Chapter 20 - Ice cweam kiss
I love this song damn, it reminded me of Alex and Cara's situation, thanks for the recommendation babe catrealovesfunart ! *hugs you*
Happy reading, oh and a very long chapter by the way *wink* since it took me long to update so enjoy !
Cara's POV
"Are you scared ?" I asked Lilly as I crouched down in front of her and buckled her seatbelt.
Her wide eyes looked at me and she nodded, her fingers wrapped tightly around the belt. Her small knuckles turning white from her very tight hold.
I gave her a smile trying to sooth her, "It's okay, i am sitting beside you, don't worry." I said as i stroked her cheek before i stood up and sat down beside her. I buckled my seatbelt as well, then took her small hand in mine.
She looked around the plane in fear, her eyes glistened with tears, her lips pressed in a pout, she sniffled and one tear trickled down her cheek.
When we came from London, she was so scared as well, but then -- then she held into Nikolas and I don't know how, but she felt safe.
He made her feel safe.
I let out a sigh. Stop thinking about him Cara. Stop.
I closed my eyes for a brief second to compose myself and when i opened them again i saw Alex walking toward us, his eyebrows furrowed as he looked at Lilly.
"What's wrong ?" He said as he looked at me then back at her. His voice lacing with concern as he crouched down in front of her, "Are you scared ?" He asked as he gently stroked her fisted hand.
She nodded, more tears fell and scrolled down her red cheek. Alex's eyebrows pulled together as if it pained him to see her tears.
His hand went to her cheek and with his thumb wiped the few tears away. His hands traveled to the seatbelt and he unbuckled it, "Come here." He said as he took her in his arms.
She didn't oblige as I thought she would, instead once she was in his arms, she wrapped her fingers tightly around his shirt and buried her face in his chest. Her body so tense.
Alex's arms immediately found their way around her as he pressed her closer to him, his eyes closed for a brief second trying to let his emotions in.
He stood up with her in his embrace, her low sniffs broke my heart and i can surely say it broke his.
He gently stroked her back and walked to the seat facing mine, he sat down. "Shush, relax, it's okay-" he said soothingly as he tried to make her look at him.
"Don't cry, come on little cupca-" he started to say but stopped himself, he let out a low sigh as Lilly pulled back and looked at him, her small hand still fisted around his shirt not letting him go.
She was looking up at him, and i was amazed, she never accepts anyone holding her. She is not used to people that much, but Alex somehow managed to break through her walls like he did to me.
He got it in him.
She looked at him as if she just felt it, the connection between them, the pull toward him, the same blood that's rushing in their veins.
Same eyes gazing at each other. There was something big held just in their gaze.
Alex gave her a smile, a genuine one, the smile that used to make my day when i am at my worst. The smile alone telling her she'll be okay in his arms.
He again wiped her cheeks, "Don't be scared, nothing will happen-" he shook his head, "As long as i am here nothing will happen to you."
His words held a bigger promise. And i know for sure he'd keep such words. I know for sure he'll do anything to protect her and not even Nikolas will be able to step in his way.
Her tears stopped but she still looked so tensed and scared. "Let's buckle the seatbelt." Alex said. One arm wrapped around Lilly's back, the other hand he tried to buckle the seatbelt around them both.
The plane started to move, slowly at first. That made Lilly let a low whimper in fear and she held into Alex more.
He placed his fingers under her chin and lifted it up to meet her eyes. "Who sees you as you hit Chase says nothing scares you." He said with a low chuckle.
"Should i get him to get your inner beast out ?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.
She immediately shook her head, her fear-filled eyes changed into angry ones, "No !" She snapped, "He ugly."
"And she's back !" Alex said with an enthusiastic tone.
She shot Alex a glare, but her hands still not leaving him. He chuckled lowly, "I never loved this glare more."
He brought his hand and removed the left tears from over her cheek, "Don't cry okay, those tears break daddy's heart."
It seemed that the word slipped out of his mouth without permission, he shut his eyes for second, he winced as if he said something he shouldn't.
He looked at me then back her, both waiting for her reaction, her small eyebrows were furrowed, "Daddy." She muttered, she frowned as she turned her face and looked at me, "Want daddy."
"Here we go again." Alex muttered, something more than just irritation filling his tone.
She sniffled, "Mommy." She muttered.
"Yes sweetheart." I said as i leaned forward in my seat.
"Daddy." She added, her lips pursed in a pout.
"What's that ?" Alex's voice made Lilly turn her face toward him, he was pointing at something over her hand.
It was obvious he was trying to change the subject somehow.
Lilly's eyes drifted to her hand, to the small cut over it, "Woo." She said.
She always hurts herself in one way or another. She either trips and falls, or play with something and end up getting a cut or something.
Smh kids.
"A woo ?" Alex asked amused. I shook my head with a smile, yeah her way of choosing words.
He took her hand in his, bringing it to his lips he placed a kiss over it, "Better ?" He asked.
She nodded her head in return making his smile widen. The "Daddy" subject long forgotten.
Out of the blue, Lilly brought her small hand to his cheek then she turned his face right and left, she narrowed her eyes as if checking for something, she shook her head, "No woo."
Alex chuckled in return, "No I don't have a woo."
The plane was moving but Lilly seemed oblivious, distracted by her conversation with Alex.
Her gaze traveled to his hand, her fingers inspecting for any woo as she says. She shook her head again.
But then she took his hand and turned it around, my heart dropped in my stomach when her eyes connected with the scars over his wrist and forearm.
His shirt's sleeves were rolled up, clearly exposing them.
I saw how Alex's body tensed, his smile slowly dropped as she slowly ran her small fingers over the cuts.
His hand curled into a fist, he looked like he wanted to remove his hand away, cover it from her but her holding it, made it hard.
