Chapter Three: Dinner
Rose's POV~ Well, we're waiting for awhile then Julie and mikasa walk in, they're discussing something, i wonder what it is... "oh, the girls are awake." i look over "excuse you? We have names you know." i glared, he glared back "should we really care?" ugh, this guy is so annoying...
Mikasa's POV~ So. i came back to see that the guy who kissed rose was being rude to her, i was going to say something before... "Sam, i will roast that tongue for dinner if it doesn't stop flapping in that idiotic mouth of yours" James said. "Whatever..." I sighed softly. "I apologize for his attitude." I looked at rose and i could tell she was holding back from killing sam, krista was holding her back and keeping her mouth shut "It's fine!" She smiled while rose struggled. "Heh, good, I hope you enjoy the meal we prepared for you girls" I was confused for a second. "Meal...?" oh wait a second... "oh, you didn't have to..." I looked at the ground. "We insist, besides, it's quite impossible to 'undo' our cooking" He chuckled, he's one of these guys... well then... I look over and see matthew putting down the last plate. "There we go! Dinner's all served!" I looked at the table. "That's a lot of food..." I sigh and look at julianne, erik is near her, she looks shocked at all the food. Erik smirked. "We hope you enjoy it, my sweet~", Julianne blushed. "S-sweet?!" James sighed. "That's enough, erik." "Hmph! you're no fun, james" James rolled his eyes and looked at me. "Miss, please follow me." I hesitated before taking his offered arm.
"Miss, I have to ask, the short girl (A/N: Krista XD, wait, everyone is short to james) said that you weren't really living here, just keeping an eye on them, why's that?"... Krista, why did you say that... I look over quickly at krista, she glared at james for a second before looking at all the food. "Well... I guess I just worry about them too much, we've been friends our whole life, but they never got a chance at living all by themselves, so I guess i wanted to also teach them what to do..." I heard him chuckle. "Huh...?" I looked over at him again. "It sounds like you don't like being here" "I didn't mean it like that, I just want my friends to be okay, after at least a week, I'm going to be moving into another house with a friend. It's kinda complicated to explain..." I sigh softly (A/N: Jeez, how far away are their seats) "Well... How do you feel about it?" "What...? Um... I guess I feel confused, I feel like I need to be stronger for my friends..." I mumbled the last part, but somehow, he heard it.
"You don't have to be strong." I looked up at him. (A/N: No really, how far away are the seats?) "Huh?" I tilted my head slightly. "I understand that you want to be there for your friends. But you don't have to forever be strong for them, I don't mean it in a bad way, it's just that..." he mumbled the rest, I didn't ask though. "Huh...? Miss, are you okay? It seems that there is a small bruise on your cheek..." ... how the heck did he- "it's nothing..." he looked at the bruise a little more, leaning in a bit too close. "Hm... well, if you say so... here's your seat" I quickly thank him before sitting down. I look over at julianne and erik. "Let me get your chair for you, lovely lady~"
Julianne's POV~ I blushed, wait... should I speak to him... maybe I could try to get answers... "O-oh! Um..." I quickly looked at the ground. "By the way, i apologize, for stealing a kiss like that" I looked at him, he was smiling at me. "Huh...?" I was confused for awhile, then i realized... "I-it's fine, i guess... at least you didn't just get up and grab a kiss for no reason..." He chuckled softly. "I'm not as forward... unlike sam!" He looked as sam, sam just glared. I giggled softly, he leaned in and whispered in my ear. "I wont lie though... I enjoyed kissing you, and feeling you melt in my arms~" I blush a dark red. "Y-you sure are quiet the charmer..." He moved away and smirked slightly. "Yes, I am known for that" I giggled, out of the corner of my eye I saw Krista had a hurt expression... hm, anyways... "well... you don't have to act like that all the time" I looked at krista for a second before looking back at erik. "Like what~?" He acted like he didn't know what I meant... he's a terrible actor. "Well you're acting like you wanna seduce everyone here" I jokingly said. "I can assure you, I'm just a lover of beautiful women" then why the heck are you talking to me?
Damien let out a sigh, I look at him, tilting my head slightly then looking back at erik. "It seems there's more than that though!~" I teased, he looked away for a second, losing a bit of his smile, I was going to ask before he looked back at me, his smirk returning. "Did you want there to be more~?" I quickly looked away and blushed a bright red. He chuckled softly. "Sorry, you just look so cute when you're blushing!" I felt him take my hand and kiss it gently, I look over to him, still blushing softly. "I hope you'll enjoy dinner however, my dear" I look at the food, wow... I've never seen so much... Wait, how much am I allowed to have...? Erik saw my expression and kept his smirk, leaning close to me. "I made almost all of the dishes by myself!"
