ELEVEN : My Wind Is Almost No Use At All

It was Wednesday. In school, we were already showing the Eight graders around our halls and the band kids were already taking their instruments home. The teachers were bearing us goodbyes, ranging from sorrowful to extremely glad, depending on which student they were saying goodbye to. Wednesday was the last day, in a sense. The following Thursday and Friday were ones we would chose to come to or go without. Dillan's group - which, I guess, now included me - decided to stick around for those two days so we could drive certain teachers, aside from Gary Bluethorne, mad.

We were sitting in the middle of the gym bleachers, watching volunteers show off their skills in basketball. Rain drummed against the roof of the gym, and a pipe leaked loose close to the boy's locker room. It was only the five of us - me, Dillan, Delta, Fango, and Oliver - sitting there. The old guys of Dillan's clique had been kicked out, losing their popularity as much as their title.

"They were assholes anyway," Dillan had explained.

Being in the 'it' crowd was uncomfortable. Boys in the school had had no problem checking me out before, but now I had people asking me out and flirting with me. It took all my willpower and an overprotective Oliver to keep me from flinging them into the walk with my air. Used to, Dillan and his gang had only spent lunch with me. Now, it was an all-day thing. Girls wanted to be me.

I hated it.

Sitting against the seat behind me, I lifted my elbows to it and sighed. At least I am with the crowd of popular guys and not girls... That would be Hell. My eyes skipped from player to player as they dribbled the ball and tossed baskets that were foreign and mean nothing to me. I was not familiar with the sport, although Delta played it and was enjoying himself.

Oliver, who didn't understand the sport either, titled his head at me and ignored the game. "What's wrong?"

My head snapped at him. I was about to growl that it was obvious, but stopped myself. My mother told me to be more open after noticing how bad my 'anger issues' were. Instead, I muttered, "When will Fango find Mary's location, do you think?"

Oliver glanced away and shrugged, fingering the zipper to his jacket. "I don't know. Fango is a busy Extant, but this matter is pressing. Soon, Emma, soon."

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, deciding the scroll through music in boredom. I had every Metallica song ever written, and nothing else. I wasn't a huge music fanatic, but Metallica was my passion. It was the only band I liked. In my book, Ozzie and Black Sabbath were overshadowed by the noisy beauty that was Metallica. I grew up listening to them, and I must have had every Metallica meme saved on my phone.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asked.

Like it's any of your Croma damned business, I thought. For my mother's sake, I answered with, "Looking through my music even though I left my earbuds at home. Dick move of my brain, if you ask me."

"Don't say that word," he scolded.


"Shh! I don't like cussing. It makes me uncomfortable..." he shifted his weight. "I know it isn't really that bad or anything, but..."

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, fine, I'm sorry." My thumb flicked as I surveyed the songs. As I spotted "Fuel", my stomach churned. I really miss my earbuds... I needed that song like a fat guy needed a walk in the park.

I winced as Dillan, Delta, and Fango threw their arms in the air and shouted at the sportish victory before them. The buzzer roared, and the other team's groaning could not be heard over the deafening roar of the crowd. Oliver covered his ears and gave the rest of the group a pitiful look.

I gripped my phone as the joy died down. Scream again and I am bound to hit someone. It's just a sport. I thought.

I my black gaze twisted over to Gary Bluethorne, who was sitting a few seats away. I could see the side of his face, and his half-lidded eyes gave way to boredom. His slick, black hair was messy over his head, and his knuckles propped his chin up as he slouched over onto his arm.

Why did you help me? I silently questioned him. When someone came to my aid, why was it you? I will have to kill you some day, Gary Bluethorne. You signed the certificate to your own self-destruction... Why would you do that? What's in it for you? I narrowed my eyes, curious at the exasperated math teacher.

"Earth to Emma!" Dillan shouted, waving his hand in front of my face. I reached up and punched his hand on instinct, causing him to flinch. "Ow! Hey!" When I didn't apologize, he continued, "Who are you staring at? Gary?"

"None of your damn business," I snapped. "Dillan Raking, if I even checked people out, Bluethorne is the last person person I would... I'm worried, you damn tacosexual!"

