Chapter 17 - You were better off dead

Before you start reading, just take a look at this beautifully written poem about the last chapter, written by one of my best friends here on Wattpad, RunningOuttaTime :

" Our eyes met and hands touched,
Lights dimmed as our eyes clashed.
Mask covered our faces but our voices heard,
Two years without you weren't roses on bed.

Eyes remained unblinked, both yours and mine,
Touches ignited the calming inferno again.
I stand confused, bewildered and betrayed,
Is it really you or am I dreaming again?

Masks came off, faces uncovered,
It was really you, still beautiful like the old days.
They said you were no more,
How did you come back, fighting rage and gore?

Tears flowed as our gaze melt,
Heart sped as our lips met.
I couldn't forgive you, for you changed my world,
Not for good but for worst.

Kept yourself away, and our baby girl,
Killed me everyday for two years, how good did you feel?
Death became a play and you the best player,
Played my heart until you were pleased.

I was moving on, I swear, until you came along
With our baby,
And a new ring decorated your hand,
What mess is this? You were better gone.

Mixed feelings erupt now,
Scarring me each passing moment, for my stupidity, my love,
Even with the scars,

I am ready to kill for you. "


Guys check my girl's books, she is a great writer, i tell you. I love you komkom, RunningOuttaTime

Back to the story now, and oh, be ready to hate Alex from now onwards *evil smirk*


Cara's POV

Alex stood paralyzed as Roman walked toward me with Lilly in his arms, her head resting on his shoulder with her small arms wrapped around his neck.

He stopped beside me, "She is sleeping." He said as he lightly stroked her hair before he carefully handed her to me, i took her in my arms but my eyes were seeing nothing but Alex; the pain, the hurt, the love and the breathless look in his eyes as he gazed at our little girl.

I can't even imagine what he's feeling at the moment. My heart felt heavy as the guilt started to consume me.

What i regret the most is this. Taking her away from him.

I wronged them both by that. He didn't get the chance to witness the first two years of her life, hear her first word, see her first steps, rock her to sleep and start the father-daughter bond that i am sure he would've been great at. And she - she doesn't even know who he is.

At that thought, my arms involuntary tightened around her frail body. She sighed as she shifted in my arms, my eyes drifted to her, her head resting over my chest, her eyes still closed, peacefully sleeping.

How i am going to make her understand that Nikolas is not her father, that Alex is. How ? She is so young, how she'll be able to comprehend it-

I was pulled out of my thoughts when Roman leant closer and kissed Lilly's head, he smiled, "I am gonna miss you so much, you precious little one." he whispered as if just for her to hear as he gently stroked her cheek with the back of his index finger.

My eyebrows pulled together, "Don't act like we are not gonna see you again." I said.

"You never know." He said, his voice low, his eyes still on Lilly as he again kissed her cheek.

My eyes widened, "Roman !" I said with a warning tone. I am already so scared. He doesn't have to say that.

He looked back at me and shrugged it with a smile. His hand went to the back of my head as he gently placed a kiss over my forehead, he sighed, his tone more serious as he talked, "Take care please."

He pulled back, i swallowed hard and nodded, with my heart racing i said, "You too."

I have a really bad feeling about this. I just found Roman, i won't handle losing him. Nikolas better not hurt my brother.

With a nod, Roman turned around and his eyes landed on Alex, he took a step toward him then placed his hand over his shoulder. Alex was pulled out of his trance as his eyes traveled from Lilly to him.

"My sister is in your hands now." He said, his tone kind of warning, "You better keep her safe and not fuck this up."

With a light squeeze, he removed his hand from over his shoulder, his eyebrow raised, his tone threatening as he said, "Or you'll have to deal with me then."

Alex's eyebrows pulled together, he looked so lost, as if he understood nothing, then his jaw tightened, "Who the fuck you think you are- "

"It doesn't matter who i am." Roman replied, "What matters is if my sister gets hurt by you in anyway -- well, let's just say my reaction won't be so pleasant."

With that said, Roman gave me one last look before he turned his head and walked away.

Alex looked like he would go after him and punch him but he just shook his head and his gaze drifted back to me - to us.

