Chapter 16: Catching Up

It's has been a week since the Colosseum Incident and it has been a big topic around the internet. Some people have been trying to figure out who set up the incident and some are trying to figure out where are the Champions now. The Government during that week announced that Armor and his men are now being transported to prison and they will have the Colosseum fixed up within 2 weeks, so the world went back to the way it was.

Alex arrives at Tadayoshi's doorstep which she quickly checks if the address is right until walking over and knocking on the door

Alex: Tadayoshi?

No one answers her which she goes to knock on the door again

Alex: Tadayoshi, it's me, Alex! I know you're worried about what happened to you before but you can't stay in there forever!

No answers once again which Alex lets out a sigh and starts to lock picking the door. She enters inside to find the place fine but when she enters the living room, she finds Tadayoshi sitting criss-cross with candles around him as he was meditating

Alex: Oh...

She slowly walks up to him but as she touches his shoulder he quickly opens his eye and his spear flies to him to which he pins Alex down and points the spear at her

Alex: Hey! Hey! It's me!

Tadayoshi: ... God dammit I told you before don't startle me... I could've killed you...

He lets go of Alex and sets his spear down as Alex gets up and dusts herself off

Alex: I know, but you weren't answering me when I was knocking

Tadayoshi: Then you should've just left

Alex: How can I? You've been gone for a week! And I didn't know if something bad happened to you!

Tadayoshi: I was trying to make sure I am calm... after what happened...

Alex: Yeah but you could've let someone know what you were doing! I had to stop the girls from going to your place cause I didn't want you to be felt overwhelmed from last week

Tadayoshi: Well I'm just quarantining myself so you don't have to worry about it anymore

Alex: I hope you weren't planning to move out because they saw what you did

Tadayoshi: ... I mean that was my second option...

Alex: Tadayoshi!

Tadayoshi: I said it was my second opinion

Alex: *sigh* Look, I feel like you've quarantined yourself long enough, why don't we go out and get some drinks and catch up with each other

Tadayoshi: Not now, I can't be sure that I've contained it, so I'm still going to be staying here

Alex: For how long?

Tadayoshi: Probably for a month

Alex: Yeah that's not going to happen. Get your ass up, you're getting out of this house

Tadayoshi: Fine fine...

He blows out the candles and gets up, stretching until walk out of the living room to put on your boots

Alex: Let's go to that cafe you always go to

Tadayoshi: Alright but I'm going to give you a warning

Alex: Warning?

Tadayoshi: For any circumstances, you see that has to do with me, do not engage with it

Alex: ... Can't agree with that

Tadayoshi: Well you're gonna have to

They exit out of the house and start to make their way to the city

Tadayoshi: How did you know where I live

Alex: Your girlfriends told me your address

Tadayoshi: Of course...

Alex: Still it surprises me that you decided to live in a house, normally I would think you would still live in an apartment

Tadayoshi: I did but I got kicked because of the damn bills and I'm already struggling with the bills I have currently...

Alex: *sigh* if you're struggling then that means I will when I get myself set up at my place

Tadayoshi: Trust me, you wouldn't especially when you are a legend!

Alex: ... If people kicked you out because you are a Forgotten, I'll-

Tadayoshi: Forget about it, that was weeks ago

Alex: Fine...


They arrived at the cafe which they starts to notice everyone staring at Alex in shock as they pulled out their phones to take a picture of her

Demi-Human: a legendary is here!

Human: I wonder if I could be friends with her

Human 2: You? Ha! As if she would be friends with a normal hair color

Human: Coming from you!

Both Tadayoshi and Alex find their seat outside as Tadayoshi sits down

Alex: I'll go order the drinks, what do you want

Tadayoshi: Coffee

Alex: Should've known, I'll be right back

As Alex enters the cafe, everyone that was outside drinking turns their attention and tries to look through the cafe window. Soon it wasn't long till some people start to notice Tadayoshi

Human: Say it's the Forgotten Champion

Demi-Human: I heard he cheated on his round

Demi-human 2: Of course, he would, he's a Forgotten

Human 2: Very pathetic just because he wanted attention!