She lifted her head and looked at him, her eyebrows pulled together, "Woo." She said looking sad.
He swallowed hard, i saw the muscles of his jaw work. "Hurt ?" She asked as she pressed her fingers lightly over his skin.
Alex shook his head but his eyes were telling another story. He spoke nothing but lots of unsaid words still laid in his eyes.
Lilly suddenly lowered her head, my heart melted as she placed a kiss over the few scars over his arm, at that i saw Alex's lips lift in a small smile. The fear in his eyes faded and was replaced by a breathless look.
She lifted her head and met his eyes, "Bettew ?" She asked mimicking his word.
His smile grew wider, his body relaxed, he nodded before he pulled her a bit closer toward him, "Much better."
I couldn't help my smile as well.
It's true i killed Alex, but Lilly for sure is the one to bring him back to life.
She'll be his light. She'll be the one to pull him out of this chaos.
Alex and me, I don't know what will happen to us. But one thing i should make sure of, he and Lilly never split apart.
I have to make sure he never loses her again.
I let a low sigh as i laid back in my seat and watched them. My eyes never get bored of taking into them, seeing how Alex was pointing out of the small window showing Lilly something, how she would glare at him sometimes and others she would laugh from her heart.
I saw as she slowly fell asleep in her father's arms, her cheek pressed against his chest, her fingers still wrapped around his shirt unable to let go.
She wouldn't have slept if she didn't feel safe. I knew it, i knew he'd soon steal her heart as well.
Alex wrapped his arms around her, and as he gazed at her he fell asleep as well.
While i kept my eyes opened unable to look away. In front of me lays everything i've ever wanted.
In front of me is my happiness and in the same time here lays the most exquisite form of my destruction.
Do i still have it in me to fight for this or should i just let go ?
Let go of him. Of the way he kissed me, of the way he smelled, of the way he touched me, of the way he'd place his hands around my waist and pull me in.
Let go of all that ?
Maybe i should.
Because that's who he was. Not who he is.
I shook all these thoughts away when i felt a presence beside me. I turned my head to the right to see Katherine seating herself beside me.
We came with Ashton's private jet so it's just us in the whole plane. In addition to that specific someone that I don't want to name.
Katherine gave me a smile before her eyes drifted to Alex and Lilly, she placed her hand over her chest, "Oh my god, they look so cute." She squealed trying to keep her voice low.
"I need to take a picture of this." She said before pulling her phone out, i chuckled lowly as she took a picture of them.
She placed the phone in her lap and turned to me. The big smile not leaving her lips. She looks so happy.
I raised an eyebrow, "Girl you've never been on a vacation before ?" I asked, "You look so happy."
She chuckled and shook her head, "It's not that."
"It's just that you are here." She added, a hint of sadness in her tone, "Like for two years I thought you are dead but you are now here, i really don't know how to even explain it."
A smile made its way to my lips, "I am just so glad you are with us now, Cara it was never easy without you." She added.
"Girl don't turn lesbian on me." I said with a raised eyebrow.
Her smile dropped and she shot me a glare. She lightly hit my arm, "You and Alex are the same, i swear."
I don't think so Katherine. I don't think we are anymore.
"I am talking seriously now." She added with an irritated tone.
I nodded my head, my tone taking a serious shade, "I know, believe me i know."
"You have no idea how many times i needed you there, i was so alone Katherine, there were days that i just needed to talk with you because i know it would've made me feel better-" i added feeling a weird stung in my chest as few memories flashed in my head.
She smiled sadly before she placed her head over my shoulder, "Just please don't leave again." She said, her eyes looking at Alex and Lilly, "Don't break this."
I don't want to.
But what if i had to. What if Nikolas found me, what will i do then-
I would have no choice. Again.
"Oh look, they are the cutest !"
I almost rolled my eyes at that specific voice. Katherine lifted her head from my shoulder and i turned my head to see this Anna beside us looking at Alex and Lilly.
She placed her hand over her mouth, "Opps don't want to wake them up." She added with a lower voice this time.
Ugh - her voice alone annoys me.
She walked closer toward them, she bent down and lightly stroked Lilly's cheek.
Bish remove your hands away from my daughter wtf.
"You have the cutest daughter-" she said as she turned toward me flashing me a sweet smile, "What's her name again ?"
"Leya." I muttered.
Can't she just go. Do i look like i love her.
"Oh-" she said, something like realization flashed in her eyes, "I see."
What ? Did Alex tell her ?
"Such a beautiful name." She added.
Bish go away. Damn. I don't like you.
"Okay i will go sleep a bit." She said.
Please do go. Ugh.
She gave us a smile, "See you later." She added before walking away.
"I hate her." I said the moment she was away.
Katherine chuckled beside me, "Of course you do."
I shot Katherine a glare, she smiled and shook her head, "She is really nice tho."
I scoffed, "Nice my ass."
"She is just too nice, no one is that nice, what's her story ? I just don't like her okay." I added, irritation evident in my tone.
Katherine fake coughed, "Someone is jealous."
I slapped her arm, "Shut up you."
I leaned back in my seat and crossed my arms over my chest, "I don't have the right to be jealous anyway." I added my voice lowered.
"Of course you do."
I turned my head toward her and shook it, "No, Katherine i am married to someone else , i don't have a say on who he dates or loves or whatever-" my eyes went to him, "I have to just suck it up."
"Okay you shut up now." Katherine said, "What bullshits you are saying."
"You and Alex belong to each other."
I almost laughed. "I don't think we do anymore."
She slapped my arm making me turn toward her, her eyes glaring at me, "What the hell is wrong with you !"
"You will get back together, no way i am letting you both drift apart again."
It's not by your hand. I wanted to say.
"This is no fairytale Katherine." I said, "Not every story have a happy ending."
"Who cares about the end." Katherine said, she had a point, "The story is what matters."
