Chapter 69 - Mayhem


39) Zenji(Fromer Elite Soldier for the Dragon Country) (2nd Batch)-

Age- 36
Shakti Element- Clay

Narrator- Elite Soldiers- 1 External
Ginto & Raiden- 5 Externals & 1 Internal
Noren- 1 External & 1 Internal
(Abyss Prison, Livon's Cell, 12:45 p.m, Day 20) (Two Days to go for the 8th External Dragon Part)


Livon(with a stunned face)- That voice.......!! He is here too?!

Zenji(to livon)- I will be watching you. Be aware!!

(Ginto's Cell, 12:50 p.m)

Cellmate(while keeping an arm around ginto's shoulder)- We are getting some new prisoners man!! But the most important one here is still you!! I am thinking of keeping this new boy as my pet. How about it, you interested in joining me??

Narrator- Ginto tightly held the Cellmate's neck and then dragged him to the wall.

Ginto(with an angry face)- Listen up.... mannnnn!! And listen up very carefully!! Stay within your limits!! Do not try to be over smart, because if you do, then I am gonna kill you..... in the most painful manner possible!! One in which others won't even be able to find out your body!! You understand that??

Cellmate(with a scared face)- Ye....... ye...... yes.

Ginto(while leaving his neck)- Good

(Livon's Cell, 1:00 p.m)

Livon(while trying to use his shakti)- Damn..... its really not working!! Hmph, here I thought it was a joke.

Cellmate(while looking at livon)- .........

Livon(to cellmate)- You got any problem??

Cellmate(to livon)- No

Prison Guard 1(to everyone)- Come on, you good for nothing losers, its time to move out!!

Narrator- All the gates opened, and every prisoner then started heading towards the dining hall.

(Dining Hall)

Narrator- Livon stood in a long line to collect the food. While he stood, he looked around for Ginto or Raiden, but they were nowhere to be seen.

After his turn came, the food service worker gave him a 'Thali', which consisted of Roti, Sabzi, Rice, Dal and Salad.

Livon(while looking at the food)- Hmph, should have expected this.

Narrator- As Livon was about to sit down and have his lunch, he saw Zenji following him.

Livon(while looking back)- What do you want zenji??

Zenji(to livon)- Ohh, you found me?? Guess, my thief skills have gotten weaker.

Livon(to zenji)- Why are you following me??

Zenji(to livon)- Isn't that obvious?? I want to get in your way!! I know the reason why all these big shots are suddenly popping in this prison. You guys are here for the dragon part, aren't you?? Bad news, but I won't be letting any of you get that, since I will be the one having it!!

Livon(to zenji)- Sheesh... we will see about that.... petty thief!! (then spits on his shoes) Get lost!!

Zenji(with a raging face)- Aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!! You bastarddd!! I will kill you!! (tries to punch livon but he avoids it)

Livon(to prison guards)- Someone please help me!! This man wants to kill me!!

Narrator- 2-3 prison guards instantly ran out to the scene and stopped Zenji.

Prison Guard 1(to zenji)- No more lunch for you zenji!!

Zenji(with a frustrated face)- Aahhhh, damn it!! You brat!! (then is taken inside)

Livon(with a smirk smile)- Bye- Bye!!

Narrator- Prisoners are usually given about an hour to finish their food. After they are done, they are allowed to go to the prison yard.

(2:00 p.m, Prison Yard)

After a strict inspection, Livon was allowed to enter the yard. Upon entering, he saw prisoners roaming around, exercising, playing, and socialising with each other.

The yard had two halves: one for males and the other for females. They were separated by huge wire fences.

As Livon was looking around, he saw Itsumi standing on the other side of the fence, calling out to him.

Livon(to itsumi)- So, how are things going on your side??

Itsumi(to livon)- Nothing much has happened till now. Did you met ginto or raiden??

Livon(to itsumi)- Nah, haven't even seen them. The only known person I have met till now is zenji.

Itsumi(with a confused face)- Zenji?? The thief that you caught a few days back!! Isn't he an former elite soldier??

Livon(to itsumi)- Yeah. He knows about the dragon part and wants to take it for himself. But don't worry, he is just a nuisance, I will take care of him.

Itsumil(to livom)- By the way...... has noren appeared??

Livon(with a confused face)- Hmm?? He is also coming here?? Indeed, his coming here would make sense, but still, how would he enter the prison in the first place??

Prison Guard 2(to itsumi)- Heyy, you there!! What are you doing??

Itsumi(while leaving)- Just have a feeling........

Livon(with a confused face)- .....

(Somewhere in the Yard)

Ginto(to raiden)- What's the update?? Did you find it??

Raiden(to ginto)- Checked every single man's cell, but the dragon part was nowhere. We have to consider the possibility of the dragon part not being in the prison too. Maybe it will directly appear at the hour of the finding.

Ginto(to raiden)- I am aware of that. But I have my doubts. This prison is so secluded to the rest of the world that we cannot leave any stones untouched. The dragon part just might be here in advance. I will soon go to the administrative office to check.

Raiden(with a surprised face)- How do you plan on going there??

Ginto(with a smirk smile)- Just leave it to me.

Raiden(to ginto)- If you say so. What do we do with livon?? I bet he has a companion too.

Ginto(to raiden)- A female my guess.

Raiden(to ginto)- Well, that will be the logical case.

Ginto- Ignore them. Pretend that we have never even seen them.

Raiden(to ginto)- Okay. Anyways, your body parts are all back together. This time it came back much quicker than the last time.

