Family reuinion

Lil's name is being changed to Sylvia

"So computer, is it possible for me to speak through the drone?" Shadow asked. "Yes, you may send voice messages, however, he cannot reply." The computer said. "That's okay, he can send messages to me to relay to you guys." Terra said, "Send a message to Night." "Recording." the mini computer said. "We are receiving loud and clear, Night." Terra said, with a little excitement in her voice, "End." "Sending... sent." the computer said. "He received it and said to say here, he's coming to us. And his parents are coming." Terra spoke. "I thought he said they died a long time ago, unless I misheard him." Shadow said.

"No you heard him correctly, but he didn't know anything else, so..." Terra slowed. "Uh oh. Someone is picking this up. But how that shouldn't be possible" she mulled. "Does anyone else get the feeling we're being watched?" Shadow asked. At this Terra stopped pacing, and started looking around. "Found you." she whispered, looking in the tree line. In the next second, an espeon was flung into the air, and hit the ground with a dull thud. "Ugh ow. You could've just asked nicely." The espeon said. "Why were you watching us?" Shadow asked. "Funny you only noticed just now, I've been spying on you for a long time, ever since you escaped the facility, you were not the only survivor.

I even know how all those humans working there died." The espeon said. "I was what they called a failed experiment." She continued. "And if you wish to know, my name's Gem." She finished. "So you've been spying on me for 11 years?!" Shadow asked, backing up. "Yes, because I heard about you, when the vat I was in malfunctioned and woke me up, I overheard the humans talking about you, how you were, and I quote 'a success.' Your little escape gave me the perfect opportunity to escape too." She explained. Shadow then saw a few scars. "Those...those scars, you're not lying...I wasn't the only one to survive..." Shadow said as a small smile began to form.

"I guess now I have complete hope." Shadow whispered, just barely enough for Lilly to hear. "Computer, take a message to Night. And hand me a keyboard." a virtual keyboard floated over to Terra, and she started typing furiously. "Send" she yelled, making everyone jump. She just sat and held a paw over her muzzle. "What happened?" Lilly asked, feeling the emotion coming off of Terra. "Lilly, come with me... please? I need to tell someone about this and I can't tell them," pointing at Shadow, Sylvia, and Gem, "I really need help here... please?" Terra begged Lilly.

"This seems very...out of character for you Terra...half of my mind is telling me not to trust this, but the other half is telling me to trust you since we've known you for so long, so if anything happens to her I'll be blaming you." Shadow said. "This is something big for me. And she can talk for herself. Don't think I don't know what you and Sylvia do at night," Terra said, narrowing her eyes. "We haven't even had the chance to do anything at any of those past nights, too much has been going on, and when I couldn't feel emotion, all of a sudden she seemed to have disappeared. Honestly I almost forgot that one conversation we had some time ago." Shadow explained.

"Yeah, ok..." Terra said, still not believing it. Then she walked off towards the den. Lilly looked at Shadow, "I think Sylvia imagined it all, but I can't be certain." Then she too walked towards the den, leaving Shadow and Gem alone. They stood there in awkward silence for a bit until Gem tried to strike up a conversation, "uh" she failed. "So I, uh..." Shadow also failed. "I guess we just wait here?" Shadow asked. Stepping closer to Shadow, Gem asked, "do you like games?" "I don't really play games, I've usually kept to myself, well until my sister hatched from her egg, and then after I lost her it happened again, and then I found Night.

That was how I found out my one friend died." Shadow explained. "So, no, I'm not one for games." Shadow finished. "Wait, you know Nightmare? Where is he?" Gem asked, obviously excited. "Um, he won't be back for a solid week." anything else Shadow was going to say was cut off. "Really?!" Lilly yelled. "We better go see what that was about..." Gem said, "my love" she said, nearly silent. "What was that?" Shadow asked. "Nothing!" Gem yelled, blushing deep. "You sure? You seem jumpy now." Shadow observed. "Let's go, slowpoke," Gem said. "Yeah, I guess there's no use pressuring you into repeating what you said." Shadow said as he began to walk to where Lilly was, Gem following.