I looked at Lilly and lightly palmed her cheek, "Lilly, sweetie wake up." I said, my voice low, as i tried to get her to wake up.

Her forehead creased but her eyes stayed closed, "Sweetie-" i added as i ran my hand in her hair.


I looked up at Alex, he shook his head, "Don't wake her up, it's okay-", his voice came low, almost breathless. His eyes not leaving Lilly, the amount of care in them broke my heart.

I felt a drop of water fall over my face, i looked up and another drop fell followed by another. My eyes went back to Alex, "Go inside - " I saw him swallow hard, "- she'll get cold." He added, his voice so low as he's talking.

I nodded my head and started to walk but stopped when I saw him still in his place, "What about you ?" I said.

He nodded, "I'll follow you." He said as he ran his shaking hand in his hair, "I just need a moment."

I swallowed past the lump in my throat and nodded, he definitely needs a moment to get a grasp over everything happening. One second, Lilly and i were dead to him, the other, we suddenly showed up distorting all the logic in his mind.

I turned around, my hands tightened around Lilly trying to shield her from the rain as i made my way inside the house. With each step, my eyes couldn't help but take into everything.

The house is still the same.

Yet it doesn't feel the same. The irony-

It's like even the house is blaming me, the walls that witnessed the result of my betrayal is slowly closing up around me. I felt suffocated, as if the inner guilt is scratching its way out of my throat leaving me gasping.

I tried to ignore that feeling along with the tightness at the pit of my stomach as i walked to the living room.

Katherine's eyes immediately flicked to me as i entered, then they landed on Lilly in my arms. She directly stood up and came to me, "That's her ?" She said lowly, her eyes melted as they took a look at my girl.

I nodded, a smile came to her lips and her eyes teared up, "Oh my god, she is so cute." She said as she stroked her cheek. She lifted her eyes up, a sad look covering her face, "Cara, what happened ?" She asked, the shakiness detectable in her voice.

"I'll tell you in brief before Alex comes." I said before i walked to the couch and placed Lilly over it. I removed the hair the fell over her face away as i took in a deep breath preparing myself to face them.

I just hope they understand, i hope they don't judge me. I won't handle if i felt no one is on my side.

I sat down beside Lilly, i placed my hands in my lap as i nervously fidgeted with them, i lifted my eyes and looked at Katherine and Ashton, "What i am going to say won't make any sense but just- bear with me."

They nodded, my gaze dropped to my lap as i threw the first information at them, if i am telling them the truth, then at least i should be honest in everything.

"My father is a mafia leader."

"Well , he was -" I corrected myself. I cleared my throat, "He obliged me to leave with him, he threatened me, he said he'll hurt Alex - actually, he was the one who sent those guys that attacked Alex." I looked up at them, "He said he'll hurt you too so i did as he said and i left with him."

I ignored the shocked look on their faces as i continued, "He faked my death, he made me sign the divorce papers and then - " I swallowed hard, the hardest part of it all, "Then i was obliged to marry someone else."

Katherine's lips parted but nothing came out, Ashton looked shocked as well but he said nothing. She then stood up, her eyes wide, "You -" She pointed her finger to my direction, "You are married to another man now ?" She asked, disbelief clouding her eyes.

I licked my dry lips and nodded. "I didn't have a choice." I said with a shake of my head, trying to defend myself.

She pressed her palm over her forehead as she paced around, "Oh my god-" She whispered to herself. She stopped pacing and looked back at me, "Who is this man ?"

My ruin, he is.

The man who destroyed me in every way.

"His name is Nikolas."

His name alone makes me shake deep within my soul. I still can't believe I escaped his trap, i still feel as if he is here, watching me somehow.

"Wait-" Ashton said, his eyebrows pulled together, "Nikolas as in the man who threw the party we were just in ?"

I nodded my head, "Yes -", I looked between them confused, "- but how you guys were at the party, how do you know him ?"

