A Dark Omen

( It has been years since Ria and Arcee, who is going by the name Brie. Left with her mother, Sisters, stepsister, and a family friend named Pyrrha through the portal that would send them back to the dimension where her family was born in the world of Remnant. There, she met the final member of her sister's team. A young woman named Wiess. Once the introductions were over. Ria and Brie handed Moragen and her associates over to the Atlas custody. Where they would be held in a maximum security prison. After that, Ria and Brie went off to explore the world of her family's birth home) 

" ( Walks around the forest with Brie right next to her). So this is the world that my mom and sisters came from. There's so much going on. From dust shops to your occasional restaurants and malls. Though I gotta say, this world has a lot more green than ours did, eh Brie." Said Ria. " I'll say, this place has a lot more to offer than the world I came from of the Earth. But,  there is one thing that's bothering me." Said Brie as they walked over to their motorcycles that they had parked close by. " ( Looks and Brie with a calculated glare). You're referring to  Moragan and how people are comparing her to Salem. Someone that my sister has said was defeated by trapping her in a vault until they could get the rest of the Relics. That was until they found a way to rid her of her Grimm powers.  I heard that her power returned to the Grimm pool that it came from after she was finally killed. Any residue of who she once was. Now resides in the grim pond. But you're referring to Her and her group's time in prison." Said  Ria as  Brie nodded her head.

"That's right, it's been too quiet since we last heard about what's been going on at the prison. Plus, we both felt the negative energy coming from her and those armored griminoids.  I heard that those three have been quiet ever since they were put in their cells." Said Brie. " Well, you're not wrong. And seeing as how she's technically me. It makes it even more worrisome.   However, there is something that I just learned about. But we need to have my mother, my two sisters, their team, and their friends." Said Ria as she and Brie got on their motorcycles and then drove off.

( Seven hours later at Ria and Brie's house. The two of them along with Team RWBY, Team JNPR,  Raven Branwren, and Summer Rose all got together in the living room with everyone either sitting on the three couches or leaning against the wall)

" ( Looks at  Ria). So what's so important that you called us all here Ria? You usually don't call unless it's important.  ( Watches Ria glare at her with her red eyes but notices how the eyes have a hint of grimmin them).  Your eyes have even changed to that of nevermore slighted style when your eyes glow red. This has something to do with Moragan, doesn't it? Asked  Raven with her own glare." Moragan. But she and her associates are locked up tight in a maximum security prison. ( Looks at Ria But feels unnerved by ther eye still glowing red). Could you please change your eyes back to normal? That grimm-like glow is starting to worry me. Have you been wearing your mask lately? Yang and Blake explained to us how your mask affects when you first put it on. " Said  Wiess. " No, I haven't put it on since we got here. ( Looks at Raven). I called you here because I believe Moragan is planning something from within the prison." Said Ria as everyone but her gasped in shock. " But how,  she's been quiet and locked up tight since you guys brought them in." Said Jaune. "Exactly, she's been quiet. But remember, me and her are the same person. That and, I felt something when I went to go check on her with Brie. ( Looks at Wiess). Have your sister double security in the prison.  I hate to say it but, I think  Moragan plans on escaping along with her group.

" To top it all off, with her looking like Salem and the fact that your people Wiess thought it was smart to give her info on what has happened during your battle with Salem. Where do you think she will go? Especially since she is a mix of both Salem and Ria. She may not be able to control Grimm but she does have the power to call Grimm to her. Even ones that are laying dormant." Said Brie as everyone but Ria looked at her. Your kidding right? Are you saying that we're going to have another war on our hands?" Said Yang. " Sadly, yes that's exactly right, and with things the way they are and the kingdoms not propering their forces or even training people to help defend their respective kingdoms. ( Looks at Wiess). I thought I told you to have your sister call a meeting about strengthening the defenses of the kingdom. Brie and I have been driving around the Kingdom and the only kingdoms that listen were Menagerie and Vale. Atlas and the other one have done nothing to strengthen their kingdom's defenses. ( Gets up from her spot on the couch and then looks at Wiess). As for the mask,  it's been dormant ever since we got to this dimension. That was until it began to warn me. Of Moragan waging war with all of Remmnet. So take the information that you've been given and do with it what you will. I'm going to bed. ( Tosses her grim mask onto the coffee table in the middle of everyone else). Good night guys." Said Ria as she went upstairs to her with her eyes turning back to normal.

" ( Looks around the room and then gets up from the couch).  I'm with Ria on this one. When we went to check in on Moragan. We felt a dark aura steadily rising from  Moragan's cell. She has something big planned and with only two kingdoms prepared for war. Remnnent is as good as gone. For the first one, Moragan will target Atlas and Vacu. That's what  Ria had said given they both know about the many kingdom's strengths.  Ria because she visited the different kingdoms and Moragan because she's been getting information from the new articles and that your soldiers love to talk Ice Queen. So tell your sister that if  Neo-Atlas doesn't shape up and strengthen itself. Moragan will attack your home and then Vaco. Whatever happens during that time, is your choice." Said Brie as she went upstairs and to her room.  

" (  Looks around at everyone and then closes her eyes). Well, one thing is for sure. we'll need to train if we want to be able to help  Ria and  Brie fight Moragan. ( Looked at  Summer Rose and  Pyrrah Nikos). You two are an exception. Since you'r both were brought back by Ria's maiden powers. So you guys have nearly enough power to rival her. so you'll be the ones' to help us train." Said Blake.

( Pyrrah Nikos and her weapon)

( Summer Rose)

" That's fine by us. It'll be good to see how well my friends have been and how strong you guys have become." Said Pyrrah. " Sound's good. You can train your team and I'll train Winter and  Raven." Said Summer as she looked to the kitchen where Winter walked out of. " If this helps us  protect our homes, then I'm all for it." Said Winter. " Alright, let's get started. There's no way I'm gonna become a burden to my sister, nor will I let someone like  Cider continue what she did before we killed her." Said Yang as Blake nodded her head."  Leave Cinder and  Alisa to us. They're laced with Moragan's power like we are with Ria's. Said  Summer. " (Walks over to a closet and then took out a gold and white sword and shield). Also, Jaune. Ria had this made for you in case you ever needed it. She called it, and this is poetic really but. She called it De la Arc or  The Golden Arc. For a lack of a better word." Said Pyrrah as she handed the sword and Shield to Jaune. " ( Hold's the shield with his left hand and then takes out the sword with his right). These are awesome. But how strong are they?" Asked Jaune. " Well, they're strong enough to take a fully powered punch from Yang when her semblance is activated." Said  Summer Rose with a smile as Yang gasped in shock and then glared. " Oh is that right? ( Activates her Semblance). Let's find out,   Someone hit me." Said  Yang agitated. " I'll do it. ( Quickly dashes at  Yang and then hits her extremely hard in the stomach which knocks her back as she is then caught by  Raven and  Blake). That good enough?" Said Summer. " ( Smiles). That's perfect,  now let's test that shield. ( Charges at Jaune and then pulls her left arm back). Here I come Jaune." Said Yang as she threw a hard left punch at Jaune only for him to hold up the shield.

( As Yang's punch connected with the shield. Everyone in the living room is shocked as a shockwave is then caused between the shield and Yang's punch. The thing that everyone notices, is that Jaune has not moved from his spot. Nor is his body tense from the impact)

" (  Gasps at what she has just seen). The-there's no way,  she actually made something that could take a punch from Yang." Said Ruby in shock. " There are two more things that the sword and shield can do. One will need you to use your semblance. But those can wait. It's about time we all got some sleep." Said  Summer as everyone then went upstairs to sleep in the many guest bedrooms.

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