I looked at her and shook my head again.
The story matters but didn't our story end ?
It did. It ended the moment i turned my back and left.
We arrived to New York at midnight. From there a car was waiting to take us to the Hamptons.
We were making our way outside the airport, Alex had a sleeping Lilly in his arms while i was walking beside him. That Anna said she has to make a call and she'll follow us to the car. Great, at least I won't see her pretty face for about five minutes.
I was placing my passport in my handbag when i felt myself crashing into someones back.
I lifted my head, "Sorry." I immediately said making whoever i bumped into turn around.
His eyes met mine and they widened at my sight, mine did too. Woah, I don't remember the last time i saw him.
"Oh my fucking god-" he said almost in panic as he took a step away from me.
"You-" he added and shook his head in disbelief, "Oh my god-"
"Caleb !" Katherine said from beside me.
He turned his head toward her then looked back at me, his eyes widened more, "What the-"
"Oh yeah she is alive, you are not imagining." Katherine said with a low chuckle. I resisted the urge to laugh as well, his expression was priceless as if he just saw a ghost.
"H-how ?" He muttered, his eyes still wide. He looked so shocked. Of course he is. I just scared the shit out of him.
"Weren't you dead ?" He asked. His eyes will burst out any moment i am sure.
"Long story." I said with a sigh.
Suddenly out of nowhere i just felt his arms around me as he hugged me. I stood paralyzed, my eyes widened, what the fuck-
"Woah woah there-" i heard Alex's voice before Caleb pulled away from me.
"I think i saw your arms around her, i think." Alex muttered sarcastically. Annoyance filling his tone. I resisted the urge to smile, Caleb come hug me again come please.
I shook my head shaking those stupid thoughts and looked back at Caleb, "Did you just hug me ?" I said with a raised eyebrow.
He nodded, "I think so."
I shook my head, "Don't ever do that again." I said with a threatening tone.
He chuckled, "Oh my god it is really you."
Katherine inched closer and started talking with him. I turned my head to see if Alex and Ashton are still there to see them standing behind us.
Alex nudged Ashton's arm with his elbow, "Do you hate him as much as i do ?" He muttered lowly but i heard him. His eyes shooting daggers toward Caleb.
Ashton was the same, he nodded his head and traced his lower lip with his finger, "Believe me, much more."
"I wish i killed him when i had the chance to." Ashton added.
"I know right." Alex said.
I rolled my eyes. These two have a thing for Caleb.
Caleb told me something so i turned my head back and talked with him.
I saw a girl walking toward us, she poked Caleb's arm, "Hey you left me walking all by myself !" She said with a raised eyebrows before her gaze fell on us.
Caleb turned to her, "Oh sorry, i just -" He said, a smile came to his lips as he looked at us, "I just bumped into old friends."
"Aren't you going to introduce us." Katherine said enthusiastically,her smile so wide I think her cheek muscles will stop working if she keeps grinning like that.
Caleb cleared his throat, he looked somehow nervous, "Uh this is Katherine and Cara-" he started pointing toward us, "We used to attend the same university, Katherine and i took same classes."
He looked at the girl, "And this is Cassie -" he started, "She is -" he paused looking out of words.
"I am his fiancé." She said on his behalf as she extended her hand toward Katherine and shook it.
Caleb's eyes widened as he looked at her. What, does he not want us to know ? Weird.
She shook my hand as well, with a smile she said, "Nice to meet you."
"Oh my god you got engaged !" Katherine said with a squeal as she looked at Caleb. She looked ready to jump over him and hug him but Ashton standing behind her stopped her.
"Oh fuck why you did this to yourself man." Alex muttered, pity evident in his tone.
I turned my head toward him, my eyebrow raised, he gave me a bored look then turned to Caleb, "Or you know what, you deserve it, suffer." He added.
Ashton walked beside Katherine looking irritated as fuck, "We should leave, the car is waiting." He said as he sneaked an arm around her waist, marking his territory.
She nodded and looked back at Caleb, "We should meet up again and catch up." She said still smiling. I didn't know Caleb getting engaged gets her so hyped up like this.
Ashton gave her what-the-fuck look and muttered something under his breath, I didn't hear what he said but i am sure it wasn't good because i saw Katherine lightly elbowing his stomach without anyone noticing, but i did.
"Yeah we should." Caleb said with a smile as his gaze flicked between us.
"Oh my god you !" The girl who her name is Cassie said, we all turned to her. She was looking at Alex, "I know you !" She said, her eyes wide.
She lunched forward toward Alex looking ready to kill. Alex's eyes widened and stepped backward, "What the-"
"You stupid jerk." She snapped, "I am gonna kill you."
What the hell is happening-
"Oh my fuck, i am holding a kid in my arms go away." Alex said, his eyes wide as he looked at this girl, who looks ready to attack him.
"She's probably one of his old mistress." Katherine muttered beside me with a low chuckle. I nodded my head, probably. We all do know Alex's history, don't we-
"Someone get this crazy women off me." Alex said with a panicked tone before Caleb walked toward them
and pulled her away, "Cassie calm down." He muttered as he placed his arms around her and pulled her back.
"Ohhhh-" Alex's eyes widened in realization, "I slept with you before." He said with an accomplished smile looking so happy that he remembered, "Cassie the sassy i remember you yeah-"
Cassie the sassy ?
His smile dropped when he realized that what he said isn't something he should be proud of.
"It is true, she is kind of sassy." Caleb muttered with nod making this Cassie shot him a glare, he looked down at her, "Sorry babe." He said guiltily with a smile.
Alex cleared his throat and looked at us, "We should leave right-" he said as he stepped away from her looking scared, "Let's leave please before she kills me."
"Okay then we'll see you later Caleb." Katherine said, she was about to step closer toward him when Ashton pulled her back.
