Chapter 12: Forgotten
Tadayoshi makes his way down the hall to see a bunch of fighters waiting for the cage door to open for them. As he was waiting some of the fighters begin to notice Tadayoshi
Human: Hey, it's that Forgotten
Demi-human: Why did it have to be his turn with us?
Human: I heard he's contagious and corrupted the legendary, keep away from him
Brute: Must be hoping to die in the fight, Hahahaha!
Tadayoshi: ...
A few minutes ago:
Kiryu: Good luck out there
Tadayoshi: Yeah thanks...
Alex: Tadayoshi!
Tadayoshi: Hm?
Alex: Please don't look down on yourself when you win the fight
Tadayoshi: I won't...
Tadayoshi: "When did I ever look down on myself"
Soon the cage door opens as all the fighters make their way in and onto the platform. Soon the platform ascends as Tadayoshi looks around to see the crowd roaring
Announcer: And now for our seventh round!
It wasn't long until people begin to notice Tadayoshi, which they started to feel disgusted and begin snickering
Demi-human: Wow a Forgotten is there
Human: He'll be beaten easily just watch
Vivian: Tadayoshi! Hi!
Amelia: Keep it down Vivian
Vivian: Why?
Amelia: I don't people targeting you...
Vivian: ?
Amber: So it's Tadayoshi's turn!
Cassie: Finally! I want to see what he can do
Rachel: ...
Announcer: And let the round... BEGIN!
The countdown drops to zero and the fighters begin fighting each other but most of them begin charging at Tadayoshi. He quickly pulls out his spear and begin dodges all their attack and starts swinging and stabbing the fighters
Fighter: A S-grade weapon?!
Fighter 2: That's impossible?! Especially for a Forgotten!?
Tadayoshi throws his spear which begins to fly around and stab the fighters around as Tadayoshi starts to fistfight some of the fighters
Human: What is this?...
Demi-human: How is the Forgotten putting up a fight?
Human: I swear if he wins this is rigged...
Tracer: Go Tadayoshi!
Amber: I can see why you guys have him as an agent
Diana: ...
Tadayoshi spear flies back at Tadayoshi as he continues to fight back, it wasn't long until the other fighters in the waiting room begin to watch the fight, including the chosen Champions
Cody: Well I'll be damn! The forgotten know how to fight! Might explain why the Legendary has him as a teacher!
Mars: So he is strong... as expected from my new rival! Can't wait for my fight against him! Hahahaha!
Kiryu: He's putting up a good fight but... does it feel a bit off?
Alex: You're starting to notice...
As Tadayoshi was putting up a fight, many of the other fighters begin to turn their attention at Tadayoshi, which they stop fighting each other and the entire round turns into a 1 vs everyone which starts to overwhelm Tadayoshi
Human: Come on, take the Forgotten out!
Demi-human: Rip him into shreds!
Human: Show those Forgottens they're nothing but waste!
Kiryu: What the hell is wrong with the audience?!
Alex: This is what I was worried about...
Fighter: Pin him down!
The fighters grab on Tadayoshi arms and slam him down to the ground, pinning him as they all start to punch and kick him down but Tadayoshi let out a yell and manages to get out of their grasp and fight back but he continues to free himself as he is beaten, stabbed, and shot at in different directions
Alex: Since Forgotten is considered a lower being, everyone treats them like trash... so seeing Tadayoshi like this will make things worse around him...
Tadayoshi swings his spear until he felt his arm getting shot which he throws his spear at whoever shot him until he felt himself getting kicked in the back. At this point, he was being toyed around while he is trying to fight for his life
Cassie: This... feel brutal...
Rachel: Yet this looks... like they're trying to execute him in a death battle...
Tadayoshi grabs a fighter by his face and slams him onto the ground while blocking an attack from behind with his spear. He continues to fight every fight until he only sees one stand
As the fighter charge at him, Tadayoshi hits him with his spear over his head, taking down the last fighter, which leaves Tadayoshi standing alone, exhausted and catching his breath. Everyone in the stadium stares in silence as they see Tadayoshi standing alone and a bit beat up
Announcer: W-We have a winner! The winner of the seventh round goes to The Demon, Tadayoshi!
Normally people would be cheering when a Champion has been chosen but not for Tadayoshi, everyone froze not saying a single word
Human: That... THAT'S BULLSHIT!
Soon the entire crowd starts to roar in anger and yell insults at Tadayoshi, denying that he won the round
It's wasn't long until people starts to throw objects at the stadium trying to hit Tadayoshi, but he stood still while looking ahead as his eye was shadowed over
Announcer: People, please... Calm down...
Demi-Human: DEMON!
Amber: What the fuck is wrong with these people?!
Diana: Our chat is agreeing with them... it's just spam of "rigged" or other insults
Amber: Shut the live stream off! But record the rest of the fight! They don't deserve to watch it live with us when they are like that!
Cassie: Is this... what he goes through...
