The days after
This is a translation, English is not my native langage : some mistakes might remain then, please feel free to tell me so I can fix them.I chose to keep army titles as translated in french : Levi is a corporal... Except for one personA thousand thanks to Mallory and Raphael for their help.
1. Around the world
The promised world shied away Armin in a smoke cloud
A convenient illusion during the fight, and nothing then
As soon as he woke up from this strange odyssey with Eren around the world, the fire rivers, the ice mountains, the northern lights,
Only a dream, from the beginning to the end,
He openend his eyes
A thick coat of dust, lifted by the Rumbling, goes around the globe
Here is your atmosphere, impenetrable to the sun
But not to screams : over this suffocating cloud stumble the voices calling for each other, calling for rescuing the survivors, voices of blind ghosts, stripped of everything but their throat
Except this little band of earth, twenty per cent, beyond there is
Eren didn't only destroyed humanity, he
Smashed the mounts, the valleys and their people, all the creatures
He disorientated the wind
He killed the sun
2. Dirty hands
It stinks
Over everything already hopeless, it stinks like it never had before. Death is crawling in vermin on the floor, millions of parasites devour the trampled bodies but the most nightmarish is this almost liquid smell, penetrating the limbs, the pores of the skin. When you think you got used to it, another fetid patch comes to turn your stomach, makes you vomit at night
Pyres are lit on day, names are registered, but there are so many that it's absurd,
Whole countries should be registered
Nothing is useful anymore, however
Armin spends his days there, perched on makeshift stilts, in the middle of putrid corpse swamps, badly dressed with remains of rubber and a mask, like a bird of death, a Jaw-Titan from the middle age. It doesn't prevent him from spitting brown in the evening, in the refuge of a broken barrack, on an ancient fortress. This is the place where he washed Levi's dismembered body, on the first night. Connie was holding tears of irritation on his back, nothing to blame him for. His corporal, his captain was lying at the mercy of an overworked doctor, eyes opened on nothing. Armin undid his clothes and washed him the best he could, with unashamed quantities of badly filtered water, a nervous wreck after his hell of a day.
The smell of death seeps like a viscous varnish even from the living bodies.
The sun doesn't rise anymore, there is no new world, and we are going to snuff too, without having seen daylight again, devoured by death insinuating in the water, in my skin, the slow death, not the one from the battle, but the one that definitely follows the end of the world
And Armin washes the whole world, he puts his dirty hands in the decomposing fleshes, searching for who knows what.
« The one who will save Humanity is you »
Were you talking about Eldia or the world, Eren ?
3. The void
In the evening, Armin looks out the open window at the ochre and acrid atmosphere that he already had burnt into his eyes all day, it never changes. He thinks,
He thinks
That this was not the world Eren promised him. He would have prefered to snuff in the battle, or stay in Paradise, in the times he still dreamt.
Do the putrid winds blow till there, do the Yeagerists enjoy it with great gulps, behind the new walls they built between them and the world ?
He thinks
Generations and generations will grow before something human is established here again, but he won't probably see anything of it.
Did you know, Eren ?
Eldia versus the rest of the world
This is your legacy, and nothing is solved
4. The city
In the clouds of dust, Levi sees the faces of his lost brothers in arms.
A city is established on the old port's ramparts, near the sea
All the stories talk about the sea, they don't know it yet, they don't know any of them
Armin himself was born from the sea, his seashell-heart, even if he regrets now
It's a strange vertical city, patched with metal, wood, stones, footbridges, pulleys. You can only see its shadows in the dust you sweep all day long and, when you wander, you discover its architecture again, at every footstep. The sea lies below, but a sea without a beach : the sideway stones, the port's concrete, and then the sea. Concrete was necessary to tame the world : it's very human.
There is a lot of cats
(because there is a lot of rats)
It's a city full of staircases and beams, a city that still fears the floor. Gabi and Falco pass through the roofs to meet up, plaster falls under their heavy steps. Life is overcrowded, they were already used to it in Shiganshina, in the ghetto, at the military barrack, but there was the closeness of shared vegetable patches, hanging gardens, the river
the sky
Out the window, Levi sees the faces of his brothers in arms
He doesn't go down, he can't perch on stilts and move his arms in the mud like Armin who believes he's washing, there, his hands still covered with the blood of his victims. He fills papers, gathers in spidery handwriting the last crumbs of humanity. Armin will come tonight, in his knapsack a new discovery that they will observe together, well, Levi mostly listens, looking out the window
All this dirt, it reminds him of the underground city
In the end, he left the darkness only for a very short time that he spent making war
And again, the sky shies away from him
What becomes of the best soldier, when the war is over ?
