11: All's Fair in a Career Fair

It took a bit of time to get Jenna to believe in vampires and quite a bit of time for Juliana and Jeremy to explain how they found out and how long they've known. So, Juliana had Stefan bring over some vervain for her to put in a locket because Juliana really didn't want to lose anymore family members.

So Juliana felt a lot better now that one of the few important people in her life was protected from vampires.

When Elena got back from Bonnie's, Juliana told Elena about telling Jenna about the Logan situation, and Elena was glad that Jenna knew because at least Jenna was protected.

In the morning, Jeremy looked through a journal, "There's a whole bunch of stuff in this old journal that was in Dad's stuff. Jonathon Gilbert sounded like a freak show. He wrote about demons and all of these people getting slaughtered and..."

Juliana asked, "Think it might be true?"

"I mean, vampires, witches, and reincarnates exist," Juliana replied. "I wouldn't be surprised. If a garden gnome starts walking and talking, I doubt I'll be surprised."

"Maybe you should stop reading Goosebumps before you go to bed," Jeremy replied.

"Hey, I'm not the only one that was wishing Horrorland existed," Juliana replied. She still wished it did. She was more disappointed in finding out that Horrorland didn't exist more than finding out Santa Claus didn't exist.

Jeremy looked through the journal and held up a piece of paper that had a face on it, "Oh, look, I found a picture of you when you wake up in the morning." Juliana used telekinesis to push him out of his desk chair. "Hey!"

At school, there was a career fair being advertised. Of course, Juliana hadn't exactly considered what career she wanted. She spotted Caroline and Matt walking together. At least Matt seemed to be moving on from Elena and Caroline did deserve every bit of happiness she could get. Juliana also wondered where Caroline got that skirt from because it was cute as hell, although brighter leggings would've gone better with the skirt.

Corey asked Juliana, "So career fair, are you going?"

"Yeah," Juliana replied. "I need to look into what job I want. I haven't even considered it before."

"I know I haven't," Corey said, "Having leukemia and all." He clearly remembered the hell that he had gone through.

"I'm sorry you went through that," Juliana told her.

Sydney came up, "Hey, did you hear about the woman that was killed by another animal attack?"

"No," Juliana replied. "When did this happen?"

"Last night," Sydney said.

Logan Fell must've claimed another victim.

Corey said, "Are you okay?"

Juliana nodded, "Yeah. I need to talk to my brother." She went over to Jeremy and whispered, "There was another animal attack last night. I think Logan killed them since he couldn't get to Aunt Jenna."

"We need to find him and put him down," Jeremy said.

Juliana didn't know what to say to that.

Trying to find Logan was a lot harder than it sounded and Adrienne wasn't talking to Juliana in a dream, so maybe it wasn't a big deal to Adrienne.

So, when the career fair started, Juliana went over and grabbed a bunch of pamphlets without looking at the booths.

It looked like Elena and Stefan were talking to each other, so Juliana grabbed another pamphlet and looked through it.

"Hi." That was Corey. "Come here often?"

"I mean, I go to school here," Juliana replied. She looked at him, "What did you get?"

Corey looked at his pamphlet, "Historian." Juliana looked at him. "I just got here and grabbed the first thing I saw. What did you get?"

"I got a baker, a chef, a private investigator, art restoration, furniture restoration, biochemistry – I don't know why I grabbed that because I suck at math," Juliana said.

"I can tutor you some time," Corey said. "I'm great at math."

Jenna came over to them, "Hide me."

Juliana was concerned, "Why?"

"The scum Fell has landed," Jenna replied.

Corey seemed confused, "What?"

"Logan Fell's here," Juliana told him.

Stefan looked over at them and left the classroom, walking with great purpose, it looked like.

Elena went after him, so they left the classroom.

Logan came up to them, "Jenna, are you dodging me?"

"It's a form of self-preservation," Jenna replied.

Stefan said, "Hey, why do you all go somewhere else?"

They all went to a classroom in another part of the school.

Corey asked, "What was that about?"

"He's a vampire," Elena told him.

Jenna looked a little freaked out because her ex was a new vampire and he just came at her. "Wait. How does he—" she motioned at Corey, "know about vampires?"

Corey shrugged, "My parents' ancestors say that this town is basically a magnet for supernatural stuff. They say that the Lockwoods are werewolves."

Elena snickered, "Werewolves, really?"

"Vampires and witches exist. Is that really so hard to believe? Corey defended, "I wouldn't be surprised that they are. They're just so aggressive. The mayor in high school kind of was a dick in high school, according to my dad. I mean, he beat my dad up a few times. At least his younger brother was pretty chill."

"Oh, yeah, I forgot about him," Elena muttered.