Ginto(while looking at his body)- Something is dwelling inside of me, something mysterious that I never aware of. It gives me hope!! (then leaves)

Narrator- Apparently all the permanent injuries incurred by Ginto in his last few battles, like those of the thorax, abdomen and right arm. These all body parts were again back like nothing ever happened to them.

Livon(while looking at raiden)- .......

Raiden(with a stunned face)- ........

Narrator- Livon was a few meters back, when he saw Raiden for the first time in the prison. Both of them had brief eye contact, then Raiden disappeared.

Livon(in his mind)- What is going on with you raiden??

Narrator- The break was for an hour, and after it got over, every prisoner returned to their cell again.

Zenji(while sreaming)- I will kill you brat!! You have messed up with the wrong guy, you will regret making a mockery out of me!!

Random Prisoner 1(to zenji)- Shut the hell up!!

Random Prisoner 2(to zenji)- No one wants to listen to your stupid crap!!

Prison Guard 1(to everyone)- Keep it quiet!! Keep it quiet!! (while screaming)

Noren(with an irritated face)- My ears are hurting, its soo loud in here!!

Narrator- Noren, while being shackled, was brought by the Warden, named "Foster," to the scene.

Foster(to prison guard 1)- You should also try to keep yourself quiet too sometimes, archer.

Archer(prison guard)- Ohhh?? When did you arrive sir??

Foster- I have brought a new prisoner. Make room for him.

Archer- Room for him?? We can't just let anybody in!! There are protocols!!

Foster(with an angry face)- Don't..... teach...... me!! He will be staying in the cell number 43 from now on!!

Archer- But there are already inmates locked in that particular cell!!


Narrator- Archer then, with a frustrated look, transfers one of the inmates from cell number 43 to a different cell.

Foster frees Noren and then locks him inside the cell. The cell was located on the right side of the first floor, a few cells away from Raiden's one.

Noren(with a smirk smile)- .......

(Livon's Cell)

Livon(with a confused face)- What the hell is this?? Noren literally made its way here like a guest!!

(Ginto's Cell)

Ginto(in his mind)- So... you followed me here too?! You are getting in my nerve now!!

(1:06 a.m, Day 21) (One Day to go for the 8th External Dragon Part)

Narrator- During the night, when most of the prisoners were sleeping, Ginto suddenly grabbed his cellmate by the collar and started beating him up.

Cellmate(to ginto)- Why..... why are you doing this?? What did I do to you??

Ginto(while beating him)- Nothing. I just feel like beating you!!

Cellmate(while crying)- Please forgive me. I am sorry that I crossed my limits earlier, I won't repeat that mistake ever!!

Ginto(while beating him)- Hahahahahahahaha!! That isn't even the point!!

Narrator- The crying became more and more apparent, and due to this, all the prisoners slowly started waking up. After a while, when Archer, the prison guard became aware of the scenario, he got to the scene, opened the cell, and tightly punched Ginto in the face, leading him to bleed.

Archer(while handcuffing ginto)- Why the heck were you beating him??

Ginto(to archer)- Hmph.....couldn't sleep, so I thought I to do some time pass.

Archer(while punching ginto)- You monster!! You beat him into a pulp because of some time pass?!

Ginto(to archer)- Hahahahaha!! Yeah.

Archer(to ginto)- When you surrendered, I thought the members of dushyanta wanted to change themselves but no, you are just here to cause more troubles!! I will leave your faith in the hands of the warden now!!

(Raiden's Cell)

Raiden(in his mind)- I see what you are trying to do.

Narrator- Archer took Ginto to the guard room, then shackled his legs and made him sit on the floor.

Archer(while looking at the watch)- 1:25 a.m. Not the suitable time but it can't be helped. I will go the warden's room and see if he is awake or not. Stay properly till then!! (then leaves)

Ginto(with a smirk smile)- Stupidity of highest level.

Narrator- Ginto proceeds to break his right wrist bone and then take out a paperclip from his pocket. He used to clip to unlock the cuffs from his hands and legs.

Ginto then started looking around the room for the dragon part or any other kind of clue.

The warden's room, meaning Foster's room, is located on the third floor of the Abyss Prison. The first floor is occupied by the men's block, and the second floor is for the women's one.

Archer was on the second floor when he decided to go and talk to Prison Guard 2, Alice.

Archer(to prison guard 2)- I almost forgot. Alice, could you go the men's block guard room for some time.

Alice(with a surprised face)- But why?? Where are you going??

Archer(to alice)- That dushyanta guy ginto suddenly started beating his cellmate for no reason, so I have to go to the warden's room and inform him about it.

Alice(to archer)- Ahh, I see. He couldn't resist his terrorist habits after all. I will go, don't worry.

Archer(to alice)- Thanks. Next lunch is on me.

(Men's Block Guard Room)

Ginto(with a frustrated face)- Nothing's here, damn it!! (then starts cuffing himself back again)

(Alice enters the room)

Ginto(with a shocked face)- .......

Alice(with a shocked face)- What the.................?!

Narrator- Ginto was in the middle of cuffing himself again when Alice entered the room.

As he realised what kind of situation he was in, he decided to press the button from which each cell bar in the men's block opens.

Alice(with a frightened look)- No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, nooooo!!

Narrator- The moment the bars got unlocked, every prisoner started coming out and mayhem was underway.

Random Prisoner 1(while hooting)- Whoaaaaaaaaa!! Its time to partyyy!!

Random Prisoner 2(while hooting)- Lets destroy this place everyone!!

Zenji(while holding a knife)- Its time for you to die, brat!!


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