5. The rain
At the window, Armin wonders : how could the water evaporate through the ashes ? The laws of physics, broken up by Paradis' censorship, slip from his grasp, even if he guesses a logical frame. Anyway, the rain is sweeping the dust and maybe the sky will be higher when it stops. In the meantime, no one can go out. They confine, lose the count of days ; the drops hammers the roofs without a break. A different stink rises, a bit fresher, a hazy smell of mushroom.
Soon, it's raining so much that the streets are overflown, but when you lean out the window, you don't see the flow, only the big mass grave beginning to move, slowly, from left to right, brown and black, ruffled with curious angles that sometimes hook up to a gutter, to a balustrade, but not for long : relentlessly, the corpses flow into the alleys, the stairs along the ramparts.
The old world leaves to the ocean
all this work, day after day, for nothing
everything ends up in the sea
Armin turns his head away from the window and returns to the table where he piled up, wreck after wreck, treasures brought from the mass grave every night. Books, little objects, the little he could save before eveyrthing goes to the water, heteroclit rags that stink like the rest.
Some people hang on to it for the souvenir, some already speculate - they know about humanity
Armin picked them up and collected them, just for the sake of it.
He cries on the books, now he can't move freely outside, confined like on a raft in the middle of the grey water, nothing ever dries up
Don't add your tears to all this flood, Arlert, Levi grunts.
Through the furious rain, he often hears his step on the rooftops and footbridges. Armin runs to ask Onyankopon about his cult, he studies, takes notes, trades, gathers. He would like to open a room with all the objects for everyone to access, it's called a museum. He keeps learning, questioning everything around him, like if he still had only twenty eight years to live, but even one hundred and fifty years, for a soul like his, would never be enough :
A soul that goes fast, a soul that consumed his youth starving to
Death of the world
it's funny how all the cultures tell the same story
The Chaos, the Creation, the big Flood
All this work, day after day, for nothing, I do not have the Word
And Eren evaporated too
Barbaric syncretism
Armin reads and reads again, and observes his relics, like he's swallowing the last crumbs of Eren's poisonous gift
And then, he wipes his face and leaves to pay Levi a visit
6. The two captains
Maybe Armin would come through this better if he had been the one who killed Eren, Levi doesn't know how his complex brain and wasted heart operate, he only hears him woke up in a jolt by the memory of his atomic bomb titan body, throwing himself outside and yelling in the old port under the torrential rain, like he once used to scream in the forest :
I know you did it for me ! Il know I know I know
You knew I was condemned by your fault, you had to free me
At what cost ? My soul !
Since the begining, everything went from bad to worse
Since this day I opened this book on your lap
You were always like this, but I didn't see it, I loved you so
I loved you so I loved you so I loved you so
There is no more disturbed way to offer a gift !
Offer me the world ? You spit in it, all your corpses, you shove them in the sea !
The putrescent sea, how am I supposed to look at it now ?
Everything of you disappeared, gone up in smoke your titan body
But it was taking up all the space for so long, there was already nothing left from you
I have nothing left from you
You spit in the world, jealous
Because I'm the one you wanted
And I wanted the world
Levi doesn't sleep. The cats like his stillness. He hears, from very far away, Armins' screams, with accents of treason, beyond the new chant of the world, made with squeaks, long inhuman shrieks, and distant thunder.
His wailing rebounds on the metal, on the gutters, on the windows
On Levi's lost fingers
7. Jazz
Levin listens to jazz on a old gramophone, a device so precious he wonders how Armin could keep it for himself - well, for Levi. He brought it one day, like all the devices he wants to show him, but he left this one with his smile, chaos behind.
Jazz. A music where spontaneous invention rises from the group writing, confidently. It reminds him of the squad.
If music had existed on Paradis, would he have followed Erwin ?
Erwin with his bugle voice, his brassy hair
He thinks about all the lost records
Armin reads History books, Levi listens to him and thinks about Erwin
Memory is broken up now, beyond repair, basement locked forever, the key swallowed
All we have left is our heads
Anyway, what's the point in that, are we really going to pass it on or
Will the world start again from zero with us ?
Will it end with us ?
All the stories tell the same things
Humanity, seriously...
