Chapter 11: The Swordsman
Alex and Kiryu looks on in shock as they see a bunch of fighters falling from the sky, unconscious
Kiryu: What the hell...
A bunch of other fighters starts charging in but gets smacked, sending them flying and smacking into the colosseum wall
Tadayoshi: He's not normal...
Soon all of the fighters were knocked out except for one fighter, who was looking around in confusion
Announcer: W-We have a winner!
The crowd was shocked at what they saw but some of them began cheering once again while some felt a bit uneasy about the winner. It was the same brute that asked Alex to watch over his rabbit
Human: What was that...
Demi-human: That felt... inhuman...
Amber: Man why are all these people complaining? That was awesome!
Diana: Maybe they just feel... scared?
Announcer: The winner of the fourth ground goes to The Orc, Jorge!
As some of the crowd cheers, Jorge still looks around confused but gets distracted by a butterfly flying around him as he tries to get it to land on his finger. Soon the ground descends which jumps Jorge but realizes what's going on
Alex: You know even if he's a brute, he looks and acts so innocent...
Kiryu: Yet he fights like a monster... how was he able to do that?
Tadayoshi: He's either lying about who he is or something else
Soon Jorge makes his way towards Alex and starts to sign language her
Jorge: "Thank you for watching over her"
Alex: No problem...
She hands over his rabbit, which she hops on his hand as he brings it close to him and pets it with his large finger
Alex: What's her name?
Jorge: "Carrot"
Alex: Carrot, sounds cute
Jorge: "Yeah... she's my only friend"
Alex: Friend?
Jorge: *nods* "I got to go..."
He puts Carrot in his chest pocket and he walks away as they look on until seeing Carrot peaking above his shoulder and waving bye
Alex: I should've just said I could be his friend...
Tadayoshi: You shouldn't...
Alex: Why? I feel bad for the guy, and besides, he doesn't look like a bad guy
Tadayoshi: Yet you barely know him, just because you see what they are right now doesn't mean it's their true colors...
Jorge runs away but suddenly bumps into someone which causes the stranger to falling over. He panics and starts to apologize and tries to help her up
Jorge: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention and-"
He looks at the stranger, who was a female tomboy Demi-human, who has brown with pink on the tip of her short hair, dark skin, ear piercing, a crop top, black leggings, and sneakers
?: Damn, watch where you are going
He looks at the brute who looks nervous and starts to panic while making a random noise
?: What?
Jorge: Ah..."I'm sorry I can't speak so I do sign language"
?: Look I don't know what you are doing with those hand motions but you need to speak up
He realizes she can't understand him and starts frantically looking around to figure out how to talk to her which he decides to trace letters on the wall with his finger
?: I'm... sorry... I... can't... speak... oh jeez I'm sorry for sounding rude!
Jorge: "it's ok... what's your name... just curious"
Ives: Ives and you must be Jorge
Jorge: "h-how did you know?"
Ives: I watched your fight, I must say you were impressive
Jorge: *blush* "thank you..."
Suddenly she notices a rabbit peeking out of his chest pocket, who gives her a wave
Ives: Awww, who's that little one
Jorge: "oh... Umm... she's Carrot..."
Ives: Carrot? Very cute name, can I pet her?
Jorge: Y-Yeah...
He pulls Carrot out of his pocket and brings it towards Ives, which she starts petting it
Ives: Aren't you a cute little rabbit, wished I had a carrot on me
Jorge: Ah...
Ives: Say I'm curious, what's with the mask?
Jorge: "Oh it's... it's for the safety of everyone..."
Ives: Hahaha what does that mean? You'll turn someone into stone by looking at you?
Jorge: "N-No..."
Ives: Oh then do you mind if I look?
Jorge turns bright red until quickly putting Carrot back into his pocket
Jorge: "I'm sorry! I got to go"
He quickly sprints off as Ives looks in confusion and lets out a giggle
Ives: What a strange man
Jorge catches his breath as Carrot peaks out and pats his chest to calm him down
Jorge: "Why is she too cute..."