Dillon's eyebrows arched. "Tacosexual? That's unique... I like it. Is that your little nickname for me, Em?"

I crossed my arms and glanced back at the Dark general, who was leaning over and talking to some other adult. It made no sense. It wasn't like he had gone much out of his way to help me into the Dark plane, but it would still lead to his death. And the fact that he helped me wouldn't erase the fact that he had helped Salt kidnap Mary.

He had to know her location...

I turned over to Dillan, eyes widened. My black irises shrunk and the corners of my thin mouth lifted. He tilted his head at me the slightest bit before I spoke hushedly, "I can get into Gary Bluethorne's home and recover information about Mary's whereabouts. For some reason, he trusts me."

Dillan Raking looked more than doubtful. "Okay, yeah, he let you get into that portal, but I think he was expecting you to die or get captured. After all, after Salt made you hallucinate Mary's death, he would have killed you. And if my girlfriend hadn't stepped in..."

I rolled my eyes and shoved my phone into the pocket of my skinny jeans. "Yeah, whatever, Nahara is love, Nahara is life." I cringed as the basketball fans roared again, but Dillan remained unphased. I waited for the commotion to die down, then continued, "I should be eternally grateful." My tone dripped in the extra dose of sarcasm I added to it. "But seriously, he could have attacked me before I entered the portal. He told me to hush up about what I did, too. I'm not sure what gave me a loose tongue... Seriously, though, I can get into his place and look for any information about Mary during the visit."

"Not a good idea..." Fango shifted seats, sliding past Delta and Oliver to take up my other side. "You have no idea what he is planning. Maybe your trust is what he wants."

I balled my fists, locking my jaw as I did so. I still wasn't sure why I trusted the Cromans, who attempted to keep me from Mary in the Dark plane. Perhaps it was because they had delivered the news that said girl was still alive and breathing. Whatever it was that kindled the oxytocin between us, I regretted having the chemicals. "I'm not asking you to waltz in there. I am completely capable of myself."

"Gary could make Satan cry," Delta said. Some girl behind him, just now eavesdropping, giggled. The curly-haired boy leaned forward. "Let's talk about this later."

I stood up. To my disgust, a couple of boys whistled at me, but I ignored them. "How about we talk somewhere else?"

"Useless. Girls will still flog us." Dillan grinned as if he had said something funny. "And guys will flog you. And the gay ones will flog Oliver."

My white-haired Apotropaic looked confused. "I don't understand why any of us would be flogged, but why specifically gay ones?"

"There is a rumor going around..." Dillan explained. He fidgeted with the purple headband strapped across his forehead.

"I'm so confused!" Oliver looked flush. "What does a rumor have to do with this? Why will we be getting followed by people?"

"You're such a cinnamon role," chuckled Fango.

"No, I am a Kalos demon. What is your logic? I share nothing in common with a cinnamon role." Oliver huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. The hood over his head scrunched as he slouched.

The girls giggled once again, and I felt like backhanding one of them. My face flushed in anger, and my thin eyebrows creased. "They are so damn annoying... Do you people always have such a lack of privacy?"

"All day long," Delta answered glumly. He shared a glance with Fango, who pushed the glasses up onto his face. "Fango and I are total nerds. The only reason people even recognize us is because Dillan is our soul brother. Before being with him and before knowing about Croma, we were the guys who snuck out every day to the mall to compete in Magic card game tournaments."

"The social hierarchy is strange," I confirmed. "I don't pay much attention. So Dillan is like a god to them?"

"Pretty much," the Vurandoes prophet smirked.

Weaving my way out of the argument, I glanced back at Gary Bluethorne. The guys went back to cheering on Ninth Grade's basketball team. He man was talking seriously with the woman beside him, back straighter than it had been for the entire game.

I don't care what the Cromans say, I thought. I am going to find out where Mary is being held. And I know just where I am going to start...


I didn't bring my sword to Gary's home, but I did manage to sneak a knife into my jeans. A baggy Metallica shirt, my father's, covered my pockets so that it and its leather sheath my mother had made couldn't be seen.