"We are working together." Ashton said, "We started a new deal and all-"

My eyes widened, "Oh my god, don't, no, you can't, break the deal do something-"

Fear coursed in my veins, "I don't know what he is planning behind this, you should cancel it please-"

"I understand nothing." Katherine said bewildered, "You are saying mafia and shit, what the hell is happening, i don't understand-"

I swallowed hard, "That doesn't matter now."

"What matters is that you guys are in danger by knowing this and we can't stay here, we should leave as soon as we can, he'll find me - "

"Who will find you ?"

My eyes snapped to the door when i heard Alex's voice. My heart raced as he looked between the three of us confused.

"I still don't understand." Katherine said with a sigh.

"How we are in danger ?" She added, but i wasn't listening , my whole attention was on Alex as he walked further inside, my mind busy thinking of how he'll get this, thinking how in few minutes i'll break his heart by my own hands.

"What will this Nikolas do?" She added and Alex's eyes drifted to her, "Nikolas ?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"So what we are supposed to do now?" Ashton asked, looking bewildered too.

"Can anyone explain to me what in hell you all are talking about ?" Alex said annoyed, a hint of anger in his tone.

Words couldn't form in my mouth. I stayed silent, i didn't know what to do or say.

"Wait is this Nikolas in this mafia thing too?" Ashton asked with wide eyes. I nodded, "He is the leader now."

"Mafia ?" Alex's eyes widened. He looked so confused and lost, and all i wanted is just to take him and hide him away, protect him from all this mess, and most importantly, protect him from me.

"Oh god i was making business with a freaking mafia leader."

"What ?" Alex asked again but no one answered him.

"I need to sit down." Katherine said before she sat down, her face paled, she looked she would faint any moment.

"Now this Nikolas-" Katherine started but didn't get the chance to continue her sentence.

"Can anyone fucking tell me who in god's name is this Nikolas ?" Alex snapped angrily looking between us, grabbing all of our attention back to him.

My eyes drifted from him to Katherine, she just shook her head. Her eyes telling me NO.

I swallowed hard and looked back at him. I have to. I told you i will break your heart.

I am sorry.

"He is my husband."

His eyes slowly went to me, and then they held me captive, i knew the look in them will forever be imprinted in my memory. He slowly shook his head, his lips parted a little but nothing came out.

"Ha ?", His eyes traveled to them then back to me. "Is this some kind of joke or something ?" He said, his eyes narrowed, he shook his head, "Because it is not funny."

I shook my head, "This is the truth."

"I was forced to marry him, it is some kind of a deal my father had, i-"

"Wait wait-" he said raising his hand stopping me, his eyebrows pulled together, "If you are not dead that means we are still married, how in hell then you are married to someone else ?"

I curled my shaking hand into a fist, "We are not." I lowly said, i looked away unable to handle the way his eyes trapped me, "I have the divorce papers with me, my dad somehow was able to get your signature."

I looked up at him again, his eyes widened a bit, so i directly stood up, i needed to explain, "Alex everything i did was forced on me, I didn't want to leave, I didn't want to get married, believe me, everything i did was just to - protect you-"

His eyebrow raised, "Protect me ?" He asked mockingly.

"When my dad came back, he threatened me, he said he'll hurt you but I didn't believe him-" i took a step closer toward, "But then those guys attacked you, I thought they'd kill you, i had to stop him, i had to accept and leave-"

I brought my hand up to touch his arm but he directly backed away avoiding my touch.

He shook his head, real hurt showed in his soft brown eyes, "You're married to someone else-" the words painfully left his mouth, the naked vulnerability in his tone grabbed my heart and tightened its hold around it.

"I swear I didn't have a choice-" i said, my voice quivering.

"Of course you had-" he said with barely controlled rage as his hand grabbed my arm harshly and pulled me closer toward him.

I shook my head, my eyes glistened with tears as he tightened his hold, "I had to protect you-"

"I can protect myself !" He snapped angrily.

I tried to pull free but his grip was too strong. My heart catapulted against my rib cage. This was a new side of Alex.

"You could've told me, you could've said anything, not just turn around and leave." He said, his jaw tightened so did his hold making a low gasp escape my lips, "For god's sake I thought you were dead-"

"Alex, calm down." I heard Ashton's voice before i saw him place his hand on Alex's shoulder trying to pull him away from me.