I shook my head. Men men.
"See you later." He said, his arms tightened around Cassie, who looked ready to unleash herself and murder Alex.
We bid our goodbyes, turned around and left the airport.
The drive back to the house was tiring , it took us two hours and I couldn't be happier when we arrived.
It was three in the morning and i was really tired to look around. Once we entered the house I directly asked Katherine to find me a room i can stay in because I can't wait till i rest.
We checked the house to see where we can stay, i picked one of the rooms and entered. I opened my bag and removed my clothes to get something to change.
Lilly was walking around the room checking everything, her eyes wandering around while playing with the water bottle in her hand making sure to spill on the ground.
"Lilly !" I scolded her.
She looked at me with wide eyes as if i caught her red handed.
I crouched down in front of her, "Look how you spilled water all over the ground." I said while fake glaring at her.
She looked around then back at me, "Sowwy." She said, giving me her most innocent looks.
I smiled, how can i resist those puppy eyes. I ruffled her hair, "I will clean them, just be careful next time okay."
She nodded her head with a smile before she walked past me and went out of the room, still exploring the house.
I shook my head and stood up and continued my searching.
I heard footsteps behind me, i turned my back to see Alex standing by the door, his eyes traveled around the room then back at me, his eyebrows pulled together, "What are you doing here ?"
I raised an eyebrow, "What does it look like i am doing ?"
He walked inside the room, "This is my room, go find another one."
What the - "No it's mine, Katherine told me." I said.
"What no, it's mine, Katherine told me tha-." He paused, his confused expression faded and realization flashed in his eyes, "Oh Katherine of course." He shook his head, "When will she stop doing this." He muttered lowly.
He walked closer and sat on the bed's edge, he looked at me, "You may leave now." He said waving me away.
My eyebrow raised, i crossed my arms over my chest, "No you leave."
Who the fuck he think he is-
"I am Alex." He said in a matter of fact tone. Giving me a duh-look
Fuck, i said that loud didn't i-
Control your big mouth Cara, control it.
He still sat over the bed not moving, "I am staying in this room whether you like it or not." He added. "So go find another spare room for you."
He is starting to play on my nerves now. What's his problem?
"There is no other spare room." I said irritated, "No one told you to bring your girlfriend with you, she took the other spare room-"
My eyes narrowed, "Why don't you go and stay in her room instead of bothering me over here."
Alex's eyebrow raised, he looked unfazed as he said, "You know, the jealous ex-wife role doesn't suit you."
I swallowed hard at his words, "I am not jealous." I said with a shrug, "It's just -- she is not even your type."
"Oh really." Alex said with a nod, amusement filling his eyes, "And you know my type ?" He asked challenging me as he crossed his arms over his chest.
I nodded, "Yeah, you like blondes." I shook my head, "She is not blonde."
His eyebrow raised, "And are you blonde?" He asked and i shook my head, his eyebrow raised, "If you forget let me remind you, we were married before."
"See you don't know my type." He said with a shrug.
"Okay then-" i said as i leaned against the wall beside me, i gave him a challenging look, "What's your type ?"
He slowly uncrossed his arms, he pressed his palms over the mattress beside him, his posture changed, the confident look left his eyes as he gazed at me,
"You." He simply said.
My heart did a little jump at his word. I stood straight shocked at what he just said. I cleared my throat and looked away from him. Scared of how his eyes held mine captive at that moment.
I uncrossed my arms and looked back at him trying to find something to change the topic. My eyes traveled to the bed to see him sitting on my shirt.
Damn, he is gonna wrinkle it.
I walked forward toward him, "You're sitting on my shirt !" I said as i inched a bit closer to pull it away but before that my feet slipped over the few water droplets on the ground. I lost my balance and fell crashing over his chest then landing on the bed with me over him.
A loud gasp escaped my lips. Oh my goodness-
My face was beside his neck, his arm around my waist holding me down. I pressed my palms over his chest and pulled up a little to face him.
His eyebrow raised, "Seriously !" He muttered with an annoyed tone, "You know you don't always have to fall all over me."
I shot him a glare ignoring how fast my heart was beating, ignoring how close our faces are, "I just slipped."
His lips curled up, "Can you please get off me now." He started, "Because one, i think you broke my back, and two -" he winced, "You are squeezing Alex junior down there."
My eyes widened at his words. I directly tried to pull up but his hold over my waist prevented me. I gave him an annoyed look, "Let go of me first so i can get up !"
He looked like he didn't realize that he was holding me, he swallowed before his hand loosened and left my waist.
My heart was beating like crazy. I pressed my palms over the bedsheets beside him trying to get up, but my feet slipped over the water again causing me AGAIN to fall over him.
My chest hit his and i let and irritated scream, "OH FUCK ME !"
My eyes widened, i internally face-palmed when I registered what i just said. I need control.
Alex's eyebrow raised at my words, the corner of his lips lifted in a smile and he said, "Gladly."
My eyes widened. Oh my fucking shit, what's with him today-
I let out a low shaky breath as i tried to pull away again, carefully this time. His hand grasped my waist hard stopping me as he pinned me against his chest, "Don't -" he said, "You gonna keep falling all over me i know you." He muttered with a sly smirk.
He pressed his elbow over the sheets before he reared up and rolled that i was beneath him this time.
He trapped me under him, my face flushed at the closeness. Our memories, our moments together all came flashing in front of my eyes.
My heart felt full for a mere second as i realized that this is worth fighting for.
He is worth the fight.
Even if he is my destruction, let him destroy me. Let him ruin me, I don't care as long as i am with him.
Even if he is my death.
Let him kill me.
His eyes told me that he is having the same thoughts, they looked dazed not caring to hide what they hold.
I never thought that two specific brown eyes and a heartbeat can get me so addicted.
So obsessed.