The silver afternoon light outlined my body as I traveled across the road, hands at my sides. To avoid a confrontation with Dillan, I wore a pastel jacket and painted my nails dark red. The Emma Whitestone he knew would stray from both of those things. If he spotted me, I would have the pastel hood over my head and pale jeans cut off above my one-strap shoes. I would be utterly unrecognizable to him, aside from any accidental views of my face.

Tugging up on the zipper of my white-and-pink jacket, I made a glance towards Fango's home. I was unnoticed by both the boy and Delta, who were too busy playing Dungeons and Dragons on the porch to notice me sneaking by them. After getting past them, I didn't even sneak a glance towards Dillan's place. He was more aware than the other two were. He would probably be watching out to make sure I didn't get to the general. After all, over all the Extants, he seemed to have his act together the most.

"Whatever," I muttered, picking up the pace. "Just because I am new doesn't mean I'm helpless. I can get past a fucking demon if this really is a trap.... After all, I'm one, too." I put more faith in my words than I really had; Salt had nearly defeated me only with an illusion. There was no telling what the general I was about to confront could do.

I gave the knife in my pocket one last pat, as if checking to see it hadn't disappeared. Then, I wove my way up the tiny set of steps before Gary's door and porch. I lifted my head and knocked on the door. My knuckles beat urgently against the wood.

There was a shout, a few seconds of silence, and then Gary Bluethorne opened the door, a sword in hand.

"Not happy with my timing, I reckon?" A smile forcefully tugged at the corners if my thin lips, and I cross my arms over the pink fabric in my chest. "Good afternoon, Gary Bluethorne. May I come in?"

His eyebrows arched, and the ice thawed from his black eyes. "Not bad timing, no. I just... wasn't expecting anyone. Especially you. Come in." He let his arm slip from its toughened stance, and the sword touched the ground harmlessly. He turned his shoulder to give me room to enter. "Quickly, now. No one should see you."

I lowered my head and entered through the space provided for my slim figure to squeeze through. He shut the door behind me in a hurry, and I wasted no time turning to make sure he didn't stab me in the back with his sword. The math teacher dropped it to the floor beside the mat.

"Take a seat, Emma Whitestone. Why are you here? I didn't offer you a favor." He locked the door as I made my way to the couch. "And why are you dressed like that?"

I sighed and unzipped the pink layer to reveal my Metallica shirt. "It's my mom's. The Extants live near you. I couldn't let them see me. This is my cover-up."

Gary sauntered over to me, but didn't take a seat. His hands were behind his back. "Are you betraying the Cromans? Is that the news you have come to deliver, Emma?"

I glanced about, disguising my search for evidence on Mary for unsureness. "I believe so." There were papers over on the kitchen counter. They could have been school work, but it was worth it to look into. "The Cromans don't trust me. But you helped me in my time of need. Let me return the favor. I want to work for the Dark."

Bluethorne blinked as if it would help him wake up from the strange dreamlike news I had falsely given him. "Do you understand what you're asking for? Emma Whitestone, you are Croma's creation. But... you could be an important asset to our army... I'll pour some tea. Perhaps we can talk this through."

Eying the papers of interest, I stood up before he could even take a step. "I will make it! I want to be useful!" I could have slapped myself.

His eyebrows knit in confusion, like mine so often did. "You have had a Hell of an attitude change. Very well, then. I will be in my basement for a few minutes, cleaning up."

I dip my head and hurry off to the kitchen. I go into the fridge and pretended to claw around for the tea until he left the sight of the kitchen. Then, in a hurry, I flung my air towards the papers, showing nine to ten at a time as I skipped my eyes over them. Behind me, my air pulled the tea out. The papers went over many different subjects, from school to scripts (which I was very interested in) to messages from Salt written in another language. Knowing all translations for Mary's name, none of them were centered around her. I made it to the bottom before long, and used all my air to set them back in the exact spot they had been in before. In seconds after, Gary walked back in.

I smiled innocently at him, face burning in rage at the fact that I couldn't look through something so deadly serious with atleast a minute to spare. "I can't find the cups."

The demon's black eyes jumped from me to the tea, questioning. "Of course... left cupboard."