Alex released my arm and took a step backward but his eyes didn't release mine, the pain behind the anger, the hurt behind the rage still lurking there.

"Calm down ?" His eyebrow raised as he looked between us, his expression turning fierce, "Well excuse me but it's not everyday your dead wife comes -- Oh wait no sorry, your ex-wife comes back and tell you she's married to someone else."

He released my eyes breaking the gaze, shaking his head as the anger surged up in him.

"How the fuck i am supposed to calm down tell me." He let out a frustrated sigh and lapsed into silence then. His hand fumbled with his shirt unbuttoning the first few buttons before he rubbed his neck as if hard on him to even catch a breath.

And all I wanted was just to go and hug him, take his pain away, explain more maybe, tell him how hard it was on me too, tell him the nightmare i had to live for the past two years.


"Don't say another word !" He snapped, hatred obvious in his tone, "I don't want to hea-"

He stopped when a low quivering voice said from behind him,

"Mommy -"


Alex's POV

Lost, hurt, betrayed and stupid, that exactly what i am feeling now.

I feel so stupid and naive. I feel so weak.

What did she do to me ?

I was living in a lie, for the past two fucking years, i was living in a lie.


"Don't say another word !" I snapped, i hate her voice, "I don't want to hea-"


The words hitched in my throat and nothing came out after.

A voice from behind me said, a voice so soft, so hypnotizing.

I slowly turned my head and my heart skipped a beat or two. She was sitting on the couch her eyes roaming around, looking so small and afraid. She brought her small fist and rubbed her eye, her lips pursed in a pout, the tip of her nose red as she sniffled before a tear fell out of her eye.

My heart stopped beating i think, it definitely stopped.

Cara directly went toward her, she sat beside her and pulled her close. Her lips moved as she told her something but my ears registered nothing, my eyes fixated on this little angle sitting on my couch.

My legs moved on their own taking me to her. A lump rose in my throat and my chest tightened.

She is my-

My daughter.

Her big brown eyes lifted up and looked at me, she then looked around at everyone, her small lips still pressed in a pout she snuggled closer toward her mother and laid head on her arm looking somehow frightened.

"Sweetie i want you to meet someone." Cara said as she lightly palmed her cheek. My little girl shook her head and pushed herself closer toward Cara.

My little girl-

I don't even know her name.

My hand curled into a fist at my side- I don't fucking know my daughter's name.

Katherine walked closer and sat by her side. She smiled at her, "Hey !"

"This is Katherine." Cara said.

Katherine extended her hand, "What's your name ?"

She looked at her extended hand then back at her mother, before she placed her small tiny hand in hers and lowly said, "Lilly."


The name hit something in me.

My jaw tightened, Cara didn't - she just didn't.

"Oh you are so cute you know that." Katherine said before she pinched her cheeks. "I am your mommy's friend." She added, "And this is my husband-" she pointed at Ashton, "And i have a little boy who is older than you by one year, i want you two to meet so bad, do you want to see him too?"

Lilly nodded her head silently. Katherine broke into a smile, "Oh my god, you would look so cute together." She said with a squeal.

"Katherine don't start shipping kids together." Ashton said with a sigh and shook his head.

"What !" Katherine said innocently before she stood up, "I am just saying."

Lilly's eyes then flicked to me and I didn't know what to do or even say.

The youngest girl to ever leave me speechless.

I thought i would be ready for this moment, but then i looked into her eyes, and my whole world changed.

I never thought you can feel such kind of love. This fast. This strong.

The love of a father.

Her eyes went from me to her mother, she inched her face closer to Cara's ears and whispered something. At that Cara's eyes went to me, "He is- uh-"

I took in a breath, inched closer to them and crouched by her side. A smile came to my lips as i gazed at her, "I am Alex." I said trying my best to regain control over myself.

"I am -" I paused not knowing how to present myself. I can't just throw it at her and be like i am your father.

"He is an old friend." Cara said on my behalf.

My jaw tightened. Yeah sure, an old friend.

