Chapter Fifteen
"No, you're supposed to hold it like this," Carina muttered as she flew to Draco and repositioned his shaky hands on the Quaffle, "See how much more stable it is?"
"I don't know about that," Draco replied nervously.
"Well, give it a try!" Carina encouraged. Draco hesitantly began flying, and within seconds, the Quaffle plunged to the green grass of the Quidditch pitch. With Draco trying out for the Slytherin team this year, Carina knew she had to help him improve (although she wouldn't tell Oliver that). So far, Draco was miserable at every position he tried.
"Hm... I suppose Chaser isn't for you... and neither is Keeper.... or Beater, really. I wonder..." Carina thought, then plummeted to the ground, dismounted her broom, and strode towards the broom shed.
"Carina? Where are you going?" Draco cried from above. She tore open one of the crates containing Quidditch balls, and pulled out a Snitch with a grin coating her face.
"I'm coming, I'm coming, calm down. Now, let's see how long it takes you to catch this," Carina challenged. Her hand unclasped from the Snitch, and it sprung forth, disappeared into thin air.
"You want me to play Seeker?" Draco asked in disbelief.
"Well, nothing else seems to be working out for you! Now, go," Carina instructed. With a glare, Draco spun around and searched for a flint of gold with narrowed eyes. Meanwhile, Carina brushed up on her own skills. The girl set various obstacles for herself, ranging from dodging to long-distance throws. She threw the ball up in the air, then plummeted to catch it in time, along with practicing her turns by weaving through the posts. After twenty minutes, Draco returned to her with the Snitch in hand.
"Carina, I caught it!" Draco hollered as he triumphantly lifted the Snitch.
"Awesome! Now let it go again!"
"Do you want to make the team or not?"
"Fine," Draco muttered, releasing the Snitch. After hours of practicing, the sun began to set along the horizon, leaving a pink tint across the sky, with traces of orange and purple.
"Isn't it so pretty up here?" Carina asked as she laid across her broom and watched the sunset.
"Gorgeous," Draco gasped. When the sun finally went down, the siblings decided to as well, placing their supplies in the broomshed and heading inside.
Upon walking into the household, the pair could hear their parents' voices from the parlor, and both siblings seemed to have the same idea. With an exchange of nods, the two tiptoed up to the door and gently pressed their ears against it.
"-obvious that we can't tell her about the Chamber! She's friends with Harry!" Narcissa exclaimed.
"I did promise her that I'd answer any questions she had though, and what will happen when she goes looking for it herself? She knows we've discussed it, so I'm sure she will be suspicious when it happens!" Lucius stated.
"Oh, but she can't know about it! We simply cannot tell her because she might warn Harry, and we both know that Harry will take action!"
"Yes, of course, but the issue is that she already knows! She overheard part of our discussion at the meeting."
"So you're proposing that we tell her more about it?"
"But why would we tell her more when she already knows too much?"
"This seems like a situation where we either completely include our children or we completely exclude our children. We can't meet halfway with this, Narcissa, it's much too important. If we tell her, she will hold more loyalty to us, and not to Mr. Potter. We both know what House she's in. There's a good chance she could side with Mr. Potter right now, so we have to persuade her to be loyal to us."
"I disagree... We can't tell them this, it's much too dangerous to have them involved!" Narcissa stated in an agitated tone.
"Fine. I suppose we should just keep it a secret then, and allow our children to hate us," Lucius spat.
"Fine," Narcissa replied.
There was a brief pause in the room, before Carina heard their chairs scrape against the floor. She took that as her cue to run. Draco seemed to have the same idea, and the two sprinted into the livingroom, in an attempt to conceal their eavesdropping. They both jumped into armchairs, and hastily sat up as their parents' footsteps pounded towards them.
"Done practicing already? What position have you chosen, Draco?" Lucius questioned while rounding the corner.
"I would say the position chose him," Carina snickered, earning a glare from Draco.
"Excellent, a crucial position to the team's success, much better than Chaser," Lucius smiled, then spun on his heel and proceeded out of the room.
"That was close," Carina whispered.
"A bit too close," Draco replied.
That evening, Carina laid in her bed unable to fall asleep. She tossed and turned in her four-poster bed, and eventually gave up on sleep altogether. Carina lazily sat up, rubbing her eyes, and decided it best to get a glass of water. Gently she padded down the stairs, attempting to make the least amount of noise as possible. Halfway to the kitchen though, she came face to face with Dobby.
