Chapter 10: Alex

Kiryu: So you've two known each other since you were in high school?...

Tadayoshi, Kiryu, and Alex were hanging out outside by the window away from the fighters that were still shocked by the news.

Alex: Well Tadayoshi didn't go to school but he came to check up on me every day

Kiryu: Wow, I'm surprised you were looking out for someone

Tadayoshi: Hey, I have my reasons! But did you really have to tell everyone I was your teacher?

Alex: I mean, they were confused and all

Tadayoshi: Yet it almost caused people to go crazy over something stupid

Alex: Which I calm them down

Kiryu: Still, it's surprising that you know someone with a legendary hair color but my name is Kiryu

Alex: Woah a Japanese name, but are you Tadayoshi's friend?

Kiryu: I mean we just met yesterday so-

Tadayoshi: An acquaintance...

Alex: -_-

Tadayoshi: What?

Alex: I'm just going to call him your close friend

Tadayoshi: Do what you want...

Alex: Well I want to say thank you for being around him, I got worried about him being by himself

Tadayoshi: ...

Kiryu: How come you never mention anything about her Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: I don't trust you yet...

Alex: You were afraid if you told anyone about me they would do something to me, right?

Tadayoshi: *sigh* yes...

Alex: Stop worrying about me for once!

Tadayoshi: *roll his eyes* You got no right to say that

Kiryu: So how did you two get along, since Tadayoshi isn't the kind of guy that tries to make friends

Alex: Well before I met Tadayoshi, I was a Forgotten like him

Kiryu: Wait- Really?!

Alex: Mhm, he helped me find a purpose and I became who I am today!

Tadayoshi: Though I didn't expect you to be what you are...

Alex: Hehe but we've been through a lot, he has protected me ever since but "they" came and he told me that we had to go our separate way for my safety and for me to be on my own *hugs her scarf*

Tadayoshi: I'm still surprised that you still have this

Alex: Of course I have, it's like a memory of you after you've done to me!

Tadayoshi: Still, it's was a cheap red scarf I found

Kiryu: Wow... but Tadayoshi why did you help her?

Tadayoshi: I have my reasons...

Kiryu: ... Guess you two have been through a lot

Tadayoshi: Yeah... anyways what brings you here, kid?

Alex: Well one I decided to move here for a while and see how have you been doing and two I'm hoping to get stronger so I can return the favor!

Tadayoshi: I've told you already, don't worry about it, it's all in the past

Alex: You say that, but you still keep it hidden, you know it'll be a matter of time before it's come after you!

Tadayoshi: Which is why I'm making the most of it...

Alex: Even so, I refuse to let them get to you!

Tadayoshi: Look can we talk about this later, away from people

Kiryu: What are you guys talking about?

Tadayoshi: Nothing...

?: About how a Forgotten who is a pathetic waste that he has to be friends with a beautiful woman to get attention

As soon they heard that voice Tadayoshi and Alex gives an annoyance expression and turn at the voice, to see a yellow hair man with a fancy suit

Tadayoshi/Alex: Oh, it's you...

?: It's been a while, demon

Kiryu: You know this man?

Tadayoshi/Alex: Yes...

Drake: Pardon me, my name is Drake you pieces of shits


Kiryu: Drake... like that singer?

Drake: No not the singer! *cough* anyways I didn't think I'll be seeing some familiar face. A demon and the beautiful lady

Alex: Don't call me that!

Drake: *tsk* shame you still act the same way as I met you

Kiryu: What... exactly happened between you two?

Drake: I try to confess my love to Alex but she rejected me cause she didn't want to leave the demon alone

Alex: More like try to rape me but Tadayoshi had to come in to stop you

Kiryu: Wait what?!

Drake: *sigh* you still remember that?

Alex: Of course I would, Anyone wouldn't be able to forget that horror moment

Drake: And if I didn't lose my virginity to a legendary hair color, do you have any idea how many ladies it would attract to me

Tadayoshi: None

Drake: Fucking... How do you know, you never fell in love with anyone cause you know how pathetic Forgottens are

Kiryu: Alright I think that's enough

Drake: Why do you bother with him, even though he doesn't trust you at all?

Kiryu: To be friends with him, I'm not like you who treats Forgotten like shit

Drake: *sigh* people these days don't get it...

Alex: Did you come here to bother us

Drake: No, just came to see how low the demon has gotten and maybe see if you've changed, after all, time can change someone! Maybe the demon has been secretly making you into a slut! As humanity should've been doing...

Suddenly Kiryu pulls out his katana and points the blade at him

Kiryu: You should leave now or there will be a bloody mess...