Third POV~ Matthew looked over to erik, his face looked shocked, krista, julianne, and rose looked at the pair. "And I'm the queen of the nile!" matthew crossed his arms, huffing. krista mumbled to rose 'I'd believe it' the two giggled softly. Erik glared at his younger brother. "What's that supposed to mean?" Matthew glared back. "Me, you, and james did the work together, dummy!" James glanced at the two. "It's 'you, james, and I', matthew" Erik chuckled. "Little boys will always make mistakes!" Matthew looked at james, he looked hurt for James siding with erik, then he turned back to face erik. "I'm not a little boy! I'm barely a year younger than you!" Erik crossed his arms. "Well you certainly don't act like it!"
Rose and krista were trying to not laugh, krista let out a small giggle. Matthew turned his head and looked at krista. "H-huh? Is something funny?" Before she could say anything, most likely rude, julianne covered krista's mouth and looked at the guys. "No, no, it's nothing at all. Thank you for the meal, all of you" Matthew smiled. "Oh! You're welcome, miss!" Erik looked at julianne. "Such a well-mannered young lady. Beautiful inside and out~" Matthew rolled his eyes. "Erik, knock it off!" Sam's looked at erik. "Seriously, you're getting REALLY annoying with that suck-up act" Erik glared at the two. "I'm just trying to be a gentleman-" Erik got cut off by james. "There's a difference from 'being a gentleman' and being an 'obnoxious flirt'" He smirked, erik had a shocked expression on his face. Matthew laughed. "Haha! Schooled, even by james! You're gonna need some cold water for that burn!" Both sam and damien chuckled softly, james looked back at the girls. "Ah, I dont believe we know your names, even though you know each of us." Mikasa looked at him. "I'm Mikasa, that's Julianne, rose, krista and yuki" mikasa pointed at each girl as she spoke. "It's a pleasure to know your names" James smiled. Matthew also smiled. "Yeah! Those are nice names!"
One thing still bugged rose though. "Excuse me?" all of the guys looked at her. "What is it, miss?" James asked.
"I wanna thank you all for the food, but... I still want to know why you all came here, I don't really understand..." The incubi looked at each other before matthew spoke. "Oh.... How do we explain...?"
Sam groaned in annoyance and rolled his eyes. "We were attacked, we came here to heal, what's so difficult to understand?!" Erik sighed. "Now you're just being rude, sam" "I'm just saying! How is that difficult to understand?!" Rose slapped him, not hard enough to bruise. "No, I mean, what specifically happened"
James sighed softly and looked at his brothers before looking at the girls. "Well, you see, we've been traveling for quite some time now, just recently we came into town, but we were jumped by a gang of... misfits. So, in order to heal we came here, again, we apologize for the mess we made..." james sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Julianne shrugged softly. "It's fine... I guess..." Krista looked worried and furrowed her eyebrows. "Are you guys okay though?" "Yep! All thanks to you girls!" Matthew smiled and looked at krista. "Huh...?" Julianne was confused, erik smirked and looked over to julianne. "You see beautiful, we feed on sexual energy, but we don't just get it from kissing lovely ladies like yourself. We can simply touch someone's hand to obtain sexual energy. Everyone carries sexual energy you know" (A/N: Take a shot every time someone says 'sexual energy') "Is there anything else you want to know?" James asked
Krista looked at james. "Yes, actually. What do you plan on doing now?" Matthew looked worried and glanced at james. "Yeah, what are we planning to do, james?" "That is a very good question, we just got here and surely we'll be hunted again if we leave..." Sam looked at james and erik. "We can take 'em, easily!" Erik glared at his younger brother. "Not without more training sam, the result in that was clearly evident in our last encounter with them..."
Yuki was thinking about it for awhile. "Well..." She spoke up, the incubi looked at her. "What was that, lovely lady?~" Erik tilted his head. "Well... That is..." "Oh my god- spit it out already!" Sam glared. yuki glared at him and spit in his face... literally "Well you could stay here if you'd like!" She crossed her arms and looked at the others, ignoring sam, rose had a face like 'What- why the fuck would you do that!?'
"If you do decide to stay, I would like to have at least a few rules..." "Yes?" James smiled. "First: You can't use your powers, or do anything that might hurt anyone, well- except for enemies, but you get what I mean" Yuki stared at the guys. "Second: you have to at least help us with the chores and stuff like that" James thought for a moment before speaking. "That is a generous offer, miss... Is anyone else sure that it would be okay? We don't want to be a burden any longer..."