Back at Tadayoshi and the other, who were waiting for the next fighters to be announced
Alex: So how did you get that tattoos?
Kiryu: Oh you mean these *points at his kanji and dragon tattoo* I'm not sure honestly, I never went to get one but I guess my family git me it when I was born
Tadayoshi: Sounds like bad parenting
Kiryu: Look I don't know! My parent are really nice people yet-
Suddenly the speakers goes off once again to announce the fighters
Speaker: Fighters who have a number 9, please make your way down the hall
Tadayoshi: Isn't that-
Kiryu: me... It's finally my turn to fight!
He quickly gets up in excitement and makes his to the hall but quickly turns back at them
Kiryu: I'll get strong so I can do my Color Technique
Alex: Good luck with that!
Kiryu turn away from them and continue his way with the other fighters that were chosen
Alex: Do you think he'll be able to do it?
Tadayoshi: No... but I'll say he'll be something...
Kiryu makes his way down the hall to see a lot of fighters making their way through the cage door, they arrive at the fighting ground which begins to ascend as the crowd roars
Announcer: It is now the fifth and the halfway point of the round!
Kiryu looks around him and notices Amelia and the other, which he waves at them
Vivian: *waves back*
Amelia: It's finally my brothers' turn...
Cassie: It's been a while since I saw him fight
Tracer: You know, since he's one of us, I'm curious how is he like in combat
Amelia: You'll see...
Announcer: Let the fifth round BEGIN!
The countdown drops down to zero as all of the fighters begin to fight against each other. Kiryu looks around the area around him and takes a deep breath
Fighter: Don't keep your eyes closed when you're in a fight!
The fighter swings his axe but Kiryu swiftly dodges it and grabs his katana
Fighter: Huh?
Suddenly he zips back the fighter with his katana out, cutting the fighter
Kiryu: Sorry I was observing the room...
Tadayoshi: He's one of those fighters...
Alex: Kinda like a samurai?
Tadayoshi: Sure
One after another Kiryu continues to dodge the fighter's swing and cut them. Soon more fighter appears to attack him which they all swing their weapons at him, but he blocks them with his katana
Kiryu: Gaining up on one person isn't fair you know!
He pushes all of the fighters back which they lose their balance as he takes another deep breath while putting the katana away
Amber: What is he-
Suddenly he appears past them and slowly closes his katana, which cuts all of the fighters as they collapse unconscious
Kiryu: Not strong enough...
Diana: Amazing...
Amelia: As expected from my brother
Suddenly a brute appears behind him and swings his axe, which he quickly blocks it
Kiryu: *grunt*
Brute: Heh, Not bad!
Brute continues to swing at him as Kiryu continues to block while being pushed back
Kiryu: "I can't keep blocking! I need to get stronger so I can unlock my color techniques!"
He blocks another attack but this time was able to stop himself from sliding back
Kiryu: That's... far enough!
He jumps back making the brute's axe hit the ground as Kiryu jumps at him with his blade pulled back
Kiryu: Sword Techniques...
He swings his blade at him and lands behind him and slowly puts his katana away
Kiryu: Silent Snake...
The brute collapse to the ground as Kiryu looks down in disappointment
Kiryu: Man, he's not strong enough, I need to unlock that Color Technique!
Kiryu runs into battle as Tadayoshi and Alex watches from afar
Tadayoshi: ...
Alex: He's strong! I wonder if he's strong as you?
Tadayoshi: Maybe but I don't care
Alex: Well seeing how he is right now, guess he's going to be the 5th Champion
Kiryu cuts down another fighter until he notices something flying towards him which he quickly dodges. He looks ahead of him to see a fighter, carrying a machine gun.
Fighter: The last fighter... taking you out and I become a champion! Though you are out of luck for bringing a knife to a gunfight!
He begins to fire at Kiryu but he quickly starts to run around him, avoiding the bullets
Fighter: Keep running you, coward!
As he was running, the fighters machine guns begin to overheat which Kiryu take his chance to run toward him and swing his blade but the fighter block it with his weapon
Fighter: Heh!
