Chapter Fourteen
Hey, everyone! Hope everyone's had a wonderful May so far! Mine's been good - I've been happy to relax after college, and I got to return to my high school this evening to play piano for my old orchestra. It was so good to see my cello children again, because they basically were. My stand partner and I were practically joined at the hip in orchestra, and we treated the section like our family. It was so wonderful to see them again, I can't describe it. And now I'm tearing up. Wow, OK.
Anyway, on to the chapter! Team Tech gets together, a quick look back in Star City, and the Danvers sisters see what the two handsome doctors on the Waverider are like when they're in the same room - and that refers to Nate and Ray, to avoid any confusion. Martin's a taken man.
Winn and Lena arrived just in time to hear constant bickering around the lab. They paused in the doorway, and Lena raised an eyebrow when she saw two men in the center of the room arguing about something. One – with long hair, she remembered him when she had come to Earth-1 – was waving a pair of blue-tinted goggles around while the other, dressed in all black, was jabbing with a pencil as if trying to emphasize his point. Two women were around the computers, one with blonde hair and glasses, the other with auburn hair and a snowflake pendant. They were watching the argument in front of them and occasionally exchanging worried looks. "I guess we're about to interrupt something," Winn whispered.
Lena finally leaned against the doorframe and checked her watch, wondering how long she should wait until they noticed her. After twenty seconds went by, she looked up and kicked the metal doorframe with the heel of her stiletto, making Winn yelp.
The metal ring stopped the argument in its tracks, and all four heads whipped around to look at her. Lena raised an eyebrow and asked, "Tech support?"
"Team Flash," the guy with long hair raised a hand, along with the auburn-haired woman, who pointed at the man in all black.
"Team Arrow," the blonde added.
"Guess that makes us Team Supergirl," Winn smiled. "That's weird, I usually say I work for the D.E.O."
"Well, no D.E.O. here," the blonde shook her head, standing up and walking over. "Hi," she smiled at Lena, holding out her hand. "Felicity Smoak."
"Lena Luthor," Lena smiled, shaking her hand. "What's your specialty?"
"Hacking," she answered with a grin. "You wouldn't believe the things I've had to hack for this group."
"Oh, I probably could."
"Caitlin Snow," the auburn-haired woman smiled and waved. "Bio-engineer."
"I'm Cisco," the man with the goggles raised his hand. "Engineer. And this is – "
"Harrison Wells," the man cut across Cisco. "Or, if you don't want to get me messed up with my much less intelligent doppelgänger, Allen's team calls me Harry."
Lena raised an eyebrow. "Understood."
"Cisco's the one who made Kara's extrapolator," Winn smiled.
"Well, thank you for having some hand in getting me away from Kara's psycho ex," Lena snorted.
"I like you," Cisco grinned.
"Apparently there will be a battle as to whether I go back to Earth-38 or stick with the Legends, or now you," Lena smirked fondly.
Cisco sniffed. "The Legends have an AI. We don't."
"Neither does Kara."
Cisco pouted, making Harry snort. "I finally have an ally in putting Ramon in his place. Thank you, Ms. Luthor."
"Lena," she corrected. "The only person calling me that is if by any chance I'm at a really formal meeting here, or if someone's pissed me off enough that they don't get to call me by my first name." She raised an eyebrow. "So far, neither has happened here on this Earth."
"Guessing you told Mon-El off, then," Cisco snorted.
"Oh, yes, I did."
Harry tilted his head, considering her, before pointing his pencil at her. "I like you."
Lena grinned. "You're stuck with me for a while, so that's a good thing."
Harry nodded, turning to Cisco. "Ramon, you're fired. I'm speaking with her from now on."
Cisco squawked, looking offended, while Felicity and Winn burst out laughing. "I take it back," Cisco scowled at Lena. "You stole the guy I argue with. I don't like you anymore."
Lena shook her head, smirking. "You guys have a head start on me. I still have extremely vague details on who we're going up against."
"Ah," Cisco rubbed his hands together. "So, on the one hand, we have a god of speed who is actually another version of Barry – "
"I got that spiel," Lena nodded.
"On the other hand, there's a Legion of Supervillains who have all pissed us off at one point or another."
"Legion of Supervillains?"
"Actually, Ray called them the Legion of Doom," Felicity piped up.
"And who is in this Legion?" Lena frowned, looking around.
"Well, their leader is the speedster who killed Allen's mother and never seems to die," Harry snorted.
"Then there's two assassins who also don't seem to like dying," Cisco added.
"One of them is Thea's father, who was responsible for the death of Oliver's father and an event in Star City that killed over five hundred people, and Sara's first death," Felicity explained. "The other one had magic and actually killed a member of our team last year. It was Sara's sister."
Lena winced. "OK, so everyone has been affected by these three in some way."
"Precisely," Caitlin nodded. "Especially since they primarily have been after the Legends since they formed."
"So what are we working on?" Winn asked.
"Well, something we want to work on is something to help Kara resist Kryptonite," Caitlin answered, straightening. "Because it sounds like Mon-El and the Daxamites will have a lot of it."
"They will," Lena nodded. "Mon-El brought a whole syringe of liquid Kryptonite to take out Kara."
"Son of a bitch," Felicity narrowed her eyes.
"So we all agree he's one," Lena nodded. "Good news."
"Yeah, we're just short on Kryptonite to experiment with," Harry gestured around.