Krista smiled widely. "How about a vote?" The girls looked at krista. "How would we-" "It's simple! There's five girls here, that means that one has to choose a side, so that we can't tie, raise a hand if you want to help and not be heartless!" Krista, mikasa, julianne, and yuki raised their hands. "You know, I know I cant win, but you do realize there are only enough beds for five people... right? how is that gunna work?" Rose rolled her eyes.
"We could share beds... like, we both get one side and never look at each other at all, unless someone here is clingy when they're asleep" the guys stared at matthew for a second before looking back at krista.
Erik smirked slightly. "A wonderful idea! We can train here while we also take care of the princess'!" "WHAT!? are you serious!?" Sam yelled. "Shh! Be quiet sam! I haven't slept in a bed for days!" Matthew pouted. Damien chuckled softly. Sam glared at his brothers. "Fine! But we're not staying forever! only until we beat up that group of punks!" James nodded in agreement. "I think that is a reasonable time limit for our stay" Matthew smiled. "Yes! This is awesome!!"
Erik got closer to julianne. "Also beautiful, if you need some assistance doing somethin-" Rose smacked the back of his head. "Dont you fucking dare" He pouted, it really was fake, he pulled julianne closer... somehow...
"Erik, knock it off" James sighed. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's celebrate and dig in!" "Finally! I'm starving!" Sam and matthew shoved a bunch of food in their mouths, rose and krista smiled, trying not to laugh. "Really you two?! You're both acting like pigs!" James glared. "Oh let them have a little freedom, james, it's not like we've eaten recently either, I'm sure they're starving!" Erik chuckled at his brother's reaction. "Still. that's no excuse for stuffing their faces like backyard swine!". Julianne giggled softly while krista and rose just burst out laughing. "Is something funny?" Matthew tilted his head. "What are you two laughing at?!" Sam glared. "You t-two are just being funny!" Rose said, still laughing, krista managed to calm down. "S-shut up! We're not funny! We're hungry!!" Matthew and sam blushed a light pink. "W-well, we're glad we made you laugh!" "Shut up, matthew!" Sam hit matthew's arm. "HEY! I'm just saying!""See james? It's entertainment for the girls!" Erik crossed his arms and smirked.
Mikasa looked at all the dishes and then noticed something. "Huh? What's that?" She was looking at a type of pasta. "That, miss, is a shrimp pesto dish. Pastas are my specialty, so I'm positive that you'll enjoy it." Mikasa hesitantly took some and ate it, she smiled. "Mmm! This is actually good!" Krista and rose's eyes widened, mikasa is usually a picky eater... so that is a big complement coming from her.
"I'm glad you like it, at least someone in the room has taste!" James said. Matthew and sam glared at james before continuing to eat.
Yuki looked at damien, it looked like he was talking to someone, he was staring at a random area, yuki looked at the same area out of curiosity, there was nothing there though "It's nothing" Damien said softly and looked at her. "H-huh?" Yuki looked back at damien (A/N: Oh, and take a shot every time I write 'look'/'looked' I bet you'll be dead by the end XD) Damien gave her a soft smile before returning back to his thoughts
Then yuki's phone started ringing, she quickly excused herself before leaving the room to take the call. She later came back, looking more stressed out, but she quickly hid it before the guys caught on. "Alright yuki, what's up?" Yuki froze hearing mikasa's voice. "N-nothing!"
Rose let out a really fake laugh. "Mhm, that's what you said before, and you know what happene-" krista nudged rose's arm. "Hey! Give her a break!" She glared at rose. "Fine, fine, whatever" "Anyways... I should tell you... My dad wants to throw a party, because of 'business'" Yuki ran a hand through her hair, trying to calm down.
Matthew's head perked up. "Hey, Why don't we help you girls? That's what we're here for, right?" James smiled. "I don't see why not" Sam groaned in annoyance. "I could name a few reasons why we shouldn't" James rolled his eyes. "Sam" "Back off!" Sam crossed his arms, james sighed. "We'll take care of everything, girls, just leave everything to us!"
Julianne yawned softly. "Feeling a little tired, princess?" Erik asked, his arm was still wrapped around her waist, but she was too tired to do anything. "Mhm..." "Let me carry you to bed~" Erik picked her up and went to a random bedroom.
"Well then... Guess we should all go to bed, it's getting late..." Krista hummed. "Hey krista, can I talk to you...?" Rose asked, she sounded concerned about something. "Huh...? sure" The girls went to talk somewhere private while the others went to bed.
Punzi1's POV~ Holy crap that too long to write T^T I am so tired, welp, sorry it took so long to post, again!
Word count: 2713 words
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