8 . Broom
The leftovers have been swept. Decision had to be made when the rain withdrawn, even if Armin's eye was still holding on to a relic, here and there. The remaining filth was removed from behind walls and pilars, and the leftovers were thrown over the ramparts.
To the yellow sea, the powdered sun
the world doesn't forget to be world
You see, there was no use in agitating yourself like that, it's not worth it
you won't wash your hands
covered with the blood of your crimes
with the rot
All the stories begin in the sea
Necrophagous worms are devoured by the birds of freedom
Farther, far away, in the places where humanity doesn't go anymore, animals reinvent the law of the jungle upon the ruins of ancient cities, territories that have long been forbidden to them.
The world tames its geography again
9. the beach
Even after the rain, it seems the skies will never be as it once was, or maybe it's forgotten, and imagined more beautiful than it was. This one irritates the eyes, clogs up the cogs of the wheelchair Armin pushes across the streets. Death still seeps through the walls, in long wet streaks.
Levi hadn't gone down since he was installed in his room : in the mass grave, under the flood, and even, ironically, for the big cleaning, he couldn't have. Now the air is a bit clearer, the ground open, he sees a bit further in the horizon. His eyes draw, old habit, a path in the airs, that sends impulses in his paralysed leg, and his hips. Once I didn't need the floor, here I am today, biting the dust.
Nobody saw Armin yesterday. Levi heard his steps coming back at night on the footbridges. He watched him in his bedroom, on the other side of the alley, a cat on the lap, he watched him leaning out his window, eyes black in the night. It looked like a dream.
Armin saw a sunset, yesterday
In the morning, he burst in Levi's room and took him downstairs
The sea is yellow, they know what's inside : the corpses, the wrecks. A gigantic garbage under the deceitful surface ; centuries of humanity. Jazz. Science-fiction. A few answers to the mysteries of the universe
The Atlantide
The Leviathan
It smells a bit less bad than elsewhere, under the lingering odour of iodine, the green of the seaweeds well alive. A smell Armin seeked during his whole life, beyond the walls that deprived him of vermilion suns, beyond the dusts.
Armin spent the day before on the other side of the pier, where nobody ever went back yet.
Levi draws out his crutch without a word, eyes glued on the virgin beach. Armin lends him a shoulder. They both grew thinner, because of inertia and malnutrition. Armin's blonde hair grew. For a while, he even got back to the ridiculous length of his childhood again, though his face would never be the same. Now it's so long he has to tie it up, like Eren used to. Levi looks into his blue eyes, then the sea, then his blue eyes, then the sea, then his eyes, then the sea
On the sand and pebbles, their mismatched steps stumble, hurried, they pull a face, hold abruptly, hurry more, the old warriors
When they reach the edge of the waves, Armin kneels and takes his shoes off. The sand is cold, the foam a little bit slimy and the water fabulously clear. Armin unties his shirt, Levi rises his hand for an instant and just puts it back on his bare shoulder. He moves forward, water to the knees, and Levi moves too, he throws his crutch away to wrap his arms around the young man's neck and to be out of his depths. He can't swim. Armin learnt on Paradise's beach. He slowly unties the arms of the corporal who escapes his sight, embarrassed and drawn by the weight of his dead leg. But in Armin's hands, in the water, his crippled body stops being a problem, it moulds the transparent waves' movement. Let it come. Armin is patient, a hand still under his neck, Levi lying on the water. He feels his tension flowing down, little by little, then lies down too, close to him.
Levi closes his eyes, cradled by the lapping. He thinks about the first time they saw the sea. He tries to imagine what it would be, having the sun glowing over their face, being at the end without nothing left to fight, nothing left to lose, but he's not very good at imagining.
This is the price of freedom
To give Armin a bit more than eight years to live
Levi is fourty now
His body has become so capricious that he will consider himself happy if he reaches the sixties
Well, not happy
Not even really lucky
The three fingers of his hand hold Armin's elbow
Levi opens his mouth and speaks :
10. the word :
« I never regretted it. Not a single second. I want you to know, even if it doesn't mean I don't miss him. »
Neither Levi nor Armin succeeded in stripping from their humanity
Erwin and Eren did.
