Chapter 5
Nobody's pov outside hospital
Hello we interrupt this broadcast with breaking news as you know the hokage has been fighting for his life in the hospital for the past week and have just received word that he just woken up we are just waiting for confirmation and as you can see there is still quite a large crowd of people out here Excuse me ma'am how long have you been out here I have been coming out here everyday since I heard the news about the hokage I don't mind the cold lord hokage is loved by everyone ok wait oh there is doctor Sakura excuse me doctor is it true the hokage has woken up yes he did although it was breef about 5-10 minutes at most and he should make a full recovery you heard it here first folk now back to you at the studio thanks for the information
Hospital room
Nobody's pov
Hinata is sleeping next to Naruto's bed which she has been doing since he was admitted Naruto opened his eyes and looked around he relieved it was night what time it was he didn't know he then looked to his side and saw hinata sleeping feeling pain as he breathed he let out a grown causing Hinata to wake up she then turns on the light honey are you in pain asks Hinata Naruto then blinks twice ok let me get Sakura Hinata then goes to the desk where Sakura is sitting Hi Hinata are you ok you look worried says Sakura Naruto woke up again I asked if he was still in pain and he blinked twice says Hinata ok let me see says Sakura she then follows Hinata back to Naruto's room when they enter they here fast beeping Sakura then rushes over to Naruto's bed Sakura what's happening he's panicking says Sakura Naruto look at me take deep breaths I know it hurts Hinata then quickly rushes to his side and grabs his hand Naruto look at me it's ok says Hinata Naruto looks up at hinata then over at Sakura who is listening to his lungs and checking the heart monitor that's it Naruto deep breaths ok now that your calm I want to do another MRI I want to see if I missed anything in the first one says Sakura she then takes Naruto away then about 10 minutes later she brings him back Hinata immediately rushes over and grabs his hand to keep him from panicking Naruto I'm right here ok says Hinata Naruto look up at Hinata and tries and succeeds in giving her a weak smile a few minutes later Sakura comes back ok so I looked at a few different angles and I did notice the there is a very very small pice of bone it looks like the rib that punctured your lung broke but it was more of a chip then a fracture what are you going do Sakura asks Hinata well first I want to do an X-ray and see if I can find anymore bone in the king then I'm going to go in and remove it hopefully that will help with the pain ok says Sakura ok says Hinata then Sakura takes Naruto away again for an X-ray but before she can do that Naruto reach's out his hand for Hinata hey Hinata look says Sakura Hinata turns and sees Naruto has his hand out she immediately grabs it it's ok Naruto I know it's scary but everything is going to be ok Naruto then smiles weekly before being taken away for an X-ray then after about 15 minutes Sakura comes back without Naruto Sakura where is Naruto asks Hinata he is being prepped for surgery there is more than one piece of bone in his lung says Sakura ok says Hinata Sakura then leaves and goes straight to the operating room and begins surgery on Naruto don't worry Naruto everything will be ok I promise says Sakura
Naruto's hospital room
Hinata sits in a chair in an empty room waiting for Naruto to come back she the texts her father and lets him know what's going on with Naruto she then gets up and looks out the window at the large crowd still outside hoping not to be spotted by them then she sits back down and waits for Naruto it had been about 3 hours since he was taken to surgery and she suspected it shouldn't be much longer than Sakura walks in hello Sakura how did it go asks Hinata anxiously surgery went well and Naruto did very well says Sakura good by the way if he was awake why didn't you take the breathing tube out asks Hinata I didn't take it out because I wasn't sure the injuries to his lungs had healed to the point where could breath on his own right now he still has the tube in and I want to keep it in a little longer so his lungs can replies Sakura then a few minutes later shizune comes in with Naruto who is still sleeping hi Naruto Sakura told everything went well I have been updating the children they want to come see you soon shortly after she said this Naruto opens his eyes hi Naruto I love you are you in any pain asks Hinata Naruto then blinks once good the children want to see you are you up for a little visit asks Hinata Naruto then blinks twice ok I will call my father and let them know says Hinata she then leaves the room and calls her father when she comes back she finds Naruto has begun to panic again Naruto look at me it's ok I'm right here says Hinata what happened asks Sakura who has just arrived I left the room for a few minutes to call my father why does this keep happening asks Hinata actually I have seen this in some patients before says Sakura really what is it asks Hinata when some is in an accident and wakes up like this it can be scary and cases like this he still has the tube in and he doesn't know when it will come out or what's going to happen next so when one or both of us leave he thinks some bad is happening and he panics explains Sakura poor Naruto from now on one of us needs to be in here says Hinata agreed says Sakura Hello how is it going on here says a voice Hinata turns around and see her father at the door with her children next to him Father hi it's good to see you says Hinata hi mommy says Himawari hugging her hi sweetie are you having fun with grandpa asks Hinata yes says Himawari good says Hinata Hi mom says Boruto hi Boruto are doing ok asks Hinata I am says Boruto good says Hinata can we see daddy now asks Himawari sure says Hinata she then takes them over to Naruto's bed Naruto look who's here to see you says Hinata Boruto and Himawari then go to Naruto's Side hi daddy I missed you says himawari Hi dad says Boruto Naruto then tries and succeeds in smirking around the tube why is the tube still in his mouth asks Himawari because daddy is having a bit of trouble breathing right know but hopefully they will be able to take it out soon says Hinata hey why did dad close his eyes asks Boruto Naruto are you ok asks Hinata Naruto opens his eyes and blinks once are you tired asks Hinata Naruto then blinks twice ok says Hinata what's wrong with dad asks Boruto nothing is wrong he is just tired says Hinata ok children that means it's time to go says hiashi ok says Boruto ok says Himawari bye daddy see you later says Himawari before leaving bye guys says Hinata hugging her children by mom says Boruto and Himawari
I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter the next one will be out soon until then see you later
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