"Okay..." she said, barely audible. "Don't think for a second I don't know what you said." Sylvia said, growling at Gem. "who are you?" Gem asked, confused. "Continue on this route, and I will become your worst nightmare." Sylvia said, menacingly. "Where is Night anyway?" Gem asked, "I've heard so much about him, and I really want to meet him." this confused Sylvia, "why, how, know what I don't care." "easy, about a month ago he entered town looking for a way to earn poke, and he quickly gained fame, so much so trainers started going after him to call him theirs, weird I know, anyway that is why when and where answered for you." Gem said, making Sylvia even more confused.

Little did either of them know, Shadow listened to all of it, "I understand it, he's a hybrid, and there aren't many hybrids in the world, so it makes sense for them to chase after Night." Shadow said, starting to ask questions, he kept a mental tab on all of them, to ask Night when he gets home. Shadow went up to Lilly when the group got there. "So uh what happened over here?" Shadow asked, he was a little curious about what Terra had to say that she had to be alone with only one other person to talk about. Instead Lilly spoke, "she wishes that to remain a secret until Night gets here." Terra just nodded, not daring to speak, for fear of telling.

"Okay, I'll respect your wishes." Shadow said. "Can we talk about something else? Terra, you can return any time, you know that right?" Lilly asked, to which Terra dematerialized. "better?" Lilly asked, to which she got an answer she was satisfied with. "So, Night is about a week's away." Shadow said. "Any ideas as to what we should do till then? I mean things are a little...dull without him around." Shadow finished. "Really now? How about a few rounds in the simulation?" Gem asked. "You two can play around without me. I kind of want to think about recent events a little bit, to kind of clear my mind." Shadow said, leaving the room.

Lilly, Gem and Comet (wherever he came from is beyond any of them) looked at each other, smiles grow. Now to clear my mind a little bit. Shadow said. He was about to do some meditating but instead he fell asleep, but not on his own whim. "Finally, a real lucid dream." Shadow said to himself, a little tired of always going to that one part of the dreamscape. Maybe I can finally create a place for Sylvia in my mind. He thought. He created an exact replica of the base, but without the secret entrance or anything blocking its exterior from sight. "So this is what the outside of its exterior wall looks like." Shadow said to himself.

"Now to completely empty the place of all its interior walls and anything else that wasn't the first and second floor's flooring. "There we go." Shadow said. He made a wall where he felt a wall should be ensuring it's design not only matched Sylvia's coloration, but also stayed where it matched the coloration of the rest of the now empty lab. causing their coloration to become a very cool color. He created a few bedrooms from his knowledge of what human houses are like. He also added a living room, a large dining room, a room designed purely for her. And a few other rooms that don't really need to be mentioned. "Perfect." He said.

I'll leave her to discover it, for now I might as well go into an actual dream state. He thought and let the dreams come to him.

Meanwhile in reality

"He's never been one for games, I mean he'd play them with me sometimes before that day I went missing, but I assume that was only because I was his younger sister, well I still am, but I was only a young eevee back then." Lilly explained. "Oh. Well I'm going to check up on him." Gem said. "No, don't, trust me, you don't want to bother him when he goes off by himself." Lilly said, holding her back. "Ok then." Gem said in understanding. "Speaking of which, how is he?" Comet asked. "He's fine. turns out Night is alive." Lilly explained. "That's great news!" Comet replied.

The three played around for a
few hours to pass the time

Without realizing or acknowledging that everyone was still up Shadow left his room and left the den. He then climbed its exterior and lied on top of it. "Wherever you are Night, I'll be waiting for you." Shadow whispered to himself. Sighing, he lied his head down. "Shadow, did you do this for me?!" Sylvia exclaimed. Yes, of course I did. Shadow thought. "So Shadow what are you doing up here?" Gem said, startling Shadow. "Nice to know there's a freaking ninja among us." Shadow said sarcastically. "Sorry didn't mean to startle you." She said. She moved right next to Shadow and lied down. "Beautiful night, isn't it?" Gem asked.

"Yeah, like always. It's best when the moon is shining brightest." Shadow said. "The rush of the nice cool breeze also feels really nice as well." Shadow finished. Gem moved a little closer to Shadow, their fur just barely touching. Shadow blacked out for a moment and Sylvia took control of both his voice and what he said. "You had better stay away from him and back off miss Gem or I'll show you hell." Sylvia said through Shadow. "If you lay a single paw on Shadow, I'll ensure you regret meeting him." Sylvia finished, letting Shadow return. "What just happened? I blacked out for a second." Shadow said, confused. Gem just moved away a little bit. "Nothing happened." Gem said.