Unable to let free or let go.
His hand traveled and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. His hand stayed there, he didn't move.
He is feeling it too. He wants me as much as i want him but there is something stopping him. There is this thin wall between us that needs to be destroyed so we can get lost in each other again.
I didn't move. I didn't blink. My eyes stayed connected with his.
I pulled my lower lip between my teeth biting it, anticipation rushing in my veins.
His gaze fell on my lips. Involuntary i released my lower lip as i saw his face inching a bit closer.
A wave of warmth came upon me as i waited for it to happen. But when his lips were a mere millimeter away from mine, the clicking voice of the door pulled him away.
I saw his jaw tightening before he backed away, both our gazes drifted to the door to see it still closed.
Alex's eyes widened, "Oh fuck !" He muttered before getting off the bed and to the door.
With furrowed eyebrows, I got up and walked toward it as well.
He placed his hand over the knob and twisted it but it didn't open. Like it is -- locked. Who locked it ?
He knocked on the door, "Katherine !" He snapped, "I swear to god i will kill you if you don't open the goddamn door."
"Uh- look it got locked I don't know how." Katherine said from the other side, i almost rolled my eyes. Seriously now.
"Uh tomorrow we will fix it." She said, her voice getting fainter as she walked away.
"Katherine !" Alex snapped again before slamming his hand on the door.
"Uh Lilly is with me don't worry-" she said, i can hear her smile, i swear i can, "Bye."
With that we heard footsteps getting far away till they disappeared. Alex tried to open the door again but with no use. Stupid Katherine locked the door on us.
Alex huffed and looked at me, he shot me a glare, "What in fuck's sake is this now ?" He asked looking so annoyed. The heck, why is he blaming me.
"What ! What's my fault, i was here with you."
Or under you.
Damn Katherine, couldn't you wait a little bit.
Alex cursed something under his breath before he walked away toward the bed. He removed my clothes and threw them away before he plopped on the bed. What the hell-
"Don't think i am gonna be a gentleman and sleep on the ground." He said looking totally annoyed. "I am gonna sleep here."
"And i am not gonna sleep on the ground as well." I said, annoyed by his mood swings, wasn't he about to kiss like one minute ago.
I walked closer and removed the clothes he threw away. Stupid prick.
"I am gonna sleep on the bed as well." I added as i placed my clothes in the bag again.
"Sleep wherever you want, just don't come near me." He said, i lifted my eyes and looked at him, he pointed at the other side of the bed, "Here is your side, stick to it."
My lips curled in annoyance, "Okay !" I said, my voice raised a bit as i shot him a glare.
"Okay !" He answered with the same tone shooting me a glare as well.
I huffed before i took my short and a baggy shirt and walked to the bathroom to change.
I closed the door behind me and let out a frustrated sigh. I hate him sometimes.
Psh- you sure ?
You stay out of it.
I looked into the mirror and noticed my flushed face. I brought my hand and touched my cheek. Damn you Alex.
I removed my hair away and got a look at my neck. My chest tightened as i slowly ran my finger over the red marks. I am trying to hide it with makeup or with my hair. I hope no one notices it.
I shook my head and fixed my hair, making sure to cover it again.
I took my clothes off and wore my shorts, i was about to slip the shirt on when i heard the bathroom door being opened.
My eyes widened, i gasped as i saw Alex stepping inside, he saw me as well. I directly slipped the shirt on. My heartbeats were out of control.
"What the hell is wrong with you !" I snapped, but from the inside i was panicking. He didn't see it, he didn't, oh my god he didn't, please tell me he didn't.
"People knock first." I said annoyed as i wrapped my fingers over the hem of the shirt and pulled it down.
His eyebrow raised, "Well i want to use the bathroom and you are taking forever-"
He paused as his gaze traveled from my face all the way down to my feet then to my face again taking into every detail. Even thought i had the clothes on now, i felt his eyes undressing me again.
A smirk came to his lips as he walked closer, he traced his lower lip with his thumb, his eyes giving me this teasing look, "Why you seem so worried of me seeing you ?" He said arching an eyebrow.
I swallowed hard. You don't want to know. I took a step backward making my back hit the sink's edge, I pressed my palms against it as he stopped right in front of me.
He lent closer, his palm rested beside mine, trapping me, "You seem to forget that i've seen this body naked uncountable times."
His voice was low, his fingers rested under my chin gently lifting my face up to meet his, "Not just that, i've even tasted every square inch of your delectable body." He added as his thumb lightly ran over my lower lip.
He gave a wink, "Don't forget that again."
Oh i definitely won't-
Damn Alex, stop playing with my feelings like this.
His hand left my face and he took a step backward, "Now, can you please leave so i can use the bathroom." He said raising his eyebrow.
I nodded and immediately walked past him and exited the bathroom.
More like ran away.
I laid on the bed and covered my face with my hands. Oh my fucking shit- what just happened, why can't i calm my heart.
I need to breath. In and out. In and ou-
I am calm. I am so calm.
I removed my hands from over my face and took in a deep breath. I was never insecure about my body, never, but now i am, i have a reason to.
I have bruises to hide. I have wounds that are still opened and scars yet to heal.
I tried to clear my mind of these thoughts when Alex came and laid on the bed as well. He laid on his back, his eyes connected with the ceiling looking at nothing in specific.
I was on my side, one hand under my face, the other beside me. My eyes looking just at him.
A small gap separating us.
His gaze flicked from the ceiling to me, he rolled to his side as well, facing me.
None of us uttered a word. I don't think it was even needed.
His eyes went to my hand beside me as he slowly brought his. His fingers ran over my palm before they intertwined themselves around my hand holding it tight. My fingers acted on their own, and held his hand as well.
With one last look at our intertwined hand, Alex closed his eyes. A smile came to my lips, i closed my eyes as well and fell asleep.