Rachel: These people are disgusting...
Vivian: Why are they mad at him? He won the fight!
Amelia: You don't understand...
Vivian: Huh?
Amelia: This is what a Forgotten goes through... nothing but hate and pain... this is what reality is like...
Vivian: ... Tadayoshi...
Amelia: "Show me Forgotten... how will you handle this?"
In the waiting room, Kiryu notice Alex clenching her teeth as she was squeezing her fist in anger
Kiryu: What the hell...
Alex: They know nothing that he goes through...
Kiryu looks at Alex who has her eye shadowed over and a small tear cry's down her face
Alex: They don't understand what pain he went through...
Somewhere above the stadium, the stranger was shaking while the bodyguard looking at him in concern
Bodyguard: Are you al-
?: I'm not! I can't stand to watch this! Now starting to regret agreeing to come here to perform for them...
Soon the platform descend as Tadayoshi puts his spear away and exits out of the platform and into the waiting room where most of the fighters look in disgust and to where Kiryu and Alex who were looking at him in worries
Tadayoshi: What?
Alex runs up and hugs him which Tadayoshi realize what's wrong and starts to pat Alex's head
Tadayoshi: I've told you before, don't worry about it
Alex: I know... I just want to do this...
Tadayoshi: *sigh*
Kiryu: I... I'm sorry...
Tadayoshi: What's are you apologizing about? Ow!
He sits down on the ground due to him being injured from the fight
Tadayoshi: You did nothing wrong
Kiryu: No... I mean... what you go through...
Tadayoshi: It's fine, that life of having this curse
Kiryu: I-
Speakers: Fighters with the number 10, make your way down the hall
Soon some of the fighters make their way down the hall but as some of them were passing by, they starts to hear the fighters muttering about them
Fighter: Bullshit on how the Forgotten won
Fighter 2: Probably paid the other fighters or something
Fighter 3: Forgotten should know their place...
Alex clinches her face and stands up but before she could yell out anything, they hear a mace smacking down on the ground which catches their attention
Mars: You know looking down a Forgotten really makes you all pathetic like come on, going after the weak-looking on just make you look weaker than him!
Fighter: Huh?!
Fighter 2: What the hell did you say?!
Mars: You heard me, don't pretend to be deaf! If you wanna fight me cause I said that, then do it! I'll fight you all! And I'm sure you all know what the outcome will be!
The fighters look at each other before turning away in annoyance and anger
Mars: Oi, edgy lord
Tadayoshi: What do you want Red Planet?
Mars: Congrats on your win, rival
Tadayoshi: I'm not your rival
Mars: Don't need to consider me a rival, I can myself
Tadayoshi: What do you want!
Mars: Come make sure you're not being a pussy after all that angry mob
Tadayoshi: Why would I
Mars: You wouldn't, and I'm glad I was right so I can beat your ass for that stupid nickname you call me now!
Tadayoshi: Whatever
Mars: Heh, you two better patch him up or I'll have a new head ornamental my wall!
Kiryu: You think we weren't about to?
Mars: Heh, just want to make sure! I want a good fight with him! Later punks! GAHAHAHAHAHA!
Mars walks off laughing as they watch him leave until turning their attention at Tadayoshi
Kiryu: That man has been keeping an eye on you lately
Tadayoshi: Yeah and?
Kiryu: I don't know... it just get this weird feeling around
Tadayoshi: First you said you feel like you have seen him somewhere and now you get a weird feeling around him? What's next, you've heard him before
Alex: I mean he's a very known guy and not just because he's a champion
Kiryu: What?
Alex: Didn't you know he's-
Announcer: And we have a winner!
Alex and Kriyu looks out of the cage window to see a woman with a bow and arrow, she is a Demi-human, has pastel pink hair, a small goat horn, a scar across her right eye, a bowtie on the back of her hair, white long sleeve shirt with a pink tank top on top of it, and pink leggings
Announcer: The winner of the eighth round goes to The Dove, Im... Imera... Im... how the hell do you even say this name? You know what, Eris! The winner is Eris!
The crowd roars but chuckles a bit at the announcer for struggling to say the winner's name
This story is interrupted by a Chibi Vivian lifting Chum in the air like the lion king
The platform descends as Eris exits out as the fighters not only were congratulating her but also were surprised at how beautiful she was
Fighter: Wow she looks... astonishing...
Fighter 2: Tell me about it
Eris walks past the fighter until notice Jorge and Ives chatting with each other
Ives: So that's is my main problem, so hoping the rest of the Champions are strong
Jorge: "I mean I'm sure you will..."
Eris: Hey...
Jorge and Ives look beside them to see Eris staring at them
Ives: Oh hey, who are you?
Eris: Immerensis, I'm a Champion
Ives: ... What?
Immerensis: I said-
Ives: I heard you, but... why and how is that your name?
Immerensis: Don't ask...
Ives: I'm just going to call you Eris
Immerensis: Fine by me
Jorge: "Well you said you were a Champion, congratulations, but what brings you here?"