"Shadow, I don't trust her one bit. She's up to something." Sylvia said. Trust me Sylvia, if she was up to something I think we'd all have been screwed over by now. Shadow thought. Aren't you acting a bit...jealous? Shadow thought. "Never mind, you seem to be as dense as an atom, but I guess that's how males are." Sylvia said. "Hey Gem, watch this." Shadow said, getting up. He then charged up a Shadow Ball, after a few seconds his fur started to glow a prismarine color. He then shot a really big Shadow Ball into the sky that could be seen from miles away, even by someone that wasn't paying attention to it or facing the opposite direction.

When it blew up even from down where the two were the loud bang was heard and a neat little pattern showed in the sky as if it were some sort of colored after image dancing in the sky. He was certain Night could see it from wherever he was. "The pattern it makes in the sky is different each time, always cool as ever." Shadow said. "It's my most powerful move that I only allow myself to use on other pokémon only in an emergency, otherwise I have to stick with a regular Shadow Ball in regular battles." Shadow said. "That's why i haven't seen it before." Gem stated. "Do you think Night will remember me?" Gem asked. "What do you mean?" Shadow asked, clearly confused.

"Never mind, he probably doesn't." Gem said, dismissing any questions. "Hey Shadow, what do you think of me?" Gem asked, surprising herself and Shadow. "I don't really know what to think of you, we just met recently for me. For you however, I guess you know me seeing as you've spied on me for so long." Shadow said, unable to answer. "I kind of expected that, to be honest. I don't know what I was thinking." Gem said, shaking her head. "It's fine, curiosity is what usually causes awkward situations, or bad things to happen, so if I were to suggest anything, I'd suggest ridding yourself of it." Shadow said.

"I've tried to rid myself of these feelings, but any time I try it gets stronger." Gem said, getting up and walking off into the forest. "What feelings?" Shadow asked himself. The answers we'll never know I guess. He thought to himself.

6 days later

"He's been sitting up there almost since he came out of his room." Lilly said to Comet looking up at him. Comet flew up to him. "So what are you doing up here?" Comet asked. "Waiting, obviously." Shadow said. "You at least should eat something." Comet told him. "Already have, this morning, before everyone got up." Shadow said. "Are you going to bother me any longer, or do you want something from me?" Shadow asked. Comet was taken aback from it, Shadow hasn't ever really acted this way before, he's usually been distant, but not like this. "Ok, I'll leave you be." Comet said. "Thank you." Shadow said, rolling his eyes.

"Shadow, I see you." a voice said, a voice so familiar that Shadow looked at the speaker. His eyes widened at who was standing there. "Night!" Shadow yelled, jumping at Night. "Come with me." Night said, excited. He started walking towards a clearing. "Wait, how do I truly know it is Night that i'm talking to right now?" Shadow asked, To witch Night responded instantly, "Sylvia, code 1364 onward." "it's him, alright. No one can get that code and physic signature off of him." Sylvia said. "Okay then. lead on." Shadow said. Night continued to lead Shadow. When they reached the clearing he saw two eeveelutions laying there. "Mom, dad, I would like to introduce Shadow.

Shadow these are my parents, the jolteon's name is Dash, and the vaporeon is Aquamarine. Violet, am I going to have to pull you out of the tree, or will you come down to meet your uncle?" Night said. "Ok daddy," then Shadow felt a great weight fall onto his back, looking he saw an eevee. "Hey little one" Shadow said. "Uncle Shadow," Violet said, hugging Shadow. "Hey Night, when did you get a kid?" Shadow asked, full of curiosity. "About the same time you found Gem. and before you ask, Terra has kept me updated on the situation here." Night explained, "Sylvia, I need to ask Shadow a question, privately."

"ok, sheesh," Sylvia said, leaving the body of Shadow. "Do you Like them?" Night asked questioningly. "I guess, like I told Gem, I don't really know them so I don't necessarily have an opinion of them." Shadow said. "You know Sylvia and you got to know Gem over the past week. So tell me the truth, what do you think of them, and I can tell when you are lying." Night said, breaking the fakeade. "I didn't really talk to anyone that much the past week, I just lied there at the top of the den during that week, only getting up to take care of my needs. Gem did however come talk to me a few times.