I didn't need the sleeping pills to sleep tonight, even though i became addicted to them.
I didn't need them, because beside me this time, laid my biggest addiction.
Alex's POV
My eyes opened when i heard the beeping sound of my phone.
I closed my them then opened them again, i let out a sigh as my eyes wandered around. Where the heck is it?
My eyes landed on Cara beside me, her eyes closed still peacefully sleeping, our hands still intertwined.
I slowly pulled my hand back making sure not to wake her up. The beeping of the phone stopped so I didn't bother to search more.
I rubbed my eyes and fixated them on her. How many times i wished for this to happen, to wake up and find her by my side?
To touch her and feel her.
And now that it happened, why can't i just let go of everything and enjoy it-
Why it had to be this much hard.
I inched my body toward hers before I brought one arm and wrapped it around her pulling her closer to me, feeling her warmth, feeling her heartbeats and letting her sweet scent fill my chest.
I tightened my hold keeping her in my arm, her low breath brushing over my neck torturing my body more.
I gently kissed her head and breathed her in, "I missed you." I said.
"I just missed you." I didn't need to say more.
I held her close for a while, I enjoyed it as long as she was asleep.
I couldn't go back to sleep after so i decided to go out before i wake her. I slowly removed my arms from around her and pulled away.
I pulled the blanket over her body before going to the bathroom to freshen up.
When i finished i walked to the door to check if it's opened. I placed my hand over the knob and it opened this time. Thank fuck for that.
I walked outside and searched for the kitchen. When i found it i saw Katherine there preparing breakfast. When she felt my presence she turned around and gave me a smile, "Good morning."
I shot her a glare in return before i leaned against the wooden table.
"You love me anyway." She said confidently replying to my glare.
"If you ever do that again, i will remove you from my friends list, i swear." I said threatening her.
"You can't." She said, so sure before she walked toward me.
I let out a sigh as she stood beside me, she nudged my shoulder with hers, "You know you can tell me anything, right."
I gave her a bored look, "Of course i do."
"Okay then tell me." She said as she crossed her arms over her chest, "Since she came you hadn't said anything, you are acting so differently, tell me what's bothering you."
"It's nothing."
"Alex come on, talk to me."
"I am talking , what does it look like i am doing." I said as i looked at her as if she is crazy.
She lightly hit my arm, "Can you take anything seriously for once in your life."
A smile came to my lips as i sneaked my hand around her waist, "Let's go to the bedroom and i can show you how serious i can be." I said with a wink.
She gave me an annoyed look before her gaze drifted to something or more like someone behind me, as a result a confident smile came to her lips.
I sighed, "Ashton is standing behind me isn't he ?"
She nodded her head before i heard him clearing his throat. I removed my arm from around her and turned to meet his glare, "Don't start okay."
I stepped away from them and walked around the table to the other side, "I haven't seen a vagina in like what, two years."
"I am scared they even changed it." I said, i looked at Katherine with a horrified expression, "Did they? Or does it still look the same ?"
Her eyebrows raised, "So you didn't -- I mean you and Anna didn't , you know what."
My eyebrows pulled together, "You mean had sex?"
She nodded.
"What the fuck no." I said, "She is just a friend, I don't fuck my friends."
I smirked and sent a wink to Katherine as i mouthed, "I can make an exception for you tho."
She rolled her eyes before they widened as if she just realized something, "Wait so for the past two years you hadn't--" she paused.
"Had sex ?" I continued the sentence on her behalf. Why can't she just say it wtf.
She nodded and i sadly shook my head. My reputation is long ruined.
Her eyes widened more as if i revealed something so big.
"Did they change sex too?" I asked curious, "Do people still have sex in the same way or it got updated?"
Katherine shook her head at my question and Ashton looked unfazed as he typed on his phone.
"I am so scared to do it wrong the next time because the only thing this boy saw." I said looking down, "Is this hand." I said as i waved my hand.
Katherine looked confused before she realized what i meant, she threw on me the closest thing to her, "You're disgusting." She said with gritted teeth.
I chuckled as i ducked away.
Chase came running to the kitchen, he tugged on Katherine's pants, "Katherine." He said. Why he call her by her name, he is the cutest, beside my daughter of course.
At the thought of her she came running to the kitchen as well, she looked around as if searching for something before her eyes landed on Chase.
"Tell her, she hit me !" Chase said looking so annoyed.
Lilly was about to run and attack him but i wrapped one arm around her waist stopping her as i pulled her up in my arm.
"Alex control your daughter, she is so violent, she keeps hitting my son." Katherine said as she stroked Chase's hair.
I raised an eyebrow, "Well let your son grow some balls first."
Lilly looked at Chase and sticked her tongue out, he glared at her then looked away.
He looked at me with the same glare before he ran out of the kitchen.
Lilly looked proud as if she just accomplished something. I tickled her tummy, "You are sure you are a girl ?" I said.
She giggled and tried to pull my hands away.
"Do you want to go to the beach ?" I asked her, she narrowed her eyes, "Bees ?"
"Yeah bees." I said with a chuckle. I love the way she talks. I love everything about her.
She nodded her head, "But we will take Chase with us." I said. At that her smile dropped and she shook her head, "NO." She angrily snapped.
She shot me a glare and crossed her arms over her chest. "So you can have someone to play with." I said trying to reason with her but she kept shaking her head.
Reasoning doesn't work, let's try something else.
"I will buy you ice cream."
At that her eyes lightened up, she uncrossed her arms and the angry look faded, "Ice cweam?"
I nodded and she broke into the brightest smile.
She looked around then back at me, she inched her face closer to my ear and whispered, "Mommy say no."
She pulled away, i looked around then back at her, "We won't tell her." I whispered as well.
Her smile came back, "Pwomise?"
I chuckled and nodded, "Pwomise."
