Chapter 1: Tadayoshi

An alarm begins to go off as an arm reaches over and shuts off the alarm. It was morning as he sits up from his bed and rubs his eyes to see his messy room.

?: Son of a bitch...

His name was Tadayoshi, he has been staying at a messy apartment since it was the cheapest place, though he still struggles to pay his bills. He gets off his bed to begins his daily routine, he showers as much he can before the water shuts off on him, gets changed into his new clothes, and walks into his kitchen, only to remember he doesn't have anything in there. He picks up his wallet that was sitting on the table and opens it to find $7.68 in it

Tadayoshi: I have enough cash to buy a coffee, but...

He suddenly starts to hear a loud knock on his door

Tadayoshi: that old hag...

He puts his wallet in his pocket and answers the door to see an angry old lady, who was the landlord with her hand out

Tadayoshi: *sigh* I don't have no cash on me no-

Landlord: You stupid brat! This is the third time you don't have the payment!

Tadayoshi: I know, I'll get it by tomorrow

Landlord: No! Not tomorrow! I need it by the end of the day! If I don't get it by then, YOU'RE OUT!

She slams the door on his face as he hears her mutter in her voice

Landlord: Worthless forgotten...

Tadayoshi lets out a sigh until putting on his shoes and exits out of his apartment where he takes a lookout to his world before leaving for the city of Coltopia.

It's the year 2321 and humans have evolved ever since. Humans discovered that by the age of 5, their hair changes color depends on the personality that you are and what fighting spirit you have, which became a popular trend in the world. Depending on the hair color you have is what makes you popular or strong among the people, primary and secondary are common color, glowing like colors is rare, and rainbow mix with every color is legendary. Unfortunately, not all colors make you popular, the people who have a grey or black color are considered the people who haven't found who they are or their fighting spirit, making them "the lower" types and is always looked down upon by society, which is what Tadayoshi is. A Forgotten

As he was making his way to Coltopia, Tadayoshi was trying to do some quick math in his head

Tadayoshi: "If I continue with Zack all day, I should make enough money to pay for the rent..."

He arrives in the city where he looks around to see people interacting with each other. Some were showing off their hair color or their weapons, some showing off to social media of their hair color, and some were both humans and Demi-humans hanging out.

Demi-humans were another thing that began appearing in the world and is now living among the society. Unfortunately, they became a big topic for racism. From how Coltpoia works, it is divided into two parts, the left side is where most humans lived and the right side is where demi-humans live. The ones that live closer to the colosseum get along easier while the ones that live far away from the colosseum are more hostile.

Tadayoshi walks into a cafe he always goes up to the register and pulls out the rest of the money he had in his wallet

Cashier: Hi, how can I-

The cashier looks up at Tadayoshi hair and gives a bit of disgusted look

Cashier: *cough* how can I help you

Tadayoshi: Just coffee please

Cashier: Right away...

She takes the money and walks back as he waits for his coffee. As he was waiting he hears some of the people that were whispering and glaring at him

Person: It's a forgotten...

Demi-human: Why is it here...

Person: Why does it have it to be here...

Tadayoshi: *sigh*

Cashier: Here's your coffee

The cashier sets the coffee on the counter as Tadayoshi takes it and grabs a straw as he goes to a seat away from everyone. He opens the cap to the cup and dips the straw in and pulls it out to see the coffee sticking onto the straw

Tadayoshi: And there goes my $7.68

He throws the coffee in the garbage and pulls his phone out, but he notices a cup of coffee being slide towards him and an old man sitting in front of him

Tadayoshi: I don't need your hospitality, old man

Old man: I'm not here to be "nice" I'm here to talk

Tadayoshi looks up at him in confusion until takes the cup of coffee and checking it to see if there are any spits or anything wrong with it. Surprisingly there wasn't anything which he takes a sip out of it

Tadayoshi: What do you want then?

Old man: I heard how strong and skillful you are with the droid testing

Tadayoshi: You mean that job I have?