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: I'm back

She takes her seat and she hands him his coffee which surprises the people nearby. Tadayoshi starts to hear them mutter in anger and disappointment but he ignores them

Tadayoshi: You got a straw?

Alex: Huh?

Tadayoshi: I said you got a straw?

Alex: Uhh yeah here

She hands him a straw which he takes as he opens the coffee cap and dips the straw in, then pulling it out, seeing nothing sticking on it

Tadayoshi: That's a first...

He inspects the coffee a bit until seeing it was clean then puts the cap back on and takes a sip

Alex: ... Have they been putting stuff in your coffee

Tadayoshi: Don't worry about it

Alex: ...

Tadayoshi: So what's did you do after we split up?

Alex: ... *sigh* Nothing much, I left to another island and I've been training most of my time after we split. Then I decided to move to Coltopia to fight in the Colosseums more often, but I didn't expect to bump into you again or even you moving here

Tadayoshi: I only decided to come here is because it's the farthest away I'll be from them

Alex: Figures... but I'm also surprised that bastard Drake is here...

Tadayoshi: Same but I don't we'll have to worry about him since he probably came for the Colosseum of Champions

Alex: No, I heard he's currently doing a porn business around the city, so he's here to stay...

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Now I have to deal with him...

Alex: Move on to another topic, What have you been doing since you came here?

Tadayoshi: I had to stay at someone's place until I managed to find a rundown apartment and got a job in the weaponry industry

Alex: You mean that scientist guy that fixes weapons and is currently trying to make androids?

Tadayoshi: Yes, but unfortunately I got fired due to some reasoning that bastard refused to tell me why

Alex: ... Do you want me to confront...

Tadayoshi: Lay it off, I managed to get another job, it pays me decently

Alex: Well at least you still got somewhere

Tadayoshi: Mhm *sip*

Alex: So... about BeatBox

Tadayoshi: Don't mention about him!

Alex: Why, what do you have against him? In fact, how do you know him?

Tadayoshi: ... *sigh* let's just say I accidentally saw his face and I told him I won't tell anyone about it

Alex: Wait you saw his face?!

Tadayoshi: Yes, yes I did, it's not a big deal

Alex: For you no! But for the public it's big!

Tadayoshi: I know, it's annoying but he was the one that let me stay at his place until I found an apartment and he managed to figure out my secrets

Alex: He knows?!

Tadayoshi: ... unfortunately yes he does...

Alex: No wonder he's so buddy-up with you, but hey at least someone was trying to be your friend

Tadayoshi: Yet he's annoying...

Alex: You say that but it seems he knows you more as much as you know him

Tadayoshi: ... Don't try to be a smartass with him

Alex: I'm just saying

Tadayoshi: Where are you staying now?

Alex: I live around the Tertiary District

Tadayoshi: So you live around Amber and Diana's neighborhood

As you know, Coltopia is one of the most famous cities in the world because it's the home for the Colosseum and the home for the most famous Color hair people. As you all know, the city is divided into two parts, the left side is where most humans lived and the right side is where demi-humans live and the ones that live closer to the colosseum get along easier while the ones that live far away from the colosseum are more racist. Since Coltopia is a large city, it's is split into 3 districts: The Primary Parts, the Secondary Section, and the Tertiary District. Most of the humans live in the Primary Part and most Demi-humans live in the Secondary Section. For the Tertiary District, that borough is considered to be one of the most peaceful parts of the city for there have never been any incidents

Alex: Speaking of Amber and Diana, how did you meet them? They are famous podcasters

Tadayoshi: *sigh* after I got kicked out of my old apartment, they let me stay at their place for some reason until I managed to find a place which thanks to Rachel

Alex: Rachel? Do you mean the famous voice actor and solo singer?