Drake: What are you going to do cut me, cause I made some insults? Please give me a break, kill me, and the world can see you as a murderer

?: But if people heard about your sexual harassment, then the world can see YOU as a sick bastard! *lays his arm around Drake's shoulder*

Drake turns at the stranger and the other look at him to find out it's one of the Champions

Cody: So you guys having an interesting conversation or something?

Drake: Get off of me

Cody: I'm not touching you though

He looks at his shoulder to see his arm above his shoulders

Drake: Then keep-

Cody: But I'm not touching you~

Drake: I-

Cody: You know if you're annoyed, then leave! It seems like you can't handle something so small

Drake: *tsk* Listen here you-

Suddenly Cody smack him in the back of his head and looks away like he didn't do anything

Drake: You piece of-


Drake: I-


Drake: Fucking!-

He stomps away in annoyance as Cody watches him leave while chuckling

Cody: Sorry, saw that him with you guys and it looks like he was annoying you so I gave him his own medicine!

Kiryu: Uhhh thanks?

Cody: Sorry, where's my manner, the names Cody, which I sure you know by the announcement of my victory!

Tadayoshi: What do you want?

Cody: Oh I heard there was a legendary hair color here and I just came to see and I'll be dammed it's true!

Alex: Sup!

Cody: I have so many questions to ask you

Alex: Sure, but please don't make it long

Cody: Don't worry, it's just some simple questions. So what-

Speaker: Fighters with the number 2, please make your way down the hall

Alex: Sorry that's my number

Cody: Oh well shit

Alex: Hey Tadayoshi! I'll show you how much I have grown!

Tadayoshi: We'll see...

Alex runs off to the hall to make her way to the arena as Tadayoshi and Kiryu turn their attention to the cage window until Cody goes to greet them

Cody: Sorry if you felt left out you two, but how much do you know about her

Kiryu: Why do you want to know, cause that sounds creepy?

Cody: Dude, she's a legendary, who wouldn't?!

Tadayoshi: Anyone who acts like a weirdo

Cody: Ok you didn't need to say it like that

Alex runs to the group of fighters that has 2 are currently waiting for the cage door to open for them

Drake: Didn't think I would be fighting you

Alex: Touch me and you won't be able to touch anyone again

Drake: heh, you're too overconfident! Women aren't warriors or fighters, they below in a bed

Alex: You'll take back those words once we fight

Drake: good luck with that woman, you'll soon realize you're purpose in life when you lose

Drake walks off laughing which Alex take a deep breath and smirks

Alex: Let see if he can handle this lady... cause you never underestimate this lady


This story is interrupted by a chibi Alex wearing headphones and doing a little dance while chibi Tadayoshi stands beside her, watching her


Back at the arena, the announcer appears once again with the crowd roaring

Announcer: Two rounds and two winners so far, with only eight more to go! We will now begin round 3!

Soon the stadium below rises again with another 50 fighters, but everyone quickly caught the attention of Alex, which makes the crowd go crazy as the camera zooms in on her for everyone to see

Amber: Zoom in on her, Diana!

Diana: I'm am! Wow, I didn't think a legendary would be here!

Cassie: A multi-color... so beautiful...

Vivian: She's like a rainbow!

Announcer: Now let the fight BEGIN!

Soon the countdown drops to zero and the fight begins. As the fighter was fighting, everyone continues to chant for Alex to win

Drake: Now let us see how this you can fight

He pulls out his weapon which is a bastard sword and starts to charge at him

Drake: Try dodging this!

He swings at her but she dodges back and pull out her weapon, a gladius sword and jump at his cutting his stomach, knocking him out

Alex: You're are all big talk but you can't defeat a woman

Kiryu: Wow she's impressive!

Tadayoshi: She remembers her common fighting skills... it's not enough to impress me...

Soon a bunch of fighters leaps toward Alex with their weapons which Alex lifts her hand out

Alex: Color Technique: Purple

The fighter swings their weapon at her but suddenly hit something purple that surrounds Alex, who now has purple hair

Fighters: What?!

She swings her blade cutting them which the purple bubble around her disappear and her hair turns green

Alex: Color Technique: Green

She starts running around very fast, cutting the fighters she passed as everyone looks in amazed!

Rachel: She's... changing her hair color...

Tracer: How?

Amelia: Color Techniques...

Cassie: What?

Amelia: Having a hair color is not only just for show, but it gives you a special enhancement when in combat. Each color has a different enhancement it gives you: red is for strength, Orange is stamina, yellow is regeneration, green is for speed, blue is future sight, and purple is for defense. Since everyone has one color, they can use that one technique, but since she's a multi hair color, she can use all of them, as long as she changes her hair into that certain hair color... which is why she's considered a Legendary...