Old man: Yes, Zack has told me everything about how great you are and you're the perfect person

Tadayoshi: It's just a testing job, that bastard just tells me to try to destroy every droid he makes so he can make it better for the new "future" security

Old man: That's him alright, anyways I want you to join me

Tadayoshi: If it's about being your housemaid cause you're too old to do anything then no

Old man: No, we have a secret organization and I need your help

Tadayoshi: Secret?

Old man: I'll go into details if you accept it, I can't let anyone know about this

Tadayoshi: ... I'm not interested

Old man: Fair enough, but if you change your mind...

He pulls out a card from his pocket and slides it across the table toward Tadayoshi, which he takes and looks at it

Old man: Come find me

The old man gets up and leaves the cafe as Tadayoshi puts the card away and finishes up his coffee

Tadayoshi: Old bastard...


Tadayoshi exits out of the cafe and begins to make his way towards the weapon shop. As he was walking, he gets a buzz on his phone. He pulls out his phone to see that someone texted him and he gives a disappointing look, knowing who it was

Masked DJ: Yo!

T: What do you want?

Masked DJ: Just wanted to say hi to my broski!

T: I should just block you

Masked DJ: Come on man, I just want to talk to my friend

T: Well this "friend" doesn't have time to deal with you, I've got shit to do

Masked DJ: *sigh* Fine, I'll text you when you have time

T: Never

Masked DJ: You know that's not possible!

T: ...

Masked DJ: But before I go, did you see the recent Line and Hook podcast?

T: The what?

Masked Dj: You know, they're a famous podcast group on the Quitch, where they discuss a lot of shit

T: ...

Masked DJ: Man you need to get out more!

T: I don't plan to...

Masked DJ: Well just watch it on your way to work, some interesting shit has come up

T: Maybe

Masked DJ: I'll take that as a yes but later man!

Tadayoshi exits out of the message and debates a bit to see the podcast until he starts overhearing some people

Human: I can't believe it's going to happen soon!

Human 2: I know, I hope we get to become at least one of the champions!

Demi-Human: Same but I'm more excited that she's coming back!

Human: Yeah, I hope I can get her autograph!

Tadayoshi: ... Ah fuck it

He opens up Quitch and finds the Line and Hook to see the recent video.

Amber: Y'all know what time it is

Diana: it's Line and Hook coming at you LIVE to bring you the latest updates and discussions from the world!

Amber: So lets us start talking about the greatest information we just heard

Diana: What's that?

Amber: Why the championship is starting again in almost 1 week!

Diana: What?! No way?! So soon!

Amber: Though should we explain to the low culture people that don't know the championship is?

Diana: We should, every 10 years, the Colosseum brings an event where every fighter from the famous to the newbies comes to fight against each other in an all-out battle to become the champion!

Amber: BUT, at the final fight, there will be 10 champions, and only one of them will be the True champion and known to the number 1 fighter across the world!

Diana: And that's not all, I heard that the legendary DJ, BeatBox is going to perform there

Amber: Wait seriously?! Now I've gotta go there!

Diana: I bet this championship will be the greatest one in history!

Amber: Speaking of idols, I heard that Cassie is coming back home!

Diana: Wait really?!

Amber: Yeah, apparently they just finished filming in France and she'll be home in 3 days!

Diana: Man, this week is gonna be the best!

Amber: Yeah, I hope I can get an autograph of her someday

Diana: Ok before we continue to do other things, we'll begin the donations!

For those who are wondering what is the colosseum, the Colosseum is what makes Coltopia so popular and known for. People throughout the city play the Colosseum to either fight against each other for fun, try to be a popular fighter around the public or make money from betting the winner of the fights. Like playing sports, but fighting with your weapons that pays you.

Tadayoshi quickly skips the entire video to find nothing special new to him

Tadayoshi: Wasted my time on that...


This story is interrupted by a chibi Tadayoshi, sitting on a bench while drinking a cup of coffee


Tadayoshi arrives at a weapon shop where he finds his boss, fixing up a weapon

Boss: Ah, you're here Tadayoshi!

Tadayoshi: Is it done, Zack?