What else you want to do to me Cara, what else ?

I shook my head and looked back at Lilly.

Looking into her eyes, i realized that - i don't matter anymore. Nothing matters.

From now on she's all i'll live for. She is the only one that matters.

She's all that i'll care about.

"What's your name again ?" I asked. I just wanted to hear her voice again, to fill the void in my chest and fix my heart.

Her small eyebrows pulled together as she said, "Lilly."

I shook my head, "That's your nickname." I said with a smile, i titled my head, "Tell me your real name."

Her eyes drifted to Cara then back to me and ever so softly she said, "Leya."

My eyes closed for a brief second and i pressed my fisted hand over my thigh.

I looked at Cara and she directly looked away avoiding my gaze.

My gaze drifted back to Lilly and my smile came back again, i slowly brought my hand up to touch her, feel her but the moment my fingers brushed over her cheek she pulled away.

Maybe it wasn't supposed to hurt. But it did.

She looked scared of me. My freaking daughter is scared of me.

I removed my hand away and forced a smile ignoring the way my heart clenched tight, "You have such a beautiful name."

She nodded her head and said, "I know."

My smile widened at the confident in her tone, but in that same moment it dropped.

"Daddy say that."

I didn't understand. Or maybe i just didn't want to.

"Who ?" The word escaped my mouth as a mere whisper.


I couldn't breath, i just couldn't.

Everything around me started crashing again.

Whatever pain I felt for the past two years, it weighted nothing in front of this moment.

She turned toward Cara, "Mommy-" she said, a frown on her face, "Where daddy ?"

He is here. I wanted to say but i knew better.

"I want daddy." She said and held into Cara's arm, " Go home."

This was supposed to be your home little girl. I was supposed to be your father.

Oh god - why it hurts this much.

You destroyed me Cara.

You killed me.

You will pay for this.

"She wants her daddy." I said mockingly before i stood up.

I looked at Cara and every part of me wanted to hurt her, in that moment I hated her, i really did.

I leant closer, my figure hovering over hers, my hand pressed beside her on the back of the couch, our faces so close, my eyes looking inside hers, but a whole different person i saw.

Not the same beautiful innocent girl i fell in love with.

Not the one who stole my heart, but the one who broke it.

"Why ?" I asked.

She looked scared, good, the good naive Alex can scare her now.

"Alex she is young, she doesn't-" She tried to say but her voice, her goddamned voice just fueled my anger more.

"I said why ?" I snapped, my voice raising.

I gritted my teeth, i didn't know what i was saying, i just need to let it out, "You married him, you fucked him, i understand that - but why -" I grabbed her chin in my hand forcing her to look at me, "Why my daughter calls him dad ?"

A tear fell from her eye making me just tighten my fingers over her chin, i am hurting her, i know, i want to.

I want her to feel that pain.

How did i ever give someone the power to fuck me up this bad-

I don't know what suddenly came upon me, i just couldn't, i couldn't stand there and witness my life falling apart again.

I stood up straight, my hand circled around her wrist and i pulled her up with me, away from Lilly.

She gasped at my sudden action. I ignored the look she gave me as I turned around, my hand still over her wrist as i dragged her away with me.

Katherine stepped in front of me blocking my way. "Alex." She said, her tone trying to kick some sense into my head.

My jaw tightened, "Stay out of it." I said, the anger in my tone couldn't be missed, "This is between me and her."

With that i walked past Katherine, i walked to the closest room, i opened the door and pulled her inside with me.

I slammed the door shut behind us then i released her wrist from my grip. I did it harsher than i should making her stumble backward a little.

She looked at me, her eyes wide a bit, and it was taking everything in me to keep my anger at bay.

The need to hurt her growing with each passing second.

Our gaze broke by the low cries coming from the other room. Her eyes flicked and she started walking toward the door but i grabbed her arm stopping her, "Alex she is crying." She said, her voice low and weak, "She is not used to people just let-"

"Shut up." I said before i pulled her from her arm and pressed her against the wall. My palm pressed beside her head trapping her.

"This is not you." She said, another tear fell from her eye as she blankly stared at me.