Diana: Wait you mean we can-

Amelia: Yes, everyone can unlock their hair color techniques from having enough willpower and strength but since it takes a lot of time to learn how to use or active your techniques. Though looking at her, she looks like she trained a lot for this day...

Amber: Now this makes the day even better!

Vivian: What if it's mixed colors or just pink or brown or-

Amelia: If it's mixed, then you have those certain techniques, if it's like pink or brown then you'll have the color techniques of what the color is close to

Vivian: So then I would have... red and white?...

Amelia: Then you'll just have the red, white don't have any

Vivian: Why not?

Amelia: ...

Alex's hair goes blue which she begins dodging from far attacks which she quickly runs over to them and takes them out

Kiryu: Holy shit, she's destroying them

Cody: Heh, as expected from a Legendary hair color! But now I know what a multi hair color techniques can do now!

Tadayoshi: She has come a long way... now I'm impressed...

A few minutes go by as Alex's hair goes red and she punches a brute in the stomach which his mouth foams and he collapses, making her the last fighter standing. The crowd roars in cheer as she smiles and waves at them

Announcer: And our winner for our 3rd round goes to the legendary hair color, Alex!


The ground descends as Alex makes her way to Tadayoshi while trying to get past the fighters that were congratulating her

Alex: What do you think?

Tadayoshi: Very impressive, you even remembered your training

Alex: Of course I did, I've been training since we split

Cody: Split? What happened

Tadayoshi/Alex: None of your business!

Cody: Damn you don't have to say it like that, it was just a question

Alex: *cough* anyways you wanted to ask me something

Cody: Oh yeah so-

As Cody begins to ask Alex question, somewhere down the hall, Mars exits out of the room after his talk but bumps into someone

?: What do you know about him

Mars: Huh?

?: You heard me

Mars: What are you talking about, Colorless!?

The stranger pulled out a lighter and lights his cigarette in his mouth until taking it out of his mouth, puffing out a smoke

?: I know who you are so don't even try to threaten me and I'm sure the group you're working for wouldn't like me spoiling your identity

Mars: *tsk* Why do you care about him?

?: Because someone I know is now curious about him

Mars: What?

?: I want to make sure he is trustworthy to be with

Mars: Heh! The funny thing is that they don't know anything about him yet, so all I know is that he's not a normal Forgotten

?: *sigh* I guess I'll have to find out another way, but thanks for your time, Red


The stranger walks off as Mars looks in annoyance and makes way to the fighter

Mars: Who the hell is that bastard?

Back to Tadayoshi and Kiryu, who was relaxing while waiting for Alex to finish answering Cody's questions

Alex: Is that all?

Cody: Yep! Now that is done, I'm going to see if we got any food here, I'm starving! Later strangers!

Cody skips off into the crowd as the speaker starts to announce again

Alex: *sigh*

Tadayoshi: Annoying?

Alex: Kinda, like he asks me the most common question that most people ask me

Kiryu: Guess people don't pay attention to common information a lot

Speaker: Fighters with a number 4, please make your way down the hall!

Soon a bunch of fighters begins making their way down the hall. Suddenly a brute, who looked a bit taller than a normal brute approaches Tadayoshi, Kiryu, and Alex. He has a dark green ponytail, a paper mask with a happy face on it, and had ragged clothes.

Kiryu: Uhh, do you need something

Brute: *moving his hands around*

Tadayoshi: The fuck is he doing?...

Alex: Oh sign language... yeah we can watch over your pet!

The brute nods and puts his hand in his chest pocket and pulls out a small brown rabbit and hands it to Alex which she takes it

Brute: "Thank you"

The rabbit tries to reach the brute, not wanting to be away from him but he lightly pets it with his massive finger until skipping away with the fighter and as Tadayoshi and Kiryu look in confusion

Tadayoshi: Uhhh ok

Kiryu: Did he just skip?

Alex: Aren't you a cute little one

Rabbit: *sneeze*

Tadayoshi: When did you learn sign language?

Alex: You told me to be prepared for anything, so I learned every I could after I left which is one of the reasons why I'm telling you to don't worry about me

Tadayoshi: *sigh* That still isn't going to change my mind

Alex: It should!

Announcer: We will now begin round 4! Very close to the halfway point!

Kiryu: Well instead of talking about who should worry who, why don't we just watch the next fight

Tadayoshi: ...fine

Alex: Fair enough!


?: How much has it charged?

Cyan hair human: About 40% But I can say it won't be completely charged by the time the Championships is over

?: I don't care, we'll make our way to the colosseum when the 9th round begins!

Cyan hair human: But sir-

?: Don't but me! We only have one chance to open the world eye about accepting Demi-humans is a mistake and I'll not have this opportunity be wasted!

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