Suddenly the fighter pulls out a bag and throws it at him, which blinds Kiryu
Kiryu: Dust?...
Fighter: Hehe, can't see, can't you?
Kiryu: You have no honor in a fight...
Fighter: Why would I? It's an all-out fight! And I'm taking that title no matter what!
Kiryu: The title belongs to people who are worthy to be the strongest!
Kiryu gets into stance while the fighter chuckles at him
Fighter: How can you hit me when you are blind! Quite pathetic for you!
He begins firing his weapon once again but Kiryu take another deep breath and begin blocking the bullet until the machine gun starts to overheat again
Fighter: What?! How did you-
Suddenly Kiryu appears in front of him and past by him, cutting down the fighter, who goes unconscious and collapses to the ground
Kiryu: Just because you have a gun doesn't mean it's mightier than a blade...
Kiryu wipes his eye to see himself the last one standing in the arena as the crowd roars in cheers
Announcer: And the winner of the fifth round goes to The dragon, Kiryu!
This story is interrupted by a chibi Jorge feeding Carrot a piece of carrot
The crowd roars which Kiryu waves around until the ground descends.
Announcer: We are now at the halfway point! We will be taking a small break until returning to the fight, so everyone here can stretch their leg and such until beginning the next round! For now, here's to our sponsors!
Cassie: Aw man, break? I wanna see more!
Amber: Eh, Kinda glad we got a break, me and Diana are going to see if we can meet up with BeatBox before the finals!
Cassie: *Gasp* I'm going with you guys!
Rachel: I mind as well come, I've been trying to get a talk show with him but he always refuses the offer
Diana: Are you three coming
Amelia: I'm good...
Vivian: I wanna go see Kiryu and Tadayoshi!
Tracer: Yeah I'll stick with them
Amber: Your loss
Rachel: Keep an eye on Chum for us!
Tracer: We will
Chum: Nar!
Back down the stadium, Kiryu makes his way past the fighters, who were congratulating him, towards Alex and Tadayoshi
Kiryu: What did you think?
Alex: You were nuts!
Tadayoshi: Yet you still didn't unlock your "color Technique"
Kiryu: Shut up! I said I was going to try!
Alex: Hey at least you were impressive
Kiryu: True
Alex: Besides, I'm sure the final round will help you unlock your Color techniques since the fighters are most likely very strong than they show
Kiryu: I hope so
Tadayoshi: You're starting to sound like Goku...
Kiryu: Hey! At least I would care about the people around me more than just training!
Speaker: Any fighters with the number 6, make your way down the hall
As the fighter begin making their way down the hall, a worker walks toward Kiryu with Amelia, Vivian, and Tracer
Worker: Excuse me, but do you know these people
Kiryu: Oh yeah
Worker: Alright, you can go ahead and stay with them
Tracer: Alright thank you
Tadayoshi: You guys are allowed back here?
Tracer: Well anyone can as long as we know the fighter like a friend or whatever
Tadayoshi: Uh-huh...
Kiryu: What brings you here?
Amelia: I wanted to congratulate you on your win
Kiryu: Oh thank you
Alex: Who are these people Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: Some acquaintances I know...
Tracer: Wait is that-
Vivian: Rainbow girl!
Vivian and Chum starts to circle Alex in amazed but Chum stops as soon he gets a whiff of another sense which he looks at Alex in disappointment
Alex: What's with that look
Amelia: Were you carrying another animal?
Alex: Yeah?
Amelia: That's why
Alex: *picks up Chum* Awww aren't you a jealous cute shark
Tracer: You know this girl, Tadayoshi?
Tadayoshi: Yeah...
Alex: He's my teacher!
Tracer/Amelia: .... What?...
Tadayoshi: *sigh*
Amelia: That's impossible! There is no way a Forgotten can teach a Legendary anything!
Kiryu: I know it sounds crazy but they are seriously
Amelia: ... What else are you hiding forgotten?
Tadayoshi: None of your business
Alex: *sniff* Tadayoshi finally has friends... I'm so happy
Tadayoshi: Very funny...
Vivian: You had no friends?