11. Incipit
Armin lends him his shoulders to reach the shore. Levi imitates his frog gestures, one arm after the other ; ring of water that ends up around his neck, muscles still sharp under the battle scars. He follows the quickly breathless swim of Armin's body, small, determined, moving under his own body. It seems their breathes make more noise on the surface of the water, so Levi lets go. With the strength of his arms only, he overtakes him. There is, at last, something a bit clearer than the sky in his grey teasing eye, in the young man's painful and still admirative smile.
Alas, the earth comes back to them, Levi goes on his hands, his poor legs trailing on the sand like a mermaid, when Armin soon rises on his feet. The water drips down his skin, on the fabric sticking to his calves, his thighs ; higher. He pretends to ignore Levi's hand, turns back after three steps and teases a bit too, which means he embeds the blue of his eyes into the yellow landscape, knelt in front of him.
Levi disdains his help, crawls up to his crutch he sticks in the sand. It skids when he pulls himself up
Armin catches him, arms around his chest
Levi grabs his shoulder with his mutilated hand
His crippled knee
His shattered heart
There is no kiss but it's the same :
Hands wide open
Noses searching for each other
Alarmed mouths skidding on the cheeks
He climbs over to his chair, grunting at every step, forced to lean on Armin again, who is shaking with confusion.
Come on, he whispers, like he spoke to him in the old barn, reassuring and firm
Come on, let's go home, kid
enough with this bullshit
there is still so much to do
Let's go home, what the fuck are you doing to me ?
All the stories
in the sea
12. Salt
In the meantime, in the city, a baby is born
It doesn't mean they stayed much longer on the beach
It only means time is unhinged too
In the shadows of the stairs where Levi was brought back, Armin licks the back of his hand, secretly, his salted skin. It is still pouring from his long hair to his neck.
The baby is crying above the old port
His screams sound like a spidery handwriting
Armin turns his head towards the brass coloured sea
Brass are the eyes of the newborn
It was Eren's father, doctor Yeager, who brought him into the world, a few month after his own son
Eren Eren Eren, chant the seadrops falling on his carotid
Armin sucks on his fingers, eyes closed, hidden behind his long hair
13. Further than the pier
Then he left
On a diplomatic trip, or an exploration like this day he saw the sun disappear in the horizon for the first time, after the flood, no one knows when he will come back, no one never ever knows
He left further than the pier
« Corporal ?
- Shut up and take me back home.
- I didn't say anything.
- ...
- Say, Corporal, isn't it time to move to the first floor, so that you can move as you like ? I would never complain about giving you this hand, but it doesn't look like you. »
Levi turns his head to the window. Armin lives in the room on the other side of the alley, the empty room.
« Corporal, Jean sighs. What's this all about ?
- Something not very reasonable.
- Ah, I know something about this, then. I spent my life running after a woman who was running after a man who was running after no one. »
Eren !
I was the one you wanted !
And I wanted the world !
« And let me tell you, Corporal, the world didn't turn round before either. But this is not a reason to stop running.
Is it, Corporal ? »
The record ends his seventy eighth tour on the turntable.
Hey, Armin, come back, of course I will not touch you !
« It's a kid.
- Ah. »
Come back with a new record for your funny machine, something else to be played in a loop
Come back with the eyes you stole to Farlan, your blue eyes, sea of yesterday, your Erwin hair, shit for today, your heart we wouldn't have been able to create, neither me, nor them.
You're so beautiful, Armin, you might be the first one not leaving me for death
Leaving me for the world
For that reason alone, I would love you even more
Make yourself a new life in the sun I can't see anymore
Become fully human again
What is still holding you back ?
14. The blade
(On Levi's landing, Armin is playing with a blade)
He made me do all of this, Eren
That's so him, hot-head, I followed him like I had no choice
I was following him, and he was following me
Mikasa wanted to take my place as much as she wanted to stand up to him and stop him
No, definitely, the world was not going round
And now he's dead
And I wake up at night
The moment my body explodes, atomic bomb, down on the port
It's raining dead people every night
With Eren, everything is going too far, too quickly, too soon
He has always been like this, I didn't see anything coming
Ah, I can't say I wasn't loved
I wanted the world, he drained it from its humans
I wanted his friendship, he -
(It's an ultrahard steel blade)
« Hey, let's go see this baby »
15. Tea
Armin brought back tea leaves for him
What could he trade them for, Levi can't imagine
« Hey, Captain, I'm the one who killed Eren »
It's true, Mikasa burdened him with this, on top of everything else.