She raised her pinky finger, i let another chuckle, "Okay pinky promise." I said as i wrapped my pinky finger with hers.
"It'll be our little secret." I whispered, she looked around to see if anyone is watching then she nodded. I placed her down, "Okay i will get Chase and we will go."
I walked to where he ran off before to see him sitting over the couch with his arms crossed and an annoyed expression over his face looking like a mini Ashton.
I went and sat beside him, he turned his face and looked away from me. I chuckled and poked his arm while he kept looking away.
"My daughter gets you this much angry."
He shook his head.
"Then what ?" I asked.
He turned to me, he frowned, "You don't love me anymore." He said and it took me everything to not laugh.
"What ? Who said that ?" I said.
He looked so sad, almost on the verge of crying, "You just love her."
I placed my arm around him and pulled him to my lap, "She is my daughter, of course i love her, but you-" i ruffled his hair before i lightly hit his forehead with mine, "You will always be my little man."
"Okay ?" I said. He nodded. "Okay."
Katherine walked to the room and saw us, i gave her a confident look, "I feel so special, kids are fighting over me."
She smiled and shook her head, "Baby come let's change your clothes before you go with them."
He smiled at me before getting off my lap and went with his mother.
Damn, i am special.
Cara's POV
"Katherine I don't want to wear this !" I said for the millionth time but that stupid shit i call a friend won't understand.
"Why? It is really good." She said looking at the dress in her hands, half dress to be precise. The back was opened and that was enough to make me say no.
"Ugh seriously who are you ?" Katherine said annoyed as she threw the dress on the bed and started searching for another.
"Remember when you used to make me walk almost half naked on the streets." She said and i rolled my eyes. She is so dramatic.
"Shut up, i want something simple." I said, "And doesn't show much."
She lifted her head and raised an eyebrow, "Who are you and where is my friend ?"
I rolled my eyes again.
"We need something that shows some cleavage, okay?" She said, "We all know Alex's weakness is boobs, so flash him some."
She pulled another dress and showed it to me, "Ahh this one is perfect." She said with a squeal. I eyed it and really, it was beautiful, at least the back is not opened, that's the only thing i am scared of showing.
"Okay give me." I said as i took it from her and went to the walk-in closet to try it on.
I walked back to her, her eyes lightened up, "This is the one !" She said as she clapped her hand. She walked closer and pulled it down from the front, "Flash him some boobs i tell you."
I chuckled and pulled it up again.
"Okay let's go." She said before she took her bag and we went to the beach to where they are.
When we arrived, my eyes immediately spotted Alex and Lilly. They were sitting on the sand and Alex was helping her build a sand castle.
Katherine suddenly disappeared from beside me, i turned my head to see her walking toward Ashton, she directly pulled a towel and placed it over his bare chest. He looked at her as if she just grew another head, "Go wear your shirt before i kill you." She said while glaring at him as she pushed him away.
She looked at the few girls beside us who were probably checking him and she shot them a glare making them turn away.
I shook my head and smiled as i walked to Alex and Lilly.
When she saw me, she directly stood up, "Mommy !" She said.
I crouched beside her and removed her hair from her face, "What are you doing?" I asked.
"Sand." She said pointing to what she was building.
"Oh cool." I said, "You did it by yourself?"
She shook her head, "Who helped you ?" I asked.
She smiled and pointed at Alex, "Alis."
Alex chuckled, "Yeah that's my name from now on."
"Hmm okay can i join you ?" I asked.
She nodded and patted beside her and Alex for me to sit.
I sat down and watched them as they played, my heart never felt more full.
Everything feels normal. Even perfect.
Lilly took a bucket of sand and throw it over Chase. He stood up and threw sand at her as well.
Alex chuckled beside me, "Was she always this much hyper?" He asked and i nodded.
"Yeah since day one." I said with a smile.
"Yeah I remember even when she was inside you, she used to kick a lot." He added looking at me this time, giving me the smile i love the most.
His eyes traveled to Lilly who was running after Chase now holding a ball in her hand.
"I wish i saw how she looked when she was younger." He said, a hint of sadness in his tone.
I swallowed hard, "I have pictures on my phone if you want."
He turned to me and nodded, "Show me."
I pulled my phone and opened the photo album i save her pictures in and gave it to him.
He went through them, the smile not leaving his face, i would tell him what she was doing in that picture and we would laugh.
The moment was perfect and I didn't want it to end. We felt like a family.
The family i always wished to build with him.
He saw all of them and gave me my phone back. Lilly walked toward Alex, she looked at me then inched toward her face and said in his ear, "Ice cweam."
She thinks her voice was low, but it wasn't because i heard her.
"Oh that ! Yeah, you never forget ." Alex said with a low chuckle before he stood up.
"Come here." He said extending his arm to which Lilly willingly took.
I stood up as well and removed the sand that stick to my dress. I looked back at Lilly, "Where are you going ?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.
She bit her lower lip and looked at Alex and shook her head.
Alex understood the message she sent him, "We will just go and get-" Alex started but Lilly placed her hand over his mouth shutting him.
She turned to me, "Play." She said ever so innocently.
Alex chuckled, "Don't lie you little bug."
I crossed my arms over my chest, "You are going to get ice cream?" I asked while fake glaring at her.
She frowned and looked at me with puppy eyes, "Please."
I shook my head teasing her a bit, "Nope."
She looked at Alex flashing him her innocent looks trying to deceive him. This little devil, she will get him under her control, i am sure.
Alex looked at me, "Just one, come on."
I shook my head again.
Alex raised an eyebrow, "Cara listen."
Lilly nodded her head, "Yeah Cara Lithen."
I couldn't help but laugh at the way she said my name. I inched closer to them, "What did you say ?"
She smiled, "Cara lithen."
