Chapter 15: Demon
Armor: Best friend?
BeatBox: Yep! Tadayoshi in fact!
Everyone in the colosseum all turn at Tadayoshi who gives an annoyance look at him
Alex: You're friends with THE BeatBox!
Mars: Well that is some unexpected news
Tadayoshi: *sigh* For the last time, I'm NOT your friend
BeatBox: Oh come on stop denying it! How many times have we've hung out before!
Tadayoshi: Never
BeatBox: Don't lie and besides we keep each other's dark secrets!
Tadayoshi: ... I'm getting this close to killing you
BeatBox: Do it pussy no balls!
Tadayoshi: You mother-
Armor: Enough!
Armor boost towards BeatBox and he pulls back for a punch
Armor: I'm going to deal with you first!
He takes a swing at BeatBox but he quickly does a backflip dodging the punch and uppercutting kick across Armor's head and landing back on his feet as Armor fall on his back
Kiryu: Woah...
BeatBox: Guess there is another thing I owe you Tadayoshi!
Kiryu: How much do you know about him?!
Tadayoshi: I don't wanna talk about it...
Armor quickly bounces right back on his feet which he twists his neck around, giving it a few pops, and begins to charge at him again. Armor takes a swing at him but BeatBox swiftly dodges it, elbowing his arm and swinging a punch to the face. Soon they begin to hand-to-hand combat as BeatBox lays blows on Armor little by little which grew annoyance to him.
Armor: You...
Suddenly he runs behind him, wrapping his arms around his waist and suplex him into the ground
BeatBox: Suplex city!
Armor: You fucking box head...
A small minigun appears on his shoulder and fires at him but BeatBox dodges them while slowly making his way towards him.
BeatBox: So I missed a lot before this whole fight, wanna tell me why are you doing this?
Armor: Why should I tell you? You wouldn't care!
Suddenly he felt his minigun getting destroyed shot which he looks back to see Immerensis
Immerensis: ...
Kiryu: We still exist you know!
Armor: *tsk*
Suddenly he looks back to get punched across the face by BeatBox which Mars smirks and runs towards him and swinging his mace across the face
Mars: Hell yeah!
Armor suddenly notices Shiroi coming towards him and thrust his halberd which Armor barely dodges but Shiori pulls it back cutting him from the side and spinning it beside him and smacking him across the face. Soon Shiroi ducks down as Kiryu jumps with his blade above him but Armor quickly blocks the attack
Armor: *grunt*
Kiryu: ...
They push each other back as Kiryu continues to swing at him while Kiryu blocks the attacks. Kiryu gives another swing which Armor prepares himself for a block but Kiryu ducks downswings on his legs, making him lose balance. Before Armor could hit the ground, Kiryu swings his katana across his head, sending him into BeatBox who spins around and punches him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground
BeatBox: Yo! That was dope! We need to do more combos again mister!
Kiryu: Uhh thanks?
Armor gets up and grabs BeatBox's legs, lifting him up but before he could do anything, he felt his hand getting shot, causing him to let go of him. He looks beside him to see Immerensis, pulling back her bow
Armor: That damn goat...
Suddenly BeatBox jump up kicking Armor in the stomach then his chest which he does another backflip, uppercutting kick on the head
Alex: Holy shit!
Kiryu: Charge at him!
Soon the Champions begins running towards him and they begin to take turn hitting him. Armor goes for a swing but Tadayoshi slides underneath him and jumps up into the air and hitting him on the back of his head. He looks back as Alex cuts him on the side and then kicks him which Mars hits him down with his mace. Armor gets back up only for Immerensis to shoot him with a few arrows and Kiryu speed blitz him, cutting his back
Armor: You damn bastards
His arms open out again as a few mini-missiles shoots out which begin to fly everywhere as everyone dodges and blocks them
BeatBox: Hey Tadayoshi, remember that move I've told you before when you stayed at my place?
Tadayoshi: Sadly yes...
BeatBox: Let's do it!
Tadayoshi: What
BeatBox: Come on let's just do it!
Tadayoshi: Fine...
