Chapter 14: The Ten Champions

Tadayoshi follows the female worker who brings him to a caged window

Female worker: Just wait here, and you can make your entrance any way you want as long it doesn't have gore or nudity

Tadayoshi: What?

The female worker walks off, leaving Tadayoshi standing there in confusion. He looks around him to see Kiryu on the left side of him and Immerensis on the right, which they were standing in front of a cage window as well

Tadayoshi: I swear if this is some joke I'll-

Suddenly he felt the ground shake until he starts to notice the cage window start to grow large. He soon realizes the ground he's standing on is sinking and the cage window is revealed to be a caged door

Tadayoshi: ... Very smart

Back outside the announcer spins his microphone as his platform floats around the stadium and the crowd roars in cheer

Announcer: And now we begin the final round!

Chum: *clap* *clap* *clap*

Amber: About time!

Cassie: I have my bet on Tadayoshi

Rachel: You're not betting on Kiryu

Cassie: Nah, I feel bad for Tadayoshi in his round so I want at least encourage him that someone is cheering him on

Rachel: I don't blame you

Diana: I feel like most of us are

Amelia: Eh...

Announcer: But before we begin, let us introduce our chosen Ten Champions!

A caged door is suddenly kicked down as the first Champion steps out and pulls out his mace, spinning it around before setting it in his shoulder

Announcer: Our first Champion is from the higher-ups! He is the general of our gods and one of the world protectors! He is the strongest and the maddest! He is The Red Madman MARS!

The crowd roars as Mars let out a burst of laughter but he looks around to see the fans cheering which he starts to think they are yelling hate at him


Announcer: *cough* for our second Champion!

Another cage door opens as someone comes flying out and starts to fly around the Colosseum

Announcer: He is an engineer of weaponry! He is known as the futuristic man! He is the one that has helped create a better future for us thanks to nanotech!

Soon the man flies back at the front of the cage entrance and lands down while pulling out a pile of nanotech that reforms into a laser gun

Announcer: Give it up for The Blue Firefly, CODY!

The crowd roars but also giggle at Cody which he sighs and shakes his head

Cody: I really need to change my name...

Announcer: For our third Champion, she is one of the lucky people to have this legendary hair color! She is the most popular person in Coltopia to the point people treat her like a goddess! She is The Legendary, ALEX!

The crowd roars in cheer as Alex exits out of the doorway, waves around in happiness. It wasn't long till people started to throw flowers and such at her

Alex: I'm not even that popular here I just moved here... Also, where did they get the flowers?

Announcer: For the fourth Champion, he is one of the strongest groups of our evolution! He is one of the brute tribes and is considered a monster by them! He is the angriest! The ruthless! The Orc, JORGE!

The crowd cheers but we're also nervous as Jorge walks out waving until pulling out Carrot which he pets her and setting her down for her to run back into the waiting room

Mars: ... Doesn't look that threatening...

Cody: I'm starting to question how did he get in?

Announcer: For the fifth Champion-

Before the cage door opens, something slices around the cage door which causes it to fall into pieces

Announcer: He is the fastest swordsman we have seen in this Colosseum! He is like the living lightning bolt! He is The Dragon KIRYU!

Kiryu walks out to see the crowd cheering which he looks at Amelia and the others and waves at them which they wave back at him

Alex: Showing off?

Kiryu: I had to make my entrance somewhat interesting

Announcer: For our sixth Champion-

As the caged door opens, suddenly a grappling hook shoots out and grabs the announcers microphones which Ives takes it

Ives: Alright listen up! Imma just say it in person! Yes, I'm The Python, Ives and you Champions better be strong! There's your introduction!

She throws the microphone back which the announcer catches it and the crowd cheers as Ives looks away in annoyance and blows a bubble with her gum. She then notice Jorge who was shyly waving at her which she waved back at him

Announcer: Very well then! For our Seventh Champion

Suddenly the caged door is lifted open and then shut as they see Tadayoshi walking out

Tadayoshi: I'm not waiting for that stupid introduction to finish...