That's about it, you can't really have an opinion of someone you just met, so like I said before, I don't yet have an opinion of them." Shadow explained. If I didn't say this now I'd be contradicting myself later. Shadow thought to himself. "Ok, let's meet the rest of the family." Night said, walking towards the den. "Guys, I'm back," Night yelled towards the den, "hey Terra how are you?... no I won't do that again, unless I have a good reason for doing so." Night said after reaching the den. "Do what?" Shadow asked. "Self Destruct, and handing Terra to someone else, she didn't like that." Night explained. "Oh, right." Shadow said.

Lilly better not tell him about that state of depression I reached when Night disappeared. Shadow thought, looking at her. It seemed almost as if she'd read his mind because she nodded as if in understanding. "How have you been, Night?" Lilly asked. "Fine, but I will need to go sleep here pretty soon." Night said sleepily, "the journey has been a long one for all of us. Mom, dad come with me" Night said, leading them to a spare bedroom. "Lilly, thank you for not telling him about that state of depression I was in after Night disappeared." Shadow said. "Um, tell Terra not to. She will tell him how everything was while he was gone." Lilly replied.

"Oh dammit, I forgot." Shadow said uh Sylvia, could you please tell Terra not to mention it? Shadow asked. "No, I'm staying out of this one." Sylvia said. "Dammit." Shadow whispered. "Don't worry Shadow I won't tell him about your state of depression, hey I was in that state as well" Terra told him through the psychic field. Thank you Terra. Shadow thought. "Don't mention it, there are some things that I must not share." Terra said. "Violet, come here honey," Night said. Violet went to her father, and they went to the bedroom to go to sleep. "I don't understand how that worked" Lilly said.

"Honestly I don't either, despite having an anamorphic in my head in the place 'bordering the realms of reality' as I believe Sylvia said." Shadow said. "I did say that, didn't I?" Sylvia said. "So, what now?" Shadow asked. "Well I'm tired, so I'm going to bed" Lilly said drowsily. "Goodnight then." Shadow said. Shadow went to his room. Hope I can have some good dreams tonight. Shadow thought to himself.

In the dreamscape
Shadow and Sylvia

"This place again? Eh whatever, might as well explore the place I made for Sylvia while I'm here." Shadow said to himself. He walked up to the building and the door opened itself. Sylvia was in the living room-like room. "Thanks for making this place for us." Sylvia said. "I made it purely for you, plus I probably never would've even thought of making this place if I hadn't seen the mansion Night made in his mind for Terra." Shadow said. "Uh, ok. Come here." Sylvia said, patting a spot next to herself. "Ok?" Shadow asked, tilting his head in confusion. "Just come here." Sylvia said impatiently. "Ok then." Shadow said, a little scared of her bluntness.

Shadow walked over and sat on the sofa, a little hesitant. As soon as he sat down, Silvia leaned over and planted a kiss on Shadow's cheek, blushing a little bit. Shadow just stared at her. "" Shadow attempted to speak and get his words straight but he failed. He cleared his thoughts and concentrated on his words. "So've had feelings for me? How long have you felt this way?" Shadow asked. "Since you first gave form to me, and I found out that it could work." Sylvia Said. "Oh...I, um ....I...I..." Shadow paused and focused on his feelings for once. "I...I love you too." Shadow said.

"Come here." Sylvia said, crushing the air out of Shadow with a hug. "Urf." Shadow said, returning the hug.

Comet and lilly...

Korbinservergundam's part
"Hi Lil," Comet said, flrtishly. "Hey there" lilly responded, a little want was ever present in her voice.Comet, scooted closer to Lily and snuggled up to her, wrapped his wing around her. "so how are you doing?" Comet asked, questioning whether or not she was awake enough to talk. "I'm doing good, now that you are here" Lilly said, scooting closer to Comet. Comet blushed and started to pet her with his wing. "I'm glad to have you here too. "I'm glad you didn't have to see what I was like when I got hypnotised I tried to stop Jake and Natalie but they were just too much and they got to Aurora and at that point they overwhelmed me.