Immerensis: I'm just seeing who are the rest of the Champions are..."
She begins walking around them, examining them while nodding to herself
Immerensis: You have a weird body Giant...
Jorge: ?
Immerensis: Your muscles are powerful... yet it looks incomplete... like it could grow more...
Jorge turns bright red and looks away, embarrassing of someone starring at his body
Immerensis: You have an interesting friend, tomboy
Ives: I mean we just met so we're just getting to know each other
Immerensis: I see... can you tell me where are the other Champions?
Ives: Oh, I think you'll find them down the hall?
Immerensis: Ok... thank you two for showing me yourself
She begins to walk away as Ives and Jorge watches her leave in confusion
Jorge: "What's is that all about?"
Ives: I don't know?
Immerensis walks down the hall to find the other champion until she was stopped, feeling like someone is watching her
Immerensis: Come out whoever you are! I know you're spying on me!
Suddenly a man drops above her as she sees a broad man with a yellow combover hairstyle, lion leather jacket, light pants, and long leather boots
?: You are quite an observant one, little lamb
Immerensis: Yes and who are you?
Volkov: Volkov is the name, and Volkov is looking for true prey for Volkov to hunt!
Immerensis: ... Ok?
Volkov: Volkov has watched you fight like a vulture waiting for the hunter to finish his meal. You are a little lamb that fights like a lion and has the eyes of a hawk! You are special... how?
Immerensis: How should I know? I don't speak in third person
Volkov: Hohoho, you are truly a worthy hunt for Volkov... Volkov is looking forward to the hunt
She squints her eyes at him and walks away as she continues to look for the other champions while Volkov disappears from behind
Immerensis: "What the hell is wrong with that man?"
Speaker: Fighters with the number 1, please make your way down the hall
Soon a bunch of fighters begin making their way down the hall, as some were passing by Immerensis, someone passes by her, which catch her attention and she quickly looks back to see
Immerensis: First a Forgotten and now him... This is interesting
Kiryu watches the platform rise and the crowd roars as Tadayoshi was waiting for Alex to return with a medkit
Tadayoshi: Two more rounds until it's finally over
Kiryu: At this point yes
Alex: I got the medkit
She runs Tadayoshi and starts to bandage up Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: You didn't need to do this I'm fine, I can walk it off
Alex: And I chose to fix you up! Now-
Suddenly Tadayoshi felt something stab on his neck which he quickly look back to see Cody with a needle. He quickly pulls out his spear and points it at him, which he puts his hands up
Tadayoshi: What the hell did you inject me with?
Cody: Calm down man, I'm just helping you!
Tadayoshi: What?
Suddenly Tadayoshi felt the pain in his body gone as his injuries are healed
Tadayoshi: ... What did inject me with?
Cody: Some healing shit I've made, I'm something of a scientist myself!
Kiryu: What?
Alex: ... So I just went to get the medkit for nothing?
Cody: Though I wish I can make more of these but due to reasonings I can't
Tadayoshi: ... Thanks
Kiryu: Why did you give that to him?
Cody: I saw him out there, put up a good fight even though it looked unfair. It'll be unfair to have an injured fighter fight against a bunch of heal champions
Alex: Glad we're not the only one
Cody: And besides, you used to work for Zack right?
Tadayoshi: Don't... pull that name up to me... ever!
Cody: Oh sorry, did something happen?
Kiryu: Zack was his boss and he fired him for some reason
Tadayoshi: How did you know that?
Kiryu: He told me about it after you left from the BBQ
Cody: Oh that's a shame, but hey if you somehow get along with him, can you tell him I said hi, it's been a while since you last saw him
Kiryu: You know him?
Cody: Yep! He's an old friend of mine! Anyways see you guys at the final round
Alex: Yeah, but thank you for helping him
Cody: No problem, later!
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
Cody walk off from them until suddenly they hear a massive explosion in the arena
Alex: The hell?
Alex and Kiryu look out the window to see a lot of dust in the air and someone standing, lighting a cigar, surrounded by unconscious fighters. As the dust clears out, both Kiryu and Alex stares in shock as Tadayoshi get up to take a looking
Alex: His hair...
Tadayoshi: What? What about it...
Kiryu: It's... surprising, he's able to fight like that...
Tadayoshi: Yeah, he can go fight so what?
Alex: Tadayoshi... That is a Colorless...
Somewhere else:
?: Hurry up! We leaving!
The people quickly begin grabbing their weapons and starts to enter a large ship as the stranger walks onto a setup floor and begins to get into some suit
Scientist: Sir! The suit still isn't completely charged! If you get into a fight, your armor won't completely protect you from the damage
?: I don't care! I am going to wake up this world, no matter what! Now...
The suit starts to connect each other as the stranger helmet attaches to his head which begins to glow bright green and he starts to stomp off of his setup
?: ... Set the destination point to the Colosseum...
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