Juliana vaguely remembered that the mayor had a younger brother, who skipped town.

Saltzman came in, "Hello Elena, Juliana, and Corey." He looked at Jenna, "Jenna."

"Hi, Mr. Saltzman," Elena greeted back.

"Yeah, hi," Juliana replied.

Corey nodded at Saltzman, "Hey."

The teacher spoke to Jenna, "Yeah, I was hoping to see you tonight."

"Career night is the new bowling," Jenna replied. The teacher laughed.

"Okay, um, excuse me," Elena said and left the classroom.

Corey and Juliana left as well, to avoid the flirting.

Corey asked, "So your aunt and our history teacher?"

"Well, considering Fell, she deserves someone nice..." Juliana added, "...and normal." She spotted Jeremy walking with Tyler. She didn't get why her brother wanted to pursue a friendship with the douche bag that made weird comments towards her and used to beat him up for the thrill of it, she guessed.

"I didn't know you drew," Jeremy told Tyler.

"It's an elective," Tyler replied.

"Because it's good stuff," Jeremy told him. "You like graphics? 'Cause that's, uh, that's kind of my thing."

Tyler stopped, "Whoa, whoa, what are you doing?"

Jeremy stopped walking as well and faced Tyler, "Well, it's just something else we have in common."

Tyler asked, "What's the other thing? Vicki? Let's hang out because we did the same chick? Go be friends with one of the many other guys that she screwed, there is no shortage of them."

Jeremy pushed Lockwood into a locker so Juliana ran over to try and separate the two, even though she was oddly reminded of being slapped in the face by Lockwood during the night of the mascot burning.

"Stop, Jeremy," Juliana tried to pull Jeremy away from Lockwood. "He's just an asshole that isn't even worth your time."

Saltzman and Lockwood had ran over to separate the fight. Juliana took the mayor's armpit to the face because he reached over her to grab Lockwood. She fell to the ground, possibly bruising her knee in the process and Corey had rushed over to pull her up.

"All right, work it out, tough guy," Saltzman said to Jeremy.

The mayor had an arm around his son's shoulders.

"You two; follow me," the mayor said to his son and Jeremy.

Jeremy and Lockwood followed after the mayor.

Juliana asked the mayor, whose armpit she was now acquainted with, "Where are you taking my brother?"

"Yeah, where you are taking them?" Saltzman added, "Mayor?"

"I'm gonna talk to them," Lockwood explained. "All fights should end in handshakes, don't you think?" He turned back to Jeremy and his son, "Come on."

They headed down the hallway – and right outside.

Juliana frowned, "Yeah, I don't think they're going to talk out their issues and hug it out."

"I don't think so too," Saltzman said, moving to follow them. Juliana followed after him. "You stay here."

"He's my brother," Juliana replied.

Saltzman replied, "Yeah, but I don't think you want to get knocked down to the ground, again do you? Don't worry; I'll make sure that Jeremy won't get too injured, okay."

Juliana nodded and Saltzman hurried outside.

Corey smiled, "I'm glad that you weren't hurt even more than that."

"I think my pride got bruised as well, because the mayor accidentally shoved his armpit in my face," Juliana said.

Corey made a disgusted sound, "Yeah, that's awful."

Juliana nodded remembering the incident very clearly since it was recent, "It was."

Saltzman came back in the school and went over to them, "Jeremy is fine and unharmed. He's outside right now if you want to check on him."

Juliana went outside and Jeremy seemed to be storming on over to her. Juliana asked, "Is everything okay?"

"No, you're right, he's an ass," Jeremy told her.

Juliana asked, "Why did you try to befriend him then?"

"We have art in common and no offense, I want my own friends," Jeremy told her.

"Well, take an art class," Juliana told him. "There are other people out there, you know."

"He hit me," Jeremy replied.

"Like we said, he's an ass," Juliana replied.

"Looks like I'm not the only one who needs therapy," Jeremy said.

Juliana nodded in agreement, "Yeah. He does."

"I just want to go home. Just get this night over with already," Jeremy replied. "I'll go find Jenna." He went inside the school.

So, Juliana waited outside for Jenna and Jeremy to leave.

Corey came out to join her. "So, what's up?"

"We're going home," Juliana said with a shrug.

"Oh," Corey replied. "See you around then?"

Juliana nodded, "Of course."

They looked at each other. Corey cupped Juliana's cheeks and kissed her. Juliana kissed him back.

When they parted, they were both grinning rather goofily. Jeremy and Jenna came out of the school.

Jeremy looked a little suspicious at them, but didn't say anything.

Juliana asked, "Where's Elena?"

"She's giving Stefan a ride home," Jenna said.

"Oh," Juliana replied. She waved bye to Corey, who waved back, before they headed home.

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