Zack: Why of course it is! It was a bit hard to work on but it was worth it!

He sets down Tadayoshi weapon onto the counter with proudness. A grade S weapon: Spear.

Zack: Surprisingly, you have such a high-grade weapon

Tadayoshi: It's a hand-me-down weapon

Zack: Yeah, but still having a weapon made by the Creator is such a shock and a rare thing!

Tadayoshi picks up his weapon and inspects it before giving it a quick swing until putting it away

Tadayoshi: You'll get your payment soon

Zack: Good! So are you going to do some colosseum games later on?

Tadayoshi: No and I never have...

Zack: Really wow? A lot of people come here to get their weapons to fix when they play those colosseum games

Tadayoshi: Yeah and I'm not one of those people.

When people reach the age of 16, they're put to the test where the government can determine what weapon fits with the person. After the person finishes the test and a week goes by, they'll be given their weapon, but they aren't allowed to use the weapons to fight in the colosseum until they are 18.

Since weapons are also popular as color hair, they can be upgraded to a higher grade. There's the low-grade D and F, the average grade C and D, the high-grade A and B, and the legendary grade that can only be upgraded by a certain someone, S and S+. People are always given an F-grade weapon and people can go to a weapon shop to get their weapons upgraded to grade A. Unfortunately, getting a grade of S or S+ to a weapon is a nearly impossible thing to do. The only way to upgrade to S or S+ is getting the Creator himself, but that's a story for another time

Tadayoshi: So what am I testing this time? Another one of your robots? Also, I'm gonna work all day alright?

Zack: Oh...

Tadayoshi: ... What?

Zack: ... (looks away) uh

He sets his hand on the counter and leans close to Zack, which he grew nervous and leans back

Tadayoshi: spit it out

Zack: I... can't have you working here anymore...

Tadayoshi: ... Why?

Zack: Look I don't know, but they told me that I can't have you working here. if I don't, they'll shut down this place!

Tadayoshi: They?...

Zack: That's something I can't say...

Tadayoshi: ...

Zack: I'm sorry...

Tadayoshi: Of course... that's what "they" always say...

He leans away and turns back, kicking the door open, and stomps out of the building

Zack: *sigh* I didn't want to do that...

Tadayoshi begins walking around the city, trying to think of a way to make some quick cash

Tadayoshi: "Dammit! How am I supposed to make money now?"

He suddenly remembers the card the old man gave him, so he reaches in his pocket and pulls out the card

Tadayoshi: "Then again..."


After a few minutes, he arrives at the address that was written on the card where he finds himself walking through an alleyway. He finds a door with the address written beside the door

Tadayoshi: This must be the place

He knocks on the door which a peephole opens up and looks at Tadayoshi

Tadayoshi: I was told to come here for a job?

The peephole immediately closes which Tadayoshi looks down at the card again, thinking it's the wrong place.

Tadayoshi: *tsk* probably got fooled by that-

Suddenly the floor beneath him opens and he starts to fall in. Tadayoshi look around in shock as he was sliding down in a tunnel until he finally exits out. He quickly gets up and pulls his spear out and looks around to find himself in an open valley area as if he was on a large porch and a building next to him. Suddenly he notices the old man sitting on a bench.

Old man: So you did come

Tadayoshi: What the hell is this?

Old man: Why this is our base of course, after all, we have to keep ourselves hidden from the world

Tadayoshi: What do you mean?

Old man: I can't explain it to you unless you accept the job, we can't let you know a lot of information about us

Tadayoshi: Then answer me this, do I get paid for doing whatever my job is?

Old man: Yes you will...

Tadayoshi: ... Fine... I'll do this job

Old man: Perfect!

He puts his spear away as the old man grabs his cane beside him and stands up

Tadayoshi: So tell me, who are you and what is this?

Craig: Well sonny boy, my name is Craig and the place we are is how "we" started... We are the Guardians!


The first chapter of this story! Honestly, I'm proud to make this and hope this will be better, but hey, once I get somewhere in life, I can make this into something bigger, but I hope you all enjoyed this!

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