Announcer: *cough* anyways he is one of the lower kinds to our society yet he has proven they are strong! He is nothing but negativity wherever he goes! He is hatred! A monster! He is The Demon TADAYOSHI!

The crowd begins to boo which Tadayoshi let out a sigh

Tadayoshi: "They aren't gonna let this go aren't they?"

He looks over to see Vivian waving both her hand at him which he waves back at them slightly

Amelia: Calm down Vivian

Vivian: I wanna make sure he sees me

Amelia: Why are so you so into all of a sudden...

Vivian: He doesn't have any friends and I wanna show I'm his friend!

Amelia: ...

Tracer: At least she cares

Amelia: Whatever...

Alex: Are those the girl you've been hanging out with

Tadayoshi: Yes...

Alex: oh... so who's your type?

Tadayoshi: What?

Announcer: And now for the eighth Champion! She is the most prettiest champion we had throughout the years! She is considered a devil! She is The Dove, ERIS!

The crowd cheers and whistles as the cage door opens and Immerensis walkout in annoyance as she hears the crowd yelling out

Human: Hello mama!

Demi-human: Are you single!?

Immerensis: *sigh*

Ives: Eris!

Immerensis looks over to see Jorge and Ives waving at her which she slightly waved back at them

Announcer: For our ninth champion, he is considered a lower one like the Forgotten! He has a disability, yet has proven he can do more than what he is! He is the ghost! The Shadow! He is The White Shadow, SHIROI

The crowd boos as Shiroi was already out in the arena, even though the caged door hasn't opened yet. He lights up his cigar and puts it in his mouth, letting out a puff of smoke until notice Tadayoshi, which he squints at him

Shiroi: ...

Tadayoshi: ...

Announcer: And our finally Champion, he is a man known for honor and his hunts! He is fast like a cheetah! Tough as a rhino! And possesses the strength of an elephant! He is The Wolf, VOLKOV!

The cage door opens as Volkov stomps out, seeing the crowd roaring and then observing his opponents

Volkov: a lion, a beetle, a butterfly, an elephant, a dragon, a python, a wolf, a lamb, and an arctic wolf... so many preys for Volkov...

Announcer: These lucky fighters were chosen to be the candidate for the final! Now we will see who will win the award and who is the True Champion of the decade!


Announcer: Now that we have our champions and before we start this battle...

Suddenly the colosseum's open roof closes, leaving the whole place in the dark.

Rachel: What the hell?

Amelia: Now what?

Diana: No wait...

Soon they begin to hear music and the lights begin to slowly turn on in the fighting floor which causes the crowd to cheer

Amber: It's him! It's finally time!

Cassie: SHOW US HIM!

The beat starts to drop as a few people rise out of the ground with their instruments, playing and a bunch of background dancers, dancing

Announcer: And now I would like to welcome our special guest that will be playing for us in the final round! I welcome you...

Alex: Is it really happening?!

She looks over at Tadayoshi who has a mix of disgust and annoyance on his face

Tadayoshi: Don't tell me...

Suddenly someone is launched into the air in the middle of the fighting floor. Everyone looks up in surprise as he was doing flips until landing down on his feet


BeatBox points up in the air with a microphone as flares and mini fireworks fire behind him bursts out as the crowd roars and fans scream in happiness

Tadayoshi: Why is he here...

Kiryu: You have something against him?

Tadayoshi: He's someone I know... stupid bastard...

BeatBox: Thank you all for waiting!!!!!

Tracer: So that's what he looks like

Vivian: Why is his head a boombox?

Diana: It's a mask to hide his face

Vivian: Why? Is he shy?

Diana: No I heard he like to keep his face a secret to keep people hyped!

Amber: That is one of the reasons why he is so popular! No one has seen his face!

BeatBox: It's finally the final round of the Colosseum of Champions! Let us have fun!

