitement

Cassie: Well, I wasn't expecting you to be here! Come! Come! Sit down!

She takes his arm and pulls him over to a bean bag chair where he sits, feeling uncomfortable as the felt himself sinking into the seat

Cassie: So answer me this? What was it like to meet the Legendary Guardian in real life!

Tadayoshi looks at her in confusion as he sees her leaning on the back of the chair, with eyes sparkling in excitement which he decides to go along with it

Tadayoshi: ... I don't know... disbelieve?

Cassie: Understandable! How was my friend Rachel?

Tadayoshi: She's alright- I'm not here to answer your damn questions!

Cassie: Well at least I got some answers! So what brings you here, black demon?

Tadayoshi: Don't call me that...

Cassie: Why? Isn't that what people called you in the Championships?

Tadayoshi: Yes and I hate it... the stupid attention...

Cassie: Alright how about Yoshi?

Tadayoshi: Yoshi?

Cassie: Yeah your name has that Yoshi part in it and I think it's really cute! ^_^

Tadayoshi: ... Whatever but I'm here to work for you as a bodyguard

Cassie: A bodyguard Eh? Why you wanna get close to me~

Tadayoshi: ...

Cassie: Still no expression damn... but for real I do need a bodyguard but do you think you can handle a group of crazy fans at once

Tadayoshi: If I can Guardian missions just fine then I should be able to handle this

Cassie: True! Do you have any more questions?

Tadayoshi: How much am I going to get paid?

Cassie: Well how much do you want to get paid

Tadayoshi: $10000 an hour

Cassie: What? No, I'm paying you that much! How about 100 dollars an hour?

Tadayoshi: 300

Cassie: ... Deal!

Tadayoshi: Alright, when am I starting?

Cassie: I'm gonna need you tomorrow cause I gotta do some shopping for a party I gotta go in the future with Rachel

Tadayoshi: Party?

Cassie: Yeah, me and Rachel were invited to a party, apparently there's going to be a lot of famous people there but we don't know who's hosting it

Tadayoshi: ...

Cassie: Anyways show up at our apartments at 11 tomorrow

She hands him and card which Tadayoshi takes and looks at it which reads out her address

Tadayoshi: Ok... though I have one question

Cassie: Yeah?

Tadayoshi: Your manager? What's he like?

The second Cassie heard the manager come out of his mouth, Tadayoshi notice the smile disappear from his face for a second and she starts to sweat a bit until smiling again

Cassie: You mean Tooth? Oh, he's pretty chill and a nice guy! He does help figure out a lot of jobs for me to work for.

Tadayoshi: ... Do you know anything about his background

Cassie: No not really, all I know is he was once a fighter. Why do you ask?

Tadayoshi: ... Nothing

Cassie: ... Well if you say so

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow

Cassie: Oh before you leave, can you tighten up this

She turns to her back and shows the back of her costume with two strings loosen

Tadayoshi: ...

Cassie: Don't worry, it's not anything funny!

Tadayoshi: ... Stay still

He walks over to her and grabs the loose strings and starts tightening up her costume

Cassie: Oh! Easy now, I don't have small tits and want to breathe!

Tadayoshi: I know...

Before he could start tying it, the door opened with the producer reading his clipboard

Producer: Alright Cassie are you done, cause we got-

Tadayoshi/Cassie: ...



Tadayoshi: Why is that the first thing he thought of?...

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