Jean whistles, (happy) idiot
Armin admires the little body, like the others, the tiny details of the baby
« No, Captain, no, I don't want a child, the miracle only fascinates me »
(He changed)
Armin blushes, and shakes his head, and loses his eyes away in the sea that doesn't have the colour of the sea anymore
« What about you ?
- I am fourty
- You are a war hero
- A body in decay
- You can't ignore how some glazes run over you
- Give me a break. I've never had a relationship. It's something I'll never know, that's all.
- Still, I taught you how to swim, at fourty »
(Jean chokes on his tea)
16. Sand and sword
« Can you cut my hair ? You're the one who cut it, the first time »
It's a sword blade. The steel is gleaming, yet it's not new. It was washed and polished with irrational care but a light, iridescent oxidation remains. Titan's blood should be evaporated, it's not what you think. It can't be what you think. Whose blood is it, then ?
Maybe just air oxidation. We didn't take these blades out for months. You're so cruel, Armin, sitting cross-legged at his feet like a child.
Levi's hands quiver by touching the steel again. Maybe because of the bad memories, maybe because of the good ones. Maybe because he has only eight fingers left to not make a mess. He bathes Armin's hair with soap, unties the knots, slowly, there are so many of them. Perched up there in the room he didn't leave, filled with tea fragrance, he doesn't look like himself, and yet everything is innate. The edge of the blades, tickling his neck, sends chills down Armin's spine. His head sways between Levi's legs when he fits the postures he needs, without having to ask, and it stops on his dead knee. The last long strands of hair trickle on his shoulders.
On Levi's ankles, shining like scales, some sand remains. Armin brushes it, with the tip of his oxydated fingers.
« You did the right thing freeing him from this hell (he whispers). It doesn't mean I hold it against you »
I think Eren wanted to live, he wanted to live everything
But he didn't know much about freedom
Levi cuts Armin's hair, falling like long reins on the floor, still full of sea water, Eren's hair
17. Eren Eren Eren
Eren sucked Armin's hair and fingers, back from the sea, the first time
After this moment he scared him, showing the other side of the sea, when they came back, he offered Armin his last smile
He joined him in his bed, they watched his seashell together like they used to watch the books, spoke a little bit about the days to come too, but Eren was pushing them away, it was twisting in his eye
Armin was so impatient to go beyond the walls, beyond the seas, Eren already knew their colours, he wanted to be with Armin only
Some sand was sticking to the soles of their feet, they felt it when they brushed their polished heels on one another, lying on their stomach like children. His blonde hair, already long, had captured salted spray in their knots.
(Levi would cut them just after)
Eren took his wrist, under the cover of a game, a silly pretext, maybe they
Were already walking on the edge but Armin didn't see (anything) coming
He asked : Hey, do you think there's still salt ?
No, I washed them, and the horse's reins had probably taken everything off
Didn't you bring some sea back with you ?
Eren closed his eyes and put his mouth around the fingers
Armin's heart twisted
It was a bit too pleasant, a bit too disturbing
Eren's smell was strange. Not because he was aroused : actually it was still Eren's same smell, familiar yet vague because Armin had never paid attention to it before. At this moment, he couldn't keep it at distance but he didn't know what to do with it, he didn't even know if he liked it. It was overwhelming. Eren kept sucking the salt, his eyes closed, in the petrified almost silence.
Armin didn't see anything, he didn't lower his eyes, he only guessed what he was doing to himself, because of his whispers, his clenching
He tried to let it go, quietly dreaming of the sea, elsewhere
Do you want to try ?
Armin held his shoulder when Eren pulled his hips to him and when, very quickly, too quickly to realise what was happening, unbridled pleasure, stampede, incredible
The rumbling pleasure
He didn't see anything coming
« What is it ? asks Eren, sitting up to wipe his hand.
What is it, he asks again, softlier, bent above his shoulder. You didn't want ?
- I don't know, Armin sobs.
- Ah.
You want me to leave ?
- I don't know. »
(So he left)
18. No
Armin took off all the sand from Levi's feet, it makes a little mother-of-pearl carpet on the wooden floor. He keeps caressing his skin, the veins, the tendons, the dry heel where the gear rub so much that the blisters will never fade, war under the skin.
« Don't giggle like that, Arlert, I'm gonna cut you »
His head is leaning back, in the hands of Levi who is shaving his cheeks now. A bit of soapy water runs down his neck, staining the Corporal's knees.
« Captain, Armin whispers, you never had a relationship ?
- Never.
- But Commander Smith ?