I chuckled again along with Alex, "Okay i will let you on one condition." I said, "I will go with you and you'll buy me a one too."
She immediately looked at Alex, "Please." She said.
Alex nodded, "Okay."
She threw her fist in the air and smiled.
I shook my head and walked with them to the ice cream shop.
"Which flavor you want ?" Alex asked Lilly when we arrived. She looked at the many flavors in front of her, she licked her lips and said, "All."
The ice cream man chuckled, "Do you want a cup or a cone ?" He asked.
Lilly looked at him and raised her two fingers. "Two."
Alex looked at her with a raised eyebrow, "How about i just buy you the whole ice cream shop."
Lilly's eyes widened in excitement and nodded.
I shook my head at her while Alex chuckled before he ordered our ice cream.
He placed her down and gave it to her, she directly dived into it not wasting a second. Then he handed me mine and took another one for Chase before we walked back.
"Can i taste yours ?" Alex asked Lilly. She shook her head and shot him a glare.
"Why ? Sharing is caring." He said.
She looked at him warily before she inched her cone toward him, "Small." She said with warning tone.
She then looked at his and said, "Yours."
"You want some ?" Alex asked her.
She nodded, "Shawing Cawing." She said mimicking his words.
Alex laughed hard at her words, "Can you get any cuter." He said before he let her taste his.
"Okay go give Chase his." Alex said handing her the other one, "But don't eat it."
She nodded and walked toward Chase, she handed him the ice cream making sure to press it against the poor boy's nose and then she ran away laughing.
I looked back at Alex, "Your ice cream looks more delicious." I said pointing toward it.
He raised an eyebrow, "Sharing is caring." I said like Lilly did.
He chuckled, "You and your daughter will be the end of me."
He shook his head as if shaking the words that just slipped his mouth. He inched it toward me but then he pulled it back, "Wait."
He removed a little bit of the ice cream using the tip of his finger, i looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. What is he doing-
"What ? I don't want your saliva over my ice cream." He said as he placed his finger beside my mouth.
Everything he does is so sexual.
But guess what, two can play this game.
I wrapped my hand around his wrist bringing his finger close to my mouth. I sucked on the tip of it and my tongue came in contact with the cold sweet ice cream but my tasting sense stopped working because the only thing i am thinking about now is the look he was giving me.
He swallowed hard when i pulled away, I licked my lips, "Hmm, but mine tastes better."
Something flashed in his eyes before he dropped the ice cream in his hand and his arm came to my waist pulling me closer to him, his other hand went to my neck drawing my face to him, "It's my time to taste." He said before his lips came crashing over mine with such force it took me a whole minute to appreciate it.
My mind blocked out as i felt the softness of his lips. My heart went crazy as i sank into its delicate sweetness. The warmth of his lips traveled all the way to my toes and i pulled him closer to me from his shirt.
One of his hands was pressed into the small of my back, while his other slipped softly under my hair.
His tongue begged for entrance as he desperately parted them with his. I moaned into his mouth finally tasting him, finally kissing someone I wanted to kiss.
That small noise did something to him because the feel of his hand slipping up my dress so warm, so intense as he deepened his kiss burned right through me. I ran my hand through his hair, dying to feel the softness of each strand, and damn if it didn't turn me on.
His movement slowed down before he finally pulled away breaking the hold our lips had.
His forehead pressed against mine as i tried to even my breath.
"Hmm." He muttered, at that i opened my eyes to meet his dazed ones.
"You were right." He added as his lips lifted in a smile.
"Yours taste better."
Later at night..
Alex's POV
I woke up to a low sniffling sound coming from somewhere near me.
I opened my eyes and looked around but Cara wasn't even in the bed.
I rubbed my sleepy eyes and sat down as my gaze traveled to the light coming from the bathroom.
With furrowed eyebrows i stood up and walked toward it. I covered my mouth with the back of my hand when a yawn escaped.
I stopped by the door and my eyes widened when i saw Cara sitting on the floor, her knees pulled up and her face buried in them lowly sobbing.
My heart hurt and I directly crouched in front of her, my hand went to her arm, "Cara." I said, my voice lacing with concern.
She lifted her face and her red eyes met mine tightening the hold over my heart more.
She directly fisted her hand over something and pulled it away, hiding it from me.
I swallowed hard, what is she hiding ?
My hand went to her cheek, "What's wrong ?" I said, at my words more tears left her eyes and she shook her head.
"Cupcakes tell me what's wrong, you are scaring me." I said as my gaze traveled to her hand. My heart went crazy, she was getting me so worried.
She sniffled, "I can't." She said, her voice slowly breaking, "You will hate me more."
"What no !" I said and shook my head, "You can tell me anything."
My hand traveled to her fisted one and I brought it closer to check what's in it.
She pulled it away again and let a low whimper in fear.
What's happening-
"Cara please, you are scaring the shit out of me." I added as i again took her hand.
She didn't pull it away this time instead her tears kept their flow and her low sobs broke my heart more.
"It's okay." I said as i slowly unclenched her fisted hand.
But what i saw told me no, it's not okay.
I didn't need to be an expert to know what's this.
I lifted my wide eyes and met her fear-filled ones as she said, "I am pregnant."
Sometime words alone can kill you.
Sometimes one word comes and destroys everything else.
Shatters your whole world again.
Something in me broke, i swallowed hard, "I am pretty sure a kiss doesn't make babies." I said trying to lighten the mood whereas my inside was slowly dying again.
She shook her head. She is doing it, she is killing me again.
"I am pregnant with his child."
You do realize if Nikolas knew about this child he will never let go of Cara, Like NEVER. LIKE NEVER NEVER.
I just love how i keep messing everything up. *proud smirk*
I know you all love me. *ducks away from the knifes you all are throwing at me*
Okay you hate me, S'okay because i love you all❤
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