Soon the light goes out again and the color lights flashes on him as BeatBox and the background dancer starts dancing

BeatBox: 🎵 Dada Dada DAda Dada Dada Dada DAda Dada! If I showed my face I would be too popular! That's why I keep my face hidden cause that's my kind of FUNK! 🎵

As the performance was playing and the crowd was singing and dancing along with him. The Champions stares on in awkwardness

Tadayoshi: This is stupid

Ives: Tell me about it, but hey some people enjoy it

Tadayoshi looks over at the other Champions, who some were enjoying it such as Cody, Alex, and Jorge while others looked annoyed like Mars, Shiori, and Volkov

Tadayoshi: Guess I'm not the only one...

A few minutes go by as BeatBox finishes his performance and the audience stands up on their feet, clapping and cheering.

BeatBox: Now where is he...

BeatBox turns and notices Tadayoshi which he looks in glee and waves at him but Tadayoshi flips him off

Kiryu: What was that about?

Tadayoshi: What?

Kiryu: He was just waving at you, why did you flip him off

Tadayoshi: ok... and?

Kiryu: *sigh* do you have a beef with him or something

Tadayoshi: I just find him annoying...

Kiryu: Why?

Tadayoshi: He owes me as much as I owe him...

Kiryu: ?

BeatBox: Thank you all for having me! Now enjoy the final fight!

BeatBox and others descends down as the colosseum roof opens up again and the announcer reappears again

Announcer: Thank you for the amazing performance BeatBox! And now... for the moment you have been waiting for...

The crowd cheers as the Champions pulls out their weapon, prepared to fight

Alex: Hey, may the best champion win

Kiryu: Same to you

Tadayoshi: ... I'll just say I have nothing against any of you

Announcer: We will begin in-





Suddenly a large shadow looms over them which everyone looks up in surprise to see a large blimp over the Colosseum

Amber: What the hell...

Cassie: What is that?

Amelia: It's can't be...

Volkov: Something does not smell right?...

Immerensis: What the hell does that mean?

Suddenly something starts to fall out of the blimp, which reveals to be an armed male, who shoots down the announcer platform which causes him to fall

Shiori: The hell?

Jorge: "they... shot the announcer!"

Soon more armed humans drop down and start to fire at the stadium which causes the crowd starts to panic. The crowd begins running towards the exit but some of the armed humans land at the entrance and points their weapon at them, blocking the path

Mars: What's happening?!

Ives: Well for sure doesn't look like it's part of the event!

Rachel: Agents! Get rid of the armed men that are blocking the exit! We'll make sure everyone gets out!

Amelia: On it!

Vivian: *nod*

Amelia, Tracer, and Vivian quickly pull out their weapon and begins to help evacuate the people. Tracer kicks down an armed human that was blocking the path

Tracer: Come on!

The armed soldier slowly sits up and was about to shoot Tracer but Chum jumps at the armed soldiers and starts biting on his face

Diana: What do we do?!

Cassie: Get out of here! It's dangerous for you guys!

Amber: Hey we can help you know!

Suddenly an armed soldier aims his weapon at Cassie and was about to fire at her but Diana pulls out a weapon, a shield and blocks the shot and Amber pulls out her duels and shoots the armed human

Amber: We can fight you know!

Cassie: Fine, you guys can help us defend the people that are getting shoot at!

Amber: Got it

Soon the girls begin to help evacuate the people and take down some armed humans that were blocking the path. As the girls were helping the people, Rachel begin to call Tadayoshi and Kiryu

Rachel: Can you two hear me

Kiryu: We do, you alright?!

Rachel: We're fine, do not worry about us, right now find out who is behind this and take them out!

Tadayoshi: On it, but I better get my paycheck after this

Rachel: *sigh* fine, now get to it!

Kiryu: Tadayoshi! We need to deal with these people or-

Suddenly something large lands down in the middle of the fighting floor which causes the clouds of dust to cover the air. As the dust clears out, it reveals a man in a machine armory

Tadayoshi: The hell?...