BeatBox begins running towards Armor which Tadayoshi throws his spear and BeatBox grabs onto it, riding it. As Armor punches Shiroi across the face, he looks beside him to see BeatBox pulling back his punch while holding on to the spear and throwing a hard punch across the face, knocking him to the ground. The spear flies up and begins to come down as BeatBox quickly climbs to the end on the spear, which he stands on it and gives it a little more of a boost by jumping, causing the spear to be pushed down faster, striking Armor deeper into the ground
BeatBox: Ha! I knew it would work!
Tadayoshi: ... son of a bitch...
Tadayoshi's spear flies back as Armor gets up in annoyance. Suddenly he looks up ahead to see Mars in a baseball batter stance
Mars: You ready brat!
Alex: Go for it!
Alex jump up as Mars takes a swing as Alex steps on the mace which she was boosted forward at high speed towards Armor
Alex: Color techniques... Blue...
Armor pulls back his fist and takes a swing but Alex quickly dodges the swing as she feels the punch slide against her cheek
Alex: Color techniques... Purple!
Her hair turns purple which she quickly curls into a ball and hits Armor in the stomach, which Armor let out a cough from the strike of Alex and her barrier
Alex: Cannonball!
Armor then immediately gets sent flying and through the Colosseum wall. She gets back on her feet as her hair goes back to normal
Mars: Gahahahahaha! It's worked!
Alex: Wow didn't think it would...
Kiryu: Why did that look like some sonic shit?
Through the smoke and dust, they see the armor eyes glowing as he stomps back out to the Colosseums floor as his suit was dirt, cracked, and most of his weaponry on him destroyed
Armor: Fine... I'll go all out... I'll give everything I got!
Suddenly his suit begins to glow green and lets out massive hot steam from his suit which the Champions begin to cover themselves with the dust being blown around.
Armed humans: Oh shit, the boss is letting it all out!
Armed human 2: We better not get caught by his attack!
Soon the steam stop and the dust clears out as the Champion sees Armor's armor was glowing bright green
Mars: So... What's the difference?
Suddenly Armor disappears and appears right in front of Mars, to which he had no time to react and punches him in the stomach, causing Mars to cough out blood and send him flying through the Colosseum. All the Champions looks shocked as they prepare themselves for the unexpected as Armor suit stops glowing and the suit steams again
Tadayoshi: *tsk*
Armor: Wanted to save this if they came to stop me, but now you had to make me use this... let's finish this...
Somewhere in the air, inside of a helicopter, Craig is in front of Alpha as they were sitting, saying nothing to each other as it was making its way to the Tartarus
Craig: ... So-
Alpha: I said don't talk to me, I don't want to hear that story on how you met your first new agents again!
Craig: It's not about that but besides it's already awkward sitting in here quietly ok!
Alpha: it's better than hearing that story...
Craig: ... So... what have you been doing since we... went our separate ways?...
Alpha: ... *sigh* I had to go through a lot of shit to get my hair color and as you know I made an organization which is now gone thanks to your agent
Craig: Yet you decided to brainwash your soldiers
Alpha: I didn't plan to but Beta suggested it, saying it'll be temporary
Craig: And you agreed to it?
Alpha: I wanted revenge! You have no idea how desperate people can be with revenge!
Craig: I know but still...
Alpha: *sigh*
They both look up above to see the tv on the ceiling showing the fight of the Champions and Armor
Alpha: So that bastard was one of your new friends?
Craig: Well yeah... not anymore
Alpha: ... I'm gonna hate myself for asking this but what happened to him?
Craig: *sigh* Back before Civil war 2, the world was in the debate about the Demi-humans exiting since the evolution. People were afraid they would take advantage of what they become and overthrow the world and some already accepted them. For Rex, he was one of the supporters... he and his family were close friends to some of them which was the reason why he liked them
Alpha: That bastard had a wife?
Craig: Indeed and a son, but unfortunately the humans attacked the Demi-humans and the war began. The cost of the human's attack caused the demi-humans to defend, causing many deaths, including the death of his family
Alpha: ...
Craig: This only began his hatred towards the Demi-humans and through his anger, he accidentally killed the Demi-human that killed his family. He was drafted to join the war, but as he was fighting the war, he witnessed many horrendous things the Demi-human did which made his anger grow but he still try to keep his likeness to the Demi-humans due to his family. During his time fighting, he was given that Armor that was made for a Blueprint which since people claimed him as their best fighter...