"Mistress, why aren't you in bed?" Dobby asked.
"Couldn't sleep. Although, I do have something to tell you about the Chamber of Secrets."
"What is it?!" Dobby exclaimed rather loudly.
"Not here, follow me," she ordered. No one can hear this conversation, she thought as she lead the elf through a maze of twists and turns within the Manor. They ended up in a guest bedroom on the forth floor, where Carina locked the bedroom door, then brought Dobby into the bathroom, and locked that door as well.
"Dobby, have you heard of a wizard named Harry Potter?" Carina began.
"Yes, Mistress, Harry Potter's quite famous!" Dobby chirped.
"Yes, yes that's him. So as you may know, he attends Hogwarts-"
"Of course, Mistress, I've heard Master Draco complain about him."
"Sounds about right...Anyway, I heard Mother and Father arguing yesterday about whether or not to tell me information regarding the Chamber of Secrets... in this argument, it sounded like whatever they had planned was quite dangerous, and they kept mentioning Harry Potter's name," Carina stated.
"Dangerous? Mistress, why would Master send you to school if he knew it'd be dangerous?"
"I don't know! Maybe he wants to get rid of me, or maybe he is targeting someone! I'm not really sure, but judging by how much they mentioned Harry Potter, I do believe that he could be in danger."
"Harry Potter is in danger?!"
"Yes, I think so, Dobby. That's where you come in. I need you to warn him."
"You want Dobby to warn Harry Potter? Dobby has always wanted to meet Harry Potter!" the elf exclaimed.
"Dobby, quiet!" Carina muttered harshly.
"Sorry, Mistress, Dobby is just excited to meet Mr. Potter. When do you want Dobby to warn him?"
"In a week, probably after dinnertime."
"Dobby would love to, Mistress!"
"Perfect, now let's get out of here before they notice us," Carina whispered. With a snap, Dobby had disappeared, leaving Carina to fend for herself. The girl unlocked the bathroom door, but when she tried to unlock the bedroom door, the lock wouldn't budge. My luck, Carina thought as she fiddled with the handle.
"Dobby!" Carina whispered into thin air, and the elf appeared again within seconds.
"Yes, Mistress?"
"Can you please unlock this door?"
"Of course, Mistress," Dobby replied, then slid his hand down to the handle and turned the knob, not even needing to unlock the door. Miraculously it opened, and, as Carina turned to thank him, he had vanished again.
Carina slowly padded down two flights of stairs, being sure not to create too much noise. That was until she tripped on her nightgown and tumbled down the rest of the stairs. With a remarkably loud thud, Carina sat on the first floor of Malfoy Manor in shame. With that fall, I probably woke up the entire country, Carina thought as she rubbed her head.
"Draco? Carina?" Narcissa's voice echoed down the corridor. She emerged from the master suite in a bathrobe, with a concerned expression on her face.
"Are you alright dear? Why are you awake?" the mother asked as she practically flew down the stairs to check on her daughter.
"I'm fine, just a bit clumsy is all. I was just coming downstairs to get a glass of water," Carina murmured.
"I see, would you like me to get water for you?"
"No, it's quite alright, Mother, you can head back to bed. I was just having a hard time falling asleep."
"And apparently walking down the stairs as well," she scoffed, then strolled back upstairs. Wayy to close, Carina thought.
A week later, Carina sat at the dinner table with her family, anxious for Dobby's departure.
"So Carina, if rumors are true, I do believe that there's a boy at school whom you fancy," Narcissa said with a smirk.
"Yes, there is," Carina replied briskly while twisting the spaghetti on her fork in circles.
"Do tell us about him," Lucius ordered.
"His name's Oliver Wood, he's in Gryffindor, and he's going to be in sixth year. What else would you like to know?"
"A sixth year?! Don't you think he's a bit old for you? You're a fourth year!" Narcissa cried.
"He's a bit older than I am, but that also means he's much more mature. I'm not sure I could stand to date any of the boys in my year right now... they act like children," Carina replied.
"What's his blood status?" Lucius inquired suspiciously.
"I suppose that's better than Muggleborn. Although, I know for a fact that you could do better," Lucius hissed.
"Have you looked into Marcus Flint? He's a sixth year too!" Narcissa encouraged.
"Mother, I don't like Marcus Flint, he looks like a troll!" Carina exclaimed. Draco practically spit out his drink in laughter, and knocked his mother's over in the process.