Suddenly all of the live cameras turn their attention at the armored man

?: Hello citizens of Coltopia! My name is Rex but call me Armor! I am here to wake up the world and show you what you have all been blind against!

Tracer: Wait did he say-

Amelia: Rex... it's him... the former Guardian member... Armor


This story is interrupted by a chibi BeatBox wearing headphones as he is playing the DJ controller and dancing along with the music


Cassie: That's Rex?!

Amber: He looks like a rip off of iron man

Amelia: We'll it's him alright

Diana: Why is he showing himself here out of all places?

Tracer: Well he seems to have something against demi-humans, look

The girls noticed the armed soldier was trying to round up some of the Demi-humans that were trying to run away

Rachel: Guess he's just here to be racist

Armor: Listen up world! We fought in a war against these beasts! They stole! Harassed! Killed! And much worse! I will say we have done terrible things as well to them but when we gave them peace, we give our forgiveness by welcoming them to our society! Gave them homes! Food! Water! But what forgiveness did they give us for what they've done to us?... WHAT DID THEY'VE DONE FOR US?! NOTHING!

Ives: That was years ago, move on!

Armor: Do you know what is it like to lose someone and they don't forgive for what they did? Do you know!?

Ives: ...

Armor: Of course, you don't... people forget what they have done and how they have never forgiven themselves...

Alex: Yet we've already forgiven them when we let them in our society! We started the war against them and they chose to fight back! There is no reason for them to forgive themselves if they didn't start anything! That is where you are wrong!

Armor: You don't get it at all...

Tadayoshi: Look I don't care about your problems but you're ruining the event and I won't be able to win the money, so please get the fuck out

Armor: You got big talk for a Forgotten...

Tadayoshi: You got a problem with me?

Armor: Of course I don't, I have nothing against you people, but for the Demi-humans...

Armor looks at Immerensis, Ives, and Shiori while both Shiroi and Immerensis squint their eyes at them and Jorge blocks Ives from his vision

Jorge: "Don't hurt her!"

Shiroi: Why are you attacking at this time?

Armor: It's a big every right? I figured if people around the world are watching this, then the whole world can see this message!

Mars: Well congratulations! You did it! Do you want a gold star now?

Armor: Very funny

Cody: So what are you going to do? Sit on us?

Armor: I was going to try to convince you all to wake up but it seems like you people aren't gonna listen... so come at me!

All of the Champions begins to pull out their weapons as they were prepared to fight him

Armor: Fine... if you won't come... I will!

He leans foreword, revealing boosters on his back, which he speed blitz towards Tadayoshi, who spins his spear around strikes against Armor's fist, but he felt himself get overpower and get punched into the ground which Tadayoshi lets out a yell in pain

Alex: Tadayoshi!

Suddenly he appears beside Immerensis and Alex, grabbing their heads and slamming them against each other. He then appears by Volkov and Mars punching them which the other fighters realize how fast he is and jumps away to spread out

Cody: He really is like iron man!

Armor notices Ives which he boosts towards her but Jorge blocks the way and tries to slap him. Armor punches his hand away and hits him in the stomach, which knocks him back into a wall

Ives: Jorge!

Ives pulls out her weapon and shoots out her grappling hook but Armor dodges it and grabs the rope, pulling her, and goes for a punch but suddenly gets shot in the head, causing him to miss the punch. Ives retracts her grapple and jumps back as he looks at Volkov who shot him.

Armor: *tsk*

Suddenly Kiryu jumps towards him to cut him, but Armor leans back dodging him until he grabs his legs and slams him into the ground. Suddenly he felt himself getting fired at above which he looks up to see Cody flying around, firing at him.

Cody: Come and get me pussy!

Armor boosts himself up in the air and he appears in front of Cody, shocking him. As Armor swings his fist, he hits a barrier around Cody

Armor: Force field... and you're not a blue hair or have a color technique...

Cody: Heh! All thanks to science bitch!