Tadayoshi: Well... uhhhh
Vivian: I can be your friend!
Tadayoshi: Kid you don't-
Suddenly she starts to pat on his head as Tadayoshi was in sorrow
Vivian: There, there, it's ok I'll make your I'll be your best friend! You won't need to be alone ever again!
Tadayoshi: Thanks...
Alex: ok that's adorable
Amelia: *cough* *cough* Anyways since I'm meeting you, what's your name?
Alex: My name is Alex
Tracer: Alex? Isn't that a guy's name?
Alex: Well yes but also no, can be both genders
Kiryu: By the way where are the other girls
Amelia: They went to see if they can get to meet up with BeatBox early
Kiryu: Makes sense
Alex: Wait there are more people Tadayoshi know and they're gals
Tracer: Yeah
Alex *turns at Tadayoshi*
Tadayoshi: What's with that face?...
Alex: I didn't know you were a ladies man
Tadayoshi: Look I just happen to meet some people that are female
Alex: Sureee
Tracer: What?!
The girls run to the cage window to see a fighter standing alone with a bunch of unconscious fighters around her
Vivian: We... missed a fight...
Amelia: That was the fastest break I have ever seen...
Announcer: The winner of the sixth round goes to... the python, Ives!
The crowd cheers as Ives pulls out a gum and chew it before blowing a bubble
Ives: *tsk* Some fighters they are? The other 10 champions better be strong!
Ives walk out of the fighting floor as the fighters very congratulated her, but as she was trying to get past the fighters, she notice a familiar face
Ives: Hey Jorge
Jorge jumps a bit and turns at Ives who started to get nervous. He quickly starts looking around and starts tracing the letters on the wall again
Jorge: "Oh hi Ives... congrats on your win"
Ives: Thanks though it felt boring
Jorge: "Not a fighter?"
Ives: No I'm a fighter, it's just they weren't any strong opponent
Jorge: "Oh..."
Ives: ...
Jorge: ...
Ives: Not very talkative?
Jorge: "Sorry... very socially awkward... wanna grab a bite and try to... chat"
Ives: Sure
Back at Tadayoshi and the others, Amelia is struggling to get Chum to let go of Alex
Amelia: Come on, we gotta head back
Chum: *struggling noises*
Alex: I'll pet you some more later, ok?
Chum: ... *angry noise*
Amelia: you've already got enough love from her, you jealous shark!
Alex: Hey, it was nice meeting you guys
Tracer: Same with you, but I think we'll meet again
Alex: Of course! And thank you for being his friend and handling his... edginess
Tracer: Yeah no need to thank us
Amelia: Come on, the others are probably wondering where we are
Vivian: bye, and good luck on your fight when it's your turn Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: Mhm
The girl begins to make their way out of the waiting room to head back to the stadium
Alex: Your sister seems to be moody
Kiryu: Yeah, she can be like that, but she's a nice woman
Alex: I know, but I'm glad you met some nice people Tadayoshi
Tadayoshi: ...
Alex: Though I'm curious... what's your relationship with any of those girls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tadayoshi: Don't even...
Speaker: Anyone with the number 5, please make your way down the hall
Kiryu: Wait isn't that...
Tadayoshi: Me... I'm next...
Somewhere in the stadium, a stranger is setting up his electric guitar to make sure it works well until a bodyguard enters the room
Bodyguard: Sir, we got some information
?: What? I'm kinda busy, gotta make sure I make a great entrance!
Bodyguard: Yes but we believe he got some news that a forgotten you are always talking about is next
?: Wait what?!
The stranger quickly drops everything that he is doing and peak out of the stadium to see the fight
?: It's about time!
Bodyguard: Not to sound rude but... Why do you care about a for-
Suddenly the stranger grabs a glass cup and throws it at the bodyguard, missing him but breaking from hitting against the wall
?: Saying it once I let it slide, saying it twice then your nothing but a dipshit! His name is Tadayoshi! Get it right!
Bodyguard: S-Sorry, but why do you care about this... Tadayoshi?
?: Why? Because that man is my best friend!
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