Tadayoshi: She's a voice actor? Thought she was a stupid talk show host

Alex: ... So that was her at the Colosseum that day... How do you end meeting so many famous people

Tadayoshi: At this point, I don't know anymore

Alex: What do you think of them?

Tadayoshi: There... something

Alex: Do you trust them?

Tadayoshi: I-

Green-haired human: Excuse Legendary

Alex and Tadayoshi look beside them to see a group of humans looking a bit nervous but also confident

Red-haired human: We're wondering if you want to hang out with us?

Blue-haired human: Yeah and get to know each other

Alex: Sorry I'm not interested

Red-haired human: Why? *looks at Tadayoshi* is it because of the Forgotten here forcing you to do this?

Alex: ... What?

Blue-haired human: We can help you, let's just get away from that... thing and we'll-

Suddenly Alex grabs his drink and smacks it across the red-haired human face which Tadayoshi quickly gets up and holds Alex back as she swings her arms, trying to hit them


Tadayoshi begins to pull her away as he quickly pulls some cash out of his pocket and sets it on the table

Tadayoshi: Thanks for the drinks...

They both begin to leave as everyone looks on in shocked

Human: What the hell is wrong with that person?!

Demi-human: That Forgotten must've corrupted her mind or something

Human 2: Nothing but scum they are...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi brushing Alex's hair


Alex: Why the hell did you hold me back?!

Tadayoshi: I'm not letting you cause a ruckus all because they called me a Forgotten

Alex: How can I! First the apartment! Then the drinks! And now the people! How can I not get mad!

Tadayoshi: Cause this is a normal thing! Besides, do you remember what happened the last time you tried to defend me?

Alex: ... I remember... but you can't help but react that way...

Tadayoshi: *sigh* Look why don't we go somewhere and just hang out, away from people

Alex: ... Alright, how about my place?

Tadayoshi: Sure

They begin making their way to Tertiary District until they arrived at an apartment complex that looked a lot nicer than Tadayoshi's old apartment

Tadayoshi: Hm

Alex: I live on the top floor of the place and surprisingly, the landlord allows me to go up to the roof whenever I want!

Tadayoshi: Of course...

They take an elevator and make their way up to the top floor where once they reach the top, they exit out and walk to room 503 as Alex pulls her key and enters inside. The apartment was small which Tadayoshi see the kitchen and a living room and some boxes that are still unpacked

Tadayoshi: Not a bad place...

Alex: Thanks, it's ain't much though

Tadayoshi: Still... it's something

Alex: Yeah, I'm gonna make some cups of noodles, do you want beef or shrimp?

Tadayoshi: None

Alex: You're still gonna eat something even though you can't taste

Tadayoshi: ... Fine beef

Alex: Alright

She enters the kitchen and pull out a pot and fill it with water and puts it on top of the stove which she starts as Tadayoshi sits down on a couch in the living room

Alex: So while we're waiting... returning to the old topic about those girls

Tadayoshi: What about them?

Alex: You think of them as something, what's your relationship with them?

Tadayoshi: Just acquaintance, why?

Alex: I mean you recently made a lot of friends that are girls

Taadyoshi: So?

Alex: Well they're the first group of people I've seen that is dedicated to making sure you're ok

Tadayoshi: Just because they "showed" dedication doesn't mean I'm gonna trust them

Alex: I know but I trust them

Tadayoshi: You only saw them and never interacted with some of them, how can you already trust them

Alex: Alright, tell me about the ones I didn't meet yet

Tadayoshi: ... Ok, Rachel is a serious and working girl though she sounds like she's a lazy person, but she's a caring person for her friend... I don't know much about Cassie other than she's the opposite of Rachel. Amber is expressive and energetic, though she has a short temper with her height and is very protective of Diana. And Diana has a sweet and gentle manner though she can be sassy and shy sometimes, she's high spirit...

He stops speaking and look at Alex who has a smug face on her face as she was pouring the hot water in the cups of noodles

Tadayoshi: What?