"Ah... Where is your bathroom?" I asked, feeling sweat pool across my hair. Gary pointed, and I followed his finger down the hall without hesitation. I nearly ran, leg after leg. As an actor, you'd think that I would appear more calm than I truly was. However, I just couldn't control the cold nervousness that ate at me.

I entered his bedroom rather than his bathroom, but shut his bathroom door to trick him. I searched each drawer with my wind and eyes, frantically pulling at everything in a desperate attempt to find information. I found only school work.

I opened the bathroom door with my wind and rushed out so quickly that, if he had seen me, he wouldn't be able to tell the difference of which door I had left. I flushed the toilet with my air to make sure it seemed that I had used it before reentering the room.

I sat on the couch again beside Gary Bluethorne. He dropped three sugar cubes into his drink, and like last time, I didn't dare touch mine. I put my hands in my lap, dipping my head downwards and forcing a blush across my face.

This was how I was going to come off as: nervous, shy, desperate, clueless. After all, he didn't know that I knew Mary was alive. With Mary apparently gone, my attitude could have softened.

There was one last place to check: the basement.

"Surely you are angry for Mary's death, and you don't owe me that much," Gary said, not meeting my eye and sipping on his over-sweetened tea. "But if you want..."

"I will do anything," I said, hiding my gulp. I twisted my head around and surveyed Gary. There was a note in his leather jacket. The top of it read 'Mary'.

Bingo! Now to pickpocket him.

"Anything? Even kill your Apotropaic?" Gary questioned, setting his cup down on the edge of the table. "If it came to that, would you slit Oliver Kalos' throat?"

My eyes leaped from the pocket to his face. His head was still turned to the side, and so my lingering eyes weren't noticed. "Oliver Kalos is immortal."

"Unless he has sex. It symbolizes the fact that he gave his body to something or someone besides the prophecy the Divines believe in."

"I am aware." At my side where he couldn't see, I clenched my fists in frustration in where the conversation was going.

"Would you take that from his as well so that you can kill him?"

I grit my teeth, flinging my gaze away from him in disgust. I kept a straight face on well like a mask, but I still felt my stomach churn in sickness at his proposition. "Yes, I would." Not if it were the only thing I could do. "I would do anything to secure my place."

Gary Bluethorne grinned. "I may talk with Salt after some thinking. You can be in my group, Whitestone. You can kill in my name. You can help us conquer Croma, and this entire universe. And all of creation."

My throat went dry, and I pressed my palm to my wrist to feel the rabid pulse pounding in my bloodstream. "That would be so lovely!" I drew in a deep, silent breath. Suddenly, I crept my wind across the door and attempted to knock the trash can over outside. "Was that yours?"

"I will check to see if it was a cat," said Gary. "Damn things are so annoying."

I nodded, and the demon pushed himself off of the couch with a small, "Excuse me." He walked towards the door, and I focused my air on his pocket. The paper slipped out easily and went unnoticed. I slung it into my hand, and slipped it into the pocket of my jeans opposite to the one that held a knife.

A few seconds later, Gary froze with his hand on the doorknob. He turned his head the slightest bit, and let his other hand droop at his side. "You know, Emma Whitestone, this world disgusts me."

I snorted, "I can relate."

"What's wrong with this world," he said, clenching the doorknob, "is that I can feel creation. There are strands of God's power all around me, and it sickens me. There are people with stronger creation, created by Croma. They are beautiful, Emma. It makes me want to puke... but what I can feel more clearly is creation being used."

My eyebrows arched, and my hand slipped into my pocket so that I could pull out the knife. I unclipped the case silently and partially pulled it out. "What do you mean, Gary Bluethorne?"

"You have been using your powers for the entire time have been at this house. And besides, there is a little paper in my pocket that is missing."

I threw the knife at Gary, aiming straight for his face. However, he had already been heading for his sword by the door. He swung his weapon upright, right in front of his face. The tip of my knife went directly into the blade's edge, an explosion of sparks twitched as the metal slid against each other, and my knife was sliced in half into two thinner twins.
My eyes widened, and a bead of sweat rolled down my forehead. "Shit..." I pulled myself off of the couch, gripped the paper in my jeans, and grit my teeth.
Gary traced his finger down the side of his sword. "I knew that you were smarter than how you came off. It really confused me. But then, you 'made tea' and I could feel that awful energy like a slap in the face. You can't hide something as strong as that."
I glanced around for a weapon, but saw nothing. I clenched my jaw.
"Little girl, you are truly an idiot to come here alone. Sure, you have the information, but will you live to tell the tale?" He pointed the sword out in front of him, and the sword whistled against the wind. "You were so sure. I guess you will have to die now. It was nice knowing you, Emma Whitestone. I will be the one to tell Mary what I did to you."