Maybe if I was a little stronger Aurora wouldn't be dead right now." he said sadly. "Hey, it's okay. You did what you could to do what you could. There was nothing you could do to prevent what happened. It was just her time to go." Lilly said, rubbing his back and trying to calm him down. "Yeah but what if there was something else I could've done,I should have been stronger. And what if things hadn't played out the way they did, what if Shadow hadn't stopped Jake, what if I've been forced to attack you."he said in a worried and panicked tone, before shuttering at the thought of hurting Lily.

"Hey stop thinking about what could have been, and let's look towards the future, okay?" Lilly asked. "Yeah you're right it's just the idea of you getting hurt, the possibility of me losing you scares me," He paused. "let's just go to sleep and we can ask questions about what Night did while on his way back to us. How does that sound?" "Sure. You always know how to raise the spirits of those around you, that is one of the things I love about you." Comet said. "I love you too, Comet," Lilly said, giving Comet a kiss. "You're beautiful. I love your pink ears,your cute fluffy tail, and your aquamarine eyes." Comet said. "Aww, thank you" Lilly said, blushing, wrapping her feelers around Comet.

Night, Terra, and Violet...

Night and Terra were showing little Violet around the place the two made, making minor changes to the house here and there. "If you need to go anywhere the house will take you there." Night said. They approached a door, "and this will be your room, to do what you will in here. You want to see what we have done as a base for the room?" Terra asked. "Yes, please. I would like to see the current state of my room." Violet said, excited. Night went up to the door and opened it. What it looked like made Terra's and Violet's jaw drop.the entire back wall wasn't visible thanks to the life size plushies of the eeveelutions. "Yah" Violet yelled, jumping at the glaceon.

"I think I know where that comes from..." Night said, looking at Terra. "What? I don't know where that came from." Terra said, making it clear that she was lying. All the while Violet was arranging the stuffed animals to her liking, even creating a few. The four that Violet made looked like Shadow, Sylvia, Night, and Terra. "Already creating things, I see. Well you can do a lit more than create inanimate objects." Night said, creating a rabbit with a black coat. "Woah, that is cool." Violet said in awe. "Everything in here works so feel free to mess around. And if you try to create something outside your room, you won't be able to" Night said.

Things went like that all night, Terra and Night showing Violet things that could be done and what shouldn't be done.

Shadow and Sylvia.

"I think you've been through enough suffering for one life." Sylvia said, holding Shadow and slowly rubbing his back and sides with her ribbons. She licked him behind his ear a little bit. "Yeah, but we can't say for certain that it's going to stop." Shadow said. Sylvia stopped. "Well, I'll be there for you then. Otherwise there'd be no point in being in a relationship with you." She said, giving him a small kiss, in which he gladly returned. Even if this is a dream, I still don't want to wake up from it. Shadow thought to himself, enjoying the moment while it lasted. The last thing he wanted was to wake up right now but he couldn't control it. His body began to wake itself up.

"You're waking up...I'll see you tonight I guess." She whispered in his ear. "Okay..." Shadow said as she began to disappear and the dream faded away and he woke up.

In reality.

He walked out into the main area, the morning sun blaring into the cave. "Morning everyone." Shadow said. "Morning," Night said, smiling at Shadow with an odd smile. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Shadow asked. "You know why." He answered. "You know about that?" Shadow asked. "Yes, I do." He said. Sylvia, did you tell Terra that we became mates last night? Shadow asked. "Yeah, don't worry, it'll be our little secret between the 4 of us." She said. "However, Gem will be a different case entirely." She said. I know, she's giving off obvious vibes that she likes me, don't worry, I'll deal with her. Shadow thought.

"Hey Gem, mind if I speak with you for a moment, in private?" Shadow asked. "Sure." Gem said, following him outside. "So, it's painfully obvious you have feelings for me." Shadow said after they got outside, not realizing a small group was eavesdropping. "So you've realized?!" Gem said excitedly perking up. "Dammit, this is going to be harder to say than I originally thought." Shadow said. He sighed and asked, "should I go with a direct approach or keep it smooth?" "Direct is fine." She said, still perked up. "I have absolutely no way of reciprocating those feelings. In other words, I'm not interested. "Wait what?" Gem said, extremely sad.