Suddenly Cody's gun begins to disassemble itself and crawls onto his arm, transforming it into a fist, which Cody takes a swing and punches Armor across that face

Alex: Immerensis! See if you can shoot him down!

Immerensis: I'm working on that, shut up!

Immerensis aims her arrow at Armor boosters that is on his back and shoots the arrow which hits it, causing him to slowly lose flight

Armor: Dammit!

Cody: Heh!

As Cody was still firing at him, Armor quickly boosts towards him and quickly hits him down to the ground. As Armor was in the air, Tadayoshi and Shiroi throws their weapon at him, which Armor dodges but their weapons flies back, hitting him around for a bit until their weapons pin him, sending him into the ground

Armor: S grade weapons...

Both Shiori and Tadayoshi weapons fly back to them while Armor looks beside him to see Mars with his mace above him

Mars: Die!

He brings down his mace but Armor catches it, which uses to lift Mars to his feet while Armor gets back onto his feet and punch Mars in the face but Mars laughs it off

Mars: Come on! You can do better than that!

He headbutts Armor's stomach which makes him let go of the mace and slide back. Soon he felt himself getting shot at by Volkov and Immerensis on both sides.

Armor: Damn long-ranged weapons...

He points both his arms out and two grappling hooks shoot out of his arms and wrap around Volkov and Immerensis. He swings his arms, which pulls them both but before they could end up hitting each other, Jorge appears behind Armor and catches Immerensis and Volkov

Volkov: Volkov owes you one elephant!

Immerensis: Thanks...

Armor: Stupid giant...

He retracts his grappling hooks and goes to punch Jorge, but his arm gets caught by Ives grappling hook, which she pulls to move Armor's arm away. Jorge then immediately grabs on to his other arm as Immerensis and Volkov begins to fire at him

Armor: Let go you-

Suddenly he notices Kiryu and Alex running towards him as they slowly pull out their blades and Alex hair changing color

Kiryu: Sword Technique... Lion Slash!

Alex: Color techniques... Red!

They zip past him cutting him across the chest which Armor feel the pain but it doesn't leave a dent on him

Kiryu: Dammit it didn't cut him!

Alex: But he felt that!

Cody: Keep him there! I'm gonna give him everything I got!

They turn to notice Cody carrying a massive weapon on his shoulder which was building itself and charging to fire at Armor

Armor: *tsk*

He pulls Ives's grappling hook which causes her to be lifted and hits Kiryu and Alex until letting go, which Ives smacks into Jorge's stomach. As Ives and Jorge were knocked over, Jorge's mask fall off his face.

Ives: Owwww are you ok Jorge?... Jorge...?

Suddenly Armor's back opens up and launches out two mini-missiles which fly straight towards Immerensis and Volkov. They both jump out of the way dodging it but they explode causing them to get hit by the shockwave and sent flying.

Cody: shit it's not done charging!

Before Armor could attack Cody, Tadayoshi Shiroi and Mars appears in front of him with their weapon pulls back

Tadayoshi/Shiroi/Mars: HOLD STILL!

They both swing their weapons at him, hitting his stomach which causes him to be sent flying back into the colosseum wall

Cody: It's done! Move!

Tadayoshi, Shiroi, and Mars quickly jumps out of the way as Armor get up to see Cody's weapon charge

Cody: Supernova... Cannon!

Cody's weapon fires his weapon, which lets out a massive blast of laser which the time Armor could react he get hit by the entire blast. The blast continues to be shot through the colosseum and some buildings that were near it

Ives: What the hell was the dragon ball attack?

Cody: *huff* *huff*

His weapon begin to disassemble itself as Cody puts the weapon away

Cody: Dammit, now I use up all of its battery... I can't use any of my weapons until I charge them...

Armor: That sucks...