"And Oliver might snap if Kara puts herself in trouble just to find some," Lena nodded. "OK, anything else?"
"Maybe more anti-speedster guns?" Cisco shrugged helplessly. "Anything we can use against Thawne will be helpful."
"Don't he and Wally have the same lightning colors, though?" Winn asked. "Yellowish-gold?"
"Jesse had that same color, too," Lena frowned.
"They do," Cisco nodded. "Thawne's, however, is red."
"So just aim for the red lightning that can evade as fast as lightning," Winn snorted. "That sounds so easy."
"Oh, it'll be Allen's job to make sure he stays still long enough to shoot him," Harry waved it off nonchalantly. "And West's. And Jesse's. Though preferably the first two's."
"She was awesome, by the way," Lena complimented.
Harry blinked, looking like he hadn't expected that. "Thanks," he finally said.
Lena nodded. "And these other two?"
"Point them out to Oliver, Thea, and anyone else who want pieces of them and say 'go,'" Felicity answered.
"That would probably work, actually," Winn snorted. "It's worked so far – all we had to do was point at the Daxamites. We didn't even need to say 'go.'"
"So right now, speedster guns, right?" Lena looked around. "Where do we start?"
Quentin finished signing the last form he needed for the day, checking his phone again. Dinah had at least notified the precinct that she wouldn't be coming in to work that day. Rene, however . . .
Quentin sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Rene was a pain in his ass most days, but he was a good man. He had his team's back when they needed him to watch them. It was why the concerning part wasn't that Rene hadn't checked in to say he wouldn't be at work.
What concerned Quentin the most was that when Quentin had tried to call Rene, he didn't get an answer.
Quentin picked up his phone, calling Curtis's number instead. He wouldn't bother Dinah while she was sick. Hopefully the other tech member of Team Arrow could check in and make sure Rene was OK.
Ray was whistling to himself as he tinkered with his suit when he heard footsteps behind him. He poked his head up, grinning when he saw Kara and Alex enter, Nate behind them. "Hey, guys!"
"Hey!" Kara waved. "Ray would have fun in our world," she added at Alex.
"The Fortress was awesome," Nate added.
"OK, I don't care if it's about powers taking on Savitar, I am coming with you to Earth-38 just to at least see it," Ray pointed at Kara.
Kara giggled, holding up her hands. "Tiny man flying around might be useful."
"What powers it?" Alex tilted her head, walking up to examine the suit."
"Dwarf star," Ray smiled. "Extremely rare. Actually, I wouldn't have this one if we hadn't gone back to the Wild West last fall."
Kara frowned. "Something called dwarf star doesn't sound like something you just expect to find back in the Wild West."
"Nope," Ray shook his head. "The only reason we found it was because of a time aberration. Mr. Time Detective over there can actually be hurt by it."
"That was not fun," Nate grumbled.
"Dude, you stopped a train."
"You weren't shot by a bullet made of that stuff!"
"I made your suit, I can take it back!"
Giggling from the two women in the room interrupted the Legends' bickering, and Kara's shoulders shook as she covered her mouth. "Are you two brothers or something?" she couldn't help but ask.
Ray and Nate exchanged looks, then shrugged. "Feels like it sometimes," Ray admitted.
"Wouldn't be surprised," Nate added at the same time. "But the Legends are pretty much a family anyway."
"You all live together," Kara shrugged. "I'm not surprised."
"Yeah, that helps," Ray nodded, bending back over his suit. "It gets difficult to contact everyone back home. For us, that's Star City. We make do with who we've got, and we've got a good crew. Sara looks after us, and we all care about each other, even if we've got interesting ways of showing it."
"Like Mick," Nate nodded. "You get a nickname from him, that means he likes you."
"Skirt?" Kara couldn't help but grumble.
"Hey, he was one of the first to agree to come back here," Ray shook his head. "Yeah, Mick puts up an act, but he cares."
"In his own weird, pyromaniac way," Nate nodded.
"That's cheery," Alex frowned.
Yellow lightning sped into the room, and Ray looked up for a second to see a familiar red suit before smiling and looking back down. "Hey, Barry! Anything changed since you last went on patrol?"
Kara inhaled sharply, and Nate growled. "You're not Barry!"
Ray's head shot up, and he balked when he saw Barry turn around, only to reveal half of his face was horribly scarred, and the smirk on his face was so evil, it couldn't possibly be Barry. "Yes, I am," he smirked. "The four of you figured that out the other day, didn't you, Supergirl?"
Ray's blood ran cold at the sneer. There was no way this was the Barry Allen they knew. And he knew it definitely wasn't him when Kara zoomed forward, and the Barry lookalike sped forward as well, and jabbed a syringe in Kara's neck.
Kara faltered, eyes widening. She gurgled slightly, and Ray's eyes widened in horror as green shot through her veins. "No!" Alex screamed, scrambling to draw her gun as Nate steeled up.
The Barry lookalike just grinned, madness in his eyes as he held on to Kara tightly as she toppled. "Barry knows where I'll be," he cackled before taking off.
Ray swallowed, looking at Alex as she froze in place, her hands shaking. "What just happened?" he sputtered.
Alex shook her head numbly as Nate lunged for the comm. "Guys, Savitar has Kara!" he yelled, looking over as Ray jumped to keep a pale Alex upright. "I repeat, Savitar has Kara!"
Oh, I guess that's another cliffhanger . . . guess you won't know what happens until next time. }:)
The confrontation with Savitar is next chapter!
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