Alpha: So how did you two meet?
Craig: I met him when he found me fighting both sides. He asked me why am defending myself but also fighting against them... I told him that everyone in this war has lost many things... and it was time to put a stop to it. He joined me because he was hoping that we would all forgive each other for what we and they did ... We thought his anger might've gone away since he grew close to some of our agents that were Demi-humans...
Alpha: ...
Craig: Until then... it was at the end of the war... that changed him completely... when the war was over and the world to settle their differences, he disagreed about the world's outcome... we humans forgive them by rebuilding their home, bringing peace to them, welcoming them as part of our society but the Demi-humans... well he claims they never did anything to forgive themselves... especially for they have done in the war as well. Of course, some of the old members disagreed with him which caused him to lash out due to his kind being full of anger... This led the Guardians group to believe he was always racist which to this day people believe he is
Alpha: One small thing can make big changes... but I get why he would be mad at Demi-humans but I'd feel like he should've gotten mad about the humans
Craig: He did, He not only grew even angrier at the Demi-human for not forgiving themselves but the humans as well for them for being "delusional" so he was the first to leave the Guardians.
Alpha: So he is here because he wants the world to see how "arrogant" or "selfish" Demi-humans are?
Craig: I guess
Alpha: So why is he doing this now?
Craig: Since he was a former guardian, the government would also try to find him. So I'm guessing he decided to go into hiding until the government assumes he's dead and he can come out and make his move.
Alpha: It also seems he upgraded his armor when he was hiding but didn't completely charge it when he decided to make his move...
Craig: How can you tell?
Alpha: It's pretty obvious Craig, his armor shouldn't have cracked that easily if his armor is made from a Blueprint! And I know how a Blueprint weapon works...
Craig: True...
Alpha: So what now?
Craig: I just hope those champions win so he won't be a greater threat to us... mostly towards the Demi-humans...
Alpha: ... For once after many years, I agree with you...
Craig: I'm glad you do... anyways do you want to hear a story I met my new agent
Alpha: You've told me this story like 20 minutes ago!
Craig: ...
Alpha: Craig I swear to god-
Craig: It all started when-
Back the at Colosseum Kiryu gets sent flying and smacks into Mars which they both fall over. Tadayosi weakling get up as he looks up at Armor standing menacingly while his armor lets out steam again
Armor: Are you done yet? I've got places to be...
Alex: Like... I'd... let you...
The Champions begins to stand up again which Armor lets out a sigh
Armor: You people are really persistent...
Suddenly BeatBox appears out of nowhere and punches him across the face
BeatBox: I'll hold him off! You guys think of a plan or something!
Armor: Goddammit! You again
As BeatBox and Armor were fighting once again the Champion catches their breath as Immerensis observes Armor
Kiryu: So what's... the plan...
Immerensis: I might have one... but I need time...
Alex: We're... listening...
Immerensis: I notice on his back is mostly protective and before his armor was glowing, the glow was coming from his back...
Shiroi: So it's his power source...
Immerensis: I don't know... but if you guys can give me enough time to destroy whatever is on his back... it's should beat him
BeatBox: In that case... Let's do it!
This story is interrupted by a chibi BeatBox using chibi Armor as a disco ball
Immerensis pulls back her bow and takes a deep breath as small pink flames appear around her. Armor notice this and quickly punches BeatBox across the face and starts running towards her
Armor: Oh no you don't!
Before Armor could go near her, Mars and Shiroi appears in front of him and grabs his arms pinning him down to the ground
Armor: Let go!
Suddenly he notices up above Tadayoshi falling towards him and his spear raised above his head. Armor quickly throws Shiroi and Mars off of him and quickly rolls away, avoiding Tadayoshi's strike. He quickly gets back up on his feet but Kiryu and Alex cut the back of his leg causing him to fall to his knee. BeatBox quickly starts running towards him and jumps up, kneeing him in the face. As Armor was down on the ground again, his armor begins to glow again and starts to steam
Kiryu: Watch out! He's about to go all out again!