Cody looks up to see Armor standing in front of him with his entire suit was steaming which shocks Cody

Cody: No way, You-

Before Cody could react, Armor swings his fist, punching Cody across the face, which he bounces off the ground and smacks into the colosseum wall, going unconscious with a burnt fist imprint on his face

Armor: *tsk* so now you've felt that! Probably it's that stupid weapon energy that was protecting him from damage!

The rest of the Champion stands up as they were prepared to fight him again

Armor: Still active? *sigh* Open your eyes for once Champions! I won't stop until those damn beast-

He suddenly notices that some of the Champions have a surprised reaction on their face and a shadow looming over him

Armor: does something for forgiveness...

He turns around to see something massive behind him which takes a swing at him but as it took a swing at him, Armor felt like it was death coming at him which he quickly block only to get launched into the colosseum wall. He weakly sits up and looks at his arms to see some small cracks on his armor arms

Armor: ... My arms are still here... What the hell was that...

Everyone in the colosseums looks on in surprise as they see a giant brute, who has his hair down, almost covering his eye, looks bigger than a normal brute size, veins popping out of his muscles, and has an angry-looking expression on his face. He looks around and lets out an angry growl

Cassie: Woah...

Tracer: What is that...

Rachel: It's a brute alright... but it doesn't look like any normal brute...

Chum: *whimpers*

The beast stomps down on the ground and lets out a massive roar which everyone begins to cover their ears due to its loudness

Tadayoshi: The hell is that thing?...

Mars: A monster?

Ives: No... that's no monster...

They all look at Ives who was holding on to Jorge's mask and looks on in worries

Ives: That's Jorge...


Kiryu: You mean that giant?!

Immerensis: The hell happened to him?

Ives: I don't know, he was fine until his mask was knocked off of him

Jorge turns at Mars which he lets out a growl and swings his arm at him which Mars quickly dodges

Mars: Well he's not himself anymore!

Tadayoshi: I knew he was hiding something...

Volkov: He must be put down!

Alex: No! I've seen how he was before! We can save him! We just need to put him asleep!

Mars: Yeah I got that covered!

He swings his mace which he uppercuts him in the head and then swings onto his stomach, sending him into the colosseums wall. Suddenly a few Boulder were thrown at them which the Champions dodges or destroys as Jorge stomps out with another angry growl

Ives: How did this happen... wait...

A few minutes ago:

Ives: Say I'm curious, what's with the mask?

Jorge: "Oh it's... it's for the safety of everyone..."


Ives: So he was serious about what he said...

At the stadium, the girls manage to get the last person out as they continue to fight the armed soldiers while notice Jorge going on a rampage

Rachel: He's attacking the others?

Diana: But why is he like that?

Amelia: The brute tribe...

Cassie: The what?

Amelia: The brute tribe is one of the three most famous groups in the city. They only rely on strength and strength only! I heard the leader of the group had a son but he treated him so brutally that his son turned into a monster... and we're looking at the damage they created

They all looked at Jorge as he swing and threw the Champions that are trying to calm him down while letting out a roar

Vivian: Poor guy...

Amber: Umm guys, can we stop chitchatting and help me deal with these guys?

Tracer: Sorry our bad! But since we got everyone out what's the plan

Rachel: We leave here! The other agents will

Vivian: We can't!

Amelia: What?

Vivian: I don't want to abandon Tadayoshi

Amelia: Why not, he's doing fine-

Vivian: If we leave him to handle this with the other then what kind of friend are we?! I heard he has trust issues but I can see why! Leaving him just shows his point that we don't care about his well-being!

Diana: ... She right...

Amber: If that's the case I'm staying!

Tracer: So am I!

Cassie: There are still more things I want to know about him so I will stay!

Rachel: Alright... new order fight as much as we can until the fight is over!

All the gals (expect Amelia): GOT IT!

Amelia: "Why do they care... he just like them!"

Back at the fighting floor, Jorge smashes down on the ground which Shiroi jumps away until swinging his halberd on the stomach, which he lifts himself and kicks him in the back of his head. He looks back at Shiroi in anger goes to punch him but Tadayoshi quickly blocks the attack, saving Shiroi

Tadayoshi: You owe me one!