"Please, don't make this harder than it has to be, you're a nice gal, but I'm not the one for you, I'm sure you'll meet someone else some day." Shadow said. "Can I at least know why?" Gem asked. "I-It's because, I'm already mated..." Shadow answered. "T-to who?" Gem asked. "To Sylvia here..." he said. "Who?" Gem asked. "Me!" A form appeared before the two, it had the exact same look as Sylvia and the only difference from last time is that not only can she be seen by others, but she's also not just a silhouette this time. Gem questioned a couple things and Sylvia explained how it was possible. "So how would you two even have any children in that case?" Gem asked.

"we were never planning to, mainly because it's impossible, and I'm just fine accepting the fact that we'll never have kits. I'm perfectly happy just being in a relationship, and seeing as I have a sister, she'd be able to continue my family's bloodline, but however if she never wishes to have kits either then I guess my family's bloodline would end with us two." Shadow explained. "And you're okay with that?" Gem asked. "Yeah, like I said, I'm perfectly fine being happy." Shadow told her. "Now let's go join the others, I'm looking to talk to Night's parents some to get to know them better, and maybe play with Violet a little bit." Shadow said, walking into the den.

Gem couldn't help but feel extremely sad. The looks on their faces made it seem like something just happened, then he realized, some of them were eavesdropping. "So, which of you were eavesdropping, or should I have Sylvia decipher which of you were?" Shadow demanded. "Don't worry, it was only me." Night lied, and Shadow knew it, but he believed him anyway. "Okay, that's fine then." Shadow said. Little did he know that it was Night's parents, Shadow's sister, and comet, basically everyone besides Night eavesdropped on Shadow and Gem's private conversation. "I'm going to scavenge for food, anyone want to come with?" Shadow asked.

"You don't need to. I completely restocked our supplies earlier. I even made some of my barbequed berries. Wait here." Night said, running to the kitchen-like area of the cave. "Gem, I need your help in here." Night said from the kitchen. Gem went to help him. When the two came back out there was a breakfast feast made. "Enjoy the food guys." Night said setting down the six platters he was carrying. "Gem you don't have to hold all of those, you know." Night told Gem. "Oh right." Gem said in a far away voice, setting the six she was holding as well. "Night. I didn't know you could cook. When did you learn?" Aqua asked her only surviving son.

"About two or three months ago. Also good morning mom. Is dad up yet?" Night returned. "Just woke up." Dash said. "Well, hope you're hungry, because I made a lot." Night said, trying to wake Dash up more. At the mention of food, Dash looked everywhere for the food. When he found it he started piling up the berries, and meat, on his leaf. "So that is where I get my taste for meat from, and my appetite." Night said jokingly. "It'll be Fall in a couple of days, which means it's going to start getting colder and colder." Shadow said after everyone was done eating. "Yeah, we do need to insulate this den. I will be back in an hour's time." Night said, running off.

"I'm going to go ahead and go to the lab to see if there is any possible danger coming." Shadow said, as he began to walk out of the den, Violet attempted to follow him before he said, "you stay here with everyone else, something bad always happens whenever I've gone to the lab, and given its history, it is no place for a young child such as yourself." Shadow said, sternly but calm. Violet rejoined the group and Shadow headed to the base. And while I'm at it I can finish exploring the place. He thought to himself.

One hour later

"Hey, I'm back" Night said, walking in, "sorry that took so long, I was getting the insulation needed to keep the den warm in the winter. I'm going to be Insulating the den, so when Shadow returns, tell him what I'm doing, so he won't be freaked out when he finds me on the ceiling." "wait, what?!" Lilly said, creeped out. "You heard me" Night said calmly, jumping to the ceiling and sticking to it. Lilly stood there, questioning whether this is reality, or the dreamscape. "Can you throw me some of that pink stuff? Be sure to wash your paws, and not with your tongue!" Night said. Looking to her left, Lilly saw a pile of pink fluff. Grabbing a chunk, she threw it up to Night.

"Now, go wash your paws in the stream about a minute North-East." Night said.

12 a.m. western time, Shadow pov...