Armor suddenly disappears from the ground and appears in front of Shiroi, which Shiori quickly block but gets pushed back from the punched, smacking into the Colosseum wall. He goes to hit Shiroi again but he felt himself get hit by the sides causing him to avoid hitting Shiroi which gave him a chance to hit him in the stomach with his weapon. He looks beside him to see Tadayoshi and his spear flying back to him
Armor: You...
He then appears in front of Tadayoshi, punching him across the face, sending him crashing into the wall. He turns his attention to Kiryu and goes to kick him but Kiryu disappears and appears behind him, slowly putting away his blade
Kiryu: Sword techniques... silent snake!
Armor then felt his entire body being cut all over him, even though it doesn't leave a scratch on him. As he felt himself being cut, Mars runs up to him and smack him across the face. As Armor was in the air Alex starts running towards him and slides beneath him
Alex: Color techniques... Red!
She swings her blade and tries to cut through his back, to make it easier for Immerensis. As Armor rebounds back to his feet, Alex quickly jumps on his arm, holding him as Kiryu grabs his other, Armor struggles a bit and a spear and halberd fly around him, hitting him as Shiroi and Mars grabs onto his legs.
Shiroi: This better work...
Back at Immerensis who was covered and surrounded by pink flames, slowly opens her eyes as her arrow was glowing bright pink
Immerensis: Arrow techniques... Divine Deception!
She fires her arrow, which creates a massive shockwave around her. As the arrows zip towards Armor, Tadayoshi and BeatBox run towards Armor and strike at his chest, pushing him forward at the arrow as the other champion kept holding of him. Once the arrow hits his back, it lets out a massive explosion, causing the Champions to let go of Armor and get sent flying into the Colosseum wall. The dust fills the colosseum as the Champions slowly looks up to see if it worked
Kiryu: *groan*
BeatBox: Did we do it?...
Alex: I think we did...
The Champions look up weakly as the dust slowly clears out as they see Armor's on his knees with his back broken and he was sparking out electricity. He weakly gets up and looks back at Immerensis who was weakling getting up
Armor: You...
He points his arms at her and shoots out his last mini rocket which Immerensis notices and barely dodges but it explodes behind her causing her to fall to the ground but knocked out unconscious
Shiroi: He's still active...
Mars: Dammit...
BeatBox: We did take out his power boost... but he's still moving...
Armor: *huff* *huff* You managed to take out my boost... stupid bastard... *grunt* I would end all of your lives but I have better things to do... luckily still active to do anything...
Before Armor could leave, he felt himself get his from the side, which he turns to see Tadayoshi still on the ground while his spear flies back to him
Tadayoshi: I'm not done... your gonna pay... for ruining my day... to get my money...
BeatBox: Bro what are you doing?! He's gonna kill you! And you can barely fight now! Let me deal with this!
Tadayoshi: Shut up... and does it look like I care if I die?...
Armor: Fine... if you want this place to be your grave then so... be it...
Armor booster sparks a bit but manages to give him a small boost which caused him to appear in front of Tadayoshi, but before Armor could hit him, he felt his head get shot which causes him to stop and look at who shot him
Vivian: Leave him alone!
Armor: There are people still here...
Tadayoshi: "Why are they still here..."
BeatBox: Who are they?
Amelia: Vivian, what are you doing!
Vivian: I won't let him hurt anyone else anymore!
Armed human: We are trying but they keep pushing themselves away from us and they have taken out most of our men!
Armor: Useless...
Kiryu: You guys get out of here! It's not safe!
Tracer: Not without you guys!
Alex: "They're staying because of him... and Tadayoshi... did he finally find his people?..."
Armor: Listen you girls, I'll give you 5 minutes to leave or you'll be like these so-called Champions!
Amber: As if!
Cassie: We're not leaving until you are done!
Armor: Four humans... Three Demi-humans... and a shark... fine I guess killing you demi-humans will make up part of your forgiveness...
He raised his arms and aim at Vivian who looks on in nervousness and fire a sniper bullet
Amelia: Vivian!
Vivian shuts her eyes as she prepares for the pain... But felt nothing, she opens her eyes as she and the other girls looks in shock as they watch a rainbow hair girl fall to the ground. Tadayoshi looks in shock as he witness Alex jumping up and taking the hit for the girls and she collapses to the ground
Kiryu: Alex!