I smiled, a mocking one, "This is what you did to me-" I said arching an eyebrow, "This is the result of your action."

Pain changes us, to better or worse. But In my case, it is worse, it made me this whole different creature i don't recognize anymore.

"I know you are mad but-"

"I am not mad, i am hurt." I interrupted her, "There is a difference."

Her gaze dropped down, "I am sorry."

"Your sorry won't bring me the past two years of my life, your sorry won't magically make my daughter know me-" I said, my tone harsh and bitter, a part of me showed, a part i didn't know i have, "Your sorry won't make that ring over your finger disappear-" My voice lowered and i couldn't replace the pain with anger this time.

"So don't be sorry-" I added as i inched my body closer to hers, her scent filling my nose, the need to just hold her in my arms like old days making my skin itch but i ignored it, "I trusted you, it's my fault-"

"I didn't mean to hurt you." Her voice quivered, she bowed her head down as more tears fell.

My jaw tightened, her tears still undo me, "But you did."

She sniffled and lifted her head up, her teary eyes met mine. Don't look at me like that. I screamed from the inside. Don't let me forgive you this easily.

Her hand came to touch my face but i directly held it in mine and pulled it away. I don't want her touch to taunt me, and fuck me more.

With my fingers wrapped tightly around her wrist, i pulled her hand away and pressed it against the wall, "I want to hurt you-" I said with gritted teeth, her eyes widened, "- So bad."

"I never thought i'd feel like this toward you."

She shook her head, "You won't hurt me." She said, so sure.

I shook my head, "No Cara, the Alex you left two years ago wouldn't hurt you, but this one -" My lips curled into a smirk, "This one can do much more-"

Her eyes looked shocked as she gazed at me as if she just realized something, she shook her head and whispered, "No."

I raised an eyebrow, "What ?" I said, "You thought you'd come back and i will welcome you with opened arms ?"

"You though the sweet Alex would step over his heart and forget everything-" I said, my tone mocking her, "You thought he'd put you first like he always does -"

I shook my head, "No." I said, "I learned my lesson."

"I just care about my daughter now." I said, meaning it. "From now on, you're no more than the mother of my child."

The hurt the flashed in her eyes made me almost regret my words but i directly shook that thought away, i will teach myself to hate her, maybe i couldn't move on when i thought she is dead, but i will move on now.

"If you want to stay, you are more than welcomed, but if you don't, here is the door, no one will stop you, like you entered it, you can leave -" My chest tightened, "You can go back to your husband, i won't stop you."

She hiccuped a sob, my eyes closed at the sound, "I knew you'd be angry, i knew you'd be hurt but -'' her voice shook, "But a small part of me hoped you'd - understand."

"Understand ?" I asked, my eyes widened a bit, how she expect me to understand. "Put yourself in my place and tell me how you'd feel to see your daughter scared of you, to realize you missed the first two years of her life-" My voice lowered, "To hear her call another man father."

"How would you feel ? Tell me, make me understand Cara !" I snapped.

"I didn't know if i'd come back or not." She lowered her head, "I couldn't make her grow without a father-"

She looked up at me, "I lived that and it is not so pretty, i couldn't make her feel the same."

I shook my head, "Your excuse is even worse than your sin." I said, my jaw ticked, "So you lied to her like you lied to everyone, convinced her another man is her father.

That was your brilliant solution ?!"

She kept silent. Of course she did, how will she be able to defend her actions, she can't.

"You see, the fucked up thing of this all is that i was actually moving on, i was getting better, i was gaining control over my life again -" I said, "And then, then you showed up with your lies and secrets crashing my life again."

"I never thought i'd say this but-"

Don't Alex, don't ruin it. The logical part of me said.

I shook my head, it's already ruined.

"I wish you were on that plane-" I said before releasing her hand, i took a step backward, she looked at me with her eyes wide, that hurt you Cara ? Good.

"At least you would've stayed as a beautiful innocent chapter in my life, at least i wouldn't want to hurt you this bad, you would've stayed as the only person i loved- ''

"I don't believe this but-" I shook my head and turned around. Before walking away i had to hurt her one more time, i broke her heart and mine, there is no coming back now,

"But you were better off dead."