I send a gust of wind his way, which only made his sword twitch. I'm too weak to hurt him with my air! I can't control it that well yet! "I refuse to die!" I seethed. "As long as Mary is out there, I will crawl from my grave to save her!"

Gary chuckled, and rolled his shoulders. Then, he leaped a great length forward and pressed the sword to my neck. I gulped, clenching my fists at my sides. "Would you like me to tell her you said goodbye?"
I let out a long breath, and looked up at him. Then, as he waited for an answer, my post cracked against his smug-looking expression. He stumbled back the slightest bit, red trickling down his nose. I could feel his blood smeared across my fist, making mine run cold. "Thanks for the offer," I choked out. "But I am afraid I will live to tell her something other than that."

"You wish!" He swung the sword across my body, and I wavered his sword with my air to keep it from making contact with me. After a second, a clean fraction of my pink jacket's golden zipper fell to the floor from where his sword had cut it off.
Someone began frantically knocking on the door outside.
Gary ignored them, and moved his hand across the sword's handle. "Your air is just as annoying as your presence."

When he swung once again, I fell back into a crab walk position and kicked. Of course, not seeing where my blow went, I didn't hit anything with my foot. I pushed myself back up, a second too slow. I felt Gary's cold blade against my nose, already sinking into my skin.

Life froze for a few precious seconds. I remembered Mary's happy face, smiling at me. I thought of my mother with the little baby in her stomach and my father. I thought of Dillan, the friend closest to me aside from Mary. I thought of when Nahara saved me, and Oliver's effort. I thought of Mun's promise and all the Apotropaic, welcoming me like a kid adopted into a nice family. I thought of Fango and Delta, two peas in a pod. I thought, This is wear I die. I am so sorry, Mary...

But I heard something break, and I was shoved back onto the floor and some strange force pulled me nearer to the kitchen. When my black eyes flew open, my first gaze shot towards the door, which was nearly off its hinges. Delta, Dillan, and Oliver were standing there beside Gary. Delta had rusted his sword to the point of crumbling apart, and guessing from the shadows engulfing me, Dillan had pulled me out of the way of the harmful shards. Oliver was holding a gun up to Gary's temple, muttering something in his ear. No one had bothered to close the door.

"Mess with my Extant again, and I will rip you to shreds with my bare teeth," Oliver hissed, pressing the gun's hole harder into the demon's temple.

Gary looked bored, but I could tell he was afraid by the sweat that matted his hair. "Fine. Get out of my house. All of you."

I hurried over to Dillan, who immediately took my by the shoulders and yelled, "Do you have a death wish or temporary schizophrenia?!" He gripped my shoulders with such I force that I had no choice but to shove him off.

"I got information." I shrugged, eyes narrowed. I truly was thankful, but I kept that on my tongue.

"Don't do this anymore! I am not letting my friend get hurt!" Dillan turned to Oliver. "Knock him out!"

Without question, Oliver slammed his fist against Gary's head rather than the gun. As the man's body slumped to the ground, he growled, "Nobody messes with my Emma Whitestone."

Delta looked at me. "We do stuff together from now on!"

I pulled the paper from my pocket, and it found itself in Dillan's hand. "Good. Because I have a group project for us that we are going to start on soon. But first, we should go get some pizza."

Please vote and comment! It makes me really happy, and I will read all your works, I am that desperate for a comment from someone I don't know who is reading this! :(

Are you enjoying the story? Who do you ship? What is your favorite part so far? Emma is finally stopping her bitch act towards Dillan's gang. :3 Who do you love the most? Who do you hate the most?

Oh, the picture is Carter, by the way. The next will be Caleb.

Until the next update, Green is signing off!

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