Armor: *tsk* the brat took the shot... stupid brat what was she thinking?!...
There was nothing but silents as Tadayoshi's memories begins to appear in his mind.
The laugh...
The hate...
The pain...
Tadayoshi squeezes his fist and grinds his teeth as begins to stand up breathing heavily
Kiryu: Tadayoshi?...
Tadayoshi grabs his head as if he was trying to keep something contained but black flames begin to appear on him
Tracer: What the...
Armor: Eh?
Tadayoshi lets out a yell as his body let out a burst of black aura around him, creating a small shockwave as his eye goes red
Diana: Black fire?... no... it's doesn't look like fire...
Amber: What is happening to him?!
Amelia: The aura... what is that?...
Armor gets into a fighting stance as Tadayoshi raised his head at him, with an angry expression on his face
Tadayoshi: ... Die...
Suddenly Tadayoshi appears in front of Armor, which shocks him and gets punched in the stomach, shattering the entire chest Armor and sending him slamming against the Colosseum wall.
Armed human 1: d-did he just-
Armed human 2: broke the armor
Armed human 3: I knew that armor wasn't ready!
Tadayoshi: ... Pain...
He slowly walks toward Armor the ground scorches from every step he takes. He had nothing but simple words going through his mind as the others watched
Armor: Don't just stand there! Fire at him
The armed soldiers begin to fire at him but the bullets begin to burn from the black flames and disappear. He turns at looks at the armed soldiers who jumped in fear
Tadayoshi: ... Burn...
The armed soldiers dropped the weapons and fell to the ground as they begin to have a feeling of death around them
Armed human: R-Run!
The armed soldiers begin to drop their weapons and start to run, escaping out of the colosseum.
Shiroi: That man... he's a Forgotten... but he's using-
Mars: Their abilities...
BeatBox: So this is what he meant...
Tadayoshi: ... Hate...
Tadayoshi then again appears in front of Armor and swings his fist down on his head, smacking his helmet into pieces and creating a crater around his head. The girls look shocked as they see the person they've become friends with turned into... monster
Diana: My god...
Tracer: That's not normal... I can't tell what is happening to him...
Amber: Is he using color techniques or... something else?
Amelia: So he was hiding something... he's a monster...
Cassie: Monster? How can you call him a monster?! He's-
Rachel: He's in pain...
Cassie: What?
Rachel: He sounds like he's in pain...
Armor weakly looks up at Tadayoshi who stares at him with nothing but rage
Armor: What are you... a Demon?...
Tadayoshi looks at Armor eye to eye and Tadayoshi got pissed off even more
Tadayoshi: that's what they all say... that's what they all say! that's what they all say! THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY! THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY!
Soon Tadayoshi starts to beat him down as the crater around Armor grows bigger and deeper with every punch. Kiryu weakly gets up and runs over to Alex to make sure she's ok
Kiryu: Alex!?
Alex: *cough* *cough* I'm fine what is...
She looks asides him to see what happens to Tadayoshi which causes her to look in shock
Alex: No...
Kiryu: You know this?
Alex: Stop him...
Kiryu: What?
Alex: Stop him before he kills him! He's not himself!
Alex struggles to get up and fall to the ground but Kiryu catches her
Kiryu: Stop, you can't move, you're much more in pain
Alex: I have to get to him... I can't let him relieve this...
Tadayoshi lays another blow as Rex, who now looks like a beaten pulp weakly raises his hand
Armor: please...
Tadayoshi clinches his teeth and pulls back his fist to go for another punch. Suddenly he felt someone grabbing onto him, wrapping their arms around him. Vivian appears out of nowhere and tackles him with a hug
Amelia: Vivian! Get away from that thing!
Amelia goes to jump down but Tracer grabs her from behind, stopping her from going near then
Tracer: Stop, you're gonna get hurt!
Vivian: It's ok... it's ok...
Tadayoshi struggles to escape the grasp but Vivian continues to hold on to him as she also braces herself if he does hurt her
Vivian: You say you don't need friends... I didn't know why... but now I understand... I may not get your pain... but I want to help you... We'll do this together... to help you... so please... stop this... stop this...