- It was a relationship, yes. But not this kind of relationship. »
He's leaning very close to Armin's sweet face, head laying on his lap. He shaves the edge of his mouth with a sword, the most subtle soldier.
« What kind was it ?
- Two stitched souls. Mine on his. It doesn't cure.
- Are you free, now ?
- Free ? murmurs Levi in echo.
- Captain » whispers Armin again, holding his face close over him, his hands on his neck, nose pressed against his.
He closes his eyes, and hands his lips to Levi.
« Armin, no. »
19. the doorstep
« Oh, you moved out ?
- What are you bringing me this time, kid ? »
Armin laughs, a cigarette at the corner of his lips, an elbow leaning on the doorframe.
« It stinks, get it out !
- Come and ut it out, Captain.
- No, Armin.
- Come on. Come. »
Levi rises a pretty concerned eye to his silhouette in daylight. What the fuck are you doing ? You want to die because he wanted you to live ? Well, this is a pretty shitty idea.
« Did you try ? »
Levi doesn't answer. Of course he did, everyday since Armin took off as usual without warning. And yes, he moved out, the stairs were too ambitious ; from here, he can reach the squeaking, desintegrating metal city. From here, he doesn't have a sight on Armin's window anymore, Armin who gave him a box when he left.
Levi tightens a strap around his leg. You don't get rid of that.
His leg squeaks and disintegrate, he holds on to his crutch. Armin observes his manœuvre, he adjusts the mechanisms in his head, kneeling at his feet, scrutinizing the relics of the omni-directional mobility gear he turned into a brace. It's ingenious but still too heavy. Levi flicks the cigarette when he trudges to the door. The rumour of the Marley city reaches him, beyond the ruins.
The cigarette wasn't lit.
« I'm pulling your leg, Captain »
20. The sea
« Gabi and Falco are back in the Marley City for good. Annie too. Since there's nothing left to save from the ruins, nothing to clean up anymore. »
They sink their feet down the sand, sitting next each other. The wheelchair beached on the pier shelters one of the last cats. Armin plays with his cigarette and a big storm lighter, almost too heavy for him, it brings out the tendons of his little wrists.
« I was fifteen, still, I should have known...
- No, Armin.
- I wasn't that innocent, you know ? Our bodies were well awake, we knew it. But it was still too early. »
Armin runs in his hair a hand dotted with mother of pearl. He rubs his neck, like little debris were still itching. When he was fifteen, Levi was trafficking underground with Farlan, in the hope of owning the sky, one day. This is such a distant life.
« You never had your age neither.
- No.
- Now, I am almost nineteen. »
So distant you might put all of Armin's life in between, Farlan wouldn't be able to touch him today.
He turns to Levi who shakes his head again and wakes up. He stumbles on his long legs, thrown off his balance by the confession and his desire. When Armin moves, it sends electricity in Levi's broken skeleton, but not like the stitches, not like the fight, it's far more alive.
Eren, you wouldn't be able to admire Armin with eyes gouged out
And yet, you didn't do us any favours, did you, with your fucking freedom, it's the dirty sea or nothing ;
Only one record set on a loop, the stories that tell the same thing ;
My body to wash, to rehabilitate but only if it's by Armin's tortured heart ;
Yeagerists and Marleyans, knives out, standing on their respective cliffs ;
Armin's blue eyes in the middle, angel of humanity and agent of the Rumbling ;
Fucking Eren, you brat, I want to smash your face again
« Captain,
Forget Eren for a bit
I don't want another cycle of revenge for you, running around in circles, the same record,
Anyway, there is nothing left to do
Eren, he was humanity, the end of humanity, the destruction
He entrusted me with the rest of his dream because he didn't know anything about it
So, yes, it's true, because of that, it seems that I still belong to him
I'm not close to see a world rid of his stinkness, I know but
We have to cope, you and I
It is not time to be a soldier anymore. »
Something more alive, because
Armin will live
It is Eren's last dream
The war is over
22. Levi
« I don't want to turn my back on the sea, stutters Armin
-Give her some peace, on the contrary
And come back often
Let her become the sea again
Come here, Armin. »
He holds his hand out to get up
Leaning on his shoulder, Levi watches the sea, then Armin's eyes, then the sea
Around the wrist that holds the crutch is tied his white scarf, on which he sewed Erwin's badge
And on the back of his tears, there is a smile
« Yes. Let's go, Levi »
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