Cara's POV

I ran my hand in Lilly's hair as another tear fell from my eye.

What did i think, i'd come back to roses and rainbows, i'd come back and continue from where we stopped. I shook my head. Stupid me.

I want to hurt you.

I sniffled and wiped my tears away. He meant it. The look in his eyes proved it. When he said it he looked more dangerous than Nikolas himself, he looked he would hurt me more but i refused to accept it.

I really don't want to hurt you.

Nikolas's words rang in my ears again. My intention is not to hurt you.

I almost laughed. The irony.

The man who never hurt me said he'll willingly do it. And the one who left scars all over my body and soul said he is trying not to. What messed up life i have -

My gaze went back to Lilly, her head resting over my lap, her eyes closed, it took me long to get her to sleep again. She kept on crying saying she wants her dad - Nikolas.

I closed my eyes. I can't handle this anymore. I seriously can't.

My eyes opened when i felt a presence beside me, i looked up to see Alex's eyes on Lilly, he slowly bent down and placed one hand under her back as he slowly tried to hold her. My eyes widened and my hand directly held his, "What are you doing ?" I asked.

He lifted his eyes up, his eyes widened a bit and hurt flashed in them, "It's my first time holding my daughter-" He said, his voice almost pained, "You wanna take that away from me too."

I directly pulled my hand away as guilt rushed in my veins, "I didn't mean it this way."

He stared blankly at me, "I just want to put her on the bed, it's not comfortable here." He said before he slowly took her in his arms.

She sighed in his arms and pressed herself closer to his chest, her small hand fisted around his shirt holding into him. His eyes went to her small hand and a small heart-melting smile came to his lips.

The same smile crossed my lips as i gazed at them. A scene my eyes craved to see since the first moment i held her in my arms.

Alex looked at me and my smile directly faded. Without another glance, he turned around and walked away with me following behind.

He entered our bedroom - no sorry, not our room anymore.

He slowly placed her over the bed, but Lilly's hand was still wrapped around his shirt, he sat beside her and ever so slowly removed it. Bringing it to his lips, he gently kissed it.

I walked closer and sat beside her as i fixed the pillow under her head, she shifted in her sleep and let out a low breath.

"She is so beautiful."

At his words, my eyes went to him, he was staring at her adoringly, his gaze melting breaking my heart more.

I swallowed hard, "She is." I said.

He held her small hand tightly in his, his thumb gently stroking her skin. His jaw tightened and he closed his eyes.

"Why you did this to me ?" He said then he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"What's my fault ?"

I looked away and fixated my gaze at Lilly as i pulled the blanket over her. What should i say ?

"I never hurt you before, i tried to be the man you deserve, i tried my best to make you love me, to make you happy, i -

Cara look at me -"

His tone wasn't demanding but i couldn't help but look at him, he wasn't angry this time, "Is my only fault that i truly loved you ?"

It probably is.

He shook his head, "I'll never make the same mistake again then."

Not being loved by someone is something, but seeing someone trying his best to fall out of love with you is a whole different - and very painful - thing.

He makes me feel that I don't deserve. I don't deserve his love.

But to be honest, do i?

He inched closer to Lilly and pressed his lips over her forehead, he whispered, just for her, "I promise i'll never leave you, no one can take you away from me this time."

When will it stop hurting ? When my heart will rest just for a bit-

He looked up at me, "At least i keep my promises."

Stop Alex - please stop.

The ringing of a phone interrupted us. My eyes traveled to my phone beside me, my heartbeats fastened at the name that flashed through the screen.

I looked at Alex to see his eyes on my phone's screen as well. His jaw worked fiercely before he pulled away and stood up.

As he walked away, he made sure to say,

"Don't worry, i will give you privacy to talk with your husband."


So, do you think Alex have the right to be angry or not, he still breaks my heart tho, why i am so mean to him, omg *cries*

This week is my finals week, i am not sure if i will be able to update or not, but i will try when i can. Bear with me, summer vacation is coming and i'll update more often then XD

Love ya all

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