Vivian's eyes begin to fill with tears as Tadayoshi slowly begins to calm down as he was hearing her holding back the tears. Soon the aura disappears and Tadayoshi realize it was Vivian hugging him
Tadayoshi: ... Kid?...
Alex and BeatBox let out a sigh of relief as the girls jump down to Tadayoshi. Chum immediately crawls up to him and starts licking Vivian's and Tadayoshi faces, hoping they would feel better
Tadayoshi: What... did I...
He looks at his hands, Vivian, and looks around him to see what happens when he lost control
Tadayoshi: No... I...
Suddenly he quickly gets up and starts to run out of the colosseums while the girls watch
Vivian: Tadayoshi!
Rachel: Let him go... he seemed upset, it's best to leave him alone for a while
Vivian: But-
Diana: It's ok... we'll all go see him later
Vivian: ... ok
Suddenly they begin to hear police sirens and a helicopter flying nearby
Kiryu: Looks like the police are here...
Alex: Go...
Kiryu: But your-
Alex: Color techniques... Yellow...
Suddenly Alex injuries begin to heal with Kiryu looking in surprise
Kiryu: Yellow color techniques can do that?
Alex: Of course now go... I've got to check on someone...
Alex quickly parkour her way up and out of the Colosseum as Kiryu runs over to the girls
Kiryu: Hey we got to go! We can't let the public know anything about the Guardians!
Amber: You guys go ahead and leave, Diana and I will deal with this
Tracer: Will you guys-
Diana: We'll be ok...
Cassie: We'll leave it up to you
The agents quickly begin to leave as the rest of the Champions begins to wake up
Cody: *groan* what happened?... oh shit the popo are here? Shit I don't wanna deal with them, good thing my battery is charged
Cody quickly begins to fly away and Jorge gets up and notices Ives and Immerensis are unconscious
Jorge: "Ives..."
Carrot runs towards him which Jorge picks her up and puts her in his chest pocket and he runs over to Immerensis, picking her up with Ives, and jumps out of the Colosseum.
Mars: *tsk* about time the law appeared! How are you-
He looks beside him to notice Shiroi was gone as well as Volkov which he lets out a chuckle
Mars: Well he is the ghost after all!
Soon the paramedics run in and start to help everyone that is still in the Colosseum. As Mars was getting patched up, he notice BeatBox next to him
BeatBox: So... How's life?
Mars: ... Something... especially today! For once I'm glad I came here today!
Soon the police begin to round up the armed humans and arrest the unconscious Armor in the colosseum. The news people arrives and starts to question Amber and Diana, and the others, this event would be soon known as the Colosseum Incident.
As all this was happening, two ravens were watching over and they have witnessed everything that has happened when Armor appeared. The two ravens fly off until flying to a mysterious place and into a room where they both land on a man's shoulders. One of the ravens shoots out a hologram out of its mechanical eye, showing the entire fight that happened with Armor
?: So Mars did leave here
?3: Easy now Jupiter... we need to discuss what we have here than one of our generals at an event
Jupiter: You should shut that little mouth of your Apollo!
?4: Quiet now... and besides with Mars there, it'll cover up the "other" Champions that were fighting this... Armor man...
5: How so? The world will know the other ten Champions... especially these people... Jorge, Shiroi, Immerensis, and Tadayoshi...
Apollo: That boy... he is one of them... but why is he here
Jupiter: This could be hinting that they'll be attacking soon! We must-
?: Enough! I doubt they are... we kept our end of the deal and I know for a fact he is not reckless enough to break his as well...
?: Indeed even if so I don't think he'll send a general just to participate in a Colosseum like Mars...
Jupiter: Then what do we do... Zeus... Odin?
These six people that are sitting at this round table are considered the higher-ups. After Civil War 2, the world came to peace and form an organization of a new Government of the entire world who is now called: The Order. These members consist of six members that keep balance to the world, Poseidon, Jupiter, Freya, Apollo, Odin, And Zeus
Zeus: We keep an eye on them, especially the Forgotten... if you are right Jupiter...
Odin: Then that means they have broken our truce and deal... meaning that we'll be at war again...
Chibi bois
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