I returned to the den and went to sneak back into my room, trying to ensure not to wake anyone up. That took way longer than I anticipated, at least no one should've worried...hopefully. I thought to myself proceeded to sneak into my room. "Shadow, finally done with the lab?" Night asked, all the while sitting on the leaf couch. "Not really, I might have to keep going back to ensure there is no danger coming this way, plus to make sure the place hasn't been breached by anyone that wants to end us." I said nervously. "Come here, I don't want to yell." Night said, patting a place for me. "Yes?" I asked and walked up to him.

"I watched your progress throughout the lab, and you went through the entire facility, so you are done with that lab." Night said bluntly, a tone that left no room for questions. "How did you watch my progress through the place?! Also, I am not done with the place until I am certain that it is one hundred percent impossible for someone to come after us at any point in the remainder of our lives." I said. "And I won't be satisfied with ninety nine point nine repeating percent either." I finished. Instead of replying to me, he pulled out the mini computer, and it showed the map of the lab and a few dots in one area: the exit.

"Well that answers my question, but what do those dots mean?" I asked. Once again Night didn't say anything, but a click of a button revealed names in the dots, one for me, for him, and one for Gem. "??? Gem was there?! I told the computer not to under any circumstances let anyone besides me and you into the place. How is this possible?" I asked, confused. "You gave me permission to everything in the lab, so I gave some to her, for helping me out the other day." Night told me. "No one besides us should have access, even if she did help you, even if she is another escapee, that doesn't mean we can trust her completely, I mean she stalked me for 11 years.

Yes I may trust her some, but I wouldn't trust her with this, or those permissions, plus, Sylvia doesn't exactly trust her either." I explained. "Sylvia doesn't trust her because she likes you, that is the only reason. And calm down, Gem only asked for permission to use the sim room, and she is the reason you aren't dead right now." Night said sternly. "How? How did she ever help me? All she's done was stalk me, and then when she appeared, thanks to Terra, she suddenly fell in love with me out of nowhere, and we'd only just met at that time." I said. "I knew the second I met you that she was watching you. Also she didn't directly help you.

She happened to know where town was, and told me when I asked. That is why I go out from time to time, to uphold a title, and to get things that are needed around the den." Night contradicted. "I don't know why you didn't tell me I was being watched, and I don't really want to know. Either way, you can't stop me from going back to the lab. Not when it's to ensure our safety." I said, changing the subject back to the previous one. "Computer, lock Shadow out of the facilities, and debunk all status from him." Night said. "You don't have to keep a watch out for anything. I have the computer send me the information for all entities entering the region.

So I have a constant watch on everything that goes on in the region." Night told me, seeming like he was bluffing. A ping sound emanated from the little computer, when Night turned it on the map started to zoom in on an entity and the entity's information appeared, but just as quickly the entity left the region and the computer went dormant. "It's easy to make a computer fake something if you instruct it to, plus, I can always find a way into the place and regain my role, like say....a system reset, or maybe even a hack. Plus, you do realize that this little PDA like object is only a prototype they made, right?" I said.

"It was a prototype, I took files and the remaining prototype to a tech expert in town. Had them finnish it and paid them for that and a few other things." Night said. "And the system has a protection against everything, so by all means try" Night dared me. "When you realize I have the skills to hack a computer." I said. "Yeah, I've stolen books from trainers, how else do you think I can read so easily?" I asked. "I know. I've seen them. And the computer protects against us by using a code only the original scripters could decipher, if you could get to it, that is." Night said bluntly. "So why are you trying to stop me so badly?

Is there something there that you're trying to hide from me?" Shadow asked, full of skepticism. "Really? You don't think it is enough that Sylvia is asking me to stop you, but Gem, Terra, and little Violet as well?" He asked, I could tell he was about to say something more. "Stop me?! Stop me from doing what?! Stop me from staying up late?! Well if it annoys you so much that they do that then why don't you just step out of the den for a little bit till they calm down?" I asked, interrupting him. "I didn't want to believe them, But I have no other choice. You really have changed, and for once I wish it was Jake I am talking to.

Think over that." Night said, leaving the room to go to bed. "Stop me from doing what?" I asked myself and stayed up a couple hours to ponder this question.

Word count: 6,208 words
This...this is, this is a new record, we keep hitting new records for words for ourselves. Until next time! Cya!!


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