Shiori: I know...

Suddenly Jorge grabs Tadayoshi and throws him away, which he hits Alex as the knocked to the ground. Jorge goes to swing at Shiroi again but gets shot in the face which he turns to see Volkov

Volkov: No one interrupts me! This beast is mine...


Shiroi: Let him be...

Tadayoshi: *groan* His funeral...

As Jorge begins charging at him, Volkov puts in a special bullet in his rifle and aims it at him

Volkov: That's right elephant... come at Volkov the wolf!

Ives notice Volkov putting something different in his rifle and goes to stop him but Immerensis stop him

Ives: What are you doing?!

Immerensis: Don't worry... I'm sure he'll be ok

Ives: He's gonna kill Jorge!

Volkov: Gun-mans techniques...

Jorge goes to take a swing at Volkov but he shoots out his bullet which once it hits Jorge, it immediately creates a massive shockwave around him and sends him zipping into the colosseum wall

Volkov: Stampede!

Suddenly through the dust, Jorge stomps out even more angrily but looks a bit exhausted which he begins charging at Volkov again. Immerensis quickly pulls out her arrow and aims it at him

Volkov: Volkov said don't interrupt!

Volkov throws his weapon away and charges at him as both Jorge and Volkov slammed their hands into each other, beginning to try to push each other

Jorge: *growl*

Volkov: Such strength! Truly a beast worthy!

Suddenly Volkov begins to lift him in the air which he let out of pain yells from the weight of Jorge and slams him down to the ground behind him

Volkov: *huff* *huff* you are truly wor-

Suddenly Volkov felt his leg begin grabbed until being lifted and slammed onto the ground multiple times. Jorge then throws him away Volkov who was now unconscious and looks around

Ives: Jorge please... stop this...

Ives jumps on his back and wraps her grappling hook around his neck which Jorge grabs onto and begins to struggle to get the rope off of him. He begins to slam her around the walls as she pulls out Jorge's mask and struggle to put it back on him

Alex: We need to give her time!

Kiryu: Got it!

Alex and Kiryu begin running towards Jorge as they dodge his random swinging until cutting his back leg, knocking Jorge to his knees. As Jorge was on his knees Immerensis pulls an arrow back and aims at him. Once she fires the arrow, it hits his hand, causing him to let go of the rope, giving Ives enough time to put on the mask.

Alex: *huff*huff* I think that did it...

Ives: *huff* *huff* Jorge?

Jorge quickly looks up and looks around in confusion and then looks at his hand, realizing what he did. He looks behind him to see Ives on his back in exhaustion

Ives: Are... you... back...

Jorge: *nods*

Ives: Thank... goodness...

Ives goes unconscious which Jorge catches her before she collapses to the ground which begins to make Jorge feel terrible for what he did

Jorge: "Ives... I'm... sorry"

Suddenly a leg appears in front of him which kicks Jorge around the face, sending him flying back into a wall, making him go unconscious but still holding onto Ives safely

Armor: 4 of you are down... only 6 left...

Mars: Cheater! You were watching the whole thing!

Armor: Coming from a guy who is part of a group vs 1

The rest of the Champions quickly gets into a fighting stance but they were a bit exhausted from Jorge's rampage

Armor: Once I'm done with all of you... I'll kill every Demi-human in this city... and-

Suddenly something appears behind him and hits Armor in the back of his head, sending his head into the ground. He quickly bounces back up and looks behind him

Armor: You!

?: Woah hey now! If your gonna get mad at me for a sneak attack then you have no right!

Mars: Is that...

Tadayoshi: Why?...

Armor: I didn't think you were a fighter... BeatBox!

BeatBox: Why of course I am! Just cause I do music doesn't mean I can't fight

He pulls down his gauntlet and punches them against each other until getting into a fighting stance

BeatBox: And besides, I'm not gonna stand here and let you hurt anyone anymore, especially my best friend!



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