"I'm sorry Mother, but she's not wrong," Draco snickered.
"Now, children, that's not respectful," Lucius sneered with a disapproving glare. Both Carina and Draco stopped laughing at once.
"Dobby, more water," Narcissa called out, but the elf was nowhere to be seen.
"Dobby?" She asked again. The room remained silent.
"Where is he?" Narcissa asked while glancing at Lucius expectantly.
"He's supposed to be serving us dinner... Dobby!" Lucius hollered. Still nothing. Don't tell me he left already, Carina thought.
"I swear that elf, one of these days we're going to have to rid ourselves of him," Lucius muttered. Carina was about to protest, but thought better of it. She could not act suspiciously.
"Poppy, more water," Narcissa ordered. Poppy, another one of the Malfoy's house elves, appeared before her with a pitcher of water in hand.
"Of course, Mistress."
"Poppy, do you know where Dobby's gone?" Lucius inquired.
"No Master, but I did see him twenty minutes ago."
"Interesting," Lucius hissed. Once the dinner was over, Carina scurried to her bedroom and began stressing. Where is he? What's taking him so long? Why isn't he here yet?! Carina thought as she paced across her room. Then she heard a knock.
"Come in," Carina croaked as she tried to ignore her nerves.
"Carrie, are you alright? We can hear you pacing from downstairs," Draco asked.
"Yes, I'm just worried because Oliver hasn't written yet."
"Oh, well I hope he does soon." Draco replied awkwardly, then shut her door. A breath, which Carina didn't know she was holding, escaped from her lips as she launced herself onto her bed. With a groan, she laid there face down, until a pop sounded behind her. Carina's head shot up in suprise, to see Dobby standing there, sobbing.
"Dobby? Shhhhh, be quiet!" Carina ordered. Much to Carina's displeasure, the elf continued weeping.
"Dobby, I demand that you stop crying," Carina stated harshly. She hated using this tone against the elf, but knew that there was no alternative.
"Dobby is sorry, Mistress.... Dobby has failed you and Master and Harry Potter," he sobbed, blowing his nose into his pillowcase of a robe.
"Dobby, it's okay, just be quiet! I ordered it!" Carina whispered. Dobby stopped sobbing, but his sniffles remained obnoxious.
"Leave my room, now. We will talk about this when you're in a better state," Carina directed. Dobby continued to sniffle, but nevertheless vanished.
"Carina?" A voice sounded at the door.
"Come in."
"Did I hear you talking to yourself?" Narcissa asked.
"No, Mother."
"Interesting... I could've sworn I heard someone talking up here."
"Maybe it was Draco?"
"I suppose it could be. Anyway, goodnight."
"Goodnight, Mother," Carina replied. She laid there for a few minutes, then decided to change into pajama shorts. Maybe I won't trip on these, she thought while changing. With one final glance in the mirror, Carina snuck out of her room and began navigating the hallways of Malfoy Manor. She didn't care where she was headed, but only that she distanced herself from her parents' bedroom. After a variety of twists and turns, Carina was satisfied with a guest bedroom on the third floor as she entered and locked the door behind herself.
"Dobby," she murmured into the dark. The same pop as before sounded.
"Mistress, Dobby has failed you. Dobby tried everything. Dobby warned him, Dobby took his mail, and Dobby dropped pudding on his aunt, but Harry Potter still wants to return to Hogwarts!"
"It's okay, Dobby, we just needed to warn him!"
"No, Dobby wants to stop Harry Potter from going to Hogwarts! It's too dangerous!"
"Dobby, that's his choice, now give his mail back!"
"Dobby will not give Harry Potter his mail. Dobby would rather burn his ears in the oven twenty times."
"Dobby, I am your Mistress and I order you to give Harry Potter his letters back!"
"Dobby cannot do that.... Bad Dobby, Bad Dobby!" He cried as he banged his head against the door.
"Dobby, stop!" Carina shrieked. Then she realized her mistake.
"Oh no, oh no, no, no," Carina mumbled.
"What is it, Mistress?"
"They've probably heard us... oh goodness, they're going to kill me!" Carina cried.
"Dobby, go. You've caused enough trouble for tonight," Carina ordered. Dobby disappeared, and so did Carina as she tiptoed out of the guest bedroom and snuck down to her own bedroom. This time, she was fortunate enough not to fall down the stairs. Carina plopped onto her bed and began to drift into sleep, but a sudden thought caught her by suprise: Where are my letters?
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