Alex: You say you don't trust them yet you seem to know a lot about them

Tadayoshi: I'm just observing them in case they do betray me

Alex: *sigh* I understand that you can't trust everyone all the time but that sounds like you're gathering information to try to blackmail someone

Tadayoshi: Then don't get the wrong idea.

Alex: I'm just saying why not trust them a bit to make friends

Tadayoshi: Alex... you know why I can't...

Alex: I know, you're so afraid if something happens to them if you do completely trust them, you can protect them, just like how you met me

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: Oh I think the ramens are done! Wanna play smash while we eat?

Tadayoshi: I don't care

Alex: I'll take that as a yes, I'll kick your ass

Tadayoshi: If you say so...


Alex: Hell yeah, I beat your ass again

Tadayoshi: Uh-huh

Alex: ... You weren't even trying weren't you?

Tadayoshi: No... but this game makes no sense. Some of the characters have swords or guns yet they don't somehow kill the opponent...

Alex: It's just a game...

Tadayoshi: Yet it bothers me

Alex: *sigh* I'll be right back, I'm going to the bathroom

Tadayoshi: Don't need to ask me...

Alex get up and exits out to the bathroom as he looks at the tv screen and then out of the balcony which he realizes it was already nighttime

Tadayoshi: Hm, time went by fast...

A few minutes went by as Alex washes her hands and look at herself in the mirror, remembering what she looked like in the past. She grips onto her scarf and lets out a little smile

Alex: Times have changed...

She exits out of the bathroom where she sees Tadayoshi outside the balcony which she decides to join him, looking out the glowing city, as she felt the cold air blow-by

Alex: Nice night

Tadayoshi: Mhm...

Alex: ... You've been living here for a while, what do you think of this city?

Tadayoshi: A lie...

Alex: Huh?

Tadayoshi: From what I heard, this city is considered famous because of the Colosseum where people come together and fight for fun and make friends... but in reality, nothing can come together... we fight because of a race... or a hair color... to the point people just act like the fight doesn't exist...

Alex: ... Why don't we go up to the roof, it's a better view up there

Tadayoshi: ... sure

They walk back in and exit out of the apartment where they make their way to the roof. Once they reach the roof, Tadayoshi see the night sky a lot better and clearer to his surprise

Tadayoshi: Hm...

Alex: A lot better Huh?

Tadayoshi: I won't deny that...

He sits down on the ground and stares up at the night sky, seeing the stars glow and the moonshine which Alex sits by him

Alex: I never asked this before but why do you like to look up in the night sky?... Before when you were taking care of me, you'd always stare at the sky every night... why?

Tadayoshi: ... I don't know... maybe it's the feeling of peace and quiet... or feeling like your somewhere nice without worries... or maybe a feeling that you can be happy and escape that nightmares...

Alex: ... Maybe you don't have to rely on the night all the time... those friends you have could give you something that can make you feel happy

Tadayoshi: How so?

Alex: Give it time and I'm sure you'll understand... From what I've seen they're very close to each other like a family... something that you can finally have...

Tadayoshi: Family...

Alex: I mean look what happened when you took the time with me... you were once like a teacher to me... but now... you're like a brother to me...

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex So please don't worry about me... it's about time you start worrying about yourself... you can't always be stuck onto me like glue...

Tadayoshi: ... Yeah...

Alex: ...

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: ... Say Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: Hm?

Alex: Can you... promise me one thing?

Tadayoshi: ... You know I-

Alex: Hate promise I know... but promise me... you'll take the time and effort to get to know about those girls and your other friends...

Tadayoshi: ...

Alex: Even if they do something to you, I promise I'll be there for you... so please... can you promise me that...

Tadayoshi: ... Alright... I promise... I promise I will...

Alex: *smiles* Thank you...

Tadayoshi: Don't thank me... Cause I don't know if I keep the promise long enough... after all... promise can't last forever...

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